A New Living Lab for Usability Evaluation of ICT
and Next Generation Networks for Elderly@Home
António Teixeira
, Nelson Rocha
, Miguel Sales Dias
, Daniela Braga
Alexandra Queirós
, Osvaldo Pacheco
, José Alberto Fonseca
1, 6
Joaquim Sousa Pinto
, Hugo Gamboa
, Luís Corte-Real
, João Fonseca
Joaquim Arnaldo Martins
, António Neves
, Paulo Bartolomeu
, Catarina Oliveira
João Cunha
and Carlos Pereira
Dep. Electrónica Telecom & Informática / IEETA
Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Secção Autónoma de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Escola Superior de Saúde, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Microsoft Language Development Center, Porto Salvo, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Lisboa, Portugal
Micro-IO, Aveiro, Portugal
PLUX & Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal
INESC-Porto, Porto, Portugal
INOVAMAIS, Lisboa, Portugal
Abstract. Living Usability Lab for Next Generation Networks
(www.livinglab.pt) is a Portuguese industry-academia collaborative R&D
project, active in the field of live usability testing, focusing on the development
of technologies and services to support healthy, productive and active citizens.
The project adopts the principles of universal design and natural user interfaces
(speech, gesture) making use of the benefits of next generation networks and
distributed computing. Therefore, it will have impact on the general population,
including the elderly and citizens with permanent or situational special needs.
This paper presents project motivations, conceptual model, architecture and
work in progress.
1 Motivations for a New Living Lab
The importance of communication and information technologies in today's society is
universally recognized. New services introduced radical changes in our lives and
increased considerably the spectrum of end-users. On the other hand, the proliferation
of multiple platforms and interaction infrastructures may create serious problems of
access to the diversity of information services currently available. This is a serious
problem of social exclusion.
From the need to overcome the gap between an individual's capabilities and the
technological resources originates the term accessibility, meaning access to
equipment and services, in terms of quantities, appropriate locations and convenient
Teixeira A., Rocha N., Sales Dias M., Braga D., Queirós A., Pacheco O., Fonseca J., Sousa Pinto J., Gamboa H., Corte-Real L., Fonseca J., Martins J.,
Neves A., Bartolomeu P., Oliveira C., Cunha J. and Pereira C..
A New Living Lab for Usability Evaluation of ICT and Next Generation Networks for Elderly@Home .
DOI: 10.5220/0003335000850097
In Proceedings of the 1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications (AAL-2011), pages 85-97
ISBN: 978-989-8425-39-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
operating times and adequacy of the hardware and software to any user. It is a
complex concept because it involves many dimensions.
1.1 The Usability and User Acceptance Challenge
Usability is a term used to denote the ease with which people can employ a particular
tool or other human-made object in order to achieve a particular goal. Usability can
also refer to the methods of measuring usability and the study of the principles behind
an object's perceived efficiency or elegance [1]. In human-computer interaction and
computer science, usability often refers to the elegance and clarity with which the
interaction with information system is designed.
User acceptance differs from usability insofar as the first also embraces
usefulness. Use and acceptance of technologies and technical devices depend on
various factors such as adequate design, financial resources, housing situation, which
functions shall be compensated or strengthened by technologies and which skills and
competences still exist.
1.2 From Next Generation Networks to New Services
Next Generation Networks (NGN) are defined by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) as a “packet based network able to provide services
including telecommunication services and able to make use of multiple broadband,
QoS-enabled transport technologies and in which service related functions are
independent from underlying transport-related technologies”. NGN offer access by
users to different service providers and supports “generalized mobility which will
allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to users” [2].
NGN include next generation “core” networks, which evolve towards a converged
IP infrastructure capable of carrying a multitude of services, such as voice, video and
data services, and next generation “access” networks, i.e. the development of high-
speed local loop networks that will ensure the delivery of innovative services.
The investment in developing NGN is motivated by several factors [3], including
social motivations, such as the demand for more personalized content or the demand
for increased interactivity.
Web 2.0 technologies combine two important characteristics or features:
collaboration and interaction. By collaboration, we refer to the “social” aspects that
allow a vast number of people to collaborate and share the same services, applications
and data over the Web. An equally important aspect of Web 2.0 technologies is
interaction. Web 2.0 technologies make it possible to build web sites that behave
much like desktop applications, for example, by allowing web pages to be updated
one user interface element at a time, rather than requiring the entire page to be
updated each time something changes.
This particular trend has made popular certain technologies like Web Services,
Mashups and software architectures like Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) or
Cloud Computing.
1.3 The Living Lab Concept
A challenge for information and communication technology (ICT) providers is to
involve users in the innovation process, from the early phases of context research and
idea generation through the later phases of development and implementation.
Important issues include access to adequate knowledge regarding the user context,
early validations in the market, trials in contexts familiar to users, valid user feedback
on state-of-the-art ICT solutions and utilization of users as a co-creating resource [4].
Living Labs are environments for innovation and development where users are
exposed to new solutions in (semi)realistic contexts, as part of medium or long-term
studies targeting the discovery of innovation opportunities [4].
The Living Lab is a new research paradigm (more than an experimental facility as
its philosophy is to turn users and intends to: increase the understanding of occurring
phenomena; explore and evaluate new ideas, concepts and related ICT artefacts;
confront new ideas, concepts and related ICT artefacts with users' value model; enable
re-usable experiments; result in more accurate and reliable products and services;
speed-up concepts to market and promote vital adoption; contribute to initiate
potential lead markets; contribute to bring science and innovation closer to the citizen.
The Living Lab methodology comprises several phases [5]:
Generating insights – Living Lab provides access to large numbers of users,
generating insights into living behavior. Data is recorded via user-reporting and non-
obtrusive observational techniques;
Developing and experiencing insights generated in the field are translated into
sustainable solutions by multi-disciplinary teams. Early prototypes are installed in the
Living Lab and tested by real users;
Evaluating prototypes - fully functional prototypes are installed in existing or
newly built physical spaces in order to let users experience future product and service
2 Project Scenario - Active Ageing at Home
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), population ageing is one of
humanity’s greatest triumphs. It is also one of our greatest challenges: the global
ageing will put increased economic and social demands on all countries. At the same
time, older people are a precious, often ignored resource that makes an important
contribution to the fabric of our societies [6].
The WHO argues that countries can afford to get old if governments, international
organizations and civil society enact active ageing policies and programmes.
The word active refers to continuing participation in social, economic, cultural,
spiritual and civic affairs, not just the ability to be physically active or to participate in
the labour force [6]. Considering the WHO definitions, active ageing [6]:
Is an approach based on the recognition of the human rights of older people and the
United Nations (UN) principles of independence, participation, dignity, care and self-
Is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in
order to enhance quality of life as people age;
Refers to continuing participation in social, economic, cultural, spiritual and civic
affairs, not just the ability to be physically active or to participate in the labour force;
Allows people to realize their potential for physical, social, and mental well-being
throughout the life course and to participate in society, while providing them with
adequate protection, security and care when they need;
Shifts strategic planning away from a needs-based approach (which assumes that
older people are passive targets) to a rights-based approach that recognizes the rights
of people to equality of opportunity and treatment in all aspects of life as they grow
Considers that older adults maintaining autonomy and independence are key goals
in the policy framework.
The adoption of healthy lifestyles and actively participating in one’s own care are
important at all stages of the life course. One of the myths of ageing is that it is too
late to adopt such lifestyles in the later years. On the contrary, engaging in appropriate
physical activity, healthy eating, not smoking and using alcohol and medications
wisely in older age can prevent disease and functional decline, extend longevity and
enhance one’s quality of life. Opportunities for education and lifelong learning, peace,
and protection from violence and abuse are key factors in the social environment that
enhance health, participation and security as people age. Loneliness, social isolation,
illiteracy and a lack of education, abuse and exposure to conflict situations greatly
increase older people’s risks for disabilities and early death.
The capacity of an older person to continue to work in a paid or voluntary capacity
is emphasise by the concept of productive ageing [7].
ICT have an important role within the active and productive ageing, whether they
are used to extend the life span, to promote the activity and participation of older
adults, to reorganize the health and social support services or simply to disseminate
information. With suitable natural interfaces and the possibilities offered by next
generation networks, the introduction of technological solutions can facilitate the
daily life of the elderly, fighting isolation and exclusion, increasing their pro-activity,
work capacity and autonomy. The envisaged services are: multimedia information
access and exchange of personal data; telehealth and automatic medication delivery;
support of daily activities and community, social and civic life; and automatic
management of the environment to improve both the quality of life and security.
2.1 Elderly at Home
Whatever forms of support (at home or some institution), the elder is a person with
multiple needs demanding support from multiple health and social services. The
development of information services for such a scenario requires a diverse set of users
(elderly, family, informal and formal caregivers), very different tasks and different
contexts of use.
In supporting the elderly, particularly in home care, many tasks require human
contact. However, with adequate interfaces, the introduction of technological
solutions can have much impact, namely in:
1. Daily Life: Help with activities of self care, support in carrying out domestic acti-
vities, environmental monitoring and home automation (e.g. lights control);
2. Personal Development: To support the development of learning activities
throughout life, recreation and other community activities;
3. Development of specific programs of rehabilitation and health education;
4. Medication: Notification and dispensing of medication;
5. Monitoring state of health: Vital signs (e.g. blood pressure and heartbeat
frequency), nutrition and mental functions;
6. Personal Security: Notification in situations of falling and change of routines (e.g.
motionless for a long time);
7. Home security, including intrusion and fire alarms.
3 Living Usability Lab Overview
The project aims to create a technology platform enabling development, integration
and evaluation of applications and services to optimise universal accessibility
applicable, inter alia, to the case of the elderly population, using NGNs.
For this access for all to become possible is necessary to investigate, develop,
integrate, assess and better understand the integration technologies, contemplating
since the interface device level (ex: voice capture) to the knowledge management
system and complex services.
3.1 Conceptual Model
By definition, a Living Lab is not just a set of information services, but a complex
entity, composed by physical spaces and infrastructures (information and
communication systems and services, peripheral devices, development tools and
methodologies for analysis, specification, evaluation, validation and dissemination of
the results) requiring intense involvement of stakeholders (for instance, end users,
professionals, researchers or students) to allow the research and development, in
continuum, of new technologies and services. This can be viewed (Fig. 1) as a stack
of the layers: (1) Physical Spaces, (2) Physical Infrastructure, (3) Logical
Infrastructure, (4) Development Platform, (5) Methodologies, (6) Applications, and
(7) Stakeholders.
Fig. 1. Living Lab Conceptual Model.
3.2 Physical Spaces
Living Lab concept is a challenge to involve users in the innovation process, from the
early phases of context research and idea generation through the later phases of
development and implementation. For that, the Living Lab should have conditions in
order to expose users to new solutions in (semi)realistic contexts. In order to involve
older adults in realistic scenarios several physics spaces will be included:
A Laboratory of Gerontology (small apartment used for teaching at University of
Aveiro Health School);
A Family House (integrated in a Rehabilitation Center);
It is essential that researchers and students for Health courses be also involved in the
Living Lab. Therefore, besides the Laboratory of Gerontology, Living Lab will also
include a research lab (at the Institute of Electronic Engineering and Telematics of
Aveiro) and at MLDC (Microsoft Language Development Center in Porto Salvo).
Service providers have a key role for a Living Lab, up to the point that sometimes
the service provider is taken as synonym for the Living Lab. Therefore, a social
institution providing care to older adults (Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Oliveira do
Bairro) and a rehabilitation centre (Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação da Região
Centro - Rovisco Pais) are involved.
3.3 Physical Infrastructure
The technological building blocks for the LUL environment include networking
technologies and networked devices.
Networking technologies should facilitate the creation and deployment of new,
value-added services. In that respect the NGN architectures are essential since they
enable the use of multiple broadband, Quality of Service (QoS)-enabled transport
technologies, in which service-related functions are independent from underlying
transport related technologies. Furthermore, NGN architectures provide open
interfaces and support a wide range of services, applications, and mechanisms based
on service building blocks.
Major requirements for the networking technologies are: connection between
different physical locations must be possible with the available services of NGN
provided by commercial operators; the use of NGN and remote computing should
allow the use of networked devices with very low computational power.
The devices to be networked include: the hardware systems to support the required
servers; interactive terminals (Personal Computers), Personal Digital Assistants
(PDA), game consoles, television sets, Set-top Boxes; domestic appliances; sensors,
actuators and robotics.
3.4 Logical Infrastructure
Different devices use different infrastructures and different protocols for
communicating and there must be a way for making the bridge between the different
protocols. There are some possible solutions for fulfilling this goal. One of the most
promising ones is the NGN architecture. These open interfaces support a wide range
of services, applications, and mechanisms based on service building blocks. This is
the adopted solution for integrating the heterogeneity inherent to the Living Usability
Lab (LUL).
3.5 Development Platform Architecture
Building open distributed systems that allow interaction among evolving
heterogeneous devices has always been a complex task. Developers face several
challenges such as interoperability, resource management, synchronization,
performance issues, providing security, scalability and dependability. Specifically, an
open system composes autonomously implemented and administrated software
systems, which communicate over a public or private network. The composed
systems may be implemented in different programming languages and deployed on
different software and hardware platforms.
The generalization of the Internet and the diversification of connected devices
have led to the definition of a new computing paradigm of service orientation: the
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), which allows developing software as a service
delivered and consumed on demand. The benefit of this approach lies in the looser
coupling of the software components making up an application, hence the increased
ability for making systems evolve as, e.g., application-level requirements change or
the networked environment changes.
SOA can be described as a distributed architectural model in which applications
are encapsulated into services that can communicate with each other through a
communication system inherent to the architecture.
SOA architectures can be divided into different layers of abstraction so it can be
discussed from a conceptual standpoint. The four basic layers include:
1. The applicational layer, which includes for example, older systems (legacy),
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or
additional databases;
2. A layer of services where services are provided based on the applicational layer
and normally through WSDL described interfaces;
3. The processing layer where services are orchestrated,
that is, are composed in
order to compose a file in the form of processes, for example in Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL);
4. Finally, the presentation layer provides users SOA’s functionalities through
desktop applications or Web applications (portals).
SOA as architecture proposes itself to several objectives. One is the aggregation of
complex business logics based on standard service interfaces, that is, to be able to
obtain new service based applications through simple integration of the corresponding
interface. With it, the business layer implementation is hidden and not so important
for the development of applications.
A feature of SOA lies in its ability to enable inclusion of additional software in
static and dynamic ways, thus ensuring that it will be easy to expand the architecture
in the future if needed. As such, a recently published foreign service can be
discovered by the architecture and adopted as a component for building new software
systems that in their turn may also be published and made available as new services.
The adopted SOA based architecture seeks a minimum dependence (loose
coupling) between applications (components in the case of SOA), allowing therefore
that they can be made available as reusable services.
3.6 Methodologies
The Living Lab is not just a repository of technologies. It is essentially an interactive
environment in order to facilitate the research, development, integration, validation
and evaluation of multimodal, adaptability and user monitoring technologies, new
modes of interaction and new services supported by NGN. In this sense, the Living
Lab necessarily has to propose and develop new methodologies, in particular for the
specification of new services with a strong involvement of potential users, the
evaluation of new services and the dissemination of knowledge.
During the specification user involvement can be achieved through [8]: idea
generation; scenario development workshops; focus groups; brainstorming groups;
nominal group technique.
The evaluation has several goals: evaluate process/ways of working changes;
measure hard data of the improvements/changes; evaluate fit between software
concepts (e.g. workflow, communication support) and users real way of working;
evaluate acceptance, satisfaction, motivation and individual performance of users.;
evaluate usability, bugs, functionality of software; create ideas about improvements
and new features.
3.7 Applications
The only way to evaluate/validate the various "components" resulting from the project
is their use in practical services and applications. New devices and service pilots are
being developed based on technologies and will be evaluated.
3.8 Stakeholders
Real users are essential within the Living Lab context. They are contributors to the
innovation process through initial ideas, evaluative feedback and improvement ideas,
or just being users that allow to be observed or logged for evaluation. Therefore, they
are central contributors to Living Lab because they are expected to be a source of
ideas (creative role for the generation of radical new ideas), a mechanism for product
improvement (creative role in an iterative product development process) and
validation (evaluation role) as well as diffusion agents (marketing role). In our case,
users are not only individual elderly end-users but also health professionals (e.g.
gerontologists), developers of new services, ICT developers and institutional care
4 The Architecture for New Services Development
As mentioned before, the architecture for services development adopts the paradigm
of service orientation, which allows developing software as services that are delivered
and consumed on demand. The benefit of this approach lies in the loose coupling of
the software components that make up an application. Discovery mechanisms can be
used for finding and selecting the functionality that a client is looking for. Many
protocols already exist in the area of service orientation.
The architecture comprises three layers [9]: base middleware, intelligent
middleware and applications.
4.1 Base Middleware
The base middleware contains the functionality that is needed to facilitate the
operation of the networked environment. It provides the semantics to communicate
and discover available services and devices in the network, including the ones that are
based on existing communication and discovery standards. This implies that
independence is accomplished for existing hardware and software and, therefore, new
services can be discovered and composed.
Different devices use different infrastructures and different protocols for
communicating and there must be a way for making the bridge between the different
protocols. Therefore, the compliant device platform Interface allows algorithms to
access the different devices (such as sensors and actuator) by a single interface that
abstracts from proprietary properties of the device wherever possible.
4.2 Intelligent Middleware
The intelligent middleware layer contains the functionality that is needed to facilitate
the usability and acceptance of the services. They broker between users and service
providers, and provide context information, combine multiple sources of information
and make pattern-based predictions. Information is tailored to user profiles and adapts
to the user's situation and changes in the context: user modeling and profiling, user
interface management, context awareness and notification.
4.2.1 User Modelling
User modelling provides the methodology to enhance the effectiveness and usability
of services and interfaces in order to [9]: tailor information presentation to user and
context; predict user's future behaviour; help the user to find relevant information;
adapt interface features to the user and the context in which it is used; indicate
interface features and information presentation features for their adaptation to a multi-
user environment.
User modelling is a very broad research area with decades of historical
development. In general, the concept of user modelling addresses issues of
understanding users in order to make a system useful and make user-system
interactions user friendly and universal.
As a variety of users may operate with the system, a user model is a representation
of the properties of a particular user or group of users. More simply, user models
serve as a description of the users of a system and a prediction of how they will
behave and perform tasks. These goals are achieved by constructing, maintaining and
exploiting user models and profiles, which are explicit representations of individual
user’s abilities and preferences.
4.2.2 Context Awareness
Context awareness is a property of a system that uses context to provide relevant
information and/or services to the user, where relevancy depends on the user’s task.
Different types of context can be distinguished [10]: device context (ex: available
memory); user context (ex: localization); application context (email received,
websites visited or preferences); social contexts (group activity, social relationship or
people nearby); physical context (weather, altitude, and light). Not all types of
contextual information can be easily sensed. Some types of contextual information
(e.g. the mood or activity of individuals) can only be derived by intelligent
combination of other information, or by human inputs [10].
To develop a context aware application it is necessary to address modelling of the
storage and retrieval of contextual information [9]. For example, an RFID sensor in a
room may provide information at several levels and to several applications. The
provided information can then be used to indicate the presence of someone or to
enable their identification or even to know their position. This requires context
information to be understood by different applications. Thereby it raises the concern
of its meaning [10].
The context awareness and notification modules will provide the basic
functionality required to develop applications allowing people and other applications
to stay aware of any significant change in context with minimal effort.
Work on context modelling and environment sensing started by the creation of a
general webservice to manage, store and provide access by client applications. The
first contextual information to this service is provided by agents producing
information on the noise level in the environment of use, illumination conditions, and
distance and position of the user regarding the display device. As a first use of this
context webservice, an advanced adaptation of output modalities (text and speech) has
been developed [11].
4.2.3 Multimodal Interaction
The focus of this intelligent component, nuclear for the Living Usability Lab, is to
support interaction based on multiple smart artefacts with intuitive and natural
interfaces that are multimodal. Usability and comprehension by end-users are crucial
in order to create engaging and coherent experiences for users.
Speech input and output modalities have a key role in the development of natural
interaction, particularly with non-specialists in the use of technological devices. In
result, the project is dedicating great efforts in making available the necessary speech
recognition and synthesis systems usable by European Portuguese older adults. In
addition, a major effort already started in the creation of a Toolkit for the easier
inclusion of Multimodal Interaction in the new services envisioned for our Living
Fig. 2. Multimodal interaction.
4.3 Services and Applications
The application layer should allow dynamic services composition, which is essential
to allow the congregation of different services to build domain specific applications.
Therefore, the application services must be described based on a standard, commonly
declarative, service description language to enable service discovery and invocation
independently of its implementation details. This description is commonly syntactic
and functional (i.e., the functional interface provided by the service in terms, for
instance, of operations that may be remotely invoked). An example of a suitable
service description language is the XML-based WSDL language, used to describe
Web services.
Since the priority of the LUL translational research in the use of multimodal
adaptable interfaces, NGN, and monitoring technologies to support people with
special needs, AAL services for the older adults was the selected application domain
to instantiate, evaluate and validate the proposed architecture.
5 First Results of the Project
In the first months of the project, started in April 2010, work contemplated:
1. Definition of Scenarios and Requirement Analysis [12] – Studies with users were
performed to obtain information regarding scenarios and usability and technology
requirements. One of the studies relates to the evaluation of existing Speech
Recognition and Speech Synthesis systems [13]. Other study, involved a group of
mobility-impaired individuals (paraplegic and quadriplegic) from Associação
Salvador [14]. The goal of the study was to unveil usability issues and to derive
design recommendations towards the development of future user interfaces that
facilitate an integrated access to several communication and social media services
(email, agenda, audio and video conferencing, and social media services). Analysis
focused on touch, gesture and speech interaction;
2. Definitions of the General Architecture - The results are reflected on the
conceptual model and architecture presented in this paper;
3. State-of-the-art review [15] in: speech technologies for the Elderly [13];
Multimodal Interaction; Accessibility technologies for the Elderly; Next Generation
Networks; Service Oriented Architectures; Cloud Computing and indoor and human
care robotic applications;
4. Development of sensors and wireless communication for integration in a Home
network. This work was essentially made by the companies PLUX and Micro I/O.
Micro I/O has developed a wireless module and a gateway prototype, capable of
providing reliable real-time short-range wireless communications in noisy
environments, in particular those encompassing WiFi interferers. This company has
also studied solutions to monitor events at a common dwelling, for example detecting
when someone sits in the couch;
PLUX developed a “Patient Tracking System” prototype – conceived to be used
inside buildings, capable of monitoring continuously biosignals and location. The
system consists of wearable sensors that allow the caregivers to monitor Heart Rate,
fall detection, location and lock detection. Furthermore, the system has integrated a
safety tool that enable the caregiver to have acknowledgment of abnormal situations
and the end-user to trigger an alarm whenever needs for assistance. The results
obtained with the system show that patients feel more comfortable and safe when are
continuously monitoring and caregivers can optimize their time and provide a better
and faster assistance to the end-user;
5. Video tracking, particularly on the evaluation of algorithms [16];
6. Development of a robotic platform, based on the improvement of the University of
Aveiro/IEETA team of soccer robots (CAMBADA), in particular the design of new
motor controller electronic boards and development of algorithms for navigation,
object recognition and omnidirectional control (see for example [17]);
7. Start of the acquisition campaign of a new database of European Portuguese
Elderly speech (see www.doaravoz.com) [13]. This is crucial to the training of
speech recognizers for the target group of the project;
8. The first modules, essentially related to input and output modalities, to support the
use of Multimodal interaction in the applications and services planned for the project
were defined and developed;
9. Development of the first prototypes and SDKs/Toolkits- An SDK and prototype
named Personal Life Assistant was developed [14]. Development of a prototype of a
new Telerehabilitation Service [11].
6 Conclusions
This paper presents an overview of the Living Usability Lab Next for Generation
Networks and relevant developments made during the first months of the project. This
project is a Portuguese industry-academia collaborative R&D project, active in the
field of live usability testing, focusing on the development of technologies and
services to support healthy, productive and active citizens. It is the first general
description of the project made available to a general audience. Work in progress
includes development of a multimodal interaction toolkit, creation of suitable
evaluation methods and live evaluation of new services (ex: Telerehabilitation [11]).
This work is part of the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de
Competitividade and the European Union (FEDER) under QREN Living Usability
Lab for Next Generation Networks (http://www.livinglab.pt/). Special thanks to
Salvador Mendes de Almeida and Associação Salvador.
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