A Value-based Perspective
Patrício Alencar and Hans Weigand
Department of Information Management, Tilburg University, P.O.Box 90153, 5000 Le Tilburg, The Netherlands
Keywords: Service Oriented Computing, Self-Adaptation, Value Models.
Abstract: Self-adaptation represents one of the main research challenges in Service Oriented Computing. More
specifically, predictive self-adaptation attempts to anticipate actions for reacting to potential changes in a
system, over time. Nevertheless, the execution of different adaptation strategies on the operational level can
produce an unexpected impact on the organizational level. Predicting this impact, mainly in terms of time
and cost involved in the adaptation, might be useful to enhance the decision-making process in a business
strategic/tactic context. This paper presents some of the challenges in predicting the impact of adaptation
strategies in a service provisioning scenario, from a value-based perspective.
The increasing interest in self-* properties
Service Oriented Computing (SOC) has heightened
the need for reconciliation between technology and
methods towards autonomy in service management
(Papazoglou et al., 2007). Of particular interest and
complexity is the self-adaptation of services,
observed from a predictive perspective, which
involves prospecting the impact of future multi-
domain changes on the business strategy level, and
thereby taking decisions to minimize possible
negative return following them. There have been
several investigations into available requirements,
strategies and implementation techniques for self-
adaptation in SOC (Benbernou, 2008).
These aspects rely upon monitoring mechanisms
for change detection. The articulation of adaptation
strategies typically complies with intra and inter-
organizational rules and/or policies (Gordijn et al.,
2008). The scope of these rules can range from the
IT level to the corporate levels, setting the rules of
the game, which constitutes the core of the service
governance process (Marks, 2008).
Although considerable research has been devoted
to service monitoring and adap-tation, rather less
Self-configuration, self-adaptation, self-healing, self-
optimization, self-protecting are commonly referred to
as self-* properties in computer systems in general.
attention has been paid to investigate and measure
the impact of an adaptation strategy (or a
combination of strategies) on the organizational
level. In other words, the service adaptation process
can be followed by a reconfiguration of
organizational stakeholders. Paraphrasing Meadows’
philosophy (Meadows, 1999) and Chaos Theory
(Poincaré, ca. 1900 and Lorenz, 1960), even a small
shift produced by a strategic intervention within a
complex system can produce significant changes in
its whole structure. Conversely, the degree of
freedom of a system is defined by its own rules, and
the power over these rules constitutes the
fundamentals of a governance process. However, if
these rules are somehow flexible, it implies
dynamism in the rearrangement made on the
adaptation strategy level. In this paper we report on
some of the challenges around the specification and
deployment of predictive and self-adaptive services.
These challenges comprise not only technical issues,
such as checking whether the resulting adaptation
complies with technical and corporate rules or not
(Verhoef, 2007), but also attempting to forecast the
profitability produced by a possible selected
strategy. Reduction of the cost and time involved in
the required decision-making process (by
minimizing human intervention) might be
particularly important to react rapidly in highly
dynamic and competitive markets, and thus,
represents the central motivation of this research.
Thus, to cope with this issue, the goal of this re-
Alencar P. and Weigand H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 429-436
DOI: 10.5220/0002326204290436
search is to provide a framework to guide the
decision-making process on the adapta-tion
strategies set, whereby the organizational
stakeholders could be reconfigured, preserving a
value-based perspective goal (i.e. to maximize
profitability for all the organizational actors
The plan of this paper is outlined as follows. Section
2 presents the considered problem space, by means
of interrelated research questions. In Section 3 it is
proposed a set of candidate approaches and methods
that compose the solution space to be deployed. In
Section 4, it is discussed potential applications of
this work in two case studies. Some related work is
presented in Section 5. Last, Section 6 brings some
discussion and outlook for this research.
The following research questions outline the
problem space in focus. They are decomposed into
sub-problems, enumerated in ascending order of
relevance, according to the purpose of this work.
Research Question 1. What are the adaptation
requirements for multi-supplier IT services?
Assumptions: for the purpose of this study, the term
“adaptation requirements” may be defined as a set of
properties that the adaptive service application
should satisfy (Benbernou, 2007). Besides, “IT
services” are defined as infrastructure services
configured from a business value model perspective
(Gordijn, 2002) (Gordijn et al., 2007).
Problem Decomposition. What are the "change"
patterns in service management? How these changes
are monitored? Which of these change patterns
allow automated solutions? What "action patterns"
follow these change patterns? What policies govern
these action patterns? Which are the most relevant
changes in terms of impact produced (e.g. in terms
of cost and time)?
Potential answers for these questions can be
classified according multiple dimensions, including:
What? (Rules/Policies and Governance);
Where? (Physical and logical layers);
When? (Temporal reasoning);
How? (Causality-effect and correlation analysis);
Who? (System automation or human
These same dimensions will also be applied to
classify the outcomes from the next questions.
Research Question 2a. How to monitor a value
constellation and its coordination processes?
Assumptions: a “value constellation” can be
defined as a collection of enterprises that jointly
satisfy complex consumer needs (Gordijn, 2002).
Problem Decomposition. What is the purpose of the
monitoring task? What kind of monitoring
information has to be gathered? How can the
monitoring information be specified? What
implementation methods and techniques are
currently available for monitoring of SOA-based
applications? How can the monitoring information
be integrated?
Research Question 2b. How to adapt a value
constellation and its coordination processes
Assumptions: the degree of automation here is
strictly dependent on the outcomes of the research
question 1. It is still not clear to what extent should
we minimize the human intervention in business-
related decision. As soon as new adaptation
problems arise, new solution patterns can be
discovered, mined from human knowledge input in
combination with existing solution patterns.
Problem Decomposition. What rules/policies
govern the adaptation process? What are the
organizational goals behind the rules? How can
these rules be specified? Who defines these rules?
What methods and techniques exist for implementing
self-adaptive services? How can these rules be
specified and configured from a business value
Research Question 3. How to coordinate the
reconfiguration of a provisioned IT service bundle
offered by a constellation?
Assumptions: “organizational stakeholders” can
have conflicting or convergent goals, observed from
different perspectives. For instance, in the intra-
organizational level, competitions can represent a
source of emergent behaviour, weakening efforts to
reach a common goal. Conversely, collaborations
might potentially produce the opposite effect. The
same applies for the inter-organizational level,
where different organizations play a win-win game,
in which collaboration and competition are blurred
by high level system goals that include survival,
resilience, differentiation and evolution (Meadows,
Problem Decomposition. What is the extent and
impact of the adaptation process on organizational
level? How can this impact be measured? Does this
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
process require reconfiguration of stakeholders
(design for players or "tactical design") or
reconfiguration of the rules (changing the whole
game or "strategy design")? What theoretical
approaches exist for organizational modelling, and
more specifically for strategy reasoning and
decision-making processes in multi-parties service
provisioning? To what extent are these approaches
currently evaluated? What practical issues and
enabling technologies are required in their
corresponding implementation? How to ensure that
the chosen adaptation strategy/tactic complies with
intra and inter-organizational governance rules?
The following research directions outline our
approach to deal with the before mentioned
problems. They include some expected results and
validation techniques.
Solution Direction 1: research question 1 will be
addressed both conceptually and empirically. The
conceptual part will be based on a systematic
literature review on self-adaptive services. The
objective is to identify the most impacting sources of
change as well as its corresponding adaptation
strategies, and which of those allow automated
solutions. Causality, effect, cost, propagation over
the time and correlations can represent some of the
dimensions whereby the impact can be measured.
Qualitative reasoning (QR) can be used to explicitly
model causal dependencies between quantities
(Bredeweg and Struss, 2004). QR also includes the
use of ontologies for expressing and formalizing
relationships between concepts. Ontologies can
easily be adopted as artifacts in the implementation
architecture. This represents a practical advantage
over pure mathematical expressions which, although
may provide more accurate and unambiguous
descriptions of the problem in question, can imply
additional cost, concerning the refinement
operations necessary to map it into the
implementation layer. Regarding technical aspects,
recent work has been done on investigating the use
of the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
on solving
qualitative reasoning problems (Liem, 2005). In
spite of some limitations of expressiveness
(expected to be improved in the upcoming OWL2
specification), a model developed in OWL allows
searching and sharing of knowledge on the Web,
whereby corporate business intelligence can be
The empirical part will be performed by quantitative
analysis of data retrieved from the practical
experiences in the case studies and from a survey
Expected Result: an ontology of change patterns
and adaptation strategies (in composite services
realizing a value constellation), and a ranking of the
most relevant ones.
Validation: can be achieved by means of
intersection of research methods (in this case, a
combination of surveys, structured interviews, a
systematic literature overview and a proof-of-
concept tool to be applied in the case studies).
Solution Direction 2a/b: research question 2a and
2b will be addressed jointly, considering that service
monitoring and adaptation are closely related.
Ordinarily, these tasks are linked by adaptation rules
or policies that specify what should be done under
which condition. Current research suggests some
kind of Event-Condition- Action (ECA) rules for
specifying these policies (Paschke and Bichler,
2008), but they are typically specified on a rather
low level (i.e., close to the programming code). On
the other hand, recent work has been done on
specifying methods to support business analysts in
designing controls against opportunistic behaviour in
network organizations, from a value-based
perspective. This approach, named e
(Kartseva, 2008), can be considered as a starting
point in this study to define high-level rules and
policies for service governance. A possible solution
to connect these two worlds can be an extension of
the referred value-based control approach toward the
ECA rules level, by specifying intermediate layers,
in different abstraction levels and a set of refinement
operations to integrate them. This should make the
rules easier to design, maintain and reuse.
A monitoring strategy should be done in order to
collect external events and information produced in
the service execution environment. Performance
checking, failure reporting and analysis of the
compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLA)
are the outcomes of this task. Several approaches
have been identified for monitoring different
operational layers in service-based applications.
These layers can include monitoring of web services
and service compositions, Business Activity
Monitoring (BAM), Process Mining and Grid
Monitoring (Benbernou, 2008). The monitoring
information collected from these layers must be
integrated to produce a consistent view on the
overall system performance. To date, proposed
industrial standards in the Web Service Management
area include Web Services Distributed Management
(Wilson and Sedukhin, 2006) and Web Service
Level Agreement (Ludwig et al., 2003). The former
provides some mechanisms to guarantee consistency
of service compositions, and deliver status
notifications when a particular activity is completed
or a decision condition is reached. The latter
provides a description of IT-level and business
process-level parameters (e.g. response time and
throughput), the quality of service agreed to be
delivered by the service provider, besides some
penalties to be applied in case of depreciation or
failure to meet these requirements.
Expected Result: a rule-based system for self-
management of value constellations.
Validation: by means of an experimental prototype.
Solution Direction 3: there are several possible
ways of handling the problems around research
question 3. Methods, models and theories from the
field of organizational modelling have been
proposed to deal with change management in
general. The Management and Business
have classified these approaches
along 12 disciplines. For the purpose of this
research, six of them were selected to classify
potential candidates to be considered the solution
space, as follows: Organizational Change,
Communication Aspects, Value-Based Decision-
Making, Intangible Knowledge, Strategy and Supply
Chain Quality. None of the existing approaches
cover all of these aspects. Theoretically, merging
them might result in a more complete solution.
Practically, the high level of complexity involved on
implementing such a combination may represent an
additional problem not subsumed in the scope of this
research. Consequently, one of these theories will be
applied. Approximate matches include: Chaos
Theory (Poincaré, ca. 1900 and Lorenz, 1960),
Game Theory (Nash, 1950), Contingency Theory
(Vroom and Yetton, 1963), Action Learning
(Revans, 1969), Strategy Map, originally referred to
as Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992)
and Value Mapping (Jack, 2001).
Expected Result: a formal framework for
reconfiguration of service bundles.
Validation: validation can be achieved by
formalization and proof. Feasibility can be checked
by means of experiments in the case studies.
It is important to highlight the case studies in which
this research is currently being applied. The
following description includes who they are, their
attributions, future scenarios and particular interest
in this research.
is an Intellectual Property Rights Society
(IPR), appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the
Netherlands, designated to execute the
Neighbouring Rights Act in the music sector. It
states that formally a user of music must obtain
permission from the right holders (the creators of
music) to play it in public. By virtue of the Copyright
Act and the Neighbouring Rights Act the creators of
music have assigned their right to grant permission
for the use of their music to SENA (performers and
producers) and to Buma/Stemra
(lyricists and
composers).This permission, called a license, is
issued by both organizations on condition that the
user of music pays remuneration for this. The rate
depends on the nature of the use and the space in
which the music is played
Although SENA pricing strategy considers
statistics taken from the 20 biggest radio stations in
the Netherlands, emergent complaints from IPR users
(i.e. cafes, clubs, restaurants, supermarkets etc.) have
revealed that these users are interested in paying only
for the tracks they use (i.e. pay-per-play scenario).
Consequently, a counting and monitoring mechanism
should be deployed in order to charge each IPR user
more accurately.
According to the current SENA requirements, a
new business model was designed. The business
model is based on the e
value methodology
(Gordijn, 2002). It includes the main actors and the
objects of value they exchange to each other. The
main organizational actors in this scenario comprise:
Receivers: they represent the starting point in the
value-object exchange. A receiver is an actor who
wants to satisfy a need (in this case, to broadcast
background music). Thus, since receivers want to use
music to get benefits of it, they are also IPR users.
Background Music Providers: they provide
specialized background music. In this sense, whenever
an actor requires specific background music, a BMP
can exchange background music for a fee.
Statement on Music Licenses and Remunerations.
Source: SENA Annual Report 2007 (minor editing).
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Intellectual Property Right Societies: IPR
Societies are entities performing mainly two roles:
collect fees from each played or copied track and
partitioning of these fees to the IPR owners. Thus,
on one hand, whenever a track is played or copied, a
fee must be also paid. This fee is related with the
public use of music (tracks). Thence, if an actor
publically provides music, it has to pay for the right
of providing music (i.e. making profits by exploiting
IPR). The way in which actors get that right is
paying fees to IPR Societies for each played or
copied track. On the other hand, IPR societies
partition fees to the IPR owners according to
collected fees. This partition of fees is based also on
track's features (i.e. who the owners are and how
many times the track was played or copied).
Right Owners: they constitute the set of actors
who perform a specific track. In this sense,
“performing” is not only related to playing tracks, but
also encompasses tasks like writing lyrics, producing
and publishing a track.
Once described the main actors and their roles, the
interaction between them can be specified. As
mentioned before, the receivers constitute the starting
point, as they request for broadcasting background
music which is provided by the background music
providers. This relationship is summarized as follows:
a receiver gives a fee to a BMP and gets in return
background music.
A BMP could provide background music in two
ways: by delivering hard copies or a stream of
tracks. In this sense, hard copies can be considered
as physical devices in which the receivers store
tracks provided by the BMPs, whereas a stream is a
flow of tracks that the BMP delivers to the receivers
using internet-based technology. Thus, the main
difference between these two ways of providing
music is either allowing storing tracks at the
receivers’ side or not.
This main difference has generated two similar value
models. If the BMP delivers hard copies, it must pay to
IPR Societies which collect fees about replicating music,
thus making copies of tracks. On the other hand, when
providing streams, the BMP must pay to IPR Societies
which collect fees related with making a stream available
to the public (Figure 1).
Receivers have to pay also IPR Societies for
providing music to the public. Thence, they pay mainly
two distinct IPR Societies (although it does not mean
they pay twice). Paying BUMA/Stemra is about the
copyright that publishers, composers, and/or lyricists
hold, whereas paying SENA is related to the rights of
the performing artists and producers. All the process
described above is associated to collecting fees.
Therefore the next step is to partition all those fees. As
it can be observed in Fig. 1, the IPR societies partition
fees to a set of right owners. This set of right owners is
composed mainly by artists, producers, music
publishers, composers and lyricists. However, there is a
clear division about who partition fees to whom. Again,
SENA only partitions fees between artists and
producers, whereas BUMA/Stemra does the same for
publishers, composers and lyricists.
Finally, since receivers’ claim is about pay-per-
play, both models (the model for hard copies is
similar to the model depicted in Fig. 1) introduce a
new activity that must be performed to allow pay-per-
play service. This new activity is about logging each
track the receivers play. Consequently, to have access
to the pay-per-play scheme, receivers must provide a
log with the tracks they had already played.
Regarding the trust aspect, security mechanisms will
be further specified.
From a technical perspective, if the Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the provisioning of
streaming audio drop below the Key Quality
Indicators required by the receiver (e.g. availability,
audio quality and response time), some service
adaptation should be done in order to optimize the
overall network performance (Toktar et al., 2007),
(Dalal et al., 2007).
From a business perspective, the music industry has
been dramatically changed as far as new technologies
for use and distribution of digital music scatter
throughout the Internet. New digital music
retailers/providers have to play a wild game to adapt
themselves to this new market and offer value-added
services for distribution of digital music. Therefore,
new business and technology strategies become
essential for the sake of profitability whereby survival
in this wild game might be guaranteed. It is crucial the
enforcement of Intellectual Properties restrictions, and
to promulgate effective copyrights and licensing for
music distribution, and organizations involved in this
initiative must consider new technologies and
strategies for monitoring piracy (Bockstedt,
Kauffman and Riggins, 2006).
