Preference Dissemination by Sharing Viewpoints
Simulating Serendipity
Guillaume Surroca
, Philippe Lemoisson
, Clément Jonquet
and Stefano Cerri
Laboratoty of Informatics, Robotics Micro-Electronics of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
UMR Territories, Environment, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
Keywords: Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination, Serendipity, User-Centered
Knowledge Engineering, Collective Intelligence, Web 2.0, Agents.
Abstract: The Web currently stores two types of content. These contents include linked data from the semantic Web
and user contributions from the social Web. Our aim is to represent simplified aspects of these contents
within a unified topological model and to harvest the benefits of integrating both content types in order to
prompt collective learning and knowledge discovery. In particular, we wish to capture the phenomenon of
Serendipity (i.e., incidental learning) using a subjective knowledge representation formalism, in which
several “viewpoints” are individually interpretable from a knowledge graph. We prove our own Viewpoints
approach by evidencing the collective learning capacity enabled by our approach. To that effect, we build a
simulation that disseminates knowledge with linked data and user contributions, similar to the way the Web
is formed. Using a behavioral model configured to represent various Web navigation strategies, we seek to
optimize the distribution of preference systems. Our results outline the most appropriate strategies for
incidental learning, bringing us closer to understanding and modeling the processes involved in Serendipity.
An implementation of the Viewpoints formalism kernel is available. The underlying Viewpoints model
allows us to abstract and generalize our current proof of concept for the indexing of any type of data set.
Since Web 2.0 has democratized the sharing,
recommendation and creation of content via social
networks, blogs and fora, and since semantic Web
technologies have begun to structure the knowledge
deposited, generated and stored on the Web, two
kinds of content have emerged. These types of
content differ in the ways they are produced and
structured. On one hand, contribution-based social
Web platforms allow the production of a wealth of
data with little or no structure; these data evolve
rapidly (e.g., folksonomies (Mika, 2007)). On the
other hand, highly structured knowledge is
constituted consensually by circles of experts (e.g.,
ontologies (Karapiperis and Apostolou, 2006) or
linked data (Bizer et al., 2009)). With the
Viewpoints approach, our objective is to create a
knowledge representation formalism that retains the
best qualities of each type of content. Our objective
is to support and give value to both (i) the structure
which characterizes semantic Web datasets and
(ii) the evolution and maintenance rates of shared
knowledge on the social Web as proposed in Gruber
(Gruber, 2008) or (Freddo and Tacla, 2009). We aim
to contribute to knowledge representation
approaches by designing a system involving Web
agents (human or artificial) who share “viewpoints”
linking system resources (identified by a URI). We
ask ourselves the following questions:
Which Web browsing strategies allow the most
optimal diffusion of user preference systems?
What should the conditions be to favor incidental
learning, a.k.a., Serendipity, in the study of
preference systems?
We define the preference system of an agent by the
expression of his tastes and attractions in terms of
proximity or distance relationships between Web
resources. In a previous contribution (Lemoisson et
al., 2013), we demonstrated the learning ability of a
knowledge base built with an initial version of our
formalism. However, this proof of concept was
based on a poor behavioral model of agents who
navigated and contributed to the knowledge base; we
were only interested in the agents' satisfaction and
did not take into account their preference systems. In
Surroca, G., Lemoisson, P., Jonquet, C. and Cerri, S..
Preference Dissemination by Sharing Viewpoints - Simulating Serendipity.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 402-409
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
another contribution, we showed how Viewpoints
allow the search and discovery of knowledge
through a search engine prototype for scientific
publications (Surroca et al., 2014). In the newest
model, we include a “Serendipity acceptance” factor
in the behavior of agents, defined as the tendency of
an agent to turn to resources outside of his
preference system. This allows us to assess the
diffusion of preference systems, depending on
whether an agent is open-minded or focused on what
he knows and prefers. Using this model, we build a
simulation based on individual behavior rules
(microscopic level) in order to observe the effect on
collective learning and on the diffusion of preference
systems (macroscopic level). This simulation
illustrates the advantages of using Viewpoints to
“merge” the essence of data semantics and the social
The rest of this article is organized as follows:
section 2 presents the background and inspiration for
our approach by introducing the notion of
Serendipity in computer systems. In our review of
the state of the art, we also briefly compare
Viewpoints to several other knowledge
representation approaches. Then, we briefly present
the Viewpoints formalism in Section 3. Section 4
explains our behavioral model of Web users and our
representation of their preference systems: we show
how we simulate the evolution of the Web as a
knowledge graph and discuss a set of hypotheses on
the impact of individual browsing strategies. Section
5 presents a simulation in which three agents (the
Princes of Serendip) contribute to building a 'toy'
knowledge graph with resources of different shapes,
sizes and colors; then we discuss our current results
relative to our assumptions and our research
objectives. Section 6 concludes and presents
potential perspectives for this work.
2.1 Knowledge Representation
Several studies have focused on the merging of the
Semantic Web and the Social Web (Gruber, 2008).
We synthetically compare our approach to these
studies as follows: in addition to incorporating the
(human or artificial) Agent as presented in (Mika,
2007), our representation of knowledge considers it
a central constituent. We explain how in the
formalism section. Moreover, our knowledge
representation considers Viewpoints micro-
expressions of individual semantics. However, our
mechanism for evaluating and confronting
Viewpoints does not use any additional contribution
as is the case in (Limpens and Gandon, 2011). Thus,
the emphasis is placed on what emerges from the
knowledge graph, as reported in (Aberer et al., 2004;
Noh et al., 2010); indeed, these authors studied the
possibility of the emergence of a collective
representation of knowledge with a "bottom-up"
vision of system interactions.
Finally, we define a metric distance over the set
of resources formed by the knowledge providers
(Agents), supports (Documents) and descriptors
(Topics) while semantic distances found in the
literature apply to homogeneous subclasses such as
distances between tags or ontology concepts (Lee et
al., 2008). The resulting Viewpoints Knowledge
Graph (KG) is constituted by resources connected by
viewpoints, and can be seen as a wide, evolving,
associative memory enabling collective intelligence,
metaphorically replicating a brain, where all learning
processes are supported by the evolving strength of
synapses (Edelman, 1987). Instead, we adopt a
topological approach and compute semantic
distances on top of the Viewpoints in a manner
similar to (Pedersen et al., 2007).
2.2 Serendipity, the Incidental
The term ‘Serendipity’ is derived from an ancient
Persian tale entitled ‘The Three Princes of Serendip’
(Merton and Barber, 2006). Recently, Perriault said
that "the Serendipity effect (...) consists in nimbly
and randomly happening upon something we did not
search for". We are then led to make abductive
inferences in order to build a theoretical framework
which encompasses, via appropriate aggregation,
information which used to be disparate (Perriault,
2000). We note that the notion of luck or chance is
important in the Serendipity phenomenon. However,
"it does not only depend on a divine dice roll" as
explained in (Fine and Deegan, 1996) and takes
place only at the border of what is already known.
Thus, incidental learning is greatly facilitated when
new knowledge is in the vicinity of existing
knowledge and may be interpreted by someone who
knows this neighborhood. We share the vision that
knowledge does not guarantee serendipitous
discovery, but that it makes it more likely. We
therefore introduce the notion of Serendipity
proximal zone, which is similar to the concept of
proximal development zone (Vygotsky, 1978) in
learning and education sciences. We will show
below how the Serendipity acceptance factor helps
Preference Dissemination by Sharing Viewpoints - Simulating Serendipity
us to capture Serendipity in our model.
When considering the huge amount of
information available on the Web and the ways in
which one may get lost while browsing, Serendipity
seems to be a realistic phenomenon. One may talk
about serendipitous Web-based learning, as
explained hereafter. The search for knowledge
through serendipitous learning can succeed by
chance or as an offside activity of a main task
(Bowles, 2004). For instance, a user who makes an
initial query may be progressively led into an
unexpected path that ultimately proves more
productive than the initial search. In such cases,
Bowles writes that serendipitous learning occurs
(Bowles, 2004). This is exactly the phenomenon we
model and observe in our section 4 with multiple
navigation strategies. In addition, according to Allen
Tough, almost 80% of learning is informal and
unplanned (Tough, 1999). Serendipitous navigation
is an "intellectual lottery (...) with small chances but
with big potential payoff" (Marchionini, 1997). In
the latter work, the parallel with our Viewpoints
approach is made explicit: "We also gain new
viewpoints and associations for our problem by
browsing alternative sources using different tools,
techniques and data structures."
Recommender systems (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005) are increasingly interested in
Serendipity, because the variety of recommendations
is as important as their accuracy. Serendipity goes
beyond what recommendation systems offer, thanks
to the surprise, variety and novelty of the proposed
results. Additionally, many recommender systems
have begun to implement Serendipity principles. The
folksonomy-based recommendation in (Yamaba et
al., 2013) allows users to tag books and go beyond
the traditional classification, and therefore add new
books to the Serendipity proximal zone of other
users. However, to our knowledge, except from
work proposed in (Corneli et al., 2014) on the
theoretical framework for the phenomenon of
Serendipity, the literature on the formalization and
the measurement of this phenomenon is lacking.
Based on our review, there is currently no
exploitable model of Serendipity.
Viewpoints is a formalism for subjective knowledge;
it holds that any proximity or distance relationship
between two resources is expressed by an agent as a
viewpoint. A typed viewpoint connects these two
resources. These viewpoints are individually
interpreted by a perspective chosen by the user /
contributor. This perspective allows assigning a
weight to each viewpoint, depending on who issued
it, on when it was created, and on its semantic type
or other more complex criteria. Therefore,
Viewpoints is a knowledge representation formalism
centered on equally considered human (e.g., Web
users) or artificial (e.g., data mining tools,
knowledge extractors, ontologies) agents. Resources
(providers, descriptors and knowledge supports) are
bound by the viewpoints on the knowledge graph.
The KG is a bipartite graph consisting of a set of
resources R and a set of viewpoints V connecting
these resources. The resources in R are either agents
(knowledge providers, i.e., viewpoint creators),
knowledge descriptors (topics, tags) or knowledge
supports (documents, videos, Web pages, messages,
posts, etc.). A viewpoint is a tuple
(a {r1, r2}, θ, t) containing the following
a, the agent who issued the viewpoint;
{r1, r2}, the couple of resources semantically
connected by a;
θ, the viewpoint's type, used to interpret (i.e.,
assign a weight to) it;
t, the viewpoint's creation date.
For instance, (Guillaume {Diffusion systems [...]
views, acm:Knowledge representation and
reasoning}, dc:subject, 27/02/15) means that the
agent Guillaume associates this article to the
Knowledge representation and the reasoning concept
of ACM’s taxonomy with the relation DublinCore
subject. (Mario {Mario, Luigi}, foaf:knows,
1985) means that Mario elicited that he has known
(as in FOAF) Luigi since 1985. To identify the
meaning of the data represented in the form of
Viewpoints, we adopt, when possible, existing
Semantic Web types.
The aggregation of all connections between two
resources created by the different agents form a
semantic proximity link named synapse. The
strength of the synapse is based on the aggregation
of the weights of each viewpoint in the synapse. The
two functions of evaluation (Map) and aggregation
(Reduce) of viewpoints form a perspective which
allows the exploitation of subjective knowledge. For
the same KG, several interpretations, defined as
Knowledge Maps (KM), can be made dependent on
how agents evaluate and aggregate viewpoints. The
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge Map is a graph made of resources (R)
and synapses (S) to which common graph algorithms
can be easily applied. The perspective is unique to
each user, who decides to interpret the KG any way
he wants. The two functions of evaluation and
aggregation of viewpoints can be extended at will to
suitably match one’s needs. Figure 1 illustrates the
interpretation process of KG. In the following
simulation we use: (i) a direct neighborhood
function that returns all the resources directly
connected by viewpoints to a specified resource, and
the weight of the synapses binding this resource to
its direct neighbors; (ii) an indirect neighborhood
function based on the Dijkstra algorithm and which,
for a resource ri, returns all resources rj on all the
paths starting from ri with a length less than a
specified threshold, m (simulation-specific
Figure 1: Interpretation of Knowledge Graph (KG) into
Knowledge map (KM).
An important aspect, directly inspired from the
Web 2.0, lies in the built-in feature for integrating
agent feedback. Within their perspective, agents use
any Viewpoint for browsing KM and reversely
update the KG through viewpoints expressing their
feedback. Along these exploitation/feedback cycles,
shared knowledge is continuously elicited against
the beliefs of the agents in a selection process. The
knowledge map is defined as a graph in which
semantic similarities within the knowledge resources
are computed according to a given perspective.
Our goal is to simulate the evolution of a knowledge
base – such as the Web – from individual behavior
rules that describe agents browsing the Web and
disseminating their preference systems. First, we
explain how we represent the preference systems in
a Viewpoints KG; then, we propose a behavioral
model simulating different configurable navigation
strategies. This model is based on calculations of
direct and indirect neighborhoods. Finally, we
observe the effect of this set of individual rules on
the macroscopic level of knowledge represented in
the resulting KG.
5.1 Preference Systems Representation
In this simulation, each resource is characterized by
a shape, a size and a color. Shape and size
information will already be included in the KG at the
beginning of the simulation; this information
simulates the Semantic Web data. Color information
is introduced step-by-step during the simulation by
three agents, the princes of Serendip, who know and
like a different color each (red, green, blue); this
information simulates social Web contributions. The
preference system of a prince is the set of all the
viewpoints he has issued to make same-color
resources get closer to him or closer to one another.
We consider two kinds of viewpoints: (i) the first
kind links two same-color resources (vps:knows ;
(ii) the second associates a prince of a specific color
with a resource of the same color (vps:likes). The
dissemination of a preference system is therefore
equivalent to the distribution of the color
information in the graph, i.e., the more colored the
graph becomes, the more a preference system has
been shared. Thus, when the graph “learns” a color,
it illustrates the collective intelligence of the
For example, if the red prince searches a red
resource r and retrieves a red-color resource r', he
issues the two following viewpoints (RedPrince
{Redprince, r},vps:likes,τ) and (RedPrince {r,r'},
vps:knows, τ). In the next section we will present the
different navigation strategies which allow princes
to disseminate knowledge about their color.
5.2 Behavioral Model of the Serendip
The state automaton in Figure 2 describes the
behavior of the princes when they are navigating in
the KG and disseminating their preference systems
(viewpoints emission). More generally, this
automaton simulates the behavior of a user when he
is exploring the contents of a knowledge base such
as the Web.
Preference Dissemination by Sharing Viewpoints - Simulating Serendipity
Figure 2: Behavioral automaton of the Princes of
We capture behaviors such as: querying a search
engine, exploring the results, following links
included in these results and querying the search
engine again. In our simulation the behavior of a
Prince corresponds to a specific configuration of the
β, μ and σ parameters; we call this a navigation
strategy. Our simulation is divided into cycles that
correspond to successive explorations of the KG. At
the beginning of a cycle, a prince begins interacting
with the KG; we simulate the use of a search engine:
A resource of the KG is randomly selected and the
indirect neighborhood function is used to retrieve a
list of results (other resources) sorted by semantic
proximity. From the proposed results, the prince
continues (low β) or abandons this search and
undertakes a new one (high β). If he continues, he
must evaluate these results one by one (comparing
them to the color corresponding to his preference
system) and select the first non-visited result based
on the σ parameter. If the prince accepts Serendipity
(high σ), he does not systematically select resources
of his own color; if he does not accept Serendipity
(low σ), he will instead focus on resources of his
color only. Once a resource is chosen, the prince
moves to the next stage of his journey: Depending
on μ, he will either perform a direct search on this
resource (high μ) or explore locally around this
resource (low μ). The first interaction simulates the
act of opening a Web page as the result of a previous
search; the second interaction simulates either a new
search, e.g., with the title or content of the current
page, or clicking on a Web link within a page. In the
simulation, princes start with an initial budget of
interactions; this budget is decreased with each
interaction (research and exploration). It represents
the amount of effort princes are willing to make
when navigating. When princes wish to go
backwards, three scenarios will lead to the end of the
cycle: There are no previous steps; or, all resources
have been visited; or, the initial interaction budget
has been spent.
These strategies simulate Web browsing. In
terms of graph traversal, a high β corresponds to a
breadth-first approach, whereas lower β corresponds
to a depth-first approach. In an information search
process, the breadth-first approach would
superficially assess all the results and get an overall
idea of all the results; instead, the depth-first
approach would rather focus on what would seem to
be the best result and dig deeper. μ determines the
navigation style. A high μ value means princes
mainly use SEARCH engines that sort results
according to a global approach; a low μ means
princes will carry out a step-by-step exploration by
collecting unsorted local results (EXPLORATION).
For example, navigating from one suggested
YouTube video to another is a good illustration of a
step-by-step exploration, in which as a succession of
Google searches illustrate a BREADTH traversal.
We represent the Serendipity acceptance factor (σ)
as a third dimension. High σ means princes are
mainly OPEN and are willing to visit both the
resources that match their preferences and the
resources that do not but could lead to chance
discoveries. Low σ means princes are mainly
CLOSED to the latter prospect and are entirely
guided by their preferences when browsing.
6.1 Initial Conditions
A fixed-size KG is generated. In addition to their
specific color (red, green, blue), the resources of the
KG are characterized by their size (small, medium,
large) and their shape (square, circle, triangle). For
each possible size, shape and color combination, N
resources are created. Therefore, there are initially
27N resources. Two artificial agents, called peons
are added to the KG. One of them shares his
appreciation of shapes in the knowledge graph,
connecting all the same shapes of resource pairs by
viewpoint types vps:initial. The other peon does the
same for size. Thus, after the peons have shared their
appreciations, the KG does not “know” colors
because resources are only tied by size and shape
characteristics. Finally, the 3 princes are added to
the KG. Each of them is characterized by a unique
color, and has the ability to appreciate colors and
share this assessment by issuing new viewpoints
such as vps:like and vps:knows in the KG. Thus,
there is an implicit understanding that the princes are
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
only able to share by issuing viewpoints as feedback.
6.2 Dissemination of Preference
The simulation parameters are summarized in Table
1. The princes follow the behavioral model
previously described and disseminate their
preferences (knowledge of their own color) by
viewpoints. The
weight assigned to each type of viewpoint is shown
in Table 1. The aggregation capability of viewpoints
for the calculation of the value is the sum of the
synapses. At the end of each cycle, the following
measures are calculated to evaluate the
dissemination of color (preference) knowledge in the
M1 Color X: This is the ratio of the average
distance between any resources over the average
distance between X-colored resources.
M2 Color X: This is the probability of getting a
resource of the same color in the neighborhood
of X-colored resource.
Table 1: Simulation parameters.
Categories Parameters
(if fixed)
Scale parameters
Scale factor (N) 3
Number of cycles 100
Number of iterations per
Weight of viewpoints with
type vps:initial
… type vps:knows
… type vps:like
Red prince 33% 80%
Green prince 33% 10%
Given the large number of parameters (Table 1),
we present the results (curves) of several simulations
with the parameter configurations which we
consider the most significant for navigation
strategies. However, we explain the effects of
specific parameters in the discussion section. Other
fixed parameter values are given in Table 1.
6.3 Hypotheses
Princes progressively share their color assessments
with other users through the feedback mechanism.
We aim to observe how the KG "learns" (at the
global level) the notion of color that was not
originally in the knowledge represented by the
vps:initial viewpoints. Thanks to viewpoints, each
individual preference system becomes part of the
collective knowledge represented in the KG, where
it coexists with the preference systems of other
princes. Our goal is to experiment with different
navigation strategies and demonstrate that
preference systems do not neutralize each other
when concurrently broadcast. We also want to
measure the effect of Serendipity. Thus, we expect
M1 to increase; in other words, the average distance
between same-color resources will decrease more
quickly than the average distance between any
resource. M2 should also increase as it reflects the
probability of finding the same-color resource in the
m-neighborhood of a resource.
7.1 Impact of the Serendipity
Acceptance Factor
We start by assessing the impact of σ on the
dissemination of the color red thanks to measures
M1 and M2 Red. One can notice (Figure 3) that
when search engines are mainly used, M1 and M2
increase at a faster rate when Serendipity acceptance
is low; conversely, when Serendipity acceptance is
high, they reach higher final values. Therefore,
Serendipity acceptance allows a wider dissemination
of color knowledge. Indeed, while the search
indirectly returns results and allows the creation of
viewpoints that have not already been issued,
Serendipity acceptance increases the potential for
creating new original viewpoints.
Figure 3: M1 Red and M2 Red evolution when princes
mainly use search engines (µ=70%, =10%).
Preference Dissemination by Sharing Viewpoints - Simulating Serendipity
These new associations are expressions of
preference systems that would likely not have been
generated if the princes had been guided only by
their preferences to navigate. In contrast, we observe
(Figure 4) that when mainly local exploration results
are used to navigate from, Serendipity acceptance
does not affect either M1 and M2 value increases or
final values. This strategy’s idea is to explore local
and in-depth results; moreover, going through less
interesting results along the road tends to slow the
spread of preference systems. The μ effect
(navigation device) is very important for
Serendipity. However, we realize that the relative
homogeneity of our graph does not realistically
represent the Web’s structure. We believe that,
under more realistic conditions, Serendipity can
produce more substantial gains than it does in our
"toy" knowledge graph. In this simulation, the three
princes are active (33%) and = 10%.
Figure 4: M1 Red and M2 Red evolution when princes
mainly use link-by-link exploration (µ=30%, =10%).
7.2 Adaptation to Real Web Data
We also conducted a similar experiment with real
data on movies and user ratings. We studied a Web
dataset (MovieLens), in which explicit semantics
were mixed with social contributions. This dataset
consisted in two sets of 100,000 and 1,000,000
ratings which had been collected by the GroupLens
Research Project at the University of Minnesota. In
our MovieLens experiment, users elicited
preferences when they associated movies with
ratings. Initially, each movie was linked to other
movies by metadata such as actors, directors or
genres. For instance, the genre characteristic
corresponded to the shape characteristic in our
Serendip simulation. All films, as well as other
resources such as genres, were initially added to the
KG. During each cycle, a portion of the ratings was
added to the KG as viewpoints, once again
simulating the contributions of the social Web. We
observed knowledge crystallizing progressively
around the reviewers. This experiment showed us
that when working with such a recommendation
system, we may observe that structured data (genres,
actors, director) do bootstrap the creation of
subjective (social) knowledge. Integrating user data
such as gender, age group, job and movie metadata
(genre, release year) showed us new relations. User
was closing movies and movies were semantically
reproaching users. One of the goal we gave to us
with ViewpointS was also to observe dynamics in an
evolving represented knowledge.
After presenting and positioning our approach of
subjective knowledge representation, we studied the
phenomenon of Serendipity and its current influence
on the Web. With the Princes of Serendip
simulation, we presented an experiment for
modeling Serendipity on the Web. We recognize
that this behavioral model of Web users may not
fully represent the reality and diversity of Web
exploration methods. Nonetheless, we hope that we
have demonstrated the ability of the Viewpoints
knowledge graph to learn. Our simulation results
allowed us to assess the contribution of the
Serendipity acceptance factor to various navigation
strategies and its impact on the dissemination of
preference systems; we consolidated the Viewpoints
proof of concept by confronting it with a more
realistic use of modeling and simulation. We are
planning for several applications which may help us
evaluate the Viewpoints approach: Amongst them,
(i) one will consist in cross scientific discovery of
agronomic knowledge (CIRAD) and (ii) another will
deal with biomedical data within the SIFR project
( We are finishing also
several IR benchmarks (recall, precision and f-
mesure) on a film recommendation scenario
comparing our semantic neighborhood methods to
classic indexation and research methods such as
Vector Space Model. We will soon publish
benchmarks results in one the scenarios we
previously mentioned.
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
This work was supported in part by the French
National Research Agency under JCJC program,
grant ANR-12-JS02-01001, as well as by University
of Montpellier, CNRS and the CIRAD.
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Preference Dissemination by Sharing Viewpoints - Simulating Serendipity