Growing SMEs: A SWOT Analysis on Fish Processing Industry
Renny Dwijayanti and Novi Marlena
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: SMEs, SWOT Analysis, fish processing industry.
Abstract: Small and medium enterprises have an important role in Indonesian's economy. Based on data from 2010-
2015, the number of SMEs in Indonesia grow from various business sectors. One of the sub-sectors in small
medium enterprises is fisheries sector, this sector has an important role in the nutritional contributor of
Indonesian society. The research object is small industry of fish processing in Sidoarjo. The research is
descriptive qualitative research. Data source used is primary data and secondary data. Data collection
techniques using structured interview techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are still threats
from substitute products. To improve the performance of SMEs fish processing in Sidoarjo then needed
differentiation strategy in terms of product line extension, and product quality control.
Indonesia as a country that has a densely population,
at least able to push the Indonesian economy quickly,
coupled with its abundant natural resources and
waters are much stretched. When compared to the
land area and the ocean, the ocean in Indonesia has a
greater dominance that reaches 62 percent of the total
area of Indonesia while the land area is only 38
percent of the total area of Indonesia, with the
condition Indonesia is known as Maritime Country.
The potential of Indonesian's marine and coastal
resources is big. Marine fishery sub-sector that gives
big contribution to fishery sector added value, such as
donated by the role of aquaculture and marine fishery
products are processed well, modern and traditional
by society (BPS Sidoarjo, 2015).
Fish processing activities in Indonesia are still
classified as traditional fish processing and carried
out on the scale of the home industry (Heruwati,
2002). However, the development of small or
medium enterprises is currently a concern, because
the economic crisis that hit Indonesia has raised hopes
on micro-small enterprises to become a motor
economy (Widyaningrum, 2003). Same as Glendoh
(2001) that small businesses are able to absorb labor,
produce products at affordable prices for the needs of
the low-income people.
The condition of SME’s in general in East Java
shows that every year SME’s products in East Java
experience growth and development both on the type,
design and raw materials, created from the creativity
and innovation of business actors in East Java
( Fish that is a food
source of this protein turned out to have a weakness
that can not last long. These commodities are rapidly
damaged and thus require further processing, many
fish processing activities can be done in various ways,
such as making fish abon, canned fish manufacturing,
salted fish production, smoke fish making, and so on.
For that existence of fishery industry is needed, so
fish become a product ready to be consumed by
society. One of SMEs from various business that exist
in Sidoarjo is SMEs that move on smoke bandeng
business. Sidoarjo is very famous for its special food
called bandeng asap. The market demand for
processed bandeng is quite high. This can be seen
from the production capacity of processed milkfish
per year in Sidoarjo which reached 2,248.896 tons
Strategies to achieve high sales results must be
taken by the processors smoke bandeng, in order to
win competitiveness among them. Marketing strategy
is a fundamental tool that is planned to achieve the
company's goals by developing sustainable
competitive advantage through entering markets and
marketing programs used to serve the target market.
This study examines the systematic factors of
strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats on
bandeng processing unit conducted to know and
Dwijayanti, R. and Marlena, N.
Growing SMEs: A SWOT Analysis on Fish Processing Industry.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 573-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
provide a strategy to develop bandeng processing as
one of the traditional processed marine fishery
products from Sidoarjo to keep developing.
Identification of these external and internal factors
will in the future facilitate for the preparation of
decision-making for the planning of business
development strategy of bandeng processing.
The analysis used to determine fishery product
development strategy in Sidoarjo is a SWOT analysis.
According to Rangkuti (2009), SWOT analysis is a
useful analysis to obtain the right strategy
formulation, and adjusted to the condition and
potential of the region. The SWOT analysis is used to
identify and evaluate internal and external factors,
based on logic to maximize strengths and
opportunities, while simultaneously minimizing
Weaknesses and threats.
SWOT analysis is used to evaluate opportunities
and challenges in the agribusiness environment. To
facilitate in conducting swot analysis SWOT matrix
is required. Swot matrix will make it easier to
formulate strategies that need or should be executed.
By way of grouping each SWOT element problem
into the table (Kuncoro, 2006)
SWOT analysis is conducted to identify various
factors systematically to formulate a business
strategy. Where strategic planning of a business must
analyze the strategic factors (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats) conditions that exist at this
time. This research step will explain how the analysis
is done from the raw data that exist until the research
results achieved.
The research was conducted from December 2016
until February 2017 located in Penatarsewu Village,
Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo.
The study was conducted through 3 stages; 1) data
collection phase, 2) data analysis phase, and 3) the
stage of preparation and decision making business
development strategy. Stages of this study as a whole
refers to the observations made in the bandeng
processing business unit.
The primary data collection on the strength,
weakness, opportunity, and threat factors of smoked
fish processing is done through observation. The
collection of internal and external data contained in
the curing unit was conducted by a semi-structured
interview (depth interview) to the key person guided
by the questionnaire. Furthermore, the data obtained
will be grouped based on the factors of strength,
weakness, opportunities, and threats. Internal data
that can be a strength and weakness of business,
While external data that can be an opportunity and
business threats.
In this research, the steps of data analysis are done
as follows: (1) Conducting data classification, that
factors become strength and weakness as internal
factor of organization, opportunity and threat as
external factor of organization. This classification
will generate a SWOT information table. (2)
Conducting SWOT analysis that is comparing
between external factors of opportunity and threat
with internal factor of organization strength and
weakness. (3) The results of the analysis are then
interpreted and developed into a strategy selection
decision that allows to be implemented. The chosen
strategy is usually the most likely (most positive)
outcome with the least risk and threat.
Decision making for the formulation of fisheries
product development strategy using IFAS and EFAS
matrix, the matrix yield four alternative strategic
possibilities, such as:
SO Strategy (Strength - Opportunities)
This strategy is a combination of strength and
opportunity, by utilizing all the power to seize
and take advantage of opportunities. This
strategy is also called aggressive strategy.
ST Strategy (Strength - Threats)
Strategies that optimally use internal strengths
to face challenges or weaknesses. This strategy
is called a diversification strategy.
WO Strategy (Weakness - Opportunism)
A combined strategy of weaknesses and
opportunities that seek to minimize internal
weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities.
This strategy is called turnaround strategy.
WT Strategy (Weakness - Threats)
Combine strategies between weaknesses and
unfavorable threats and try to minimize internal
weaknesses and avoid threats. This strategy is
also called defensive strategy. (Hunger &
Thomas, 2013)
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Table 1: Diagram matrix SWOT.
Strengths (S)
Internal Strength Factors
Weakness (W)
Internal Strength Factors
External Factor
SO Strategy
Creating strategies that use force
to take advantage of opportunities
WO Strategy
Creating strategies that minimize
weaknesses to take advantage of
ST Strategy
Creating strategies that use force
to overcome threats
WT Strategy
Creating strategies that minimize
weaknesses that avoid threats
Source: Hunger & Thomas, 2013
The development of fish processing essentially leads
to optimal and rational utilization of fish resources for
the welfare of the community in general and
fishermen in particular, without causing damage to
the fish resources themselves and the environment
(Rosalina, 2011). Fishery potential as the main raw
material provider for fishery product processing
business in Sidoarjo is very big, it is seen in the
selection of strategy for the development of fishery
product processing in Sidoarjo which emphasizes on
the improvement of quality or quality and
diversification of fishery products according to
market demand. Here is an explanation of the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that
arise in the smoke fish processing industry.
Table 2: Diagram matrix SWOT.
Strengths (S)
Internal strength factor
1. Availability of quality raw
2. Potential fish processing business
scale of house hold
3. Basic knowledge of traditional
fish processing
4. Support from local communities
and government (community
Weakness (W)
Internal weakness factor
1. Have not utilized the entire
coastal potential
2. The level of education and skills
are still relatively low
3. Community capital is still low
4. Lack of fishery processing
5. Unprocessed product marketing,
especially in areas far from
1. Opportunities (O)
External opportunity factors
1. The existence of
transportation support
2. Employment
3. Cooperation with other
4. The development of fishery
processing technology.
5. Government's assistance and
support to the development of
fishery products processing.
SO Strategy
1. Utilizing the potential of fisheries
and technological developments,
to produce quality products and
2. Diversification of processed
products of fishery products
3. Building partnerships and
business networks in the
framework of developing fishery
products processing business
4. Increasing human resources of
business actors
WO Strategy
1. Development of processing
infrastructure and marketing of
fishery products.
2. Increasing the role of regional
governments in product
development and marketing of
fishery products.
3. Building partnerships with
private parties facilitated by local
1. Treaths (T)
External threat factors
1. Pressure on resources and
environment due to activities
Strategy ST
1. Development of government
institutions (fisheries), such as
building cooperation in promotion.
WT Strategy
Community empowerment through
the improvement of human resources,
Growing SMEs: A SWOT Analysis on Fish Processing Industry
that are not environmentally
friendly utilization.
2. Competition in the processing
of fishery products from other
regencies / cities.
3. Competitors substitute
2. Community development for the
protection of fishery product
processing business development
3. Optimizing the utilization of local
diversification of products and the
creation of a healthy and good market
Table 2 shows some alternative strategies that can
be applied in the processing of fishery products in
Sidoarjo regency. The strategy provides an outcome
that will benefit all parties, especially actors of
fisheries processing.
From these results can be concluded the strategy
of SMEs fish processing in Sidoarjo is the SO strategy
(strength-Opportunities) by utilizing the power to
seize opportunities, the description of the SO strategy,
among others:
Smoked fish as a result of local fisheries
requires partnership and the role of local
government to provide supporting facilities and
infrastructures as well as business capital for
business development.
Increasing and improving the quality of
traditional processing of smoked fish will create
products that can compete with other processed
Creating diversification of other processed
milkfish products
Based on the results of SWOT analysis, the first
strategy must be run is to empower the community,
through the improvement of human resources by
providing training, coaching and apprenticeship to
fisheries companies, so as to obtain high value-added
products, and establish healthy marketing institutions
so that the processed products are able to reach all
Destination area.
Conservation of fishery processing is important in
order to maintain local character of the area to remain
and grow.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship