Using SCADE for Decision Support in Dam
Mar´ıa del Mar Gallardo
, Pedro Merino
, and Laura Panizo
and Antonio Linares
Dep. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci´on, University of M´alaga, Spain
Abstract. Formal methods have been widely used to analyze discrete systems
such as software. However, in recent years their field of application has been ex-
tended to deal with hybrid systems, that is, systems that combine both continuous
and discrete behaviors. This paper presents the experimental use of formal meth-
ods in a new application domain, the management of dams. Such systems present
hybrid behaviors which are not properly dealt with by classic numerical models.
We use the tool SCADE, based on the formal language Lustre, to model, simu-
late and verify dam elements in order to obtain a Decision Support System (DSS)
suitable for use by the dam operator.
1 Introduction
A Decision Support System (DSS) is a specialized type of information system for busi-
ness and organizationaldecision-making activities. One emerging field of application of
DSS is water resource management. In this domain, DSSs are mainly used as flood sim-
ulation and prediction tools. They include numerical models of dams, rivers, and other
water management systems. In this context, DSSs need to work with a huge amount of
data, like weather forecasts, water levels in real-time, etc. The output of a DSS could
be, for instance, the evolution of water at different points along the river. If it is obtained
rapidly, it provides valuable information for the managing staff.
Currently, increasing numbers of DSSs are implanted in different basins, such as the
DSS SAD Ebro [7]. Traditionally, these systems have used numerical models which are
a powerful and precise simulation tool of continuous variables, such as river flow. Arti-
ficial intelligence has also contributed to the development of DSS in this area, defining
heuristics to introduce probabilities and uncertainty [6]. However, an important chal-
lenge of these proposals is how to integrate the discrete part, which typically appears in
a dam. Current DSSs consider dams as black boxes with the ability to control the water
flow, but they do not consider the real behavior of its elements and the complexity of
managing them in order to obtain a precise goal, such as releasing 2Hm
in an hour to
avoid having the river burst its banks. The operator’s decisions should take into account
a lot of parameters like the behavior of each outflow element, the current level of the
Partially supported by the Spanish MEC under grants P07-TIC3131 and TIN2008-05932
del Mar Gallardo M., Merino P., Panizo L. and Linares A. (2009).
Using SCADE for Decision Support in Dam Management.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002194801250131
dam, the water demand for citizens or the minimum flow needed for energy produc-
tion. The aim of this paper is to use formal methods to implement this combination of
discrete and continuous behavior in order to improve the functionalities of DSSs with
a more precise management of dams. Using formal models, we can take advantage of
powerful features, such as automatic verification, automatic code generation or auto-
matic generation of operational procedures.
Recently, formal methods techniques have been extended to cover both continuous
and discrete behavior [8,3]. They have been used in some attempts to model and verify
water resource management subsystems such as a hydroelectric power plant in [2] or
supervisory water level control for cascaded river power plants in [4].
In this paper, we present a model of a dam using the SCADE suite [1], a tool based
on the language Lustre that provides facilities for modeling, simulating and verifying
hybrid systems. Our model uses data flows to implement the continuous behavior and
safe state machines to implement the discrete part. This model is used for decision sup-
port at the dam, allowing the operators to a) simulate the effect of actions like opening
or closing spillways, b) to verify that these actions will enable the dam to reach a safe
state, and c) to generate sequences of actions in order to make the system evolve towards
a safe state. Compared with related work, our approach offers interesting advantages,
such as the ability of verifying certain critical properties to be preserved in dams. Fi-
nally, it is also scalable, that is every element in the system may be easily replicated.
2 Dam Management
A dam is a complex water management system that can have different objectives, the
most common being the regulation of floods and water supply for human consumption
and irrigation. To meet these objectives, a dam has different types of outflow elements.
Figure 1 shows the different outflow elements in the dam used as an example. Wide
Surface Spillways, Intermediate Outflows and Low Level Outflows are gates used for
flood regulation; they are usually opened in emergency situations.
Fig.1. Dam Section and Control Room.
They have a high outflow capacity when the height of stored water rise above them.
Water Supply Inflows are pipes used to obtain water for human consumption. They con-
form the water supply system, together with valves and machinery located downstream
on one side of the dam. That guarantees the water supply when gravity does not allow
it naturally. Figure 1 shows 3 pipes at different heights connected to the water supply
canal. In our reference dam there is a special structure that transfers water from other
reservoirs. This subsystem increments water level in the dam in a controlled way.
The operational procedure of a dam can be very complex depending on the number
of outflow elements and the limitations imposed by nature and official regulation rules.
Dams have different states depending on the water level, and a set of operational pro-
cedures is associated to each state to ensure the safety of the dam and the population
downstream, as well as the efficient use of water.
3 Modeling a Dam with SCADE
A dam is composed of different outflow elements. The DSS is very dependant of the
model of dam elements and the environment. A first model have been developed, ap-
plying simplifications in the number of gates and their behavior. The model is shown in
Figure 2.
Fig.2. Dam Model.
Three elements conform the dam: wide surface spillways, the water supply system and
the transfer from other reservoirs. These nodes mix finite state machines and data flows.
Additional blocks are needed to analyze the system, for instance, the inflow caused
by rain and the river, or the behavior of users. Communication between the dam with
user and rain models is performed by dam inputs: inflows, cmd transfer, cmd wss,
value and cmd spillway. Dam outputs are the state of each gate and the current water
level. The behavior of modeled elements is as follows:
Wide Surface Spillway: This element has been modeled with a nested state ma-
chine with two main states, Open and Close, as shown in Figure 3. Init state is
also included for correct initialization. There are two opening positions:
Intermediate and Complete. Transitions from these states are fired by user
commands(close, open i, open c). Besides, delay states havebeen introduced
to model the time needed to open and close gates. For simplicity, the contribution
of spillways only depends on the opening degree. If the water level is below the
height of the gates, spillways do not work properly. Each spillway has a cmd input
to receive user commands, a dam level input and an init state for correct ini-
tialization. It has two outputs: its contribution to dam level and its current state
Water Supply System: This node models pipes, valves and machinery for water
supply. This node acts as a valve with different degrees of openings. It has been
modeled with a state machine with two states: steady and delay. In the first one,
water flows and gates are opened a fixed degree. When user want to modify the
degree, a command is sent, and a transition to delay state is produced; where the
new degree of opening is loaded. This node has inputs to receive user commands
and opening degrees. It has two outputs: its contribution to dam level and its
current state.
Water Inflow from other Reservoirs, Transfer: This node is similar to the spill-
way model, but in this case, transfer increases the water level and its contribution
to the dam level is independent of the modeled dam.
Fig.3. Spillway State Machine.
4 Decision Support Systems with SCADE
The normal operation of DSS is based on the simulation of models with different pa-
rameters, some of them real-time data collected from sensors. SCADE can be used
for this purpose because it offers a complete simulation environment. In the following
paragraphs, we describe the roles of SCADE as a DSS.
Simulation: SCADE allows two simulation modes: step by step and batch modes,
both allow the manual change of input values. Figure 4 shows a simulation step of a
dam model. To run a simulation, it is needed a scenario, which provides the inflow value
for each simulation step; and a model of the user, that contains the set of operational
procedures carried out. In Figure 4, the user model is very simple and does not consider
status information of the dam. Finite state machines can be used to model user behavior.
Fig.4. Simulation Scenario.
Training: This task can be oriented to form new dam operators with different objec-
tives, from avoiding a disaster to minimizing water wasted or released in case of flood-
ing. To this end, a real user has to manually interact with the dam model through its in-
puts in each cycle. The dam returns to the user data about gates’ state (st spillways,
st transfer, st wss) and the water level.
Verification of Safety Properties: In addition to the usual safety properties, the
SCADE verification module is used to analyze specific properties regarding the dam
management, that are informally described in the dam operation manual. The method-
ology used is shown in Figure 5. The user model reflects the operational procedure
under analysis. Some examples of interesting properties to be analyzed are: (1) after
user carries out some operations, the water level is reduced to the desired level in N
ticks (N simulation steps); or (2) if dam level reaches a threshold, then the water level
is reduced to the desired level in N ticks. Using a simple user model, we have imple-
mented and validated these properties. The analysis of the first one lasted 58.797 sec.,
with a depth of 20 transitions in the search space. The second property lasted 190.203
sec. with a similar depth. This huge increment in time could be more significant if the
user model is extended or if properties are more complex.
Automatic Synthesis of Operational Procedures: Automatic synthesis has been
analyzed previously in other areas, such as industrial controllers [8,5]. The challenge
is to manage the dam, satisfying user objectives. An example is shown in Figure 5. The
user model has to be carefully designed to not discard any procedure. The objective
has to be expressed as a property that the system does not fulfil. The counter example
returned will be the sequence of actions needed to fulfill the property.
Fig.5. Verification and Automatic Synthesis Scenario.
5 Conclusions
In general, modeling the dam with SCADE has been feasible with a moderate effort,
showing that Lustre is a powerful language that allows the implementation of part of
these systems. However, since Lustre does not support non-deterministic behaviors,
other formal methods have to be used to introduce these behaviors in the model. Veri-
fication of non-trivial properties may be unfeasible, if the system grows in complexity.
When the model includes real variables, analysis may return non-concluding results.
For this reason, integer inputs and outputs are used. Automatic synthesis of operational
procedures strongly depends on the user model which is in fact the module that imple-
ments the DSS functionality. Future work includes the construction of a graphical user
interface, suitable for dam operators. It should integrate different parts of a DSS, built
with different formal methods and technologies such as numerical modeling.
Authors would like to thank Agust´ın Merch´an, Spanish expert in dams, for his help.
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