A Conversational Web Agent for Collecting and Sharing Pop Trivia
Feiyu Xu, Peter Adolphs, Hans Uszkoreit, Xiwen Cheng and Hong Li
DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbr¨ucken, Germany
Web mining, Relation extraction, Web intelligence, Intelligent user interface, Conversational agent, Question
answering, Dialogue system.
This paper presents a novel approach to a self-learning agent who collects and learns new knowledge from
the web and exchanges her knowledge via dialogues with the users. The application domain is gossip about
celebrities in the music world. The agent can inform herself and update the acquired knowledge by observing
the web. Fans of musicians can ask for gossip information about stars, bands or people and groups related
to them. This agent is built on top of information extraction, web mining, question answering and dialogue
system technologies. The minimally supervised machine learning method for relation extraction gives the
agent the capability to learn and update knowledge constantly from the web. The extracted relations are
structured and linked with each other. Data mining is applied to the learned data to induce the social network
among the artists and related people. The knowledge-intensive question answering technology enhanced by
domain-specific inference and active memory allows the agent to have vivid and interactive conversations
with users by utilizing natural language processing. Users can freely formulate their questions within the
gossip data domain and access the answers in different ways: textual response, graph-based visualization of
the related concepts and speech output.
The development of information extraction and ques-
tion answering in recent years opens new perspec-
tives for simple but effective interactive dialogue sys-
tems (J¨onsson et al., 2004; Strzalkowski et al., 2005;
Theune et al., 2007). Information extraction enables
dialogue systems to access and understand natural
language texts stored in semi- or unstructured for-
mats, thus, allowing them to make use of the contents
provided by the web, the world’s largest informa-
tion repository. Question answering technology gives
a conversational agent the capability of understand-
ing natural language questions and retrieving answers
from a large knowledge or content pool. At the same
time, question answering systems enhanced by some
dialogue competence enable natural communication
with the human users. The combination of informa-
tion extraction, question answering and dialogue is a
new approach to a conversational agent who is able
to understand natural language questions and provide
answers by extracting and mining information from
a large amount of textual data in structured, semi- or
unstructured form.
One of the hardest challenges in our information
world is to constantly keep the information up to date
and to prepare it in such a way that users can easily
understand and exploit it. We have developed a new
architecture for conversational agent systems that can
learn, update and interpret information from the web
and make conversations with end users, provide an-
swers to their questions and even help them to gain
insights into the application domain. We selected gos-
sip about celebrities in the music world as the domain
for our experimental setup, because many of them ex-
hibit interesting and dynamic aspects with respect to
both their private and professional life. Furthermore,
they are connected to each other in a variety of ways.
Internet news and blogs report on them from differ-
ent perspectives. Our task is to model this domain by
covering relevant facts and trivia on the musicians and
their communities and by discovering new properties
and relations. The acquired information will be uti-
lized as a knowledge resource for conversations with
end users. Users can raise natural language questions
about a special artist or ask for relationships between
Xu F., Adolphs P., Uszkoreit H., Cheng X. and Li H. (2009).
GOSSIP GALORE - A Conversational Web Agent for Collecting and Sharing Pop Trivia.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 115-122
DOI: 10.5220/0001663901150122
artists. Our system provides answers from its knowl-
edge base or even hints at newly discovered informa-
In comparison to existing systems, our conversa-
tional agent, called “Gossip Galore”, is an active self-
learning system. It starts with only a very small num-
ber of artists and bands and then gradually finds many
more artists and bands. This is realized by the appli-
cation of a minimally supervised relation extraction
system (see section 3). Users can actively give com-
ments on the answers provided by the agent, which
is useful for self validation. Thus, “Gossip Galore”
contains two major parts: one is the knowledge ac-
quisition component and the other one is the compo-
nent for communication and conversation. Both parts
interact with each other and contribute to the self-
learning process.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the project and the general context in which
“Gossip Galore” is embedded. Section 3 explains the
web mining techniques for the knowledge acquisition,
while section 4 presents the dialogue modelling and
question answering component. Section 5 gives an
overview of the related work. The conclusions and
future steps are described in section 6.
The research presented here is conducted within
the project Responsive Artificial Situated Cognitive
Agents Living and Learning on the Internet (RAS-
CALLI). RASCALLI is supported by the Sixth
Framework Programme of the European Commission
in the area of Cognitive Systems (IST-27596-2004).
Its goal is to develop and implement cognitively en-
hanced artificial companions by combining natural
language processing, question answering, web-based
information extraction, semantic web technology and
interaction-driven profiling with cognitive modelling
(Krenn, 2008). This work is further supported by the
project KomParse,which is devotedto equipping non-
player characters in computer games with dialogue
In the realized system, the RASCALLI agents as-
sist users in extracting information from the web and
other resources. Users can own their own RASCALLI
agents, which are 3D modelled virtually embodied
conversational agents. The perception and action
components of the RASCALLI agents are modelled
by a combination of information extraction, ques-
tion answering and dialogue capabilities. Within the
project some major strands of research are devoted to
the investigation and modelling of architectures that
combine all major components of cognitive systems.
This is an ambitious and demanding task, and as a
step on the way, the results reported here are a prag-
matic compromise that combines state-of-the-art and
novel methods from information extraction, question
answering, semantic technologies and visual anima-
tion with insights from cognitive modelling into a ro-
bust fun application.
One of the major competences of the RASCALLI
agents is that they can learn and acquire knowledge
constantly from the web according to user interests.
The minimally supervised machine learning methods
for relation extraction provided by the system DARE
can be easily utilized for realizing this competence
(Xu et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2008a). DARE can be
initialized with several examples of relations about
artists or bands as seed provided by the users and then
learn rules which map the linguistic structures to these
semantic relations. The rules can be applied to texts to
discover new relation instances, which can be reused
as seed again for new rule discovery.
The experimental domain selected for RAS-
CALLI is gossip about celebrities in the pop world.
We start with domain modelling to define the poten-
tially relevant concepts and relations that will serve
as a framework for the musician profiles and the as-
sociated gossip information to be acquired. Given the
relevant concepts and their relations, we apply DARE
to acquire instances of the relations from the web.
3.1 Domain Modelling
The aim of the domain modelling is to identify and
structure the relevant concepts and relations within
the gossip domain. The current domain contains
properties of a musician such as personal profiles,
social contexts, achievements, gossip topics and ca-
reer relevant issues. The gossip content is modeled as
an ontology, utilizing the formal language OWL. The
concepts and properties centering on the musician are
depicted in figure 1.
3.2 Knowledge Acquisition
Many resources on the web report on celebrities, e.g.,
online news sites, Wikipedia, music portals, fan blogs
and forums. The information mentioned above is
stored in different formats: unstructured (free text),
semi-structured (e.g., Wikipedia) or almost structured
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Domain ontology (simplified).
Figure 2: Webmining workflow.
(e.g. NNDB). Therefore, we propose a hybrid infor-
mation discovery strategy to detect as much informa-
tion as possible, as shown in figure 2.
We apply information wrapping, information ex-
traction and information merging techniques to ac-
quire new knowledge. The whole discovery is em-
bedded in a bootstrapping framework, namely, start-
ing with some examples and then learning more and
more information after several iterations.
Relation Extraction with DARE. DARE provides
a general framework for the extraction of relations
and events with various complexities (Xu et al., 2007;
Xu et al., 2008a). This method is minimally super-
vised since the system works with a collection of free
natural language texts without any annotation of do-
main information. The only domain knowledge for
the whole process is the seed. DARE can use lin-
guistic knowledge as it is provided, for example, by
named entity recognizers and linguistic parsers. The
complexity of the seed determines the complexity of
the extracted relations. The seed helps us to identify
the explicit linguistic expressions containing men-
tions of n-ary relation instances or instances of their
k-ary projections where 1 k < n. Therefore, DARE
can be easily adapted to user interests. Users provide
only some new examples of the relations they are in-
terested in; DARE can learn additional information
from the web based on these examples.
In the current system, we apply SProUT
(Drozdzynski et al., 2004) for the recognition of per-
son names and other concepts (e.g., band and group
names, date time, nationalities, instruments, religions,
sexual orientations) and utilize the Stanford Parser
(Klein and Manning, 2003) to detect linguistic depen-
dency structures. DARE was originally used to ex-
tract information about Nobel Prize winners from free
text. Later experiments showed how to adapt learned
DARE rules for the Nobel Prize award domain to dis-
cover awards won by musicians (Xu et al., 2008b).
Let us look at the following example. Given a seed
example about a Grammy award won by Madonna for
a specific category in the year 1992:
(1) hMadonna, Grammy, Best Long Form Music
Video, 1992i
The natural language sentence which matches this
seed is:
(2) Madonna won her first Grammy in 1992 in the
Best Long Form Music Video category for the
laserdisc release of her 1990 Blond Ambition
DARE can extract a linguistic pattern from the
seed example and the matched sentence where the lin-
guistic arguments are associated with their semantic
roles in the semantic relation, after applying linguis-
tic analysis to the sentence. The simplified DARE rule
looks as follows:
(3) hsubject: recipienti win hobject: prizei hmod:
yeari hmod: categoryi
Information Wrapping. Information wrapping is
responsible for collecting structured data from struc-
tured or semi-structured web sites. It discovers the
HTML structures which indicate the relations defined
in our ontology. We apply this technology to web sites
such as Wikipedia and the special web portal for peo-
ple and their profiles, namely, the NNDB.
GOSSIP GALORE - A Conversational Web Agent for Collecting and Sharing Pop Trivia
Figure 3: Social network of Madonna.
The method starts with a set of musicians and their
relation instances as seed. Our system sends a query
containing an instance from the seed set as a query to
the web sites and discovers the rules which map the
HTML structures to the relation structures.
Induction of the Social Network. Given the dis-
covered relations among the musicians themselves
and other people, we developed a special system
which can construct a social network from the relation
instances. For example, figure 3 shows the social net-
work of Madonna. The social network also serves as
the basis for the active dialogue memory of the agent.
In RASCALLI, the central method for users to ac-
cess the acquired knowledge is to communicate with
the user’s personal embodied conversational agent
(ECA). The core functionality of the agent is ques-
tion answering, wrapped in a smooth natural language
dialogue. One main design criterion is to create and
enhance an immersive effect on the user when inter-
acting with the system. The agent should be physi-
cally embodied, she should be situated in a consistent
physical environment, and she should act naturally.
The interaction between users and RASCALLI
can be described as follows. After logging in to
the platform, a three-dimensional visualization of the
user’s agent is displayed (see figure 4). Just as in an
instant messaging program, the user communicates
with the agent by typing messages into a text field.
The agent, on the other hand, responds with natu-
ral language utterances which are presented in their
spoken form (by the use of the open source speech
Figure 4: The Gossip Galore conversational agent.
synthesis system OpenMary (Schr¨oder and Hunecke,
2007)), along with their written form. But the agent’s
means of communication are not restricted to verbal
actions. Complex answers such as the social network
of a star can be visualized on a TV screen, which is
embedded into the agent’s environment. Where it is
appropriate, the agent also emphasizes her responses
by facial and body gestures such as shrugging the
shoulders, nodding or shaking her head and pointing
to the screen.
4.1 Architecture
The RASCALLI system is realized as a server-client
architecture. Users are connected to the server via the
3D client, which displays our ECA and manages the
interaction with the user. The actual control logic of
the agent is executed on the server. The server’s func-
tion is to accept new connections, to manage users
and their logins, and to route messages between the
3D client and the conversational agent.
Figure 5 shows the component hierarchy of our
conversational agents. Some of the components are
responsible for processing various linguistic aspects
of the dialogue, whereas others are concerned with
knowledge representation, management and retrieval
as well as behavioural procedures. Details on the in-
terplay between these components when processing
dialogue turns are presented in the following subsec-
4.2 Dialogue Processing
When the conversational agent receives an utterance
from the user, its task is to compute a suitable dia-
logue turn in response. We follow a pipeline archi-
tecture for realizing this: the user’s input string is
first linguistically analyzed, then it is interpreted in
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 5: Components of a conversational agent.
Figure 6: Processing dialogue turns.
the current dialogue context and turned into a suitable
plan for a response action that is executed in the third
stage, leading to an abstract representation for the an-
swer, which is realized with verbal and non-verbal
means in the fourth and final stage. This basic data
flow when processing dialogue turns as a response is
depicted in figure 6. In the following, the four main
components are presented in greater detail.
The idea of having two separate components for
input processing, namely, input analyzer and input in-
terpreter, one for the analysis and one for the interpre-
tation of the user’s input, serves the purpose of draw-
ing a clear boundary between the general and reusable
and the domain-specific parts of the system. The in-
put analysis component relies on standard domain-
independent linguistic tools, namely a spell checker,
a named entitity recognizer, and a parser producing a
linguistic analysis of the input, for which we currently
employ a fuzzy paraphrase matcher to approximate
the output of a deeper syntactic/semantic parser.
Each utterance is associated with a meaning rep-
resentation as well as with the answer focus and the
expected answer type in case of questions. Note
that by mapping utterances of quite different sentence
types such as plain questions (“Who is Madonna?”),
statements with embedded questions (“I wonder who
Madonna is.”), statements about the user’s inter-
ests without embedded questions (“I’m interested in
Madonna.”) to the same semantic representation, we
can conflate sets of user utterances with the same in-
tended meaning.
In the second stage, the input is interpreted in the
current dialogue context, considering previouslymen-
tioned entities for resolving anaphora as well as the
current dialogue state for modelling the system’s ex-
pectations about the user’s turn. If, for instance, a
substring can only be resolved as a named entity with
the help of the spell checker, the system poses a clari-
fication question to the user and sets the dialogue state
accordingly. This allows the system to interpret a fol-
lowing utterance by the user such as “yes” or “no”,
which would otherwise not be understood. The re-
sult of the input interpretation stage is an abstract plan
to perform a certain action. For example, factoid in-
domain questions result in a plan to look up the data
in our knowledge base, general information requests
about an in-domain person result in the plan to show
a profile page of that person, out-of-domain questions
about a known person result in the plan to present a
suitable web link, and so on.
In the third stage, the Response Handler compo-
nent executes the planned action. For factoid ques-
tions, this means that the corresponding query is
looked up and submitted to the knowledge base. If the
user asks for general information about a person, the
URL of the corresponding profile page is constructed.
The user may also have asked whether there are any
new information about a musician he is interested in.
In this case, an online search for new connections be-
tween people is performed.
The agent follows certain pragmatic principles of
relevance when giving answers to questions. By as-
signing the same semantics to indirect speech acts
(“I wonder who the boyfriends of Madonna are.) as
to the corresponding direct speech act (“Who are the
boyfriends of Madonna?”), we are able to return a rel-
GOSSIP GALORE - A Conversational Web Agent for Collecting and Sharing Pop Trivia
evant response to the user’s request. Similarly to the
previous example, certain yes/no-questions (“Does
Madonna have any boyfriends?”) can be answered
as if they were wh-questions. Instead of giving a sim-
ple “yes” answer, the agent also lists the values for the
queried variable.
Not all of the performed actions necessarily lead
to a satisfying result, though. If no positive answer
can be found for a question or if the question lies out-
side the covered domain, we still want to be able to
provide a constructive answer. If, for instance, the
user asks about a person we do not have detailed infor-
mation about but for whom a Wikipedia entry exists
(e.g. “Tell me something about Nicolas Sarkozy!”),
we point the user to this page, using the embedded
TV screen for displaying the page. If, on the other
hand, the user asks an in-domain question for which
the system does not have any results, we direct the
user to a Google search page with appropriate query
parameters in order to help him find relevant informa-
The outcome of the performed action is always an
abstract representation of the agent’s response. This
might be a simple boolean value for yes/no-questions,
a list of entities for factoid questions, a URL for
the system’s own information services or to exter-
nal sources, and so on. This information is finally
realized as a communicative act in the fourth stage,
the multi-modal generation. We currently employ
template-based generators for both producing the nat-
ural language utterance as well as for the multi-modal
message with gestures and TV screen commands.
When generating natural language answers to ques-
tions, care has to be taken how these answers are pro-
vided. Since we have to expect that our knowledge
base is incomplete and that the acquired information
could partly be inaccurate (particularly in the gossip
domain), special relativizing expressions such as “ac-
cording to my sources” are produced as part of the an-
swer. The introduction of pronouns for entities men-
tioned before helps making the utterance less static
and the conversation more natural.
4.3 Multimodal Communication
Gossip Galore uses several modalities for communi-
cating with the user. First of all, all the agent’s ut-
terances are spoken, with the help of a speech syn-
thesis system. The verbal part of the answer is addi-
tionally supported by gestures. To make maximal use
of the available means for communication, we also
use a TV screen embedded in the agent’s environ-
ment, which is able to display arbitrary web sites, to
present illustrations of the current answer (see figure
Figure 7: Multimodal answers – illustrating locations.
Figure 8: Social network visualization.
7) or even to provide the very content of the answer
where the answer is not a single fact or a small set of
facts but would require a complex explanation involv-
ing heterogenous kinds of information (see figure 4)
or would lead to a rather longish and tiring answer if
it were realized verbally (see figure 8).
Web-based question answering systems typically pro-
ceed in several stages: i) the question is turned into a
query for a standard search engine, ii) a set of rele-
vant web sites is retrieved, iii) text passages are se-
lected as an answer from that document set (Neu-
mann, 2008). A variation of this idea is applied in
HITIQA (Strzalkowski et al., 2005), an interactive
open-domain question answering system for complex
exploratory questions, where the answer is retrieved
based on complete semantic event frames which are
matched against the frame of the question in the last of
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the three steps above. Thus, much like in RASCALLI,
the system performs a more structured semantic anal-
ysis of the original data (with respect to the question
at hand). In contrast to our system, and more in ac-
cordance with the common web-based QA approach,
however,the extracted information is only used for se-
lecting the most relevant text passages. Furthermore,
it is only used for the current QA task, not for building
up world knowledge.
