An Integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and the
Theory of Planned Behavior
Chiao-Chen Chang, Wei-Lun Chang
Department of Business Administration, Tamkang University, 151 Ying-Chuan Road
Tamsui, Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C., Taiwan
Yang-Chieh Chin
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University
1001 Ta-Hsueh Road, Hshinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., Taiwan
Keywords: Self-service technology, Theory of planned behaviour, Technology acceptance model.
Abstract: This study examines what may affect consumers’ intention to use a self-service technology (SST). The
objective of this study is to advance our understanding on the intention to use SSTs by comparing and
integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) as they
relate to this issue. Data was collected from 280 adult consumers, and a structural equation modelling
approach was employed to test the hypotheses. Although attitude, subjective norm, perceived usefulness
have direct positive relationships to behavioural intention to use a SST, perceived behavioural control plays
the most important role in explaining the intention to use SSTs. We conclude with managerial implications
and directions for future research.
With the growth of online services, consumers are
replacing traditional face-to-face communications
with e-services. The development of technology-
based self-service formats (Dabholkar, 1994) allows
consumers to perform services themselves quickly
and conveniently. Self-service technologies (SSTs),
such as online banking transactions, checking out of
hotel rooms through interactive television screens,
and using self-scanning systems at retail stores
(Bobbitt and Dabholkar, 2001) are increasingly
widespread and becoming an important component
of marketing. From the perspective of customers,
SSTs are extremely flexible and provide various
benefits for consumers including increased
consumer convenience, saving of money and time,
increased perceived consumer control, and
customization. On the other hand, encouraging the
SST intention can save companies a lot of money in
human resources and can free human resources for
other kinds of services. Given these benefits,
practitioners and researchers have attempted to
understand what may lead to more intentions of
using SSTs.
Although past research has discussed SST usage
(van Dijk, Minoch and Laing, 2007), less work has
been done on applying a strong unifying theory to
this form of service. This study first reviews well
known theories and empirically tests three models:
the theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1985,
1991), the technology acceptance model (TAM)
(Davis, 1986) and an integrated TPB/TAM model to
explain consumers’ acceptance of SST.
2.1 Self-Service Technology (SST)
Past consumer research has focused on discussing
how the internet is used as a SST, and the adoption
of e-commerce, or e-services, has been investigated
in the context of the adoption of other SSTs, such as
cash machines, voice-mail systems and airline
Chang C., Chang W. and Chin Y. (2009).
USER ACCEPTANCE OF SELF-SERVICE TECHNOLOGIES - An Integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 161-164
DOI: 10.5220/0001853601610164
ticketing machines (van Dijk, Minoch and Laing,
2007). The literature on this topic explains that
people are willing to use a SST if it matches their
attitudes toward technology in general and towards
technology-based self-service options in particular
(Bobbitt and Dabholkar, 2001).
2.2 The Theory of Planned Behaviour
According to the TPB, an individual’s behaviour can
be explained by his or her behavioural intention,
which is influenced by attitude, the subjective norm
and perceived behavioural control (Ajzen, 1991). In
our context, the TPB states that a consumer’s
intention to use a SST is simultaneously determined
by such factors as a positive or negative evaluative
effect about using the technology.
2.3 The Technology Acceptance Model
Based on Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) theory of
reasoned action (TRA), the TAM focuses on the role
of ease of use and usefulness in predicting the
attitude toward using a new technology (Davis,
1986). Following prior research findings and using
the TPB as a basic structure, attitude is decomposed
by incorporating perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use. The integrated model proposed here
combines the TPB and the TAM and explains the
adoption of SSTs for online services.
We then infer that the casual factors of the TPB,
the TAM, and an integrated TPB/TAM model will
have positive relationships with the behavioural
intention. H1, H2 and H3 are initiated underlying
TPB, while H4, H5, H6, and H7 are proposed based
on the TAM. These hypotheses were further verified
for their validity by empirical data.
H1: Attitude toward using a SST will have a
positive impact on behavioural intention.
H2: The subjective norm will have a positive
impact on behavioural intention.
H3: Perceived behavioural control will have a
positive impact on behavioural intention.
H4: The perceived usefulness of SSTs will have
a positive impact on attitude toward using a SST.
H5: The perceived usefulness of SSTs will have
a positive impact on behavioural intention.
H6: The perceived ease of use of SSTs will have
a positive impact on attitude toward using a SST.
H7: The perceived ease of use of SST will have
a positive impact on perceived usefulness of a
3.1 Sample and Procedure
Questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 280
adult consumers in Taiwan. Participation in the
survey was completely voluntary and anonymous.
The definition and classification of SSTs used in this
survey were based on the typology of Meuter, et al.
(2000), which is one of the few comprehensive and
empirically based SST classification schemes.
Respondents were asked to evaluate their
experiences with SSTs that they had used most
frequently, as well as their resulting behavioural
intentions. Respondents’ evaluations covered a wide
range of SST providers, including post offices,
banks, stock exchanges, cinemas, railways, airlines,
bookstores, and internet services.
The sample was comprised of 48.2% males and
51.8% females, and the age range of the participants
was 18-45. Most respondents were university-
educated with a monthly personal income level of
less than NT $ 20,000.
3.2 Measures
Twenty-one measure variables were used to reflect
the components of an integrated TPB/TAM model.
Subjects responded using a five-point scale (1 =
completely disagree; 5 = completely agree) to
questions about the intention to use SSTs. The scales
of behavioural intention (BI) to use a SST are
borrowed from Venkatesh and Davis (1996, 2000).
Attitude (ATT) was adapted from the measurement
defined by Bhattacherjee (2000). For measuring
subjective norm (SN) and perceived behavioural
control (PBC), the items are adopted from Taylor
and Todd (1995) and Bhattacherjee (2000). The
perceived usefulness (PU) and the perceived ease of
use (PEOU) scales are adopted from Venkatesh and
Davis (1996, 2000). In addition, some demographic
variables, such as sex, age and college year, were
First, we performed empirical exploratory factor
analysis (EFA) and conducted reliability analysis to
confirm the reliability of the variables adopted in the
study. The reliability of all instruments assessed by
the Cronbach’s reliability coefficients ranged from
0.71 to 0.87 and exceeded the .60 lower limit of
acceptability (Hair, et al., 1998). Next, confirmatory
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
factor analysis (CFA) in the AMOS 17.0 statistical
program was used to analyze latent variables. To
ensure data validity, we examined content validity,
convergent validity, and discriminant validity. We
determined that the content validity should be
acceptable since the parts of questionnaire were all
adapted from the literature and had been reviewed
by practitioners. The assessment of convergent
validity requires assessing the loading of each
observed indicator on its latent construct (Anderson
and Gerbing, 1988) and the CFA results indicated
that all loadings were significant (
001.0<P ), so the
evidence revealed satisfactory convergent validity.
Finally, discriminant validity was assessed by
ensuring that the average variance extracted (AVE)
of each construct was larger than its square
correlation with other constructs (Fornell and
Larcker, 1981), and the test of discriminant validity
revealed good discriminant validity.
A structural model should be assessed for
goodness-of-fit. Results show that the goodness-of-
fit index (GFI) and the Bentler Bonnet Normed fit
index (NFI) were above 0.90 in the TPB, the TAM
and the integrated TPB/TAM model, the
comparative fit index (CFI) was above the
recommended value of 0.95 for both models, the
standardized root mean square residual (RMR) was
less than 0.05 and the root mean square error of
approximation (RMSEA) was below 0.08 for both,
indicating a good fit (Hair, et al., 1988; Jöreskog and
Sörbom, 1993). For the integrated TPB/TAM model,
the results of the CFA indicated that the structural
model provided a very good fit to the data:
001.0<P , GFI = 0.92, NFI = 0.93, CFI =
0.97, RMR = 0.01, and RMSEA = 0.04. All of the
model-fit indices exceeded their common respective
acceptance levels.
4.1 Hypothesis Testing
An integrated TPB/TAM model appears to be
superior to the TPB and the TAM in explaining
behavioural intention because
= 0.82,
= 0.79 and
= 0.68 for the integrated
model, whereas
= 0.66 for the TPB, and
= 0.80,
= 0.78 and
= 0.67 for
the TAM. The path significance was consistent with
all the investigated models under high statistical
significance levels (
). In the integrated
model, ATT (
001.0,39.0 <
) and SN
) are positively associated with
the intention of using a SST, thereby supporting H1
and H2. Furthermore, among these three models,
) has the strongest effect on
the intention of using a SST, thus supporting H3.
The impact of PU (
) and PEOU
) on ATT are significant at
Consequently, H4 and H6 can be supported.
Meanwhile, PU (
001.0,51.0 <
) has significant
impact on the BI, so supporting H5. Moreover,
PEOU has strong effect on PU
), validating H7 and allowing
the inference that PEOU fosters a user’s PU toward
using a SST. As a result, all hypotheses were
The results of this study offer encouraging evidence
that the TPB, the TAM and integrated models can
help explain the intention to use a SST. The TPB
explains approximately 66% of the variance in BI,
the TAM explains approximately 80% of the
variance in BI, and the integrated model explains
approximately 82% in BI. Therefore, an integrated
TPB/TAM model represents an improvement in
explanatory powers over the other two models.
PBC appeared to be the most significant factor
affecting the SST intention, so a service provider
should develop a well established skill test to form a
complete SST and reinforce the intention to use. A
plausible explanation for the significant but modest
effect is that the operations of SSTs in general may
not be particularly complicated, especially when
considering consumers’ general competence,
learning capability, and the staff support commonly
available from customers and technologists.
Our study extends the existing literature on SST
into the online context, and its findings can improve
understanding about how to predict the intention to
use a SST. Recognizing the underlying factors that
affect the intention to use a SST has important
managerial implications for customer-service
provider relationships. Although self-service
applications are well known for saving companies
money, a few companies are finding out that, when
done right, they can bring in revenue as well. Hence,
service providers should make efforts to develop
well constructed SSTs and promote their usage. For
USER ACCEPTANCE OF SELF-SERVICE TECHNOLOGIES - An Integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and
the Theory of Planned Behavior
example, practitioners can prepare a guide and a
users’ manual for SSTs and can present SSTs as
useful and easy-to-use platforms that provide a rich
variety of new applications and useful information.
We would like to thank the National Science
Council, Taiwan for financial support.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems