End-users Co-create Shared Information for a More Complete
Real-time Maritime Picture
Harri Ruoslahti
and Ilkka Tikanmäki
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vanha maantie 9, 02650 Espoo, Finland & University of Jyväskylä,
Seminaarinkatu 15, 40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto, Finland
Department of Warfare, National Defence University, Kadettikouluntie 7, FI-00861 Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: Co-creation, Cooperation, Maritime Domain, Information Sharing.
Abstract: European Union Member States are working towards an integrated maritime surveillance and deeper
information sharing and implementation of Common Information Sharing Environment. Value networks
aiming at co-creation, need active facilitation, and relevant platforms for open cooperation. This study
analysed scenario analytics, and narrative documents from projects CoopP, CISE, and MARISA by using a
Data Extraction Table to classify both objects and phenomenon relevant to European maritime information
sharing systems. The object and phenomenon rows are grouped under a European Coast Guard Functions,
CGFs framework, to better understand their occurrence and interdependencies. This paper finds that objects
and phenomena need to be continuously evaluated against evolving risk and treat scenarios and end-user
needs. Shared maritime information systems need to include tools for continuous self-revaluation. Added
complexity may greatly reduce the time to value creation and innovation, which in this context is the ability
to create greater common knowledge, learning, and value. Thus, faster and more widely shared information
on objects and phenomena result in an accurate Recognized Maritime Picture, which supports threat
assessment, asset and operations planning, and sharing of resources for added safety and security on the
European maritime domain.
“The overall objective of the Cooperation Project is
to support further cross-border and cross-sectoral
operational cooperation between public authorities
(including EU Agencies) in the execution of the
defined maritime functionalities, with a focus on
information sharing across sea-basins. The project is
one step towards the Common Information Sharing
Environment, or CISE” (HELCOM, 2017).
The European Union with its Member States work
towards an integrated non-military maritime
surveillance and deeper coordination in information
sharing. This development is demonstrated in putting
wide European resources in the development and
implementation of wider cooperation processes and
platforms and a Common Information Sharing
Environment – CISE (PERSEUS, 2017;
EUCISE2020, 2017; European Commission, 2015).
EUCISE2020 aims to achieve pre-operational
information sharing between maritime authorities in
different European States (EUCISE2020, 2017); the
Cooperation Project, CoopP, is an integral part of this
development; as is project MARISA, which seeks to
strengthen the information exchange needed to
optimize the surveillance of the EU maritime area and
borders (Laurea, 2017). Together these EU-wide
projects show that European authorities on the
maritime domain can and need to cooperate.
The main contribution of this paper is that it raises
the issue that technical systems, such as CISE, require
shared, frameworks of content, on which human
processes of operation can be based on. This practical
case study aims to serve its part in filling some of this
research gap. This study contributes, as a relevant part
of project MARISA, by, in a rigorous way,
identifying what objects and phenomena information
systems and platforms used to share data between
authorities on the maritime domain should contain.
Theoretically this paper draws from co-creation
theory and the collaboration framework by Ruoslahti,
(2017). Active stakeholder participation can be
achieved through defining common aims, and the
foundation of cooperation is openly shared
Ruoslahti H. and TikanmÃd’ki I.
End-users Co-create Shared Information for a More Complete Real-time Maritime Picture.
DOI: 10.5220/0006559702670274
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 267-274
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
information. This will require both open cooperative
and co-creative processes, and tools, such as
information systems to share the needed data. Any
value network that aims at co-creation, needs not only
active facilitation, but also relevant platforms and
tools for open cooperation (Figure 1) (Ruoslahti,
2017, p. 15). This paper sees that CISE is a
cooperation platform for open cooperation between
and active participation by authorities as in figure 1.
Figure 1: Cyclical connections in co-creation projects
(Ruoslahti, 2017, p. 15).
This cycle of co-creation is completed when
knowledge and innovation becomes co-created.
Depending on the outcome and evolution of the co-
creative cooperation, the network may continue on
the level of a similar co-creation cycle, regress, or
evolve to a more complex level of cooperation.
Based on defined use cases the EUCISE2020
based CoopP project identified and classified, in its
WP3 (Scaroni, 2014), seven main groups of risk: (1)
Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; (2) Illegal
oil discharges or Environmental destruction and
degradation; (3) Counterfeit goods; (4) Irregular
immigration; (5) Trafficking in human beings; (6)
Trafficking of drugs; and (7) Piracy. This paper
combines this classification with that of a framework
of European Coast Guard Functions, CGFs, as its
basis of analysis to answer the research question of
this study:
RQ: What objects and phenomenon should
modern common use maritime information systems
produce for its users to gain a more complete real-
time maritime picture?
The structure of this paper is (2) Authorities on the
Maritime Domain, (3) Method, (4) Results, (5)
Discussion and Conclusions.
“Situational awareness is one of the starting points
for feeling safe and secure. Maritime surveillance is
the cornerstone of situational awareness at sea. It is
also written in integrated Maritime Policy in EU
which aims among other objectives to ensure the safe
and secure use of European maritime area and
protection of European Sea Borders” (de Arruda
Camara, et. al., 2012, p. 5).
European Maritime Policy has adopted an
integrated and cross sectorial approach to respond to
the various challenges that the authorities serving the
European maritime domain face. These authorities,
which are responsible for safety and security at sea
are many, and member states are organized very
differently in their ways of organizing the responsible
authorities covering the various tasks needed on the
maritime domain.
Frontex, which recently became the European
Border and Coast Guard Agency, facilitates
cooperation between national law enforcement,
customs and other authorities operating in the
maritime domain. (Frontex, 2017). Joint multi-
purpose operations, may include personnel, vessels
and aircraft from different authorities from various
Member States.
To ensure continuous improvement in safety and
security on the maritime domain, the European Union
has classified the activities promoting safety and
security on European waters as European Coast
Guard Functions, CGFs, which aid coordinate the
work of the different authorities. The European Coast
Guard Functions Forum, ECGFF (2014) categorized
ten CGFs (Ruoslahti & Hyttinen, 2017), and the
results of this study are structured be these CGFs.
On the European level there are four more major
Coast Guard Cooperation Networks as frameworks
for sharing best practices and relevant information
between coast guard authorities. They all have a
similar regional maritime focus in maritime safety
and security, environmental protection, combat of
cross-border crime, and enhancement of information
exchange (de Arruda Camara, et. al., 2012; Ruoslahti,
The Baltic Sea Region Border Control
Cooperation, BSRBCC, for example, is “a flexible
regional tool for daily inter-agency interaction in the
field of environmental protection and to combat
cross-border crime in the Baltic Sea region, with a
maritime focus. Cooperation Partners are Police,
Border Guards, Coast Guards and Customs
Authorities.” (BSRBCC, 2013).
There are also other frameworks that bring
together the dispersed authorities on other European
maritime fields, and they all exchange information
directly within each other. Multinational military
maritime surveillance cooperation began between
Sweden and Finland as the Sea Surveillance Co-
Operation Finland Sweden cooperation, and has
broadened to include eight Baltic Sea countries as Sea
Surveillance Cooperation Baltic Sea. “Today
Maritime Situational Awareness is continuously
shared between the participating parties benefitting at
the same time maritime safety, maritime rescue,
maritime assistance, VTS, maritime environmental
protection, maritime security and law enforcement in
the Baltic Sea region” (SUCBAS, 2013). Other
cooperation networks on the Baltic maritime domain
include the European Maritime Safety Agency,
EMSA (EMSA, 2013); the Baltic Sea Task Force on
Organised Crime (CBSS, 2017), and the Helsinki
Commission – HELCOM (HELCOM, 2017). These
examples of various frameworks show the
complexity of cooperation regarding safety and
security on the maritime domain – across Europe.
2.1 Authorities and Co-creation
Ruoslahti and Knuuttila (2011) note that listening to
different types of end user representatives is
important to successfully communicate the total
range of end user opinions and needs. Networks of
co-creation “can demonstrate new knowledge on how
a cooperation should work in the future (e.g. in SAR)
– not only technically, but also as a process to change
the current mind-sets to cooperate more and share
information to benefit the security and safety…“
(Ruoslahti & Hyttinen, 2017, p. 104).
Safety and security on the maritime domain
begins from the vessel level. Empowering a ship’s
crew is important in creating a self-regulating culture,
as managing safety on board is “leadership and
management of the people living and working in the
ship. The execution of safety measures lies within the
seafarers and their masters working at sea”
(Salokannel, et. al., 2015, p. 12). Managing crisis on
board prevents harm and damage, and the goals in
managing communication in crisis are: (1)
empowerment, (2) understanding, and (3)
Ruoslahti and Knuuttila (2016) apply the concept
of issue arenas (Luoma-aho and Vos, 2010) to the
interaction between stakeholders in cooperation
networks. Through the life-cycle of a project, the
number of stakeholders – end users, industry, NGOs,
authorities, and academia – that participate in the
communication should grow, as the project
progresses. (Henriksson, Ruoslahti, & Hyttinen,
2017, p. 11).
Ruoslahti (2017) notes that as networks become
structured based on different aims. Complexity is
greatest in multiple-stakeholder co-creation projects
that benefit innovation network stakeholders, where
roles between stakeholders are in fluid and constant
change, and open innovation environments – such as
a CISE –facilitates communication and interaction.
2.2 Applying a Business Point of View
on Co-creation on Authority
From a business point of view, mapping end-user
processes and practices can identify opportunities for
encounters to support the co-creation of value (Payne,
Storbacka & Frow, 2008). Co-creation allows
companies, communities, and customers to create
value through interaction (Dawe & Sankar 2016).
Multi-stakeholder networks, as an organizational
structure, allow collective actions over national
boundaries, participation is voluntary and both
objectives and actions can be negotiated among
participants (Roloff, 2008). Value networks that aim
at co-creation require active stakeholder
participation, and this is best achieved through
common aims. Innovation networks need these to
promise benefits for every concerned stakeholder
(Ruoslahti, 2017).
Saarinen (2012) points out that developing
services cannot be totally user-based, but that a design
process includes several actors’ problems, goals, and
actions, which may differ in preference. Co-
production with customers supports organizational
innovativeness (Luoma-aho, et.al., 2012), knowledge
is value, and stakeholder services and systems depend
on the resources of others to survive, and to co-create
this value (Pirinen, 2015; Ruoslahti, et. al, 2011).
True co-creation is an interactive and complex
learning process, where information as a key resource
and trust a key component (Ruoslahti, 2017).
2.3 Co-creation of Knowledge through
a Common Information Sharing
Change and development require new thinking from
organizations, and end-user participation is an
activity, strategically structured by the organization
coordinating the innovation project. Networks and
learning within them only become constructed by
interaction. Tools that promote information sharing,
cooperation, and open innovation can bring
advantages (Ruoslahti, 2017), and networking is very
important in developing services (Tikanmäki,
Tuohimaa, & Ruoslahti, 2012), as well as for smooth
cooperation in technical development projects, where
it is important that developers and potential end users
work closely together (Ruoslahti, et. al., 2010).
Project MARISA is working towards the common
use of existing and future on-line platforms to serve
as a cooperation tool for European-wide maritime
authorities. The project “seeks to address the need to
strengthen the information exchange to optimize the
surveillance of the EU maritime area and its maritime
borders” (Laurea, 2017).
Active co-creation processes require tools and
environments for cooperation to foster knowledge
sharing and long-term relationships (Ruoslahti, 2017),
as truly co-creative cooperation is cyclical and on-
going. To achieve innovative outcomes, co-creation
requires a strategy, and relationships require time and
active management to develop, supported by the
internal structures of all stakeholder organizations
(Figure 1). Identifying key success factors helps
facilitate and monitor these cooperation processes. In
creating common aims, it is important “to understand
the multiple points of view, different values and
individual aims that the multiple stakeholders in the
innovation network may have” (Ruoslahti, 2017, p. 7).
The aim of this study is to identify the objects and
phenomenon that modern common use maritime
information systems should produce for a more
complete real-time maritime picture. Users of the
system can make better informed decisions when they
have a comprehensive picture of what objects and
phenomenon are out there, how they might evolve in
time, and what effects these developments may have.
This paper identifies relevant objects and phenomena
needed in common information sharing. A European
wide CISE, will support this desired development,
which this paper is in part promoting.
This study draws from use case and scenario
narratives, and scenario analytics gathered and
developed in projects CoopP, CISE, and MARISA.
The data collected, was submitted to a structured
desktop analysis, where objects and phenomena were
first identified, then placed as rows on a Data
Extraction Table, DET, which was developed in
Excel as an analysis tool for this study. The objects
and phenomena were further classified under one of
the ten CGFs that this paper uses as part of its analysis
framework (ECGFF, 2014; Ruoslahti & Hyttinen,
2017): (1) Maritime safety and vessel traffic
management; (2) Fisheries control; (3) Maritime
border control; (4) Maritime surveillance; (5)
Maritime security; (6) Maritime customs activities;
(7) Prevention of trafficking and smuggling; (8)
Maritime environmental response; (9) Accident and
disaster response; and (10) Search and rescue at sea.
The DET is structured so that each individual
object or phenomenon is classified under a CGF
(rows), and as an object or phenomenon (columns).
Also the main category of risk (Scaroni, 2014) were
listed under each CGF on the title row in red.
Columns in the DET are Category of Coast Guard
Function, Object, and Phenomenon. Also the DET
makes a difference between Observations and
Actions. Under Observations are listed all objects and
phenomena that are produced by outside agents, and
under Actions all objects and phenomena that pertain
to the assets and resources that the authorities have to
respond to the objects and phenomena produced by
these outside agents.
Issues that were clearly common to all categories
of CGFs appeared, and to avoid repeating them under
each category, one additional class General common
to all was added. The issues that are shared by all
CGF classifications were listed here. Besides serving
this study the DET is intended to serve as an
individual tool in project MARISA to better
understand what objects and phenomena level
information end-users need shared for a more
complete real-time maritime picture.
In the results section of this paper is structured by
grouping the ten CGFs under five subtitles: 4.1
Maritime Safety and Vessel Traffic Management; and
Maritime Surveillance; 4.2 Accident and Disaster
Response; and Search and Rescue at Sea; 4.3
Maritime Border Control; Maritime Customs
Activities and Prevention of Trafficking and
Smuggling; 4.4 Maritime Security; and 4.5 Maritime
Environmental Response; and Fisheries Control.
There are six issues identified that are common to all
categories and functions of EU-CGF. (1) Anomaly
detection, classification and threat assessment;
(2) Prediction of the operational maritime picture;
(3) Threat assessment; (4) Intervention plans;
(5) Address underlying problem that stimulated the
threat; and (6) Mission Planning and Decision
Support. All these six topics generate needs to
identify objects and phenomenon on the maritime
Anomaly detection, classification, threat
assessment, and alert operators is key. To gain a
Common Operational Picture from different
contributors will aid to classify the threats, evaluate
their seriousness, and predict possible impacts. All
this information are needed to protect potential
victims of any potential incident. Accurate real-time
information will help support rapid decision making,
planning operations, and operations asset planning for
the most accurate and rapid response possible.
4.1 Maritime Safety and
Vessel Traffic Management; and
Maritime Surveillance
Maritime accidents are the main risks in maritime
safety and vessel traffic management (Scaroni, 2014).
Objects that are needed to know are vessel, its type,
characteristics, identification, and preferably its port
history, travel plan, crew and when applicable
passenger list, and cargo manifest. Thus accuracy and
validation of the automated vessel identification
system AIS-signals is also very important.
Maritime safety and vessel traffic management
are concerned with a wide variety of issues ranging
from commercial shipping to leisure boats, and from
vessel safety inspections, through personnel
qualification issues, to active traffic control and
VTS-monitoring. Thus the objects and phenomenon
that it is interested in are concerned with information
related vessels, their seaworthiness, manning, and
movements. Predicting maritime traffic evolution is
important. It calls for predictions of vessel
trajectories, understanding of the evolution of events
and circumstances over a potential areas of interest,
potential threats, aided by density and risk maps that
picture maritime activities over areas of interest,
heavily used traffic routes and points of cross traffic,
potentially risky routes, and deeper understanding of
seasonal trends.
Anomaly detection, classification and threat
assessment should include observing change of
speed, direction, or vessel interactions, and possible
vessels approaching the coast suspiciously far from
ports or unauthorized access to areas of interest,
prohibited anchoring.
Also metrological information, such as clouds,
winds, waves, and storms, and oceanographic
information such as currents and topography are of
interest. Sea metrological conditions information and
evolution predictions aid in the assessment of
abnormal weather conditions and support route and
asset planning and when needed in Search and
Rescue, SAR operations.
4.2 Accident and Disaster Response;
and Search and Rescue at Sea
When maritime accidents occur, the main alerts are
SOS / Mayday calls, or vessels or aircraft
disappearing from maritime surveillance and traffic
control radar screens. The operational IT-systems
should be capable of aiding to identify which vessels
are concerned, and where. Also, where are potential
places of refuge and what accident response
capabilities are at disposal, and how quickly. The
main focus is in the prevention of accidents and their
impacts. Knowing what operational assets and search
and rescue teams are available guide rational decision
If vessels and people are lost at sea, must the
SAR operations begin swiftly after receiving an SOS
or Mayday call, and with enough resources. The last
known location, intended port or travel route, persons
on board (at least number of), and if possible their
nationalities and names are needed information. Also
if persons are in vessel, lifeboat, or in water
(overboard)? In case of accident response, to make
the right decisions on the spot, an on-scene
coordinator (OSC) will need information that is as
accurate and real-time as possible.
4.3 Maritime Border Control;
Maritime Customs Activities and
Prevention of Trafficking and
The main risks for maritime border control are
irregular immigration and trafficking in human
beings (Scaroni, 2014). Objects that need to be
recognized are vessels and persons of interest, both
EU residents and non-residents, their travel
documents, and biometric information. Suspect travel
patterns, detections of illegal border-crossing
between BCPs, illegal or clandestine entries between
BCPs, as well as persons using false identities or
fraudulent documents are of high interest. Abnormal
behaviour recognition, facilitator information,
applications for asylum, refusals of entry, illegal stay,
and return decisions issued should be included in the
system for easy information sharing.
Victims and suspected traffickers of forced sexual
exploitation, forced labour exploitation are important
information in preventing trafficking. Knowing the
common countries of origin and countries of
destination of detected victims are also needed.
The main focus for maritime customs activities
and prevention of trafficking and smuggling is in
detecting and preventing the smuggling of goods and
the export and import of counterfeit goods, narcotics,
alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, and stolen
property (e.g. vehicles), as well as people. Following
estimated worldwide production sites and main
logistics sea routes to Europe, worldwide hot-spots of
users, consumption patterns per drug category, and
the modus operandi of traffickers aid in planning
effective measures against trafficking. Some of the
main tasks, to fight against the main risks counterfeit
goods and trafficking of drugs, are sharing of
intelligence information, ship inspections, and
detected contraband modus operandi. Drugs, alcohol,
cigarettes, and other goods, where customs or tax are
unpaid are of interest.
Knowledge of available assets for interception and
capacities of prevention are needed for effective
response. The main risks, trafficking of firearms and
explosives, and smuggling and counterfeit goods is
closely tied to maritime customs activities, and
trafficking of human beings to maritime border control.
4.4 Maritime Security
The main identified risks for maritime security are
piracy and terrorist threats (Scaroni, 2014). The focus
is in understanding phenomena, such as vessels
transiting the area concerned and goods transported
through these hot-spots of piracy (such as the Gulf of
Aden), suspicious activity, pirate attacks, fishing
vessels seized, possible seafarers and fishermen
abducted, taken hostage, or killed by pirates.
Understanding one’s assets is key in preventing
and countering risks for maritime security.
Knowledge of which military and other authority
vessels are operating in the area concerned, which are
protected, and which are not, also what re-routing
possibilities are there and what could be achieved
with increased speed.
Also information on ransoms and recovery,
protection and counter (military) operations, counter-
piracy organizations, and both security equipment and
guards are needed to coordinate counter-piracy
measures. All in all, detection of anomalies, firearms,
possible bomb building, or vessel highjack, be it piracy
or terrorism, may alert operators to successfully
enforce criminal law on the maritime domain.
4.5 Maritime Environmental Response;
and Fisheries Control
Some main risks are illegal oil discharges, formerly
known as environmental destruction and degradation
(Scaroni, 2014). The main task for authorities is to
detect and prevent waste at sea. The main object to
identify is pollution (of any kind). Oil unfortunately
is still deliberately dumped into the sea in quantities.
Detecting oil and chemical spills, illegal or accidental
bilge, grey, and black water discharges and seepages
are in the focus. Also ships' emissions are monitored.
Polluters should be identified.
Oil transport routes by sea, the volumes
transported, and potential risk areas help prioritize
how to place assets. Aircraft observation, capacities
of prevention, drift calculations, estimated volume of
possible oil discharges (m
), and assets of pollution
response guide the planning of resources and possible
For fisheries control the main risks (Scaroni,
2014) are illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
The large problem are the commercial fishing groups
that overfish and do not comply with EU fishing
regulations and quota. The main problem is with third
country vessels, so checking fishing vessels is an
important deterrent against wrongdoings. Risk and
blacklisted vessels are important to identify.
Important objects to identify are vessel identification
and position, amount and type of catch, as well as the
fishing equipment used.
The phenomenon that fisheries control authorities
need are knowledge of fishery resources and fish
populations, applicable quotas, allowed fishing areas
and detection of illegal fishing activity. Information
on equipment allowed or disallowed, and licenses and
permits needed by vessel or captain can also guide
fisheries control authorities in their work – to control
fishing, be it commercial or leisure fishing.
The work that EU-wide projects such as PERSEUS,
CoopP, EUCISE2020, and MARISA, or FINCISE on
a national level, have begun, should be continued and
elaborated. These projects have shown that it is
important to share information cross-sector (a)
nationally between different authorities; and cross-
border (b) between responsible authorities from
different EU member states; (c) and with cooperative
third countries.
The objects and phenomena, relevant to CISE,
need to be continuously evaluated and redefined. This
should be done together with end-users and against
changing risk and treat scenarios and evolving end-
user needs, and national and EU-wide strategies, and
also taking into account the assets, which cooperative
third country nations may bring. Shared maritime
information systems should inherently include both
tools and processes for continuous re-evaluation of
both the objects and phenomena, which it should be
able to provide its users.
The cooperation between these different
authorities has the potential to evolve into a deeper
and more encompassing mode of co-creation, where
the added complexity may greatly reduce the time to
value creation and innovation. In this context the
ability to create greater common knowledge,
learning, and value can be seen as innovation. The
value in this innovation to EU and national authorities
are the in faster recognition, assessment, planning,
and reaction capabilities, which lead to a safer, more
secure European maritime domain.
Seemingly adding complexity to the common
information sharing systems and processes is the way
to substantially faster innovation: detection,
assessment, planning, and response. In becoming more
complex, mere cooperation has the potential of
reaching deeper forms of co-creation. This enables the
network to yield more value and innovation. In this
case the innovation potential is in the faster and widely
shared information. It demonstrates as confirmed
objects and phenomena resulting in an accurate
Recognized Maritime Picture.This in turn supports
threat assessment, asset and operations planning, and
sharing of resources. This is innovation and value.
The work in project MARISA, as also this paper,
is just the beginning. Identifying these practical user
needs can serve as a basis for further technical
development of CISE, and these results directly serve
further work in projects MARISA and FINCISE.
The framework of objects and phenomena identi-
fied in the DET analysis of this study is seemingly
complex, but only by this adding of complexity can we
shorten the time to innovation and value. Further
research should amend and validate the results of this
study, and continue to identify new objects and
phenomena, while evaluating and redefining the
existing ones. This research facilitates the study aiming
to create the technical elements of CISE and bridge
between the technical and human aspects of
information sharing, and co-creative collaboration.
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