A Product Development System using Knowledge-intensive
Support Approach
Janus S. Liang
, Kuo-Ming Chao
and Paul Ivey
Department of Vehicle Engineering, Yung-Ta Institute of Technology and Commerce,
316 Chungshan Road, Linlo, PingTung, 909, Taiwan
Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Coventry University,
Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB, U.K.
Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB, U.K.
Keywords: Product Development, Knowledge Support, Fuzzy Assessment Model, DFMEA.
Abstract: The author is carrying out research studies to explore the applicability of knowledge-based system
technologies to today’s competitive product design and development, with an emphasis on the design of
high quality products at the design stage. A framework of knowledge-intensive support approach for new
product concepts is proposed in this paper. Based on the proposed approach and methodologies, a prototype
system named KB@Pds, which can assist inexperienced users to perform the process in design and
knowledge management. KB@Pds integrates the intelligent design process and knowledge management.
This paper presents the underlying concepts of the development and shows the practical application with the
prototype system with a case study.
The new product development task is a highly
iterative process which involves a substantial
heuristic knowledge component about areas of
customer requirements, product design
specifications, production and tooling requirements,
etc. Product designers are required to possess a high
standard of specific knowledge and experience
because design decisions require intensive
knowledge and interaction between different
parameters. Product design does not result from a
sole quantitative analysis but comes within a range
of design procedures and decision makings.
Individual components of the design may be opened
to quantitative analysis, but these do not help the
designer to establish the overall aspect of the design,
particularly in the conceptual design stage in which
the design details are not yet available. The general
decision making process required at the conceptual
design stage (as shown in Figure 1) for a new
product development project.
The aim of this paper is to discuss knowledge
support methodologies and technologies for product
design. An integrated modular product design
process with knowledge support is explored. This
Figure 1: Decision makings in conceptual product design.
process includes customer requirements modeling,
product architecture modeling, product platform
establishment, and product assessment. The
followings present a knowledge-based assisted
product design system, KB@Pds, to support
inexperienced users to perform the product analysis
and making evaluation decision at the conceptual
product design stage. The organization of this paper
is as follows. Section 2 describes an analysis of the
product design process based on the product
designer’s perspective. Section 3 outlines the
framework of a knowledge-based assisted product
design system. Section 4 addresses the relevant
S. Liang J., Chao K. and Ivey P..
A Product Development System using Knowledge-intensive Support Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004122800250033
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 25-33
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
issues and technologies for implementing the
knowledge-intensive support approach for product
design. Section 5 summarizes the paper and point
out the future work.
To develop a good product design process, an
analysis of ‘what they have’ and ‘what they want
needs to be performed. First of all, what they have:
(1) the customer’s requirements for the product. This
includes the detailed geometry and dimension
requirements of the product; (2) an existing product
design library. This library covers the standard or
previously designed components and assemblies of
the product design; (3) n expert knowledge in
product design. Expert knowledge for product
design is obtained mainly from experienced product
designers. Such knowledge includes material
selection, geometry suggestion, alternative design
evaluation and others. What they want: (1) an
intelligent and interactive product design
environment. Product design is often composed of a
series of design procedures. These procedures
usually require certain parts to be created and
existing parts to be assembled. An intelligent and
interactive environment will be a good choice to
integrate some useful automation algorithms,
heuristic knowledge and on-line interaction by the
experienced product designer; (2) standard/previous
designed components/assemblies (product-
independent parts) management. Apart from the
parts that are similar in structure and geometrical
shape that can be used in other product designs.
These parts are independent of the products. They
are mostly standard components that can be reused
in different product designs; (3) useful tools
(including solid design and analysis calculation) in
product-dependent parts design. Geometrical shapes
and the sizes of the component system are
determined directly by the product. All components
in such a system are product dependent. Also, these
parts are the critical components in the product
design. Their geometrical requirements may be
complicated. Thus, some tools developed to design
the component based on partial automation and
partial interaction can be quite useful; (4) design for
assembly. In conventional CAD/CAM systems,
components are represented and stored as a complete
geometric and topological solid model. However,
this form is not appropriate for tasks that require
decision-making based on high-level information
about product geometric entities and their
relationships. Product designers prefer a design for
assembly environment instead of a simple solid
model environment (Desai and Mital, 2010); (5) a
design for manufacture. A complete product design
development can be composed of the design and
manufacturing process. To integrate CAD/CAM into
the product design, the manufacturing features on
the component should be abstracted and analysed for
the specific fabrication.
Based on the above analysis, the research focus
is to develop techniques to represent ‘what they
have’ and ‘what they want’. Representing ‘what they
want’ is actually the representation of the knowledge
and product object. Developing ‘what they want’
means to integrate the representation with intelligent
and interactive tools for the product design into a
completed design environment. Therefore, a
KB@Pds is proposed for product designers to
realize the above two requirements.
3.1 Knowledge Support Scheme
and Key Items
Figure 2 shows the process of product concept
development, which is composed of several phases –
generation of concept, development and evaluation,
as well as concepts filtering. Knowledge-based
assisted systems are proposed to support decision-
making throughout the whole process of concept
development. In the phase of concept generation, a
customer requirements review is conducted based on
customer inputs. After confirming the customer
requirements, the design features and specifications
will be formulated as the inputs to the next step of
conceptual development process. In the phase of
development and evaluation, two knowledge-based
modules are proposed. A knowledge-based system
of product information determines the most
appropriate elements, e.g. components, material, and
tool, etc., based on the product concept and
requirements. Another knowledge-based system of
process planning decides the process plan for the
product in manufacturing. With these outputs, the
alternative product concepts will be compared with
the aid of a decision support system to confirm the
most suitable option.
Figure 2: Framework of proposed product development
3.2 Product Design Knowledge
Modelling and Support
According to the above knowledge support scheme,
the implementation of knowledge-based assisted
product design can be achieved through two steps:
(1) knowledge modeling; (2) the knowledge support
process, which are described in this section.
3.2.1 Product Design Knowledge Modeling
Fig. 3(a) illustrates the aspects related to product
design knowledge modeling, which include design
knowledge capture, classification, representation,
organization and management. The approach to
modeling information and knowledge for product
architecture and platform in terms of the semantics
used in platform product development is shown in
Fig. 4(b). The product structure and components of
the generic information platform are represented in
the physical domain of axiomatic design and
configuration rules and mappings are represented as
criteria and mappings between the functional,
physical, and process domains. It contains modeling
constructs for representing alternatives,
configuration rules and many other aspects of
product platforms. The purpose to adapt the
conceptual model to a standard: (1) provide
functionally and detailed information models; (2)
support the exchange of information between
applications and users (Sivard, 2001; Zheng, 2006).
With assistance of the product platform, customers’
requirements are satisfied either by standard models
or customer models configured from standard or
custom modules and/or components in knowledge-
based configuration systems.
Figure 3(a): Knowledge modeling in product design.
Figure 3(b): Generic platform information model.
3.2.2 Knowledge Modelling and
Representation for Product Design
Following the requirements of designing product
with a high degree of commonality around reusable
components, there are two main items of the
architecture are: (1) generic product specifications
and (2) reusable solution libraries. Product
architectures and component architecture are treated
in a similar way, enabling a hierarchical structure of
structures. Thus, components may be selected from
the solution library and integrated into the
Figure 4 shows the construction process of
product platform (Step IStep IV) and the reuse
for domain-specific applications (Step V). Hence, a
multi-level hybrid representation schema, e.g. meta
tier, conceptual tier, instance tier, geometric tier, is
adopted to represent the product design process
knowledge in different design stages at different
tiers, based on a combination of elements of
semantic relationships with the object-oriented data
model. To effectively manage and utilize design
knowledge, a generalized design knowledge matrix
is proposed, in which all tasks in the design process
are listed in column while all information and design
knowledge is categorized in rows. The contents of
design knowledge for each task are recorded in the
corresponding cell of the matrix with appropriate
representations. Meanwhile, the object-oriented
knowledge representation is based on a mixed
representation method and object-oriented
programming techniques (Liang, 2010), and allows
designers to look at the design problem as a
collection of objects or sub-problems linked together
by rules. If a designer can break the design problem
into the form of well-defined, clearly manipulative
chunks with their own self-containing information,
which is interrelated through a series of rules and
constraints, then the problem can be easily solved.
The class of an object and its instances are depicted
by the module structure. An object-oriented module
is composed of several kinds of clusters: attribute,
relation, method, and rule: (i) Cluster attribute is
used for depicting the static attributes (parameters)
of design object; (ii) Cluster relation is applied for
expressing the static relations among objects.
According to the relation of classification, the design
object can be defined as a hierarchical structure. The
hierarchical structure of object-oriented knowledge
representation is formed; (iii) Cluster method is
defined for storing the methods of design, sending
messages and performing procedural control and
numerical calculation; (iv) Cluster rule is used for
keeping sets of production rules. The rules can be
categorized in accordance with the differences
among objects being treated and stored respectively.
Figure 4: Diagram for product platform construction
The integrated knowledge representation scheme
realizes the advantages of both object-oriented
representation and rule-based representation. For
example, an object-oriented representation instance
for 3D polarized glasses suit and its parameterized
module information (e.g. bond and hinge modules)
are described. The modular design is proposed
(Liang, 2010), i.e., it is a collection of
interchangeable modules that can be assembled into
many different types and configurations. The model
presented above is being incorporated and fit into
the core product model (Szykman and Sriram, 2006)
developed recently at US National Institute of
Standards and Technology. In this connection, we
define a platform product represented by Class
Platform_Product in the Package Platform.
Information about differences between the product
members can be used for the development of an
extensible architecture of the common core assets,
and two processes may be involved:
platform/component construction and
platform/component evolution. CCM_Product
(component construction model) and CEM_Product
(component evolution model) are subclass of
Platform_Product and Product, representing
product platform (component) to be constructed and
evolved. These packages can support component
design for customization.
3.2.3 Knowledge Support Process for
Module Product Design
Once the design knowledge repository is built up,
the user or designer can utilize the knowledge in it to
solve problems in product design. Product variety
can be implemented at different layers within the
product architecture. A modular architecture has
clearly benefits in the areas of cost, product
performance and development.
Consequently, the procedure for developing a
modular product design can be outlined as follows:
(i) decompose products into their representative
functions; (ii) build modules with correspondence
with functions; (iii) organize common functional
modules into a product platform; and (iv)
standardize interfaces to facilitate addition, removal
and substitution of modules. The fundamental issues
underlying the product design include product
information modeling, product component
architecture, product platform and variety,
modularity and commonality, product generation,
and product assessment and customization.
Incorporating the above stages, the whole
knowledge supported modular product design
process can be fulfilled.
The knowledge support process in product
design evaluation for customization experiences the
elimination of unacceptable alternatives, the
evaluation of candidates, and the final decision-
making under the customers’ requirements and
design constraints (Mohamed and Celik, 2002). The
knowledge resources utilized in the process include
differentiating features, customers’ requirements,
assimilability, manufacturability, and heuristic
knowledge (e.g. production rules), etc. In applying
the above knowledge support scheme for modular
product design, the following should be noted: (i)
The first step, system requirement modeling and
analysis, should be considered in development of a
modular product design; (ii) A system and structured
approach is a mandatory for development of a
modular product design; (iii) A new product is
developed through functional analysis, rather than
modifying existing ones; (iv) Complex products or
systems have a considerable amount of constraints
that limit the product design.
3.2.4 Assessment of Product Design
Figure 5 illustrates an overall view of the proposed
fuzzy assessment model with design failure mode and
effective analysis (DFMEA), in which there are three
major stages to implement the assessment:
fuzzification, rule evaluation, and defuzzification
(Diaz-Hermida et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005). The
model firstly uses linguistic variables to depict the
severity, frequency of occurrence, and detectability of
the failure. These inputs are then fuzzified to
determine the degree of membership in each input
group. The resulting ‘fuzzy inputs’ are evaluated
using a linguistic rule base and fuzzy logic operations
to create a classification of the riskiness of the failure
mode and an associated degree of membership in the
risk group. This ‘fuzzy output’ is then defuzzified to
give the prioritization level for the failure mode. The
fuzzification process, using crisp gradings, converts
the severity, occurrence, and detectability inputs into
the fuzzy representations that can then be matched
with the premises of the rules in the rule base (Diaz-
Hermida et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005). The rule base
depicts the riskiness of each combination of input
variables. It is composed of the expert knowledge
about the interactions between various failure modes
and effect that is represented in the form of fuzzy ‘IF-
THEN’ rules. There are two parts included: an
antecedent that is compared to the inputs and a
consequence that is the result. For example, ‘IF t is P
THEN u is Q’ where P and Q are linguistic values
defined by fuzzy sets on the ranges t and u
respectively. The portion IF of the rule ‘t is P’ is
called the antecedent or premise, while the portion
THEN of the rule ‘u is Q’ is called the consequence or
conclusion. The antecedent is an interpretation that
returns a single number between 0 and 1, whereas the
consequence is an assignment that assigns the entire
fuzzy set Q to output variable u.
Figure 5: Diagram of a fuzzy criticality assessment model.
The importance of fuzzy ‘IF-THEN’ rules stems
from the fact that human expertise and knowledge
can often be represented in the form of fuzzy rules.
For the fuzzy criticality analysis, the system
expresses the seriousness of a failure through its
severity, the failure probability through its
occurrence and how easy a failure can be detected
through its detectability. The fuzzy inference process
uses min-max inferencing to estimate the rule
conclusions base on the system input values
(Ladneer et al., 2003). The result of this process is
called the fuzzy conclusion. The applicability of a
rule is determined from the conjunction of the rule
antecedents. The defuzzification process builds a
crisp grading from the fuzzy conclusion set to
express the riskiness of the design so that corrective
actions and design revisions can be prioritized. The
defuzzification process is required to figure out the
meaning of the fuzzy conclusions and their
membership values, and resolve conflicts between
different results, which may have been triggered
during the rule evaluation. Several defuzzification
algorithms have been developed (Li et al., 2005;
Roychowdhury and Pedrycz, 2001). One of the
widely used algorithms, center of gravity, is applied
as it gives the average, weighted by their degree of
truth, of the support values at which all the
membership functions that apply reach their
maximum value.
The design decision support subsystem (DIIS)
consists of several main units: attributes input,
criticality assessment, exploring and grading, and
graphical user interaction. These units are supported
by a knowledge base and a material database. The
operational procedure is described in the following
with reference to Figure 6(a). The initiatory lists
created in a product analytical hierarchical structure
from the design requirement review (as illustrated in
Figure 6(b)), is input into the DIIS. Then, DIIS will
conduct the fuzzy criticality assessment on the
proposed components. The subsystem applies
linguistic variables to depict the severity, frequency
of occurrence, and detectability of the failure. All
these information in design failure mode effective
analysis can be represented by the commonly used
triangular membership function (Novák, 2005). The
evaluation criteria and fuzzy set definitions for
severity, occurrence, detectability, and risk are
shown in Table 1(a), 1(b), 1(c), and 1(d)
respectively. DIIS finally generates the risk priority
numbers to prioritize the risk of each component.
The results will be screened out for components
(materials) selection.
Figure 6(a): The architecture of design support decision.
Figure 6(b): Check list of product and its components
design review.
DIIS will then search appropriate components
(materials) based on the input information. Utilizing
the searching algorithm, the appropriate components
(materials) are listed with grading by scores. The
Table 1(a): Evaluation criteria of 3D polarized glasses suit
– severity.
1 none No effect.
2 low
Fit / tighten item does not conform.
Defect noticed by most customers.
Item operable, but
comfort/convenience item(s) operable
at reduced level of performance.
Customer experiences some
Item operable, but
comfort/convenience item(s)
inoperable. Customer experiences
4 high
Item operable, but at reduced level of
Customer dissatisfied.
Item operable, with loss of primary
Table 1(b): Evaluation criteria of 3D polarized glasses suit
– frequency of occurrence.
Grade Occurrence Description
1 seldom Unlikely
2 low Few 10
3 moderate Occasional 25
4 high Repeated 30
5 very high Inevitable
Table 1(c): Evaluation criteria of 3D polarized glasses suit
– detectability.
Grade Detectability Description
1 definite
A potential cause is definitely
2 high
A potential cause is detected
in high chance.
3 moderate
A potential cause is detected
in moderate chance.
4 low
A potential cause is detected
in low chance.
5 none
A potential cause cannot be
detected, or
There is no design control.
Table 1(d): Evaluation criteria of 3D polarized glasses suit
– risk.
Grade Risk
Description (to take the
subsequent actions)
1 not important It’s not important
2 low It’s low priority
3 moderate Moderate priority
4 important It’s important
It’s very important
objective of the grading is to prioritize alternative
materials, relative to the order of importance of their
attributes to the designers. A quantitative scoring
system is applied for the grading process.
= C
: the summation of risk, cost and reliability of
component (material)
: risk of the component (material)
in which the risk is rated from 0 to 5 with 0 is equal
to ‘not important’ and 5 is equal to ‘very important’
that is determined in the fuzzy criticality assessment
: score of cost of component (material)
that the score of cost is rated from 0 to 5 with 0 is
equal to the most expensive and 5 is equal to the
most inexpensive.
: score of reliability of the component (material)
in which the score of reliability is rated from 0 to 1
with 0 is equal to the lowest reliability and 1 is equal
to the highest reliability.
The appropriate component (materials) can then be
selected by the product designer based on this
information. Finally, a proposed bill of material can
be created after all the components (materials) have
been selected and reviewed.
To demonstrate the operations of the prototype
system, a case study on a 3D polarized glasses suit
for commercial entertainment application has been
conducted by using KB@Pds. Figure 7 gives a
screen snapshot of the prototype system used for
product design.
Figure 7: Screen snapshot of knowledge-based assisted
product design system.
The 3D polarized glasses suit is applied to watch
the 3D films, view 3D photos, play 3D interactive
games. After input the qualitative customer
requirements and product features to the phase of
concept generation (Chin et al., 2005), the initiatory
list was generated in design requirement review as
shown in Figure 8(a). According to the initiatory
list, the model type of the 3D polarized glasses suit
was proposed to be in 3dPG215EM and the level of
the product hierarchy structure was also constructed
as illustrated in Figure 8(b).
Figure 8(a): Output table of design requirement review
Figure 8(b): Hierarchical structure of 3D polarized glasses
suit in model (No. 3dPG215EM).
The product designer determined the initiatory
list of the proposed 3D polarized glasses suit and
triggered the option boxes which next to the item list
of components by processing the graphical user
interface. After pressing the ‘Import’ button, the
value of severity, occurrence and detectability of
each component was shown on the DFMEA
inferencing interface, the product design then
adjusted the these values to get a more accurate
input. The next step is to prioritize the risk of each
component by DFMEA inferencing process with
fuzzy logic grading approach. To assist the fuzzy
DFMEA evaluation, a rule base is generated in the
form of rule matrix of the riskiness for DFMEA
analysis, is built in the prototype system (KB@Pds).
The graphical user interface of DIIS was as
illustrated in Figure 9(a). In the DFMEA inferencing
process, the risk of each component was prioritized
automatically with fuzzy logic grading algorithm
according to the potential failure, effect, cause, and
the grading of severity, occurrence and detectiability
of each component. Finally, the bill of components
of the robustness product design was generated after
completing the alternative components selection by
means of DIIS through press the ‘Finish’ button. It is
shown in the form of a spreadsheet in Figure 9(b).
Figure 9(a): Fuzzy DFMEA assessment of 3D polarized
glasses suit.
Figure 9(b): Recommended bill of components for
proposed 3D polarized glasses suit.
This paper has proposed a knowledge-intensive
support approach and framework for knowledge-
based assisted product design and development. An
integrated modular platform-based product design
scheme is presented with knowledge assistance for
customer requirements’ modeling, product
architecture modeling, product platform
establishment, product generation, and product
variant assessment. The developed approach and
framework can be applied for capturing,
representing, and managing product design
knowledge and provide support in the design
process. Finally, the issues related to the
implementation of the knowledge support
framework are addressed.
The system is expected to help to optimize
product quality and reliability and costs and to
reduce the iterations of redesign so as to shorten the
development lead time. On the basis of the current
decision-making models used in the industry, the
KB@Pds has a modular structure to facilitate access
to the knowledge bases and to ensure its future
development and extension. A case study on a 3D
polarized glasses suit has been conducted by using
KB@Pds to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed
system. However, the current system only focuses
on the generation of simple product or component
design. For complex product, the framework could
be modified to cater the assembly operations.
This research is supported in part by the National
Science Council in Taiwan under contract number
NSC 101-2918-I-132-001, NSC 100-2511-S-132-
002-MY2 and NSC 101-2631-S-132-001-CC3.
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interface and programming, were developed by the
student Wang Cong-Jie.
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