Interactive Multimedia Walking-Aware System
Meng-Chieh Yu
, Cheng-Chih Tsai
, Shih-Ta Liu
, Hao-Tien Chiang
, Ying-Chieh Tseng
Wei-Ting Chen
, Wan-Wei Teo
, Mike Y. Chen
, Ming-Sui Lee
and Yi-Ping Hung
Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Keywords: Smart Shoes, Walking Meditation, Visual Feedback, Slow Technology.
Abstract: i-m-Walk is a mobile application that uses pressure sensors in shoes to visualize phases of footsteps.
Through a mobile device, it will raise the awareness for the user to improve his walking behaviour. As an
example application in slow technology, we use i-m-Walk to help beginners to learn “walking meditation,” a
type of meditation where users aim to be as slow as possible in taking pace, and to land every footstep with
toes first. In our experiment, we asked 30 participants to learn walking meditation over a period of 5 days;
the experimental group used i-m-Walk from day 2 to day 4, and the control group did not use it. The results
showed that i-m-Walk could effectively assist beginners in slowing down the walking speed and while
decreasing the incorrect rate of pacing during walking meditation. To conclude, this study may serve as a
key in providing a mechanism to assist users to better understand his pacing and walking habits. In the
future, i-m-Walk could be used in other applications, such as walking rehabilitation.
Walking and jogging is an integral part of our daily
lives in terms of transportation as well as exercise,
and it is a basic exercise can be done everywhere.
With the rapid growth of smartphones and the
development of human-computer interaction design,
many research projects have studied walking-related
interfaces through mobile phones. For example,
there is a research which evaluated the walking user
interfaces for mobile devices (Kane et al., 2008), and
proposed minimal attention user interfaces to
support ecologists in the field (Pascoe et al., 2000).
In addition, there are several walking-related
systems developed to help people in walking and
running. Nike uses touch sensor that attached to
users’ shoes to track the jogging information and
plays appropriate songs to user while jogging (Nike+,
2009). Adidas uses an accelerometer to detect user’s
pacing and heartbeats while jogging, and provides
the jogging information audibly, such as jogging
time, distance, and calories burned (miCoach, 2010).
Wii fit uses a balance board to detect user's centre of
gravity, and there are several games, such as yoga,
gymnastics, aerobics, and other balancing games
(Wii Fit, 2009). In addition, walking is a gentle, low-
impact exercise that can ease people into a higher
level of fitness and health. There are some research
uses walking as the rehabilitation exercises and an
essential exercise for elders (Femery et al., 2004).
Besides, the concept of “slow technology” is
proposed in recent years. Slow technology aims that
users should have more time to think and reflect
while learning, understanding and healing (Hallnäs
et al., 2001). The technology of ambient light and
biofeedback were some kinds of slow technology
and were widely used in the field of rehabilitation
and healing application now. Therefore, “walking
meditation” is one kind of meditation, and is also the
application of slow technology. Although many
research projects have focused on meditation,
showing benefits such as enhancing the
synchronization of neuronal excitation (Lutz et al,
2004) and increasing the concentration of antibodies
in blood after vaccination (Davidson, 2003), most
projects have focused on meditation while sitting.
There is little relevant research which uses
technology to help user learn the walking meditation.
Yu M., Tsai C., Liu S., Chiang H., Tseng Y., Chen W., Teo W., Chen M., Lee M. and Hung Y..
i-m-Walk - Interactive Multimedia Walking-Aware System.
DOI: 10.5220/0003118800170026
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 17-26
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: A participant is using i-m-Walk.
In this paper, in order to develop a system that
can help users to improve their walking habits. We
use the training of walking meditation as an example
application to evaluate the effectiveness of i-m-Walk.
Traditional training of walking meditation demands
on one-on-one instruction, and there is no
standardized evaluation. It is challenging for
beginners to self-learn walking meditation without
any feedback. We have designed experiments to test
the effect of walking awareness by using i-m-Walk
during walking meditation. Participants were asked
to do a 15-minute practice of walking meditation for
five consecutive days. During the experiment, the i-
m-Walk system will show real-time pace information
on the screen. We proposed two hypotheses: (a) i-m-
Walk could help beginners to walk slower during
walking meditation; (b) i-m-Walk could help users to
walk correctly while walking meditation.
This paper is structured as follows: The first
section deals with the introduction of walking
system. The second section of the article is a review
of walking detection and multimedia-assisted
walking applications. This is followed by some
introduction of walking meditation. The fourth
section describes the system design. After which
experimental design is presented. The results for the
various analysis are presented following each of
these descriptive sections. Finally, the discussion
and conclusion are presented and suggestions are
made on further research.
In this section, we will discuss relevant literature on
the methods of walking detection, as well as other
cases where multimedia played a crucial part in
assisted walking applications.
The first concept of wearable computing and
smart clothing system included an intelligence cloth,
glasses, and an intelligence shoes, and the
intelligence shoes could detect the walking condition
(Mann, 1997). Then, in past decade, there were
many studies performed on this field, such as a study
where pressure and gyro sensors were used to detect
user’s feet posture, including heel-off, swing, and
heel-strike (Pappas et al., 2004). Moreover, a
research embedded pressure sensors in the shoes to
detect the walking cycle, and used vibrator to assist
users while walking (Watanabe et al., 2005). Besides,
there were many different methods on walking
detection, such as using bend sensor (Morris et al.,
2002), accelerometer (Crossan et al., 2005),
ultrasonic (Yeh et al., 2007), and computer vision
technology (Quek et al., 2008) to analyze pace.
However, with the development of ubiquitous
computing, there were many studies combined the
technology of multimedia, feedback, and walking
detector to assist people in different applications.
Drobny designed an intelligent shoe that can detect
the timing of pace, and play the music to help users
to learn ballroom dancing. While it detected missed
pace while dancing, it would show some warning
messages to the user. (Drobny et al., 2009).
Paradiso developed a system which can detect
dancers’ pace and applied them to interact with the
music (Paradiso, 2002). Mann developed a system
which can writes out the music on a timeline along
the ground, and each pace activates the next note in
the song, it can train the ability of musical tempo
and rhythm training for children (Mann, 2006).
Reynolds designed a system which used visual
information to adjust foot trajectory during the
swing phase of a footstep when stepping onto a
stationary target (Reynolds, 2005).
In the application of walking in psychological
field, Montoya used lighted target was used to load
onto left side and right side of walkway, and stroke
patients could follow the lighted target to carry on
their pace. The results pointed out that stroke patient
might effectively get help by using vision and
hearing as guidance (Montoya, 1994). Also, an
fMRI study on multimedia-assisted walking
experiment showed that increased activation during
visually guided self-generated ankle movements,
and proved that multimedia-assisted walking is
profound to people (Christensen et al., 2007).
In the application of pace analysis in healthcare
field, Noshadi developed a system which can detect
the walking stability of elderly and thus prevented
falling down. The system monitored walking
behaviours and used a fall risk estimation model to
predict the future risk of a potential fall (Noshadi et
al., 2008). Intiso used electromyography
biofeedback system to evaluate the effect of
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
biofeedback on stroke and rehabilitation patients,
and the results showed that biofeedback could help
patients to recover the swing phase of foot-drop after
training (Intiso et al., 1994). Moreover, in the
application of pace analysis in entertainment,
Nintendo published some walking-related games in
recent years. Personal Trainer – Walking could
detect users’ pace through accelerometer, and users
were encouraged to walk and get better scores
(Nintendo, 2009). Wii is a well-known game console,
and there had some interactions that should detect
user’s pace information, such as jogging and
dancing (Wii Fit, 2009).
However, none of related research in our survey
has a complete study to use multimedia-assisted
biofeedback and intelligent shoes to help users to
aware of their pace and improve it. In this study, a
complete research on integrating walking-aware
shoes and multimedia-assisted feedback for learning
walking meditation was proposed. In this paper, we
will describe the measurement of walking signal, the
walking-aware shoes, the biofeedback mechanisms,
the experimental design, and the experimental
The mechanism of meditation has many kinds and
different postures, such as meditation in standing,
sitting, lying down on back, and walking postures.
While the user is mediating with the posture of
walking, he would tend to feel less dull, tense, or
easily distracted in walking meditation. In this paper,
we focus on the meditation in the posture of walking,
which is also named walking meditation. Walking
meditation is a moving meditation which aligns the
feeling of body inside and outside. Also, it would
help people to focus and concentrate on his mind
and body. Furthermore, it can also deeply investigate
our knowledge and wisdom.
Figure 2: Six phases of a footstep in walking meditation
(Thera, 1998).
The principle of walking meditation aims to be as
slow as possible in taking pace, and landing each
pace with toes first. The people could focus on the
movement of his feet while walking. The movement
can be divided into six phases, from the status of
raising, lifting, pushing, lowering, stepping, to
pressing. People will be aware of the movement in
each stage while walking meditation (see Figure 2).
It is important to stay aware of the feet sensation.
Constant practicing of walking meditation is an
effective way to align the mind and body, and to
enhance the feeling of mindfulness. Mindfulness can
be defined as careful, open-hearted, choiceless,
present moment awareness. While feeling
mindfulness, people will slow down the footstep
while walking meditation. With long-term practice
of walking meditation, it benefits people through
increasing patience, enhancing attention,
overcoming drowsiness, and leading to healthy body
(Hanh et al., 2006).
The goal of this study is to help beginners to
aware of their mind and body, and to get healthier
after walking meditation. Therefore, i-m-Walk
system was developed to assist beginners in learning
the walking methods of walking meditation,
i-m-Walk includes a pair of intelligent shoes, an
ZigBee-to-Bluetooth relay, and a smartphone. Inside
the intelligent shoes, there are three force sensitive
resistor sensors fixed underneath each shoe insole,
and the sensing values will transfer wirelessly
through the relay to the smartphone. We develop the
system that can analyze the pace information, and
show the information through visual feedback. The
system is running on a HTC HD2 smartphone which
running Window Mobile 6.5 with a 4.3-inch LCD
screen. The overview of the system is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: The flow chart of i-m-Walk.
i-m-Walk - Interactive Multimedia Walking-Aware System
4.1 i-m-Walk Architecture
The shoe module is based on Atmel's high-
performance, low-power 8-bit AVR ATMega328
microcontroller, and transmits sensing values
through a 2.4GHz XBee 1mW Chip Antenna
module wirelessly. The module size is 3.9 cm x 5.3
cm x 0.8 cm with an overall weight of 185g (see
Figure 4), including an 1800mAh Lithium battery
can continuous use for 24 hours. We kept the
hardware small and lightweight in order not to affect
users while walking.
Inside the shoes, we use three force sensitive
resistor sensors to detect the pressure distribution of
user’s feet while walking. The sensing area of each
pressure sensor is 0.5 inch in diameter. The
intelligent shoes would be used to detect user’s
walking speed and walking method of walking
meditation. According to the recommendations of
the orthopaedic surgery department in National
Taiwan University Hospital, we use three force
sensitive resistor sensors fixed underneath the shoe
insole. The surgeon recommended that there were
three main sustain areas located at structural bunion,
Tailor’s bunion, and heel, seperately. (see Figure 4).
Besides, the shoe module is put outside of the shoes
(see Figure 5). With a fully charged battery, the shoe
module can be used continuously run for 24 hours.
Figure 4: Shoe module. Right figure shows the micro-
controller and wireless module. Left figure shows one
insole embedded with three force sensitive resistor sensors.
Figure 5: Intelligent shoes. A sensing module is attached
onto the side of the shoe. The sensing values will transfer
wirelessly through the XBee module.
4.2 Walking Detection
According to different applications, there are many
sensing technologies and detection algorithm on the
field of walking detection (Pappas et al., 2004 &
Long et al., 2008). In our system, we use six
pressure sensors to sampling the pressure
distribution of user’s feet while walking. The sample
rate of our system is 30 times per second. In order to
detect whether the user lands each footstep with toes
first or not, the pressure distribution is divided into
two parts, front part and heel part. The sampling
value in front part is the average of two force
sensors which underneath at the position of
structural bunion and Tailor’s bunion. The sampling
value of heel part is a force sensor underneath at the
position of heel. Therefore, there are four sampling
values in our system to represent his walking status.
Then, we took an experiment to find out the most
appropriate threshold value which could categorize
whether the sampling value in these parts is pressed.
The experimental result showed that this method can
accurately detect the landing moment during the
weight of participants from 40 kg to 90 kg. Also,
this method can also detect that the user lands with
toes first or heel first. The definition of the
beginning of each gait cycle is in the moment when
the heel is lifted while walking. The end of the gait
cycle is in the moment while another foot’s heel is
rising while walking. Figure 6 shows an example of
our detection method. In this example, the system
detects that the user lifts his left foot in fifth second
because that the sensing value in heel part is less
than the threshold. Also, the system detects that the
user lifts his right foot in 10.7 second because that
the sensing value in heel part is less than the
threshold. Besides, if the sensing value in front part
is less than the threshold before front part, it means
that the user land this footstep with heel first.
Figure 6: Signal processing of walking signals. Blue line
indicates the sensing weight (kg) of heel, and green line
indicates the sensing weight of toes over time. Red line is
the threshold to activate the landing events. Gray block
represents which foot is landing.
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Multimedia assisted system can be effectively
applied in preventive medicine (Hu et al., 1994), and
it can also assist patients in walking easily (Femery
et al., 2004 & Woodbridge et al., 2009). In our
study, i-m-Walk is developed to assist beginners in
learning the walking methods of walking meditation.
The user interface of i-m-Walk includes three
components: warning message, footstep awareness,
and walking speed (see Figure 7). In this section, we
describe the user interface and the design principles
of our system.
4.3.1 Walking Aware
The main function of i-m-Walk is to reflect the
walking conditions on the mobile phone, and user
can aware of his walking conditions by watching the
context in real time. A pair of footmark is in the
center of the user interface, and it shows user’s
walking phases by using the movement of color
blocks. The color blocks show the center of gravity
in both feet separately, and the transparency will
change according to the volume of landing force.
Also, the color block will move top-down while the
user is landing with toes first. The color block will
move bottom-up while the user is landing with heel
first. Besides, while the user uses incorrect pace
while walking meditation, the color block will
change from green to red to remind the user to land
footstep with toes first in next footstep. In our study,
the correct walking method is defined that the user
lands every pace with toes first, and the color block
will show represent in green. On the contrary, while
the user lands footstep with heel first, the system
would recognize that he is using incorrect walking
method, and the color block would represent in red.
4.3.2 Walking Speed and Warning Message
During walking meditation, people should stabilize
his walking pace at a lower speed. i-m-Walk
provides the user interface that shows the walking
information in real time, and provides the
mechanism to remind user while he is walking too
fast. The walking speed is shown on the bottom of
the screen, and the speed is visualized as a
speedometer. In the speedometer, the indicator will
point to the corresponding walking speed such as the
speedometer for car. For example, if the indicator
points to the value “30”, it means that the user walks
thirty footsteps per three minutes. Therefore, the
speedometer also provides the function to remind the
user while he is walking too fast. According to the
experiment, we defined the lower-bound of the
walking speed as 40 footsteps per three minutes.
While the walking speed exceeds the speed, the
indicator will point to the red area, and the screen
will show a warning message “too fast” on the top of
the screen. The warning message would disappear
while the walking speed is less than 40 footsteps per
three minutes.
Figure 7: The user interface of i-m-Walk. The user
interface shows three components: warning message,
walking-aware, and walking speed. Left figure shows that
the user uses incorrect walking method on right foot. Right
figure shows that the walking speed is too fast (46
footsteps per three minutes), and the warning message
appears on the top of the screen.
Two experiments were designed to evaluate the
effects of walking-aware system during walking
meditation. The first experiment was a pilot study.
In this study, we evaluated the effect of visual
feedback which showed six sensing curves which
projected on the wall. The second experiment
evaluated the effects of i-m-Walk.
5.1 Pilot Study
Before the development of i-m-Walk, a pilot study
was held to test whether the visual feedback of
user’s walking information could help user to walk
better while walking meditation. Eight master
students volunteered to participate in this pilot study.
Participants’ average age is 26.3 (SD=0.52). All
participants have the experience of sitting meditation
before, but all of them do not have the experience of
walking meditation. There were four participants
(three male and one female) in experiment group
(with visual feedback), and four participants (four
male) in control group (without visual feedback).
Participants would take ten minutes each day and for
i-m-Walk - Interactive Multimedia Walking-Aware System
three consecutive days in this experiment. Before the
experiment, participants were taught the methods
and principles of walking meditation. The
experiment was a 4 × 2 between-participants
design. In the experiment group, participants were
asked to watch the walking information which
projected feet’s pressure distribution on the wall. In
the control group, participants were asked to walk
without watching the walking information. All
participants walked straight in the seminar room.
The results showed that there was a significant main
effect that experimental group had lower walking
speed than control group (p<0.05) during the three
days. Also, the median value of incorrect pace in
experimental group was less than control group, too.
The incorrect pace was defined in this study landing
footstep with heel first. As the results from the pilot
study, we concluded two preliminary conclusions: (a)
visual biofeedback could help beginners to slow
down the walking speed during walking meditation;
(b) Multimedia guidance could usefully help user to
aware of his pace during walking meditation, and
could decrease the number of incorrect pace.
However, we also observed a problem that
participant’s perspective would change over time
while walking, and it might influence the effect of
learning. Based on the results and recommends, we
developed a mobile application, i-m-Walk, to
visualize the walking information on a mobile
device, and designed a experiment to evaluate the
effect of it.
5.2 User Study
5.2.1 Participants
Thirty master and PhD students in the Department of
Computer Science volunteered to participate in this
experiment. Participants’ average age is 25.2
(SD=3.71). The results of questionnaires showed
that twenty-seven participants have the experience
of sitting meditation, and three participants do not.
Also, all participants do not have the experience of
walking meditation. 83.3% of the participants carry
mobile phone all the time, and 63.3% of the
participants have the experience of using
smartphone. There were fifteen participants (eleven
male and four female) in experiment group (with
visual feedback), and fifteen participants (eleven
male and four female) in control group (without
visual feedback). Because the feet size would differ
to each participant, we prepared two pair os shoes
with different sizes for participants to choose a
comfortable one.
5.2.2 Location
Meditating in a quiet and enclosed area would be
easier to bring mind inward into ourselves and may
reach in calm and peace situation. In this experiment,
we selected a corridor in the faculty building as the
experimental place for walking meditation. The
corridor is a public place at an enclosed area and few
people would conduct their daily activities like
standing, walking, and interacting with one another
there. The surrounding of corridor is quiet and
comfortable for participants to reach their mind in
calm. The length of the corridor is thirty meters, and
the width is three meters. The temperature is 21~23
Celsius degree.
5.2.3 Procedure and Analysis
Before the experiment, participants were asked to
walk alone the corridor in casual walking, and we
recorded the walking speed. We would like to ensure
that all participants are under the same condition
before the training of walking meditation. The result
showed that the average walking speed is 95.97
footsteps per minute (SD = 4.67). Then, we taught
the methods of walking meditation to all
participants. The guideline of the walking meditation
which we provided to the participants was as
follows: “Walking meditation is a way to align the
feeling inside and outside of the body. You should
focus on the movement of footstep while walking.
Each footstep would include six phases, from the
phase of raising, lifting, pushing, lowering, stepping,
to pressing. Besides, you have to land every footstep
with toes first and then slowly land your heel down.
During walking meditation, you should stabilize
your walking pace at a lower speed as possible. You
have to relax your body from head to toes.”
Table 1: Experimental procedure: means that
participants were asked to use i-m-Walk and means that
participant do not use i-m-Walk during walking
Control Group
The experiment was a 15 × 2 between-
participants design. Participants would take fifteen
minutes each day and for five consecutive days in
this experiment. Table 1 shows the procedure of this
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
experiment. In the experimental group, participants
were asked to use i-m-Walk from day 2 to day 4. In
the control group, participants were asked to walk
without any feedback during walking meditation.
While learning of walking mediation, all
participants were asked to walk clockwise around
the corridor and hold the smartphone. In control
group, there was no visual feedback on smartphone
although they still needed to hold. In experimental
group, participants were informed that they can
decide not to see the visual feedback while they did
not need it. The participants in experimental group
were asked to complete a questionnaire after each
task from day 2 to day 4. Besides, we asked all
participants the feeling and impression after the
experiment in day 5. However, all participants could
write down any recommends and feelings after the
experiment, and we will discuss the issues in the
discussion section.
5.2.4 Results
We analyzed the walking speed and incorrect pace
both in experimental group and control group. In the
results of the walking speed, figure 8 shows the
average stride time on experimental group and
control group from day 1 to day 5. In day 1 and day
5, all participants learned walking meditation
without using i-m-Walk. Following t-tests revealed
significant difference (p < 0.005) that the
experimental group had longer stride time than
control group from day 2 to day 4. In experimental
group, the average of stride time increased from 4.5
seconds in day 1 to 10.9 seconds in day 5. In control
group, the average of stride time increased from 3.2
seconds (day 1) to 5.1 seconds (day 5). The results
showed that the participants in experimental group
had significant main effect (p < .005) in slowing
down the walking speed after the learning of
walking meditation. On the contrary, the participants
in control group had no significant main effect (p
> .1) in slowing down the walking speed after the
learning of walking meditation. Therefore, the
results showed that i-m-Walk could help participants
to slow down the walking speed during walking
In our experiment, the definition of correct
walking method is that users should land every
footstep with toes first during walking meditation. If
participants landed footstep with heel first, it was an
incorrect pace. Figure 9 shows the median values of
total incorrect pace in 15 minute learning of walking
meditation on experimental group and control group
from day 1 to day 5. In experimental group, the
median value of incorrect pace decreased from eight
in day 1 to one in day 5, and it decreased over day.
In control group, the median value of the incorrect
pace decreased from seven pace in day 1 to five ace
in day 5, but the incorrect pace decreased only in the
first three days. The results showed that i-m-Walk
could effectively reduce incorrect pace during
walking meditation.
Figure 8: The comparison of average stride time on
experimental group and control group from day 1 to day 5.
Error bars show ±1 SE.
Figure 9: The comparison of the median of incorrect pace
numbers on experimental group and control group from
day 1 to day 5.
The experimental group was asked to complete a
questionnaire after using i-m-Walk system from day
2 to day 4. There are two questions in the
questionnaires, and the content was the same in each
day. Figure 10 shows the results of questionnaires.
We asked two questions: (1) what is the degree of i-
m-Walk to help you to aware of the walking pace? (2)
what is the degree of i-m-Walk to help you tslow
down the walking speed? There were five options,
including “1: serious interference”, “2: a little
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5
Time (sec)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5
Wrong Pace (footstep)
i-m-Walk - Interactive Multimedia Walking-Aware System
interference”, “3: no interference and no help”, “4: a
little help”, and “5: very helpful”, and participants
should fill the answer. The results of questionnaires
showed that all participants in experimental group
gave positive feedback both in question 1 and
question 2, and almost all participants in
experimental group liked the system.
Figure 10: The results of questionnaires which were filled
by experimental group from day 2 to day 4. The red line
means the baseline of the satisfaction. While the value
above the baseline means that the participant agrees to the
question. Error bars show ±1 SE.
The aim of this section is to summarize, analyze and
discuss the results of this study and give guidelines
for the future development of applications.
6.1 User Interface
The user interface of i-m-Walk provides the walking
information, including walking speed, incorrect pace,
and the center of feet. The experimental results
showed that i-m-Walk could help beginners to
decrease the walking speed while walking
meditation. There is a participant’s comment from
experimental group:
User E6 in day 3: “I always walked fast, but when I
saw the dashboard and the warning message “too
fast” on the screen, it was helpful to remind me to
slow down the walking speed.
The experimental results also showed that i-m-
Walk could effectively reduce the rate of incorrect
pace for beginners while walking meditation. One of
the participants from experimental group said that:
User E 1 in day2: “While the color block changed
the color from green to red, I knew that I used
incorrect pace immediately. Then, I would pay
attention on my pace deliberately in the next footstep.
The mechanism of remind function likes a
personal couch to remind user while using incorrect
pace in walking meditation. We concluded some
design principles of the user interface: (a) i-m-Walk
used the form of dashboard to represent the walking
speed. The value of walking speed is easy to watch,
and user might aware of the change of walking
speed while he slowed down or speeded up; (b) i-m-
Walk provided additional alarm mechanism, a
warning message “too fast”, while walking too fast.
The mechanism could remind user when he is
distraction; (c) i-m-Walk could effectively reduce the
rate of incorrect pace for beginners. Besides, two
participants said that they always forgot to breathe
while concentrating on the user interface. It is
possible to provide the guidance of breathing rhythm
with the rhythm of walking during walking
6.2 Human Perception
Vision, sound, smell, taste and touch are five main
perceptual modalities for human beings. The most
use in human-computer interaction is visual
modality and audio modality now. There was a
comment from a participant from experimental
User E3 in day 2: “If I can listen to my pace during
walking meditation, I do not need to hold the
In cross-modal research, visual modality is
always considered superior than auditory modality
in spatial domain. In our case, i-m-Walk needs to
show the walking information, walking speed and
incorrect pace in the same time. Therefore, i-m-Walk
uses visual feedback as the user interface. The
advantage of visual feedback is that users could
choice to watch the information or not, but the
shortcoming is that users cannot receive the
information while they do not watch it. Therefore, it
is possible to provide more interaction methods to
remind users, such as tactile perception and acoustic
perception. On the other hand, the mechanisms of
multimedia-assisted feedback might attract user’s
attention in some case. Too many inappropriate and
redundant events might disturb user. In our system,
i-m-Walk provides visual feedback all the time
during walking meditation because we do not know
whether the user needs the information or not.
Therefore, we informed all participants that they
could choice not to watch the screen while they
could aware of their pace well. By this way, it could
4,07 4,07
4,23 4,23
day 2 day 3 day 4
i-m-Walk can
help you increase
the aware
i-m-Walk can help
you decrease the
walking speed
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
minimize the interference while walking meditation.
6.3 Beginner vs. Master
In recent years, the concept of “slow technology”
was applied in many mediate systems. The design
philosophy of “slow technology” is that we should
use slowness in learning, understanding and
presence to give people time to think and reflect. In
our study, walking meditation is a form of slow
technology. There are two main parts in walking
meditation, inside condition and outside condition.
The inside condition means the meditation of mind
and the outside condition means the meditation of
walking posture. All participants were beginners in
our experiment because we would like to focus on
the training of the walking posture first. The
difference between beginner and master in walking
meditation is that the beginner does not familiar to
walking meditation and needs to pay more attention
on the control of walking posture; on the contrary,
the master familiar to it and could pay more
attention to align the mind and walking posture in
the same time. Walking meditation is a way to align
the feeling inside and outside of the body. The
beginner should familiar the walking posture before
the spiritual development. In this paper, the goal of
our experiment is to evaluate the learning effects of
i-m-Walk system. The experimental results showed
that experimental group could slow down the
walking speed and decrease incorrect pace after five
days. Six participants in experimental group felt that
the experimental time in day four was short than first
day although the experimental time was the same.
However, there was no such comment from the
participants in control group. The results showed
that i-m-Walk could help user to train the walking
posture of walking meditation.
6.4 Reaction Time
Reaction time is an important issue in human-
computer interaction design. If the reaction time is
too long, it is hard for user to use it. According to
the observation, the delay time of i-m-Walk is about
0.2 second. However, the delay time do not affect
the user because the application in this experiment
does not need fast reaction time. The average pace
speed is 10.9 seconds in experiment group in day
five. The results of questionnaires also showed that
participants felt that the visual feedback could reflect
their walking status immediately.
In this paper, we present a mobile application that
uses pressure sensors in shoes to visualize phases of
footsteps on a mobile device in order to raise the
awareness for the user´s walking behaviour and to
help him to improve it. Our study shows that i-m-
Walk can effectively assist beginners in slowing
down the footstep frequency and eliminating the
error rate of pace during walking meditation.
Therefore, i-m-Walk can be used in other
applications, such as walking rehabilitation, fitness,
and entertainment applications.
Despite the encouraging results of this study as
to the positive effect of i-m-Walk, future research is
required in a number of directions. First, the
experiment in this study showed that i-m-Walk could
help beginners to aware of their footsteps, but we
did not know the learning effect in the long-term.
How long a beginner can familiar to the essence of
walking meditation is an interesting issues. In the
future, we will record user’s learning status day by
day, and to find out the learning curves of walking
meditation. Second, i-m-Walk only used the
mechanism of visual feedback to assist users, and it
did not include the mechanism of auditory feedback
and tactile feedback. In the future, we would like to
compare the effect of visual feedback, auditory
feedback, and tactile feedback while walking. Third,
breathing method is important while walking,
jogging, and running. We are developing system
named i-m-Treadmill, which investigates the
relationship between jogging and breathing. Finally,
we will develop a system which integrates the
technique of breath detection, walking detection, and
multimedia-assisted biofeedback to develop a health
care system, and toward to the ideal of preventive
This work was supported in part by the National
Science Council, Taiwan, under grants NSC 98-
2221-E-002-128-MY3, and by the Technology
Development Program for Academia, Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Taiwan, under grant 98-EC-17-
A-19-S2-0133. And thanks to Footwear &
Recreation Technology Research Institute, Taipei
National University of the Art, and Dharma Drum
Buddhist College.
i-m-Walk - Interactive Multimedia Walking-Aware System
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics