HDR Imaging for Enchancing People Detection and Tracking in
Indoor Environments
Panagiotis Agrafiotis, Elisavet K. Stathopoulou, Andreas Georgopoulos and Anastasios Doulamis
Laboratory of Photogrammetry, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
15780 Zografou Athens, Greece
HDR Imaging, People Detection, People Tracking.
Videos and image sequences of indoor environments with challenging illumination conditions often capture
either brightly lit or dark scenes where every single exposure may contain overexposed and/or underexposed
regions. High Dynamic Range (HDR) images contain information that standard dynamic range ones, often
mentioned also as low dynamic range images (SDR/LDR) cannot capture. This paper investigates the contri-
bution of HDR imaging in people detection and tracking systems. In order to evaluate this contribution of the
HDR imaging in the accuracy and robustness of pedestrian detection and tracking in challenging indoor visual
conditions, two state of the art trackers of different complexity were implemented. To this direction data were
collected taking into account the requirements and real-life indoor scenarios and HDR frames were produced.
The algorithms were applied to the SDR data and their corresponding HDR data and were compared and eval-
uated for their robustness and accuracy in terms of precision and recall. Results show that that the use of HDR
images enhances the performance of the detection and tracking scheme, making it robust and more reliable.
Videos and image sequences of indoor environments
with challenging illumination conditions often cap-
ture brightly lit or dark scenes where every single
exposure may contain overexposed and/or underex-
posed regions. This common phenomenon is usu-
ally the result of human constructions (buildings, win-
dows etc.) and trees that influence negatively the dig-
ital representation of the scene. Essential information
loss, noise and saturation degrade image processing
and computer vision algorithms that rely on accurate
feature detection.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) images contain in-
formation that standard dynamic range ones, often
mentioned in the bibliography also as low dynamic
range images (SDR/LDR) cannot capture. A standard
sensor is designed to depict a limited range of inten-
sities at the same frame, in contrast with the human
eye adaptation system. Thus, in extreme illumination
conditions, overexposed and/or underexposed pixels
may occur, causing serious information loss. HDR
images can be captured either by specially designed
sensors with extended dynamic range or by merging
multiple SDR images of the same scene with different
exposure time settings (Reinhard et al., 2005).
This study investigates the contribution of HDR
imaging in people detection and tracking systems
through the implementation of two detection and
tracking systems of different complexity. The paper is
organised as follows: Section 2 is a review of related
previous work concerning HDR imaging and feature
detection and tracking algorithms. Section 3 analyses
our approach, followed by experimental results with
captured datasets in Section 4 and conclusions in Sec-
tion 5.
The current state-of-the-art in such computer vision
algorithms study constrained visual environments like
the ones within a research laboratory or of real-like
sequences of one or few objects. To handle these
bottlenecks, in the recent years, several research ef-
forts have been also published using complicated vi-
sual environments, like the ones of outdoors surveil-
lance of multiple persons (pedestrians), crowded con-
ditions, aerial monitoring, teleconferences rooms,
sports events, and daily activities within houses.
Creating an HDR image by merging multiple
views of the same scene captured with different ex-
posure values is commonly used in the bibliography.
Agrafiotis P., Stathopoulou E., Georgopoulos A. and Doulamis A..
HDR Imaging for Enchancing People Detection and Tracking in Indoor Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0005456706230630
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (MMS-ER3D-2015), pages 623-630
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Debevec and Malik, 1997; Robertson et al., 1999;
Rovid et al., 2007). These algorithms use the input
images to create the HDR image by computing the
camera response function (CRF) given the exposure
HDR images are basically radiance maps whose
pixels reach a maximum of 32-bit floating point im-
age representation. Common display media can visu-
alise SDR/LDR images in a 16- or 8-bit format but
are unable to render properly images in 32-bit format.
Various compression operators to convert HDR im-
ages to displayable (LDR) ones without serious detail
loss have been developed (Reinhard et al., 2002; Du-
rand and Dorsey, 2002; Drago et al., 2003; Mantiuk
et al., 2006; Fattal et al., 2007). This process is known
as tone-mapping technique. Tone mapping operators
can be classified into global and local with respect to
their pixel region of impact. Global techniques apply
a mapping function to the entire set of pixels, while
local ones take into account the characteristics in the
neighbourhood of each pixel.
Feature detection and tracking in images and
videos is a common problem in computer vision and
it has been extensively discussed in the literature dur-
ing the previews years. First step of these approaches
is the extraction of appropriate visual descriptors.
The most commonly used detectors and descriptors
in vision based applications are SIFT, SURF, GFTT,
FAST, ORB and HOG. Scale Invariant Feature Trans-
form (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004) extracts features invariant
to image scale, rotation and translation and partially
invariant to illumination changes. Speeded Up Ro-
bust Features (SURF) (Bay et al., 2008) and Good
Features To Track (GFTT) (Shi and Tomasi, 1994),
feature detectors are based on the assessment of the
Hessian matrix. SURF also combines both detec-
tion and description but it outperforms SIFT in terms
of speed. GFTT is an improved version of Harris
corner detector (Harris and Stephens, 1988). Fea-
tures from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) (Ros-
ten and Drummond, 2006) is based on the intensity
difference of the candidate centre pixel and its sur-
rounding neighbours lying on a circular ring about the
centre. It is benefiting from low computation. The
Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) (Rublee
et al., 2011). ORB is a combination of FAST and
the recently developed BRIEF descriptor (Calonder
et al., 2010), being rotation invariant and resistant to
noise. Finally, HOG (Histograms of Oriented Gra-
dients) were initially described by Dalal and Triggs
(Dalal and Triggs, 2005) in the context of person de-
tection in images and videos. These descriptors are
fed as input to non-linear classifiers to detect the ob-
jects and track their position within the space (Liu
et al., 2011; Kaaniche and Bremond, 2009; Alahi
et al., 2010; Miao et al., 2011).
In addition, great effort has been dedicated to han-
dle object tracking as a classification problem (Avi-
dan, 2004; Lepetit et al., 2005). Some of the first ap-
proaches towards an adaptable classification for ob-
ject tracking have been presented in (Collins et al.,
2005; Doulamis et al., 2003). These studies, how-
ever, do not face efficiently the general trade-off be-
tween model stability and adaptability. Matthews et
al. (Matthews et al., 2004), propose an updated tem-
plate algorithm that avoids the ”drifting” inherent.
Other methods exploit the semi-supervised paradigm
(Stalder et al., 2009; Grabner et al., 2008), a co-
training strategy (Tang et al., 2007), a combination
of generative and discriminative trackers (Yu et al.,
2008), or finally coupled layered visual models (Ce-
hovin et al., 2011).
The fact that local information sometimes is not
enough to make a correct decision led to the devel-
opment of global optimization trackers. Examples
are the use of a minimum cost graph matching that
runs the Hungarian algorithm (Cehovin et al., 2011;
Huang et al., 2008). Other works handle the problem
as a minimum flow cost problem (Zhang et al., 2008;
Henriques et al., 2011). However, in case that the
background/foreground significantly changes, there is
no way to estimate matches for longer time periods
forcing the algorithm to fail. The aforementioned ap-
proaches exploit Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) im-
ages or videos that limit their performance.
Although HDR imaging is a broadly used tech-
nique, a few surveys regarding feature tracking on
such images have been made. Cui et al. proved that
the performance and robustness of SIFT operator on
HDR images is superior than using SDR ones (Cui
et al., 2011). The work of Ladas et al. (Ladas et al.,
) takes advantage of HDR imaging and inverse illu-
mination based on Precomputed Radiance Transfer
(PRT) (Sloan et al., 2002). Chermak and Aouf investi-
gated HDR imaging on a larger number of state of the
art operators, SIFT, SURF, Harris, Tomasi and FAST,
resulting in indeed higher performance than SDR im-
ages (Chermak and Aouf, 2012). A subsequent study
(Chermak et al., 2014) elaborates further on this field
by testing larger image sequences for feature tracking.
The main contribution of this paper is the use of
the HDR imagery instead of the SDR already used, in
order to eventually improve the performance and the
reliability of pedestrian detection and tracking algo-
3.1 Tested Trackers
In order to evaluate the contribution of the High Dy-
namic Range imaging in the accuracy and robustness
of pedestrian detection and tracking in challenging in-
door visual conditions, two state of the art trackers of
different complexity were implemented.
3.2 The Complex Tracker
We adopt and modify the tracking scheme presented
in (Kokkinos et al., 2013). The algorithm operates in
real time, or at least just in time and the computer
vision tools have been developed using Intels Inte-
grated Performance Primitives tools, exploiting pro-
cessor hardware capabilities.
This exploited and modified version of the afore-
mentioned human tracker, integrates on the one hand
adaptive background models able to capture slight
modifications of the background with, on the other
hand, algorithms based on motion characteristics in
order to define accurately and precisely the areas of
the image to be considered as foreground or back-
In particular, for background modelling, local ge-
ometrically enriched mixture models were introduced
like the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) in order
to deal with the problem of tracking over long peri-
ods. These models are exploiting the geometric prop-
erties of locally connected regions. Since, such an
approach is very sensitive to noise and the alteration
of the pixel values due to illumination changes, re-
ducing the background modelling performance, the
dimensionality of the hyper-space is reduced using
the concept of saliency maps. This approach adopts
a graph-based saliency map methodology so that the
most important pixels are selected (pixels in which
humans feature more than others), and these to be
fed as GMM input. This inclusion of local connec-
tivity in modelling the background content increases
robustness and tolerance to noise owing either to cam-
era defects and illumination fluctuation. In order to
make the algorithm applicable in real-time applica-
tions, the background on the on-line captured video
frames is re-modelled only in high confident areas of
background. These areas are estimated using an iter-
ative motion detection scheme constrained by shape
and time properties. In particular, the foreground
object is currently detected as a moving object pre-
senting human shape constraints while retaining its
continuity in time (temporal coherency). The mo-
tion field is detected through an iterative implementa-
tion of the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow method (Lu-
cas et al., 1981) while a constrained shape and time
mechanism is developed in order to overcome intro-
duced noise. For accelerating the optical flow algo-
rithm, is adopted an iterative implementation of the
algorithm starting with the creation of a stack of dif-
ferent image resolutions (Doulamis, 2010). This is
achieved by low-pass filtering of the image content.
However, estimating the motion activity for all
pixel of a frame is a time-consuming process while
increases the computational complexity of the algo-
rithm, threatening a real-time implementation. More-
over, the application of the aforementioned technique
for all pixels would provide a large number of erro-
neous motion vectors mainly due to the high dynam-
ics of the background content and the complexity of
the visual environment. It is also clear that erroneous
estimation of motion vectors results in an inaccurate
detection, increasing false positives/negatives.
To address this difficulty, the implemented scheme
estimates the motion vectors on particularly selected
points on the image plane. This is done by detect-
ing good image pixels. In this approach, is imple-
mented the Good Features to Track method of Shi and
Tomasi for pixel representation as feature vectors (Shi
and Tomasi, 1994). The aforementioned scheme has
been also used for activity and behavior recognition
(Kosmopoulos et al., 2012; Voulodimos et al., 2014;
Voulodimos et al., 2012).
3.3 The HOG-based Tracker
In parallel with the already described implementation,
we test a simpler tracker based on Histograms of Ori-
ented Gradients (HOG) (Dalal and Triggs, 2005) and
a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. A
detection and tracking system based on this method-
ology is sensitive in luminosity conditions and this
makes it ideal for testing a possible HDR enchant-
ment for pedestrian detection and tracking.
Subsequently, a detailed review of Dalal and
Triggs method is given. The HOG human detector is
based on evaluating well-normalized local histograms
of image gradient orientations in a dense grid. The
main concept of this methodology is that local ob-
ject appearance and shape can often be characterized
rather well by the distribution of local intensity gradi-
ents or edge directions, even without precise knowl-
edge of the corresponding gradient or edge positions
(Dalal and Triggs, 2005). In order to construct this
dense grid of oriented gradient histograms, several
stages are implemented. Initially, gamma and colour
normalization steps are carried out to reduce the in-
fluence of shadows and illumination. The intensity
gradient at a pixel is then computed for each colour
channel. The next stage is gradient computation at
each spatial region or (cell). A range of adjacent
cells are grouped into larger spatial blocks so as to
normalize edge contrast and illumination. The final
step is to concatenate all of the normalized block vec-
tors over each detection window to form a final win-
dow descriptor. HOG descriptors are computed over
a number of scales on overlapping windows in the im-
age. The high dimension of the HOG descriptors al-
lows a simple linear SVM classifier to successfully
classify detection windows into non-pedestrian and
pedestrian. In order to train the a linear Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) classifier, Dalal and Triggs select
1239 of the images as positive training examples, to-
gether with their left-right reflections (2478 images
in total) (Dalal and Triggs, 2005). This database in-
cludes pedestrian in many different standing/walking
poses in complex scenes. In addition, these images
include indoor and outdoor scenes taken at different
times of the day. Nevertheless, the use of HOG de-
scriptors is a memory consuming process because of
the high dimension of the descriptors. In addition, the
HOG human detector requires the pedestrians to be in
upright positions. For poses other than standing and
walking, the performance of the HOG human detector
deteriorates (Jiang et al., 2010).
4.1 Test Dataset
Since there are not any standard datasets including
HDR sequences, in order to evaluate the perfor-
mance of HDR imaging on pedestrians tracking
and detection algorithms, data were collected taking
into account the requirements and real-life indoor
scenarios. More specifically an indoor sequence
of a moving person acquired having challenging
illumination conditions. In more detail, a person
is walking away from the camera, moving firstly
almost in parallel with the optical axis and then
perpendicular to it. In addition, overexposed and
underexposed areas appear in the frames. The
sequences were recorded with recording rate 5 fps
and 640 × 430 resolution. Furthermore, other data
including pedestrians videos were used in order to
assess the detection and tracking performance of
the applied algorithms (Agrafiotis et al., 2014b;
Agrafiotis et al., 2014a).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: Three consecutive frames of ±0 exposure level.
4.2 HDR Image Creation
In order to create each HDR image, 7 im-
ages were captured with different exposure level
(3, 2, 1, 0, +1, +2, +3). Having collected the
necessary data, HDR images (radiance maps) were
created for each frame implying the algorithm pre-
sented in (Debevec and Malik, 1997), which uses the
reciprocity law in order to recover the response curve.
Since these HDR images are not displayable, Durand
and Dorsey (Durand and Dorsey, 2002) operator is
used afterwards for the tonemapping process which
calculates the corresponding LDR of the HDR image
with minimum information loss.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
Figure 2: (a)-(f) The 7 simultaneous images captured
with different exposure level (3, 2, 1, 0, +1, +2, +3)
respectively and (g) the corresponding HDR image.
This operator decomposes the HDR image into
two layers, a base and a detail one, using edge-
preserving bilateral filter. To avoid any confusion,
from now on we will refer to the original captured
data as SDR images, while LDR images will mean
the one produced after the tonemapping procedure.
4.3 Tracking Results Comparison and
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
(i) (j)
(k) (l)
Figure 3: Tracking results from original SDR images of ±0
level of exposure (left) and from LDR images (right) for
HOG based algorithm.
Aiming to evaluate the contribution of the HDR Imag-
ing in detection and tracking systems, initially the al-
gorithms described in Section 3.2 are applied in the
original SDR test data presented in Section 4.1 and
their corresponding LDR images of HDR data as to
be compared and evaluated for their robustness and
accuracy in terms of precision and recall.
Figures 3 and 4 present examples of detection and
tracking results of the implemented algorithms using
original SDR images of ±0 level of exposure on the
left column and using LDR images on the right col-
umn. It is clear that the use of HDR images (in fact
their corresponding LDR ones) enhances the perfor-
mance of the detection and tracking scheme making it
robust and more reliable. In more detail, HDR imag-
ing in dark indoor visual environments with overex-
posed and underexposed images areas, improves the
accuracy of the tracker by reducing greatly false pos-
itives and increasing true positives. As it is observed,
in original SDR images are detected in average 90%
more false people detections than in LDR images.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
(i) (j)
(k) (l)
Figure 4: Tracking results from original images of ±0 level
of exposure (left) and from LDR images (right) for the com-
plex algorithm (Kokkinos et al., 2013).
The graph in Figure 5 presents the average preci-
sion and recall from all tested data and both imple-
mented detection and tracking schemes. In terms of
precision, the SDR dataset achieves 30.3% and the
HDR dataset 75%. It seems that the use of HDR im-
ages leads in more than doubling the percentage of
precision term. Such increase in precision means that
the tested algorithms returned substantially more rel-
evant results than irrelevant through the use of HDR
Figure 5: Average precision and recall from all tested data
and both implemented detection and tracking schemes.
In terms of recall, the SDR dataset achieves 50%
and the HDR dataset 71%. These results denote
that the algorithms returned most of the relevant re-
sults. As before, significant improvement of the per-
formance of the algorithms after using HDR imagery
is observed here.
We have proven and presented that HDR imaging
could enhance the performance and the reliability of
pedestrian detection and tracking algorithms. Our ex-
perimental results show that the HDR imagery in-
creases over 100% the precision term and about 50%
the recall term. This technique can reduce the use of
IR cameras and consequently reduce the cost of such
Our future work includes extending our experi-
ments to implement more state of the art trackers
of different complexity combining them with more
HDR creation algorithms. In addition, our future
work includes capturing datasets from outdoor envi-
ronments with reduced illumination, foggy or snowy
areas where the latter are characterized for containing
overexposed and underexposed regions. Finally, se-
quences from urban environments are to be tested in
order to deal with the problem of building shadows
and their underexposed areas.
The research leading to these results has been sup-
ported by European Union funds and National funds
(GSRT) from Greece and EU under the project JA-
SON: Joint synergistic and integrated use of eArth
obServation, navigatiOn and commuNication tech-
nologies for enhanced border security funded under
the cooperation framework. The contribution of Ms.
Elisavet K. Stathopoulou has been supported by the
European Unions Seventh Framework Programme for
research, technological development and demonstra-
tion under grant agreement no 608013, titled ”ITN-
DCH: Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural
Heritage: Projecting our Past to the Future.
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