The second case study is ECN
(Energy Research
Centre of Netherlands). This organization develops
knowledge and technology for a sustainable energy
system and transfers it to the market, which
costumers include the Dutch government, European
Union and industry (national and international).
ECN envisions a scenario when the houses of the
future will not only be energy-neutral, they will
generate energy which can be used elsewhere
Figure 1: Value model for the Music Industry: the stream value exchanging case.
effectively, through the efficient exchange of
electricity and heat. This will require intelligent and
self-managing electricity grids
. It means bringing
the electricity service to a market with new small
players (e.g. households and small scale generators).
This requires a portfolio of such households and
generators that could be easily reconfigured, not
only in terms of balancing services, but also
supporting services (e.g. communication, processing
power services, etc.), besides prediction over the
results from the profitability analysis of this new
scenario. The design of a new business model for
this scenario is part of future steps of this research.
The four pillars sustaining this research are: service
monitoring, service adaptation, organizational
modelling and governance (IT, SOA and Corporate).
Several approaches have been identified for
monitoring of service-based systems (Benbernou,
2008). They encompass basically mechanisms for
Monitoring Web Services and Service
Constructing a Sustainable Future. ECN Annual Report
2007 (minor editing).
Compositions, Business Activity Monitoring
(BAM), Process Mining and Grid Monitoring. It
would seem, nevertheless, that further investigations
are needed so as to integrate available
methodologies and technologies across all the
service-based application layers. WSDM (Wilson
and Sedukhin, 2006) and WSLA (Ludwig et al.,
2003) represent some of the recent standards
proposed to fulfil technical needs for the integration
of the monitoring information.
Regarding the adaptation process, among several
research directions, some approaches have
emphasized the provisioning of correctness criteria
to check system integrity after an adaptation strategy
is executed, from a technical perspective (Weigand,
van-den Heuvel and Hiel, 2008). In the opposite
way, adaptation in the business collaborations has
also been addressed (Orriëns, 2008). Still, cross-
layer dependencies of adaptation strategies remain
as open issues.
Concerning the before mentioned organizational
modelling theories, recent work has focused on
implementing them in service-based scenarios. The
following initiatives comprehend some of them:
enterprise strategy management using chaos theory
(Levy, 1994), (Hao et al., 2008), (Zhao and Li,
2005), application of game theory in business
process reengineering (Zhang et al., 2008), (Li,
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Chen, and Cui, 2008), contingency theory in IT
strategy plans (Lee, Miranda and Kim, 2004),
(Croteau and Raymond, 2004), modelling of virtual
communities under the perspective of action
learning (Parenthöen, Buche and Tisseau, 2008), (de
Moor and Weigand, 2007), and the inclusion of the
stakeholder value perspective in the configuration of
strategic business initiatives, using strategic maps
(Sahu, 2004), (Chien-Chih, 2007) and value
mapping (Moore, 2008). Nonetheless, their scope is
still restricted to distinct abstraction layers, stressing
the need for an integrated approach.
Last, recent contributions have been acknowledged
in the field of service governance. They range from
value-based controlling mechanisms over
organizational networks (Kartseva, 2008) to
quantification analysis of governance rules in the IT
level (Verhoef, 2007). Challenges in this area include
the development of a unified model for SOA policies
that could integrate business process, technology,
design, and runtime policies. Such a model could be
implemented as governance collaboration tools to
explore collective intelligence.
In short, these four pillars still lack a common
ground of integration and interoperability, which
sets the perspective orienting this research.
The purpose of this paper was to identify some of
the gaps in self-adaptive services research. Its
outcome comprised our research design and
proposal, hereafter focused on investigating the
impact of service adaptation strategies on the
organizational level, where the crucial decisions are
carefully analyzed. The urgent need for solution
alternatives to be applied in real world applications
(e.g. the Music Industry and the Energy
Management Sector), reinforces the motivation for
realizing this research.
This work in on its early stage and the prototype
to be produced for addressing the first research
question is currently under development. Future
steps include combining ontology engineering and
qualitative reasoning techniques to specify and
analyze causality/effect and correlations between
change and adaptation patterns in service bundling.
These patterns are currently being catalogued and
will be contrasted with empirical data extracted from
the case studies.
This work is supported by the Value-IT Project,
funded by the Joint Academic and Commercial
Quality Research & Development (JACQUARD),
part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO).
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ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies