A Semantic-based Approach for Ontology Module Extraction
Amir Souissi
, Walid Chainbi
and Khaled Ghedira
National School of Computer Science, SOIE, Manouba University, Manouba, Tunisia
Sousse National School of Engineers, SOIE, Sousse University, Sousse, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Management, SOIE, Tunis University, Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: Ontologies, Modularization, Extraction, Semantics.
Abstract: Ontology modularization is crucial to support knowledge reuse on the ever increasing Semantic Web.
However, modularization methods that serve the reuse goal are often intended for humans to assist them in
building new ontologies, rather than for applications that need only a relevant part of an existing ontology.
Moreover, modules obtained are always subject to verification and maintenance by humans to validate the
semantic consistency of their contents. In this paper, we investigate how semantic comparisons may provide
a module relevant to a set of terms which are not part of the ontology. Our objective is to extract a module
which may be usable as a separate ontology. The user does not need to be familiar with the exact terms used
inside the ontology beforehand to extract from it a module for a specific application/knowledge sub domain.
Ontologies have established themselves as a
powerful tool to enable knowledge sharing, and a
growing number of applications have benefited from
the use of ontologies as a means to achieve semantic
interoperability among heterogeneous, distributed
systems. Ontologies play a key role in one of the
newest areas of interest, the Semantic Web, as
confirmed by efforts such as OntoWeb, and OWL. A
widely quoted definition of an ontology was
proposed by Gruber who defines it as an explicit
specification of a conceptualization (Gruber, 1993).
An ontology specifies a vocabulary including the
key terms, their semantic interconnections, and some
rules of inference.
With the evolution of cooperative and distributed
systems, and the emergence of the Semantic Web,
ontologies have become an indispensable resource.
The number of ontologies available on the Web has
also increased due to the appearance of several tools
that assist users in creating their ontologies. This has
posed problems of understanding and reuse of those
resources already difficult to design. A solution was
then proposed by knowledge engineers namely
modularization. Spaccapietra indicates in
(Spaccapietra, 2005) that a module is a subset of a
whole that makes sense and can somehow exist
separated from the original ontology and not
necessarily supporting the same functionality as it.
He highlights five goals to modularization which are
scalability, complexity management,
understandability, personalization and reuse. He
considers that the understanding of what
modularization exactly means and what are the
advantages and the disadvantages which are
expected from modularization depend on these goals
assigned to modularization. Since ontology
construction is a labor intensive task and it is time
consuming, the modularization methods which serve
the purpose of reuse often focus at reusing
ontological modules for building new ontologies
(Cuenca Grau et al., 2007b; Doran et al., 2007). The
focus of this paper is on ontology modularization for
reuse. We aim to extract a part from an ontology in a
way such that it can be reused as an ontology instead
of the original one. Our objective is to allow
obtaining a module which covers a specific topic
from the ontology and to consider this module as a
new ontology modeling this topic. Since some
current ontologies are evolving to more expressivity
and complexity, we propose an approach which
targets ontologies without a clear internal structure
(more semantic relations and hierarchical staple
relations). Our approach intends to extract a module
relevant to a set of terms which may be different of
these employed inside the ontology. The idea is to
extract a module without being necessarily familiar
Souissi A., Chainbi W. and Ghedira K..
A Semantic-based Approach for Ontology Module Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004544402220229
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 222-229
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with the entities names inside the ontology.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
deals with the previously proposed techniques for
ontology modularization. Then in section 3, we
present our approach. A case study illustrating the
proposed approach is presented in section 4. In
section 5, we describe the usefulness of our
approach in an application domain namely
information retrieval. We conclude in section 6 with
a summary of the main points relevant to this study,
and we give directions for future work.
Several modularization methods of ontologies have
been proposed in the literature. These methods are
based on two antagonistic approaches. The first is a
composition approach in order to obtain a modular
representation. The modularization can be perceived
from this perspective as a mechanism for assembling
some ontologies (modules) into a coherent network
that can be referred to as a single entity, modular
ontology. The result is a set of integrated or inter-
connected ontologies into a larger and more complex
network. The second approach is a decomposition of
a large ontology, which contains a large number of
concepts and relations into a set of smaller modules,
easy to understand and manage.
Decomposition methods proposed in literature,
belong mainly to two large families. Partitioning
methods are automatic and provide a set of modules
that can be disjoint or overlap. Examples include
partitioning methods that produce disjoint modules
(Cuenca Grau et al., 2007b; Stuckenschmidt and
Klein, 2004). Some others, like partition-based
methods (MacCartney et al., 2003), allow modules
to overlap. As for the extraction methods, they
involve the user in the extraction process and
provide a single fragment of the ontology. These two
categories of methods are generally based either on
logical criteria (Cuenca Grau et al., 2007a) or on
structural criteria (Ghiraldi et al., 2006; Noy and
Musen, 2009; Seidenberg, 2009). In both cases,
human intervention is necessary after the
modularization process to verify that the module is
covering a consistent knowledge area. We believe
that this is due to the fact that these methods neglect
the semantic aspect in the modularization process.
The methods based on structural criteria target
specific ontologies. This is the case, for example, of
the method of Seidenberg (Seidenberg, 2009) where
the ontology referred, is the GALEN ontology
(Rector and Rogers, 1999), which is characterized
by the strong presence of hierarchical relationships
between concepts. The results of modularization are
favourable only in the case of ontologies that have a
structure similar to that described at the outset.
The other methods based on criteria of
description logic, define the module formally by
setting the logical conditions in advance. Portions of
ontologies that satisfy these conditions are
considered as modules. Although these methods
consider a certain level of semantics, the modules
are usable only if humans validate the module, by
browsing it to estimate the concepts that are relevant
to its application. Cuenca Grau et al. propose in
(Cuenca Grau et al., 2007b; Cuenca Grau et al.,
2005) an algorithm to obtain partitions whose
elements are disjoint, starting with a formal
definition in order to characterize ontologies that are
susceptible to be decomposed safely. Indeed, if the
ontology does not have certain formal characteristics
defined by the algorithm, it cannot be modularized.
This is not ideal because it reduces the number of
ontologies ready to modularization. The work of
Cuenca Grau et al. is based on the notion of
conservative extensions (Ghiraldi et al., 2006; Lutz
et al., 2007). This means that essential inferences
about entities contained within an element of such a
partition should be preserved. Whilst conservative
extensions can theoretically be used to define an
ontology module, they cannot currently be used in
practice as deciding if an OWL-DL module is a
conservative extension is undecidable (Doran et al.,
2007; Lutz et al., 2007). In (Wandelt and Möller,
2012), the aim is to introduce modularization
techniques for ABoxes in order to obtain a set of
modules to release the main memory burden of DL
reasoning systems for semi-expressive ontologies.
They have proposed to transform an ABox to a
graph by mapping each individual in the Abox to a
node in the graph and then to decompose this graph
relying on connectedness-based graph partitioning
techniques. The algorithm gave a negative result for
DL (nominals problem, completeness
problem). In order to ameliorate results, an
intentional-based modularization by splitting role
assertions with ABox-splits is presented. This
method relies on internal paths of role assertions
between individuals. The method did not consider
the semantic relations expressed by these assertions
and the decomposition is completely depending on
the graph structure. Furthermore, there are no user
requirements considered during the splitting.
Both classes of methods mentioned above reduce
the reuse possibility. Indeed, these methods have
been dedicated for specific ontologies often
characterized by particular structures and properties.
In addition, human intervention, for checking the
semantic consistency of the concepts that make up
the module, is required before using the extracted
module by the final application.
In this paper, we propose an approach which take
into account the semantic aspect in the
modularization process (an application may use the
extracted module without the need for human
intervention in order to validate it). Moreover, the
extraction process does not begin from internal
properties of the ontology. When a software agent
would extract modules from a set of different
ontologies of different knowledge domains, it is not
necessary for it to know about the entities inside
these ontologies. As a starting point, a set of terms
relevant to some domain is entered. The module is
produced using a semantic matching between these
terms and the ontology concepts. The produced
module is intended to be considered as a separate
ontology relevant to these terms.
In general, the modularity of ontologies serves three
principal goals:
The reuse of the fragments (modules) of ontologies
in the construction of new ones.
The interoperability of the distributed systems
through the interpretation of the local semantics of
ontologies that constitute modules in the global
The extensibility for evolution and maintenance,
and the scalability for efficient reasoning by
localizing the inference in the module rather than
to reason on all the ontology.
In this paper, we propose an approach that serves
the purpose of reuse. However, reuse here is not
intended to assist developers in building new
ontologies, as is the case with the other methods of
modularization. In fact, we seek primarily to help
the user obtaining a relevant ontology module,
which captures a set of knowledge from a wider
existing ontology. Indeed, it would be interesting to
give the user methods and tools that offer an extract
from an ontology, which plays the role of ontology
in itself. Thus, reusing the module by integrating it
directly into an application, saves time to build a
dedicated ontology. Note here that the user may be
human or machine. It is rather the case of
applications that want to use these modules, which
interest us the most because we are looking to
propose a solution that makes use of modules as
ontologies, independently of human intervention.
The modularization approach we propose is part
of the decomposition approaches of monolithic
ontologies. It is an extraction method since
it aims to extract a relevant ontology module. The
aim of the approach is to provide the user with an
ontology module that covers a sub-domain of the
domain of the ontology. The method should allow
the user to express its needs by entering the concepts
which interest him. The result is a fragment
composed of concepts and relations that are relevant
to the module i.e., which have semantic relationship
with the concepts submitted by the user. We
consider a semantic relationship between two
concepts, as one of the four logic functions as
Identity Relation: it is a semantic relation between
two concepts that have the same syntax, the same
attributes and operations. Example: Identity
(Person, Person).
Synonymy Relation: it is a semantic relation
between two concepts that express the same
meaning. Example Synonymy (Person,
Classification Is-a Relation: two concepts where
one is expressing a particular case of the other.
Example: Is-a (Student, Person).
Antonymy Relation: is used between two concepts
that have opposite meanings. Example Antonymy
(Registered, Unregistered)
For experimental reasons, we consider only these
four semantic relations. These semantic relations
exist in WordNet which is a large lexical database
for English language. It groups words together based
on their meanings and label the semantic relations
among words. We exploit these properties to
identify the semantic relations between the concepts.
For example, in an ontology that describes an e-
learning course, the user may be interested in
participants in that course. The method should
extract a module semantically rich on participants,
from the ontology of departure. For this purpose, we
verify if one of the semantic relationships described
above exists between the keywords entered by the
user and the concept of the ontology. The
comparison operation is only restricted to named
We motivate our approach as follows:
User Involvement: In the context of reuse, the user
should be satisfied with the result. If not satisfied,
he should be able to better communicate his needs
to be taken into account in the process of
modularization. Our approach involves the user
(human or computing system) in the process of
modularization, unlike the automatic
decomposition approaches (Cuenca Grau et al.,
2007b; Stuckenschmidt and Klein, 2004). This
allows him to express his needs regarding the
result he looks for. He begins by entering the
central concepts for the module he wants to
achieve. When he gets a result that does not satisfy
his needs, he starts the modularization by changing
the settings (e.g., concepts to include, concepts to
exclude …) to refine the result and get a different
module of the previous one.
More Semantics: The extraction methods proposed
by Seidenberg, and Noy and Musen involve the
user (Noy and Musen, 2009; Seidenberg, 2009).
But these methods depend heavily on the structure
of the ontology. In addition, the concepts selected
by the user are part of the ontology to decompose.
In fact, their algorithm follows the links between
concepts to determine the portion to be extracted.
In our approach, the user may enter concepts that
can be internal or external to an ontology. It is a
new aspect in the operation of modularization that
other methods have not explored. Indeed, these
methods work with the concepts that make up the
ontology and do not address the case where the
user provides concepts that are not elements of this
ontology. The essential for us is that the module
should capture the meaning of concepts by looking
for concepts that are in strong semantic relation
with those of the ontology. Thus, the main
contribution of our approach is that the module is
determined on the basis of the semantic
relationship that can exist between internal and
external concepts.
Low Coupling and High Cohesion: reuse and
extensibility are the goals sought in the operation
of an ontology modularization. Nevertheless,
achieving these two objectives requires that the
modules are loosely coupled and highly cohesive.
The coupling means the modules dependency.
Loose coupling means a weak relationship
between modules allowing flexibility for updating
and maintenance. So, each module can be
modified by limiting the impact of change to the
rest of the ontology. Cohesion measures the
dependence of the components of modules. In
other words, concepts, relations, and individuals
are strongly linked to each other within the same
module. So, cohesion denotes the degree of
relatedness of elements within the same module
(D’Aquin et al., 2009). If we consider two
concepts are strongly-related if there is a semantic
relationship between them. We can use the
semantic relationship, as a mean to identify how
strongly-related are the concepts, and consequently
if they are parts of the same module. So we can
reach high cohesion, in a portion of ontology,
based on the notion of semantic relationship.
Before beginning to describe the approach
currently being investigated, we propose the
following definition of a module: an extracted
ontological module is the relevant part of an
ontology to a set of terms which are not necessarily
the exact terms used inside the ontology. It is
intended to cover a sub-area of knowledge for which
a module needs to be extracted.
This definition implies that ontology module is a
single extract and it can be reused as a full
independent ontology. The user (human or machine)
may be not familiar with the content of the ontology.
If he needs to extend the module with new concepts
and relations then the module should be viewed as
an ontology itself. The quality of the module
depends on the relevance of the knowledge captured
by the module relative to the user query.
Our approach is based on two basic steps:
- 1
step: Identifying concepts that have a
semantic relationship with external terms.
- 2
step: composition of the module based on
the concepts identified in Step 1. All concepts that
appear in the definition of the concepts identified are
considered part of the module. The module is
composed from the union of all retrieved axioms.
The algorithm identifies a module by doing
comparisons between a term entered by the user and
a concept of the ontology. WordNet is traversed to
extract synonyms, antonyms or hyponyms
depending on the user choice. In case the term is
identical to a concept name, we consider it as part of
the module. If there is a semantic relationship
between them, the concept of the ontology is moved
to the module. In addition, in case the extracted
concept has an equivalent definition with another
concept in the ontology, all the definition is
extracted. So, all the concepts within the module
constitute a subset of concepts definitions that are
extracted from the original ontology. In case there is
not a semantic relationship between the compared
concepts, then the ontology concept is not extracted.
The algorithm continues so until all concepts in the
ontology are compared with the user concept.
At the beginning of the algorithm, the user may
choose the concept by entering its name. So, the
extraction procedure is automatic but it takes into
account the user requirements. In this paper, we
present the approach and show its feasibility at a
practical level as we show in the next section. The
aim of the paper is not to test our method on real
well known ontologies. It aims rather at proving the
contribution of the modularization based on a
semantic matching for some kinds of ontologies (i.e.
expressive ontologies not taxonomies). Thus, we
present theoretically, in the following paragraph,
some evaluation criteria which we can apply on this
As we are only interested in one module,
evaluation criteria dedicated to sets of
interconnected modules resulting from partitioning
techniques – redundancy, connectedness, and inter-
module distance–are not relevant in our technique.
However, since our method aims to produce a
relevant module to a set of terms in order to use the
module as an ontology, we can use evaluation
criteria for determining the quality of the ontology to
evaluate the quality of the onotology module. These
criteria are mainly the module cohesion, the richness
of the representation and the domain coverage.
Module cohesion denotes the degree of relatedness
of elements within the module. Cohesion metrics
are based on the structure of the ontology: the
number of root classes, the number of leaf classes,
the maximum depth of the hierarchy.
Richness of the representation denotes the amount
of conceptual information retained in the module.
The richness of semantic information in a module
depends on the richness of the mother ontology.
Richness metrics such as - the average number of
subclass relations per class- or the -average
number of domain relations per class- can be used.
Domain coverage is the criterion which determines
how well the module fits the representational
requirements of the application that request it. To
determine the domain coverage, we need a suitable
representation of the domain that should be
covered by the module. Comparing a corpus of
documents with the module is a technique for
determining how well the ontological module
represents the content of the documents.
Another evaluation criterion which can be
considered is the performance measuring. It is
important to consider it, particularly when using a
modularization technique for the purpose of an
We present in the next section some of the
screen shots of our developed system which was
tested under an ontology that describes an e-learning
We provide an example of extracting a module from
an ontology to illustrate our approach. The ontology
expressed in description logic corresponds to the
following axioms:
a1 correction page associated.exercise
a2 exercise page associated.course
a3 course page caracterized. session
a4 session caracterize.course
composed.module associated.test
a5 module associated.Tutor
associated.registered compose. session
a6 test associated. session
corrected.tutor performed.registred
a7 tutor associated.module correct.test
a8 registered associated.module
perform.test student
a9 person teacher student
Suppose the user wants to extract an ontology
module relevant to persons which participate in an e-
learning course. He may enter the term “person”,
which is the name of an internal concept. He may
also enter the terms “coach” or “unregistered”.
These words are syntactically different from
ontology concepts, but they belong to the same
context for the user, that is to say people which
participate in an e-learning course.
Result of the 1
If one refers to the semantic relationships
defined above, we find that there is an identity
relation for the concept person. An antonymy
between the concepts registered and unregistered.
And a synonymy between coach and tutor.
Result of the 2
The definitions that we found for these concepts,
in the Tbox of the ontology are:
a7 tutor associated.module correct.test
a8 registered associated.module
perform.test student
a9 person teacher student
Note that the concepts that have not a semantic
relationship with the original concepts (“teacher”
and “student”) chosen by the user appear in the
definition of the found concepts. Concepts like
“Module” and “Test” are considered as part of the
module because they are considered as part of the
definition of the concepts founded.
Figure 1. is a screen shot of our developed
system. By clicking on the button Display, all
extracted named concepts are listed above and the
module is created in a separate owl file (Figure. 2).
Figure 1: Screen shot of the modularization approach.
Figure 2: The obtained module in a separate owl file.
Our approach is based on identifying the semantic
relations between terms of concepts. It can have
applications in many natural language processing
tasks, such as Information Extraction and
Information Retrieval. We discuss in this section the
usefulness of our approach in the domain of
Information Retrieval (IR).
An IR system allows users to look for
information in a collection of documents (or other
information sources) through queries usually
formatted as a set of keywords (Baeza-Rates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 1999). There are three main steps for
the process of IR: The indexing process, the query
processing and the matching between the query
Figure 3: Information retrieval processes.
terms and the documents. These processes are
visualized in Figure 3 (Goker and Davies, 2009).
The goal of the indexing process is to represent the
content of the documents in order to be used in
further searches.
There are two types of indexing: bag-of-words
indexing and semantic indexing. For the first type,
the indexing terms are extracted from the documents
content itself. It includes two steps: searching the
terms and weighting them. The second type aims to
rely on ontologies to represent documents. From this
point of view, the descriptors (indexing terms) are
chosen directly from the ontology rather than the
documents. So, documents are indexed by concepts
which reflect their meanings, rather than frequently
ambiguous words (Aussenac-Gilles and Mothe,
Semantic indexing consists of two steps. The
first step consists of identifying the ontology
concepts or instances in the documents. The second
step consists of weighting the concepts for every
document according to the conceptual structure
which they are derived (Hele and Tanel-Lauri,
Combining the usability of keyword-based
interfaces with the power of semantic technologies is
one of the most challenging areas in semantic
searching. To use an ontology in an IR system, it
needs to choose it first. As much as ontologies in
different domains are now accessible, reusing them
could be a solution for ontology integration in IR
systems. In this case, ontologies are generally
chosen only based on the knowledge domain they
address (Baziz et al., 2005). Once the ontology
chosen, the knowledge it represents can be used
when indexing documents. Thus, the choice of the
ontologies which will be used for indexing is a
primordial step. Our ontology modularization
approach would be useful in this context.
In many studies, the choice of the domain
ontology which will serve to represent the corpus is
dependent of the task domain itself (Vallet et al.,
2005). Thus, the reusability of the ontology for
another task or another domain is not insured.
In fields, like medicine, ontologies have
especially great size, and contain many knowledge
domains. A collection of medical documents could
be represented by the ontology. We can have a
corpus which talks about a specific disease and
another corpus which talks about treatment of this
disease. As a result of a classic semantic indexing,
the two corpuses are indexed by a single ontology.
At the end, we obtain many concepts which are
shared to represent the two corpuses. This can affect
the relevance of the document retrieved later. In this
case, our modularization approach would be useful.
In fact, in this case, we aim to extract two modules,
from this ontology, which are semantically related to
the two corpuses. Every module is a representation
space of its correspondent corpus. When a query
concerning the disease is formulated, only the
documents which are indexed semantically by the
disease module are retrieved.
In this paper, we proposed a method to extract
modules from ontologies based on semantic
relations identification. We considered four semantic
relations which are: Identity, Synonymy,
Classification and Antonymy. We considered that
two concepts are relevant for the module if there
exists a semantic relation between them. We have
used Wordnet to identify the semantic relation
between the external concept (the user request) and
the internal one (the ontology concept). The result of
the extraction is a module composed from these
concepts and their definitions.
We show that the use of semantic relations
makes the method less dependent to the structure of
the ontology to modularize. It is effectively intended
to high expressive and more complex ontologies
rather than ontology structures based on
subsumption relations. The user is involved in the
modularization process but he is not supposed
knowing the components of the ontology. His needs
are expressed as a list of relevant concepts for his
purpose. Hence, the method is automatic but takes
into account the user requirements. The user here
could be a human or an application program. In fact,
the main goal of this approach is to allow programs
to extract useful modules from available ontologies
on the Web. In this way, our goal meets the
objective of the semantic Web which is to allow data
to be shared, understood and reused across
In future work, we envision to evaluate the
usefulness of our approach. For this purpose, we
have to determine the possible evaluation criteria,
including application-dependent criteria, which can
be used to determine the quality of a module. We
intend to develop an IR system for medical Web
documents using ontology modules to index the
documents. The efficiency of the approach would be
discussed in the context of experiments that aim to
measure the relevance of the retrieved documents.
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