Privacy Enforcement Embedded in Mobile Services
Ronald van Eijk, Mortaza Bargh, Alfons Salden and Peter Ebben
Telematica Instituut, P.O. Box 589, 7500 AN, Enschede, The Netherlands
Abstract. Next generation mobile services in business-to-employee (B2E)
settings put very high demands on the privacy protection features of context-
aware, personalization and adaptation enabling technologies. To this end we
propose a middle agent framework that allows parties to securely exchange
personal or business sensitive contextual information independently of the
available networks. In order to demonstrate our privacy enforcing middle agent
framework, we build a scheduling service, in which the middle agents
collectively arrange an update of a meeting between employees by adapting
location and time on the basis of privacy and scheduling policies of the
traveling employees themselves or the companies they work for. We developed
and deployed this scheduling service on a LEAP agent platform and used a
PDA to communicate with the middle agents on the server using WLAN and
GPRS networks.
1. Introduction
Mobile services must be very highly resilient in a heterogeneous and dynamic
environment, where service components are generally distributed over many physical
domains –such as networks and terminals –and administrative domains. Mobile
service provisioning consequently requires a sophisticated and intelligent service
broker [1] that initiates, maintains and terminates such services securely and
A truly generic solution to the optimization problem of a secure and private mobile
and distributed service brokerage can be provided by collective intelligent agent
systems [2]. Following them, we propose a functional problem-solving environment
for agent-based service brokerage problems. Our problem-solving approach,
however, also provides novel agent-based brokerage mechanisms to enforce the
privacy of the parties involved by protecting the information and behavior of mobile
end-users or their agents acting on their behalves. In this respect intermediary security
and privacy issues like which information you want to share with whom and how, are
as important aspects as data (transmission) security aspects. Here we focus on
intermediary privacy enforcement of service brokerage by trusted third parties [1].
Mediation makes fraudulent logging, processing and tracing of user or employee
behavior impossible, because such user behavior cannot be identified with that of a
specific individual or employee. Furthermore, the disclosure of private or business
van Eijk R., Bargh M., Salden A. and Ebben P. (2004).
Privacy Enforcement Embedded in Mobile Services.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems, pages 42-49
DOI: 10.5220/0002669000420049
information is restricted to entrusted parties.
In order to automate privacy enforcement and business security in delivering mobile
services we extend the middle agent framework proposed in Decker et al. [3]. (see
section 2). The middle-agents help to locate and to connect the service provider and
the service requester in a private way. We demonstrate the added value of the middle
agent framework in building a scheduling service that protects privacy in a mobile
B2E setting (see Section 3).
2. Privacy Protection Strategies
In its simplest form, a sub-service is requested by a Requester (R) from a Provider (P)
that has access to the resources to deliver this service. A Requester Agent (R
) and a
Provider Agent (P
) represent R and P, respectively. Note that such agents are not
just software agents, but it might also be a piece of hardware, the user herself/himself,
and P
are in possession of their own preference and capability information,
respectively. An agent that deals with preference or capability information that is
neither a requester nor a provider is called a middle-agent (denoted by M
). Any
agent (R
, P
or any other 3
party agent, e.g. M
) that is informed of both
preferences and capabilities is in a position to make a decision. Using this approach,
the privacy issues involved in sub-service brokerage can now be resolved by ensuring
that only entrusted parties can access the preference and capability information.
Upon close investigation of the nine classes of Middle Agents mentioned in Decker
et al. [3] (each corresponding to one specific combination of R
, M
and P
aware of the preferences and capabilities at the time of decision-making), we
distinguish the following four main privacy enforcement strategies. For each strategy
we will mention the most probable decision-making authority (see Fig. 1 for an
, M
, M
and R
Preferences known by
Capabilities known by
egotiation methods
MA’s role
RA’s role
PA’s role
Fig. 1. Categories of decision-making strategies.
1. For strategies within region 1, none of the actors has both preferences and
capabilities information at his disposal. Here we propose to use negotiation
strategies that are widely studied in AI and multi-agent systems to reach an
agreement. Hereby, the R
and the P
(or their representative M
in the role of a
front-agent or anonymizer) can withhold the sensitive information regarding the
preferences and capabilities (for example, the price range that they are willing to
pay for the service). Of course, as in real life, on the one hand agents may try to
learn about the preferences and the capabilities of their opponents (by studying
their behaviors for a long period of time). But on the other hand, each agent may
do its outmost to hide such information (or deceive the opponent by its behavior).
2. For strategies within region 2, an M
is aware of both preferences and
when it is a broker, recommender, introducer, or arbitrator. As an
entrusted entity, such an M
is allowed to make a decision on behalf of the
others, when acting as a broker, or to provide support, while acting in the other
three cases.
3. For strategies within region 3, an R
solely (or together with another agent) is in
the position of making a decision based on full information of preferences and
capabilities. This is the case when M
has acted as a yellow pager, recommender
or arbitrator.
4. For strategies within region 4, a P
solely (or together with another agent) is in
the position of making a decision based on full information of preferences and
capabilities. This is the case when M
has acted as a blackboard, introducer or
Note that it depends on the organizational role of an agent whether a decision-making
authority will be in favor of the requester, the provider or both.
3. Scheduler Agent System
In this section, we outline how to design and implement a location aware
personalized scheduling service, called Scheduler Agent System (SAS), using our
middle agent framework presented in section 2. Enforcing privacy in provisioning of
such B2B and B2E services is a prerequisite for successful M-commerce applications
3.1 B2E scenario underlying SAS
Our SAS aims at realizing personalization, device and time-critical aspects, and
location-awareness of mobile services in a common B2E setting, as illustrated by the
following scenario. Assume that three employees, each from a different company A,
B or C, have scheduled a meeting in a city (service initiation phase). They all have to
drive to this city to attend the meeting and when it is finished, each of them has to
drive to their home or to a second meeting. However, on his way, one attendee (or
some monitoring agent) listens to the traffic information on the radio, reporting about
a traffic jam on the way to the meeting point. Given this situation, since he is not able
to make the planned meeting on time, he activates his Scheduler Agent (SA) to
rearrange the meeting somewhere else and at some later point in time (service
maintenance phase). The employees work for different organizations with different
security or privacy policies. Because of these policies one of the employees (thus,
also the corresponding SA) may not be willing to share his current location or
schedule with the others.
3.2 Implementation of SAS
The SA’s can be conceived as the main enablers of the “scheduling service” in the
brokerage plane that deliver the service of arranging a scheduled appointment for the
employees. During negotiation phases the SA’s will access and collect all required
information about preferences, locations, schedules and privacy policies. This
information will be taken into account during the negotiation and will be hidden from
the other SA’s when necessary.
System Architecture
For our implementation we used the LEAP agent platform, see [5]. Within this Java-
based and FIPA compliant agent platform, agents communicate by sending FIPA
ACL messages [6]. The platform has a Directory Facilitator (DF) agent where other
agents can register and expose their service and functionality. Furthermore, the
platform inhabits an Agent Management System (AMS) agent that takes care of all
agents’ life cycles. The overall platform also takes care of the communication
between agents, so that local names can be used when sending messages and agents
are not aware of the actual physical location of other agents.
JADE/LEAP Containers
GUI Agent on
user’s wireless
Access Point
Schedules on
MS Exchange
e MAs
Broker MAs
Container 1 Container 2
Fig. 2. Simplified SAS architecture.
One or more local servers will host, besides schedule data and profile information, the
containers (runtimes) of the LEAP platform hosting all SA’s. The LEAP platform
hosts several agents and connects them logically, even when they run at several
different physical locations (different servers and devices). In addition to the AMS
and DF agents, the following types of agents can be distinguished on the platform of
the SAS (see Fig. 2):
One Scheduler Agent (SA) for every employee, located on a LEAP main
container in a server machine,
A Database Access Agent (DAA) agent on each server machine,
One Graphical User Interface (GUI) agent for each end-device.
The SA’s on the server are able to access the schedule of their corresponding users.
For privacy reasons, the SA’s are not allowed to access schedules of other users. In
order to avoid that the SA’s need to have knowledge about the way the data is stored
in the database, a separate Database Access Agent (DAA) is used to facilitate data
exchange between the SA’s and the database. The DAA accesses the schedule of a
user and his/her profile data. Harmony® for MS Exchange® was used to enable the
JAVA based DAA to login, extract and update appointment information of schedules
on an MS Exchange server.
Each client device (notebook or Compaq iPAQ) is a portable device that runs a LEAP
peripheral container and is able to communicate over a wireless link (WLAN as well
as GPRS). The peripheral agent container hosts one single GUI agent. This is
basically a very simple agent, since it is only used to provide a way to interact with
the user, so the user can use it to activate his/her SA on the server to cancel or
reschedule an appointment. We successfully implemented the system using PDA’s
and notebooks connected to the server using WLAN or GPRS networks. The main
negotiation functionality has been implemented into the SA’s. The interaction and
negotiation functionality of these agents will be explained in detail in the next
3.3 Middle-agents in SAS
This section elaborates on the different agents as implemented in SAS and their
middle agent roles (see [3] for definitions of roles).
DF’s as yellow-page middle agents
All FIPA compliant agent platforms provide yellow page services that allow agents to
search for other agents and inspect the services they offer. In our platform the DF,
automatically created upon platform launch, provides this functionality. The GUI
agent on the device of the user that initiates the rescheduling uses the DF to contact
and activate its corresponding SA. Then, this SA uses the DF to find the names of
the agents that represent the other attendees of the meeting to be rescheduled.
DAA’s as broker middle agents
An SA is programmed to perform a specific task and it will search for the information
it needs to carry out its task. Part of the information can be obtained from schedules
and databases. Therefore, the SA can access the DAA for the following information:
Schedule of the corresponding employee’s meeting times and locations,
Travel times to the location of next and consecutive meeting.
In the current implementation the user has to enter his current position on his device
manually. The DAA logs into the MS Exchange server as one of the users and
extracts information from the corresponding schedule. On the other hand, user
preferences are stored in databases, to be requested from and accessed by the DAA’s.
The DAA is a trusted-third party in our implementation and it will refuse any direct
request for schedules or locations from outsider agents. In other words, it will only
access the schedule of the user that corresponds to the SA that made the schedule
request (See Fig. 3). It will only do so if this agent provides the proper username and
corresponding password required to access the schedule. The DAA has a front-agent
middle-agent role on behalves of databases.
SA’s as negotiating middle agents
The agent that triggers the rescheduling process, referred to as the initiator, can be
considered as a R
that requires resources (time) from the responding agents to set a
meeting. The responders have to provide time and thus can be considered as a P
. We
assume that R
and P
(s) do neither share their strategies nor share the main part of
user preferences directly. Also they do not give this information to an M
to decide.
Generally R
(the initiator) is not aware of the capabilities (available time-space slots)
of P
(the responder) or even R
may not be authorized to reschedule the meeting by
itself. Therefore, R
and P
will have to negotiate (as in case 1 of section 2.1). In
other words, our SA’s are negotiating agents.
Fig. 3. Each Scheduler Agent can request today’s schedule of its user from the DA agent.
Due to the key roles of SA’s in realizing the SAS brokerage, this section elaborates
on the details of interaction between these SA’s. Based on the FIPA Iterated Contract
Net Interaction Protocol (ICNI protocol), a fully functional interaction algorithm was
developed and implemented for the SA’s, including the possibility to query, collect
and process information from other agents. An important feature in the ICNI protocol
is the distinction between initiator and responder. The initiator starts and manages the
interaction. It sends a Call for Proposal (CFP) message, setting the conditions under
which the responders would have to act after an agreement; evaluates the proposals
sent back by the responders; continues negotiation by rejecting proposals or finishes
it by accepting them. The responder role is assigned to all other participants in the
interaction. Responders can respond to a CFP by defining a proposal and sending a
PROPOSE message.
After the initiator has received the information about travel times from its own
current location and about his schedule for today, it will ask the responders to supply
similar information about their corresponding employees. However, because of
privacy policies of other agents, the responders may not be willing to share such
information. Based on possibly limited amount of information, the initiator prepares
his first CFP. Within this CFP he puts a proposal including time and location for the
new meeting. When the responders receive a CFP, they will request and process
similar information about their own users in the same way.
The following steps are taken in the negotiation:
1) First Call for Proposal from Initiator.
The initiator defines a full proposal and calls for it by sending his proposal as part of a CFP
message. Each proposal for a meeting can be described by a few parameters: subject, names of
attendees, start time, end time and location. The SA’s will exchange proposals by
communicating to each other their accepted parameter values. This implies that the initiator
calls for a possible location and asks the responders to do a proposal. For example, when it is
close to Amsterdam, it sends a message like CFP(Amsterdam?) to all responders.
2) Proposals from Responders.
The responders can respond to a CFP by sending a REFUSE (if they refuse the proposal
completely) or a PROPOSE message. When the proposal in the CFP fits their requirements the
proposal to be sent back is equal to the proposal that was in the CFP, i.e.
PROPOSE(Amsterdam). However, when the proposal in the CFP does not fit the
requirements, an adjusted alternative proposal will be sent back e.g. PROPOSE(Utrecht).
3) Reject or Accept Proposals.
Because there is no interaction between the responders, most intelligence is in the initiator,
who has to define a proposal in its CFP that will fit all other responders at the same time. This
is different from a standard auction-like protocol where the responders try to bid in a smart
way. The interaction is finished when all responders answer to a specific CFP by sending the
same proposal back. Because after each negotiation step, all parties will give way (willing to
accept locations requiring more travel time), at some point, most locations will be acceptable.
4) Finish and deliver service
Under normal conditions (no REFUSE or NOT UNDERSTOOD messages), the interaction is
finished when all responders answer to a specific proposal in a CFP by sending the same
proposal back. Another situation that may finish the interaction is when all responders
coincidently respond by sending the similar alternative and this alternative is acceptable for the
initiator. In both cases, the initiator will send ACCEPT message to all responders and the agents
will have to update schedules and notify the employees they represent.
3.4 Negotiation Strategies
A basic strategy has been defined and implemented where each SA mainly varies the
location of the meeting in their proposals during the negotiation, i.e. the issue to
negotiate about is location and travel time. The agents acts in a competitive way and
starts to bid from the their own most preferable location with respect to travel time,
even when this is not expected to fit the other users requirements at all. Thus, the
responders will not immediately accept this.
4. Conclusion
Future services require dynamic binding of business and customer preferences and
embedding privacy enforcement in the service provisioning process. We worked out a
functional problem-solving environment for service brokerage based on an agent
paradigm. Our environment ensures the privacy of the parties involved using novel
agent-based brokerage mechanisms. To this end, the middle-agent framework of
Decker et al. [3] is exploited in different brokerage steps enforcing service privacy.
By deploying an appropriate middle-agent, privacy enforcement follows. Therewith,
the middle-agents collectively realize the brokerage of the mobile service, preserving
the privacy of the actors involved. A scheduling service has been developed based on
privacy protecting middle agents that reschedule a meeting arranged among traveling
employees of different companies. It clearly proved the feasibility of enforcing
privacy in a B2E setting by means of our proposed methodology.
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