Highway Reservation Strategy: Analytical Modeling Approach
Peng Su
, B. Brian Park
and Sang H. Son
Center for Transportation Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, U.S.A.
Cyber Physical Systems Center, DGIST, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Highway Reservation, Traffic Management Strategy, Analytical Modeling Approach.
Abstract: Inspired by the success of reservation systems in airlines industries, and the Connected Vehicle technology
supporting vehicular communications, this paper investigated a highway reservation and developed a
mathematical optimization formulation to solve the optimal trip scheduling plan for a traffic network. The
performance was quantified by total monetary cost of travel time and applicable early arrival time or late
arrival time. In the two numerical case studies with an assumption of 100% compliance of the users to the
reservation system’s scheduling, the system cost was 24.1% and 21.7% lower than those of the two
corresponding user equilibrium solutions. The reservation system effectively redistributed the peak hour
demand to the non-peak hours by limiting the reservation maximum flow rate of the reservation links.
Metropolitan transportation road networks are
typically congested due to concentrated travel
activities and consequently faced with increased
travel times, air pollution, noise, and traffic crashes.
As shown by the annual person-hours of highway
traffic delay per auto commuter, between 1982 and
2014, provided by the 2015 National Transportation
Statistics (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2015),
congestion has increased substantially over the 30
years. The delay per commuter in 2014 was 42 hours.
In the very large urban areas (3 million and over
population), the average auto commuter delay is 63
hours. Adding more capacity by providing more road
lanes and more public transportation is the most
fundamental congestion solution in most growing
urban regions to satisfy the increasing travel demand.
However, transportation system capacity almost
always increases at a slower rate than the demand
growth. As shown by the Road Growth and Mobility
Level Exhibit (Schrank et al., 2012), 56 in 101 study
areas have travel demand growth 30% faster than
supply, and only 17 areas have a less than 10% gap
between demand and supply growth. Even if the
capacity growth perfectly matches with travel
demand, new problems would occur as reduction in
congestion induces departure time shifts into peak-
hour (Hendrickson and Plank, 1984). In addition,
crashes or work zones may create bottlenecks on the
highway and seriously downgrade the highway
capacity. While the Intelligent Transportation
Systems helped mitigating the congestion impact by
providing solutions to efficient use of highway
systems, transportation system can benefit from a
new innovative approach to address congestion
Chow found that the necessary condition for
transportation system optimum is having the inflow
equal to the bottleneck capacity for all routes and all
departure time intervals in use (Chow, 2009). This
requires dispersing the peak hour travel demand by
time, and can be realized by adopting a highway
reservation concept (Edara and Teodorovic, 2008; Su
et al., 2013). Travelers in such a reservation system
need to book in advance for the right of using the
highway segments during their desired time. If some
time slots have been fully booked, additional travelers
need to book an alternative time or route. A major
difference between reserving airline seats and
highway slots is that an airline seat is a well-defined
object that is clearly identifiable, but a highway slot
is difficult to define in practice. The travelers need to
be shown the “edges” of a slot in time and space, and
to be indicated of admittance into the system as well
as being notified of violations. While existing
transportation system is not likely to handle highway
reservation system due to lack of real-time
communications and computation power, the
Su, P., Park, B. and Son, S.
Highway Reservation Strategy: Analytical Modeling Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006305702520259
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2017), pages 252-259
ISBN: 978-989-758-242-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
connected vehicle technology would make the
highway reservation idea feasible.
A proof-of-concept simulation study was
conducted to investigate the potential benefits of the
highway reservation system (Su et al., 2013). If a time
interval is fully booked, the booking center will
recommend other intervals in close proximity, and the
travelers choose which one to accept. This algorithm
was applied to a carefully designed microscopic
simulation testbed and the reservation scenario
outperformed the baseline in terms of total delay time
and emissions.
In this paper, we developed a highway reservation
system using an analytical modeling approach, and
solved the optimal trip plans using an analytical
scheduling algorithm. The remainder of the paper is
organized as follows: “2 Literature Review” section
briefly discusses previous studies and concepts on
highway reservation and departure time choice
problem. “3 Model” section describes a big picture,
the system objective, solution approach and two case
studies of the proposed analysis approach, followed
by “4 Conclusions and Future Research” section.
The concept of road reservation or trip-booking is
mentioned in the literature as early as 1990s, but
extensive modeling efforts have not been done till the
recent 5 years. Some researchers conducted surveys
to explore travelers’ acceptance of the reservation
system and its effectiveness (Akahane and Kuwahara,
1996; Kim and Kang, 2011). Akahane and Kuware
found, if the participation compliance rate is 90%, a
15-minute adjustment of the departure time could
eliminate congestion over single bottleneck (Akahane
and Kuwahara, 1996). Kim and Kang found that
73.4% of the respondents would participate in or
accept if an expressway reservation system is
implemented during South Korea’s national holiday
(Kim and Kang, 2011). Wong (Wong, 1997), Iftode
and Gerla et al. (Gerla and Iftode, Undated; Iftode,
Smaldone, Gerla, and Misener, Undated; Ravi,
Smaldone, Iftode, and Gerla, Undated) pioneered the
discussions of the basic functions, advantages and
difficulties of a highway booking system. Wong
suggested slicing the highway capacity into time
intervals on which trip bookings are based. Several
researchers (Gerla and Iftode, Undated; Iftode et al.,
Undated; Ravi et al., Undated) proposed the
coexistence of reserved lanes with general-purpose
lanes, so that opted-out or rejected users can always
use the general-purpose lanes. A merging/diverging
assistance system is needed because of the lane
Koolstra was the first that brought the scheduling
cost into the highway reservation system (Koolstra,
2000). They evaluated the queuing and scheduling
costs with single bottleneck and heterogeneous
travelers. They found all queuing costs can be
eliminated without increasing the average
rescheduling costs. Their study also supported that a
freeway reservation might be more effective in
practice than road pricing. And reservation system
with variable booking fees is an option to incorporate
the benefits of congestion pricing. Veeraraghavan et
al. showed, from the standpoint of queuing theory,
that a reservation system is necessary to avoid
waiting, when the average waiting time is large at the
optimal point of operation (Veeraraghavan et al.,
2009). De Feijter et al. stated that the objective of trip-
booking is improving reliability and predictability of
travel times, and his simulation experiments showed
exactly so (de Feijter et al., 2004). Edara and
Teodorovic took the lead in conducting extensive
modeling work of reservation system by proposing a
Highway Allocation System (HAS) and Highway
Reservation System (HRS) (Edara and Teodorovic,
2008). HAS selects trips from received booking
requests to maximize the total Passenger-Miles-
Traveled over a period. HRS works in an on-line
mode to decide whether a request should be accepted
or rejected. Edara et al. showed that HAS produced
35% to 45% more Passenger-Miles than the two
ramp-metering algorithms (Edara et al., 2011).
Different from the idea of sliced highway capacity
by time, Wong and Liu et al. proposed a token-based
reservation idea (Wong, 1997; Liu et al., 2013). Each
road segment has a set of tokens, and the number of
tokens is the product of the segment length and
critical density, or the total number of vehicles on the
link when the capacity condition occurs. A
reservation request is accepted only if at least one
token on the requested segment is available, and the
requested time slot does not overlap with any of the
existing reserved time slots on this token.
Greenshield’s linear speed-density model is used in
Liu’s study, thus the optimal density is a half of jam
density, and optimal speed is a half of free flow speed.
Liu’s work is a meaningful exploration of different
ways of modeling the reservation system.
The highway reservation system works by
rescheduling the travelers’ departure time as well as
route choice to avoid over-capacity traffic flows.
Thus, the departure time choice modeling methods
are useful for this study. The most commonly used
travel time model is Vickrey’s bottleneck link model
(Vickrey, 1969). This has been used in numerous
departure time studies (Arnott et al., 1990; Chow,
2009; Hendrickson and Kocur, 1984; Huang and
Highway Reservation Strategy: Analytical Modeling Approach
Lam, 2002). Hendrickson and Kocuranalyzed the
users’ departure time decisions in a single bottleneck
under three different settings (Hendrickson and
Kocur, 1984). Arnott et al. studied user equilibrium,
system optimum and various toll regimes for a
network with parallel routes between one OD pair
(Arnott et al., 1990). Huang and Lam solved a user
equilibrium with route and departure time choices
(Huang and Lam, 2002). Other than Vickrey’s model,
Mahmassani and Herman (Mahmassani and Herman,
1984) used Greenshield’s traffic flow relationship in
an ideal arterial to represent congestion effects. This
model works only for routes with single uninterrupted
link, as it is difficult to calculate the exact exit flow
Some other studies developed discrete choice
models based on survey data to see what factors can
affect travelers’ departure time choices (Hendrickson
and Plank, 1984; Robert and Small, 1995; Small,
1982). Small’s work (Small, 1982) is the very first
econometric study of the trip scheduling behaviors at
the individual level. The discrete logit model of the
commuters’ work trip scheduling provides useful
information of time values, the relative magnitude of
them is consistent with Hendrickson and Plank
(Hendrickson and Plank, 1984): late arrivals at work
have the highest value of time, early arrivals have the
lowest, and the value of wait time on the road is
between them. Noland and Small (Robert and Small,
1995) analyzed the effect of uncertain travel times on
the commuting departure time choice. They found
that travel time uncertainty can account for a large
proportion of the morning commute cost. A few
researchers analyzed theoretically the dynamic traffic
assignment problem with departure time choice (Wie
et al., 1995; Friesz and Mookherjee, 2006; Chow,
2009). Wie et al. (1995) formulated the user
equilibrium and system optimum conditions and
compared the two using a numerical example.
Under system optimum, travelers with different
departure time might have different total cost, and
they have incentive to adjust departure time and
arrive at user equilibrium. Some researchers
(Hendrickson and Kocur, 1984; Hendrickson and
Plank, 1984; Vickrey, 1969) suggest using time
dependent tolls to help balance the unequal total cost,
so that different departure time will generate the same
cost. With the optimization model’s results provided
in this paper, the exact time dependent toll pattern can
also be identified. This toll idea works under two
conditions: the exact travel demand pattern is known,
and all the travelers are homogeneous. However,
neither of the two is satisfied in practice.
3.1 Big Picture
According to two economic studies of commuters’
traveling behavior (Hendrickson and Plank, 1984;
Small, 1982), late arrivals at work have the highest
value of time, early arrivals have the lowest, and the
value of wait time on the road is between them. That
means, if there is anticipated congestion, the
commuters have the incentive to depart earlier (also
arrive earlier) to avoid the congestion. Highway
reservation system provides a reliable mechanism for
them to do so. Another advantage of highway
reservation system is reducing the travel time
uncertainty, as “travel time uncertainty can account
for a large proportion of the morning commute cost”
(Robert and Small, 1995). These economic studies lay
the foundation for the highway reservation system.
To provide a proper “edge” of the reservation
token to the user, highway system is divided into
multiple links by on- and off-ramps, and time is
discretized into intervals with link capacity sliced
(Wong, 1997). A reservation slot is defined as the
combination of several consecutive links and time
intervals. For example, a user can reserve a 3 mile-
long segment (may have multiple links) between time
8:30 am and 8:33 am. Certain tolerance could be
defined by the local traffic conditions to
accommodate inaccurate travel time estimate. For
example, ±5 minutes tolerance could be used if the
local traffic is unpredictable. This segment’s
operational speed is set to be 60 mph. That’s why
travel time is 3 minutes. Such accurate arrival time
and speed control would be feasible by transmitting
speed and lane-change advisories messages from the
operation center with Connected Vehicle technology.
The proposed highway reservation system works
by redistributing the peak hour travel demand earlier
or later to non-peak hours. Its validity depends on
how the users respond. Some of them may have
flexible schedule and are willing to accept any
rescheduling, while some of them may not cooperate.
The users’ attitude depends on a lot of factors, such
as work schedule flexibility, experience with the
reservation system, etc. In this paper’s model, it is
assumed that the highway users will fully corporate
with the booking center, meaning they accept any
rescheduling, and will travel by the planned schedule.
Another assumption is that all the lanes on the
highway are reserved in this paper’s model.
Compared with HOV lane usage strategy,
reservation system produces higher utilization of the
highway capacity when the demand level is low, as
there might not be enough vehicles to occupy the
HOV lane. HOT strategy might be able to lower the
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
tolls to make better use of the capacity, but the
elasticity of the demand to the toll is difficult to be
estimated. Sometimes it could be too late to increase
the tolls to avoid congestion if the travel demand
bumps up. All these challenges do not exist in the
reservation system. In a sense, it makes the traffic
information transparent to both demand and supply
side beforehand.
3.2 System Objective
All the notations used in the models are listed in Table
1 of Appendix. The objective of the reservation
system is minimizing the total cost of its users, a
weighted sum of early arrival or late arrival cost and
travel time cost (Equation 1). While this appears to be
similar to departure time choice model, the main
difference is that the proposed research system
ensures reliable travel time along the roadways within
the reservation system by enforcing the capacity
constraints. The decision variable is V
. The C
calculated by the Successive-Update approach
mentioned in the next section of the paper, and there
is explicit expression for it. So the objective function
in Equation 1 is just for illustration purpose. In
implementation, we could remove indices of i, j, and
r, when all possible routes are identified and indexed.
That’s why the decision variable dimension becomes
R×K×DAT, instead of O×D×K×Rij×DAT. C
is the
total cost of the trips that belong to V
, including
early/late schedule cost and travel time cost. These
decision variables have to satisfy the OD demand
constraint and non-negative constraint. Also, the
inflow rate of each of the links in all the time intervals
has to be lower than or equal to the “reservation link
capacity.” It is noted that the reservation capacity
ensures vehicles on the reservation system travel at
reliable speed. The vehicles are propagated through
the traffic network by using a successive-update
method, as discussed in the following section.
= w
× max(DAT
, 0) + w
, 0) + w
× TravelTime
Subject to:
= The number of trips between OD (i, j) with
desired arrival time DAT
using route r that start the
trip from the k
time interval
=Total travel cost of a trip between OD (i, j)
with desired arrival time DAT
using route r that
start the trip from the k
time interval
= The inflow of link lk in the k
= The capacity of link lk in the k
interval (currently it does not change by time)
DAT = Desired Arrival Time
AAT = Actual Arrival Time
We adopted Vickrey’s Model (Vickrey, 1969) for
the link behaviors. It is a deterministic queuing model
that considers each link to be free flowing with a
constant travel time, and a bottleneck at the beginning
or end of the link with fixed capacity. Delays will
occur when the traffic inflow continuously exceeds
the capacity for a substantial period. If there is no
queue, the outflow rate is equal to the inflow rate, and
the travelers have no delay. It assumes relatively
stable inflows, without considering stochastic
variations. Vickrey’s queue model is selected in this
study because 1) the maximum flow rate can be
considered explicitly and 2) it is easy to calculate the
exit flow time and rate, and propagate the exit flow
into the successor links. The queue length evolves as
shown in Huang and Lam (2002). When
higher than
, the capacity of link a, the queue length
increases from
( 1) to
(), and if
lower than
, the queue length decreases.
is the number of vehicle arrived at link
a in time interval k. The exit time of these vehicles
from link a and the associated exit flow rate depend
on the current queue length and the relative
magnitude of
() and
(k): Queue length on link a at the end of time
interval k
∆t: Length of the time interval
(k): Inflow rate of the k
time interval
: Capacity of the link segment a
: Travel time under “typical” speed
3.3 Successive-Update Approach
The link bottleneck model can calculate exit time and
rate from each link. The exited vehicles enter the
successor link, together with vehicles from other
routes that also use the successor link. The
successive-update approach uses an INFLOW vector
and OUTFLOW vector to keep the flow information
for each link, and updates them in each time step, until
ijkrl ijkrl
in V C
for all , and
ijlkr ijl
VDemand ijl
0 and integer for all , , , and
() max[ ( 1) ( () ),0]
aa aa
qk qk t k
Highway Reservation Strategy: Analytical Modeling Approach
all the vehicles have reached their destination. The
capacity constraint is realized by including a penalty
term in the objective function when the inflow rates
exceed capacity. The routes between each OD pair are
predetermined either manually (e.g., identifying
commuters’ habitual routes by analyzing their routes
over adequate time period) or by a route-searching
algorithm (e.g., k-shortest path algorithm), and stored
in ROUTES, an R by m matrix, where R is the total
number of routes. m is the maximum number of links
in a route. All the routes are numbered by the row ID
in ROUTES, no matter which OD pair they connect.
The initial traffic assignment is stored in INPUT, an
R by K by DAT matrix. Note that it is assumed that
the users’ desired arrival time is not continuous but
belongs to a set of discrete time points, as they are
determined by morning commuters’ work start time,
which is not continuous most of the time.
record the flow
propagation process for link a. They are 2K by R
matrices. 2K is used because the propagation process
runs for 2K time intervals, in case some trips cannot
finish at the end of K
interval. For the links that are
the beginning of any route, their INFLOW matrices
are initialized using INPUT. For example, if link b is
the first link of route r, INFLOW
(r, k) is initialized
by summing up INPUT(r, k, 1:DAT). During the
traffic propagation process, in each time step k,
(1:R, k)) vehicles enter link a, and
is updated according to the calculated
exit flow time and rate based on Vickrey’s model. To
maintain flow conservation, at the end of each time
step, INFLOW
(r, 1:2K) of all the links are updated
by taking in vehicles from the predecessor links’
vector records the queue
length of link a in all the time intervals. A DEPART
vector records the flow exit time of link a. The time
interval is set to be shorter than the shortest travel
time of all the links, so that the outflow of the links
will never affect the successor’s inflow in the same
time interval. When the propagation process is
finished, the DEPART vectors have the exit time of
the trips from each link. By tracking down the
DEPART vectors of the links on route r, we obtain the
arrival time at the final destination of the vehicles
using route r. With the final arrival time, the system
objective is calculated.
3.4 Solving the Optimization Problem
This study adopted the Interior Point Method (IPM)
(Nocedal and Wright, 2006). Since there is no close-
form formula, the algorithm used finite-difference
equation to find the search direction. Given an initial
solution, the algorithm began the iterative process to
search for the next solution. The initial solution
assumed that the demand is evenly distributed in all
the routes and all the time intervals.
3.5 Numerical Example
This paper uses a numerical example illustrated in
Huang’s study (Huang and Lam, 2002). Huang solved
the user equilibrium route and departure time choice
problem. Thus, using the same example makes it
consistent to compare the performance of the
highway reservation system with user equilibrium
The grid network, as shown in Figure 1, includes
nine nodes, 12 links and two OD pairs (from A to C
and from B to C). All the typical travel time and
capacity of the links are shown in the figure. The trip
demands from A to C and from B to C are 20,000 and
10,000 veh, respectively. All the other settings are the
same with the previous example. The network is
symmetric as well as the input data, so there are only
three unique routes: 1 (6 is the same with 1), 2 (3, 4
and 5 are the same with 2), and 7 (8 is the same with
7). The program treated all the routes independently,
and symmetric outputs are indeed found.
Figure 1: Grid Network (Huang and Lam, 2002).
Using IPM, the optimality condition was satisfied
after one hour run. The computation time is a topic of
future research when a real size network and travel
demand is dealt with. Figure 2 shows the inflow rate
of the three unique routes. There are no trips on route
1 (6), because route 1 (6) have longer travel time than
route 2 (3, 4, 5), and all of them share bottleneck links
6 and 12. This model has the potential of identifying
critical links and under-utilized links. Figure 3 shows
the traffic flow rates of six unique links. It is noted
that links 2 (10) and 5 (9) have no traffic at all, and
link 6 (12) has reached capacity. This is easy to
understand since all trips ending in zone C need to use
either link 6 or link 12. All other links have some
traffic but not saturated. This is an evidence that links
6 and 12 are the bottlenecks in this grid network.
A total of 23,909 vehicles arrive earlier than 9 am,
and the average early arrival time is 0.855 hr. A total
of 6,091 vehicles arrive later than 9 am, and the
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
average late arrival time is 0.218 hr. The average cost
of all the vehicles between A and C is about 7.91
dollars, and 8.03 dollars between B and C. Huang’s
user equilibrium average cost is about 11 dollars
between A and C, and 7 dollars between B and C
(Huang and Lam, 2002). Although B-to-C distance is
shorter than A-to-C, the B-to-C traveler average cost
is higher than A-to-C travelers. This is clearly shown
in Figure 2 that some of the trips on route 7 (B-to-C)
arrive late, and the late arrival cost is much higher
than early arrival and travel time.
Figure 2: Optimized Traffic Flow of Three Unique Routes
[note: Route 1 has no traffic].
Figure 3: Optimized Traffic Flow of Six Unique Links
[note: Links 2 and 5 have no traffic].
3.6 Discussions
The proposed model sliced the highway capacity into
time intervals as proposed by Wong (Wong, 1997). It
is noted that the token-based approach (Liu et al.,
2013) is not adopted because 1) it is difficult to
determine the time each token is occupied, and 2) too
many overlapped tokens being reserved will lead to
short-term excessive demand not properly handled.
Even though coexistence of reserved lanes and
general-purpose lanes is not modeled explicitly in the
paper, the model can be modified to reflect this
coexistence, e.g. setting the reservation flow rate as
capacity of a single lane. In the co-existing lanes
scenario, controlling the speed differential is critical
to enable lane-changes occurring in a safe manner,
otherwise it would be difficult to enter and exit the
reserved lanes. While a previous study of Koolstra
(2000) that evaluated a single bottleneck, our model
is capable of simulating multiple connected links
being reserved and is scalable. Unlike Edara and
Teodorovic (2008), our model explicitly considers the
scheduling cost that incorporates the impacts of
departure time changes.
Given 100% compliance rate is used, the results
should be treated as an “up-ceiling” of the reservation
system’s benefits. To consider realistic compliance
rate, one could implement auction based reservation
system (Su and Park, 2015). To ensure efficient speed
operations in the reserved lane, one could consider a
cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC)
technology (Park et al., 2011; Schakel et al., 2010).
This paper proposed an innovative highway
reservation system as a travel management strategy,
and formulated and solved it as an optimization
model. This model is capable of finding an optimal
scheduling plan that the reservation system could
make for optimal system performance, under a
constraint that all the links are operated below the
capacity level. In two case studies, by applying the
reservation concept over highway networks, the total
monetary costs reduced by 20% to 25%, comparing
with user-equilibrium traffic assignments. Given the
optimization model works under the assumption that
all the users are fully compliant with the scheduling
plan, it is recommended the future research should
consider an agent-based modeling approach to
consider diverse user behaviors.
A few critical issues related to implementation are
discussed. Another main challenge is how to handle
non-recurrent congestions due to crashes or incidents.
A few strategies that would help mitigate include (i)
activating reserved capacity (that is saved for
emergency vehicles), (ii) accepting no more on-the-
fly reservations, (iii) providing incentives to drivers
willing to give up their near future reservations, and
(iv) implementing route guidance system to diverge
the demand.
This research was in part supported by the Global
Research Laboratory Program through the NRF
Highway Reservation Strategy: Analytical Modeling Approach
funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
Planning of South Korea (2013K1A1A2A02078326).
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Table 1: Notations used in the Link Bottleneck Model and
Successive-Update Approach.
Notation Type Description
i Integer Index of origin, a member of
{1, 2, … O}
j Integer Index of destination, a member
of {1, 2, … D}
k Integer Index of time interval, a
member of {1, 2… K}
r Integer Index of a route in R
, a
member of {1, 2, … R
l Integer Index of a desired arrival time,
a member of {1, 2, … DAT}
a Integer Index of a link, a member of
{1, 2, … A}
m Integer The maximum number of links
of all the routes
n Integer Each link has a number of
routes that start from it. n is the
largest number.
O Integer Total number of origins
D Integer Total number of destinations
K Integer Total number of time intervals
Integer Total number of routes
between OD (i, j). R
is a
subset of R
R Integer Total number of routes
between all the ODs pairs
DAT Integer Total number of desired arrival
A Integer Total number of links in the
Double Value of time for the early
Double Value of time for the late
Double Value of time for travel time
Integer Number of vehicles between
OD (i, j) with desired arrival
time DAT
that travel on route
is one of the routes in R)
and start in the k
This is the decision variable
of the model.
Double Average cost of the vehicles
Double Actual arrival time of the
vehicles V
Each row represents a route’s
GP - General Purpose Lane
Table 1: Notations used in the Link Bottleneck Model an
Successive-Update Approach. (Cont.)
Integer The number of trips between
OD (i, j) with desired arrival
time DAT
Each cell (r, k, l) means the
number of trips on route r with
desired arrival time l and
depart in time interval k.
by 2
Cell (r, k, 1) and (r, k, 2) mean
arrival time range of the trips in
INPUT (r, k), or the trips on
route r that depart in interval k.
Cell (r, k) means the average
travel time of the trips in
INPUT (r, k), or the trips on
route r that depart in interval k.
A by n Each row a represents the
routes that start from link a.
The row has zeros if no routes
start from it.
1 by
Queue length at the end of each
time interval on link a
R by
If a is the first link of some
routes, the corresponding rows
are initialized by
that travel demand.
Other rows remain empty.
R by
Initialized as empty.
2K by
Cell (k, 1) and (k, 2) means the
exit flow time range of the
vehicles that entered link a in
interval k.
LINKS A by 2
Cell (a, 1) is the typical travel
time on link a. Cell (a, 2) is the
bottleneck capacity of link a.
TotalTravelTime Double The total travel time of all the
TotalEarlyArrival Double The total early arrival time of
all the vehicles
TotalLateArrival Double The total late arrival time of all
the vehicles
Highway Reservation Strategy: Analytical Modeling Approach