Position Paper: Multi-tenants Context-aware Service Composition in
Cloud Computing
Wael Sellami, Hatem Hadj Kacem and Ahmed Hadj Kacem
ReDCAD Lab, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Cloud Service Composition, Context-awareness, Multi-tenancy, Adaptation.
Cloud computing has gained a momentum by providing multi-tenancy utility and applications as a service.
The power of services occurs in the ability to combine different services in order to obtain a composed ser-
vice. Context-aware cloud service is anticipated to bring an innovation in mobile computing. Therefore the
composed service can be a multi-tenant context-aware, scalable and adaptable. In this paper, we define the
problem of coupling context-aware cloud service composition with multi-tenancy in the cloud and we deter-
mine crucial challenges that can be solved. For that, we propose an approach to enable multiple providers to
run their composed services within the same instance, with different contexts and without modifications of the
Cloud computing emerged as one of the most power-
ful and flexible software environment. Briefly, NIST
(Mell and Grance, 2011) defines cloud computing as
a promising and challenging model which delegates
the material’s management and software applications
which users pay as they go. Services in cloud com-
puting are the combination of utility computing ser-
vices and service oriented architecture in order to
provide resources as a service classified into three
layers: SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Palte-
form as a Service) or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Ser-
vice). In fact, the PaaS layer is a model consisting
of elements capable of managing business processes
through tools and technologies such as multi-tenancy,
scalability/elasticity, data persistence and son on. The
multi-tenancy is a key feature in PaaS layer. It means
that only one instance of each service is shared by all
tenants through virtualization technologies and isola-
tion. With the advent of mobile cloud computing and
the proliferation of the customized services, the prin-
ciple of multi-tenancy can be influenced by context-
awareness applications. According to (Dey, 2001),
the context includes information that can character-
ize the situation of a user’s local environment and
the computing devices themselves. These applica-
tions should take into account the situations of ten-
ants context change or applications which may influ-
ence their behavior by defining new views on their
data and services. Cloud services composition is de-
fined as the process of linking existing software and
hardware services. However, it is different from SOA
and utility computing in terms of web or grid service
form. Therefore, it is hard to use traditional service
matching methods by the characteristics of dynami-
cally configured, massively scalable, distributed re-
sources and multi-tenancy architecture of cloud ser-
vices. Indeed, combining the concepts of context-
aware cloud service composition with multi-tenancy
is complex and causes new problems. Indeed, ap-
plying each technique independently and serially pro-
vides a unique view of the composed cloud service
for all tenants regardless of their preferences and con-
texts. Furthermore, adaptation of the composition
during sharing between all tenants.
In this position paper, we aim to develop a new
middleware for establishing the context-aware cloud
service matching and adaptation. Indeed, this middle-
ware must be able to carry out a process of adaptation
in order to deliver the most suitable composed service
to tenants not only according to their queries but also
in relation to their contexts for ensuring a high perfor-
mance and respecting SLA clauses.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 in-
troduces our motivation while Section 3 gives a back-
ground of multi-tenant architecture on the cloud. In
Section 4, we present the related works. Section 5 dis-
cusses our initial approach and Section 6 deals with
conclusions and ongoing works.
Sellami W., Hadj Kacem H. and Hadj Kacem A..
Position Paper: Multi-tenants Context-aware Service Composition in Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004406303860389
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 386-389
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Many service providers are interested in using the
multi-tenancy, scalability and other benefits of the
cloud (Paraiso et al., 2012). With the rapid develop-
ment of mobile cloud computing, context-aware in-
formation (such as personal, environmental and op-
erational contexts) can satisfy tenants with their re-
ally needed composed services without any explicit
requests. However, conflicts can be generated by as-
sembling the multi-tenancy with the service compo-
sition context-aware. Indeed, there are antagonistic
concepts since the aim of multi-tenancy is the abil-
ity to use the same application to multiple tenants.
While the purpose of the context-aware composition
is to suit a single application for multiple tenants with
different contexts and preferences. To understand the
problem well, we can take two scenarios of multi-
tenancy and context-aware service composition:
A. Multi-tenancy
Scenario. Executing a composed cloud service
for products research into on-line market.
Result. Sharing the composed services instance
to provide all images and descriptions of all the
products sorted out by category for all tenants.
B. Context-aware Service Composition
Scenario. Executing the same composed cloud
services for products research into on-line market
from a mobile phone.
Result. Providing product description only with
women’s preferences.
Towards the two scenarios, the instance of composed
cloud services has the same behavior and all the used
data are shared between all tenants regardless of spe-
cific contexts and requirements for each tenant. So,
this challenge leads us to ask a question:
How can we realize a multi-behavior instance of a
composed service for all tenants ?
Combining the concept of multi-tenancy with
context-aware cloud service composition to establish
new compromise middlware is complex and provides
new and interesting settings for both issues.
In cloud computing, multi-tenant architecture is the
ability of hosting multiple users under a single server
and sharing the same infrastructure and applications
(Domingo et al., 2010). A multi-tenant application
must support multiple tenants which can have mul-
tiple users and user group preferences. In order to
meet the different tenant requirements and the vari-
ation context, services must be highly customizable
and configurable. So, service providers have to offer
certain level of variability in their multi-tenants appli-
cation, and they should be aware of the level of the
variability, in terms of its complexity impact on ser-
vice flexibilities. From our perspective, we think that
the balance between composed cloud services and the
variability of context has to be well maintained. This
can be done by integrating service facilities on a per
tenant (as it is shown in Figure 1) and modifying the
system behavior to suit the tenant responses.
Figure 1: Variation points of multi-tenant composite ser-
The problem of cloud service matching and adapta-
tion has received a lot of attention in academia and
industry in the recent years. In this section, we present
in the first part service composition approaches and in
the second part we give an overview of services adap-
4.1 Cloud Service Composition
A new approach for services composition is presented
in (Tsai et al., 2011). This work is based on the mech-
anism of service selection using service interfaces and
service injection techniques. Thus, it proposes a se-
ries of tests to check services and ensure the reliability
of composition. In (Ye et al., 2011), authors propose a
multi-cloud service composition approach. Users re-
quirement is translated into data flow graphs. Then,
by using a genetic algorithm, a service composition
solution is provided. Furthermore, in (Kofler et al.,
2010), authors determine a heuristic based approach
to compose services in cloud computing. They focus
on user’s functional and non-functional requirements.
Thus, an algorithm is applied to automate the selec-
tion of optimal services and to realize service com-
position Another approach to build a decentralized
framework based on self organized agents is deter-
mined in (Garcia and Sim, 2010). Authors used con-
tract net protocol for dynamic communications tech-
nical knowledge of acquintance networks for incom-
plete information about existing services. In (Zeng
et al., 2009), authors solve the problem of cloud ser-
vice composition using a service matching algorithm
(SMA). It is based on QoS to filter services and per-
form the matching algorithm of services based on the
semantic similarity between input and output param-
eters to achieve this composition.
We notice that these works do not provide appropriate
support for the concept of context and progress sce-
narios during cloud services searching and matching.
Moreover, they do not retain the concept of the cloud
which is the multi-tenancy nature during composition
where a single instance is shared between tenants.
4.2 Cloud Service Adaptation
The approach presented in (Truyen et al., 2012) de-
scribes a framework for tenant-specific customization
and manages changes of software-tenant SaaS appli-
cations. To achieve this, this framework is based on
the context oriented programming to provide flexible
SaaS services for multi-tenants suitable to the context
information. In (Papakos et al., 2010), authors de-
velop a middleware called VOLARE which monitors
resources and context of mobile devices, and dynam-
ically suits the cloud services. This approach allows a
reliable services discovery and cost reduction at run-
time to fit in the current context of the consumers. In
(La and Kim, 2010), authors propose a framework for
context-awareness services for mobile computing. In
fact, this framework allows the capture of the con-
text, determines the specific adaptation and executes
the right services.
However, these efforts focus only on the customiza-
tion of a single service but no solution has been pro-
posed to resolve the adaptation of composed cloud
service. Also, they deal with the personalization of
responses at a high level but not the personalization
of services at a lower level before the composition to
provide more flexibility of applications.
To overcome these issues, we propose in this paper a
primal tenant cloud service composition middleware
to address all aspects of the context awareness starting
from the dynamic services matching until to adapta-
In this section we present, in detail, our multi-tenants
context-aware cloud service composition middleware.
Indeed (as it is shown in Figure 2), we aim to focus on
two steps of the life cycle: (1) services matching and
(2) adaptation of a composed service. Each step con-
tains components, and their related communications.
5.1 Tenant Users
Tenant users layer is composed of multiple tenant
applications deployed on portable multimedia player
and mobile device such as Android or SmartPhone.
Thus, we consider that a tenant can be a single user
or a whole company consisting of a collection of dis-
tinct users which can access to his flexible services
whenever he wants and wherever he is.
5.2 Service Matching
A composition engine is a multi-tenant service ex-
ecuting on the cloud platform. It parses the tenant
query and uses the contexts information. Then, it
can be able to lookup its cloud services from repos-
itories component using a given policy (such as the
nearest data center to tenant location, the fastest re-
sponse if the tenant is running, and so on) and choose
the most appropriate composition that suits the ten-
ant’s context. In fact, once the services are selected,
the composition engine is responsible for defining a
sequence of services to be executed and supervising
the composed service. The composition engine can
decide which concrete services are included in the dy-
namic composition, and how many instances of each
concrete service are needed in order to satisfy the ten-
ant’s context. Therefore, this component can dynam-
ically update the composition and substitute any con-
crete service at any time with another service based
on the feedback of the tenant’s runtime context data.
5.3 Service Adaptation
In context-aware composite service provisioning,
adaptation can be achieved by splitting it into sepa-
rate services and tailoring them for the given context.
Tenant specific customization can be specified as in-
dependent software variations according to some cat-
egories of context such as tenant profile, environment
information and so on. For that, we propose the run-
time behavior adaptation component which is called
tenant context adaptor in order to suit the composi-
tion, by retrieving context information from the Con-
text Base registry, and updating it to new situations.
Figure 2: Multi-tenants context-aware cloud service composition middleware.
This adaptation is used to integrate new behaviors and
concerns as persistence or security into the original
cloud service without affecting other applications that
share the same service with other tenants. After that,
the multi-instance balancer component distributes the
instance for each tenant according to his global con-
text and to satisfy his requirements.
Due to the open and flexible nature of cloud ser-
vices, there is a gap between service composition ef-
ficiency and the tenants flexible response needs. In
this paper, a context-aware cloud service composi-
tion middleware is investigated for improving the ser-
vices matching efficiency in mobile cloud environ-
ment. Concretely, this middleware permits dynamic
context-aware composition and adaptation of flexi-
ble cloud based services, and how these character-
istics influence the multi-tenancy adaptation. In the
ongoing work, we are developing a middleware and
are defining the experimental techniques to simulate
cloud service composition according to the context-
aware. Thus, we are aiming to exploit new compo-
sition scenarios in a real environment to analyze the
middleware efficiency. For future work, we will detail
each component of our middlware and propose effi-
cient techniques for implementing them. Moreover,
we will enhance the adaptation of the tenant compos-
ite service with other contextual situations.
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