Keyword based Keyframe Extraction in Online Video Collections
Edoardo Ardizzone, Marco La Cascia and Giuseppe Mazzola
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica (DICGIM), Università degli Studi di Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze, bd. 6, Palermo, Italy
Keywords: Video Summarization, Keyframe Extraction, Automatic Speech Recognition, YouTube, Multimedia
Abstract: Keyframe extraction methods aim to find in a video sequence the most significant frames, according to
specific criteria. In this paper we propose a new method to search, in a video database, for frames that are
related to a given keyword, and to extract the best ones, according to a proposed quality factor. We first
exploit a speech to text algorithm to extract automatic captions from all the video in a specific domain
database. Then we select only those sequences (clips), whose captions include a given keyword, thus
discarding a lot of information that is useless for our purposes. Each retrieved clip is then divided into shots,
using a video segmentation method, that is based on the SURF descriptors and keypoints. The sentence of
the caption is projected onto the segmented clip, and we select the shot that includes the input keyword. The
selected shot is further inspected to find good quality and stable parts, and the frame which maximizes a
quality metric is selected as the best and the most significant frame. We compare the proposed algorithm
with another keyframe extraction method based on local features, in terms of Significance and Quality.
The widespread diffusion of multimedia online
collections has increased the need of software tools
to index and to annotate the content of these
multimedia data. Each month more than 1 billion
unique users visit YouTube and over 6 billion hours
of video are watched by users. Furthermore 100
hours of video are uploaded every minute, then
YouTube is the world’s largest video database, and
it makes available to the users contents about any
type of topic. According to a 2010 survey (Sysomos,
2010), Music is the most popular category with
30.7% of all analyzed videos, followed by
Entertainment (14,6%) and People & Blogs (10,8%).
Other popular categories are: News and Politics
(6,7%), Sports (6%), Comedy (5,2%), Education
(4,1%), Movies (3,6%), Animation (3,2%), HowTo
(3,1%) and Science and Technology (2,9%).
In the very last years, YouTube users have the
possibility to turn on automatic subtitles in the
online videos they are watching. Not all the videos
have this option but, for some specific domains, a lot
of subtitled videos are available. In our work we are
interested in studying these kinds of videos. In
particular, our goal is to extract information within a
specific domain of knowledge, and to summarize the
retrieved content, according to the user input
Keyframe extraction is a technique which aims
to extract the most significant frames from a video,
in order to have a short summary that contains all
the important information needed to understand the
video content. The most common approach is to
segment a video into sub-sequences (shots) and to
select the most representative frame for each sub-
sequence. A shot is defined as an uninterrupted
sequence of frames acquired from a single camera,
without cuts. A keyframe is the frame which can
summarize, as best, the content of the shot.
A video sequence typically includes a lot of
scene changes, and segmenting a video means
finding the boundaries between different shots.
Since there is a lot of literature about video
segmentation (Hu et al., 2011), in this work we
focus onto keyframe extraction techniques. Several
features have been used in literature for the problem
of keyframe extraction: color histogram in specific
color spaces (D’Avila et al., 2011), object and
camera motion based features (Yue et a., 2008), and
edge information (Chan et al., 2011). Some newest
Ardizzone E., La Cascia M. and Mazzola G..
Keyword based Keyframe Extraction in Online Video Collections.
DOI: 10.5220/0005190001700177
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 170-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-077-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Keyword-Based Clip Selection. The videos in
the domain dataset are processed by the ASR module.
Automatic captions are extracted from the videos and a list
of Clips, whose captions include the input keyword, are
selected. Each Video may contain several Clips whose
captions match the input keyword.
Figure 2: Clip Segmentation and Keyframe Extraction.
Each clip is segmented to find the cuts and the shots. The
most significant shot of the Clip is selected by considering
the keyword position in the caption. The “best” keyframe,
according to a quality criterion, is extracted from the most
significant shot.
methods use local feature matching to segment
videos and extract keyframes (Liu et al., 2009; Guan
et al., 2013). Many approaches have been proposed
for the problem. Threshold based methods (Wang
and Luo, 2008) compare the differences between
frames with a static or dynamic threshold. Methods
based on statistical models (Jiang et al., 2008) build
mathematical models to represent the boundaries of
the shots. Clustering based methods (Chasanis et al.,
2007) search for similar features in a shot. Some
new methods (Wei at al. 2011) exploit also audio
In this paper we present a keyframe extraction
method to analyze the content of online video
collections. We are interested in finding in all the
videos of a database the keyframes which are related
to a given keyword, and that satisfy quality
constraints. The paper is organized as follows:
section 2 describes the proposed method; in section
3 we present our experimental results; in the
conclusive section we discuss the possible
applications and the future works.
The goal of the proposed method is to search, in a
large collection of videos, for frames that are
significant to a specific concept, and which respect a
visual quality constraint. The process may be
subdivided into 4 steps: Clip Selection (fig.1), Clip
Segmentation, Shot Selection and Keyframe
Extraction (fig.2).
2.1 Clip Selection
Given a collection of videos regarding a specific
domain (see experimental section for more details),
and an input keyword, the first step is to select from
the video database all the parts of the videos (clips)
to which this keyword is somewhat related. For our
purpose we considered only a single input keyword.
We use an automatic transcription algorithm (the
YouTube automatic captioning module) to extract
the speech from the videos in the database, and to
assign subtitles to each clip. We select the clips in
which the given keyword is pronounced, namely
those whose captions include the input keyword. A
sequence, associated to a single line of a caption, is
typically 2-5 seconds long. In this way we discard a
lot of useless information, and we focus only on
those parts of the videos which are significant for the
keyword. A text based search is much faster than a
visual search, and drastically reduces the execution
time to retrieve the desired information. In this work
we are not interested in the semantic analysis of the
text, as captions are very noisy, and they will need to
be processed to recover the underlying syntactic
structure, before being able to study the semantic
content. We adopted a simple binary search, with the
purpose to verify the presence of the keyword in the
captions. The output of this step is a list of clips,
from different videos, and the related captions,
which include the input keyword.
2.2 Clip Segmentation
The selected clips may include many scene changes,
so the next step is to divide the clips into shots, by
using a boundary frame detection algorithm. For this
purpose we decided to use a local features based
algorithm, which it is suitable for our goals and
gives good results, even if it is slower than other
state of the art methods. Note that our segmentation
algorithm does not need to process the whole video,
but only the selected clips, which are usually no
more than 150 frames, and the process takes only
few seconds per clip. We extract from each frame of
Figure 3: The video segmentation process. If there is a
large displacement in the number of matches, the video
sequence is split into two shots.
Figure 4: Shot Selection. Words are projected onto the
video timeline, and the shot which includes the keyword
(Word K), is selected.
the clip the SURF (Bay et al. 2006) points and
descriptors, and compute the matches between two
consecutive frames, by considering the minimum
Euclidean distance between descriptors. We
eliminate ambiguous matches if the ratio between
the distances of a feature vector to its first and
second nearest neighbours is above a threshold. For
efficiency reasons, we decided to use the SURF
algorithm instead of the SIFT one. In fact, as known,
SURF is much faster than SIFT and, in case of very
little differences between two images (as in the case
of two consecutive frames in a video), has
comparable results in many applications. Our clip is
then represented by the vector of the number of
matches between each frame and the next frame
forward. To segment the clip we look for the frames
that verify the condition:
() () ()Fi Fi Fi
() ()
where F(i) is the vector of features of the i-th frame,
is a linear prediction of the actual value F,
which uses the k previous frames to estimate the
actual value, and α is a constant value less than 1 (α
is experimentally set to 0.5). In practice, if there is a
great variation of the actual value of the feature
vector, with respect to the estimated one, we
consider the frame as a boundary frame, that is an
indication of a scene change (see fig. 3). The
segmentation condition is imposed onto the
displacement between the prediction and the actual
value, instead of the absolute displacement, as we
suppose that a change of scene is when there is a
sudden “fall” in the number of matches. An abrupt
increase is typically due to noise, and not to a
change of scene (note that we compute the forward
match between two consecutive frames). Finally
each clip is segmented into different shots.
2.3 Shot Selection
Video segmentation techniques usually splits a video
sequence into shots, to identify its cuts, and each
shot is processed separately. In our study, once a clip
(a part of the video whose subtitles include the input
keyword) is split into shots, we need to use a
criterion to select the most suitable shot, i.e. that is
most relevant to the input keyword. For this purpose
we made an assumption: we suppose that the word
of interest is pronounced during the shot that is the
most significant for that word. Therefore we equally
subdivide the clip according to the number of words
in the caption (fig. 4). We “project” the list of the
words in the caption into the clip timeline, and we
select as the most significant shot the one that
includes the word of interest, that is the part of the
clip in which the word is likely to have been said.
For our purposes there is no need to further process
the text of the subtitle, e.g. discarding stop-words, as
we are interested in “when” the word is said, and not
in its semantic meaning. The drawback of this
assumption is that it does not take in account the
syntactic structure of the captions. The word of
interest can be the subject of the phrase, or the direct
object, and this will influence its position in the
caption. We plan to further investigate this problem
in future works.
2.4 Keyframe Extraction
Once the shot is selected, in the last step of our
method we extract a significant frame, the
“keyframe”, from the sequence of frames that are
included in the shot. Many state of the art techniques
select the first, the last, or the central frame as the
most significant for a shot. Other local feature based
methods (Liu et al., 2009) select the frame which
has the highest number of keyponts, as it is the one
which includes the most of the information. In our
work we decided to consider another criterion: we
search for the frame which has the highest “quality”
between those into the inspected shot, that is the
“maximally stable” frame. In particular we search
for the frame which at the same time maximizes the
average and minimizes the standard deviation of the
number of matches with the other frames in a
where E
and σ
are, respectively, the average value
and the standard deviation of the number of matches
between frames in a window of size w, centred in
the i-th frame, and β is a constant weight,
experimentally set to 0.5. The selected keyframe will
be extracted from an area in which there is “good”
information (high number of matches) and in which
there is a small variation of information (small
standard deviation). In this way we avoid to extract
motion blurred keyframes, which typically have less
matches with the other neighbour frames and an
high variability in the number of matches, or frames
which are part of gradual transition. Note that we did
not investigate separately gradual transition, mainly
as our method do not select frames that are part of a
transition, as they are “not good” quality frames. We
observed in our tests that this hypothesis is verified
in almost all the cases.
To test our method, we needed to work with videos
which have some particular features. First of all, we
needed videos with automatic captions, as discussed
in section 1. The second requirement is a high
correlation between visual and audio information.
The purpose of our algorithm is to find frames that
are significant for a specific concept. When a
speaker is talking about an issue that is not shown
during the talk (or if it is shown before or after the
talk), our method is not suited.
3.1 Dataset
We selected two specific domains that meet these
requirements. The first domain dataset (‘recipes’) is
made of instructional videos (or how-to videos)
about cooking, a category of videos that is very
popular on the Web. In these videos there is
typically a speaker showing the ingredients, the
tools, how to cook, etc. Instructional videos usually
contain a lot of scene changes, going from a zoom
on the objects in the table to a wide angle shot to
focus on the speaker.
The second domain dataset (‘wildlife’) is made
of the naturalistic documentaries about wildlife, that
may be included in the “educational” category of
videos. They are much longer than instructional
videos, they have many static shots, and show an
alternation of parts with people speaking and long
sequences with no description. Therefore,
naturalistic videos have very different features with
respect to the “how-to” videos. We also tested our
algorithm on sports videos but, as they do not meet
the audio-visual correlation constraint, they are not
suitable for our goals. Furthermore, audio in sports
videos is typically very noisy, then the automatic
transcription is often unreliable.
For each domain, we downloaded 100 videos
from YouTube, in two languages: English and
Italian. Not all the videos contain automatic
subtitles. In particular we found 100 subtitled videos
about “recipes” in English (69 in Italian) and 53
videos about “wildlife” in English (40 in Italian).
Within the “recipes” domain, we selected several
input keywords and we grouped them into three
Classes: Ingredients (‘water’, ‘sugar’, ‘butter’, ‘salt’,
‘oil’), Actions (‘cut’, ‘mix’), and Tools (‘pan’,
‘knife’). The equivalent Italian versions of these
words have been used for the Italian language
queries. We choose these words as the most frequent
ones, within each Class, in the corpus of the words
extracted from all the videos of the domain. For the
‘wildlife’ domain, using the same approach, we
selected Animals (‘fish’, ‘tiger’, ‘snake’, ‘birds’),
Action (‘kill’), and Environment (‘forest’, ‘sea’)
words. Also in this case, we tested both the English
and the Italian versions of these words.
3.2 Experimental Setup
For each query several clips, related to the input
keyword, are extracted from the videos within the
inspected dataset. For a clip of interest, we extract
the central frame (in the rest of the paper indicated
as “central”), the keyframe with our method
(indicated as “proposed”) and the keyframe
extracted using a slightly modified version of the
algorithm described in (Liu et al., 2009) (the
“reference”). The reference method has been chosen
as it use local features for the video segmentation
and the keyframe extraction, as our method does. In
particular, the method in (Liu et al., 2009) extracts
SIFT keypoints and segments a video by
thresholding a feature vector that is a combination of
the number of keypoints of a frame, and the number
matches between two consecutive frames. The
keyframe of a shot is the one that maximizes the
number of keypoints as, according to the authors, it
is the one that contains the maximum information. In
this paper we considered our implementation of
(Liu et al., 2009) with two difference with respect to
the original algorithm :
we used SURF algorithm, rather than SIFT, for
computing convenience;
we introduced our shot selection step (see par.
2.3), to select the most significant shot of the clip
(w.r.t. the keyword), in between the video
segmentation and keyframe extraction steps of
the reference algorithm, as it has no counterpart
in the original algorithm.
Furthermore we took in account for comparison
the central frame of the selected shot, but we
decided not to show the results as we observed that
they are very similar to those obtained with the
reference method, in terms of the metrics described
in section 3.3. We also studied the algorithm
proposed in (Guan et al., 2013), but it is extremely
slower than the chosen reference method, then we
have not considered it for efficiency reasons.
3.3 Evaluation Metrics
In our tests we were not interested in evaluating
separately the performance of the video
segmentation part of the algorithm, but of the whole
keyframe extraction process. Since it is impossible
to define an objective metric to evaluate the
performance of a keyframe extraction method, we
adopted a subjective comparative approach. We
asked to 5 testers to evaluate the “proposed”
keyframe in comparison, separately, with the
“central” and the “reference” keyframes, in terms of
Significance and of Quality. A keyframe is more
significant than another if its visual content is more
representative for the input keyword. The Quality
concept is highly subjective and involves many
aspects, but a blurred or a motion blurred frame
typically is considered a poor quality frame. With
regard to the Significance evaluation, the testers
have three options:
1. frame F1 is more significant than frame F2;
2. frame F2 is more significant than frame F1;
3. frames F1 and F2 are equally significant;
and the additional option:
4. none of the frames is significant.
If more than a half of the people select this last
option, both the keyframes are labeled as
insignificant. With regard to the Quality evaluation,
the testers have three options:
1. frame F1 has better quality than frame F2;
2. frame F2 has better quality than frame F1;
3. frames F1 and F2 have the same quality.
For each test the decisions are taken at majority.
In case of draw between the options 1 and 2, the two
frames are considered equally significant (or of the
same quality). In case of draw between the options 1
(or 2) with option 3, the option 1 (2) wins.
3.4 Experimental Results
Table 1 shows the results obtained for the different
domains and the different languages. The first result
is that a lot of retrieved clips (about 50%) contain
information that have been evaluated by the testers
as not significant to the input keyword. This is
typically the case of a person speaking of
“something”, without showing “something” and, in
this case, the extracted frame is not relevant for the
input keyword. In our tests we measured the
Significance metric comparing only frames that are
part of significant clips, while we compared all the
retrieved frames in terms of Quality. Analyzing only
the significant clips, we observed that in many cases
all the methods give the same results. In fact, when
the retrieved caption is related to a single shot
sequence (the most frequent case), all the frames of
the sequence have the same visual content and it is
not very different, mainly in terms of Significance,
to select a frame or another one. Moreover, our
method and the reference one use a similar video
segmentation algorithm, and the method the shot
selection step is the same in both the algorithms.
Thus the two methods select, in almost all cases, the
same shot.
In terms of Quality, our method achieves better
results, above all for the “recipes” domain. This
means that the selection of the frame which have the
highest informative content (the largest number of
interest points) do not ensure the choice of a good
quality frame, that is, to our opinion, a very
important feature to better understand the content of
an image. With respect to the “central” method, the
improvement of our method are more evident, both
in terms of Significance and Quality. In fact the
selection of the “central” frame is almost a random
choice, and there is no guarantee that the selected
frame is correlated to the input keyword, nor that the
frame is a “good quality” frame. We observed no
relevant differences in the results obtained using
Italian and English languages.
Table 1: Experimental results within the two domains in the two languages. The Significance metric is computed only on
significant frames. Quality is compared between all the retrieved frames. We wrote in bold the most interesting results.
English Italian
Recipes Wildlife
In terms of the efficiency, our algorithm takes
few seconds per clip, spent mainly for the video
segmentation step. In fact, only the clips of the
videos in the dataset that are related to the input
concept are analyzed, instead of processing hours
and hours of videos, drastically reducing the
execution time.
Fig. 5 shows some visual examples of the
obtained results within the “recipes” (first three
rows) and wildlife (last two rows) domains. The first
row shows the results with the keyword “milk”
within the “recipes” domain. In this case the
“proposed” keyframe is the only one which contains
something related to word “milk” and moreover the
“reference” one is affected by motion blurring. In
the second row the three frames have more or less
the same Significance with respect to the word
“butter”, but the “proposed” keyframe is the best in
terms of Quality. Regarding the keyword “cut”
(third row), the three extracted keyframes have more
or less the same Quality (the “reference” is slightly
affected by blurring), but the “proposed” frame is
the most significant for the input keyword. For the
“wildlife” domain and the keyword “snake”, the
“proposed” keyframe is the only one which
represents a snake, and all three frames are slightly
affected by blurring. In the last case (“wildlife”
domain and “kill” keyword) the “reference” and the
“proposed” methods extract almost the same
keyframe, which is significant for the input
keyword, while the “central” keyframe is an
irrelevant and poor quality image.
Extracting keyframes that are related to a given
subject, from large video databases, may be a useful
tool for many applications. First of all, it can help
users in retrieving those parts of the videos that are
related to a desired subject, without directly
inspecting all the videos, saving a lot of work and
time. Furthermore, the presentation of “good
quality” frames may help the users in understanding
the content of the retrieved videos, as poor quality
frames, e.g. motion blurred ones, may hide
important information. If the goal is to find visual
examples of a desired subject, the main drawback of
the proposed method is that several retrieved clips,
whose caption contains the desired word, do not
include frames that visually represent the subject.
This is sometimes due to incorrect automatic
transcriptions, but in most cases the clips contains
people “speaking about” a subject, without
“showing” it.
To further filter out the retrieved information, we
plan in future works to exploit visual information,
e.g. visual models, of the given subject to be
compared with the extracted keyframes. We also
plan to exploit our algorithm, which aim to extract
visual examples of a specific subject, to find the
same subject into not annotated videos, within a
specific domain, using also temporal information.
The combination of textual and visual information
may be also used to extract the semantic structure of
the video, exploiting, for example, domain specific
central reference Proposed
Figure 5: Some visual examples of the obtained results within the different domains. Keyframes extracted with the “central”
(left column), “reference” (central), and “proposed” (right) methods.
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