Youngho Kim, Jihee Ryu and Sung-Hyon Myaeng
KAIST, 335 Gwahak-ro Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
Keywords: Patent retrieval, Invalidity search, Semantic annotation, Cluster-based retrieval.
Abstract: Automatic annotation of key phrases for their semantic categories can help improving effectiveness of a
variety of text-based systems including information retrieval, summarization, question answering, etc. In
this paper, we exploit semantic annotations for patent retrieval (i.e., patent invalidity search). We first
annotated key phrases for two semantic categories, PROBLEM (e.g. “pattern matching”) and SOLUTION
(e.g. “dynamic programming”) in a patent document, which constitute a particular technology. Semantic
clusters are formed by grouping patent documents with the same PROBLEM or SOLUTION tag. A
language modelling approach to information retrieval is extended to consider the semantically oriented
clusters as well as document models. Our retrieval evaluation of the proposed approach using a collection of
United States patent documents shows a 22% improvement over the baseline, a smoothed language
modelling approach without using the semantic annotations.
Patent texts are a rich resource for semantic
knowledge discovery as they contain many
technological concepts and their semantic relations.
Some previous studies attempted to analyze patent
texts to discover meaningful information (Shinmori
et al., 2003; Yoon and Park, 2004; Fujii et al, 2007a;
Kim et al., 2009). The results are often targeted at
developing automatic or semi-automatic analytical
tools that help patent analysis experts identify past
technical progresses and estimate future directions.
On the other hand, patent retrieval, searching
past relevant patents to a target technology, can also
assist examiners (i.e., experts) in patent offices in the
context of invalidity search (Fujii et al, 2007b). The
main purpose of retrieving patent documents is to
validate the genuineness of the technology in a
patent application. This task has newly emerged as a
focus of recent workshops including the NTCIR
workshops (Kando, 2004, 2005, 2007) and the
CIKM workshop on patent information retrieval
(Tait, 2008). Examining the invalidity (i.e., finding
prior patents that contain some conflicting claims)
through search is critical for a newly applied patent
to be granted.
Our research focuses on the intersection of the
two areas: semantic annotation and patent retrieval.
Among a variety of possible types of semantic
annotations, we opted for two key aspects of patent
documents, namely, PROBLEM and SOLUTION
that constitute a technology (Kim & Myaeng, 2009).
We feel that especially for patent invalidity search,
identifying patents with the same PROBLEM and
SOLUTION as those in the query patent would be a
critical task.
Unlike ad hoc retrieval, mostly targeting at news
articles, patent retrieval is unique in that it has to
deal with lengthy and structured documents. A
patent document usually consists of title, abstract,
claim, and description sections. As observed
previously (Iwayama et al., 2003), a patent
document is 24 times longer than a news document
on average, and the variance of the lengths in patent
documents is about 20 times larger than that of new
articles. These characteristics need to be considered
when patent documents are semantically annotated
and processed for retrieval and when various
language models are constructed.
Another unique aspect of patent retrieval is that
every patent has a classification code called IPC
(International Patent Classification) manually
assigned to it. Since the IPC codes are semantic in
nature and organized in taxonomy, they can be
utilized effectively to group similar patents for
retrieval (Kang et al., 2007). For example, all the
Kim Y., Ryu J. and Myaeng S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 211-218
DOI: 10.5220/0002310302110218
patents with the IPC code G10L 17 have something
to do with “speech recognition”, the description of
the IPC code. If a query patent belongs to the cluster
of patents sharing the same IPC code, it is highly
probable to find a conflicting patent in the cluster.
The IPC codes make cluster-based retrieval since
they can be the basis for semantic clustering (Kang
et al., 2007).
However, IPC-based clusters may present a
problem when searches are performed within each of
them. Since the documents in a cluster are similar to
each other, they share many terms, making it
difficult to discriminate among each other. Since the
goal of invalidity search is to pinpoint the patent
documents claiming the same technology, retrieving
many grossly similar documents with ordinary index
terms would not be very helpful, especially when the
size of a cluster is large. Since identifying
discriminating features would be difficult but critical
for patent invalidity search, we need semantically
annotated terms that would help making a fine
distinction between the patents claiming the same
technology or method from those that are grossly
similar to each other based on all the index terms.
The main thrust of this paper, therefore, is to link
problem/solution-based semantic annotations,
clustering, and patent retrieval. We describe a patent
retrieval model based on semantic clusters. The
system proposed in this paper consists of two parts:
semantic annotation for the PROBLEM and
SOLUTION categories and cluster-based retrieval
based on extracted semantic key phrases. For the
retrieval part, we attempt to distinguish patent
documents in a cluster for the same PROBLEM or
SOLUTION from those in other clusters, assuming
that documents belonging to the same semantic
cluster are more likely to be similar and hence
conflicting among each other.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we present the related work in patent
retrieval and cluster-based retrieval. In Section 3, we
describe the semantic clustering method based on
the problem and solution annotations and a semantic
patent retrieval model. We illustrate and interpret the
experimental results in Section 4 and finally present
our conclusion in Section 5.
A cluster-based model for Information Retrieval (IR)
takes advantages of document clusters by assuming
that relevant documents would be grouped within
the same cluster. In general, documents are
automatically grouped by their topical relatedness
and relevant clusters are chosen with respect to a
given query (Croft, 1980; Voorhees, 1985), so that
the query terms in the relevant cluster are heavily
weighted in the retrieval model. In order to verify
the superiority of cluster-based retrieval model, Liu
and Croft (2004) compared with the cluster-less
model in a large test collection, using the language
modeling approach.
Prior to the series of workshops related to patent
retrieval, Larkey (1999) utilized IPC codes to divide
an entire corpus of patents into sub-corpora. The
patents in each sub-corpus compose a large virtual
document, and a query patent was mapped to each
virtual document to select n-best sub-collections. In
this approach, the search techniques in distributed IR
(Callan et al., 1995) were applied in order to reduce
long search time in several sub-collections. The
work is considered an important attempt to use a
unique aspect of patent documents.
Chen et al. (2003a) proposed a patent document
retrieval system concerning semantic and syntactic
properties. They utilized Latent Semantic Index to
recognize synonymous expressions. The system first
finds the patent documents whose vectors lie in the
neighbourhood of the query vector. It then uses the
template matching algorithm developed by Chen &
Tokuda (2003b) to calculate the similarity of the
document and the query. Takaki (2004) proposed an
associative document retrieval method. They
extracted sub-topics from each query and weighted
them by a term frequency-based entropy model.
They applied this method in patent invalid search by
using a query patent claim.
Many previous studies were presented in the
series of the NTCIR workshops (Kando, 2004, 2005,
2007). Among the work related to this paper is the
one by Konishi et al. (2004) that used an IPC code
as a category for each patent and combined TF/ICF
(term frequency and inverse category frequency)
with a general TF/IDF scoring formula. Fujii (2007)
integrated content and citation information to
identify an authoritative page by citation information
(i.e., a patent is cited by a large number of other
patents – foundation patent) like the PageRank
method, which was combined with the Okapi BM25
model. His system performed the best among all the
participants in the task of patent retrieval in NTCIR-
6 (Fujii et al., 2007b).
The work by Kang et al. (2007) seems to be most
relevant to our research. They proposed a cluster-
based retrieval model utilizing IPC classes. Since the
same IPC class would be assigned to somewhat
relevant patents, this approach is quite effective to
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
enhance the baseline model (i.e., language model
based approach). Our work is different from this
approach in that we utilize semantic annotation
results in constructing semantic clusters that are
simply borrowed as a vehicle to incorporate such
semantic annotations for patent retrieval.
We begin with an explanation about the PROBLEM
and SOLUTION annotation method (Kim et al.,
2009) because it is the basis for making the proposed
retrieval method semantic in nature. The semantic
clustering method should be considered just one way
of incorporating the semantics for patent retrieval.
We first extract key phrases in each document,
which become the candidates for PROBLEM and
SOLUTION annotations and generate semantic
clusters: PROBLEM and SOLUTION clusters
starting from each patent document. Semantically
clustered documents now allow us to measure the
probabilistic relatedness between a patent document
and a query patent.
Assuming that a patent makes claims for a
unique method (solution) to perform a specific task
(problem), it would be useful to identify the
technology described in a patent in terms of problem
and solution as proposed previously (Kim et al.,
2009). For example, when “a dynamic programming
method for speech pattern recognition” is the new
technology in a patent, the problem and solution
parts are “speech recognition” and “dynamic
programming method”, respectively. This type of
semantic annotation of key phrases would make
them more unique and help the task of
discriminating the patents in a cluster.
For the semantic annotation task, we employ the
method proposed recently (Kim et al., 2009), which
combines a probabilistic language modeling
approach and linguistic clues. The features including
linguistic clues are integrated within a statistical
classifier framework (i.e., Support Vector Machine).
As a result of the semantic annotation, all the
problems and solutions of each patent are identified.
Patents sharing the same key-phrases with the same
semantic annotation (PROBLEM or SOLUTION)
can be clustered, and such semantic clusters can be
exploited for patent retrieval. Unlike the patent
retrieval model using a language modelling
approach and citation links (Fujii et al., 2007a), ours
is to use semantic links that connect patents sharing
the same problems and/or solutions. Since the key
phrases are semantically represented with the
annotations, our retrieval method is also considered
semantically based.
In the context of patent invalidity search, in
addition, identifying PROBLEM and SOLUTION
key phrases can facilitate finding the conflicts that
would invalidate the target patent. If we can identify
and group the patents that share the same
PROBLEM as in the query patent, the invalidity
search in the group would be a matter of determining
whether the SOLUTIONS are sufficiently different.
Similarly, if the patents are clustered with the same
solution, the remaining task would be just to ensure
the problems are the same.
3.1 Semantic Annotation
The task of semantic annotation is basically to
identify PROBLEM and SOLUTION key terms in
each patent document. In other words, specific
semantic knowledge for a patent are first discovered
before it is used to index the document. In this work,
a technology is viewed as an association of
PROBLEM and SOLUTION key terms, e.g.,
“recognize signal pattern” (SOLUTION) for “noise
reduction” (PROBLEM). The annotation task is
accomplished in three steps as follows (Kim et al.,
Step 1. All the key phrases from each patent
document are extracted as candidates for semantic
annotation. A key phrase is recognized as an atomic
noun phrase (i.e., the smallest noun phrase, tagged
as NP) from the result of parsing a sentence in a
patent document by a statistical parser (Klein and
Manning, 2003). A noun phrase is then expanded, if
possible, to a verb phrase by adding a related verb
that has a syntactic dependency with the noun phrase.
The result of this step is a list of candidate phrases
for annotation.
Step 2. PROBLEM phrases are identified based on
language model probabilities and linguistic patterns
that signal the existence of a problem phrase (e.g. in
a pattern consisting of “system for” + [noun phrase],
[noun phrase] is annotated as PROBLEM). The
linguistic patterns are generalized and integrated into
a machine learning framework (i.e. SVM). Since
many cited patents share the same PROBLEM key
phrase (i.e., patents providing a solution to the same
problem), in addition, the language model including
the cited patents is constructed.
Step 3. SOLUTION key phrases are identified from
the rest of the key phrase candidates, mostly based
on linguistic clues. Unlike the PROBLEM
annotation step, SOLUTIONS are revealed not only
by pure linguistic patterns but also by PROBLEM
tags added in the previous step because a
SOLUTION key phrase occurs frequently together
with a PROBELM key phrase, often a PROBLEM
followed by a SOLUTION as in “speech recognition
system using speaker language model.” Note that no
language modelling is used for SOLUTIONS as they
do not occur frequently across different patent
documents. The extracted SOLTUTION key phrases
are also integrated into the SVM classifier. Finally,
each patent document is associated with the set of
PROBLEM and SOLUTION key phrases. The
annotation methods were evaluated to obtain 76%
and 75% in accuracy for PROBLEM and
SOLUTION annotations, respectively (Kim et al.,
3.2 Semantic Retrieval Model
In general, the IR task is defined to be a ranking
method for a set of documents by topical relatedness
to a given query. Among many approaches to this
task, we focus on cluster-based approaches based on
the cluster hypothesis (van Rijsbergen, 1979), which
states that closely associated documents tend to be
relevant to the same requests. In addition, we were
encouraged by a recent result that showed the value
of a cluster-based model for patent retrieval using
IPC (International Patent Classification) code (Kang
et al., 2007). However, the cluster-based method
proposed in this paper is just one way of using
semantic annotations for IR.
While previous research on using clustering for
information retrieval are primarily based on
document similarities or classification results based
on a classification scheme as in (Kang et al., 2007),
we posit that relevant patent documents would share
the same PROBLEM and/or SOLUTION key
phrases. Our approach coincides with the idea of
using citation links, which is motivated by the
tendency that cited documents often contain
solutions to a similar problem. Our work differs
from others in that we explicitly utilize semantic
annotations discovered automatically for problems
and solutions in patent documents.
Our retrieval model is based on the language
modeling approach (Ponte & Croft, 1998) where the
probability of generating the query from a document
language model is estimated to rank documents.
Instead of taking a document alone for language
model construction, however, we make use of a
semantic cluster that includes the document as in the
work by Kang et al. (2007).
term 1 term 2
()(1)() ()
(1 ) ( ) ( )
mle mle
mle mle
pQD p QD p QS
pqD pqS
≅− +
≅− +
 
where mle indicates maximum-likelihood estimation,
q is a query term in query Q, and S is the semantic
cluster constructed for the document D using
PROBLEM and SOLUTION annotations, and
is a
mixing weight.
By assuming that a query is generated from both
of the document and the semantic cluster containing
it, we can divide the query generation probability
into two parts: document model (term 1) and
semantic cluster model (term 2). The mixture of two
models is almost the same as the cluster-based
model proposed by Kang et al. (2007), but the actual
estimation process is different. Instead of using IPC
class based clusters, we assume the semantically
driven clusters should play a key role in generating a
query. This mixture model is estimated as:
(: )
(: )
(: )
cnt q D
cnt t D
cnt q S
cnt t S
where V
is a vocabulary set of S, V
is a vocabulary
set of D, and cnt(q : S) is the frequency of q in S.
We assume that the language model follows a
unigram word distribution, and the term in our
model would be a unigram word. As such, we count
a unigram frequency for each model, which is
assumed to express the topicality of a document and
a semantic cluster. In addition, we use a weight to
mix the two models. A different mixing weight is
assigned to each query term as some terms are more
related to the cluster than others. The mixing bias
) is estimated by:
(: )
Dfreq q S
Dfreq q C
where Dfreq (q : C) is the number of documents
containing a query term q in the collection C. Its
inverse (IDF) is multiplied by Dfreq (q: S),
document frequency of q in the semantic cluster S,
so that a query term appearing in the semantic
cluster S is considered more important. With the
mixing bias for each query, the retrieval model is
rewritten as:
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
() (1)() ()
qmle q
pQD p qD pqS
≅− +
The next step is to determine which cluster is more
applicable to the retrieval task since many clusters
can be formed. For an extracted PROBLEM key
and a SOLUTION key phrase
clusters can be formed as follows:
{ (), (), () (), () ()}
( ) { , ,...} s.t.
CL D d d p d=∈
( ) { , ,...} s.t.
CL D d d s d=∈
We basically generate a PROBLEM cluster,
(D), and a SOLUTION cluster, CL
(D), and from
these, we further define their intersection and union.
One of the four clusters for a particular key phrase
can be used as the cluster in the language model
defined above.
However, the cluster-based retrieval model
defined above can encounter a data sparseness
problem. As in other unigram language models
(Ponte & Croft, 1998), we use the Jelinek-Mercer
smoothing method (Zhai & Lafferty 2001) as
follows to alleviate the problem:
() (1-) () ()
where is a collection
pqD pqD pqC
When we apply the smoothing method to our
model, we have two options: smoothing only the
document model or smoothing both the semantic
cluster and document models, resulting in the
() ()
(1 ) (1 ) ( ) ( )
mle q mle
pqD pqS
pqD pqC
πλ λ
+− +
() (1) () ()
(1 ) (1 ) ( ) ( )
mle q mle
pqD pqS pqC
pqD pqC
πα α
πβ β
≅− +
+− +
In equation (1), only the document language model
is smoothed with an assumption that the cluster
model would be less vulnerable from the word
paucity. In equation (2), we smooth both of the
models without the assumption. Also, the parameters
are mixing weights for the smoothing
For evaluation of the proposed patent retrieval
method using the semantic annotations, we
conducted a set of experiments for patent retrieval
tasks on an English patent corpus from USPTO
(United States Patent and Trademark Office). The
collection includes a set of queries that are the claim
section of a patent document to mimic invalidity
search. For each query, a set of relevant patent
documents were pre-determined. As in the ad hoc
retrieval task, different retrieval models were
evaluated in terms of precision and recall. To build
semantic clusters, we utilized the semantic
annotation system in (Kim et al., 2009) whose
effectiveness was 76% and 75% in accuracy for
PROBLEM and SOLUTION annotations,
4.1 Experimental Setup
The evaluation of the proposed semantic patent
retrieval method was done with a test set extended
from the NTCIR-6 patent retrieval test set, which
consists of 981,948 USPTO patent documents
published from 1993 to 2000, covering 3,221 topics
that are basically the granted USPTO patents during
the period from 2000 to 2001. Among these, we
randomly selected 100 topic patents, and each topic
patent contains the sections of title, claim, citation,
date, and other patent components. Among those
components, we used only claim parts as actual
queries, i.e., query terms are only from the claim
parts, and this is the same condition as that of the
NTCIR-6 patent retrieval participants did (Fujii et al.,
In the NTCIR collection, there are two different
relevance judgment sets. Type A means that relevant
patent documents must be cited among each other
but their IPC subclasses are not necessarily identical.
Type B means that relevant patent documents are not
only cited among each other but also under the same
IPC subclass. In our experiments, we used Type A
because the answers for Type B were too sparse –
only two or three patent documents are marked as
relevant per query. Further details of the gold
standard for the experiments are specified in (Fujii et
al., 2007b).
4.2 Retrieval Performance
We tested our cluster retrieval model that uses
semantic clusters constructed based on PROBLEM
and SOLUTION annotations. Our baseline was the
Jelinek-Mercer language model as used by Kang et
al. (2007). We adopted the model since the general
language model approach (Ponte & Croft, 1998) can
be problematic with data sparseness. In order to
optimize the smoothing parameter λ in the baseline
model, we experimented with varying λ values
increasing from 0.0 to 0.9. As can be seen in Figure
1, the average precision value is peaked when λ is
0.2 although past research showed that the λ bias
over 0.5 would perform the best (Zhai & Lafferty,
2001). We believe this is due to the fact that patent
documents are usually long enough to ameliorate
some of the sparseness problems. This performance
level is quite competitive in comparison with the
results reported in (Fujii, 2007b) where most
precision values are below 10%. Although the
precision values are not directly comparable due to
the fact that our queries are only a subset of the
queries in the collection, it indicates that the system
based on the Jelinek-Mercer language model can be
used as a reasonable baseline, in addition to the
other evidence in (Kang et al., 2007).
Figure 1: Average precision on each lambda bias.
As described in Section 3.2, there are two different
smoothing biases, α and β, which were empirically
set to 0.1 and 0.3, respectively. Since α is the bias
for the semantic cluster that usually has less severe
sparseness, it is set to a lower value. We used λ=0.2
as explained above. Table 1 shows the results in
MAP (Mean Average Precision) for different cluster
types (column) and smoothing methods (rows)
(equations (1) and (2) in Section 3.2) together with
the baseline. The four cluster methods correspond to
those defined in Section 3.2: PROBLEM based
clusters, SOLUTION based clusters, and the union
and intersection of both (CL
(D), CL
(D), CL
(D), and CL
(D) CL
(D)). Smoothing was
applied to both cases: documents only and a
combination of documents and clusters.
Table 1: MAP for semantic patent retrieval.
Prob Sol Uni Inter
+ Cluster
Baseline 0.231 (0.0%)
The best result was obtained when the clusters
were constructed based on PROBLEM annotations
and smoothing was done for documents only (i.e.,
equation (1)), whereas the improvement made by
SOULTION annotations was almost negligible.
Combining two sets of clusters with a union or an
intersection operation was no better than using the
PROBLEM clusters only.
These results coincide with the discussion in
(Kim et al., 2009). Many PROBLEM keywords are
shared by those patent documents that are linked by
citations. In addition, PROBLEM keywords are
likely to represent the key theme of the patents
containing them. On the other hand, the SOLUTION
clusters are far less useful because patent documents
rarely share the same SOLUTION keywords for the
same PROBLEM. This is due to the fact that in
order for a patent to be granted, the solution must be
different from those already patented.
It was also found that a key term can rarely be
annotated as both PROBLEM and SOLUTION even
across patent documents although it is possible. This
explains why the intersection case is almost the
same as the baseline case. The difference between
the two cases in smoothing seems to be due to the
fact that sparseness in a unigram language model is
less problematic in patent documents as they are
relatively long. In addition, smoothing clusters
seems to do more harm than good because they
contain enough words.
To better understand how semantic annotations
help patent retrieval, we compared the best case
(PROBLEM-based clustering with the document
smoothing) with the baseline for individual queries.
For each query q, a comparison was made by
computing the ratio using MAP as follows:
() ()
( ) 100
where is the best system's MAP for
is the baseline's MAP for
best q base q
base q
best q
base q
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
In Figure 2, the x-axis and y-axis represent
individual queries and percent increase values,
respectively. It can be seen that except for the two
queries below the x-axis and three on the axis, all the
queries show improvements, the majority of which
range between 20% and 45%. In those exceptional
cases with no improvement, most relevant
documents were not included in the clusters partly
because there are only a very small number of
PROBLEM and SOLUTION keywords in the
collection that no clusters were formed. In other
words, as long as semantic clusters were formed
(and in most cases, semantic clusters were indeed
formed), the semantic annotations, especially the
PROBLEM annotations, helped improving retrieval
effectiveness. This is strong evidence that our
semantic retrieval model is effective for the task of
patent retrieval.
Figure 2: Improvements for individual queries when the
PROBLEM clusters were used
In this paper, we proposed a novel patent retrieval
method exploiting two kinds of semantic annotations,
which identifies key terms for PROBLEM and
SOLUTION categories in patent analysis. The
annotation method is borrowed from a recent patent
analysis work. Based on the identified PROBLEM
and SOLUTION annotations, we investigated on the
effectiveness of using such semantic annotations for
patent retrieval. We proposed a new semantic
clustering method based on the PROBLEM and
SOLUTION key phrases whose occurrences make
two documents belong to the same cluster. A cluster-
based retrieval method was adapted to our situation
by adding semantic cluster information to a
conventional language model based retrieval method.
The experimental result shows that the annotation
based semantic retrieval method in fact improves
retrieval effectiveness significantly, making it
possible to conclude that our semantic retrieval
method is desirable for enhancing retrieval
performance in patent retrieval.
For future work, we plan to identify additional
semantic categories that can help patent retrieval.
Once they are identified, the same model can be
used to improve patent retrieval further. As a shorter
term plan, we consider to compare and combine the
semantic clustering with conventional document
clustering based on words. We also plan to devise
and test different ways of incorporating semantic
annotations for retrieval, such as incorporating
semantically annotated phases as index terms and
conducting two-level retrieval, one for PROBEM-
based retrieval and the other for SOLUTION-based
matching, especially for an invalidity search task.
This work was supported by Microsoft Research
Asia and the IT R&D program of MKE/IITA [2008-
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval