A Historical Account
Gemma Bel-Enguix, M. Dolores Jim´enez-L´opez and Carlos Mart´ın-Vide
GRLMC, Rovira i Virgili University, Pl. Imperial T`arraco 1, Tarragona, Spain
Networks of Evolutionary Processors, Hybrid NEPs, Accepting and Generating NEPs, Applications, Imple-
This paper provides a historical account of Networks of Evolutionary Processors (NEPs), a bioinspired model
of computation based in the behaviour of colonies of cells. NEPs, introduced in (Castellanos et al., 2001),
consist of several processors performing molecular operations, which are placed in an underlying graph. In
the last years, NEPs have demonstrated their generating and accepting power, as well as a good capacity for
solving hard computational problems. Whereas complexity results support the accuracy of the framework,
different variants have been introduced in order to achieve several computational properties. In the future,
NEPs can also be used as a model for research in other fields.
This paper has a historical and genetic purpose. In
the following pages, we attempt to draw a generation
tree for Networks of Evolutionary Processors, high-
lighting the main developments and variants of the
model from the first papers up to now. Two surveys
about NEPs have appeared so far in (Mart´ın-Vide and
Mitrana, 2003) and (Mart´ın-Vide and Mitrana, 2005)
with a systematic and uniform exposition of results,
perspectives and challenges of this computational de-
vice. Definitions and proofs of the main achievements
in the area can be found in such articles. However,
the main goal of this paper is to give a non-formal
explanation of the generation of these cell-inspired
computational mechanisms (Section 2) and to stress
the growing nodes of the tree, the state-of-the-art and
chief branching in every one of the subtypes (Section
3 and 4).
Being a relatively active area in theoretical com-
puter science, networks of evolutionary processors
should be a consistent formal framework for some
other fields of research. In Section 5 we explore some
attempts in this direction.
We close this general and non-formal overview of
the area portraying some challenges and suggestions
for future development of the topic (Section 6). Fi-
nally, the references of this paper intend to be an al-
most complete collection of papers and publications
on NEPs.
The first paper on Networks of Evolutionary Proces-
sors appeared in 2001, as the conjunction of three
main streams:
a) parallel symbolic processing given by Connection
Machines (Hillis, 1985) and logic flow paradigm
(Errico and Jessope, 1994).
b) networks of parallel language processors (Csuhaj-
Varj´u and Salomaa, 1997), which are mechanisms
inspired in the precedent devices, introducing an
important modification: data are strings of lan-
c) and natural computing motivation, based on the
optimum results obtained by DNA computing
(Adleman, 1994), and membrane and cell com-
puting (P˘aun, 2000).
Connection Machines and logic flow paradigm,
as efficient architectures for parallel and distributed
symbolic processing, have played a key role in the
emergence of the model of networks of evolution-
ary processors. These basic constructs present a
mechanism where several processors are placed in
a node of a complete graph, being each of them
able to handle data. In (Csuhaj-Varj´u and Salomaa,
Bel-Enguix G., Jiménez-López M. and Martín-Vide C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 626-631
DOI: 10.5220/0001809406260631
1997), the formalism was conveniently adapted for
the generation of formal languages, starting from the
idea that data the nodes handle can be strings of
words. By this modification the devices described
in (Hillis, 1985) and (Errico and Jessope, 1994),
became language generating contructs (Csuhaj-Varj´u
and Mitrana, 2000; Csuhaj-Varj´u and Salomaa, 2003),
named networks of parallel language processors
(Csuhaj-Varj´u and Salomaa, 1997), closely related to
Grammar Systems (Csuhaj-Varj´u et al., 1994). In the
formal language model, the processors could be any
type of generation device, not excluding molecular
based ones.
(Castellanos et al., 2001) finally introduced Net-
works of Evolutionary Processors as a natural deriva-
tion of the studies on natural and cell computing
within symbolic networks paradigm. These for-
malisms were conceived as a type of networks of
language generating systems with the particularity of
having in each node a very simple evolutionary pro-
cessor, able to perform only operations directly in-
spired in point mutations (DNA in vivo evolutionary
processes): substitution, deletion and insertion of a
base pair. The first definition of such devices was ori-
ented to the resolution of NP problems, but later, in
several papers, NEPs were developed as a powerful
and efficient system of computation.
The first contributions on NEPs theory (Castellanos
et al., 2001; Castellanos et al., 2003) describe these
generating constructions in a general way, allowing
the processors to perform any of the molecular op-
erations: substitution, deletion, insertion. But early
in the literature, a variant is launched that introduces
constraints in the processors: Hybrid NEPs (HNEPs)
(Mart´ın-Vide et al., 203). In HNEPs, only one type of
operation is allowed in every node.
The differentiation between NEPs and HNEPs
produces two large families in the general picture of
NEPs genealogy. Although HNEPs are strictly a type
of NEPs, these two variants are the starting point of
the two main branches in the generation tree.
Several more NEPs variants have appeared from
the first scission between NEPs/HNEPs. A num-
ber of subfamilies have been introduced in the last
years: Pictorial NEPs (PNEPs) (Mitrana et al., 2003;
Desanambika et al., 2004; Dersanambika et al.,
2005), Massive Parallel NEPs (MPNEPs) (G´omez-
Blas et al., 2008a), NEPs with filtered connec-
tions (NEPFCs) (de Mingo-L´opez et al., 2005), Ex-
tended NEPs (ENEPs) (de Mingo et al., 2008), NEPs
with nodes of two types NEPs (Dassow and Truthe,
2007a; Dassow and Truthe, 2007b; Alhazov et al.,
2008) and NEPs with splicing rules (NSP) (Choud-
hary and Krithivasan, 2005a), which has other two
variants depending on the types of contexts permit-
ting/forbidding (Choudhary and Krithivasan, 2005c;
Choudhary and Krithivasan, 2005b).
The subclasses of NEPs listed above modify the
data inside the processors (PNEPs), the synchroniza-
tion of the evolution and communication steps (MP-
NEPs), the filtering process (NEPFCs), the extension
of the elements than can be communicated (ENEPs),
the types of nodes (allowing only insertion-deletion,
insertion-substitution, deletion-substitution) and the
nature of rules (NSP).
Pictorial NEPs are variants of Networks of Evo-
lutionary Processors that handle data which is not a
string but a two dimensional construct.
Massive Parallel NEPs are devices in which evo-
lution and communication are performed in parallel.
These types of networks can solve NP-problems in
linear time such as NEPs.
The main idea of NEPs with Filtered Connections
is to move the filters from the processors to the con-
nections, in order to decrease the complexity of the
nodes of the graph. It has been demonstrated that
NEPFC have the same power for solving problems
than regular NEPs.
Extended NEPs aim to communicate not only the
symbolic information placed inside the nodes, but
also the evolution rules, in a way that the whole con-
figuration of the system is evolving during the com-
putation. This property provides a more realistic
behaviour since operations are conceived as an ex-
changeable object as well.
NEPs with two types of nodes are formally re-
stricted definitions of NEPs due to nodes with one
of the three main operations are discarded. (Dassow
and Truthe, 2007b) proved that nodes NEPs without
insertion nodes produce only finite languages, NEPs
without deletion nodes produce only context-sensitive
languages and nodes without substitution nodes pro-
duce recursively enumerable languages.
NEPs with Splicing Rules are a variant of net-
works using splicing instead of point mutations.
Splicing is also based in the behaviour of recombi-
nant DNA, therefore the bio-inspired feature of NEPs
remains. Two subtypes of NEPs consider the exis-
tence of permitting and forbidding contexts, simulat-
ing the switching on/off of the genes in vivo for the
recombination to start.
In what refers to Generation HNEPs, a new sub-
class has been just introduced: OHNEPs (Alhazov
et al., 2009), devices with a directed underlying
graph, in which strings are discarded in every node
where no operation can be performed.
Both, NEPs and HNEPs were initially designed as
generating devices. But after the introduction of
HNEPs many papers started focusing in their Ac-
cepting power. However, after the first type of Ac-
cepting HNEPs (Margenstern et al., 2004) was intro-
duced, many articles focused in the recognition power
of HNEPs.
Some papers tackle the capacity of AHNEPs for
solving NP-problems (Manea and Mitrana, 2007). In
(Manea, 2004; Manea, 2007), AHNEPs are used to
recognize CF languages. Moreover, a number of pa-
pers have been devoted to study the complexity and
demonstrate the universality of such devices. Exam-
ples of this line of research can be found in (Manea
et al., 2006b; Manea et al., 2007b).
One variant of AHNEPs has been introduced so
far, Timed AHNEPs (Manea, 2005), that provides the
AHNEP of a clock for regulating the number of steps
and the stopping points of the system.
In what refers to NEPs, only several subclasses of
the model have been applied to recognition, or have
been created specially for it. The first attempts were
focused in the use of Networks with splicing pro-
cessors (Manea et al., 2005). This variant has been
proved to have the same potential for solving NP-
problems than regular NEPs (Manea et al., 2006a).
On the other hand, complexity results have been stud-
ied for the model in (Manea et al., 2007a), and also in
(Loos et al., 2008), where it is shown that accepting
networks of splicing processors (ANSPs) of size 2 are
computationally complete.
Besides, a version of Accepting NEPs with fil-
tered networks has been also defined (Dr˘agoi et al.,
2007), and approached with from the complexity is-
sues (Dr˘agoi and Manea, 2008).
Finally, a version combining ANSP and ANEPFC
has also been introduced, Accepting Networks
of Splicing Processors with Filtered Connections
(ANSPFC) (Castellanos et al., 2007), that attempts
simplifying Accepting Networks of Splicing Proces-
sors by moving the filters from the nodes to the edges.
A new device, accepting networks of non-
inserting evolutionary processors (ANNIEPs), has
been formalized and studied in (Dassow and Mi-
trana, 2008) with several variants. These networks
are somehow similar to the NEPs with nodes of two
types, since insertion does not exist in the nodes.
Figure 1: Generating and Accepting classes of NEPs.
NEPs have been developed up to the point of be-
ing able to become a model for several other fields.
Two differentapplications have been developedso far,
one of them considering the suitability of NEPs to be
used as Decision Systems (G´omez-Blas et al., 2008b;
G´omez-Blas, 2008) and Symbolic information and
rule-based behaviour make Networks of Evolutionary
Processors an efficient tool to obtain decisions based
on objects present in the network.
Another idea has been to apply the accepting
power of HNEPs to the parsing of natural languages
(Bel-Enguix and Jim´enez-L´opez, 2005). This is a
challenging and promising topic, but its main issues,
like the optimization and the complexity for every
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
type of sentences, remain to be studied yet.
There is still a lack of computational implementa-
tions of the theoretical constructions. An implemen-
tation of Massive Parallel NEPs has been already pre-
sented (D´ıaz et al., 2007). There exist also at least
two Java implementations (D´ıaz et al., 2008; Ortega,
2009), as well as several ongoing works dealing with
the same objective: to achieve computational applica-
tions able to operate with data as the theoretical con-
structs of NEPs do.
From the introduction of the first models of NEPs,
such devices have shown their efficiency and optimal-
ity in both, generation and recognition of languages,
as well as their capacity to solve hard computational
problems. Some important computational properties
have been proved, and the issues of optimization and
complexity have been tackled in a number of pa-
pers. Several variants have been introduced for im-
proving the generating and accepting power of NEPs,
performing modifications in different elements of the
systems (nodes, underlying graph, rules, input data,
filters), demonstrating again their flexibility.
The main open field of research for the future is
to build models of computation based on NEPs that
can work as a framework in other areas, such as game
theory, linguistics or engineering. From the modular
theories of mind to automatic learning or hardware
implementation, a wide area of applications should
be explored for optimizing and spreading this bio-
inspired cooperative model of computing.
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