Towards the Extension of Secure Tropos Language to
Support Software Product Lines Development
Daniel Mellado
and Haralambos Mouratidis
Spanish Tax Agency, Large Taxpayers Department - IT Audit Unit,
Paseo de la Castellana 106, 28046 Madrid, Spain
School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of East London,
4-6 University Way, Docklands, E16 2RD, London, U.K.
Abstract. The elicitation of security requirements for Software Product Lines
(SPL) is a challenging task, mainly due to the varying security properties
required in different products, for the diversity of market segments, and the
constraint of simultaneously maintaining the cost-effective principle of the SPL
paradigm. Goal-driven security requirements engineering approaches, such as
Secure Tropos, have been proposed in the literature as a suitable paradigm for
elicitation of security requirements and their analysis on both a social and a
technical dimension. Nevertheless, on one hand, security requirements
engineering methodologies are not appropriately tailored to the specific
demands of SPL, while on the other hand specific proposals of SPL engineering
have traditionally ignored security requirements. This paper presents work that
fills this gap by proposing an extension to the Secure Tropos language to
support SPL.
1 Introduction
Information systems undoubtedly play an important role in today’s society and more
and more are at the heart of critical infrastructures. It is widely accepted that security
is of particular importance to such information systems. Although security is
traditionally considered a technical issue; security is, in fact, a two-dimensional
problem, which involves technical as well as social challenges [10]. It is also widely
accepted, in the security research literature [7], that is essential for security to be
considered from the early stages of software development for an effective
management of security issues.
Software Product Line (SPL) strategy has proven successful at reducing both
time-to-market and development costs [2, 4] and obtaining both high-quality
information systems and higher productivity [6].
Nevertheless, there is lack of approaches, which would support the elicitation and
analysis of both social and technical security requirements from the early stages of the
SPL development process. On one hand current SPL approaches which include partial
support for security requirements engineering do not manage both dimensions of
security; on the other hand, proposals that manage both the technical and the social
Mellado D. and Mouratidis H..
Towards the Extension of Secure Tropos Language to Support Software Product Lines Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0004094500690076
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2012), pages 69-76
ISBN: 978-989-8565-15-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
dimensions of security are not tailored enough to support the SPL development
In this paper, we propose an extension of the Secure Tropos [9] modeling
language to fill this gap. Our work initially aligns SPL concepts to Secure Tropos
concepts, and secondly proposes the extension of Secure Tropos language to support
‘variability’ modeling and therefore SPL modeling.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 outlines the core elements of our
proposed extensions to the Secure Tropos language, while Section 3 illustrates with
the aid of an example the use of the extended language. Section 4 discusses
contributions and future work.
2 Overview of the Extensions to Secure Tropos Language to
Support Product Lines Development
2.1 Aligning Product Line Concepts with Secure Tropos
Secure Tropos [9] is a security-oriented extension of the widely known requirements
engineering methodology Tropos [3]. The main unique points of the methodology
compared to other security oriented software engineering approaches are that (i)
social issues of security are analyzed during the early requirements stage; (ii) security
is considered simultaneously with the other requirements of the system-to-be; (iii) and
the methodology supports not only requirements stages but also design stages. Tropos
(and as a result Secure Tropos) methodology is mainly based on four phases: early
and late requirements, architectural and detailed design. Early requirements analysis
aims at defining and understanding a problem by studying its existing organizational
setting. Late requirements analysis defines the system-to-be in the context of its
operational environment.
Secure Tropos is a goal driven security requirements engineering methodology, in
which a goal represents actors’ strategic interests and a secure goal represents the
strategic interests of an actor with respect to security. Secure goals are mainly
introduced to achieve possible security constraints that are imposed to an actor or
exist in the system. An actor is defined as an entity that has strategic goal. In Secure
Tropos security constraints define the system’s security requirements; they are
security conditions imposed to an actor that restricts achievement of an actor’s goals,
execution of plans or availability of resources. In addition, Secure Tropos defines
secure dependencies. A secure dependency introduces security constraint(s) that must
be fulfilled for the dependency to be satisfied.
One of the first challenges we faced, was the introduction of the concept of
variability in Secure Tropos, due to the fact that variability management is at the heart
of the SPL paradigm.
In SPL, since a goal could provide the rationale for variations in domain
requirements [5], we used it as a discriminator that enables us to identify common and
variant goals and secure goals in Secure Tropos. Hence, the common (default),
optional and/or alternative goals in SPL can be modeled in Secure Tropos by means
of a Variability Dependency relationship (a new relationship of Secure Tropos
explained in Section 3.2 and shown in Fig. 1).
Moreover, in Secure Tropos, the precise definition of how a secure goal can be
achieved is given by a secure plan, which is defined as a particular way for satisfying
a secure goal. Usually, a secure plan or goal needs a secure resource, which is an
informational entity that is needed for the achievement of a secure goal or the
fulfilment of a secure plan. Therefore, these entities of Secure Tropos (security
constraint, secure plan, secure resource) could be variants of a SPL because they are
related to goals and secure goals which are variations of a SPL, so that they are
modeled by means of a variability dependency relationship between them and an
We have also had to adapt the concept of actor of Secure Tropos, so that during
Application Engineering the different products/applications instantiated from the SPL
are modeled as actors that inherit from the SPL-actor.
A second challenge was to integrate the two main activities related to
requirements engineering in SPL engineering with Secure Tropos Process. According
to the definitions of these activities, and taking into account the development stages of
Secure Tropos, we have integrated the Domain Requirements Engineering activity in
both the Early and Late requirements phases, and the Application Requirements
Engineering activity only in the Late requirements phase. That is, for the development
of a SPL during the Domain Requirements Engineering activity we will carry out
Early and Late requirements phases analyses, initially by defining and understanding
the SPL settings and then by defining the SPL-to-be in the context of its operational
environment (modeling common, alternative and optional entities). While for the
instantiation of the products/applications of the SPL during the Application
Requirements Engineering activity we will inherit the early requirements from the
SPL completely. Thus, during Application Engineering it will only be needed to carry
out the Late Requirements Engineering activity, because is in this activity that each
instantiated product/application from the SPL is defined, in the context of its
operational environment.
Therefore, through the above discussed alignments and adaptations of concepts as
well as the extensions of the two of the Secure Tropos diagrams, i.e. Security
Enhanced Actor Diagram (SEAD) and Security Enhanced Goal Diagram (SEGD)
explained in next section, we are able to capture and model security, with Secure
Tropos, the requirements of a SPL along with the variability of their related entities.
2.2 Abstract Syntax Extension
The abstract syntax of Secure Tropos consists of the Secure Tropos metamodel. In
this work we are interested in two sub-parts of the modetamodel related to the
Security Enhanced Actor Model (SEAM) and Security Enhanced Goal Model
The SEAM defines a set of actors along with their secure dependencies and any
security constraints that might be imposed to these actors. The SEGM assists to
analyse the security issues of a particular Actor by understanding the implications that
Security Constraints, identified in SEAM, have in that particular actor.
The extension to SEAM is shown in Fig. 1. We have added the ‘Variability
Dependency’ relationship, which inherits fromDependency’ and from which ‘Secure
Dependency’ inherits, so that variability of Dependum entities could be modelled.
Furthermore, through the attribute ‘Depender’ or ‘Dependee’, developers can specify
the “owner” of the variant. Secure Dependency relationships are ‘Common’ variants
by default.
Fig. 1. Extension to SEAM abstract syntax.
Fig. 2. Extension to SEGM abstract syntax.
In order to manage the variability of the SPL and the instantiated applications
from the SPL at the level of a particular Actor, we extended the SEGM. The extension
shown in Fig. 2 consists of adding an entity named ‘Variation’ which could have as
value: ‘common’, ‘optional’ or ‘alternative’, and which is related to the entities Goal,
Security Constraint, Plan and Resource by means of a relationship ‘is part of’ and
which an Actor could have several Variation.
3 Example of Modelling
A simple and short example related to health and social care SPL, is outlined in this
section in order to describe and show through the example the extended language and
relevant notation of our work.
Graphically, as shown in Fig. 3, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, in the SEAD (Security
Enhanced Actor Diagram) and SEGD (Security Enhanced Goal Diagram) the
Variability Dependencies’ are represented with ‘V’ over the dependency that joins
the entities, so that the tip of the triangle indicates the “owner” of the variant, i.e.
Depender’ or ‘Dependee’. In addition, if an entity is a ‘Variation’, it is depicted with
a ‘(V)’ within the representation of the entity. The Secure Tropos entities are
represented in the figures as follow: an actor with a circle; a goal with rounded
rectangle; a security constraint with an octagon; a plan with a hexagon; and a resource
with a rectangle.
This example is based on a real case study described in [8] and it illustrates the
application of the extended Secure Tropos language to model the security
requirements of a software product line of a CRM (Customer Relationship
Management) system, which may have several different configurations for three
different public institutions of the public social security system of Spain. Such
system, named eCRM, is characterised as a SPL whose members vary by system
configuration yet retain the same core functionalities.
Fig. 3. Part of the SEAD of eCRM (SPL) – (Late Requirements phase).
Fig. 3 shows a SEAD at the Late Requirements phase, which identifies and
analyses the actors of the SPL and its environment. It also models the SPL’s business
goals, at business and service level, as well as it illustrates the analysis of the
variability dependencies of these goals. This means that it supports the modeling of
the variability of the goals, specifying the variant goals as common, optional or
alternative. As shown in Fig. 3, the actor ‘eCRM (SPL)’ has strategic goals and
intentions. In this example, the ‘eCRM (SPL)’ has a common service goal to citizens:
“Provide general information about social security issues” and two optional service
goals: “Provide the status of a citizen’s benefit” and/or “Manage the allocation
account contribution to the Social Security”. In order to deal with the security issues,
security constrains are introduced along with the variability dependencies. Security
constrains, such as those shown in the model (“Keep data available”, “Keep financial
data privacy” and “Keep benefit data privacy”), represent restrictions related to
security that the SPL must have and instantiated products must respect.
Fig. 4. Part of the SEAD of the instantiated applications of the eCRM (SPL) – (Late
Requirements phase).
Fig. 4 illustrates a SEAD at the Late Requirements phase, which models the
instantiation of applications from a SPL. In particular, the model represents two
applications (eCRM-I and eCRM-II) instantiated from ‘eCRM (SPL)’, both of which
inherit the common goals, constraints, plans and resources. Each application inherits
the common business goals from the SPL and the stakeholders of each application
choose the optional business goals by exploiting the variability of the eCRM(SPL).
Furthermore, the SEGD shown in Fig. 5 allows a deeper understanding of how the
SPL reason about goals to be fulfilled, plans to be performed and availability of
resources. It completes the SEAD with the reasoning that each actor makes about its
internal goals and constraints, plans and resources. It can be seen that each variant
business goal, which is restricted by a constraint, has related secure goals, which
satisfy the constraint by means of secure plans that need resources.
Finally, through the entity ‘Variation’ of the SEGM it is possible to trace the
entities which are part of an instantiated application from the SPL. Hence, by means
of this entity of the SEGM we can identify that for the instantiated application eCRM-
I, the secure variant entities that are part of it are: the resource ‘Benefit database’; the
secure goals ‘System privacy ensured’ and ‘User authenticity ensured’; the secure
plans related to these secure goals ‘Crypto protocol’ and ‘User authentication’.
Fig. 5. Part of the SEGD of eCRM(SPL) - (Late Requirements phase).
4 Conclusions and Future Work
A large number of goal-oriented requirements engineering approaches have been
proposed in the literature, which focus on eliciting security requirements. However,
most of these approaches provide little help as how security requirements can be
elicited and modelled in the context of SPL, at both the social and technical
dimension, along with the fact that many standard requirements engineering practices
must also be appropriately tailored to the specific demands of SPL [1]. This paper
introduces the foundations of an approach that fills this gap by proposing an extension
to the Secure Tropos language to support SPL. The contribution of this work is that of
explaining how SPL concepts are aligned with Secure Tropos concepts as well the
presentation of an extension of the language to support ‘variability’ modeling and
therefore SPL modeling.
As future work, we plan to redefine the Secure Tropos process and provide
appropriate tool support. This will enable us to apply our work to large and complex
case studies and explore its integration with relevant design-level proposals (such as
UMLSec in [10]) to facilitate the secure design of SPL.
This research is part of the following projects: MEDUSAS (IDI-20090557), financed
by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), ORIGIN (IDI-
2010043(1-5)) financed by the CDTI and the FEDER, BUSINESS (PET2008-0136)
awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology and SEGMENT
(HITO-09-138) and SISTEMAS (PII2I09-0150-3135) financed by the Council of
Education and Science of the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government.
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