Mining and Clustering of DAG Access Patterns Considering Page Browsing Time
Koichiro Mihara, Masahiro Terabe and Kazuo Hashimoto
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Web access log analysis, Web Usage Mining, Page browsing time, Closed Frequent Embedded DAG Mining,
In this paper, we propose a novel method to analyze web access logs. The proposed method defines a web
access pattern as a DAG with page browsing time, and extracts the patterns using the closed frequent embedded
DAG mining algorithm, DIGDAG. The proposed method succeeds in extracting as small number of patterns
as necessary minimum, and enables more efficient analysis by clustering the extracted results.
Due to the rapid spread of WWW techniques, web
sites on the Internet have been so commonly looked
up in the human daily life. Administrators of the
web sites which have a variety of contents and com-
plex link structures are constantly required to main-
tain their sites as easy to use as possible. Thus, admin-
istrators need to understand how their sites are used,
guessing users’ background needs and demands.
To do this, web access logs have been recognized
as an important source of information. A web ac-
cess log is a time-series record of users’ requests,
each of which is sent to a web server whenever a user
does some operation such as clicking a link on a web
page. Web access log analysis is very useful for ad-
ministrators to understand users’ behavior on the web
site (Tec-Ed, 1999; Burton and Walther, 2001).
Statistical methods, such as Google Analytics
(http://www.google.com/analytics/), are widely used
to analyze the logs in terms of page views, page
exit ratio, visit duration, etc.. Administrators ana-
lyze the features and tendency of usage for each page,
based on these information. However, as the statisti-
cal method is limited to a local analysis of each page,
the analysis results are likely to become fragmentary.
Web Usage Mining (WUM) is an emerging at-
tempt to apply Data Mining (DM) techniques for web
access log analysis (Raymond and Hendrik, 2000;
Liu, 2006; Srivastava et al., 2000). WUM extracts
regularities of users’ access behavior as patterns,
which are defined by combinations, orders or struc-
tures of the pages accessed in a session. WUM en-
ables administrators to overview the features of web
site usage with providing more comprehensive anal-
ysis than statistical methods. But, the results of
WUM don’t contain quantitative information as ob-
tained by statistical analysis, and local analysis is dif-
ficult. Moreover, it is often the case that WUM ex-
tracts too many patterns for administrators to analyze.
This paper proposes a method to analyze web ac-
cess logs by extracting the access patterns contain-
ing browsing time of each page, and associating lo-
cal analysis of statistical methods with comprehensive
analysis of WUM. The proposed method reduces the
number of extracted patterns by closed pattern mining
and clusters similar patterns for efficient analysis.
This paper is organized as follows. In the section
2, we clarify the target problem by reviewing the re-
lated works. After explaining the procedure of our
proposed method in the section 3, we discuss the anal-
ysis with the proposed method in the section 4. Fi-
nally, in the section 5, we conclude the paper with an
indication of future works.
2.1 Web Access Log Analysis
Web access log analysis is to analyze the patterns of
web site usage and the features of users’ behavior,
Mihara K., Terabe M. and Hashimoto K. (2008).
A NOVEL WEB USAGE MINING METHOD - Mining and Clustering of DAG Access Patterns Considering Page Browsing Time.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 313-320
DOI: 10.5220/0001528303130320
based on web access logs which are the records of
users’ access to the site (Tec-Ed, 1999; Burton and
Walther, 2001). Web site administrators design their
sites according to their intent and purpose. Getting
users stay long time in the web site, see as many pages
as possible, or buy some products is an example. Web
access log analysis is a method to verify the achieve-
ment of the purpose (Nakayama et al., 2000). If the
sites are used in different ways from what administra-
tors have assumed, administrators have to recognize
users’ needs from the results, and redesign the sites
structurally or visually to improve the usability.
In most cases, web access logs are stored as web
server logs. On analysis of server logs, one of the
challenging issues is the existence of the proxy server
and cache. For example, when a user moves to a page
by the backward button, the requested page is loaded
from either proxy server or locally cached page of the
user’s client PC. In this case, no request is sent to the
web server and recorded on the log. As a result, users’
transition path cannot be reconstructed precisely only
from the server logs. To cope with this problem, the
solutions using Cookies or Remote Agents are pro-
posed (Cooley et al., 1999). Writing scripts to gain
the necessary information into web page files is an-
other solution. These solutions will enable more pre-
cise analysis. But, web server logs remain to be an
important source of information to infer users’ behav-
ior due to the handiness for administrators.
Recently, web access log analysis has caught
much attention on e-business (Draheim et al., 2005),
and a lot of tools to analyze the logs are developed.
There are various functions in each tool, but the meth-
ods adopted by such tools are mainly divided into two
categories. One is statistical analysis, and another is
data mining based analysis. Though administrators
analyze web access logs by using both methods, the
analyzed results of them are independent of and hard
to relate to each other. In the following, we summa-
rize the features and issues of each analysis method,
and describe the motivation of our study.
subsectionStatistical Analysis Web ac-
cess log analysis tools, such as Analog
(http://www.analog.cx/) and Google Analytics
(http://www.google.com/analytics/), are widely used
to analyze the logs statistically. The statistical analy-
sis estimates page views (the number of times a page
was viewed), visit duration (the length of time in a
session), page exit ratio (number of exits from a page
divided by total number of page views of that page),
bounce rate (single page view visits divided by entry
pages) etc. (Burby et al., 2007). In addition, search
words or referrers (the referrer is the page URL that
originally generated the request for the current page
view or object (Burby et al., 2007)) can be obtained.
The statistical analysis introduces a set of param-
eters (statistical indices) to describe users’ access be-
havior. With those parameters, it becomes easy for
administrators to define concrete goals for organizing
their web sites and improve the sites according to the
goals. For example, consider page browsing time (the
length of time spent on a page) (Hofgesang, 2006).
The pages, such as a sitemap, are to navigate users to
another page quickly, so browsing time of such pages
have to be short. By contrast, the pages, such as warn-
ing, caution, agreement, etc. have important informa-
tion, and need to be read carefully. Thus, browsing
time should be sufficiently long. When analyzing the
logs, if browsing time of a page is different from what
administrators have assumed, administrators can re-
design the page based on the analysis results.
But there are two major issues to be concerned.
One is that the statistical analysis produces only frag-
mentary information in the sense that the analysis re-
sults are independent page by page. Although the
statistical analysis provides a variety of features of
each page usage, it cannot say anything about the re-
lationships among several pages from the viewpoint
of users’ browsing behavior. As for browsing time, if
the browsing time of a page is different from what ad-
ministrators have assumed, the reason may be found
in another page. In such a case, the statistical analy-
sis is not sufficient to solve the problem. Another is-
sue is that the time-dependent variables like browsing
time are treated as averaged values. As users’ brows-
ing behavior is expected to be different depending on
the length of browsing time, more flexible treatment
of browsing time should be introduced rather than an
averaged value. Thus, by solving these issues, it be-
comes possible for administrators to take more effi-
cient measures to improve their web sites.
2.2 Web Usage Mining
Web Usage Mining (WUM) includes the analysis and
prediction of users’ behavior in the web site, by ap-
plying Data Mining (DM) techniques to web access
logs (Raymond and Hendrik, 2000). Various DM
techniques, such as association rules, classification,
sequential pattern mining, etc. are applied accord-
ing to administrators’ purpose (Liu, 2006; Srivastava
et al., 2000; Bose et al., 2006).
The main feature of WUM is that WUM enables
analysis on the regularity of users’ access, by repre-
senting users’ behavior as the combinations, orders or
structures of the pages users accessed, and extract-
ing frequent patterns from logs (Iv
ancsy and Vajk,
2006). A pattern Ptn is frequent, if the pattern ap-
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Top Product
Agreement Payment
Sitemap Product
: Web page
: Direction of users’ transition
Figure 1: Examples of access patterns obtained by WUM.
pears in the logs with larger frequency than the min-
imum frequency ε( 0) given by administrators in
advance. In this case, the frequency is also called
the support. There are many methods to obtain fre-
quent patterns, such as item-set mining (Agrawal and
Srikant, 1994; Su and Lin, 2004), sequential pattern
mining (Srikant and Agrawal, 1996; Pei et al., 2001;
Ayres et al., 2002; Zaki, 2001; Yang et al., 2005),
tree mining (Asai et al., 2002; Asai et al., 2003; Chi
et al., 2004), graph mining (Inokuchi et al., 2000; Ku-
ramochi and Karypis, 2001; Yan and Han, 2002; Ni-
jssen and Kok, 2004) and so on. As for tree min-
ing and graph mining, the methods to extract em-
bedded patterns are proposed, considering not only
the parent-child relationship but also the ancestor-
descendant relationship of vertices (Zaki, 2002; Ter-
mier et al., 2007). The definition of embedded pat-
terns is mentioned in each paper.
Figure 1 shows the examples of access patterns
obtained by WUM. From item-set patterns, regard-
less of the link structure, administrators can find out
the relationships among the pages users accessed in a
session. Sequential patterns of users’ page transition
path are useful for the prediction of the page expected
to be accessed next. And especially, in the case where
access patterns are extracted as graph structures, the
graph patterns serve as a useful reference to recon-
struct the web site, because the patterns are similar to
the web sites’ link structure. Besides, on a shopping
site or auction site etc., there is the case where a user
browse more than one page at the same time to com-
pare several products. In such a case, the user’s transi-
tion path is branched, and the case can be represented
by a graph pattern. Thus, WUM can represent the re-
lationships among several pages as access patterns to
allow administrators to overview users’ behavior.
However, WUM also has some issues to be fixed.
One is that extracted access patterns don’t contain
quantitative information as obtained by the statisti-
cal analysis. As in the section 2.1, considering page
browsing time, if users access the same page through
the same path, the access patterns become the same,
even if browsing time of the page is different. In other
words, the patterns which should be distinguished
are treated as the same, and thus, administrators can-
not analyze the users’ behavior accurately. Another
issue is that WUM produces too many access pat-
terns for administrators to analyze. This is because
all the patterns which satisfy the minimum support
are extracted as analysis results. The number of pat-
terns can be reduced by setting the minimum support
to a large value, but the risk of missing useful pat-
terns increases. So it is reasonable to set appropri-
ately smaller value to the minimum support, which
inevitably causes a large number of patterns. There-
fore, there is a need to assist the analysis of a large
number of patterns efficiently.
2.3 Motivation and Goals
As mentioned above, there are issues that the statisti-
cal analysis cannot represent the relationships among
several pages, or the time-dependent variables. On
the other hand, there is an issue that the results of
WUM don’t include quantitative information such as
page browsing time. For more detailed web access
log analysis, it is essential but difficult to associate
both results of statistical analysis and WUM, because
the results of those methods are independent of each
other. Thus, we define a goal, that is, to establish a
method to extract the access patterns which contain
quantitative information to combine the advantages of
both methods. On this occasion, we focus on page
browsing time. We have described above that a vari-
ety of improvements for web sites can be considered
by page browsing time. By extracting the access pat-
terns containing page browsing time, it become possi-
ble to analyze the users’ page transition in association
with the difference of browsing time. As a related
work, about sequential pattern mining, the method
which considers the time interval of items bas been
proposed (Hirate and Yamana, 2006). But this method
is specialized in sequential pattern mining, and cannot
been applied to structured patterns like graph patterns.
Moreover, there is another issue on WUM that it
extracts too many patterns to evaluate. As browsing
time is introduced to the access patterns which are ob-
tained by the existing WUM, the resulting patterns are
segmentalized and increase in number. Some assis-
tance measure should be taken for efficient analysis.
So, we also add the following goals, 1) to minimize
the number of patterns to be extracted, 2) to group
A NOVEL WEB USAGE MINING METHOD - Mining and Clustering of DAG Access Patterns Considering Page
Browsing Time
similar access patterns.
To minimize the number of patterns, closed pat-
tern mining methods have been proposed (Uno et al.,
2004; Xia and Yang, 2005; Termier et al., 2004; Yan
and Han, 2003; Termier et al., 2007). A pattern Ptn is
closed, when there is no pattern Ptn
which contains
Ptn as a sub-set for its support. By general frequent
pattern mining, if Ptn is frequent, the sub-set of Ptn
is also extracted as frequent patterns. But, Ptn is suf-
ficient to analyze the mined results. Namely, closed
pattern mining can omit redundant patterns.
To group similar patterns, clustering is useful. In
some aspects, applying clustering to mined patterns
means that the features of patterns similar to or differ-
ent from other patterns are extracted. Although, when
analyzing the mined patterns one by one, administra-
tors have to find the features by themselves, clustering
can improve the efficiency.
With the motivation mentioned above, we propose
the method to realize these two purposes, 1) the ex-
traction of the access patterns containing page brows-
ing time, 2) the reduction of patterns by closed pattern
mining and clustering of the mined patterns.
3.1 Process of the Proposed Method
The process of our proposed method consists of five
phases. First is the preprocessing phase. Irrelevant in-
formation is removed by cleaning, and each user ses-
sion is identified (Cooley et al., 1999). Next, in the
user session DAG construction phase, browsing time
of each page is calculated and discretized, and then
a user’s page transition in each session is represented
as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure. We de-
scribe the detail in the section 3.2. All sessions are
represented as DAGs, then, in the pattern extraction
phase, access patterns are extracted from the set of
the DAGs. To mine the patterns, we adopt the Closed
Frequent Embedded DAG (c.f.e-DAG) mining algo-
rithm, DIGDAG (Termier et al., 2007). Fourth is the
clustering phase. By clustering the set of extracted
access patterns, similar patterns are grouped for the
easiness of later analysis. We describe the mining and
clustering of access patterns in the section 3.3. And
the last is the pattern analysis phase, in which admin-
istrators analyze each pattern for each cluster.
3.2 Construction of Each User Session
To construct user session DAGs considering page
browsing time, what to do first is the calculation of
browsing time of each page. As mentioned in the sec-
tion 2.1, though, in the case where logs are obtained
by the scripts written in each web page file, brows-
ing time is measured more accurately, we consider the
case of web server logs in this paper.
Browsing time t
of a certain page Pg is as-
sumed to be the period of time with the longest time
difference between the request time t
of the request
which includes Pg as a referrer (Re f ) and another t
of the request which includes Pg as a requested page
(Req), until Pg is requested next or until the end of
the session if Pg is not requested again. If the request
which includes Pg as Re f does not exist in the session
after Pg is requested, t
is assumed to be null. If the
same page is requested several times, browsing time
is calculated for each request.
After that, the calculated browsing time is dis-
cretized according to the length, and given to each
page as the weight which denotes the length of brows-
ing time. To do this, we introduce the weighting func-
tion, w(Pg,t
). In the section 4.1, we describe the
reason why the discretization is needed.
) =
0 t
6= null and t
< T
1 t
6= null and T
2 t
6= null and T
< t
3 t
= null
The length of browsing time administrators as-
sume is defined by T
and T
, and by applying
the weighting function, w(Pg,t
), the validity of
browsing time t
of a page Pg is evaluated. If t
shorter than the minimum browsing time T
by administrators, the weight 0 which means brows-
ing time is too short is given to Pg. T
is given as
a measure to judge a user didn’t read and passed the
page. By contrast, if t
is longer than the maxi-
mum browsing time T
also defined by administra-
tors, the weight 2 which means browsing time is too
long is given to Pg. T
is defined as a measure to
judge a user accessed but left the page. The weight
1 is given if t
is within the length administrators
assume and judged to be valid. And the weight 3 is
given if Pg doesn’t exist as Re f in the session. Pg
given the weight 3 is called the end page in this pa-
per. About the end page, browsing time cannot be cal-
culated, and the end page indicates that users didn’t
move to any other page from the page. So the end
page should be distinguished from the other pages.
, T
can be defined arbitrarily before analysis.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Thus, after weighting each page according to
browsing time, a DAG structure is constructed for
each user session. The definition of DAGs is given
in (Termier et al., 2007). In the user session DAGs,
each vertex is labeled by a tuple of a page and
its weight. That is, each vertex is represented by
(Pg, w(Pg,t
)). Each edge connects vertices in the
direction from Re f to Req for each request. Edges
show users’ page transition, and only the direction is
considered. If there is the cyclic structure, that is, the
path which starts from (Pg, w(Pg,t
)) and ends at
the same (Pg, w(Pg,t
)), another vertex which indi-
cates (Pg, w(Pg,t
)) is created and the cyclic struc-
ture is converted into the acyclic structure. By this
procedure, user session DAGs containing quantitative
information of browsing time can be constructed.
3.3 Mining and Clustering Patterns
To mine the patterns, we adopt the c.f.e-DAG mining
algorithm, DIGDAG (Termier et al., 2007). DIGDAG
replace the closed frequent DAG mining problem
with the problem of closed frequent item-set mining
on edges (Uno et al., 2004), with the restriction that
all the labels of vertices in a DAG must be distinct.
And by the reconstruction of DAG structures from the
mined closed frequent edge set, closed frequent DAGs
are obtained. DIGDAG also can extract the embedded
DAGs based on not only the parent-child relationship
but also the ancestor-descendant relationship of ver-
tices. When mining the patterns, administrators give
DIGDAG the user session DAG set and the minimum
support ε( 0) as inputs. By doing this, access pat-
terns are obtained as c.f.e-DAGs.
Then, the next step is clustering of the mined pat-
terns. One of our purposes is to analyze users’ behav-
ior in association with browsing time of each page and
page transition. So, when clustering, we don’t con-
sider the weight of each page, but focus on page tran-
sition and obtain the clusters for each feature of page
transition. Thus, the patterns which include similar
page transition are grouped, and it becomes easier to
analyze the differences of users’ behavior in associa-
tion with browsing time. For clustering, the similarity
of the patterns is to be estimated. The way to estimate
the similarity of graphs based on the labels of vertices
and the structure of edges is introduced (Bhattacharya
and Getoor, 2006). Also a variety of clustering al-
gorithms have been proposed (Berkhin, 2002), and a
tool which implements them to cluster graphs is de-
veloped (Recupero and Shasha, 2007).
4.1 Discretization Problem
We assume to use the existing algorithm, DIGDAG.
However, DIGDAG considers only the sub-structures,
and cannot treat the numerical values like browsing
time. Therefore, we discretize each browsing time by
introducing the weighting function, w(Pg, t
), and
label each vertex with discretized browsing time and
corresponding page. This process enables us to con-
struct user session DAGs considering browsing time.
In this paper, we assumed the simplest form of the
weighting function, w(Pg,t
), such that the weight
is given only depending on whether browsing time of
each page is longer or shorter than the threshold that
administrators give. This simplification is introduced
in order to make it easy to compare extracted patterns
with the expected access behaviors. There are some
cases where administrators have to investigate the as-
sociation of browsing time and access patterns in finer
granularity. In such a case, the weighting function
should be redefined by including additional parame-
ters other than T
, T
Also, because browsing time depends on the num-
ber of contents on the page to some extent (if users
read all the contents on a page, it is obvious that the
more the number of contents are, the longer browsing
time is), T
and T
are supposed be defined for
each page. But on the large web site it is very diffi-
cult, so some compromises are necessary. One solu-
tion is, by categorizing the pages in advance based on
the number or the properties of the contents etc., to
define T
and T
for each category.
4.2 Objective Patterns
Let us compare the patterns of the cases where brows-
ing time is considered or not. Figure 2 shows the ex-
amples assuming web access logs of a shopping site.
The pattern (a) is that of the case where browsing
time is NOT considered, and the pattern (b) contains
browsing time.
All the information administrators can see in the
pattern (a) is that users moved to each page through
the paths contained in the pattern. This informa-
tion is not sufficient for administrators to recognize
whether the sitemap page can navigate users quickly,
or whether users purchased the product A after read-
ing the contents of the agreement page carefully, etc.
On the other hand, with the pattern (b), adminis-
trators can see whether browsing time is valid or not,
by the weight of each page. For example, browsing
time of the sitemap page is short (the weight is 0), so
A NOVEL WEB USAGE MINING METHOD - Mining and Clustering of DAG Access Patterns Considering Page
Browsing Time
(a) A pattern mined by existing WUM
(b) A pattern mined by the proposed method
(each number of labels means the weight)
Small : Browsing time of the page is short
Medium : Valid
Large : Long
Dotted : Can’t be calculated
: Web page
: Direction of users’ transition
Figure 2: Comparison of the cases in which page browsing
time is considered or not.
the page works well to navigate users. Also, it is rec-
ognizable that the agreement page is read carefully by
users when the product A is bought.
Thus, the access patterns obtained by the proposed
method are more informative than that without con-
sidering page browsing time and make it possible
to analyze users’ page transition in association with
browsing time of each page.
4.3 Pattern Clusters
Our proposed method clusters the mined patterns
based on the similarity of users’ page transition. Ex-
amples of clusters expected to be created are as shown
in Figure 3. Actually, as the support of each pattern
is given, it is possible to analyze the patterns taking
into account the difference of the frequency. But in
this section, we would focus on the analysis using the
clusters. As access patterns in each cluster share the
same features, by recognizing the features, adminis-
trators can understand the meanings of each pattern
more easily.
For instance, the feature of the patterns in Cluster
(1) is that users started from the top page, moved to
the pages of the product A and B by using the sitemap
page, and finally purchased the product A. Browsing
time of the pages of the product A and B is long to
some extent, so it is assumed that users compared the
two products and chose the product A.
Cluster (2) is the cluster of the patterns in which
users accessed the pages of the product A and an-
other product from the top page, but purchased noth-
ing. Considering that browsing time of both the top
page and the page of the product A is short, it is likely
that users visited the web site to purchase the product
A, but eventually stopped it on the agreement page.
Thus, it is assumed that there is some factor making
users hesitate to buy products on the agreement page,
and administrators can redesign the page to improve.
And in the patterns included in Cluster (3), users
accessed the page of the product A through the page
of the product C, and bought the product A. Compar-
ing Cluster (3) with Cluster (1) and (2), it seems that
users buy the product A when accessing the page of
the product A through the page of the product B or C.
Therefore, it is expected that the purchase of the prod-
uct A is facilitated by making easier the comparison
of the product A with the other products.
Administrators have to analyze the patterns re-
spectively and it is so time-consuming, if the extracted
patterns are simply presented without any processing.
But as we mentioned in this section, by analyzing the
features of each cluster and the differences from the
other clusters, administrators can recognize the mean-
ings of each access pattern more deeply. Thus, admin-
istrators can find out the problem of their web sites,
develop courses to enrich the contents, reconstruct the
link structures, and improve the visual design more
In web access log analysis, it is important to combine
the analysis based on quantitative and local informa-
tion by the statistical method with the comprehensive
analysis of the relationship among several pages by
WUM. In this paper, we proposed the method to an-
alyze web access logs in detail by mining the DAG
access patterns containing the information on brows-
ing time of each page. The proposed method takes
advantages of both the statistical analysis and WUM.
Also, for efficient analysis on a large number of the
extracted patterns, we proposed the reduction of pat-
terns by closed pattern mining, and the clustering of
similar patterns. And we showed the examples of
access patterns and clusters expected to be obtained
by our proposed method. Through the description of
those examples, we showed that web site administra-
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Cluster (1)
Cluster (2)
Cluster (3)
Small : Browsing time of the page is short
Medium : Valid
Large : Long
Dotted : Can’t be calculated
: Web page
: Direction of users’ transition
Figure 3: Clusters of mined patterns (each number of labels means the weight).
tors could find out the problems of their web sites ef-
ficiently, and develop concrete plans to improve their
sites more easily.
As future works, we consider as follows. First is
the experiment to evaluate our method on real web
access log data. By applying the procedure of our
proposed method as mentioned in the section 3.1, we
need to confirm that expected patterns and clusters
can be obtain. Second is the detail examination of
the weighting function, w(Pg,t
). In this paper, to
simplify the problem of discretization and analysis of
browsing time, we defined the weighting function as
Eq. 1 of the section 3.2. For finer discretization of
browsing time, however, the number of the contents
of each page should be considered as well as T
. We should examine the different definition of
the weighting function. Third is the visualization of
the mined patterns and clusters. The purpose of our
study is to assist administrators in analyzing web ac-
cess logs as a clue to organize their web sites. There-
fore, on the actual analysis, the obtained patterns and
clusters need to be presented for administrators in an
easy form to analyze. Addressing the logs of dynamic
web sites which have been more and more popular re-
cently, or acquiring more accurate browsing time are
also important issues.
We would like to thank Prof. Takashi Washio and As-
sistant Prof. Akihiro Inokuchi in Osaka University
for their kind advices on graph mining technologies.
We also would like to thank Dr. Alexandre Termier
in Universit
e Joseph Fourier, for the introduction of
his latest work on DIGDAG. And this work was par-
tially supported by the Ministry of Education, Sci-
ence, Sports and Culture, Grand-inAid for Scientific
Research (B) 19360181, 2007.
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