A Transformational Approach
Miguel A. Laguna, Bruno González-Baixauli and Rubén Fernández
Department of Computer Science, University of Valladolid
Campus M. Delibes, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Keywords: Feature Models, Software Product Line, Model Transformation.
Abstract: Variability and commonality management is one of the key aspects in the development of software product
lines. Feature models embody various different variability facets that must be mapped to UML models to
trace the variability from requirements to the architecture (and implementation) of the product line. In this
context, this article presents the experiences with pattern identification in feature models and their relation
with the corresponding architectural UML counterparts. The work includes the definition and
implementation of the meta-model based transformations between these models. Finally, an example of
application of the transformations completes the article.
The product line (PL) paradigm of software
engineering involves many technical and
organizational challenges (Bosch, 2000). The
development of a product line includes two main
categories of software artifacts: the artifacts shared
by the members of the product line and the product-
specific artifacts. The product line itself is a set of
reusable assets, where three abstraction levels can be
clearly identified (requirements, design and
implementation assets). In the requirement level, one
of the key activities is the specification of the
variability and communality of the product line. The
design of a solution for these requirements
constitutes the domain architecture of the product
line. Later, in the application engineering process,
the application architecture must be derived from the
domain architecture. In this process the customer
functional and non-functional requirements are used
for choosing among alternative features. This
activity is essentially a transformation process where
a set of decisions at the requirements level generates
the initial feature product model and, consequently,
via traceability paths, the architecture of the product
(Bosch, 2000).
One of the most critical points is the elicitation
and analysis of variability in the product line
requirements. In addition to the information that
expresses the requirements themselves, it is
important to know the variability of the
requirements, and the dependencies between them.
In this context, feature models (Kang et al., 1990)
are the basic instrument to analyze and configure the
variability and communality of the software family.
On the other hand, the PL architecture is
documented using UML diagrams that are organized
in packages. Apart from the base package, each
optional feature must have a counterpart in a
package which includes the set of class diagrams,
use cases and sequence diagrams that are the
solution that achieve this feature. The packages are
structured using the UML package merge
mechanism. In (Laguna et al., 2007), we explained
the application of this technique to the general
organization and configuration of the product line
The experiences so far consist of manually
designing and implementing each package of the
UML models, adding later the user interface and
persistence details. This manual approach has been
successfully applied to the development of several
product lines in the Web and mobile applications
domains. However, the productivity (and the
complexity in non trivial product lines) demands to
automate the construction and configuration of the
diverse product line models, following a Model
Driven Engineering (MDE) approach. The
transformation from goal to feature model has been
treated by Yu et al. in their work on Goal-Oriented
Laguna M., Gonz
alez-Baixauli B. and Fern
andez R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 295-298
requirement engineering (Yu et al., 2008). Basically
they use a catalog of goal patterns and their
corresponding feature constructions. This article
deals with the analogous transformation of the
feature models into architecture models, including
the package organization and a first cut of the
package contents.
The rest of the paper is as follows: the next
Section describes a catalog of feature patterns and
their correspondences with architectural UML
models and the transformation between these
models. Section 3 presents an analysis of the results
obtained in a comparative case study. Section 4
introduces related work and Section 5 concludes the
paper and proposes additional work.
Once the feature diagram of a product line is
established, several design level UML models must
be developed. Our intention is to build a catalog of
commonly used derivations of feature to UML
models. Sochos (Sochos et al., 2004) have reviewed
recently the approaches apart from proposing a new
one. The classical works of Kang (Kang et al.,
1998), Czarnecky (Czarnecki & Eisenecker, 2000),
Griss (Griss et al., 1998), or Bosh (Bosch, 2000),
between others have allowed to identify a set of
feature patterns that potentially can populate the
catalog. A revision of the literature has revealed that
it is naive to pretend a simple and univocal
transformation from feature models to UML
diagrams. Therefore, we have adopted a pragmatic
and multi-view approach: separate the different
categories of features in a variability model and treat
each of these categories in a different way, with an
emphasis in structural features.
In previous work (Laguna & González-Baixauli,
2008) we have described two different approaches of
these feature transformations patterns. The first
approach, based on the cited literature, directly
transforms feature models into classes, relationships,
and attributes. The general mapping creates class
and attributes from features. Mandatory features
imply a 1..1 composition relationship, optional
features imply a 0..1 composition relationship and
groups of features originate specialization
The problem is that this approach does not take
into account the difference between PL variability
and the possible variability of the product, for that
reason in we proposed a second approach that
combine the existing transformations wiht the
package merge mechanism of UML 2. The strategy
is based on the three subtypes of Feature. The root
of every tree in a feature model (RootFeature) is
transformed into a base package (and an initial class,
which will generally be discarded) and a recursive
transformation of SolitaryFeatures and
FeatureGroups linked to every feature is carried out.
The presence of a group implies a class associated to
the parent feature that is specialized in several
subtypes (one per alternative feature). Previously, a
new merging package is created if the feature is
The feature meta-model and the QTV
transformations have been presented in (Laguna &
González-Baixauli, 2008). The package content
must be revised and completed, but the package
structure itself can be used afterwards to
automatically derive the product model by selecting
the desired features. This possibility compensates for
the overcharge of complexity that the traceability
management and the extensive use of packages in
the architectural models entail.
Concerning the implementation details, the C#
language and the Microsoft .NET platform have
been selected because of the direct support of the
package merge mechanism by means of partial
classes. For this reason, we have developed, using
the Microsoft DSL tools, a specific domain
language, functionally equivalent to the fmp eclipse
plug-in (Antkiewicz & Czarnecky, 2004),
integrating all the steps of the process, from feature
model definition to UML generation and the
package configuration of each final product inside
the Microsoft Visual Studio platform. This tool
implements internally the transformation of the
feature models serializing and manipulating the
feature and UML package models as XML (and
XMI) files.
To validate the proposed catalog and
transformations, a case study was selected. In
particular, it is a portion of the electronic commerce
product developed in (Lau, 2006). This election
provides us with an interesting starting point to
contrast our techniques, since the manually
implemented packages are imposed by an external
independent study, avoiding the temptation of
proposing a problem once we have a predefined
solution. The PL architecture was obtained
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
therefore in two independent ways: in a fully manual
development process (employing the package merge
approach) and using the proposed transformations.
The first option was carried out by a group of
graduate students and the results are available at the
GIRO Web. At this moment, the common part of the
product line and a dozen packages have been fully
developed. Hundreds of e-commerce systems can
be generated, from a minimal combination to a
typical portal with registered users, shopping cart,
credit card secure payment, multiple categories
catalogs, search criteria, etc.
Once the manual development was achieved, a
derivation of the package an internal structure was
carried out, using the mentioned transformations.
Comparing the results with the manually obtained,
we can have an idea of the utility of the process.
Table 1 summarizes the results.
The manual elements column is the reference
and, logically, has many more elements than the
generated version as this last aims only to be a first
cut of the architecture. The present elements column
indicates in percentage how many automatically
generated elements exist in the manual version.
The coincidence in the basic structure (packages
and merge relationships) is almost a 100%, so it
looks reasonable to use this automatic
transformation to create the framework structure of
the PL. The problem comes with classes, attributes
and relationships generation. The accuracy between
the manual example and the automatic
transformation is not so good. Only the 37% of the
classes are present in both the manual and generated
packages and the percentage of attributes and
relationships are even lower.
Table 1: Structural UML elements generated from feature
models and percentages of usefulness.
Type of
of present
of useful
81 %
87 %
merge rel.
100 %
100 %
37 %
58 %
100 %
16 %
5 %
100 %
However the useful elements (how many of the
generated elements would have been used directly to
define the architecture) is much better in the class,
relationships, and attribute rows. The percentage of
useful classes is almost 60%, which is a satisfactory
result. The results of attributes are even better,
because all attributes generated automatically have
been used in the manual development. A similar
situation occurs with the generalizations and
associations rows (100 and 46% respectively). These
observations imply that, in spite of the need of
manual completion, many packages can be partially
generated. Studying results by packages, typed
features and group/grouped combination features are
the best candidates to the automatic transformation.
On the contrary, the base package is clearly the most
difficult to generate or at least the package that will
suffer more changes by the manual intervention of
the PL developer.
Schobbens et al. (Schobbens, Heymans, & Trigaux,
2006) have revised the diverse variant of feature
diagrams, clarifying the differences and establishing
a generic formal semantics. The influence of non
functional requirements preferences in variant
selection has been faced by several authors. The
original FODA proposal uses the feature models for
representing all the types of variability, functional
and non functional (Kang et al., 1990). Bosch
(Bosch, 2000) proposes an assessment method that
addresses design decisions and non functional
requirements in product-line development. In his
approach, different profiles are used in relation to
different ilities” (usage profile for reliability or
change profile for maintainability). Finally Yu et al.
present in (Yu et al., 2008) a model-driven extension
to their Early Requirements Engineering tool
(OpenOME) that generates an initial feature model
from stakeholder goals.
Also the work devoted to relate feature
constructions and architectural designs is abundant.
Recent proposals express variability with UML
models modifying or annotating these models.
Structural, functional or dynamical models have
been used. Concerning structural models, either the
mechanisms of UML are used directly (through the
specialization relationship, the association
multiplicity, etc.), as in the case of Jacobson
(Jacobson et al., 1997) or the models are explicitly
annotated using stereotypes. The work of Gomaa is
an example of this approach, since it uses the
stereotypes <<kernel>>, <<optional>> and
<<variant>> (corresponding to obligatory, optional,
and variant classes) (Gomaa, 2000). Similarly, Clauß
proposes a set of stereotypes to express the
variability in the architecture models: <<optional>>,
<<variationPoint>> and <<variant>> stereotypes
designate respectively optional, variation points (and
its sub-classes), and variant classes (Clauß, 2001).
Finally, we have already mentioned the works
of Sochos (Sochos et al., 2004), the FORM method
(Kang et al., 1998), the generative approach of
Czarnecky (Czarnecki & Eisenecker, 2000), or the
RSBE method (Griss et al., 1998) as references in
order to populate the feature pattern catalog.
The main contribution of this article is the
identification of patterns in the feature models and
the mapping of these patterns with the correspondent
architectural diagrams. The feature patterns catalog
allows the automated creation of traceability links
between the product line feature and the
architectural models, consequently improving the
product derivation process.
Our approach to product lines is based on the
MDE paradigm, aiming to automate many of the
phases of product line development. In particular
and using the proposed catalog, the UML domain
models can be obtained from feature models using
QVT pattern transformations (though these models
must be manually completed). The implementation
of the transformations as part of a conventional IDE
tool facilitates the work of the product line
developers. And, using its configuration capabilities,
the tool is also useful for the developer in charge of
deriving the final products. A first experience has
allowed the contrast with reality and the obtained
results are encouraging.
As future work, we consider an alternative
configuration process. The design level (instead of
fully implemented) packages can be merged into a
monolithic model (using existing MDE tools). The
resulting (platform independent) model will be used
as input to code generators tools. These tools are
precisely intended to generate the platform specific
models and the final code. We are evaluating some
of the best known tools in order to assess the
practical possibilities of this product line and MDE
This work has been supported by the Junta de
Castilla y León (project VA018A07) and Spanish
MICIINN (project TIN2008-05675).
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies