The Role of Experimental Exploration in Cloud Migration for SMEs
Frank Fowley
, Divyaa Manimaran Elango
, Hany Magar
and Claus Pahl
IC4, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Cloud Migration, Experiment, Prototyping, Migration Method, SME, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Cost Model.
The migration of IT systems to the cloud is still a problem, in particular for smaller companies without much
cloud expertise. Generally, some expected benefits are defined and an awareness of potential problems does
exist to some extent in the organisations. However, this is often not sufficient to confidently embark on a
full migration project in the cloud. While discussions and conceptual analyses can help to some extent, we
explore here the suitability of feasibility studies with experimental explorations at the core. These studies
would typically cost 5% of the overall migration cost based on our use cases, but can help with a reliable
risk assessment. It can clarify how much of the expectations and intentions can materialise in the cloud. The
cost of the migration, but, more importantly, the cost of operating an IT system in the cloud can be estimated.
Using a feasibility study with an experimental core based on a partial prototype delivers much more reliable
figures regarding configurations, quality-of-service and costing than a theoretical analysis could deliver.
While cloud computing is established, the migration
of systems to the cloud (Jamshidi et al., 2013) is
still a problem for small and medium-sized enter-
prises (SMEs) without cloud expertise (Giardino et
al., 2015). These need to rely on support from con-
sultants and solution providers. Expected benefits are
known and an awareness of potential problems exists.
However, this is often not sufficient to confidently em-
bark on a full migration, which requires estimates of
the migration costs as well as costs of operating soft-
ware in the cloud within given quality limits.
Consultants and solution providers offer discus-
sions and analyses that can help to some extent. How-
ever, some assumptions rely on expert knowledge
from similar cases, but might not always be fully re-
liable. We explore here the suitability of feasibil-
ity studies with some experimental exploration at the
core. These studies are a worthwhile investment, and
would typically be 5% of the overall migration cost.
A second application context where this applies is
migration to another cloud architecture setting. So,
rather than cloud-onboarding, the source architecture
is already cloud-based. An example is an IaaS to PaaS
migration from a basic, virtualized on-premise sys-
tem into a fully cloud-native architecture. A proper
project scoping for the migration is a key problem
(Son, 2013), because of misconceptions and unclear
technical expectations. Migration frameworks and
case studies have been reported in the literature by
academics and practitioners from industry (Jamshidi
et al., 2013; Gholami et al., 2016; Jamshidi et al.,
2016), but how to reliably estimate a proper ‘right-
scaling’ of a cloud deployment remains unclear.
The benefit of feasibility studies is a reliable risk
assessment. It can clarify how much of the expec-
tations and intentions can materialise. The cost of
the migration (Arshad et al., 2015), but, more im-
portantly, the cost of operating an IT system in the
cloud can be estimated (Jamshidi et al., 2014). It also
helps to better understand technical cloud architecture
concerns. Another question is a re-engineering one.
What is migratable and what is the extent of refac-
toring necessary to make migration work? Often, re-
engineering software in order to modernise and adapt
to cloud constraints is needed. Using a feasibility
study with an experimental core based on a partial
prototype of the proposed cloud software system (Li
et al., 2011) delivers much more reliable figures re-
garding configurations, quality-of-service and costing
than a theoretical analysis could delivery.
We use case studies that we carried out as inde-
pendent consultants with SMEs in the software sector
using this model to validate the benefits.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section
2, we introduce a migration feasibility framework.
Then, we define the aims of the feasibility studies.
Practical concerns are presented in Section 4. In Sec-
tion 5, we discuss observations.
Fowley, F., Elango, D., Magar, H. and Pahl, C.
The Role of Experimental Exploration in Cloud Migration for SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0006234503290334
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 301-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For the migration feasibility studies, we used a
pattern-based approach to define a draft migration
plan. This involves (i) the source architecture of the
system, (ii) target architecture options in the cloud,
and (iii) high-level architectural transformations for
the different target architectures (Xiong et al., 2013).
We use a catalogue of migration patterns to describe
simple architectural transformations for specific sce-
narios (e.g. for simple cloudification in an IaaS solu-
tion). This defines a staged process based on a migra-
tion path which in the individual steps are driven by
selection criteria (e.g., time to market or introduction
of new capabilities). A sample pattern is Multi-Cloud
Relocation (Jamshidi et al., 2014), see Fig. 1.
Definition: A component re-hosted (or relocated)
on a cloud platform is enhanced by using the en-
vironmental services of the other cloud platforms.
Problem: Availability of an application needs
to be enhanced without architecture change, and
without capital expenditure for hardware.
Solution: Leverage cloud platform environment
services to improve availability, e.g., live migra-
tion from existing platform to target platform in
case of outage.
Benefits: As component re-hosting in multi-
ple cloud platforms and improve availability and
avoid vendor lock-in.
Risks: Cloud providers do not provide the neces-
sary services for applications to run in cloud plat-
forms without re-architecting or rewriting code.
Migration paths emerge as sequential compositions
of these patterns on a source architecture, see Fig. 1.
These paths are defined based on discussions with the
company about their existing architecture and a high-
level specification of technical and business targets.
Migration paths define decision points where typi-
cally several architectural options emerge, e.g., dif-
ferent data storage options (Xiong et al., 2013; Pahl
and Xiong, 2013; Pahl et al., 2013). For (a subset
of) these options, an experimental evaluation can be
considered. Based on these paths, a plan focusing on
a subset of components is identified for experimental
evaluation: Firstly, define source and possible target
architectures. Secondly, select critical components,
e.g., high volume data process to test scalability of
storage (DB) or communications infrastructure to test
integration and communications scalability. The ben-
efit of the patterns is that they link architecture con-
figuration to quality. We use this link to select compo-
nents for the feasibility exploration based on the most
relevant quality concern to be explored.
Experimentation is the central activity during the fea-
sibility study. Its objectives are:
QoS and Cost: Quantification of QoS and cost
aspects. Often, scalability is an important con-
cern, driven by the business objective to expand.
In this case, an experimental feasibility study can
validate a proposed architecture scalability. An-
other motivation is a cost-vs-performance experi-
ment, i.e., to consider different options and com-
pare them technically (e.g., scalability of different
target architecture options), but rank them consid-
ering the costs they would entail (Pahl et al., 2017;
Fowley et al., 2013).
Usage and Cost: Considering ‘usage’ changes the
focus to the potential user. Usage exploration
through experiments is a suitable tool to explore
usage patterns and predict potential income based
on this. This can then directly be related to the re-
sources (and their costs) to facilitate user requests.
Understanding: Experimentation allows to
achieve a better understanding of technical
constraints and operational activities in the cloud.
What experimentation can shows is the difference
between PaaS/IaaS/SaaS solutions (as consumer
and provider) and integration and interoperation
problems. It also clarifies how to structure and
cost a staged migration (plan derivation).
An important question arises that links quality, usage
and costs to the architectural configuration:
“How many processes can I host on a fixed cloud
compute resource with a pre-defined latency
performance target for a forecasted number of users
of a particular application with a forecasted mix of
application operation usage.
Experimental studies therefore play a central role
in the migration feasibility determination. Experi-
mentation often results in a prototype evaluation of
a partly cloud-native architecture. Rather than just
cloudifying a system in a virtual machine, we of-
ten selected a component such as data storage and
have experimented with different cloud-native stor-
age options, including for instance a mix of traditional
RDBM and other table/blob storage formats. Partial
experimentation with cloud-native prototypes allows
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 1: Cloud Migration Pattern (left) and a Migration Path based on several pattern applications (right).
to consider a fully cloud-native architecture to be dis-
cussed with realistic technical (e.g., scalability) and
cost assumptions (storage, access) (Al-Room et al.,
2013). Only realistic costs for cloud operation allows
a charging model for their own product to be devel-
oped and validated.
When looking at concrete use cases, we distin-
guish what is expected and understood on the one
hand and misconceptions and lack of knowledge on
the other.
Clarity of vision: Business reasons to go to cloud
are often clear, e.g., a planned internationalisation
or expecting an increase in company value (in the
cloud). Technical reason to go to cloud are at a
high level clear, for instance scalability.
Understanding of cloud concerns (having an im-
pact on architecture and process selection) is of-
ten limited. Technically, the difference between
provision models/layers is unclear. This includes
the management effort at I/P/SaaS level in com-
parison. Another problem is a possible vendor
lock-in. In business terms, e.g., possibly required
revenue model changes remain very unclear. Le-
gal/Governance concerns such as data location are
known, but without reliable knowledge.
We have carried out case studies in the following
five application domains. We highlight the specific
need for a feasibility study in each case:
Document management: a document image pro-
cessing to allow more efficient processing in the
cloud, but also to enable the company to extend
into new markets,
Banking solution: an integrated solution (account
management plus ATM operations) provided
in Africa and Asia, raising uncertainty concerns
from security to legal,
Insurance: a solution for multi-product manage-
ment in multiple countries uncertainty arise
from the need for variability management of a sin-
gle product across different regions/jurisdiction,
Food sector ERP: an ERP solution for food pro-
duction and sales where a stable in-house solu-
tion is prepared for launch as a product into dif-
ferent markets. Food safety regulations impact on
the architecture a cloud-based solution,
Business Registry: enterprise repositories scal-
able internationalisation is the driver, allowing
clients to access their services through the cloud.
Experimentation aims to allow to establish a link be-
tween technical feasibility and quality (e.g., perfor-
mance) and costs (Xiong et al., 2013). The pattern-
approach helps to guide the select the components for
exploration based on the most relevant quality con-
cern. This can range from performance to security to
integration and interoperability, as indicated for the
use cases.
Furthermore, in many development approaches,
quality testing is an integral component, in particu-
lar if the software is directly used by end-users. Load
testing is difficult if prior testing has been done in-
house and no expertise in testing in the cloud exists.
The feasibility study thus also addresses load testing.
4.1 Process
First, we need a process for the feasibility study:
1. define source and possible target architectures,
2. select critical components, e.g., a high volume
data process to test scalability of storage (DB) or a
communications infrastructure to test integration
or communications scalability.
Challenges for the migration expert and the com-
pany architects are to understand the existing archi-
tecture and to select best component for experimen-
tation (ranges from individual component to full vir-
tualisation as VM). The feasibility process is based
The Role of Experimental Exploration in Cloud Migration for SMEs
on architecture determination, prototype component
selection, and construction of realistic use case: (i)
setup of services and data (real or dummy) and mon-
itoring, (ii) experiment specification, (iii) experiment
execution, (iv) data collection and analysis.
4.2 Experimentation Benefits
Sample experiments that we carried out targeted e.g.
data storage for image processing in the ‘Document
Management’ use case. What experimentation shows
are a number of concerns that would normally not
always be identified and clarified in discussions and
non-experimental analyses:
Difference between PaaS/IaaS/SaaS solutions (as
consumer and provider). Based on the migration
architecture it allows to practically demonstrate
configuration and operation of different scenarios.
Scalability of the solutions, as exemplied in Fig-
ures 2 and 3 for response time behaviour based on
different retrieval and update loads.
Identification of integration and interoperation
problems that emerge in the prototype implemen-
tation when on-premise components are migrated.
How to structure and cost a staged migration
(plan derivation) can be estimated on the proto-
type component migration that typical involves
the migration of existing components. In order to
experiment, data and traffic needs to be available,
again either imported or generated. In all cases, a
realistic prediction of software and data migration
tasks and related costs is possible.
Figure 2: Comparison of storage options (technical quality).
Fig. 2 shows the performance results for different
storage options for a Web application. Fig. 3 maps
the architectural options onto costs.
4.3 Justification of Experimental Effort
Cost is a key factor to decide whether to conduct a
feasibility study, i.e., does it pay off to carry out a
feasibility study. The costs include the cloud platform
to experiment with and the migration expert.
Figure 3: Comparison of storage options (data
The total experimental costs are 5-10% of the pre-
dicted migration costs based on our case study expe-
rience – including architectural analysis, draft migra-
tion plan and security and data protection analysis
The feasibility benefits are experimentation results
and documentation: (i) a proper documentation of
scenarios and plans needed at a high level, which
allow detailed migration plans for a full migration
to be developed, and (ii) experiments help to clarify
options, address misconceptions, and identify open
problems. They help to scope a full migration project.
We have evaluated the feasibility approach to cloud
migration based on the following criteria:
Clarification of architectural options ans concerns
Reliable quality prediction & cost prediction
Cost effectiveness as an instrument
5.1 Clarify Architectural Concerns
Clarification of architectural options for SME through
architectural prototyping using a pattern approach al-
lows to use patterns that link quality to structure (Pahl,
2005; Pahl and Lee, 2015). A survey has been carried
out with architects involved in the migration studies
with at least 3 architects for each participating use
case). This includes architects both within the com-
pany in question and also the architects from the con-
sulting organisation.
The important survey results are as follows: All
participants (100%) agree or strongly agree that the
method is suitable as an analysis tool to identify op-
tions and concerns. 88% agree that the migration
method is suitable to analyse and discuss functional
and non-functional architecture requirements for mi-
gration. One limitation has been flagged. Whereas
These cost were part-funded for the given use cases by
governmental business innovation schemes.
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
55% strongly agree that the method is suitable for
SMEs and that is also suitable for multi-cloud mi-
gration (80% positive), 43% have concerns with its
applicability for large-scale migration.
5.2 Predict Quality and Cost
We distinguish quality and cost observations:
Reliable Quality Prediction: experimental quality
assessment results in trustworthy, reliable input
to predict full system behaviour. This has been
discusses and analysed with the customer com-
pany. In the case of successful migrations at a
later stage, we have not found any major devia-
tions from the predictions when using the config-
urations experimented with.
Reliable Cost Prediction: experimental cost as-
sessment provides a low-to-high demand cost
range, allowing to predict to system costs on a re-
liable basis (Wang et al., 2012). These have been
discussed with the customer company and, where
possible, evaluated through a later full implemen-
Only an empirical evaluation of the two quality items
is currently possible due to the lack of suitable quality
and cost mapping models. Cloud computing is here,
however, highly suitable as monitoring of technical
details can be set to be detailed for the experiments
and billing for the resources used is equally detailed
with typically metered usage for different resources
used. For instance, for the ‘Document Management’
use case, the factors considered for storage only were:
region, replication options, data size stored, transac-
tion number, data transfer.
5.3 Cost Effectiveness
Cost effectiveness as an instrument is a key aim of our
approach. We look at the actual costs of feasibility
studies relative to full migration costs. We also con-
sider how successful feasibility studies were in terms
of determining the actual migration.
Cost per project: Across the 5 migration cases
that we have carried out with SMEs, the average
cost was around 5% of the total budget for a full
migration. The full migration budget was deter-
mined after the feasibility study concluded. The
5% cost was considered adequate. Please note that
the overall budget for the migrations ranged be-
tween 100,000 and 250,000 Euros, including sub-
stantial re-architecting in some cases.
Decisions taken: Concrete results from the use
cases are as follows: 1 full migration (document
management) has started and is currently being fi-
nalised, 1 full migration (insurance) has started,
1 decision against due to quality grounds (bank-
ing), 2 decision have at this stage not yet been
taken (food, registry). In the all finalised cases,
the companies in questions have based their deci-
sion on the outcome of the feasibility studies.
For the discussion with the companies in question,
readiness to make a decision to embark on a full mi-
gration is considered a success. The experimental fea-
sibility study is also considered successful if a deci-
sion against migration is taken on the grounds of an
unfavourable quality or cost result.
5.4 Discussion
Limitations of the approach are related to the delay it
might cause. In many circumstances this might not be
an issue, but in some situations an approval to embark
on a full migration is necessary, possibly depending
on a successful outcome of the study. This approval
is typically one of the following:
External private investment in a cloud
Public support, e.g. through innovation schemes
Internal approval for further funding
While there might be a delay in these situations, any
decision can be based on reliable input data. Note that
in the use cases where a decision has not been taken
yet, this was not due to the study results.
A number of migration approaches exist. Jamshidi et
al. (Jamshidi et al., 2013) survey the literature. Fah-
mideh et al. (Gholami et al., 2016) provide a compari-
son framework for cloud migration. We target specif-
ically an experimental framework that goes beyond
process models for migration.
Costing models for cloud are important for SMSs
to understand their own costs and expenses. In (Ar-
shad et al., 2015), an overview of pricing models for
the cloud is provided. On the expenses side, e.g., at
IaaS level, resources are priced often like commodi-
ties (Wang et al., 2012). At the income side for the
SME, the product is typically provided as a SaaS with
possibly a mix of model from pay-per-use to pay-per-
user and flat-fee models. Our solution is meant to
bridge between the two perspectives.
Quality in cloud is managed for factors as per-
formance by configuring the resources used appro-
priately. We propose a manual experimentation ap-
proach for cloud prototype implementation. In (Son,
The Role of Experimental Exploration in Cloud Migration for SMEs
2013) a system to support automated resource selec-
tion is suggested. Although this is not generally appli-
cation, the ideas could help to automate our approach
further. The automation of cloud experimentation is
also addressed in (Affetti et al., 2015) through a tool
suite for OpenStack.
Reliability of data and an understanding of the pro-
cesses and their impact are essential for any deci-
sions (Chappell, 2016). For a cloud-based software
provider, quality and cost need to be reconciled in an
architecture that maps IaaS or PaaS hosted software
onto a SaaS delivery model.
We suggest feasibility studies that clarify the costs
of both migration and also the operation of a software
product in the cloud. They provide decision support,
allowing to answer whether/how a software product
can be deployed and delivered cost-effectively in the
cloud while maintaining required quality. The bene-
fit is increased reliability of data/assumptions, rather
than relying on experience or guesses.
Experiments have another benefit. They cover
tasks normally not done until a systems deployments
stage. Performance engineering is important, but load
tests are normally not done until a late project stage.
Here, load testing is a key experimental focus that al-
lows to reduce technical risks at a very early stage.
As already mentioned, one aspect for future work
is the increased automation of the experiments. This
could include automated test case generation for scal-
ability tests or even the selection of different alter-
native services for a given component (e.g., an auto-
mated storage service selection and configuration).
This work was partly supported by IC4 (the Irish Cen-
tre for Cloud Computing and Commerce), funded by
EI and IDA.
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