* Authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical
Mobile Referencing System for Printed Media
Jörg Röpke
and Georg Schneider
Dept of E-Learning Coordination, University of Trier, 54286 Trier, Germany
Dept of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Trier, Schneidershof, Trier, Germany
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Technology Enhanced Learning, e-Learning Hardware and Software, e-Learning Success
Cases, Mobile Tagging, Microlearning.
Abstract: Smart phones have become the indispensible communication and entertainment device for students and
pupils. In this paper we are going to present an approach based upon smart phones in order to offer a
possibility to use these phones as learning devices in combination with learning material in a different
media as in our case a book. The paper presents the realization of an extensible mobile learning
management system with a small footprint, which can be used to easily add exercises to the belonging
learning material. Once the learning material has been created, it can be published as a smart phone app.
Learners install the app and it will display the related exercises once the user scans their associated QR tags
in the book. The system has been exploited from a German publisher and is currently being used for the
standard course book about Old and Middle High German at German universities. We will describe the
results of our initial user study and the first feedback from the learners using the system.
Nowadays the usage of smart phones among
students and even pupils is widespread. This
observation is not astonishing, having a look at the
numbers of mobile phone subscriptions in the
developed countries, which is 117.8 % (ITU, 2011),
i.e. many users possess even more than one mobile
phone. Especially the usage of smart phones has
arisen tremendously. A study from Ball State
University shows that "smart phones now account
for 49 percent of mobile communication devices on
college campuses" (Ransford, 2010). This fact is
further emphasized by the finding that
manufacturers shipped 74.4% more smart phones in
2010 than in 2009 (IDC, 2011). While commuting to
school or university, pupils and students use their
phones listen to music, play games and write
messages. In their spare time they take pictures and
communicate with their friends using various
services like SMS, facebook, etc. Finally they use it
also for communicating the "traditional" way, i.e.
calling somebody. A result of these observations is
that smart phones belong to the life style of the
younger generation and they are an indispensable
part of their life. A trend, which contributed to this
movement are the technical advances. Smart phones
usually possess good computing power, a descend
battery life, a music player and a camera.
Our idea, which we will present in this paper, is
to make use of this development in a way that we
offer the possibility to use the commuting and spare
time for learning using the mobile device. Our
concept focuses on a combined approach of
traditional media and online material, which
provides learning lessons for a course book on a
mobile phone. Afterwards we recognized that we
can’t take a smart phone as a given. Therefore we
implemented a second version for personal
computers as well. More precisely, we have focused
on building an adaptable platform, which can easily
be used to augment other media with mobile
learning capabilities. Such a system also has to
provide an easy to use and extensible authoring tool,
ideally offering an interface to existing e-Learning
platforms for integrating already created material.
Finally the system shall run on different smart phone
operating systems without major development
For getting real user input we work together with
Röpke J. and Schneider G..
MORE - Mobile Referencing System for Printed Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0003921003870394
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 387-394
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Process in three steps: Scanning the code, decoding the
data and displaying the information
the publisher UTB
and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
who wanted to incorporate our solution in the new
version of a book about Old and Middle High
German (Bergmann, Moulin and Ruge, 2011), which
is the standard course book about these topics at
German universities. Furthermore the publisher
wants to offer the service as a general service for the
In the following sections we will start with the
motivation of the MORE
system. Afterwards we
will present systems that target a similar goal than
ours in the related work section. Then we will
develop the concept of our system and describe the
realization of the application. In the following
section we will present the results of our evaluation
and the first findings of the system usage. We
conclude the paper with a short summary and an
outlook on our future work.
As recent studies show, e-Learning systems are
beneficial for learners, compared to traditional only
face-to-face situations, especially when using a
combined approach between face-to-face and online
instructions (Means et. al., 2010). However, these
systems usually require at least a laptop or a tablet
computer, which is not permanently carried around
by learners. In contrast to this, students and pupils
are almost constantly carrying their smart phones
with them. Based on these observations we have
wanted to combine the benefits of both trends,
providing adaptable solutions for learners on their
smart phones, so that they have a further alternative
to listen to music, chat with their friends and play
games. Using the smart phone in this way, can be an
advance for learning material.
One drawback of smart phones is that they are
limited to their display size. Therefore an exclusive
smart phone based learning solution is not suited in
most of the cases, even though it shows positive
effects in certain learning settings (Wendeson,
Ahmad and Haron, 2011). For this reason we have
decided to use a combined approach, where the
smart phone is a further way in order to have access
to learning content everywhere.
Studies from (Mcconatha, Praul and Lynch,
2008) and (Motwilla, 2007) show positive effects of
mobile learning. (Milrad and Spikol, 2007) point out
that students who have been introduced to mobile
learning even start asking for further resources on
the mobile phone.
A supporting development, which is perfectly
suited for the form factor of smart phones is the
advent of the concept of microlearning (cf. Robes,
2010). Basically, it is the principle of learning in
small steps. Here only small samples of the content
have to be presented to the learner.
Our goal was to offer a solution, which can
nicely be combined with learning material in
different systems and especially on different media
without tying the learner or the author to one single
software system for the complete solution. In our
case the challenge was to integrate such a solution in
a traditional book to augment the book with a mobile
learning part.
In order to build such a system several further
questions arise:
1. How can we directly reference the digital
material to the printed material in a user
friendly and generic way, so that it can be
easily integrated in learning material, delivered
on other media?
2. How can such a system provide platform
independence for mobile phones to a large
extend without being forced to implement large
parts of the mobile learning application anew
for each operating system?
3. What authoring system will be used in order to
support the editor to establish the learning
material and is it possible to integrate already
existing learning material, e.g. from a web
based Learning Content Management Systems
4. How is it possible to minimize the follow-up
costs, for example the administration and
hosting of a permanent web service?
As it concerns the first question we have decided
to use logical links, which can easily be integrated as
well in a printed book as in other media in form of
QR codes. QR codes are quadratic two dimensional
codes, which encode binary information. QR codes
are widely used today and almost every smart phone
provides a QR code reader, either installed or as a
free download from an app store. This solution will
be further described in section 4.1, the idea is based
on the mobile tagging
process and we call it Smart
We have accessed the second issue in a way that
we did not build a completely proprietary
application, which has to be realized for each
operating system (e.g. iOS, Android, Windows
Phone/Mobile, etc.) from scratch. We pursued the
idea of a small system dependent wrapper
integrating the learning material in a web based
format, which can be interpreted by a web browser.
This approach will be further emphasized in section
As it concerns the third point, we analyzed the e-
Learning platform ILIAS
, which is widely used at
our universities. However, the analysis has shown
that the authors of the mobile learning platform have
formulated requirements, which could not be
satisfied by the authoring tools provided by ILIAS.
This has forced us to come up with an independent
solution. We will illustrate this point in section 4.3.
The last point of our question list was realized by
dividing the system architecture in a client part, i.e.
an app, which contains the data for the exercises and
the user data. Therefore the user is in sole
responsibility for the administration of the app and
possibly has to update the system from time to time.
On the other hand we will provide updated versions
in the appropriate app stores once the training
material changes.
As we have elaborated in the previous section, three
different points are important for generic mobile
learning systems: an extensible authoring tool, a
seamless integration between different media and a
content delivery solution, which is adaptable to
different smart phone platforms.
The system uLearn (Mitchell, Race and Clarke,
2005) is a prototype application delivering content
for independent learners on a smart phone. The goal
of the system is the delivery of situated content to
children in museums and parks. The context of the
user i.e. the location is gathered by scanning a visual
tag (cp. (Rohs, Gfeller, 2004)) with the camera. The
system consists of a web server running ASP.NET a
database and a smart phone. The evaluation of the
system showed a positive feedback of the children in
regard to the access of the information via scanning
a visual tag.
The platform KnowledgePulse (Knowledge-
Pulse, 2011) is a commercial system, offering a
platform for creating and delivering learning
material to mobile phones. The system provides
clients for Symbian, iPhone and Android OS. The
content creation is accomplished using a web
interface or an excel sheet. Furthermore a learning
algorithm is integrated, offering questions after a
certain time, that have been previously answered
wrong. A statistics tool for the learning progress is
integrated as well. Other than in the first system, the
user has to select the lessons manually since there is
no other possibility to identify the lesson. However,
it was not clear how far the system can be extended
in regard of introducing additional question types
and integrating the system in e-Learning platforms
from developers outside the company.
UbiLearn (Breitner et al., 2010) is an LCMS with
a strong emphasis on microlearning offering a
mobile client since version 0.3. The system has been
created by the business informatics department of
the University Hannover. Later it became a
commercial product. It bases on Microsoft C# and
.Net and supports Windows mobile and Android as
mobile clients. Another access to the system is
accomplished through a web browser or a micro
browser in the backend using PHP to communicate
with a MySQL database. The Ubilearn system is a
comprehensive but closed system. The focus is
rather to provide a complete and integrated solution
than offering a mobile enhancement for other media.
(Schulz and Becker, 2011) present the idea of
creating an adaptive system in order to digitally
enhance school books. The referencing between
books and digital material is realized through a so
called MediaID, which identifies a part of a book.
The user has to type in this MediaID manually in
order to access the belonging material. As learning
content management system, the LCMS moodle
integrated. The system is still in a demonstrator
stadium. The focus rather lies on the aspects of
The above systems show the rising interest and
maturity of mobile learning systems. The idea of
augmenting items with a visual tag in order to access
the belonging material is a promising approach to
provide a user friendly interaction. Ideas concerning
adaptivity and integration of a learning algorithm are
very inspiring for future developments. However,
since our goal is to keep the system as open as
possible for creating and importing learning
material, none of the above systems fits our
One of the main goals of our system was to make it
as convenient as possible for users to access the
content, especially the right content for the current
lesson (cf. Figure 1). Furthermore, providing a
comfortable solution for the authors and being able
to support a broad range of devices. In the following
we will illustrate the concepts in more detail.
Figure 1: Workbook, chapter code and exercise.
4.1 Smart Referencing
Learners shall be provided with an easy to use and
handy solution for accessing exercises, related to the
lessons to learn. For this reason we have integrated
visual tags in our learning material, similar to the
uLearn system. In contrast to this, we have
integrated the nowadays frequently used QR (Quick
Response) codes. QR codes have been developed by
the Japanese company Denso Wave
. They are two
dimensional codes, containing up to 2,953 bytes
information and they can be used cost free and
without paying license fees. Today QR codes are
frequently used for encoding URIs. On almost every
smart phone platform, free QR code readers are
available in the app stores. In our case these codes
are used to encode the actual lesson of the book.
However as a fall back and for the users that are
familiar with the system, references of different
chapters can also be entered manually. For our
system, we binary encode the information about
chapter, section, subsection, etc. followed by the
number of the exercise. The code for a chapter
offering all exercises for this chapter would encode
the following information:
General Syntax: <ISBN><Chapter>
ISBN: 978-3-8252-3534-5
Chapter: 1
Encoded Information: 978-3-8252-3534-5 1.X
When this code is scanned all the exercises of
chapter 1 are displayed. The same way individual
exercises can be encoded in the QR tags.
4.2 Content Delivery
The content has to be delivered to the devices in an
appropriate format. The way the content is delivered
also has an impact on the overall system design. In
general we want to support a broad range of devices.
For this reason we have chosen to use technologies
that are widely supported as well in the smart phone
sector as for web pads and PCs, i.e. HTML, XML,
Java, CSS and JavaScript. As it concerns the smart
phones, this content can already be rendered using
the built-in browsers and we can easily extend a
solution based on these technologies to other client
platforms, as mentioned above. Since we wanted to
provide a user experience like users know from
other apps, we wrapped the browser with a small
system depended wrapper.
Furthermore, using this approach we have the
advantage of being able to render the same content
on tablets and PCs as well.
For the first version of the system we have
concentrated on the Android platform. In the near
future we plan to add support for the other operating
systems as well.
4.3 The Authoring System
The authoring system has initially been the LCMS
ILIAS. The idea was that already existing content
could be integrated into the mobile platform. Users
that are already familiar with this system can easily
write new content. A small prototype showed the
general feasibility of this approach, but the authors
quickly asked for further functionality, e.g. the
combination of question types in one exercise. This
is a functionality that ILIAS does not provide.
For this reason we have added an independent
authoring tool, which can be easily extended. This
decision has also been beneficial for users new to the
system, since they did not have the effort to get
familiar with a complex LCMS.
Our authoring tool has been realized with the use
of Ruby on Rails, which has turned out to be a
flexible solution for extending the system in regard
to different question types.
Currently we support the following question
Multiple Choice
Single Choice
Error Text
Combination of the types above
Furthermore, the authoring tool is able to
generate the appropriate QR-codes, depending on
the authors concepts, i.e. only codes for the chapters
or codes for the individual exercises.
In this case a "Text Marking" exercise has been
selected. The words that the learner has to select are
marked with "(:" and ":)" (cf. the text input field on
the bottom of Figure 2).
Figure 2: Depiction of the exercise on the mobile device.
The rendering of the appropriate information on
the mobile device is displayed in Figure 2.
The learner has to mark certain parts of the text.
In the screenshot, the answer has already been
evaluated and the green parts show the correct
solution, whereas the parts marked in red were
wrong choices.
The user interface consists of up to 6 buttons.
The learner can always chose to scan a QR code for
continuing to another question through the use of the
button at the bottom of the window. Using the
arrows on the left hand and right hand side the
learner can navigate to the next or the previous
question. If a learner selects the question mark,
background information about the topic of this
exercise will be displayed, that shall empower the
user to solve the problem. Selecting the check mark
displays the sample solution. Pushing the large box
in the middle submits the solution. After the
evaluation the label and color indicate if a learner
has correctly solved the exercise. If the solution is
correct, a green check will be added as well. In our
case the answer was wrong and the user sees a red
4.4 Didactics
Our initial tests (cf. section 6) showed, that the strict
separation of displaying the sample solution and
correcting the user input is beneficial for the user, as
shown in Figure 2.
At the beginning, the correction and the sample
solution were displayed in the same screen. For
example in a text, where a learner had to mark
certain words (cf. exercise type as in Figure 2) the
correct answers were displayed in green, the wrong
answers were displayed in red and the words, that
belonged to the right answer but have not been
selected by the learner, were marked in blue.
Consequently the users immediately knew the
complete answer after submitting their solution. Due
to the user's remarks we have changed this in a way
that both modes are separated.
In the current system the user can still select to
view the sample solution. However, the correction
shows only if the answers of the user are right or
wrong and which answers are correct and inaccurate,
without showing the complete sample solution. Like
that the user can reflect her answer and consider if
her answer was only wrong or if he also missed
some parts.
With this approach we implement a
microlearning functionality in our system. For
example, now the user can ask for help using the
question mark button and an appropriate information
to the topic is displayed. In our case we provide
references to related literature or translations, which
help the learner to solve the exercise. Additionally
references to further publications can be added. Like
that the learner gets information about further, more
detailed reading.
Additionally, the learners can view their learning
progress on a page, which displays the exercises
correctly solved and those that have not yet been
answered or not correctly. Departing from this view
they can directly navigate to specific exercises.
The general architecture of the system is illustrated
in Figure 3. On the left hand side the book with the
integrated QR code is depicted.
On the client side we currently support Android
phones as a first platform and also Android tablets
since these devices are frequently used from our
The QR code will be scanned using the built-in
camera of the mobile device. Then it is passed to the
ZXing module. ZXing is a multi-format 1D/2D
barcode image processing library, which runs on
Android. This library is able to extract the
information, which is encoded in the QR code.
The mobile part of the learning platform consists
further of a SQLite database, which is a public
domain in-process library, implementing a self-
contained, serverless, transactional SQL database
. This database contains the exercises
Figure 3: System architecture.
belonging to the book. If the learning system shall
run on a PC, an XML file will be used instead.
The Style Sheets are used to customize the
application for the publisher. Fonts, colors, logos
etc. are integrated in order to generate a visual
appearance which fits to the corporate design of the
publisher. Like that the app can directly be
associated with the book and also with the
publishing company of course.
The Logic contains the information needed to
correct the exercises.
The TOC (table of contents) displays the
structure of the book. It provides an overview over
different exercises and offers an alternative access to
Finally, the authoring system provides an
interface to an exercise generator and creates a table
of contents.
We have carried trough an evaluation of the system
before publishing it in the app store. Currently we
are gathering user feedback from learners, which
work with the system, through the Android app store
6.1 Initial User Study
The initial user study has been carried through in
two phases. The first phase consisted of 9 persons,
i.e. authors, employees of the publisher and
technicians. This evaluation showed weaknesses in
the navigation of the initial system. Formerly, the
following exercises could only be selected by going
back to the chapter level after completing an
exercise, which has been criticized by the testers. As
consequence the two buttons in the mobile user
interface have been added to go backwards and
forwards to the next or the preceding exercise. For
the a similar reason the button to scan the QR code
has been added to directly scan a new code and to
jump to the exercise.
In the second phase, 10 students were involved.
Basically their questionnaire asked questions about
two topics: technical problems and problems with
the content. The analysis of their answers revealed
another weakness, already mentioned in section 4.4.
Our idea was to make the system as comfortable as
possible. For this reason we have combined the
correction of a solution together with the display of
the sample solution. Hence, the learner only had to
push one button. However, this approach has not
been intuitively comprehensible for students.
Therefore we have split up the two functionalities.
Now the students can display the sample solution
using the button with the check mark. The
evaluation of the solution will be performed by
pushing on the large button in the middle saying
6.2 Results from User Feedback
The system is available to download in the Android
app store since beginning of October 2011. Within
approximately two months, 10 installations of the
full version and 90 installations of the demo version
have been executed. Due to a failure in the system
setup we could not count the downloads and
installations of the app at the beginning. This
problem has been solved meanwhile.
The PC version has been downloaded 360 times
from the server.
So far we have only one user feedback from the
app store with the highest rank (5 stars).
Because the publication of the book was very
close to the semester start, there are only three
universities so far, that use the course book. We
expect much higher numbers in terms of downloads
and feedback at the beginning of the next semester,
when other universities will introduce the book as
We have realized a mobile learning platform, which
can be used for augmenting media coming from
various sources. More precisely the systems consists
of an authoring tool for creating exercises. These
exercises are integrated in an automatically
generated smart phone app, which is published in the
belonging app store. We have additionally realized a
PC based client, which laid not in our focus
formerly, but which has been easy to realize due to
the modular architecture of our system. It equally
offers users without smart phones the possibility to
access the same learning material.
In our case the goal was that the learning
material augments a course book. QR codes are used
in order establish the logical ling between book and
exercise on a smart phone. Scanning these codes
allows to access the belonging exercises on the
smart phone or tablet.
The QR codes are a means to comfortably access
the exercises and inherently provide the information
of the context of the exercises since chapter and
section information are encoded therein.
To sum up we affirm that the learning process
saves time compared to use traditionally paper based
workbooks. The system realized this in form of two
ways. First it is helpful for the organization of the
learning process and second it assists the learner as a
reference tool between content and lesson.
In the future we will first have a closer look at
the synchronization between the mobile client and
the PC client. Right now there is no connection
between the two systems. The integration of other
learning platforms in order to import already
existing exercises is another issue we want to
address. Offering a way to adapt the system to the
user and to intelligently select the exercises
presented to the user are further challenges we will
look into. For a first step we want to store the
current state of the exercises, especially the wrong
exercises, so that a user can continue working on her
former input.
Finally we will look at the feedback we get from
the app store for prioritizing the next development
Currently we can emphasize that MORE is
executable with the operating systems Android, Mac
OS, Linux and Windows. The First one is
compatible with almost 800 smart phones and tablet
The project MORE has been designed and
realized by department for Historical Linguistics of
German and the department for e-Learning
Coordination, both are institutes at the University of
Trier and the department of Computer Science at the
University of Applied Science, Trier.
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