The approach followed in our system is to learn
new information from a large unstructured text pool
and store it in a knowledge base for structured access.
Such an approach is also followed in BIRDQUEST
(J¨onsson et al., 2004), a QA system for answering
ornithological questions. As in our system, the in-
formation is extracted from natural language text (al-
though from a single source a bird encyclopedia
with much stricter conventions than arbitrary web
documents) and then stored in a relational database.
Unlike our system, however, the system is not self-
learning; suitable information extraction patterns are
not learned automatically but have to be provided as
a resource.
The potential benefits and sub-tasks involved in
enhancing question answering with dialogue capaci-
ties to get interactive question answering have been
briefly discussed in the Q&A Roadmap (Burger et al.,
2000). Recourse to a discourse memory for tracking
entities over several questions has played a role in the
context task of the QA track at the TREC 2001 confer-
ence and when processing question series in the main
tasks in the QA tracks of TREC 2004 and 2005. The
extension of question answering to more interactive
dialogue has been tackled in the Complex Interactive
QA (ciQA) task in the QA tracks of TREC 2006 and
There are several projects that enhance a QA
system with more interactive capabilities, namely
BIRDQUEST (J¨onsson et al., 2004), HITIQA (Strza-
lkowski et al., 2005), RITEL (Rosset et al., 2006),
the IMIX demonstrator (Theune et al., 2007), and
SMARTWEB (Reithinger et al., 2007). RASCALLI
has a different focus compared to all of these systems
in that it i) aims to create a personal relationship with
the user by the use of user-adaptive knowledge acqui-
sition methods, and ii) conducts a vivid conversation
with the user that mimics human-to-humancommuni-
cation, creating the immersive effect of a living entity
with its own personality.
Please refer to the TREC homepage at
for further information and
We have described the overall architecture and main
components of a new class of web-based virtual
agents. Although the design of the agents is strongly
influenced by empirical observations and theoretical
models of natural cognitive agents, our goal has not
been a simulation of biological cognition. This aim is
partially targeted by other research strands within the
RASCALLI consortium. The objective of the demon-
strated architecture and implementation has been a
rather pragmatic and simplified agent model that ex-
hibits the desired performance properties and serves
as the starting point for a range of extensions and
additional applications. The achieved relevant per-
formance properties are: robustness, accuracy, self-
improvement and nearly real-time behavior.
The planned future extensions include the integra-
tion of deeper language processing methods instead
of or in addition to the fuzzy paraphrase matcher. A
prime candidate for this extension is our own deep
syntactic/semantic parser. Another plan concerns the
required temporal aspects of relations. It is the dy-
namics of the domain that provide the basis for the
gossip. Properties and relationships change quite of-
ten. By detecting and relating the utterance and re-
port times of the various information sources, a mul-
titude of answers may be temporally sorted. Once in
a while, contradicting information is harvested. In
some cases, these contradictions result from an un-
resolved temporal succession, i.e. the contradicting
facts were true at different times. In other cases, one
of the contradicting facts is simply false. In order to
deal with such situations, we need to enrich the infor-
mation extraction by methods for credibility check-
ing, which will be adopted from IE/IR research.
Finally, we plan to exploit the dialogue mem-
ory for moving more of the dialogue initiative to the
agent. In cases of missing or negative answers or in
cases of pauses on the user side, the agent can use the
active parts of the dialogue memory to propose ad-
ditional relevant information or to guide the user to
fruitful requests within the range of user’s interests.
However, the hardest test for the agent architecture
will be the extension to other domains and tasks that
may be less error forgiving than the colorful world of
pop trivia.
The work presented here was supported by the in-
ternational project RASCALLI funded by the Sixth
Framework Programme of the European Commission
GOSSIP GALORE - A Conversational Web Agent for Collecting and Sharing Pop Trivia
in the area of Cognitive Systems (IST-27596-2004),
and partially funded through a grant to the project
KomParse by the ProFIT programme of the Federal
State of Berlin and the EFRE programme of the Eu-
ropean Union. We are also grateful to the coopera-
tion with the HyLap project funded by the German
Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, FKZ:
01 IW F02). Many thanks go to our RASCALLI
project partners, in particular, Radon Labs team, led
by Nicolaas Bongaerts, for the development of the 3D
client, and Brigitte Krenn and her team from OFAI
and SAT as well as Rebecca Dridan from the Depart-
ment of Computational Linguistics at the University
Saarbr¨ucken for their suggestions and comments.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence