Opening More Data
A New Privacy Risk Scoring Model for Open Data
Amr M. T. Ali- Eldin
, Anneke Zuiderwijk
and Marijn Janssen
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
TBM - Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands
Computer and Control Systems Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
Keywords: Open Data, Open Government Data, Privacy, Risk, Data Release, Data Mining, Scoring Systems.
Abstract: While the opening of data has become a common practice for both governments and companies, many datasets
are still not published since they might violate privacy regulations. The risk on privacy violations is a factor
that often blocks the publication of data and results in a reserved attitude of governments and companies.
Additionally, even published data, which might seem privacy compliant, can violate user privacy due to the
leakage of real user identities. This paper proposes a privacy risk scoring model for open data architectures to
analyse and reduce the risks associated with the opening of data. The key elements consist of a new set of
open data attributes reflecting privacy risks versus benefits trades-offs. Further, these attributes are evaluated
using a decision engine and a scoring matrix intro a privacy risk indicator (PRI) and a privacy risk mitigation
measure (PRMM). Privacy Risk Indicator (PRI) represents the predicted value of privacy risks associated
with opening such data and privacy risk mitigation measures represent the measurements need to be applied
on the data to avoid the expected privacy risks. The model is exemplified through five real use cases
concerning open datasets.
Governments and publicly funded research
organizations are encouraged to disclose their data
and to make this data accessible without restrictions
and free of charge (B. 2009, Commision 2011, B.
2012). Opening public and private data is a complex
activity that may result in benefits yet might also
encounter risks (Conradie and Choenni 2014,
Zuiderwijk and Janssen 2014, Zuiderwijk and Janssen
2015). An important risk that may block the
publication of the data is that organizations might
violate the privacy of citizens when opening data
about them (Conradie and Choenni 2014). Moreover,
when opening data, organizations lose control on who
will be using this data and for what purpose. Once
data is published, there is no control over who will
download, use and adapt the data.
To avoid privacy violations, data publishers can
remove sensitive information from datasets, however,
this makes datasets less useful. In addition, even
published data, which may seem privacy compliant,
can violate user privacy due to leakage of real user
identities when various datasets and other resources
are linked to each other (Kalidien, Choenni et al.
2010). The possibility of mining the data afterwards
to get meaningful conclusions can lead to leakage of
private data or users real identities. Although
organizations remove identifying information from
the dataset before publishing the data, some studies
demonstrate that anonymized data can be de-
anonymized and hence real identities can be revoked
(Kalidien, Choenni et al. 2010).
Various existing studies have pointed at the risks
and challenges of privacy violations for publishing
and using open data (Kalidien, Choenni et al. 2010,
Conradie and Choenni 2014, Janssen and van den
Hoven 2015, Perera, Ranjan et al. 2015). Some
studies have identified privacy risks or policies for
organizations in collecting and processing data
(Drogkaris, Gritzalis et al. 2015, Kao 2015), some
have provided decision support for opening data in
general (Zuiderwijk and Janssen 2015), and some
have focused on releasing information and data on the
individual level (James, Warkentin et al. 2015).
Nevertheless, there is still limited insight in how
organizations can reduce privacy violation risks for
open data in particular, and there is no uniform
approach for privacy protection (Janssen and van den
Hoven 2015). From existing studies it has not become
clear which open data model can be used to reduce
the risk on open data privacy violations. An open data
model is needed that helps making decisions on
opening data and that provides insight in whether the
data may violate users’ privacy.
The objective of this paper is to propose a model
to analyse privacy violation risks of publishing open
data. To do so, a new set of what are called open data
attributes is proposed. Open data attributes reflect
privacy risks versus benefits trade-offs associated
with the expected use scenarios of the data to be open.
Further, these attributes are evaluated using a
decision engine to a privacy risk indicator (PRI) and
a privacy risk mitigation measure (PRMM). In
particular this can help to determine whether to open
data or keep it closed.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
discusses related work while section 3 presents
privacy violation risks associated with open data,
followed by section 4 which introduces the proposed
model. The model helps identifying the risks and
highlights possible alternatives to reduce these risks.
Section 5 exemplifies the model by providing some
use cases and preliminary results. Section 6 discusses
the key findings and concludes the paper.
Public bodies are considered the biggest creators of
data in the society in what is known as public data.
Public data may range from data on procurement
opportunities, weather, traffic, tourist, energy
consumption, crime statistics, to data about policies
and businesses (Janssen and van den Hoven 2015).
Data can be classified into different levels of
confidentiality, including confidential, restricted,
internal use and public (ISO27001 2013). We
consider public data that has no relation with data
about citizens as outside the scope of this work.
Anonymized data about citizens can be shared to
understand societal problems, such as crime or
diseases. An example of citizen data is the sharing of
patient data to initiate collaboration among health
providers which is expected to be beneficial to the
patient and researchers. The highly expected benefits
behind this data sharing are the improved
understanding of specific diseases and hence
allowing for better treatments. It can also help
practitioners to become more efficient. For example,
a general practitioner can quickly diagnose and
prescribe medicines. Nevertheless, this sharing of
patients’ information should be done according to
data protection policies and privacy regulations.
A variety of Data Protection Directives has been
created and implemented. Based on the Data
Protection Directive of 1995 (European Parliament
and the Council of the European Union 1995), a
comprehensive reform of data protection rules in the
European Union was proposed by the European
Commission (2012). Also the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development has
developed Privacy Principles (OECD, 2008),
including principles such as “There should be limits
to the collection of personal data” and “Personal data
should not be disclosed, made available or otherwise
used for purposes other than those specified in
accordance with Paragraph 9 except: a) with the
consent of the data subject; or b) by the authority of
law.” In addition, the ISO/IEC 29100 standard has
defined 11 privacy principles (ISO/IEC-29100 2011).
Nowadays a relatively new approach for privacy
protection called privacy-by-design has received
attention of much organization such as the European
Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
Privacy-by-Design suggests integrating privacy
requirements into the design specifications of
systems, business practices, and physical
infrastructures (Hustinx 2010). In the ideal situation
data is collected in such a way that privacy cannot be
The Data Protection Directives are often defined
on a high level of abstraction, and provide limited
guidelines for translating the directives to practice.
Despite the developed Data Protection Directives and
other data protection policies, organizations still risk
privacy violations when publishing open data. In the
following sections we elaborate on the main risks of
privacy violation associated with open data.
A number of information security standards were
estalished to achieve effective information security
governance, among which are ISO (2013), COBIT5
and NIST (2016). Most work on privacy risk
assessment aim to conduct surveys or questionnaires
that assess companies’ ways of dealing with personal
data according to regulatory frameworks and moral or
ethical values. When it comes to open data, such
frameworks to assess privacy risks cannot be used
since the data to be published will contain no
identifying information as a pre-requisite by the law.
Having said that, normal ways of assessing privacy
risks cannot be applied and new ways are needed that
outweigh the benefits of sharing the data compared to
expected privacy risks of the leakage of personally
identifiable information.
Opening More Data - A New Privacy Risk Scoring Model for Open Data
3.1 Real Identities Disclosure
Privacy can be defined as a person’s desire to manage
information and interaction about him or her (James,
Warkentin et al. 2015). It appears that privacy threats
are caused mainly by the risks associated with
anonymizing the data and making it public for re-use.
Privacy legislation and data protection policies force
organizations and governments not to publish private
information. In this context, organizations are asked
to remove any identifying information from the data
before making it available online. Nevertheless, some
studies in anonymization techniques show that
anonymized data can be de-anonymized and hence
real identities can be revoked. For example,
Narayanan and Shmatikov (2008) showed that an
adversary with very little information about a user,
could identify his or her record in the Netflix openly
published datasets of 500,000 anonymized
subscribers. In addition, removing real names, birth
dates and other sensitive information from datasets
may not always have the desired effect. For instance,
the Dutch police has started to publish open data
about cars and bicycle thefts after removing real
names of people involved. Although removing these
names might sound satisfactory for user privacy
protection, more research is needed to analyse
whether user identities are safe and whether this is a
robust approach.
3.2 Privacy Leakage through Linked -
The combination of variables from various datasets
could result in the identification of persons and reveal
identities (Zuiderwijk and Janssen 2015). Data
attributes, referred to with the term ‘quasi-identifier’,
can be linked to external data resources and hence can
lead to the release of hidden identities (XU, JIANG et
al. 2014). Examples of quasi-identifiers are a person’s
age, gender and address.
Figure 1 shows an example of privacy leakage
through data linkage. In this example, an attacker may
identify the person John from this dataset. By
combining information about the gender, birth place
and the city where John lives, John may be identified
in the open dataset. Therefore, these data types are
important to be hidden as well. In addition, sensitive
data such as diseases should be removed from the
datasets. However, data providers often cannot
predict in advance which combination of variables
will lead to privacy leakage (Zuiderwijk and Janssen
2015), and thus this prediction is a complex activity.
Figure 1: Privacy leakage through data linkage.
3.3 Data Mining
Open data makes data available online for researchers
and companies. Companies use data mining
techniques to conclude meaningful information from
these datasets which help them in their businesses.
When doing so, they can violate users’ privacy
because mining the data can deduce private
information. In order to help overcome these issues,
privacy preserving data mining techniques should be
used to reduce privacy risks (XU, JIANG et al. 2014).
3.4 Data Utilization versus Privacy
Once a dataset has been transferred from the data
owner to the data publisher, the data owner is no
longer in control over his or her data. Data control has
transferred to the data publisher who is responsible
against the law for the protection of people’s privacy.
Before publishing the data online, the data publisher
anonymizes the data and removes any sensitive data
that makes it possible to identify persons.
Most of the times, the data publisher does not
know who will receive the data and for what purpose
he or she will access the data. Further, the data
publisher does not necessarily know what mining
techniques will be used by the data receiver and how
much sensitive information can be deduced from the
anonymized data. If the data publisher removes all
identifying information, alters associated quasi-
identifiers, and removes sensitive data, the published
data can lose its value. Hence, there should be a
balance between what can be published, in order for
users to be able to derive useful information, and at
the same time ensuring privacy protection. Complete
privacy protection might result in no use of the data
at all, and hence the published data can become of no
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Uncertainty associated with the disclosure of data
makes it difficult to come up with a good approach to
protect users’ privacy. When published, unknown
third-party organizations and other users can get
access to sensitive information. Sharing information
under uncertainty conditions while being able to
guarantee user privacy represents one of the
challenges in these environments (Ali Eldin and
Wagenaar 2007). Since assessing privacy and
security risks is critical for enterprises (Jones 2005),
we expect the same is needed for open data
environments for the sake of protection of user data.
The key elements of the proposed model are
presented as follows (see Figure 2):
4.1 Open Data Attributes
Based on authors’ observations from previous case
studies on open data architectures, five open data
attributes are assumed in this research. The first four
are shown at the top left corner in Figure 2, whereas
the fifth attribute is shown at the top right corner. The
five open data attributes are as follows:
Need for openness: referring to the need for
publishing the data openly. If the data criticality
level is high but the need of openness is high, then
a trade-off exists and the need for openness can
outweigh the high criticality level or vice versa.
Criticality level: this attribute represents the
importance of the data, analogous to the
importance of the benefit of data publishing to the
Security alarm/threat: this refers to what degree is
the expected cyber security threat alert. If the
security threat is set to high, then this can have
impact on the nature of data being published and
made available to others.
Trust level: refers to how the data publisher is
rated by others with respect to his or her
trustworthiness. Reputation of the data publisher
influences the quality of the data and the way
privacy is dealt with. For example, whether the
data publisher is trusted that he or she will comply
with privacy regulations and whether the quality
of data will be high.
Figure 2: Proposed Privacy Risks Scoring (PRS) Model.
Restrictions of Use: Restrictions of use represents
access privileges allowed on the data. We
distinguish three ways to describe this restriction:
- Type of user. This means a restriction is
applied on basis of the role the user plays.
- Physical Presence. This means that data access
depends on the physical location where it is
accessed from.
- Purpose of use. This means different types of
restriction may apply depending on the
purpose data is needed for.
4.2 Decision Engine
A box in the middle of Figure 2 depicts the decision
engine. The decision engine component is responsible
for deciding upon perceived privacy risks and
recommends a suitable privacy risk mitigation
measure. This is done based on a scoring matrix and
a rule engine having scores of open data attributes as
input. Rules are specified by subject matter experts
and by analysis of the model associated data access
4.3 Privacy Risk Indicator (PRI)
The PRI represents the predicted value of privacy
risks associated with opening such data. PRI can have
Opening More Data - A New Privacy Risk Scoring Model for Open Data
four values; low, low-medium, medium-high and
high. A high PRI means the threat to privacy violation
is expected to be high. PRI is determined by the
decision engine based on the scoring matrix and the
rules associated with the decision engine.
4.4 Privacy Risk Mitigation Measures
Based on the decision engine, a privacy risk indicator
score is predicted together with a privacy risk
mitigation measure. For example, what should be
done if there is a risk that the identity of an owner of
a stolen bike can be tracked down if we publish stolen
bike records online? The following measures are used
in our framework:
Level 1: Remove identifiers. This is the least
measure that needs to be taken by a data publisher
when the risk indicator is classified as low risk.
By doing that, they adhere to the European data
directives and data protection laws. The use of
database anonymization tools is mandatory in
order to remove the identities and make the data
anonymous. Examples of such tools are
(Anonymizer , ARX , Camouflage’s-CX-Mask).
Level 2: Alter Quasi-identifiers. Changing quasi-
identifiers’ data values can help reduce identity
leakage. Quasi-identifiers are data types which if
linked with other datasets can reveal real
identities. Examples are age, sex and zip code (Ali
Eldin and Wagenaar 2007, Fung, Wang et al.
2010). Researchers in this area developed
algorithms that can detect and find quasi-
identifiers (Shadish, Cook et al. 2002, Motwani
and Xu 2007, Shi, Xiong et al. 2010). To meet
PRMM level 2, PRMM level 1 activities must be
completed as well.
Level 3: Remove Sensitive Items. For some cases,
there are data items such as medical diseases
which are considered sensitive and need to be
protected when publishing the data if the risk
indicator is high risk. The type of data that is
considered sensitive varies from dataset to
another which makes it complex to safely identify
and remove it. Some commercial tools exist that
could be used which can be adjusted for specific
data type and specific operating systems. An
example of such tools is Nessus (Nessus). To meet
PRMM level 3, PRMM levels 1 and 2 activities
must be completed as well.
Level 4: Reject Publishing. In case that the threat
is high, it is advised not to publish the data at all,
and therefore the recommended measure would be
to reject publishing.
In this section, we describe five use cases to illustrate
the proposed model. These cases are based on real
scenarios. In each case we determine the Privacy Risk
Indicator (PRI) and the Privacy Risk Mitigation
Measure (PRMM). The cases involve different types
of actors who conduct different activities. Some of the
actors upload datasets, others use them or both upload
and use them. The type of data provided varies
between the cases, since some of the opened data are
provided real-time, while others are static with or
without updates.
The criticality of the data ranges from low to high,
and the data use is restricted in various ways. The use
of some datasets is not restricted, whereas for other
datasets the restriction depends on the purpose of use,
the type of data user, the physical presence of the data
user at a certain location or the type of user. The level
of trust in data quality is different for each of the
cases, ranging from large issues (low trust level) to
very limited issues (high trust level).
5.1 Decision Engine
Before we can assess the different cases, we need to
specify the rules used in the decision engine. For the
sake of simplicity, a scoring matrix is used where
attributes are given scores on a scale from 0 to 1
according to their threat to privacy. Table 1 shows an
example of the scoring approach based on the
authors’ experiences.
Each attribute is valuated with a score s such that
≤1. These scores are created based on assumptions
on privacy risks associated with each attribute value.
Each attribute category A
has a weight (0 <
10)associated with it such that when aggregating all
scores they get weighted as follows:
 =
Max (Si) means that if more than one score is possible
within one attribute category because of the existence
of more than one attribute value like for example two
types of use, then the maximum score is selected to
reflect the one with the highest risk. The advantage of
using weights is to introduce some flexibility such
that the influence of each attribute category can get
updated over time according to lessons learned from
gathered data and previously found privacy treats.
Table 2 shows how PRI value is mapped to a
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
corresponding privacy mitigation risk measure level
5.2 Case 1: Use and Provision of Open
Crime Data
A citizen of a large European city wants to know how
many crimes occur in her neighbourhood compared
to other neighbourhoods in the city.
She searches various open data infrastructures for
the data that she is looking for. When she finds real-
time open crime data, she downloads and analyses
them. According to the license, the data can be used
in various forms, both non-commercially and
commercially. Data visualizations help the citizen to
make sense of the data. Nevertheless, she has only
limited information about the quality of the dataset
and about the provider of the data, which decreases
her trust in the data.
The open data infrastructure that the citizen uses
does not only allow governmental organizations to
open datasets, but offers this function to any user of
the infrastructure. This citizen also wants to share
some data herself. She has collected observation of
theft in the shop that she owns, and publishes these
data on the internet as open data. This means that the
citizen both downloads and uploads open data. Using
the proposed model, an overview of open data
attributes for this case can be given (see Table 3).
From table 1, the PRI can be calculated using
equation (1):  = 0.61. PRI can be seen to be
medium-high meaning a relatively high privacy risk
with associated PRMM set at level 3: remove
sensitive data. The data publisher should filter the
published data from identifying information, quasi-
identifiers and sensitive data to avoid this expected
relatively high privacy risk.
Table 1: Open Data Attributes Scoring Matrix.
Weight (w)
Type of
Citizen 0.6
Company 1.0
Purpose of
Information 0.2
Research 0.4
Commercial 0.6
Sharing 0.8
Unknown 1.0
1 Static 0.33
Type of
Updated 0.67
Real-time 1.0
Low 0.25
Low-medium 0.50
high 0.75
High 1.00
s of use
None 0.25
type of user / purpose of
Restricted by country 0.75
Restricted by networ
Need for
Low 0.33
Medium 0.67
High 1.00
Trust in
Low 0.25
Low- Medium 0.50
High 0.75
High 1.00
Table 2: Mapping PRI to PRMM.
Level 1: Remove
Low - Medium
Level 2: Remove Quasi-
Medium – High
Level 3: Remove
Sensitive data
High 0.75-1.00 Level 4: Reject publishing
Table 3: Case 1 Overview.
Case Attributes Case 1
e of Use
Purpose of use Use and upload open data
about nei
e of data Real-time
Data Criticalit
Restrictions of use None
Need for Openness High
Trust Level High
5.3 Case 2: Provision of Open Social
An archivist working for a governmental agency
maintains the open data infrastructure of this agency.
Datasets cannot be uploaded by anyone but only by
an employee of the governmental organization. The
archivist has the task to make various social datasets
that are found appropriate for publication by the
agency employees available to the public. The
archivist uploads static datasets that are non-sensitive,
so that the risk on privacy breaches is minimized. The
datasets can be reused by anyone; there are no
restrictions regarding the type of user or the purpose
of use. Since the datasets are provided online with
much metadata, including data about the quality of
the dataset, this reduces the trust issues that data users
may have. Using the proposed model, an overview of
Opening More Data - A New Privacy Risk Scoring Model for Open Data
this case’s open data attributes is shown in Table 4.
The PRI for case 2 is 0.39withLow
mediumprivacyrisks. PRMM is set at level 2:
remove Quasi-identifiers. This implies removing
identifying information as well.
Table 4: Case 2 Overview.
Case Attributes Case 2
Type of Use
Governmental Archivis
Purpose of use Upload open social data
Type of data Static
Data Criticality Low
Restrictions of use None
Need for Openness High
Trust Level Low-Medium
5.4 Case 3: Use of Restricted
Archaeology Data
A student conducts a study in the area of archaeology.
To obtain access to the data, the student needs to
submit a request at the organization that owns the
data. In his request, the student needs to provide
information about himself, his study and about the
purpose for which he wants to use the data. The data
are not completely open, since access to the data is
restricted by a data request procedure.
Since the data user needs to provide the
governmental agency with information, the
governmental organization can decide to provide
more sensitive data than the data that they offer with
open access.
For study purposes, more sensitive data can be
disclosed to this single user, under the condition
(contractually agreed) that he will not provide the
information to others. Since the user can personally
contact the data provider, trust issues are less
common than they may be for other (open) datasets.
Using the proposed model, an overview of this case
is given in Table 5.  = 0.54, PRMM is at level 3:
remove sensitive data. Again as mentioned earlier,
special contractual agreement can be put in place with
this particular student before sensitive data can be
shared with him otherwise sensitive data has to be
Table 5: Case 3 Overview.
Case Attributes Case 3
Type of Use
Purpose of use Use open data for study
Type of data Static
Data Criticality Low-medium
Restrictions of use Purpose of use, type of use
Need for Openness Medium
Trust Level Mediu
5.5 Case 4: Use of Physically Restricted
Statistics Data
A researcher would like to use open statistical data
that is provided by a governmental statistics
organization. The statistics office has been opening
data for many years and has a good reputation in this
area, since it offers high-quality data. The researcher
therefore trusts the data of the statistics office and
believes that he can reuse these data for his own
research. While the researcher can access various
open datasets on the internet, some datasets are
provided in a more restricted form. To access the
more sensitive datasets, the researcher needs to
physically go to the statistics office.
The statistics office does not open these sensitive
data, since this may lead to privacy breaches. The
researcher can analyse the data at the location of the
statistics office, yet it is not allowed to take any data
along with him and to publish these data as open data.
Since the researcher physically needs to travel to the
statistics office, the office can obtain insight in the
purposes for which the researcher wants to use the
data, and based on this purpose, they approve or
disapprove the use of their data. Using the proposed
model, an overview of this case is given in Table 6.
Accordingly,  = 0.51, and the PRMM is at level
3: remove sensitive data. This means before sharing
this data openly, all sensitive data has to be removed
together with identifying information and quasi-
Table 6: Case 4 Overview.
Case Attributes Case 4
Type of Use
Purpose of use Use open data for research
Type of data Static, updated frequently
Data Criticality Mediu
Restrictions of use Physical presence, type of use
Need for Openness Low
Trust Level Low
5.6 Case 5: Use of Physically Restricted
Agency Data
A civil servant may not only be involved in opening
datasets, but may also reuse datasets that are provided
by her own organization. The agency’s data can only
be accessed internally by its employees who are
present at the agency, and is therefore restricted by
type of user and by physical barriers. The datasets are
both real-time and static, yet they are updated
frequently. The agency’s data are highly sensitive;
since they have not been anonymized and sensitive
information has not been removed. The data cannot
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
be used by anyone and are not open. Trust of the data
user is high, since the user is familiar with the context
in which the data have been created and has access to
colleagues who can answer questions about the data
if necessary. Using the proposed model, an overview
of this case is given in Table 7. Accordingly,  =
0.68, and the PRMM is at level 3: remove sensitive
In the previous cases, the security threat is
assumed to be low and thus it was not included in the
computations. From the above, we see that for the
different use cases of the same dataset, we can have
different privacy risks and thus we need to consider
applying measures for privacy risks mitigation. The
application of the proposed model has given insight
into this association between the datasets and the use
cases based on privacy risks scores associated with
these cases (see Figure 3). This insight will help in
applying the suitable privacy risk mitigation measure
(PRMM) before publishing the data openly.
Table 7: Case 5 Overview.
Case Case 5
Type of Use
Civil servan
Purpose of use
Use data provided by own
Type of data
Real-time and static, updated
Data Criticality High
Restrictions of use Physical presence, type of use
Need for Openness Low
Trust Level Low
Figure 3: PRI scores for five different open data cases with
equally weighted Open Data Attributes.
The opening and sharing of data is often blocked by
privacy considerations. Most work on privacy risk
assessment evaluates privacy risks based on
assessment of companies’ ways of dealing with
personal data and their maturity in doing so according
to standards and common practices. These
frameworks cannot be applied in open data
architectures because the data does not contain
personally identifiable information (PII) by default if
published in public. However, in this paper, we
showed that PII can still be disclosed even after being
removed through different ways. We also argued for
the need of evaluating the different use cases
associated with the dataset before a decision to be
made on whether to open the data.
In this paper, a new model for privacy risk scoring
in open data architectures was proposed. The model
is based on defining a new set of, what is called, open
data attributes and privacy risk mitigation measures.
Each open data attribute is given a score according to
a predefined scoring matrix. From the implemented
cases, it was clear that different privacy risk
mitigation measures are considered depending on
risks associated with these attributes. Each defined
privacy risk mitigation measure should be applied
before making this dataset available online openly.
Further research is needed to define a common
basis for the scoring matrix and all possible open data
attributes. Statistical analysis should be conducted to
validate the possible generalizability of the proposed
model. In addition, details of the realization
architecture should be discussed together with the
implementation details of the privacy risk mitigation
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Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design