Evangelos Moustakas
, Isabel Oliveira
, Carlos Costa
, Maria Teresa Roberto
Middlesex University, The Burroughs, Hendon, London, U.K.
Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Campus Politécnico, Viseu, Portugal
Universidade de Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Stakeholders’ Analysis.
Abstract: The objective of the current research is to develop a mobile learning model for smart phones which will be
used by educational institutions for learning and training purposes but also for on-the-go communication for
students and academics and information sharing. It would determine the important elements of mobile
applications as a medium to facilitate m-Learning both in assembling responses from students and for
reporting feedback to individual students. The mobile application would also integrate capabilities so the
students would be able to access presentations by professionals through the 3G application in their mobile
devices. They could also interact by posting their comments and sharing photos, images, voice and video
though this application. The lecturer could facilitate and moderate debates while students could respond and
learn without being in front of a computer. The application would also be used as a digital marketing
channel for promoting Educational Programmes to potential candidates.
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) are rapidly evolving and they are being
progressively included in education and training.
The development of technology is placing new
demands on expert knowledge, and on its use in
instruction and learning.
It is now time to make the existing student
resources more adaptable to their needs. Besides
using the computer in their academic activities,
students also have access to mobile devices which
are with them wherever they may be. Academic
Institutions have to be more innovative in terms of
the services offered to learners and other university
stakeholders and develop strategies to enhance
learning and sharing capabilities and generate
revenue. There is a need to take advantage of the
ubiquitous mobile devices and become more market-
oriented in order to attract more students.
Mobile learning can be used as an effective
solution to improve communication between the
stakeholders who are involved in education as well
as an innovative marketing channel for promoting
programmes and educational corporate brands.
2.1 The Transition from e-Learning to
In the past, distance education sought to respond to
learner needs, managing to abolish geographical
barriers to learning. Nowadays, in the digital era,
other e-Learning solutions are needed in order to
make access to information and to learning resources
more flexible. It is vital to allow learners to
experience reality allowing it to permeate their
learning. E-Learning has a remarkable influence on
learners’ education. However, this is considered a
“tethered” learning solution (Traxler, 2007). Over
the past years another technology has emerged
mobile technology – through the use of devices such
as the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), Tablet PC,
e-book, and mobile phone. Widespread ownership of
these devices has allowed a new way of learning –
mobile learning – which has rapidly entered
Moustakas E., Oliveira I., Costa C. and Roberto M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003965204770483
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (ESEeL-2012), pages 477-483
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
learners’ and teachers’ routines. Nowadays, both
teachers and learners engage in mobile content
production (Kukulska-Hulme et al., 2007).
Since 2000, literature on mobile learning has
rapidly increased. Some believe m-Learning is used
to support e-Learning, for example, when we are on
the move, we can continue learning through mobile
devices (Charmonman and Chorpothong, 2005).
Others, like Hoppe, Joner, Millard, and Sharples
(2003) assert that m-learning is e-Learning using
mobile devices and wireless transmission. Although
there were several attempts to define m-Learning,
Sharples (2006) claims that mobile learning, as a
concept, is ill-defined as it seems to be all things to
all people although more recent researchers have
foregrounded the mobility of the learner while others
have focused on learning in informal settings.
Therefore, it is difficult to develop a theory of
mobile learning.
Even though there is no common ground
regarding the definition of m-Learning, the
combination of mobile computing and wireless
technology is resulting in increasing transformations
in the educational world. The m-learning revolution
is underway (Cochrane, 2005).
Several academic institutions internationally
have been using mobile applications for marketing
and learning purposes. Most specifically, Montclair
State University introduced ‘Connect’; Wake Forest
implemented the ‘MobileU’ program; Duke
University supplied original iPods to faculty and
incoming freshmen; Apple Inc. continues its long-
standing efforts to work with schools to enable
educators to use a more mobile approach to learning;
finally, the International Academy of Design &
Technology Online provides the capability to login
and access many of the core features of the
IADTOnline virtual campus.
2.2 The Need for Mobile Learning and
Mobile Marketing in Education
The Global as well as the European economy is
currently facing one of the deepest recessions since
the 1930s (European Commission, 2009). Although
there might be some evidence of improvement,
recovery remains uncertain and fragile.
In the UK, for example, Government passed a
new Legislation (HM UK Government, 2011) which
raises student fees. However, there are serious
concerns that the rise in student tuition fees in the
UK from 2012 will cause a decrease in the number
of prospective students. This pushes Higher
Education Institutes in UK to identify and
implement innovative marketing strategies in order
to reach and recruit students. The use of a mobile
application for marketing purposes will enable
Universities to reach easier the target audience,
leading to the increase in the number of potential
new students who wish to study in a Higher
Education Institution in the UK.
Mobile marketing is an interactive process that
combines push and pull marketing activities.
It receives a higher response rate compared to other
marketing channels because of its two particular
features: user permission and acceptance (Barnes
and Scornavacca, 2004). In addition, mobile
technology is advantageous because mobile devices
are personalised and the use of mobile systems could
provide data directly from users, with accuracy and
immediacy. More specifically, m-marketing is
defined as a form of marketing communication using
mobile communication techniques to promote
goods, services and ideas (Pousttchi et al, 2006).
A similar definition comes from Dickinger et al.
(2004) who claim that mobile marketing is using
interactive wireless media to provide customers with
time and location sensitive, personalized information
that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby
generating value for all stakeholders. Finally, the
Mobile Marketing Association (2008) defines
Mobile Marketing as a set of practices that enables
organisations to communicate and engage with their
audience in an interactive and relevant manner
through any mobile device or network.
In order to develop the mobile application model, a
large number of research theories and methods will
be selected, reviewed and evaluated. During the
early stages of the research, an established
framework such as stakeholder analysis was used to
identify and examine the interactions between
organisations and constituents in external
environment. A combination of qualitative and
quantitative methods will be used to select primary
data. The data will provide a clear insight on what
type of services the university students need and will
use. Interviews with professionals from the
University will be conducted and will provide
answers on how the marketing mobile model will be
created and used more effectively. Focus Groups
could also be incorporated to collect data (i.e.
students and staff) in order to know their opinions.
The impact of the mobile marketing model will be
evaluated through pre and post-surveys and from
four aspects: 1) how students initially responded to
the Mobile Application, 2) how students felt after
interacting through the mobile application with
fellow learners and University departments, 3) how
students felt about their relationship with their
instructors in the new mobile blended learning
environment, and 4) mobile blended classroom
effects on students’ study habits. Cluster analysis
will be used to measure the validity of the surveys
we will be using in the evaluation study, and identify
if the students chose a particular University based on
the Mobile Application.
Stakeholder analysis was originally introduced
by Freeman (1984) as a tool for managers to
proactively engage their external environment in the
face of a rapidly changing global marketplace.
Mitchell et al (1997) suggested a framework for
stakeholder identification based on three criteria,
namely, power, legitimacy and urgency. Stakeholder
analysis has been widely applied in strategic
management, corporate governance (Burgoyne,
1994; Donaldson and Preston, 1995) as well as in
information systems studies.
Following Donaldson and Preston (1995) and
Mitchell et al (1997), we extend stakeholder analysis
to the context of Mobile Learning. Through this
analysis, we seek to identify salient stakeholders,
their position and potential roles. Table 1 provides a
representation of the key stakeholders in mobile
learning. As shown in the figure, there are five
primary groups of stakeholders; Learners, Educators,
Administrators, Enterprises and Community. The
mobile application will enable stakeholders to
interact and share educational resources more
effectively as well as improve the overall
4.1 Learners
This primary stakeholder has a key role in the
stakeholder analysis as it requires continuous and
easy access to Electronic Learning Resources within
the University. It integrates various study modes
(part / full time, short courses, distance / in class,
etc.), types of learners (young / mature students,
professionals) and different educational levels. The
mobile learning application will improve the access
to accurate and updated information and enhance the
learning experience by improving the interactions
and overall communication among students as well
as between students and academics that facilitate
interactions through the 3G application. The 3G m-
Learning application will stimulate the learning
reflection by integrating an innovative and appealing
teaching approach.
4.2 Educators
‘Educators’ is the second primary stakeholder and it
is involved in teaching, scholarship and research
activities. It liaises closely with teaching, technical
and administrative staff to ensure quality in the
teaching and learning environment. Through the use
of innovative technologies academics could
stimulate learning and teaching practices, provide
enhanced learning guidance and improved
administrative support which will lead to an
improved learning experience. They will also
support the delivery of subjects, support the setting
and marking of assignments and examination papers
as well as improve the feedback. The mobile
application will improve the quality and variety of
search tools for research purposes and improve
communication with fellow researchers, colleagues,
business collaborators and students. In addition, the
use of an innovative technology will stimulate
students’ motivation for learning as well as provide
support associated with student recruitment,
induction and programme planning. It will also
allow educators to relay information and solve
problems with students who are on mobility
programmes or in internship positions in far-flung
4.3 Administrators
‘Administrators’ is the third primary stakeholder and
involves a large number of services within the
University. The student office provides student and
staff administration support, assessment moderation
and data management as well as updated information
to students and staff. The 3G mobile application will
enable easier access to information related to
courses, academic calendar, tutorial timetable,
faculty information such as address book with phone
numbers, email addresses and office locations as
well as creation of personalised content.
The Learning Resources intend to increase the
quantity and improve the quality of books, journals
and on-line resources as well as inform students and
staff about research tools and guidelines through
workshops and on-line tutorials. The administration
team of the library is also responsible for managing
the student resources database (books, journals, etc.)
and sending notifications to individuals who borrow
books about return dates. They can also inform
students and staff about when a publication will be
available for collection once it is requested.
The 3G application will improve search
capabilities for learning resources and provide an
additional compact way to access audio-visual
resources and electronic references. The application
can integrate QR code technology to scan and
borrow publications with the click of a button. The
QR technology could also be used as a tracking
system to locate books within the library a capability
which will save significant time for librarians while
trying to return books to the right shelf but also for
readers who wish to find a book which might not be
placed in the right shelf. The 3G applications could
also send notifications about events and last minute
changes in the opening times to users.
The Placement Office assists students with their
specialised knowledge and contacts. This service
could also include short internships, voluntary work
or even a yearlong placement. The Careers Office
through a combination of workshops, one-to-one
advice and employer events assists students to focus
their ambitions on realistic career goals and become
employable. The Alumni Office reconnects with old
graduates with the University to learn about Alumni
career resources. In several occasions the above
three units co-exist under one Department. The 3G
application will enable easier interaction with
companies who intend to recruit students for
placements or part-full time jobs as well as provide a
dynamic and interactive way to communicate with
former or current students as well as potential
candidates about job vacancies and training courses.
The IT Department supports the construction and
maintenance of computers, portable devices and
manages the University network (intranet-extranet).
The Department will aim to support the development
and maintenance of the mobile application, identify
and solve technical problems as well as provide
training to University Departments who will be
involved in updating the application with content.
The Money, Welfare and International Affairs
Unit supports students to tackle financial or practical
problems such as health and housing or legal
difficulties that may arise while studying at the
University. Advisors are available for private
consultation and offer personalised advice to
students. In addition, students and staff have the
opportunity to study abroad for a period of time as
part of their degree course. The mobile application
will enable payments (e.g. student fees) through the
3G application and provide information about
important dates and reminders for the various types
of services. Tutorials and short videos related to
mobile payments can be accessed through the
application. Individuals could also access through
the mobile application psychological support
Students’ Association promotes and supports
campaigns and represents the student body. The
application will improve students' involvement at all
levels and support the representation of opinions to
the Institutions decision-making bodies. Also,
students will be able to sign up for clubs and
societies. The Association will use the mobile
application as an additional channel to inform
students about freshers’ fairs where national and
local companies exhibit their products and services.
It will also inform about support services for
students, such as debt advice and counselling.
Finally, it will accelerate the sign up process for a
society or sports club and provide information about
what is offered by the Student Association.
4.4 Government
The Government provides guidance and support to
academic institutions and makes them aware of
changes in the educational system. The application
will reduce bureaucracy, improve communication
with institutions and work as an additional
evaluation channel.
4.5 Enterprises and Community
The University provides Masters Degrees, short
courses and professional training to organisations as
well as undertakes research projects on behalf of
companies. The organisations offer placements and
internships to University students as well as
professionals give guest lectures to educational
institutions providing information about the market
and link professional knowhow to theory. The
application will provide reminders about events and
enable interactivity between academia, the business
world and the local / global community.
The proposed mobile model will enable distribution
of lectures, symposiums, class materials, school
news and several other data. It will enable academic
Table 1: Stakeholders’ Analysis for Mobile Learning.
Involvement/Role of the Stakeholder
within an Academic Institution
Objectives of each Stakeholder while Using the 3G
Mobile Application
Require easy 24/7 access to Learning
Resources (includes learning material and
assessment criteria).
Improve access to accurate and updated 24/7
information, from distant locations
Enhance the learning experience by improving
interactions and overall communication
Stimulate reflection on learning
Involved in teaching, scholarship and
research activities
Stimulate learning/research through the use
of innovative technologies improve the
learning experience.
Enhance the teaching and learning experience
Improve the quality and variety of search tools for
research purposes
Improve communication with fellow researchers,
colleagues, business collaborators and students.
Stimulate students’ motivation
Student Office
Duties involve data management, student
and staff administration support,
assessment moderation and management;
updated information to students and staff.
Search and access information about courses,
academic calendar, tutorial timetable, faculty and
staff information (phone numbers, office locations,
email addresses, etc.) and create favourites and
personalised content.
Learning Resources
Maintain and improve the quantity and
quality of books, journals and on-line
resources as well as inform students and
staff about research tools and guidelines
through workshops and on-line tutorials.
Enhance audio-visual and electronic resources.
Improve Search Capabilities for Library resources
Integrate QR Technology
Provide updated information and notifications
IT Department
Support the construction and maintenance
of computers, portable devices and network
(intranet-extranet) within the University
and enable compatibility between operating
systems and applications.
Support the development and maintenance of the
Mobile App.
Reduce bureaucratic procedures
Placement / Careers / Alumni
Assist students with specialised knowledge
and contacts. The Careers Office provides
advice and employer events.
Enable to reconnect with old graduates, stay current
with the University and learn about Alumni career
Money, Welfare and International Affairs
Helps students to manage with financial,
practical or legal difficulties. Advisers are
available for private consultation and offer
personalised advice to students.
Provide information about key dates and reminders of
delayed fee payment. Payments could also be
conducted through the mobile device. Tutorials and
short videos could be downloaded to help students
proceed with the payment.
Individuals could also access through the Mobile app
psychological support anonymously.
Students’ Association
Promotes and supports campaigns and
represents the student body.
It will improve students' involvement at all levels and
support the representation of opinions to the
Institution's decision-making bodies.
Regulates and provides guidance and
support to institutions
Reduce bureaucracy
improve communication with Educational Institutions
Attend programmes and courses in
Universities. Offer funding to Universities
for research purposes and training
opportunities to students.
Improve interactivity between academia and the
corporate world
staff and students to make/take course materials with
them on their mobile phones using a simple
interface. Short courses could take place through a
mobile device. The Sports Department could also
use the service to archive the recording of sporting
games and events. Besides, the brand and corporate
image of the University will become stronger
following the latest developments in learning and
fulfilling the needs of the new generations. The
application could be used by the student office,
careers office as well as the media and press office
in order to create a calendar of past and future events
such as workshops, seminars, conferences, open
days and any other form of institutional events that
are dedicated to students and staff. The proposed
research will evaluate the cognitive principles of
multimedia, the means to deliver multimedia content
that respects those principles, hardware requirements
and identify technical and learning limitations.
The marketing team, after using this 3G business
marketing model as a mean to communicate with
students, will have a positive impact on building
brand awareness, changing brand image, enhancing
brand loyalty, providing personalised and immediate
services to students anytime anywhere. In addition
to promoting academic courses it will also enhance
the linkage between academia and the industry. This
communication between faculty and students can be
established by using a variety of technologies in any
mobile devices such as (IVR) Interactive Voice
Response, (MMS) Multimedia Messaging Service,
(SMS) Short Message Service, and (WAP) Wireless
Application Protocol or mobile applications.
Using mobile applications for marketing services
can take many forms depending on the objectives of
both developing and using these applications. For
instance, it can be used for information services such
as events listing, news, enquiries because these
services can make mobile users life more efficient
than the past as they can be accessed anytime and
anywhere. On the other hand, the success factor for
information services application is customer’s needs,
personalisation, and content relevance. Moreover,
information should be based on interests of customer
and mobile users’ profile. For open days in
universities, location based services application can
also be an effective method in using mobile
application for marketing, this method can be found
in many areas such as shopping, travel information,
entertainment and event information. Location can
be separated by the technology used such as GPS,
WLAN, Bluetooth and infrared, mobile users can
use mobile applications in this category in order to
find location and information about products and
services easily.
The above study reects the growing recognition
that priority should be given to the use of innovative
technologies, for educational purposes, which will
stimulate and enhance the learning experience.
Mobile learning is unique in that it allows truly
anywhere, anytime, personalised learning. The
development of a mobile learning model for smart
phones requires in depth research not only for the
hardware part but also towards the development of a
learning model which will integrate a 3G
application. The current study identified the
stakeholders which are involved towards that
process, examined their involvement in the mobile
learning model and outlines their objectives. The
analysis also investigates the applicability of a 3G
mobile technology in the educational setting and the
way it should serve in reference to the future
application development.
The current research concluded that since
technology plays a central role in educational
institutions, in order to make them more
competitive, institutions should focus on developing
and improving their own resources. Institutes could
take advantage of the new mobile devices and their
ubiquitous characteristics in order to convert
teaching and learning into an up to date experience.
Moreover, all the involved stakeholders could take
advantage of a mobile learning system. Therefore,
institutions should focus on the benefits from this
learning strategy as several supports may arise. With
regards to the applicability of such a model, as it
focuses on the use of personal technology to have
access to institutional information, there will be
ubiquitous and more widespread access information.
This fact makes the development of mobile
applications a very thriving and exciting initiative.
The present study was developed based on the
analysis of different services offered by institutions.
However, each institution has its own idiosyncrasies
which may require model adaptations.
This research is supported by IPV, FROFAD grant.
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