The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers
Narin Akrawi
Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 B, Uppsala, Sweden
Keywords: Computer-based Teacher Support, Teacher Education, Teaching Strategy, Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Abstract: In this paper we present the design process of a knowledge-based system, called Mentor. When designing
Mentor, our aim is to give the teachers opportunity to reflect upon their current teaching strategies and
provide guidance on how to improve their teaching. The purpose of emphasizing the design process for
Mentor is to identify, capture and validate, at an early stage, important pedagogical aspects. A thorough
design process will help us to implement a system according to the users’ requirements regarding
functionality and the users’ interaction with the system. In Mentor Bloom’s revised taxonomy is used as a
basis for classification of different objectives and skills that educators need to reflect upon in facilitating a
student-centred learning environment (SCL). Moreover, the revised taxonomy is used to relate the teachers’
teaching strategies to the taxonomy and as a basis for generating feedback to the teacher. This feedback is
individualized since it is related to the information the teacher has provided the system concerning his/her
teaching. The result of tests showed that Mentor could be used as a tool for provoking teachers’ reflections
at all level of the educational system.
Growing and working in the information age has
promoted learning and problem-solving for various
learning communities (Spector, 2008). One of the
communities is the educational organization, which
has endeavoured to put students at the centre of the
learning. Despite this demand on schools many
teachers continue to use a teacher-centred approach
when educating students (Lea et al., 2003; O’Neill &
McMahon, 2005). Student’s active learning is
supported in a SCL environment. In this type of
learning environment, the main task is to promote
students’ learning by giving them more control over
their own learning and disseminating new
knowledge and skills (Alagic, 2004).
In a traditional class environment, the interaction
between teacher and students is restricted and “the
teacher is holding the power to knowledge, the
power to deliver the knowledge, and the power to
control the learning and teaching environment”
(Kasim & Ali, 2007). On the contrary, in a SCL,
teachers become facilitators, and encourage students
to interact and help other and learn from each other.
This form of teaching creates healthy
communications between teacher and students.
Some authors argue that such communication
becomes more effective when integrated with
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT). The educational improvement demands
educators to rethink and re-evaluate their perception
about their knowledge and expertise in the field of
teaching (Kraus et al., 2001; Sweder, 2002).
However, rethinking and revaluating one’s own
expertise critically, is a difficult task (Kjellin &
Stenfors, 2002). Unfortunately, teachers, who are
trying to integrate and use new teaching methods
differing from traditional ones, are often met by
resistance by their colleagues as well as by students
(Hedin, 2006). Utilizing information and
communication technology in form of, e.g., a
knowledge-based system, the teacher could explore
new teaching strategies before implementing these
strategies in the classroom. In this paper we present
the design process of a knowledge-based system,
called Mentor. The aim is to give the teachers
opportunity to reflect upon their current teaching
strategies and provide guidance on how to improve
their teaching. . In turn, this can influence their
classroom leadership style. The design proposal
focuses on the requirements regarding the
functionality of the system.
Akrawi N. (2010).
ENHANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES - The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 72-81
DOI: 10.5220/0002781200720081
Figure 1: The process of capturing requirements (Pfleeger & Atlee, 2006).
Our purpose of emphasizing the design process for
Mentor is to identify, capture and validate, at an
early stage, important pedagogical aspects. As it is
vital to involve domain experts and end-users when
designing and implementing systems supporting
learning, we have collaborated with teachers and
pedagogues with expertise within information
technology. A thorough design process will help us
to implement a system according to the users’
requirements regarding functionality and the users’
interaction with the system.
Thus, to support teachers to improve the quality
of their teaching and to move toward a more student-
centred learning environment we designed Mentor.
By offering such a system we believe that teachers
will get new insights into new teaching strategies
and will hopefully adapt their teaching strategies in
accordance to the new approaches.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 a
brief introduction to design process is given.
Sections 2.1 to 2.3 describe the process of capturing
and validating the requirements in the system
design. In sections 3 the design of Mentor has been
presented. Finally, the results of the validation, as
well as, the concluding discussions are summarized
in section 4.
According to some researchers, among them Gero
and Sudweeks (1997), a design process is a
knowledge intensive activity. These authors argue
that studying a design problem requires knowledge
across different disciplines and sources, for instance
knowledge spread between many experts,
publications and databases (ibid.). However,
transforming this knowledge into a working system
requires that the designers find the relevant
knowledge, as well as, assure customers’ need and,
at the same time, make it possible for the system
developer to understand how the system should
work (Pfleeger and Atlee, 2006). The design process
is an iterative process, in which the designer moves
back and forth between different activities to
understand the requirements (Gero & Sudweeks,
The first step in the development of a system
design is the process of capturing requirements.
Requirement engineering is considered by many
authors as one of the most significant parts of any
software project (cf. e.g., Lehner & Hofmann, 2001;
Sommerville, 2004; Pfleeger & Atlee, 2006). If the
users’ requirements are not clearly understood the
errors can result in an extensive rework when
discovered at later phases (Pfleeger & Atlee, 2006).
For this reason we have emphasized this part when
designing the system proposals. In this regard, a
prototype of the system can be useful to understand
the requirements and see what requirements are
missing or to evaluate design alternatives. There are
two kinds of requirements: functional and non-
functional. Functional requirements define the
interaction between the system and its environment
and emphasize the functionality of the system. Non-
functional requirements describe a restriction on the
system that limits our choices on the product to be
developed (ibid.). In our system design proposals we
have focused on the functional requirement.
In order to design Mentor, as for all new
systems, we started the requirement process for
Mentor with a feasibility study. According to
Sommerville (2004) a feasibility study is a short and
focused study aimed at answering questions e.g.,
“Does the system contribute to the overall objectives
of the organization?” This question is critical since
if the system does not contribute to the overall
objectives then it has no value (ibid.). The result of
the feasibility analysis showed that there is a need
for this kind of system. For capturing requirements
For the design of Mentor we utilized the
approach seen in Figure 1. The first step in the
capturing requirements is the process of elicitation.
In this process the user’s requirements are collected
and then analyzed.
Analysis Specification Validation
ENHANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES - The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers
2.1 Elicitation and Analysis
During the requirement elicitation activity, a system
or knowledge engineer uses different techniques
such as literature review, observations, interviews,
questionnaires, focus groups, use cases, and
prototypes to discover requirements and gather
necessary information about the application domain,
what services the system should provide, the
requirement performance of the system etc (Pfleeger
and Atlee, 2006.). The elicitation and analysis can be
seen as an iterative process, where the collected user
requirements are analyzed and the result from the
analysis is input in a new elicitation activity. During
these activities the system engineer tries to get a
clear picture of the collected user requirements,
which will later be specified in a requirement
specification. Through the requirement specification
the communication with customers, as well as, the
maintenance of the requirements and the system gets
The methods chosen for the elicitation in the
project are literature review, observations,
interviews, and focus groups. The work with Mentor
started by conducting a literature review to study
relevant literature about the central topics in our
research such as learning, teaching, learning styles,
Bloom’s revised taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl,
2001) and knowledge-based systems. This literature
review was conducted to enhance our knowledge
about these subjects, to frame our work and to be
able to compare our work with those of others.
Moreover, through this literature review we tried to
give the readers the core idea of our research.
To collect data about the opinions, the needs and
the requirements for Mentor we used observations,
interviews and focus groups. Observation is
considered as one of the common methods for
qualitative data collection and can be conducted
either by direct observation or participant
observation (Trochim, 2006). To assure that the
observations are of the natural phenomenon, the
researchers should be involved as “involved
researcher”(Walsham, 2006) in the daily activities of
the observed situation. As involved researcher, we
got a close involvement, which helped us to gain an
in-depth understanding of the situation. We found
that the educational system in Kurdistan is basically
based on the teacher-centered approach where the
teacher has the total control in the classroom.
Kurdistan, as many other countries, has realized the
need for a school reform, which should be toward a
more SCL environment (Mayiwar et al., 2005). To
start the reform, educational experts were invited to
Kurdistan including professors from Department of
Educational Administration and Leadership, College
of Education at Tennessee State University, USA.
The most important elements in the reform
considered to be teachers’ leadership style and their
ways of teaching. These facts, gave us the idea of
designing Mentor. As I live in northern Iraq and
teach at the College of Engineering at Salahaddin
University I observed the situation very carefully
and became a part of the daily activities in the
observed situation. As a part of the teaching staff I
was allowed to attend my colleagues’ lectures and
labs. We also cooperated in and between our
courses, e.g., in my course the students will learn the
process of software engineering from requirement
gathering phase to the design phase and learn to
implement the requirements at another course.
Through this cooperation it was easier for me to
notice the other teachers’ teaching strategy, as well
as, their leadership style in the classroom. The result
of my observations showed that the most of the
teachers were accustomed to one leadership style,
the autocratic one and the teaching strategies are
based on this autocratic view of teaching. The
reason for this might be that they, themselves, have
been taught by autocratic leaders and therefore are
not trained as democratic leaders. Therefore it is
vital to provide these leaders with effective models
of alternative leadership styles and teaching
Moreover, we interviewed the president of the
University, the dean of the Department of
Engineering and the dean of Department of
education. The result of our interviews showed the
same result as our observations. They addressed an
enormous need for a change in the educational
settings. The president of Salahaddin University
stressed “we seek the thinking, approaches, tools,
and skills that will equip an increasing portion of our
student body with leadership and management
capabilities that will effectively address the needs of
all segments of our society in every corner of our
region. It is this focus on, and commitment to, the
public interest that has yet to become the
professional interest of our students and graduates.”
He also added “achieving this objective requires
teachers to rethink critically regarding their current
leadership and teaching styles”.
To get help with pedagogical issues for
designing Mentor we contacted the experts at the
institute, VLM (Virtual Learning Environment) at
Uppsala, Sweden. After discussing our idea with
people at VLM we were directed to the Regional
Centre for the Coordination of Pedagogical
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Development (RCCPD). The main objective of this
organization is to assemble people with pedagogical
knowledge to help each other to change and improve
the educational system regarding the needs and
requirements. At the first interview with the project
leader at RCCPD we introduced the purpose of the
thesis in general and the purpose of designing
Mentor in particular. We also asked about existing
systems and whether they saw a need for the system
that we aimed at designing. The result of this
interview showed that despite the great emphasis on
education in Sweden, schools have not yet succeed
in creating suitable student-centred classrooms.
To get further and more accurate information and
to gather requirements, the project leader at RCCPD
set up a focus group interview with other experts
who shared common experiences and expertise
about teaching. At the first focus group we presented
the research topics and introduced our main idea for
the group. Topics such as knowledge-based systems,
Bloom’s revised taxonomy, which we planned as a
method in our system, were discussed. Bloom’s
revised taxonomy is applied in Mentor to classify
different objectives and skills that educators need to
reflect upon to support students’ deep learning. We
have chosen the revised Bloom’s taxonomy in
Mentor of two main reasons: the first is to be able to
map teachers’ answers to the taxonomy and the
second is to give the teachers different kind of
feedback based on the educational objectives in the
Additionally, I shared my experiences of
teaching at Salahaddin University in northern Iraq.
These topics and ideas put the foundation for the
questions that were asked. To facilitate the
respondents’ answers and their point of view we
prepared open-ended questions in advance.
At the second focus group interview, we
presented a set of questions related to teaching
strategies that we had found on UCIrvine
Instructional Resources Centre’s website. A set of
eighteen questions, regarding design of courses has
been set up on this site. The set is adapted from an
article by K.T. Brinko, published in “The Teaching
Professor” (Brinko, 1991).
The gathered requirements often results in a large
set of raw requirements that due to cost and time
limitations cannot completely be implemented in the
system (Parvianien et al., 2003). Therefore, after
discussions and analysis of these questions at two
additional focus groups, we decided to utilize
questions 1-9 in our support system. The first five
questions were further studied and analyzed in detail
by one of the experts. We also further developed
these questions and divided them in different levels
to be able to implement them properly in form of
rules in a coming system.
2.2 Specification
One convenient technique to determine the
functional requirements for a system is to identify
use cases (Pfleeger, 2001). A use case “describes
particular functionality that a system is supposed to
perform or exhibit by modelling the dialog that the
user, external system, or other entity will have with
the system to be developed” (ibid.). By using a use
case the communication between customer, system
developer, and tester becomes much easier.
Therefore, we have utilized this technique when
designing Mentor. One example of a use case used
in the design of the system prototype can be seen in
Appendix 1. Through this use case, the main
interaction with the system has been specified.
2.3 Validation
To show that the requirements do define the system
that the customer wants we validated the gathered
requirements. This phase is very important since
errors in requirements can result in extensive rework
costs when discovered at later phases (Pfleenger and
Atlee, 2006). There are different techniques for
validation of requirement such as requirements
reviews, inspection, reading techniques, model-
based requirements validation, and testing-based
requirements validation, and prototyping (Ahmad &
Saqi, 2008).
Prototyping is a technique, which makes
requirements more tangible. Through a prototype
requirements can be demonstrated which makes it
easier to find problems and give suggestions for how
the requirements can be improved. The prototype
can be in different forms e.g., static, paper-based
prototype or interactive software-based prototype
(Dumas & Redish, 1999). Paper-based prototyping
is considered to be effective to involve users in the
design process early by showing users screen images
on paper and visualize how the product will look
like and let them to try the prototype (ibid.). One
drawback with these kinds of prototyping is that
they are slow. In an interactive software-based
prototype the designer can simulate the look and feel
of a software user interface quickly. This technique
makes it easier for the designers to discover
problems and make changes before it is too late
ENHANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES - The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers
Figure 2: Question 5 in relation to taxonomy.
We chose an interactive software-based prototyping
to visualize requirements and also to identify
problems at an early stage. A researcher who has
been involved in the project and a teacher, at the
Department of Informatics and Media, at Uppsala
University, organized the tests. Tests can be
considered to be more reliable when carried out by
other than the researcher because then he/she will
not have any influence at the test. In the first test
two IT-pedagogues employed at the municipality of
Uppsala and active at VLM were participating. In
the second group the project leader, as well as, the
project assistant at the RCCPD contributed. It is
worth to note that the testers have been involved in
the project previously and helped us with the
pedagogical knowledge. It has been proved that tests
performed by a group of two persons are more
fruitful since they can have a discussion. Through
discussions more information can be obtained
((Durkin, 1994; Awad & Ghaziri, 2004).
The tests were performed in a usability test lab
where the entire sessions have been recorded. The
test persons’ activities e.g., what they saw at the
interface, the way they worked with the system, as
well as their comments and reactions were recorded.
After finishing the session the tests were finalized
by asking follow-up questions to get additional
important information. Moreover, after each test the
prototype was further developed in accordance to
the testers’ comments and suggestions. The result of
the tests is presented in section 4.
In this section we present the design of the
knowledge-based system Mentor. We have utilized 9
of the 18 questions At UCIrvine Instructional
Resources Centres’ website regarding design of
courses (Mayiwar & Edman, 2007):
1. What are my course goals? What do I want my
students to learn primarily?
2. At what level (s) do I want my students to
3. What class activities will help my students to meet
these goals and levels?
4. How will I support my students in their efforts to
meet these goals and levels?
5. What assignments will I use to evaluate my
students’ success with these goals?
6. How much uniformity of assignments will best
serve my students’ need?
7. What evaluation approach will best help my
students to meet these goals and needs?
8. What evaluation unit for each assignment is
consonant with these and levels?
9. What type of class atmosphere will foster
students’ success?
In Figure 2 one of the questions is given with
different alternatives and the chosen alternatives are
marked. In order to motivate the teacher, the system
starts with a brief presentation of the main ideas with
using the system. Then the user will be given a set of
multiple choice questions related to teaching
methods (See Figure 2).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Different kinds of feedback in relation to Meta-cognitive /Evaluate.
Every answer will be interpreted and mapped to the
revised Bloom’s taxonomy. When the user has
finished a session the system will present an
overview of how the answers have been evaluated
according to the taxonomy, giving the number of
matches in each square. Through this presentation
the user can get an insight into their teaching
method, which hopefully will lead to personal
reflections. Additionally, feedback will be generated
upon user’s request (See figure 3). Two kinds of
feedback can be presented. The first one is
dynamically generated in relation to the user’s result
and the other one is general and explains different
objectives in the taxonomy and also gives
suggestions about teaching.
As mentioned earlier the main goal for designing
Mentor is that it should support the teacher’s
reflection over their current teaching strategies and
to give new insight into other strategies. We believe
that teacher could be supported by different kinds of
feedback and explanations.
The collected and validated requirements were, as
described above, documented in a requirement
specification in form of use case. This uses case
were utilized for designing prototypes of Mentor.
Furthermore, the prototypes were tested on two
groups. The aim was to check the following aspects
presented in Sommerville (2004):
1. Validity Checks: checks were conducted to
confirm whether the system provides the functions,
which best support customers need. In this regard,
the mixed-initiative dialogues, feedback given by the
system, the set of the questions, the way of working
with the system, and the presented result in
accordance to Bloom’s revised taxonomy were
evaluated. Moreover, the systems’ suitability as a
tool to support teachers’ reflections about their
teaching strategies was studied.
2. Consistency Checks: the requirements
described in the document should not be conflicting,
which means that it should not be any contradictory
or constraints or descriptions of the same function.
The testers checked if the test persons found any
contradictions between questions, multiple choices,
tips and the feedback presented in the system.
3. Completeness Checks: the requirements
document should be completed by all functions and
constraints set by the user. For this reason, the test
persons were asked if there is some additional
ENHANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES - The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers
Figure 4: Questions 2 & 7 in Mentor.
functionality, explanations, or questions to be added
to the system.
4. Realism Checks: the requirements should be
checked whether they could be implemented after
studying existing technology. In this regard, time,
cost, possible financiers were considered.
5. Verifiability Checks: the system requirements
must be written in a verifiable way. This means that
a set of tests through which we show that the system
meets each specified requirements must be written.
The aim of this documentation is to decrease the
potential disagreement between customer and
contractor. The use cases were further studied to
make them as easy as possible to facilitate the
communication between the users and the developer.
Two groups of test persons have evaluated the
design of Mentor as described in chapter 4. The
result of the evaluation showed that this system
could be used as a tool for school leaders at all levels
in the educational system. Some comments from the
tests are:
“The system is a tool that provokes reflections”.
“This system can be used as a tool to make the way
we run our schools visible and help us to reflect
upon it.”
The test persons believe that teachers play the
central role in any educational system. They state
that even if we change the educational system at
national level e.g., the curriculum yet the goals will
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
not be achieved until teachers’ teaching strategies
are adapted to the new approach.
“When we try to make changes at a national
level, teachers are still living in the autocratic
system. Then we have a commission that is changed.
So now the individual must change themselves.”
Furthermore, the feedback given by the system in
form of explanations and tips was very useful and
essential for teachers’ reflection, according to the
test persons.
“I found the feedback given by the system very
useful since I don’t need to remember all of it.”
“I am impressed of the presented feedback. It is
really appreciated.”
“In the traditional teaching environment often
teachers are alone. When they need feedback on a
particular issue they can use the system and through
the feedback and presented tips find out how to move
“Internal discussions performed by oneself can
be poor therefore the system will work better if we
work as a group when using it.”
By analyzing the result of the evaluation we found
some problems and suggestions for the
improvement. The first problem is that the definition
of the knowledge dimension and cognitive process
dimension in the Bloom’s revised taxonomy must be
further developed to be better understood. One
suggestion is to have three to four different
definitions for each concept and one additional free
definition so that the user can be able to define the
concept in his/her way. The second problem was the
given feedback in form of numbers in the taxonomy.
The numbers are difficult to interpret and
understand. Moreover, it is not necessary to evaluate
what is stored in the system. Suggestion was to use
other signs to give the feedback. The third problem
is the contradictions in question 2 & 7 (See Figure
4). For the question 2 is given that if you e.g., mark
“Create” according to the note then it means that all
the previous options are also marked.
Having follow-up questions would reduce this
problem. Question 7 was also difficult to answer
since it is not clear what summative and formative
evaluation is. One reflection is that every teacher
must choose both of the options to fulfil the course
The forth problem is that there are no questions on
how to motivate students. One suggestion is to
motivate students to take examples from their daily
life to learn from. This is considered to be in
accordance to the student-centred approach.
The following suggestions have been given to
improve the design:
1. Add more questions and follow-up questions
to the system and use different colours for
follow-up questions.
2. Add questions that help teachers to motivate
3. Add information about learner’s strategies in
the follow-up questions.
4. Add information about how questions are
related to each other.
5. Remove the numbers in the taxonomy and
use other types of graphical feedback.
6. Define the concepts in the taxonomy more
thoroughly and give different options of
one definition. Moreover, give the users the
opportunity to add their own definition.
7. Provide users with two different views of the
system. One for planning the teaching and
one for reviewing.
8. Give the user opportunity to watch a video
about another teacher’s teaching situation.
9. Translate the system to Swedish.
As mentioned earlier the aim for this paper was to
put a solid foundation for the design of Mentor, a
knowledge-based system for teachers’ learning. In
the past decades there have been new demands on
teachers. One of the biggest challenges has been to
reflect upon their current teaching strategies and try
to move toward more student-centred teaching
strategies. Studies show that despite great emphasis
on student-centred teaching, there are still many
teachers who continue to teach in the traditional
teacher-centred way. Moreover, teachers, who are
trying to integrate and use new teaching methods
differing from traditional ones, are often met by
resistance by their colleagues as well as by students
(Hedin, 2006). Utilizing information and
communication technology in form of, e.g., a
knowledge-based system, the teacher could explore
new teaching strategies before implementing these
strategies in the classroom. In order to provide a
knowledge-based system that meet teachers’ need
we have focused on the process of capturing
requirements in this paper. This process is
considered to be the most important part when
designing a system. Since, the success of an
implemented system is depended on clear and well-
defined requirements. Through the presented design
ENHANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES - The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers
process we have got good support for the
implementation of the design in a working system.
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Use case: Reflect upon ones teaching strategies
Scope: Mentor Level: User goal
Primary Actor: - Teacher, school and university
Stakeholders and interests: Principals, University teachers
training teachers, Students and Parents of students
Preconditions: The user has an account in Mentor.
Success Guarantee (Post conditions:
The user should have answered all questions and gotten
feedback. Answers and results should have been saved in the
system. The user should have logged out.
Main Success Scenario (Basic Flow):
1. User logs in to Mentor, providing identification
2. System returns the start page, presenting the purpose of
3. User confirms that he/she has read the information by
proceeding to the next page.
4. System presents Blooms revised taxonomy, showing
the cognitive dimension and the knowledge dimension, with
links to definitions.
5. User explores the definitions in Blooms revised taxonomy.
6. System presents definitions.
User repeats step 3-4 until he/she is satisfied.
7. User confirms that he/she has understood the definitions
by proceeding to the next page.
8. System presents the connection between the questions and
the taxonomy.
9. User confirms understanding by proceeding to the next
10. System presents a multiple choice question with different
11. User answers the question and proceeds to the next page.
System and user repeat step 10-11 for all nine questions.
12. System presents the result, where the answers are mapped
to Blooms revised taxonomy through numbers for each
combination of dimension items.
13. User explores a combination number.
14. System presents individual feedback depending on the
user's answers as well as general information about
definitions and tips for improving the current combination of
dimension items.
User repeats step 13-14 until he/she is satisfied.
15. User chooses to save his/her answers and result.
16. System saves the answers and the result.
17. User chooses to log out of the system.
18. System logs out the user automatically.
Extensions (Alternative Flows):
*a. At any time, the user can choose to return to a previous page.
1. System presents the previous page.
11a User chooses to return to a previous answer to change his/her
1. System presents the previous question and shows the previous
2. User changes answers to the question.
15a. User chooses to not save his/her answers and result.
1. System asks the user for confirmation.
2a. User confirms that no answers or result should be saved this
2b. User regrets the decision and chooses to save the answers and
result anyway.
1. System saves the answers.
17a. User forgets to log out.
1. System saves the answers and result and logs out the user
automatically after a certain period of inactivity.
17b. User wants to do the questions all over again and chooses to
restart the questions.
1. System shows the first question together with the user's
previous answers to that question.
Special Requirements:
- New users to Mentor should be able to create an account.
- System should have a function to provide new passwords in
case of forgotten passwords.
- System should be self-instructing and so intuitive to use, so
that no manual is needed.
- System terminology should be adequate for the teaching
- System must be easy to use even for users without much
experience of computers.
- It should be possible to choose several answers at the same
- There should be an inactivity timer preventing that the user
leaves in the middle of running the application, possibly
exposing the answers to others passing by the computer.
Technology and Data Variations List:
- Mentor should use hypermedia techniques, possibly web
- Result should be generated through knowledge-based
Open Issues:
- Is an English version enough, or should Mentor support
several languages?
ENHANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES - The Design Process of a Support System for Teachers