M. Vilas, X. G. Pañeda, D. Melendi, R. Garcia and V. Garcia
Computer Science Department, University of Oviedo, Campues Viesques sn, Xixón/Gijón, Spain
Keywords: User access line, audio/video services, constrained, variable, heavy loaded.
Abstract: Nowadays, it is more and more common for the same access line to be shared among different services and
even among different users. This change in home users’ behaviour, that has given rise to resource
consumption close to the maximum available in user access lines, is mainly due to the increase in subscriber
access capabilities which have taken place in the last few years. At the same time, contracts fulfilled by
customers and network operators only provide guarantees for a reduced percentage of the maximum
download/upload capacity of the line. In this paper, a study of the effects on streaming services caused by
variations on the access line and by the traffic of other services is carried out. One of the main conclusions
of the paper is that the delivery rate of UDP streaming sessions is mainly guided by the quality of the
contents and does not consider the congestion in the network. For this reason, a method for delivery rate
estimation for UDP streaming sessions is presented.
The technological evolution of user access lines
which has occurred in the last ten years has led to
deep changes in user behavior. The number of
broadband access lines has increased and
audio/video streaming services, digital newspapers,
virtual offices, email, chats, p2p, etc are services
which are progressively more and more common.
In the contracts fulfilled by customers and
network operators, only a reduced percentage of the
maximum download/upload capacity of the line is
guaranteed, sometimes around 10% of the
maximum. Thanks to this margin, network operators
can reach a balance between investment in resources
on access networks and the level of service provided
to end users. Depending on the number of users
active in each access segment the capacity of these
access lines can vary.
Another parameter that can affect user experience
is the congestion of the access line. It is common to
find users that are sharing files using p2p, while
downloading PDF files using http and meanwhile
accessing an audio/video service looking for the
cinema trailers of next week’s premieres.
For these reasons, it is very interesting to analyze
the effects of bandwidth restrictions on streaming
technology, the effects of other types of user traffic
over streaming services and vice versa. Using this
information, content managers and network
operators can clearly establish the minimum service
levels. In this way, questions such as how much
quality can be offered to a streaming session in the
most loaded hours of the day and how the quality of
streaming sessions is affected can be answered.
In this paper an analysis of the effects on
streaming services of changes in the delivery rate of
access lines of cable network users is performed.
This study is carried out considering another traffic
sharing the bandwidth of the line causing resource
utilization in the user access line close to 100%.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2, previous work in the same field is
analyzed. After that, the test-bed for performance
evaluation is described. In Section 4 the effect of
user access line variations with constrained
bandwidth over streaming services is described.
Based on the results of previous sections, an
estimator of available bit rate that improves the
performance on variable congested user access lines
is presented in section 5. Finally, Conclusions and
Future Work are presented.
Vilas M., G. Pañeda X., Melendi D., Garcia R. and Garcia V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 22-27
DOI: 10.5220/0002134900220027
The analysis of the traffic generated by some of the
most common streaming platforms, Real Networks
and Windows Media, has been treated in Li,
Claypool & Kinicki (2002) and Kuang & Carey
(2002). These papers analyzed packet inter arrival
times, packet sizes, and the generated packet rate at
different levels.
The co-existence of streaming traffic and other
types of applications has been intensively researched
previously. In Chung & Claypool (2006), the authors
deploy a study of the fairness of Real Networks
streaming flows delivery rate consumption when
they have to share resources with other TCP flows.
The main conclusion of this study is that Real
Networks only present a TCP friendly behavior
when the encoding quality was less than the fair
share of the capacity. In Boyden, Mahanti &
Williamsom (2005), the authors highlight that the
non-TCP friendly nature of Real Networks streaming
was increased when contents are delivered using
Turboplay (RealNetworks, n.d.). In Doshi & Cao
(2003), authors present a detailed study on the
mutual effects of different types of traffic (TCP and
UDP flows) over extremely low bandwidth WAN
links (128Kbps). In spite of the interesting results,
bitrates of nowadays user access lines and backbone
links are several times higher than the bitrates
considered in this work.
The design of protocols to deliver streaming
contents, maintaining fairness with other types of
services, is another interesting research field with a
large number of different approaches like Wu,
Claypool & Kinicki (2005), Song, Chung & Shin
(2002), Handley, Floyd, Pahdye & Widmer (2003)
or Balk, Gerla & Sanadidi (2003).
With the goal of analyzing the influence of user
access lines variations, the particular architecture of
the service or the elements of the core network are
not representative. For this reason we have focused
the analysis on the emulation of the user access line.
To emulate different network conditions and user
access lines, we have combined Linux queuing
management (Iperf, n.d.) and a kernel module that
emulates packet loss and jitter, called NetEM (TC,
n.d.) as can be seen in Figure 1. We have used as
reference qualities for Downstream/Upstream
(US/DS) channels those offered by the Asturian
network operator Telecable: 640Kbps/128Kbps,
2Mbps/320Kbps and 4Mbps/640Kbps.
Figure 1: Model of the user access line implemented using
a linux router, 2FastEthernet cards and Netem.
To restrict the maximum bit rate that a user can
use to download/upload data, we have defined two
Token Buckets applied in the interfaces of the
router. This method of controlling bandwidth is
used, for example, in cable networks
(Laskshminarayanan and Padmanabhan, 2003).
Usually, network operators do not apply special
QoS policies for different types of user traffic,
except for VoIP telephony traffic. For this reason we
have taken the decision of deactivate the default
Linux Advanced Queuing Management (AQM).
Substituting AQM and including a FIFO (First In -
First Out) queue management. The size of the
buffers is set to a maximum latency of 1024ms, the
default on Cisco CMTS (Cable Modem Termination
System) (Kennedy and Atov, 2006).
We have also included NetEm module in the
DS/US to emulate some types of network delays like
Request-and-Grant control (Zhenglin, Chongyang,
2002). To know if with the current configuration of
network operator Telecable, the effect of Request-
and-Grant delays is significant we have tested a real
user connection. During the most loaded hours of the
day, RTT (Round Trip Times) between user and a
server installed close to the CMTS, was nearly
constant and equal to 69msec±3msec. Only 0.02%
of the RTT measurements present higher values.
Providing that the target of the study is the
influence of user access line constraints and
variations, we have deployed in the testbed a
simplified version of the network and the different
services that share the resources of the access line
(Figure 2).
FIFO Queue
Token Bucket
k packetsDS Kbps
TX Delay &
Packet loss
FIFO Queue
Token Bucket
n packets
US Kbps
Access Delay
& Packet loss
FIFO Queue
Token Bucket
k packetsDS Kbps
TX Delay &
Packet loss
FIFO Queue
Token Bucket
n packets
US Kbps
Access Delay
& Packet loss
Linux Router
& Netem
Real Networks
Windows Media
Ftp & http
Http & Ftp
Linux Router
& Netem
Real Networks
Windows Media
Ftp & http
Http & Ftp
Figure 2: Testbed for the evaluation of streaming services
performance on constrained variable user access lines.
4.1 Single Streaming Session
We have tested the behavior of streaming sessions
when the channel capacity progressively decreases
from the maximum capacity of 4Mbps to 350Kbps,
and then, after reaching the minimum value of
350Kbps the quality was recovered upon reaching
4Mbps again. Intermediate values were 3.5Mbps,
3Mbps, 2.5Mbps, 2Mbps, 1.5Mbps, 1Mbps,
750Kbps, 500Kbps and 350Kbps. Contents were
produced using multi-rate encoding, with qualities of
700, 450, 225, 100, 50Kbps.
In the case of Windows Media delivery, the TCP
streaming connection consumes as much resources
as is possible (Figure 3). Unfortunately, using
windows streaming platform, each change in the
quality is performed stopping content reproduction
with the selected quality and starting a little later
with the new one. This can be due to the TCP API
that hides most network congestion indicators
(Chung and Claypool, 2006).
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
x 10
Time (seconds)
Delivery Rate (bps)
Real Networks
Windows Media
Figure 3: Delivery rate for Windows Media and Real
Networks when access line conditions change.
We have found that Real Networks streaming
sessions tend to react quickly to decrease in user
access lines. In spite of the use of Turboplay, the
delivery rate is not always equal to the available bit
rate of the line, for example, after setting 1Mbps as
the delivery rate, the delivery rate of Real Networks
was set to 700Kbps and the selected quality was
450Kbps. Once the channel conditions improved,
the quality of the content was not recovered at the
same speed. On most occasions, quality was
maintained at one of the lowest qualities until the
end of the session. When an adjustment of quality
occurs, this is done without stopping the playback of
contents, transparently for the client.
4.2 Streaming Session and FTP
To perform an analysis of the mutual influence
between TCP and UDP streaming traffic, we
perform some tests downloading a file using FTP
and after that, a streaming session is started. The bit
rate of the downstream channel progressively
decreased from 4Mbps to 200Kbps.
Results for Real Networks streaming are shown in
Figure 4. As can be seen, two different periods show
an aggressive behavior: the first 20 seconds of the
session and when channel capacity goes under
300Kbps. After that, there is a sudden decrease
down to 800Kbps. In the middle of these two values,
the bit rate achieved by the FTP session is almost
double that achieved by the streaming session.
Figure 4: Real Networks streaming session.
Initial delivery rates used by Real Networks
clients are not selected based on any measurement of
the actual situation of the line. This initial value
relies on the analysis of attainable delivery rate
performed during the installation phase. At the same
time, despite the fact that FTP obtains higher
bandwidths than the streaming session the
adaptation of streaming session delivery rate is
performed on extremely negative conditions. The
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
process of adjust the delivery rate seems to be
guided by the quality of the playback and the
encoding qualities of the stream.
In the case of Windows Media streaming (Figure
5) it can be seen that Windows Media streaming does
not share bandwidth with FTP for bit rates in the
access line higher than 2Mbps. When channel
conditions go below 300Kbps, the streaming session
slowly gets starved of bandwidth. This is possibly
due to a failure of the quality adjustment on
Windows Media platform that, as is stated
previously, reacts slowly to network congestion.
Approximately 30% of Windows Media streaming
sessions have achieved a maximum delivery rate of
500Kbps in presence of FTP competing traffic.
50 100 150
x 10
Time (seconds)
Bit Rate (bps)
Windows Media
Available delivery rate
Figure 5: Windows Media streaming session and FTP
delivery rate when bit rate decreases down to 350Kbps.
Once it is clear that Real Networks streaming
sessions react slowly to improvements in the
delivery rate and that they do not consider the
congestion caused in the network, more advanced
techniques are needed to adapt the consumption of
streaming flows to the real conditions of the channel.
With this goal, we have analyzed the delivery
rate, packet loss, and inter arrival time of UDP flows
under different network conditions. Figure 6 shows
the CDF function of inter-arrival times for a 1Mbps
UDP over different access lines conditions. Results
are presented with and without simultaneous FTP
session. As can be seen, as the UDP flow
consumption grows variation of inter arrival time
gets bigger. Same results are obtained maintaining
the quality of the access line and varying the
delivery rate of the flow.
Figure 6: CDF of packet inter arrival time for different
access line conditions.
Based on this analysis, it is possible to add an
extra source of information to UDP streaming in
order to detect and react to variations in the user
access line quality. VTP (Balk, Gerla & Sanadidi
(2003) estimates the correct value for the delivery
rate based on the actual delivery rate measured on
the receiver’s side plus a smoothing function. The
approach presented in this paper is based on the
values of the variation of inter arrival times in the
receiver and inter departure times in the sender.
BART algorithm (Ekelin, Nilsson, Hartikainen,
Johnsson, Mangs, Melander and Bjorkman, 2006),
has previously used this type of estimation in order
to evaluate end to end available bandwidth on a
network path. Unlike BART, that generates extra
congestion on the network in order to estimate
available bandwidth in real time, the approach
presented in this paper relies on the data packets
generated by the streaming sessions.
Adding to sent packets the departure time from
the server, it is possible to obtain the difference
between departure times of consecutive packets. At
the same time it is possible to register arrival times
and calculate the inter arrival time. In this way, it is
possible to compare these two values and take a
decision about channel conditions. Using as a
measure of the congestion of the line the inter-
packet strain used in BART, it is possible to analyze
channel conditions and react correctly. Inter-packet
strain (ε) is defined as:
Being t
the inter arrival time of consecutive
packets and t
the inter departure time of the same
pair of packets. The formula shown before has been
modified from the original source in order to avoid
sudden increases due to packet compression; two
consecutive packets that arrive extremely close to
the destiny. With inter-arrival times close to zero,
BART estimator presents great oscillations. For this
reason we have interchanged the position of t
From empirical observation (Figure 7) it is
possible to conclude that the average of inter-packet
strain increases as the delivery rate of the UDP flow
gets close to the available delivery rate. Whereas, if
the delivery rate increases over 80% of the delivery
rate of the access line, average value decreases as
long as the interference caused by the FTP session
decreases. Also, the variance of inter-packet strain
increases as the delivery rate of the UDP flow gets
close to the available delivery rate.
Figure 7: Inter-packet strain for a 1Mbps UDP flow and
different DS rates (Mbps).
5.1 Experimental Results
We have tested the behavior of inter-packet strain as
an estimator of channel congestion. We have
deployed a simplified version of a streaming server
and client that establish a TCP control connection.
After a short negotiation, the server starts sending
UDP packets at a predefined rate to the client. These
packets include the departure time. The client
estimates channel conditions based on inter-packet
strain and takes a decision about the suitability of a
delivery rate adaptation. Delivery rate adaptation
messages are sent from the client to the server using
the TCP control connection in the same fashion as
Real Networks streaming.
In this first approach only fixed packet sizes are
considered and the thresholds to cause a delivery
rate adaptation were determined experimentally
during a set of trials. To avoid the effects of
temporary drops in network conditions, the mean
value and the variance of packet strain is calculated
every 0.2 seconds. Possible delivery rate values were
selected at 200Kbps steps, ranging from 200Kbps to
2Mbps, simulating a multiple-bit rate file. The value
of the delivery rate, used as the base in the
estimations, is obtained from the size of the packets
divided by the difference between the departure
times of two consecutive packets from the server.
Results, when available delivery rate varies, are
shown in Figure 8. Using inter-packet strain in
heavy loaded user access lines we have achieved
values for the delivery rate that accomplish these
basic properties:
During phases of channel stability no adaptations
are generated.
When congestion increases, the delivery rate is
adjusted, once or more, until the estimator shows
no congestion. These adaptations are non erratic,
following the same pattern (increase or decrease)
as the conditions of the access line.
The estimator behaves in a conservative way,
maintaining UDP flow consumption to values
close to one half of the attainable delivery rate or
Figure 8: UDP streaming based on packet strain delivery
rate estimation.
At the same time, it can be seen in Figure 8 that
the FTP session never gets starved of bandwidth.
Also, reaction to the increase of capacity is much
faster than that obtained using Real Networks and
follows the evolution of the access line, sharing the
available delivery rate with the FTP session.
Previous studies have shown that UDP streaming is
a bandwidth intensive application that does not
perform a fair share of resources with TCP
connections. As is described in this paper, the
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Turboplay feature presents strong unfriendly
behavior with other flows at the beginning of the
session, especially when estimations of user access
line delivery rate are aborted. Adaptability of Real
Networks streaming sessions seems to be completely
driven by the set of encoding qualities and the
quality of the playback, without extra measurements
of channel congestion.
To solve these problems, some techniques, like
inter-packet strain measurement, could be useful to
detect congestion and react so reducing it. In this
way, the interference between streaming sessions
and other services could be minimized. Combining
session quality measurements (like percentage of
packet loss and client buffer size) with congestion
estimators is possible to improve the behavior of
UDP streams.
Streaming platforms typically use variable packet
sizes and, some of them, even variable bit rates. It is
necessary to study the reaction of inter-packet strain
in the presence of variable packet sizes and variable
inter arrival times. Also, the reaction of inter-packet
strain when resources are shared with another type
of services has to be carefully evaluated.
It is also necessary to perform an in-depth study
of the suitability of inter-packet strain estimator
when the packets generated in the server have to
travel through several routers, interacting with a
variable number of flows.
Finally, the integration of inter-packet strain on a
real streaming platform is a very interesting field of
This work was supported in part by Telecable, La
Nueva España and within the projects
of NuevaMedia, Telemedia, ModelMedia and
MediaXXI and the Spanish National Research
Program within the project INTEGRAMEDIA
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