Donald Perlis
Computer Science Department, University of Maryland, College Park MD, Maryland, U.S.A.
Keywords: Knowledge base, Inconsistency, Autonomous error-recovery, Reasoning, Commonsense.
Abstract: This paper argues for a "commonsense core" hypothesis, with emphasis on the issue of consistency in agent
knowledge bases. This is part of a long-term research program, in which the hypothesis itself is being
gradually refined, in light of various sorts of evidence. The gist is that a commonsense reasoning agent that
would otherwise become incapacitated in the presence of inconsistent data may – by means of a modest
additional error-handling “core” component – carry out more effective real-time reasoning, and also that
there may be cases of interest in which the “core” is more usefully integrated into the knowledge base itself.
The idea of a knowledge (or belief, or information)
base (KB) is central to artificial intelligence.
Somehow, an automated agent is to make – and
possibly act upon – inferences (such as answers to
queries, or plans to achieve goals); and this inferring
makes use of whatever information (i.e., whatever
KB) may be at the agent's disposal. A great deal of
work has gone into characterizing such inferences;
most of it assumes that the KB itself is consistent.
(In what follows, I shall take “KB” to refer to a
dynamic store of beliefs together with a knowledge-
representation and reasoning framework.)
The consistency assumption has various
advantages, both theoretical and practical. There are
many important uses of logics for which the axioms
form a consistent set; indeed, this is the standard
situation in the history of logic formalisms,
including many new logics invented for use in
computer science (non-monotonic logics, temporal
logics, and so on).
But increasingly there has been interest in the
alternative so-called paraconsistent situation: the set
of axioms is inconsistent and yet – by some key
variation on classical logic – the (paraconsistent)
logic behaves usefully. We will not attempt to
review this extensive literature here, except to point
out that one motivation for this interest comes from
artificial intelligence, where the need to reason
within inconsistent knowledge bases is a serious
reality in many situations. Indeed, there is reason to
think that inconsistency is nearly inevitable in large-
scale dynamic real-world knowledge bases, and
especially in the domain of commonsense agent
behavior; see (Anderson, Gomaa, et al, 2008;
Anderson, Fults, et al 2008; Grant, 1978; Land &
Marquis, 2010; Perlis, 1997) for a sampling of work
in this area. Essentially the idea is that mistakes will
crop up, leading to eventual contradictions, and this
in turn requires a repair mechanism to avoid havoc.
The most notorious form of such havoc is this:
reasoning (inference) in classical logics with an
inconsistent set of axioms is easy; all too easy. Any
formula whatsoever is a theorem, in virtue of the
validity of the “ex contradictione quodlibet”
inference schema: from A and -A, infer B. This
property of classical (and some other) logics goes by
the aptly colorful name of “explosivity” (Priest,
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: we
describe a notion of commonsense agent behavior
for which consistency is an implausible luxury; then
our “core” hypothesis is described, along with
various forms of evidence; we conclude with a
discussion of whether the core is best viewed as part
of the KB, or as a separate module.
Humans survive (by and large) in a complex and
rapidly changing world. Much of our competence is
surely due to many finely honed “instincts” suited to
distinct specialized circumstances; but we also tend
to do well when faced with highly novel or irregular
Perlis D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003158405780581
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 578-581
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
situations requiring action and yet for which we
have no specific (instinctive or learned) responses.
Our ability not to fall apart or – stated more
positively – to carry on in an effective manner even
when things are not quite as we are used to, perhaps
captures much of what is loosely termed
commonsense; here we shall call this ability
“commonsense behavior”. To put it yet another way:
when things are suddenly amiss and a (possibly
quick) irregularity-fix is needed (but not already at
hand), we often come up with something that allows
us to continue making useful progress toward at
least some goals and to avoid huge increase in costs
(often, but not always: the financial wizards did not
manage this as the derivatives market began to
collapse, nor the oil rig engineers in the Gulf of
Mexico, nor the reactor engineers at Chernobyl).
There is an enormous AI literature on
commonsense reasoning; here we have defined
commonsense behavior to be a little broader, in that
it need not involve reasoning, or at least not subtle
reasoning used to solve tricky puzzles. Here is an
example: you are playing in an outdoor checkers
tournament, but several of your pieces fall and roll
into a storm sewer. You reach, but fail to retrieve
them. You could now ponder at length, treating this
as a logic puzzle, hoping for a special insight as to
how to retrieve the pieces. Or, you could realize that
this might take a long time, that in this situation
what matters is not those fallen pieces but rather the
ongoing tournament, and that you can ask the
referees for advice.
Now, this – asking for advice – is itself a ready-
to-hand technique, and so in a sense we do have a
fix for many novel things, as long as an expert is
handy. But using this kind of fix is very different
from knowing specifics about a particular situation.
It involves awareness of ones failing efforts, of ones
lack of a ready solution or even a good chance at
personally finding an appropriate one, and of the
availability of someone who might help. These have
less to do with checkers than with general ways of
coping with irregularities. Thus, roughly speaking,
we might divide data in a KB into that portion
relevant to a highly specific task-at-hand, and
general irregularity-fix data that might be applied
more or less independent of the situation.
Just to clarify that asking for help is not the only
such strategy, here are a few other frequently-handy
irregularity-fix strategies: try again; make small
random changes; give up. Yes: even giving up is
often a very good thing to do; certainly much better
than struggling on and on indefinitely if the cost is
great and there is little indication that success is
likely. I’ll mention one more strategy (often highly
effective, but not quick): initiate a training regimen
in order to improve (or learn) a particular behavior
whose lack was impeding progress.
Now, what has all this to do with inconsistency
in a KB? It is this: knowing that the situation is
irregular – that one does not already have a strategy
at hand – amounts to noting a mismatch between the
actual situation and anything one expects. The
agent’s KB has the item B, perhaps since the agent
has the expectation (belief) that the situation is one
where B holds; and also in the KB is –B, perhaps as
observed data. The two are in contradiction, and the
agent must treat this not as a run-of-the-mill set of
beliefs with which to reason (that would be to
blindly brook explosivity), but as a case where the
KB itself is to be looked at as a puzzle: what to do
about the anomaly of both B and –B being there?
Seen in those terms, a new task arises at a meta-level
(that of KB management) and the contradiction
becomes a possibly important clue to something
needing attention rather than a logical nuisance.
We make the following hypothesis: there is a set of
general-purpose irregularity-fix strategies that is:
adequate to a broad range of novel situations
largely independent of the size of the KB
overall or complexity of the task or domain
consistent in itself
We refer to this as the commonsense core
hypothesis. It can be considered as postulating a
fragment of an agent’s inferential capacity that has
the above properties. Here we will very briefly
mention some evidence in its favor.
First of all, humans seem firmly possessed of
just such a core set of irregularity-fix strategies. We
are quite marvellous at dealing on the fly with
myriad unanticipated situations, relying on the same
few general-purpose techniques over and over (such
as those listed earlier). And – in case that intuitive
claim is not convincing – controlled empirical
studies have produced data on such strategies in
laboratory settings where subjects make high-level
general judgments as to their progress vis-à-vis time
remaining, confidence in their work, expressions
they do not understand, and so on; see (Nelson &
Dunlosky, 1994; Nelson, Dunlosky, et al, 1994).
Further, neurocognitive work suggests particular
brain structures implicated in error-noting; see
(Kendler & Kendler, 1962, 1969). Finally, various
implementations of the above ideas have shown
success in a wide range of domains (Anderson,
Fults, et al, 2008); In these cases however the “core”
of irregularity-fix strategies was separate from the
system’s KB.
Irregularity-fix cores for autonomous agents
does exist, as the afore-mentioned implementations
show. But can they – or some improved future
version – do all that has been hypothesized? What
sorts of irregularities might lie beyond any given
core set of fixes? Are we in a Godelian situation
where, for any core set, there are yet more
irregularities beyond its reach? And if a core can
reach far, will it no longer be concise? Will core
effectiveness scale with the KB? Will a powerful
core also require a powerfully expressive language
and possibly thereby risk inconsistencies within
There are grounds to think that reach and
conciseness and effectiveness are well within the
capacity of an implementable commonsense core:
much the same grounds cited above for the existence
of a core in the first place. But scalability? As
humans are faced with more and more information,
our effectiveness can sometimes degrade in two
ways. Not only can it take us longer consider all the
data (though in some cases of course, the extra
information makes things go faster), but also there is
a heightened likelihood that we will mess up: we’ll
forget something, lose track of where we are,
confuse or conflate similar notions, etc. However,
this is not the issue; rather it is whether we cope as
well, whether we still notice things amiss and bring
corrective strategies to bear, as well as we do when
we have a smaller set of facts to deal with. Here I
simply state an opinion (in the current absence of
empirical data): yes, we do notice our confusion, our
lack of progress, and so on, whether working with a
large or small KB, on a simple or complex task, and
we also respond actively as well: we start over, or
ask for help, give up, etc. But we do not rotely go on
and on oblivious to the mess we are in.
We now address the last hypothesized item:
consistency within the core. As claimed, the
commonsense core can be implemented and
included as part of an autonomous system. Having
the core sit outside the KB – for instance as a
monitor-and-control Bayesian net apart from the
agent’s world model – is an effective design for
many purposes. Further, its isolation then protects it
from possible infection from a contradiction in the
KB. While the KB may be in the throes of explosive
inference, the core is not. Even the beginnings of an
explosive KB inference process are readily noted by
such a core, which in turn then can redirect KB
inference in more productive ways. If the core fixes
are expressed in propositional language, and
together form a concise set, and if each fix is of the
simple sort we have described (ask for help, give up,
etc) it is plausible that there may well be no internal
inconsistency between them.
Yet there are situations in which it may make
less sense to separate the core from the KB. Here are
four such situations: (i) over time the core trains a
new item into the KB so that what had been a
particular kind of anomaly handled directly by the
core becomes encoded as a familiar event: the core
strategy that had been handling these events is now
largely replicated in the KB as a standard piece of
knowledge about how the world works; (ii) the
query “why did you do that?” may require reference
to the core, and so the KB reasoner must have some
ability to monitor facts about the core: “I did that
because I got confused and had to start over”; (iii)
“how/why did I do that?” can be asked as an
exercise in self-improvement (maybe it can be done
better), which suggests bidirectional monitoring and
control between core and KB; and (iv) the core itself
may behave in an anomalous manner (and if an
infinite regress of anomaly-handling meta-cores is to
be avoided then we might as well have the all the
anomaly-handling inside a single KB at the outset).
On the other hand, combining core and KB raises
the danger of inconsistency infecting the core; how
serious a problem this may be is currently under
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