Serdar Yarlikas
and Semih Bilgen
Informatics Institute, Department of Information Systems, Middle East Technical University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Cloud computing, Economic variables, Technical variables.
Abstract: This position paper presents the current state of the research that aims to assess the economic and technical
benefits of cloud computing and to uncover best practices and lessons learned by service providers as well
as clients. In the first phase of the study, based on a review of the recent literature on cloud computing
principles, applications, achievements and challenges, variables that determine cloud performance and
benefits have been identified. Then, axioms and hypotheses on the interrelationships between the variables
have been formulated. Verification of the conceptual network of axioms and hypotheses entails exploratory
and validatory case studies. The paper elucidates the strengths and weaknesses, while pointing out the
opportunities and threats involved in cloud operation and adaptation, specifically in private organizations.
We examine cloud computing practices from
technical and economic viewpoints. We construct a
conceptual framework of relationships between the
variables related to enablers and obstacles of
migration to cloud environments. Once the
hypotheses on those relationships are formulated
based on a survey of the relevant literature, they will
be further investigated through case studies.
Within the context of this study, cloud computing is
defined as a mode of Internet-based large-scale
distributed computing whereby shared software and
information resources are provided to users over
dynamically scalable and virtualized computing
facilities. In this mode of computing, applications
can be accessed over the Internet without prior
installation, as Software as a Service (SaaS).
Different web-based enterprise solutions such as
Customer Relations Management (CRM), Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), Human Resources
Management (HRM), Business Process Management
(BPM), and Expense Management (EM) will also be
investigated if they have been adapted to cloud
platforms, and as such, can be classified as SaaS
solutions. Within the literature that discusses the
critical deterrents for cloud computing, some authors
have concentrated on economic challenges, whereas
others have also considered technology related
issues (Armbrust, et al., 2010; Leavitt, 2009; Jiang
and Yang, 2010).
2.1 Technical Variables
The technical variables to be studied have been
identified as below. Unless specified otherwise,
possibly in arithmetical terms, these are generally to
be measured in a categorical scale such as (low,
medium, high). When categorized otherwise, an
ordering is defined on the categories so that the
hypotheses that refer to such ordering can be validly
presented as in Section 3.
Security refers to a broad set of policies,
technologies, and controls deployed to protect data,
applications, and the associated infrastructure of
cloud computing. Cloud security (CS) also includes
data protection, identity management, physical and
personnel security, application security and privacy
(Wang, 2009).
Network virtualization (NV) is a method of
combining the available resources in a network by
splitting up the available bandwidth into channels,
each of which is independent from the others, and
each of which can be assigned (or reassigned) to a
particular server or device in real time. Possible
Yarlikas S. and Bilgen S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003960701670172
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 167-172
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
levels of virtualization have been described, in
increasing levels, as para-virtualization, hardware-
assisted virtualization, live-migration, and pause-
resume. (Uhlig, et al., 2005; Clark, et al., 2005;
Travostino, et al., 2006; Padala, 2010).
Cloud deployment type (CDT) refers to the
ownership and operational categorization of the
computing infrastructure. Four major deployment
types are: public, private, community and hybrid
clouds (Chebrolu, 2011).
Upgradeability refers to the capability of
modifying network structure to improve the
performance in an easy and efficient way (Gutierrez,
Riaz, Pedersen, Madsen, 2009).
Manageability (MNG) is defined as the
collective processes of deployment, configuration,
optimization, and administration during the lifecycle
of cloud computing systems and services. Related
metrics are proposed as checklist of manageability
functions, number of steps to manage towards
desired state, time to manage, documentability,
elasticity of management, availability and continuity
of management and ease of use (Cook, et al., 2011).
Alternatively, manageability means the ability to
have visibility and control over services and usage,
enabled by cloud programmatic management
interfaces, cloud web management capabilities, self
service provisioning (Citrix, 2010).
Availability is the percentage of time the cloud
computing system is available for use via possibly
multiple cloud computing providers (Armbrust et al.,
2010; Helft, 2009; Beard, 2009).
Scalability (SCL) refers to the ability of a system
to grow in one or more dimensions as more
resources are added to the system. These dimensions
include the number of concurrent users that can be
supported and the number of transactions that can be
processed in a given unit of time (WebLogic, 2011;
SearchCloudComputing, 2011; CCD, 2011).
Agility (AGL) refers to the ability to rapidly
change the cloud application to meet user
requirements. (Citrix, 2010).
Operational efficiency (OEF) is the capability of
a cloud vendor to deliver cloud services to its
customers in the most cost-effective manner possible
while still ensuring high quality of its service and
support (Webopedia, 2011).
Data locality (DL) refers to the phenomenon that
the collection of the data locations referenced in a
short period of time in a running computer often
consists of relatively well predictable clusters
(Denning, 2005).
Resilience (fault tolerance) (RSL) is the property
that enables a system to continue operating properly
in the event of the failure of some of its components
(SunGard, 2010).
Isolation failure refers to the failure of
mechanisms that separate data that belong to
different organizations sharing a cloud (Harris and
Alter, 2010).
Concurrency (CCRCY) is a property of systems
in which several computations are executing
simultaneously, and potentially interacting with each
other (Expert Group, 2010; Kovachev et al., 2011).
Vendor lock in degree (VLID) denotes the level
of the customer dependency on a vendor for
products and services (Armbrust et al., 2010; The
Open Group, 2010).
Cloud performance (CP) is determined by
various metrics referring to network performance,
application performance and data center
performance. These three performance components,
are, in turn, influenced by all software and hardware
infrastructures. Network performance is measured
mainly by throughput and latency metrics. (Li, et al.,
2011; Myerson, 2011).
Cloud infrastructure performance, on the other
hand, can be evaluated with such metrics as CPU
(Central Processing Unit) utilization and application
traffic (Henkel, et al., 2007
Distance (DIS) is the relative location of the
cloud customer to the cloud providers and the other
cloud customers. Distance impacts response times,
thus cloud application performance (Weinman,
2.2 Economical Variables
The economic variables to be studied have been
identified as follows:
CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) includes the cost
of entire data center infrastructure, including servers,
storage arrays, software licenses (when needed),
routers, and load-balancers. CAPEX means funds
used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical
assets such as equipment. (The Open Group, 2010).
Total cost of ownership (TCO) can be defined
arithmetically as (Neville, 2010; The Open Group,
TCO= (Network management expenses+ the
expenses of services)/ (number of customers of
service providers), or
TCO= (Network costs+ Router/switch
costs+personnel costs + training costs + hardware
costs + software costs + endpoint costs+ energy
costs+ facilities costs)/ (number of customers of
service providers).
Outage duration cost (ODC) is the product of
the length of outage duration, the number of
customers served, and a fixed customer outage
duration cost (Kuntz, et al., 2001).
Total cost of outages= f (duration of outage, size
of data center, business disruption, lost revenues, IT
equipment failure, accidental/human error), where
Duration of outage= f (length of outage duration,
the number of customers served, fixed customer
outage duration cost). Outage duration cost refers to
the cost of losing access to the data, accrued when
the system fails to provide or perform its primary
function in a period of time. Outage duration cost
can also be calculated by multiplying outage
duration hours with amount of money lost per hour
(Newvem, 2011; Kuntz et al., 2001).
Switching cost refers to the effort and expense
involved in switching from one cloud provider to
another cloud provider in terms of cloud services
and products (Klemperer, 1987).
Cloud migration cost is the cost of carrying all
applications from the current computing
environment to cloud environment. It can be defined
mathematically as follows (The Open Group, 2010;
Blaisdell, 2011):
Cloud migration cost=Setup costs + Migration
costs + Ongoing costs
Setup costs+ migration costs= The costs of
moving application and business moving to the
Ongoing costs= f (CPU time, GB of RAM,
terabyte of storage)
Data replication cost refers to the cost of sharing
data in order to ensure consistency between
redundant resources, such as hardware and software
components, to improve reliability, fault tolerance,
accessibility when the data is stored on multiple
storage devices (CNTC, 2003). Of the many factors
that have a bearing on data replication costs, support
for heterogeneous storage, licensing fees, and
network bandwidth requirements are the most
significant (CNTC , 2003).
In this section, relations between variables that are
not specific to cloud systems or that are self-evident
are listed as axioms, to be followed by cloud-
specific relations referred as hypotheses to be
verified by case studies.
3.1 Axioms
A1: In case of failure of mechanisms that separate
data of organizations sharing a cloud, security
decreases (Harris and Alter, 2010).
A2: Vendor lock-in degree causes switching cost
increase. (Armbrust et al., 2010; The Open Group,
A3: If availability increases, outage duration cost
decreases because the system can perform its
primary function and the effectiveness of cloud
applications also increases (The Open Group, 2010;
Wilson, 2008).
A4: Increasing agility reduces cloud application
migration cost (Khalidi, 2011).
A5: Increasing resilience increases availability
(SunGard, 2010).
A6: If scalability increases, cloud performance
increases (CCD, 2011).
A7: If availability increases, scalability increases
(Armbrust et al., 2010; Helft, 2009; Beard, 2009;
CCD, 2011; Varia, 2010).
: Agility increases upgradeability (Kundra,
3.2 Hypotheses
Hereafter, a (-) or (+) between two variables denote
that an increase in the first variable causes a
decrease or increase, respectively, in the second one.
H1a: Public cloud deployment (PCD) (-)
vendor lock-in degree
The degree of vendor lock-in depends on the
type of cloud deployment (Chebrolu, 2011), i.e.
private, community, public or hybrid cloud
(Chebrolu, 2011). Public cloud deployment causes
lower vendor lock-in degree because cloud vendor
provides applications available to general public in
this deployment type and so cloud customer
dependency on cloud vendor decreases.
H1b: Private cloud deployment (PRCD) (+)
vendor lock-in degree
Private cloud deployment increases vendor lock-
in degree (Chebrolu, 2011).
H2: Network virtualization (-) security
In the cloud environment, all resources are not
virtualized. If a user can access the data of other
users, this is considered “problematic virtualization”
hence, network virtualization causes reduction of
security (Armbrust et al., 2010).
H3: Level of virtualization (LOV) (+)
Virtualization generally enables each application
to be encapsulated such that they can be configured,
deployed, started, migrated, suspended, resumed,
stopped, and thus provides better manageability
(Giordanelli and Mastroianni, 2010).
H4: Manageability (-) outage duration cost
In case of manageability problems, the system
can not work until the fault is found, and so outage
duration cost increases (The Open Group, 2010).
H5: Data locality (+) operational efficiency
Data locality minimizes the amount of data
movement which increases efficiency (Giordanelli
and Mastroianni, 2010).
H6: Data locality (+) cloud performance
Data locality improves end-application
performance which increases cloud performance
(Giordanelli and Mastroianni, 2010).
H7: Data locality (+) scalability
(Giordanelli and Mastroianni, 2010).
H8: Resilience (fault tolerance) (+) cloud
(SunGard, 2010).
H9: Scalability (+) operational efficiency
CCD, 2011).
H10: Scalability (+) agility
Scalability, especially when dynamic, increases
agility (Citrix, 2010).
H11: Distance (-) cloud performance
(Weinman, 2011).
H12: Concurrency (-) security
(Expert Group, 2010; Kovachev et al., 2011).
(Anderson, 2008).
The conceptual network of the hypotheses is
presented in Figure 1:
Based on the literature review, strengths achieved
via cloud operation and adaptation have been
identified as higher resource utilization, efficient
resource management, increased agility, reduction in
capital expenditure and outage duration cost,
increased availability, decrease on data replication
cost, ease of access, information sharing, improved
security. On the other hand, weaknesses such as
authentication, ineffective and problematic network
virtualization, vendor-lock in, increase on switching
cost may also result. Threats are identified as
isolation failure, data protection, loss of governance,
difficulty in providing innovative processes, whereas
opportunities such as virtualization and scaling
structures of cloud and resilience can arise.
Obstacles of cloud computing are scaling
oriented issues, data security related issues, data
lock-in and possible loss of system and applications
Enablers of cloud computing have been
identified as virtualization, network services, high
speed networking and applications and open source
At the current stage of this research, 8 axioms
and 12 hypotheses have been formulated
constituting a conceptual network of relationships.
Verification of the hypotheses will be based on
exploratory and validatory case studies. Matured
hypotheses will then be studied with cloud service
providers as well as clients in validatory case
H2() H12()
Figure 1: Conceptual Network of Hypotheses.
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