The Effects of Facility and Interpersonal Communication on
Learning Achievements of Entrepreneurial Subject
Munawaroh Munawaroh
The study program of Economics Education, STKIP PGRI Jombang, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Facilities, Teacher Interpersonal Communication, Achievement Entrepreneurship.
Abstract: The interaction of teaching and learning was supported by several other factors in education, namely others:
the purpose of education, teachers, students, and educational facilities, teaching methods, subject matter and
environment. This research was a quantitative research with Multiple Linear Regression Test, The population
in this research was all students in class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in academic year 2014 / 2015
with the number of students was 42 students, Research variable consisted of independent variable in the form
of learning facility (X1), Interpersonal Communication of Teacher (X2) and dependent variable in the form
of Entrepreneurship learning achievement (Y). Data collection techniques were such as observation,
questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis used multiple linear regression test. Based on the result of
hypothesis testing that was obtained by t count of learning facility variable (X1) as big as 3,345 and t table
as big as 2.023.So that Ha was received and Ho was rejected in the significance level as big as 0,002 and the
result test was obtained by t count of teacher’s interpersonal communication variable (X2) as big as 2,878
and t tables as big as 2,023, so that Ha was received and Ho was rejected in the significant level as big as
0,006. And Partially The results showed that learning facility variables had a positive and significant effect to
student’s learning achievement in class XI in SMK Nusantara Bogem Jomban than The results showed that
teacher’s interpersonal communication variables had a positive and significant effect to student’s learning
achievement than simultaneously of The results of research could be concluded that learning facility variable
and teacher’s interpersonal communication had a positive and significant influence to the student ‘s learning
achievement of entrepreneurship.
Communication was a very important skill in human
life, where we could see communication to be capable
of occurring at the time of human’s movement.
Teachers who did not interact with students closely,
causing the communication process became less
smoothly so that it made students feel away from
teachers and students feel reluctant to participate
actively in learning. Interpersonal communication of
teachers with students was one form of relationship
between teachers and students.
Slameto's opinion (2003: 64) suggested that,
"school factors that influenced learning include
teaching methods, interpersonal curriculum of
teachers with students, student’s relationships,
school discipline, school lessons and school time,
learning standards, building conditions, learning
methods And home work. Learning and teaching
were cores of behavior in the educational process
where students and teachers interacted. The
interaction of teaching and learning was supported by
several other factors in education, namely others: the
purpose of education, teachers, students, and
educational facilities, teaching methods, subject
matter and environment ".
Teaching and learning process needed to have
stimulation namely everything outside the individual
that stimulates the individual to conduct reactions /
learning behavior. Stimulation in this case included
the assignment as well as the external environment
atmosphere that had to be accepted or learned by
students. Personal factors directly affected the
accuracy of perception, it was not the process itself.
Great interpersonal perceptions did not only influence
to interpersonal communication, but also to
interpersonal relationships. Experience also
Munawaroh, M.
The Effects of Facility and Interpersonal Communication on Learning Achievements of Entrepreneurial Subject.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 462-469
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
influenced the perception of accuracy. Experience
increased through the series of events that have ever
been encountered. When the teacher faced his various
students, he would group them into certain concepts
that are intelligent, ignorant, ugly, industrious, and
lazy. The use of this stimulation simplified the
stimulation that was received. The success of
interpersonal communication depended on self-
concept (positive or negative). The knowledge of
one’s self would improve communication and at the
same time, communicating with others increased the
knowledge of one's self.
Education at School was not limited to formal
time but also informally. Education at School also
included intercommunication between students with
another student and student with teacher including
head master outside the classroom or it was not in the
interaction of teaching and learning activities. At this
time it opened the opportunity for teachers to create
an educational association for students. For that
matter the interpersonal communication of teachers
with students as a means of knowledge transfer was
very important. Even it was very big role in
determining the success of education concerned. It
was often said that the high level of an education
quality achievement was also influenced by
communication factors among teachers and students
such as interpersonal communication. Associated
with the learning process at schools, interpersonal
communication among teachers and students is
effective if the message that is delivered by teachers
could be accepted and understood, and also it
generated positive feedback for students. With the
positive interaction between student and teacher
through good interpersonal communication could
solve various differences so that students' learning
achievement would increase through the spirit of
learning because they were motivated by the teacher.
Research that was conducted by Karina in 2012
showed that there was influence of learning interest
and interpersonal communication of teacher-student
to learning motivation of Sharia Banking student in
class X IPS SMA N I Sanden in academic year
2011/2012. Good interpersonal communication
between teacher-student and interest in learning
influences with student's learning motivation. In the
research mentioned was explaining that good
interpersonal communication between teacher-
student and interest in learning was a factor that could
grow student's learning motivation that could
improve student’s learning outcomes. It was also
showed the results of research from Ridwan
Maulanaa *,Marie-Christine Opdenakker a , Perry
den Brokb and Roel Boskera by titles Teacher
student interpersonal relationships in Indonesia:
profiles and importance to student motivation Ridwan
Maulanaa *, Marie-Christine Opdenakker a , Perry
den Brokb and Roel Boskera a Groningen Institute for
Educational Sciences (GION), University of
Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands; b
Eindhoven School of Education, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands (Received 9 February 2010; final version
received 1 September 2010) This research was
designed to investigate the distribution o¬n
interpersonal profiles based on student and teacher’s
perceptions and to examine the association between
student’s perception of teacher interpersonal behavior
and learning motivation in Indonesia. Participants
were 1900 secondary school students (grades 7 to 9)
across 66 (Mathematics and EFL) classes from 11
public schools in Indonesia. The results showed that
a variety of¬ interpersonal profiles could be
distinguished, that teachers perceive themselves more
favorably than their students do, and that student’s
perception of teacher interpersonal behavior and their
learning motivation were associated. Influence and
Proximity were found to be important determinants of
student’s motivation; both dimensions were related to
a more autonomous motivation, while Influence was
also associated with a more controlled motivation.
Contrary to the existing knowledge base, this research
revealed that the relationship between teacher’s
interpersonal behavior and student’s learning
motivation was more strongly connected to Influence
than to Proximity. Keywords: interpersonal behavior;
student and teacher’s perceptions; secondary
education; student’s motivation Rationale For the last
three decades, scholars in the domain of earning
environment research have shown a considerable
interest in conceptualizing, measuring and examining
perceptions of psychosocial characteristics of the
learning environment in terms of teacher–student’s
interpersonal relationships (e.g., Fraser, 1998; Fraser
& Walberg, 1991; Wubbels & Brekelmans, 1998). A
number of studies have revealed the importance of
teacher–student’s relationships for student’s
outcomes (e.g., den Brok, Brekelmans, & Wubbels,
2004; Henderson, Fisher, & Fraser, 2000). Studies
have shown that teacherstudent interpersonal
relationships have eects on both teachers and
students. Teachers who were experiencing healthy
interpersonal relationships with their students were
argued to experience better satisfaction with their job
and with preventing of burnout (Ben-Chaim & Zoller,
2001). Similarly, students’ perceptions of teacher
interpersonal behavior are strongly associated with
their motivation and achievement in all subjects (den
The Effects of Facility and Interpersonal Communication on Learning Achievements of Entrepreneurial Subject
Brok et al., 2004). Hence, healthy teacherstudent
interpersonal relationships set a prerequisite for
students to engage in learning activities (Brekelmans,
Sleegers, & Fraser, 2000). In Indonesia, research on
teacher student interpersonal relationships was
scarce. However, the small amount of studies mainly
focusing on computer education in higher education
indicated a similar importance of teacher student
relationships (Margianti, Fraser, & Aldridge, 2001,
2002; Schibeci, Rideng, & Fraser, 1987;
Soerjaningsih, Fraser, & Aldridge, 2002). The present
study examines the extent to which interpersonal
profiles that were found in previous studies apply to
Indonesian teachers of secondary education. The
results of this study may be useful for teachers,
teacher trainers and policy makers in Indonesia and
neighboring countries sharing similar cultural
backgrounds, by providing empirical evidence of
teacher’s behaviors that are common in the
Indonesian (and Southeast Asian) context. Moreover,
this study may provide an additional knowledge base
in terms of teacher student’s relationships from an
Indonesian perspective. While the problems that are
encountered in this research : Based on the
background above so that the formulation of the
problem in this research : 1) Was there any effect of
learning facilities in the classroom to student ‘s
learning achievement of Entrepreneurship subjects in
Class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang Academic
year 2014/2015? 2) Was there the influence of
interpersonal communication of teachers with
students to student’s learning achievement of
Entrepreneurship subjects in Class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic year
2014/2015? 3) Was there any influence of learning
facilities and interpersonal communication of teacher
with student to student’s learning achievement of
Entrepreneurship subjects in Class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic year
2014/2015? While the purpose of this Research is to
explain of the influence of learning facilities and
interpersonal communication of teachers and students
on the student achievement in the grade eleven class
SMK Nusantara bogem jombang 2014/2015.
The design in this research was the type of
quantitative research with multiple linear regression
test. The design of research as follows:
Figure 1: Research design.
E1: The influence of X1 (Learning Facility) to Y
(Learning Achievement)
E2: The influence of X2 (Interpersonal
Communication of teacher with student) to Y
(Learning Achievement)
E3: The influence X1 (Learning Facility) and X2
(teacher interpersonal communication with
student) to Y (Learning Achievement)
Population in this research was all students in
Class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang Academic
year 2014/2015. The number of students in Class XI
SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang Academic year
2014/2015 was 42 students. Because the population
was less than 100 so that the samples were not done.
Variable in this research was independent variable
(X) and dependent variable (Y). The independent
variables (X1) were Learning Facilities with
indicators. While the independent variables (X2)
were: The interpersonal communication of teachers
and students (X2). While the dependent variable or
dependent variable (Y) was: student’s learning
achievement with the indicator of the value of the
uneven semester report on the students of
Entrepreneurship in Class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem
Jombang in Academic Year 2014/2015.
The technique of Data collection was done with;
A) Observation, b) Questionnaire was intended to
collect data about the influence of student’s learning
facilities and teacher’s interpersonal communication
with students to student’s learning achievement of
Entrepreneurship subjects, then, the validity and
reliability of result questionnaire were tested c)
Techniques of data analysis that would be used in
this research used the help of computer programs,
namely SPSS for windows Version 17. As for the
analysis which was conducted namely: Multiple
linear regression test, classical assumption test and
hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing used F test to
analyze influence simultaneously and t test was used
to analyze for influence partially.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
The description of Research Data The description of
research data was a description of data collection
results from each variable that was researched .In this
research three variables that were studied. However
the variables mentioned were: a) student learning
facilities as the first independent variable (X1). B).
Teacher’s interpersonal communication as the second
independent variable (X2), c) student’s learning
achievement as dependent variable (Y). Data about
the utilization of student’s learning facilities and
interpersonal communication of teachers were
obtained by questionnaire and documentation
Questionnaire techniques were used to obtain data
about the use of student’s learning facilities And
interpersonal communication of teachers, whereas
documentation techniques were used to obtain data
about school inventory and student’s achievement
based on the score of report of students in class XI
SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic Year
The research data that has been collected then it
was analyzed by using statistics with the help of SPSS
software version 17. The descriptive statistics
provided description or a descriptive data from
average value (the mean), standard deviation,
minimum, and maximum values from independent
variables and dependent variables. This descriptive
Statistic presented sample 42 in class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic year
The results of descriptive analysis about the
utilization of student‘s learning facilities and
teacher’s interpersonal communication and student’s
learning achievement, researchers suggested as
The utilization of student’s learning facilities
The utilization of student’s learning facilities
was the first independent variable (X1) in this
research. Based on the descriptive data in table
4.1 showed that the number of respondents who
were made the sample of this research as many
as 42 students. Mean was 56.95 that means the
average value of student’s learning facilities
utilization that was obtained by 42 students as
big as 56.95 and standard deviation (SD) as big
as 3.319.
The interpersonal communication of teachers
The interpersonal communication of teachers
with students was the second independent
variable (X2) in this research. Based on the
descriptive data in table 4.1 indicated that the
number of respondents were who made the
sample of research was 42 students. Mean
amounted to 43.11, which means the average
score of teacher‘s interpersonal communication
which was obtained 42 students as big as 43.11
and standard deviation (SD) as big as 2,923. 59
Student’s learning achievement (Y)
Student’s learning achievement was dependent
variable (Y) in this research. Based on data
description in table 4.1 showed that the number
of respondents who were made this research
sample was 42 students. Mean amounted to
74.59 which means the average value of
student’s learning achievement that was
obtained 42 students as big as 74,59 and
standard deviation (SD) as big as 3,378.
3.1 Analysis of Multiple Linear
Based on the result of regression analysis obtained,
then the result of regression equation as follows:
Y = 29.791 + 0.452 X1 + 0.442 X2
Y= Student’s learning achievement in class XI
X1= Learning Facilities
X2= The interpersonal Communication of teacher
with Students
The equation of the regression line above could be
explained as follows:
The constant value (a) of 29.791 mathematically
stated if the variable value X1 and X2 equal to zero
or there was not influence of the use of learning
facilities and the communication Interpersonal of
teachers with Students so that Y value or student’s
learning achievement as big as 29.791.
The value of regression coefficient X1 had
positive value as big as 0.452.means Student’s
Learning achievement had a positive effect to
student’s learning achievement. Coefficient 0.452
means that each increased in one score of learning
facility variables so that it was predicted to form a
contribution to increase student’s learning
achievement as big as 0.452.coefisien regression X1
had a significance level as big as 0.002 .
The value of regression coefficient X2 was
positive value as big as 0.442 meant that the
interpersonal communication of teachers with the
students had a positive effect to student’s learning
achievement. Coefficient 0.442 meant that each
The Effects of Facility and Interpersonal Communication on Learning Achievements of Entrepreneurial Subject
increased one value of interpersonal communication
of teachers with students so that it was predicted to
form a contribution to increase student’s learning
achievement as big as 0.442. The regression
coefficient X2 had a significance level as big as
Based on the equation of regression line above
that was known learning facility variables (X1) had
the largest coefficient value that was compared to
other independent variables so that the variable
mentioned gave the greatest influence to student’s
learning achievement.
Before performing the test on the research
hypothesis, it had to perform testing requirements
analysis. This was done to determine whether the data
in the study is normally distributed or linear.
Therefore, in this research was done classical
assumption test.
3.2 Hypothesis Testing
After hypothesis testing and hypothesis
interpretation, then further put forward the conclusion
of hypothesis testing in this research as follows:
3.2.1 T Test (Partial Test)
Hypothesis I
Based on the results of hypothesis testing that
was obtained t count of learning facilities
variable (X1) as big as 3.345 and t table as big
as 2.023.So that Ha was accepted and Ho was
rejected at the level of significance as big as
0.002. Thus the hypothesis that stated that "there
was a significant influence of learning facilities
to Student’s learning achievement in class XI
SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic
Year 2014/2015” was acceptable.
Hypothesis II
Based on hypothesis test results that was
obtained t count score of teacher’s
interpersonal communication (X2) as big as
2.878 and t table as big as 2.023, so that Ha
was accepted and Ho was rejected at the level of
significance as big as 0.006. Thus the
hypothesis stated that "there was a significant
influence of interpersonal communication of
teachers with students to student‘s learning
achievement in class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem
Jombang in Academic Year 2014/2015 " was
3.2.2 Test F (Simultaneous Test)
Based on the test of hypothesis testing results that was
obtained value and f table as big as 22.738 and f table
as big as 3.238.
So that it could be concluded that the value of f
count > f table, so that Ha was accepted and Ho was
rejected at the level of significance as big as 0.000.
Thus the hypothesis which stated that "there was a
significant influence of interpersonal communication
of teachers with students to student’s learning
achievement in class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem
Jombang in Academic Year 014/2015" was
3.3 Analysis Prerequisite Testing
3.3.1 Normality Test
Normality test was used to find out whether the data
had a normal distribution or not. In here this research
used Kolmogrov - Smirnov Test. The basis of
decision making was to see the number of
significance, with the provision of significant value
<0.05 so that the data is normally distributed and on
the other hand.
Normality test results could be seen that:
The normality test of learning facility variable
The result of data normality test calculation of
learning facilities was gotten significance value
as big as 0,408. Because the value of
significance was greater than 5% alpha value or
0.217> 0.05 so that it could be concluded that
the distribution of data was normal.
The normality test of Interpersonal
communication of teachers with students (X2)
The counting result of data normality test of
interpersonal communication of teachers with
students was obtained by significant value as
big as 0,598. Because significant value was
greater than the alpha value as big as 5% or
0.598> 0.05 so that it could be concluded that
the distribution of data was normal.
The normality test of Learning achievement
The calculation result of data normality test of
student’s learning achievement that was
obtained by significant value as big as 0,079.
Because significant value was greater than alpha
value as big as 5% or 0.079> 0.05 so that it
could be concluded that the distribution of data
was normal.
To strengthen the normality test results by looking
at the distribution of data at diagonal sources on a
normal graph of P-P plot of regression standardized
and using a histogram. By using the histogram graph
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
therefore could be compared between the observation
data and the distribution that was approaching the
normal distribution. On the normal graph of plot was
seen that the points spread around the diagonal line
and followed the direction of the diagonal line. It
could be concluded that the regression model fulfilled
the assumption of normality.
3.3.2 Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test was used to determine
whether there was a correlation between independent
variable with another. This research used
multicollinearity test with pearson correlation see
Tolerance Value or Variance Inflation Factor (VIF).
The tolerance value 0.01 or equal to the VIF value
was not ≥10 indicating that there was not the
occurrence of multicollinearity.
The result of multicollinearity test could be seen
that the tolerance value of both variables is 0,671,
tolerance value had value more than 0, 1 (> 0, 1) and
VIF value of both variable as big as 1,490 that was
less than 10 (<10), hence could be concluded that
between Independent variable did not occur
multicollinearity issues.
3.3.3 Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation test was used to determine whether
or not the deviation of classical autocorrelation
assumption that occurred between residuals on one
observation with other observations on the regression
model. The prerequisite that had to be fulfilled was
the absence of autocorrelation in the regression
model. The test method is commonly used by Durbin
Whatson Test (DW Test).
Test results used Durbin-Watson test (DW test)
could be seen DW value 2,393, this value would be
compared with significant table value 5%, the number
of sample was 42 (n) and number of independent
variable was 2 (K = 2) = 2,42. So that it was obtained
that the value of du was 1.602 and less than (4-du) 4-
1,602 +2,398. DU <DW <4-dU, 1,602 <2,393
<2,398. It could be concluded that there was not auto
3.3.4 Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity testing was used to test whether or
not heteroscedasticity in the model namely it was a
condition in which all interference factors did not
have the same variant or variant was not constant.
One way to know the existence of heteroscedasticity
was seeing the chart scatter plot.
Based on the scatter plot graphic image between
the predictive value of the independent variable with
the residual that was obtained there wasn’t a clear
pattern, as well as the spots spread above and below
the number 0 on the Y axis. Thus it could be
concluded that there didn’t happen heteroscedasticity
problem in the regression model.
After analysing the data for hypothesis testing
then it was discussed the results of data analysis. The
discussion of research results as follows:
The influence of learning facility (X1) to
student’s learning achievement in class XI
SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic
Year 2014 / 2015, Based on the results of t test
analysis that there was a significant influence of
learning facility variables to student’s learning
achievement in class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem
Jombang in Academic Year 2014/2015 with a t
count as big as 3.345 and t table as big as 2.023
so that it got the influence of student’s facilities
to student ‘s learning achievement in class XI
SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic
Year 2014/2015. This case supported the
previous research, namely it was research that
was conducted by Prihatmoko (2013) with the
result that the learning facilities had a direct
positive effect to student’s learning motivation.
The result of student’s learning facility
questionnaire reply ability in class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic Year
2014/2015 as big as 3150: 2362 = 0,7498 or
74,98% and it could be concluded that student’s
learning facilities in class XI SMK Nusantara
Bogem Jombang has not yet reached the
maximum point so that it needed to be
improved and increased. Thus there were still
some things that have not been fulfilled. It could
be seen from the results of questionnaires
tabulation that had low value data on items 5.7,
and 11 where item no 11 about students were
less comfortable for using the laboratory to
improve the ability of practice and science. This
items mentioned could be concluded that in the
learning facilities, students tended to utilize the
presence of laboratory. This case would affect to
the ability of students in the practice of science
that was gained. Students felt uncomfortable
with laboratory facilities. Thus, both schools
and parents could organize or improve the
facilities that were less mentioned in order that
students could learn comfortably and it could
have a positive effect to their learning
achievements so According to Subroto inside
(Arikunto: 2008: 2) "the facility was everything
that could facilitate and expedited in the
The Effects of Facility and Interpersonal Communication on Learning Achievements of Entrepreneurial Subject
implementation of a business could be either
objects or money". Learning facility was
everything like equipment.
The influence of interpersonal communication
of teachers with students (X2) to student’s
learning achievement in class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic Year
2014 / 2015
Based on the test results of t test analysis that
there was a significant effect from the variables
of interpersonal communication of teachers with
students to student’s learning achievement in
class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in
Academic Year 2014/2015 with t count as big
as 2.878 and t table as big as 2.023 so that it was
obtained the influence of interpersonal
communication of teachers with Students to
student’s learning achievement in class XI
SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic
Year 2014/2015. This result supported previous
research that it was conducted by Lestari (2012)
with the result of research that interpersonal
communication of teacher with student
significantly influenced to student’s learning
motivation. The data collecting result of
questionnaire reply ability level to answer
questionnaire of interpersonal communication
of teachers with students in class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang in Academic Year
2014/2015 as big as 2100: 1800 = 0,8571 or as
big as 85,71% and it could be concluded that
interpersonal communication of teachers with
students in class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem
Jombang in Academic Year 2014/2015 has not
reached the maximum point so that it needed to
be improved and adjusted with each student. It
could be seen from the questionnaire in the
tabulation of low value data on item 16 and 20,
where some students haven’t been satisfied with
the ways and strategies of teachers in delivering
the material, to students and teachers who were
less to be able to explore the ability of students
to express their opinions.
Both statements could be concluded that
students felt to be want to understand the
material which was presented by teachers and
students want to learn in two ways where
teachers were not dominant and students were
given space to express opinions. Therefore it
was recommended that for teachers improved
how to deliver interesting and easy-to
understand material and provide space for
students to express their opinions. Teachers
should be able to explore students to express
their opinions in order that students were critical
of the material which was presented by the
teacher so Slameto's opinion (2003: 64)
suggested that, "school factors that influenced
learning include teaching methods,
interpersonal curriculum of teachers with
students, student’s relationships, school
discipline, school lessons and school time,
learning standards, building conditions, learning
methods And home work. Learning and
teaching were cores of behavior in the
educational process where students and teachers
interacted. The interaction of teaching and
learning was supported by several other factors
in education, namely others: the purpose of
education, teachers, students, and educational
facilities, teaching methods, subject matter and
environment ".
Influence of learning facility (X1) and teacher
interpersonal communication with student (X2)
toward student achievement of class XI SMK
Nusantara Bogem Jombang lesson year
The significant test results of regression equation
simultaneously used F test to show the value of count
as big as 22,739 and f table as big as 3,238 with
probability 0,000 <0,050. This meant that the third
hypothesis in this research was accepted because
there was a significant influence between learning
facility variables and interpersonal communication of
teachers together (simultaneously) to student’s
learning achievement in class XI SMK Nusantara
Bogem Jombang in Academic Year 2014/2015. Thus
it could be said that the complete learning facilities
along with the good interpersonal communication of
teachers with students, so that students would be able
to display learning achievements With the existence
of adequate learning facilities and interpersonal
communication of teachers with students well so that
student’s learning achievement could be achieved
optimally, but from the data that was obtained by
researchers assumed that the achievement of students
in class XI SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang in
Academic Year 2014/2015 was not only influenced
by the variables of Learning facilities and
interpersonal communication of teachers with
students but also it was influenced by other variables
that were not covered in this research.
Based on the results and discussion of research could
be concluded that Partially The results showed that
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
learning facility variables had a positive and
significant effect to student’s learning achievement
in class XI in SMK Nusantara Bogem Jombang than
The results showed that teacher’s interpersonal
communication variables had a positive and
significant effect to student’s learning achievement
And simultaneously. The results showed that the
variable of student’s learning facilities and
interpersonal communication of teachers with
students had a positive and significant impact to
student’s learning achievement.
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Ben-Chaim, D., Zoller, U., 2001. Self-perceptions versus
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Den Brok, P., Fisher, D., Koul, R., 2005.The importance of
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Fraser, B.J., Walberg, H.J., 1991. Educational
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