Comparison of Request Admission Based Performance Isolation
Approaches in Multi-tenant SaaS Applications
Rouven Kreb
and Manuel Loesch
SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany
FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Multi-tenancy, Performance, Isolation, SaaS, QoS.
Abstract: In the Software-as-a-Service model one single application instance is usually shared between different
tenants to decrease operational costs. However, sharing at this level may lead to undesired influence from
one tenant onto the performance observed by the others. Intentionally, the application does not manage
hardware resources and the responsible OS is not aware of application level entities like tenants.
Consequently, it is difficult to control the performance of individual tenants to make sure they are isolated.
In this paper we present an overview and classification of methods to ensure performance isolation based on
request admission control. Further, informational requirements of these methods are discussed.
In the cloud computing scenario the providers
leverage economies of scale and resource sharing to
reduce costs of their service offerings. Multi-tenancy
enables one application instance to be shared
between different tenants, including all underneath
layers. This architectural style is widely used in
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) to decrease costs. A
tenant is defined as a group of users sharing the
same view on an application. A view includes the
data they access, the configuration, the user
management, particular functionality, and non-
functional properties (Krebs et al. 2012). Typically,
a tenant represents a legal entity like a company.
Thus, multi-tenancy provides every tenant a
dedicated view and share of the instance which is
isolated from other shares.
Since Multi-tenant Applications (MTA) share the
hardware, operating system, and application instance
there are potential performance influences between
different tenants and unreliable performance is one
of the major concerns for potential cloud users.
Consequently, one of the cloud provider’s goals is to
provide the best possible isolation, with regards to
the performance the tenants observe.
Performance isolation exists if for customers
working within their quotas, the performance is not
affected when aggressive customers exceed their
quotas (Krebs et al. 2012).
Besides performance isolation, product
diversification is an important economic factor.
Diversification could be achieved by additional
functionality or tenant specific Quality-of-Service
(QoS), since customers have a divergent willingness
to pay for performance. At the application level the
guaranteed performance usually refers to response
time and throughput as long as a defined request rate
(quota) is not exceeded.
In MTAs where different tenants share one
single application instance, the intended abstraction
between the operating system that provides resource
management and the application that serves multiple
tenants makes performance isolation harder to
achieve. This is due to the fact that the operating
system is not aware of entities like tenants and the
application has no resource control, which is
essential for controlling performance.
Various approaches to ensure performance
isolation in MTAs were already discussed in the
literature (Li et al. 2008; Krebs et al. 2012). In this
paper we focus on approaches which apply a request
based admission control. These methods delay, or
reject requests from a certain tenant before they are
processed by the application server. Thus, it is
possible to influence the performance for each tenant
and to reduce the impact of one tenant’s requests
onto the others as the amount of competing requests
in the application server can be limited.
In this paper we present an overview of 5 generic
Kreb R. and Loesch M..
Comparison of Request Admission Based Performance Isolation Approaches in Multi-tenant SaaS Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004948804330438
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 433-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
methods which can be used to establish such an
admission control and estimate their capabilities to
ensure isolation. Further, we describe the concrete
information requirements that have to be fulfilled to
realize the different approaches. This helps
developers who aim for performance isolation to
find the most suitable approach for their scenario.
The reminder of this paper is structured as
follows. In Section 2 we provide an overview and
classification of potential methods to ensure
performance isolation in MT environments based on
admission control, and discuss their pros and cons.
Section 3 summarizes the informational
requirements of the introduced classes. An overview
about related work in the area of performance
isolation is presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
concludes with a summary and an outlook on future
In this chapter, five different classes of admission
control measures for performance isolation and QoS
differentiation are presented. The separation into
classes is done based on the kind of required
information to make a particular method work.
2.1 Static Approaches
Static approaches make decisions without
considering further runtime information such as
perceived response times. Usually these approaches
have a constant behavior over time. The basic idea
for static approaches is illustrated in Figure 1.
A Parameterized Admission Control mechanism
uses static rules with constant priorities per tenant
for the decision of which request is allowed to pass
through to the Multi-Tenant Application. Thus, the
requests can be accepted, refused, or delayed. The
information used by such approaches are the SLA
guarantees given to a tenant which are used to derive
a constant priority for each tenant. In order to
provide QoS differentiation, static priorities can be
assigned to the tenants based on the SLA-guaranteed
response time and quota. The benefit of such
approaches is the rather simple implementation.
However, they do not work well without feedback
about the perceived performance and quota used by
the tenants due to the combination of random load
and a difficultly predictable system behavior,
combined with the aim of sharing idle resources.
Different kinds of static isolation approaches and
there pros and cons have already been discussed
(Krebs et al. 2012). One concrete example is a
Round Robin with an own FIFO-queue per tenant. In
contrast to traditional, non-MTAs such an
implementation does not only use one single queue
for requests from all tenants, but one dedicated
queue for each tenant. The queues are queried one
after each other every time when a new request can
be processed.
Figure 1: Static Approaches.
The approaches provide a very good isolation as
long as the system is not over-committed; however,
it is possible that one queue holds plenty requests
and the respective tenant's average response time
cannot be reached although it could be. Such a
scenario is, e.g., given when a tenant has a small
amount of requests in his queue which results in a
low average response time for this tenant while other
tenants may have SLA violations due to longer
2.2 Response Time/Feedback Based
Static approaches come along with the discussed
disadvantages in over-committed and high load
scenarios. It is possible that a tenant with a high
request rate perceives SLA violations although other
tenants could have an average response time
significantly below their SLA-guaranteed. In such a
case, the average response time of the tenant with a
high request rate could be reduced by degrading the
tenants that are significantly below their SLA-
guaranteed response times. To solve this issue
runtime information have to be considered to
dynamically adjust the priorities. According to our
SLA definition, the perceived response times and the
quota are of interest.
Hence, response time based approaches like (Lin
et al. 2009) introduce a control loop using feedback
about response times and the throughput as depicted
in Figure 2.
A Monitor offers the perceived response times
per tenant as well as the throughput per tenant. This
allows the AC Controller to dynamically adjust
priorities per tenant. They are enforced by the
Parameterized Admission Control. Since SLA
guarantees are known by the AC Controller, the
knowledge of the perceived response times allows a
more efficient operation by solving the above-
described issues.
Figure 2: Response Time/Feedback Based approaches.
2.3 Resource Demand Based
Approaches like (Wang et al. 2012) (Krebs et al.
2014) try to directly control the resource
consumption of a tenant to ensure application level
performance guarantees. The entitled amount of
resources is derived from the SLA guarantees. It can
be expected that a higher quality of performance
isolation can be achieved since resource demand
approaches consider the root cause (consumption of
required resources) for the perceived performance,
rather than the implication (response times). The
mapping of high-level SLAs such as guaranteed
response times from the application layer to low-
level resource requirements on the resource layer is
a research topic that currently attracts a lot of
attention. The idea of these approaches is illustrated
in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Resource Demand Based Approaches.
The AC Controller gives a priority per tenant
based on the static SLA guarantees, the current
resource demand per tenant as well as the response
time and throughput per tenant. The AC Controller
has two major tasks. First, the mapping of a tenant's
SLA guarantee, its perceived response time and its
perceived throughput to a fair resources demand per
tenant. Second, to set priorities to enforce the
tenant's calculated fair resource demands based on
the deviation to his current resource demand.
Besides more accurate performance isolation, such
approaches allow alternative billing options in which
tenants pay for the resources they are allowed to
It has to be considered that MTAs are typically
composed of three tiers (client, application,
database) (Koziolek 2011). Each tier could consist
of several instances (Loesch & Krebs 2013). This
has to be considered by resource demand based
approaches whereas in the previous approaches
these internal details could be ignored. Further,
different kinds of resources for both the application
and the database tier exist. It also is worth
mentioning that some resources such as RAM allow
determining a current demand represented in Byte
whereas resources like CPU only know the two
states busy and idle. For them, a well-defined time
frame has to be considered for specifying their
Finally, resource demand based approaches have
to consider that the resource demand per request
type can vary between different tenants due to
tenant-specific customization of the application. The
resource demand is also not static over time. For
example, increasing database sizes or changing
configurations of the application might have an
2.3.1 Direct and Indirect Resource Demand
For estimating a tenant’s resource demand, two
fundamental different approaches can be separated:
Direct and Indirect Resource Demand Estimation
Direct RDE leverages operating system /
platform functionality that allows monitoring the
resource demand on a tenant's basis at the
application-layer. It is the approach depicted in
Figure 3. The tenant-specific resource demand is
then directly reported to the AC Controller which in
turn is responsible for adjusting the admission
control parameters. This is based on the system's
capability to measure the resource demand on a fine-
grained level that delivers the amount of required
resources per user request (e.g., the service time
spent at CPU and required Bytes of RAM). If such
monitoring functionality is available it often comes
along with a significant overhead (Kuperberg et al.
2011) or lacks in monitoring capabilities among
different processes.
Indirect RDE uses algorithms to determine the
resource demand per tenant without internal
knowledge about tenants by using information that
can be measured from outside the tenant-aware
application. To estimate the resource demand,
indirect RDE approaches mostly make use of the
resource utilization, throughput and response time.
Since we are interested in the resource demand per
tenant, the throughput must be reported per tenant.
For implementing indirect RDE different techniques
can be applied such as linear regression or Kalman
filter as realized by (Wang et al. 2012). The control
loop for indirect RDE approaches is depicted in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Indirect Resource Demand Estimation.
2.4 Enhanced Resource Demand
It is possible that the perceived response time is bad
due to a high utilization of a single resource that has
to be used in order to complete a request. We
assume it is possible to build a system where the
resource demand of a certain request type is known
(Krebs et al. 2014). Together with information about
the resource utilization it may allow improving
admission decisions. This approach is illustrated in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Control Loop for Enhanced Resource Demand
based Approaches using direct RDE.
In the previous presented Resource Demand
Approaches the resource utilization is only used in
case of indirect Resource Demand Estimation. In
this kind of approaches, the resource utilization is
always delivered to the AC Controller. Furthermore,
in the previous presented approach, the resource
demand was considered on a tenant-base (directly,
or indirectly via the Resource Demand Estimation
component). In this approach, the resource demand
can be gathered directly or indirectly as well,
however it has to be delivered per tenant-specific
request type. Using this information, the AC
Controller can make better admission decisions. By
knowing the resource demand per request type as
well as the current utilization of the available
resources, requests can be allowed to pass through,
even if other resources are highly utilized.
The subsequent scenario illustrates the benefit of
these kinds of approaches. For example, a resource
demand estimation mechanism may determine that a
certain request type requires no resources on the
database server. If the database server's resources are
high utilized and the application server has a low
utilization, the controller can adjust the admission
control parameters in a way that this request type is
accepted since enough of the crucial resource is
available. In contrast to all previous approaches, this
requires the Admission Control to be not only
tenant- but also request type-specific. Depending on
the variety of resource requirements of different
requests, this may significantly increase the
throughput but again increases complexity.
2.5 Model-based Approaches
Model-based approaches make use of performance
prediction models which are based on workload
forecasts. Foreseeing performance problems has two
major advantages. (1) Adaptation decision can be
made pro-actively before problems occur. (2) The
impact of different adaptation decisions can be
simulated which allows choosing the best adaptation
Respective performance predictions are driven
by the transition towards Cloud Computing
platforms and are especially addressed by the
research area of self-aware systems engineering
(Kounev et al. 2010). Performance prediction
models are usually based on the detection of
workload patterns and Hidden Markov Models that
allow predicting variations in such patterns. Based
on such performance prediction models, Model-
based Approaches work as depicted in Figure 6. The
Performance Prediction Model allows the prediction
of response times based on the current AC
This way, the AC Controller can make
adaptation decisions before performance problems
occur. Further, it is possible to simulate the impact
of different adaptation decisions. Therefore, the AC
Controller could create multiple adaptation
decisions (e.g., multiple sets of tenant priorities) that
are expected to optimize the performance isolation.
By using the Performance Prediction Model, the
influence of different options onto the performance
could then be simulated. The decision that comes
along with the best performance isolation can be
chosen based on a fitness function for the overall
SLA compliance and maybe resource utilization (cf.
Section 2.3 and Section 2.4).
Figure 6: Control Loop for Model-Based Approaches.
Table 1 depicts an overview about the elaborated
informational requirements of the introduced classes
of performance isolations approaches. The specific
advantages that are reasoned by the increased
amount of information used have been discussed in
the previous sections as well as the increased effort
to gather this information and to implement the
presented classes.
Table 1: Informational Requirements.
1 2 3 4 5
Informational Requirement
SLA guarantees, per tenant x x x x x
Response time, per tenant x x x x
Throughput, per tenant x x x x
Resource demand
- per tenant
- per request type
Resource utilization x opt.
Model for performance
Admission Control Parameters
Specific to tenant x x x x x
Specific to request type x opt.
It can be recognized that Static Approaches (1) only
use static SLA information without considering
runtime information at all. To overcome the problem
of these approaches, we introduced Response Time
based Approaches (2) that use a control loop
leveraging response times and throughputs as
runtime information. Resource Demand based
Approaches (3) try to take advantage by making
admission decisions based on the tenant’s resource
demands which are the root cause for their perceived
performance. The table shows the informational
requirements for direct RDE approaches where the
resource demand is gathered through direct
measurements. If the resource demand should not be
measured directly, it can be estimated based on the
tenant’s throughput and the resource’s utilization (cf.
Section 2.3). The Enhanced Resource Demand
based Approaches (4) enable a performance
isolation that allows preferring requests that can be
processed by free resources. This will increase the
overall utilization and hence the economic
efficiency. Therefore, the resource utilization is
required and the resource demands have to be
specific for the tenant and the tenant-specific
request-type. It is worth to mention again, if the
resource demands should be estimated indirectly,
this can be done based on the request types’
throughputs, response times and the resource’s
utilization. Model-based Approaches (5) are able to
anticipate performance issues and simulate different
adaptation decisions. Therefore, they require a
model for performance predictions, usually based on
workload forecasts. For them, it is optional to
consider resource demands. When considering
resource utilization and the resource demands on
basis of request types, free resources can be utilized
more efficiently by giving precedence to respective
request types as in the case of Enhanced Resource
Demand based Approaches.
Lin et al. (Lin et al. 2009) focus on providing
different QoS for different tenants by regulating
response times. They make use of a regulator which
is based on feedback control theory to achieve this.
Li et al. (Li et al. 2008) first predict performance
anomalies and identify an aggressive tenant who is
responsible for the incident. Based on this, their
approach applies an adoption strategy reducing the
influence of the aggressive tenant on the others to
ensure isolation. Wang et al. (Wang et al. 2012)
developed a tenant-based resource demand
estimation technique using Kalman filters. This
approach predicts the current resource usage of a
tenant and uses this information to control the
admission of incoming requests based in a
predefined quota. Four static mechanisms to realize
performance isolation were described and evaluated
in (Krebs et al. 2012). One approach is based on
thread pool management and three other approaches
leverage admission control.
These papers focus on the concrete algorithms
and do not discuss the general approach nor classify
their approach or evaluate general informational
Guo (Guo et al. 2007) discuss multiple isolation
aspects including performance isolation for MTAs
on a conceptual level. They propose Resource
Partitioning, Resource Reservation and Request-
based Admission Control as mechanisms to maintain
a certain QoS for each tenant. In comparison, we
provide a classification and potential solutions
within Request-based Admission Control which was
not covered in detail. In (Loesch & Krebs 2013) the
authors describe where a request-based admission
control has to be realized in a distributed MTA
scenario. However, a classification or concrete
measures to achieve performance isolation are not
described. Koziolek (Koziolek 2011) evaluated
several existing MTAs and derived a common
architectural style. However, Koziolek's
architectural style does not discuss performance
isolation at all.
Multi-tenancy is an architectural approach which
shares one single application instance between
several customers. This allows increasing the
efficiency of SaaS applications. However, due to the
abstraction of the application which is tenant aware,
from the actual resources, controlled by the non-
tenant aware OS, it is complicated to ensure the
isolation of the performance observed by different
tenants. In this paper we presented five conceptual
approaches with increasing capabilities to control
performance to the detriment of the complexity and
need for detailed information about the system at
runtime. All presented approaches overcome the
described layer discrepancy by applying a request-
based admission control. The simplest approach is
based on a static admission control like a Round
Robin which successively selects tenants’ requests
from tenant specific queues. In contrast, the most
complex approach uses performance prediction
models to find a suitable admission control method
by proactively reacting to forecasted performance
incidents that might happen in the future. We further
discussed specific advantages of these approaches,
followed by a list and comparison of their
information requirements. This helps developers of
multi-tenant applications to find an appropriate
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Kounev, S. et al., 2010. Towards Self-Aware Performance
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Koziolek, H., 2011. The SPOSAD Architectural Style for
Multi-tenant Software Applications. In: Proceedings
of the 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Krebs, R., Momm, C. & Kounev, S., 2012. Metrics and
Techniques for Quantifying Performance Isolation in
Cloud Environments. In: Proc. of the 8th international
ACM Conference on Quality of Software
Krebs, R. et al., 2014. Resource Usage Control In Multi-
Tenant Applications. In Proceedings of the 14th
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Kuperberg, M. et al., 2011. Defining and Quantifying
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Li, X. H. et al., 2008. SPIN: Service Performance Isolation
Infrastructure in Multi-tenancy Environment. In:
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Lin, H. L. H. et al., 2009. Feedback-Control-Based
Performance Regulation for Multi-Tenant
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Loesch, M. & Krebs, R., 2013. Conceptual Approach for
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
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Wang, W. et al., 2012. Application-Level CPU
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