Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with
Down’s Syndrome
The Case of Teaching Literacy and Language Skills
Igor Vieira
, Antão Moura
, Uwe Terton
, Mark Bilby
and Marcelo Barros
Systems and Computing Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Engage Research Lab, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Keywords: Down Syndrome, Computer-Supported Education, Gamification, Literacy, Language Acquisition, Require-
ments Engineering, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
Abstract: Down’s syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability worldwide, with language
being one of the most affected area. Language skills and literacy acquisition thus require special care. It is
still rare to use software to support such care while, simultaneously, providing education and entertainment.
This paper presents results of research on the design of gamified software applications to support pedagogical
processes of literacy and language acquisition, making them fun, motivating and effective for children with
DS. The paper analyses rankings of design domains of gamified e-learning applications done earlier in the
research according to pedagogical benefits in entertaining education of DS children. The paper is believed to
offer contributions to requirements engineering of e-learning, gamified software applications in general and
to computer-assisted education of DS children in particular. The paper directly contributes to the concretiza-
tion of article 24 (access to Education) of the General Principles, Accessibility, of the United Nations Con-
vention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Usage of applications that implement most
beneficial requirements may also indirectly contribute to UNCRPD article 19 –Living independently and be-
ing included in the community; article 21 – access to Information and communication services; and, article
27 - Work and employment.
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation
( estimates the
worldwide population of people with DS to exceed 6
million. This estimate should significantly increase in
the next 20 years because of the increase of live births
and lifespan of people with DS. DS is caused by extra
genetic material in chromosome 21. (Henceforth,
individuals with DS will be referred to as “DS
individuals”.) The extra material influences
development, being the most common cause of
intellectual disability.
If not for the economics of its growing population,
the importance of providing services for DS
individuals derives from the United Nations
( Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Amongst its articles,
UNCRPD establishes the rights of persons with
disabilities to education (article 24), to living
independently and community inclusion (19), to
access information and communications services (21)
and to work and employment (27). Literacy and
articulation facilitate claiming and guaranteeing
these rights. Unfortunately, in DS, language is one of
the most affected areas and it is common for
individuals with SD display deficits in both receptive
and expressive vocabulary (Cleland et al., 2010)
(Owens, 2013) and present specific developmental
challenges in phonology, syntax and some aspects of
pragmatics when trying to express the language
(Martin, 2009).
Studies suggest that the process of teaching
language and literacy skills should start early on to
avoid speech and language acquisition difficulties
lasting until adulthood (Martin, 2009). Pedagogical
efforts for DS children are usually supported by
games, songs, play, and oral motor exercises
(Ghirello-Pires, 2016). Such support is often
implemented manually, at a slow pace, by specialists,
therapists, and instructors dedicated to teaching DS
children, mainly because e-Learning tools and
applications specifically designed for DS users are
Vieira, I., Moura, A., Terton, U., Bilby, M. and Barros, M.
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome.
DOI: 10.5220/0006684701020113
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 102-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
still scarce. Further, lack of automation makes it
challenging to customize support for individual DS
users: excessive repetition and other discomfort
causes (e.g., hearing impairment) may demotivate
users to carry on with certain pedagogical drills and
thus, reduce their learning performance.
Reports on the use of educational software
including serious games to stimulate the cognitive
and motor processes of DS children are beginning to
accumulate in the literature (Torrente et al., 2012)
(Augusto et al., 2013) (Buzzi et al., 2016).
Nevertheless, one still needs e-Learning software
applications that: are specifically designed for DS
contexts, with drill creation and customization
facilities; gamified - i.e., have built in game-based
features; alternate realities to motivate doing “real
world” activities; are more productive for
professionals; and, are more attractive to DS students,
maintaining their engagement. The literature
however, scantly addresses the design of e-Learning
gamified apps for literacy and language acquisition
by DS children in a way that blends interactive
learning and entertainment both in the app virtual
reality and that of the actual world. (Here, such apps
are referred to as DS GeL-apps for short.)
This paper adds to the literature on DS GeL-apps
to teach literacy and language skills to DS audiences
by proposing a generic design for these applications
and examining their major requirements. It expands
analysis of an initial ranking of requirements domains
and discusses requirements for the top ranked
domain. As such, the paper contributes to the
implementation of UNCRPD, to computer-supported
education of DS children, and to software design and
requirements engineering.
The remaining contents of the paper are organized
as follows. Section 2 briefly surveys the academic
literature and products on proposed or existing
gamified apps for entertaining and educating DS
children. Section 3 presents the methodology adopted
for developing DS GeL-apps. Section 4 proposes a
generic architectural design for these apps and
summarizes initial findings of an ongoing research to
elicit their requirements. Section 5 expands previous
results on ranking requirements domains of DS GeL-
apps. Section 6 discusses requirements for the top
ranked domain. Section 7 brings conclusions and
suggestions for further research.
Game-Based Learning (GBL) uses game concepts
and technology to teach a particular target audience
and to motivate the audience to learn. GBL is
becoming increasingly common in the area of
education and some of the contributing factors for
that are, as Shih, Squire and Lau (2010) claim, the fact
that there are no limitations of subject or course to the
use of this practice and that, with the development of
pervasive communications technology, students have
been allowed to play and learn in a social community,
so that, when well applied, the students’ motivation is
higher and the learning performance can be
improved. Gamification of educational apps just like
GBL makes good use of these factors.
The literature on the use of gamification in
education in general was surveyed by Caponetto et al.
(2014) who argued that interest in gamification is due
to its capacity to support learning, promoting
desirable attitudes, activities and behaviors through
participatory approaches; collaboration and friendly
competition; self-guided study; facilitation and
effectiveness of assessments; integration of
exploratory approaches to learning; and the
strengthening of creativity and student retention.
However, there are still few gamified approaches for
teaching audiences with special needs, with DS in
Among the few reports on gamified approaches
for teaching audiences with special needs, one may
cite: Colpani and Homem (2015) propose a new
educational framework with the use of virtual reality
and gamification to aid in the learning by children
with intellectual disabilities. The limitation of the set
of requirements for the framework and it its
pioneering approach require new research and
experiments to verify the effectiveness of this
framework in practice; and the serious game
Moviletrando (Farias et al., 2013) to stimulate the
motor and cognitive functions of DS children, while
assisting in literacy teaching: children move around
in a virtual reality game to learn the letters of the
alphabet. Although this game teaches fundamentals
of literacy (the alphabet), it does not consider the
process of acquisition of oral and written language by
its players; others examples of serious games are the
Jecripe 2 (Brandão and Joselli, 2015) that attempt to
stimulate the cognitive process, the memory, the
phonological awareness in DS children and Torrente’s
(2012) “My First Day at Work” that was design to
train a specific set of social and self-autonomy skills
and concepts in adults with DS adults and “The Big
Party” that work on the inclusion of individuals with
DS in the job market. However, they do not focus on
literacy acquisition.
Studies on the use of educational software and
tools – not necessarily gamified – to facilitate
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome
learning and stimulate the cognitive process in DS
contexts include those by Fernández-López et al.
(2013) and Campigotto, Mcewen and Epp (2013).
These works argue how mobile devices support the
learning by DS children and they help the children
maintain attention and focus on particular stimuli.
However, since neither study used software aimed at
DS children only, some of the important special needs
that these children possess may not have been
considered, leaving room for further analysis on the
There are also studies on the benefits of tangible
tools for the development of literacy and reading
skills in DS children, such as Jardan-Guerrero et al.
(2015) and Haro, Santana and Magaña (2012). In
these studies, tangible tools seem to reduce the
consequences of attention deficit, making the learning
more fun and interactive. However, few statistical
results on the impact of these tools on the learning by
DS children were considered.
Implementation of DS GeL-apps may
complement the related works in this section by
allowing real-life experiments to further validate the
presented arguments. Further, the design of DS GeL-
apps as proposed in this paper, builds on the findings
and recommendations of said works by combining
mobile devices, Web (virtual) facilities and actual
world resources to harness multiple-source benefits.
In general, a DS GeL-app targets two audiences:
players and supervisors. Players are DS children who
play the gamified app to acquire literacy and language
skills. Supervisors are professionals who teach,
develop or provide assistance or materials for
teaching DS players. Supervisors include
pedagogues, psychologists, authors, teachers,
instructors, monitors, game designers, relatives and
people who assist, produce, apply or use literacy
material for DS children such as speech therapists and
linguists. A DS GeL-app must be designed to provide
facilities and resources to support both audiences.
The proposed methodology to design DS Gel-
apps follows an agile (Larman, 2004), iterative and
interactive approach with representatives from both
audiences functioning as clients. The methodology
has 8 steps:
1. List requirements for DS educational software
apps and games. The list is built by eliciting
requirements from: a) interviews with DS
individuals and their relatives; b) perceptions
of user needs and experiences with software
tools by professionals working with DS and
app or game design; c) analyses and usages of
educational software products, games and tools
for authorship and presentation of lessons and
entertainment for the general public or for DS
individuals in particular; and, d) the literature
on educational software in general or which
was gamified for DS students.
2. Parse the resulting list to consolidate
semantically equivalent requirements, but with
different syntaxes. Only one equivalent
requirement must be left in the list so that they
become mutually exclusive and thus serve to
separate and organize domains in the design,
implementation and test of the gamified,
pedagogical software application of interest.
3. Identify design-implementation domains of
requirements in the consolidated list. (A
requirements domain is a grouping of
requirements which will be implemented as a
unit, according to a common set of rules and
procedures, to support a common, specific
purpose - such as inputting and displaying
information or offering communications
facilities.) Distribute listed requirements
amongst the identified domains.
4. Consult clients on the relative importance
(ranking) of the resulting domains of
requirements for the intended activities of
teaching DS children literacy and language
5. To organize design and implementation of DS
GeL-apps evolutionary versions, specify
requirements for the ranked domains, by
checking existing requirements or eliciting
new ones, and validate the resulting
requirements with clients.
6. Depending on objectives (e.g., elicit an initial
set of requirements or enrich existing set),
constraints (e.g. time-to-launch a test
prototype), and validation results, cycle
through steps I to IV to account for clients’
comments or suggestions of changes or
additions of domains or requirements.
7. Lay out or update a roadmap for versioning of
the DS GeL-app of interest by packaging
requirements from the ranked domains. An
individual package of requirements defines the
scope of a next evolutionary version of the DS
GeL-app and encompasses the scope of the
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
previous version - i.e., versions are to have
increasing utility for the intended audiences.
8. Implement, test, launch, and validate next
version of the DS GeL-app according to the
next package down the evolution road.
If a new version is to be implemented with
requirements to be adjusted or yet to be elicited, cycle
through steps I to VI. If not, cycle through step VII.
Steps I to III produce a set of generic requirements
for a DS GeL-app; steps IV and V adapt requirements
for the context of literacy and language acquisition;
step VI consolidates the domains / requirements into
ranked sets, that is, prioritized sets, which will serve
to guide the evolution of versions of DS GeL-apps.
Step VII transforms the research effort on the design
of DS GeL-apps into practical software offerings
whose usage will create more pathways, in terms of
feedback by DS audiences, for such research. These
steps can be better observed in Figure 1 below, where
a flow chart is presented with the step-by-step of the
Figure 1: Proposed methodology for the design and imple-
mentation of DS GeL-apps.
Validation studies (rankings) are carried out in
steps IV, V and VII. Ranking is important for it
supports decisions on the profile and quantity of
resources to be allocated for application R&D.
Clients are the linchpin of such rankings. Their
opinions or votes steer the design and development of
DS GeL-app, as they (should) do with other software
applications. In ranking requirements domains (or
requirements within a domain), one may decide to
attribute different weights to the votes (rankings) of
individual clients (validators) to reflect their
experiences with DS, say. Further, if voting clients are
set into classes, say C = {DS Children, Parents,
Instructors, Psychologists, Game Designers}, one
may in turn attribute a weight to each class c ϵ C. If
that is the case, the Overall Rank of a domain
, for = 1, 2, …, where is the total
number of domains in step IV, is given by the
weighted sum of ranks attributed by voting clients
within each class c ϵ C:
 (1)
is the weight of s vote (for
a given rank =1,2,…,) and
is the vote (rank)
of  for domain
, with 1
Without loss of generality, here it is assumed that 0
1; 0
1; and,
1 and
In a “perfect” democracy scenario, all validators
(voting clients) are considered equal and each of their
votes carries the same weight – i.e., all voting clients
belong to a single class and for any client (discrete
uniform distribution), where is the total number of
voting clients. Equation (1) collapses then, into a
simple arithmetic average.
In another interesting ranking scenario, one may
want to seek consensus amongst voting clients. For
that, a Delphi technique (Hsu and Sandford, 2017)
may be used in steps IV, V and VII. In the Delphi
technique, each opining client anonymously registers
and justifies the ranks s/he attributes to requirements
domains (or requirements within a domain) in
writing. To seek consensus, the written, anonymous
registers are shown to all clients participating in the
ranking who may then decide to alter their rankings
in the next “voting” round, influenced by the
justifications they read. For brevity purposes, the
number of rounds is kept small, usually 2.
This methodology was defined based on the
second principle of the agile manifesto: "Welcome
changing requirements, even late in development.
Agile process harness change for the customer's
competitive advantage" (
principles). DS GeL-apps’ users present cognitive
characteristics which are complex, heterogeneous
and, difficult to categorize and to model. These
characteristics require greater attention to the process
of requirements elicitation and validation to improve
the system usability and accessibility.
In addition, according to Leffingwell (1997),
about 40% to 60% of all problems encountered in a
software development project occur due to flaws in
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome
the requirements process. Such flaws are caused by
the use of inadequate techniques for design by
developers and the fact that there is no standard
design technique. The 8-step methodology in Figure
1 allows one to perform repeated cycles of
requirements elicitation and validation to ensure that
elicited requirements are as close to users'
expectations as possible. However, cycling through
all steps of the methodology takes time, years even, if
feedback from actual DS GeL-app usage is to
influence the design and engineering of later versions.
The investigation herein reported upon is in its
beginnings, having reached step V in a first pass.
The Research Question (RQ) of interest of the
investigation is: Which are the most important
requirements for gamified, pedagogical applications
to support literacy and language skills acquisition by
children with Down’s syndrome? This paper brings
new results of and new insight into a first ranking
experiment in step IV (De Souza, Moura and
Ghirello-Pires, 2017); and, for step V, explores
possibilities for the requirements of the top ranked
design domain. Albeit its preliminary discussions, the
paper already creates pathways for further research
and the practical usage of results in directing and
prioritizing the development of software tools to
support literacy and language acquisition by DS
Architectural details of a DS GeL-app facilitate
elicitation of some requirements as well as
communication among development stakeholders
(e.g., designers, programmers, testers). Hence, this
section presents architectural elements of a DS GeL-
app first.
4.1 Basic Architecture
The high level, basic architecture for a DS GeL-app
consists of three modules (Figure 2): two major DS
service-oriented modules (one for each type of
audience); and, a third, to support marketplace
Figure 2: Basic DS GeL-app architecture.
The player module is to entertain the user (i.e., as
if playing a game for fun) while s/he studies lessons
or takes part in activities as part of pedagogical work.
Work may correspond to responding to drills, doing
assignments or homework and carrying out
“missions” – such as in a regular virtual or real game
or a combination of both, typical of alternate reality.
Work may be done alone, by a group of players or
under the supervision of parents or instructors.
Missions may be carried out online or offline, as well
as in the real world or both (alternate reality).
Successfully finished work leads to merit points and
rewards for the player. The player module is to be a
gamified app as in (Deterding, 2011), an app that
exhibits gaming characteristics to run on mobile
devices – such as smart phones or tablets – and even
on desktop machines connected to the Web.
The supervisor module is to run on the Web to
assist its users (supervisors) to prepare lessons,
customize player modules pedagogical and
gamification characteristics (e.g., frequency of
answer attempts and rewarding) for individual or
group of players, check assigned work, define and
dispatch missions and monitor players’ performance.
This module supports the teacher’s role of mediator
of knowledge. Here, s/he can create activities
according to the needs of the students with the tools
provided by the system. In addition, it will be possible
for the teacher to customize some aspects of the
player module for a better student experience. In
essence, this module is to be an e-Learning authoring-
presentation tool of gamified lessons for DS children.
The architecture also includes a third,
marketplace module, to support advertising,
bartering, e-Business or even, a pay-wall. This
module transverses the other two, being accessible by
both types of audiences, or even, by the public at
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
large. The marketplace module promotes
sustainability by generating revenue streams and
offers a practical and quick way for gamers to
exchange game points for tangible assets of the real
and virtual world, making the gamified apps more
attractive. The marketplace may be considered an
incidental module in DS literacy and language
acquisition contexts. It is included here for
comprehensiveness of the discussion on DS GeL-
apps structural elements and as basis for requirements
4.2 Requirements and Design Domains
Although there are common requirements of software
in general that are also applicable to DS GeL-apps
(e.g., user authentication), they are not discussed
here; nor are requirements related to specific lesson
contents which may vary to accommodate
pedagogical objectives and language characteristics.
The interest here lies in requirements that highlight
the differences that one should consider to the
advantage of both DS audiences. The differences may
be subtle at times, but the requirements of a game or
generic software and those of DS GeL-apps, in fact,
differ. For example, in game mechanics, the player is
usually penalized for not completing a certain task
after a certain number of attempts or within a tight
time limit. Depending on the context, the player may
even be punished with flashing messages on the
screen, rude music or verbal scolding. However, this
is not the case of DS contexts: there should be a more
elastic limit to the time or attempts and the mechanics
should persuade players to keep trying longer, by
providing frequent feedback and congratulating
players for their success.
Design domains and associated, example
requirements for DS GeL-apps were initially
presented in (De Souza, Moura and Ghirello-Pires,
2017) after a one pass through steps I to IV of the
proposed methodology in section 3: data collection
with clients in a) and b) of step I was done through
semi-structured interviews and produced a total of 19
requirements; I.c) produced 18 requirements (from
examined software); and, 82 in I.d) - literature review.
The 119 requirements were then reduced to 76 in step
II. These initial 76 requirements were then distributed
over 8 identified domains in step III. Table 1
summarizes results.
Table 1: DS GeL-app design domains and example require-
Table 1 offers a very initial set of requirements of
DS GeL-apps. Additional passes through the agile
methodology steps will consolidate this initial set
through elicitation and validation of additional
requirements. While an initial set serves to steer the
design of early but useful, versions, a consolidated set
of requirements, ranked in importance, will serve as a
reference for the evolutionary design of such apps.
Developers will thus have a basis for defining
software versions in terms of which requirements to
include in a new version of a gamified app, given their
importance in terms of utility for its audiences.
Additional interviews were carried out and surveys
were applied to clients in step IV. The questions in the
surveys were open format and intended to determine
the relative importance of the domains, validate their
requirements in the initial set of Table 1, and to
respond to the Research Question (RQ). As this
research on DS GeL-apps is being carried out by
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome
cooperating researchers in Brazil and in Australia, the
ranking and validation experiments involved clients
in these two countries.
In Brazil, nine clients participated in the
experiments: four parents of DS children (2 dentists,
1 with specialization in Letters, and 1 in Social
Work); and, five professionals working with DS (1
specialist in Vernacular Languages, 2 in Psychology,
1 in Speech Therapy, and 1 in Pedagogy). In
Australia, there were two software/game design
experts - one of which had an adult DS individual for
a sibling. Three classes of clients were then
represented in the experiments and functioned as
proxies for DS individuals: C = {Parents,
Professionals, Designers}. The average experience
with DS of the 11 class representatives was 9.6 years.
Note that, at this stage of the research, no DS
individual contributed to the ranking and validation
experiments directly. Note further, that the small
number of participating clients implies that results
should be taken as preliminary.
5.1 Validation and Ranking Results
The 9 validation-participating clients in Brazil
assessed each of the 76 requirements in the initial set,
with the following results: 39 of the requirements
were accepted “as initially presented”; the semantics
of 16 was adjusted (e.g., “unlimited repetitions” was
reworded to “customizable number of repetitions”);
16 new ones were added (e.g., “Use Artificial
Intelligence tools to monitor player performance and
adjust the pedagogical process”); and, 21 were
quarantined (e.g., “Use Italic Serif fonts”) – by giving
each of these, at least a vote for removal from the set
(De Souza, Moura and Ghirello-Pires, 2017). The
total of requirements could end up being 71 (76 + 16
-21) if all quarantined requirements are accepted
back; or, 92 (76 + 16) if all quarantined requirements
are removed. For rigor of statistical significance, one
should have all requirements, quarantined ones in
special, undergo further validation studies with more
clients (since their small number is a validation
The design domain with the most quarantined
requirements was "Navigation & Interface” and the
one with the highest “as initially presented”
acceptance rate was the “Authoring” domain.
Another domain with well accepted requirements (8
out of 11) was that of "Gamification Elements &
Incentives"; but this domain also had 2 out of 11
quarantined (“tangible rewards” and “leader boards”
might discourage players instead of motivating them).
The 16 new requirements were all accommodated in
the existing 8 domains.
All 11 participating clients found “unnecessary to
add to or discard domains from” those in Table 1.
They also thought that the requirements domains will
lead to useful implementations of DS GeL-apps for
teaching language acquisition and literacy to DS
children. When asked to rank the design domains in
terms of importance for these implementations - and
thus answer the Research Question of interest here,
their “perfect democracy” overall average ranking,
with 90% confidence intervals and 10 degrees of
freedom, is given in Figure 3. In this Figure, a domain
whose average rank is closer to 8 is considered the
most important; the one with lowest average rank, the
least important. In case of a tie of averages, the
domain with the narrower interval, or equivalently,
smaller variance or smaller standard deviation –
which would denote less doubt by the validators,
would be considered more important. (That is the case
with the two last domains on the far right of Figure
Figure 3: Overall average ranking of DS GeL-app design
domains (mean and 90% confidence interval).
As shown in Figure 3, some domains have
overlapping confidence intervals and therefore, it is
not yet possible to identify with certainty, relative
priorities among most classes. However, it is possible
to affirm with 90% confidence that the “Navigation
& Interface” domain presents a significantly higher
importance - i.e. it is ranked in first place - than all
others, except for the “Inputs” domain, whose interval
[5.09; 7.45] overlaps that of “Navigation & Interface”
partially. It is also possible to state with 90%
confidence that the “Inputs” domain is more
important than the “Tools & Support” domain. The
sample means in Fig. 3 appear to indicate that the
“Gamification elements” domain, in the opinion of
the interviewees, is the least important.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
One possible reason for the “Gamification
elements” domain ranking last in importance is that
DS individuals are not themselves, part of set C. The
members of the classes in C, being designers, DS
professionals, and DS parents or relatives, may value
pedagogical content and instruction more than
entertainment. Indeed, Figures 4, 5 and 6 show
rankings by representatives of these classes – and
none brings the “Gamification elements” domain
higher than 4th place. In fact, this domain sports the
widest 90% confidence interval in all rankings,
making it the one domain whose importance
validators had the more doubts ranking.
Figure 4: Ranking by designers.
Figure 5: Ranking by professionals.
Figure 6: Ranking by parents. Rankings according to client
class of DS GeL-app design domains (mean and 90% con-
fidence intervals).
Variations in rankings due to client classes’
preferences may be emphasized by means of the
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) graph in Figure
7: most parents-relatives are grouped in the opposite
direction of the vector that represents the
“Gamification elements” domain, demonstrating that,
at least during this first validation experiment,
relatives believe that the other domains of
requirements - such as “Activities” and “Inputs” -
should have higher priority than the domain linked to
the elements of fun and motivation. Expert opinion
seems more varied, ranging from professionals’
opinions that the Gamification domain is to be ranked
higher in importance (specialists in red, to the left in
Fig. 7) to lower importance (specialists in green, to
the right in Fig. 7).
Figure 7: Behaviour of DS GeL-app stakeholders relative to
domains ranking (ordering).
DS children may not endorse the interviewed DS
professionals’ nor their own relatives’ rankings: a bit
of fun may make lessons more engaging for them.
(Does not the same apply to anyone?) Additionally,
the variations in Figures 4 and 5 suggest further
validation studies. Further validation studies should
have DS individuals as validators.
Interviewees' responses were given without them
experiencing any real software app or mock-ups (an
electronic model used to demonstrate functionality).
Validators had to imagine possible benefits and
constraints of the design domains and associated
requirements. Therefore, the validation that was
carried out is said to be a “face validity" (Gravetter
and Forzano, 2012), since it has a strong subjective
component embedded in its judgment. Due to such
subjectivity and the fact that the response sample
came from only = 11, 90% confidence intervals were
adopted. The subjectivity embedded in these results
may have been reduced however, since voting clients
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome
were experts on teaching literacy to DS children,
making results possibly consistent with their reality
(Holden, 2010).
Despite the discussed threats to validation and its
limitations, the interviewees provided (early)
evidence the answer to the Research Question at the
end of section 3, is “requirements for the Navigation
& Interface domain are the most important for DS
teaching of literacy and language acquisition”. So far,
this domain also happens to have the most
Cho, Cheng and Lai (2009) found that there are many
ways of conceptualising supported learning within
the Vygotskyan tradition, including scaffolding
(Wood, Bruner and Ross, 1976), assisted performance
(Tharp and Gallimore, 1989), dialogic enquiry
(Wells, 1999), guided participation (Rogoff et al.,
1993) and guided interaction (Plowman and Stephen,
To successfully develop a User Interface (UI) that
works not only for the learner but also for the
instructor it is important to take above perspectives
into account when analysing existing game-based
learning apps and non-game learning apps to gather
data for the development of a system and UI that helps
scaffolding the student technology-mediated
Preliminary data collected by visiting DS students
at special needs schools show that students get easily
stressed and upset by failing to interact successfully
with a variety of learning and teaching apps installed
on iPads. The frustration resulting into
discontinuation with the interaction of the learning
app is mainly due to cognitive overload.
Cognitive overload refers to the total amount of
mental effort being used in the working memory
(Sweller, 1988). Cognitive load theory developed by
Sweller has many implications in the design of
learning materials which must, if they are to be
effective, keep cognitive load of learners at a
minimum during the learning process (Culatta, 2016).
Cognitive workload is thought to be
multidimensional and multifaceted. Mental workload
can be defined as the ratio of demand to allocated
resources (Da Silva, 2014). Spirkovska (2005) writes
that multiple resource theory stresses the importance
of distribution of tasks and information across various
human sensory channels to reduce mental workload.
She continues stressing that one sensory channel has
been touch and that unlike the more typical displays
that target vision or hearing, tactile displays present
information to the users sense of touch.
The authors thought that they should investigate
the role of touch further to see how it could be used
as an add-on or alternative to auditory display based
UIs. It is hoped by providing the user with UI choices
that suit them best to be able to help reducing
cognitive overload.
As suggested by literature, it was decided to
develop a UI that is based on both visual and audio
and also looking into touch to provide input to the app
system and feedback to the user (auditory & sensory
displays). It is envisioned to investigate existing
specifically and practical guidelines, middle-level
principles and high-level theories and models as
suggested by Shneiderman, (2017) to apply best
practise and achieve a high-quality UI design.
Literature correspondingly recommends that
criteria for the design and evaluation of the user
interface of gamified language (literacy) multimedia
software (apps) need to be developed for the
prescribed audience and should be based on hybrid
models that are combining a cognitive and software
engineering approach (Park & Hannafin, 1993;
Ravden & Johnson, 1989). Those criteria will help to
determine if the UI is effective in supporting the
cognitive processes involved in learning linguistic
skills such as speech, memory and association.
Games and gamified apps can immerse players
through deep level engagement, intricate and
dynamic structures, high quality visuals and audio
and by providing highly rewarding experiences with
near instantaneous feedback (Terton and White,
Engagement within gameplay can be generated
through being challenged, through arousing the
players’ natural curiosity, by providing a sense of and
by stimulating the player’s imagination. To design for
games and gamified apps poses challenges due to the
individual nature of users playfulness and different
levels of experiences with games and play. Arrasvuori
et al. (2011) have developed the Playful Experiences
(PLEX) framework, which is a conceptual tool for
understanding the playful aspects of user experience
(UX) and at the same time also practical tool for
designing for experiences through established user
centred design (UCD) methods (Arrasvuori et al.,
2011). It is hoped to collect user data that helps in the
iterative development process of designing the best
visual and auditory UI for the game based app.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
But not only should the UI work best for the
students but also for the teacher, Frauenberger (2009)
has identified the need for a structured design
approach to create an UI that caters for both the
learner as well as the teacher. Frauenberger has
developed the paco – pattern design in the context
space framework, which provides methods to capture,
apply and refine design knowledge through design
The goal is to design an effective dynamic system
personalised adaptive user interface (PAUI) that
automatically adapts to the individual skill levels of
the user and reacts to different situations and
requirements helping to minimise cognitive load,
facilitate learning. It is planned to have an operating
system that can detect and learn individual behaviour
patterns so that the PAUI can be changed to assist the
user in a more effective manner.
In order to achieve this, we analysed a number of
the existing platforms and applications that already
exist, to determine a way to minimise the cognitive
load for individuals with DS as well as being able to
better facilitate their learning in a way that is fun and
will encourage them to continue with their
One of the applications that have been analysed
and should be commented on is the current preferred
system known as Proloquo2go, this application is
recognised at the most comprehensive available at the
moment and is used by organisations and therapists
for enabling individuals with a number of learning
The analysis of proloquo2go showed that
although it is an application more focused on creating
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
(AAC) than on literacy, it has presented several
important features that can be used to facilitate the
literacy process in individuals with DS making it a
very interesting tool for surveying and analyzing
requirements. However, because of the complexity of
the application there is a great potential for cognitive
overload from both user and a tutor who is unfamiliar
with the application; this most likely stems from the
applications customisability. Additionally, while the
proloquo2go application is comprehensive in its
learning structure it lacks the fun aspect that can
encourage a user to want to continue using it.
During the process of analysing applications,
particularly proloquo2go, a number of tutors (either
carers or therapists) mentioned that in a number of
cases the users needed a lot more guidance when
using the application than they had using traditional
assistance methods. After some time, analysing
applications, the complexity of some applications
showed that a user could easily get lost within the
programs and without guidance have trouble finding
their way around.
Resulting from the preliminary analysis and
interviews with carers and observations of user
interaction, it is planned to design a prototype that
utilises more than just a tablet device, adding a
measure of augmented reality to the learning
experience by coupling physical aspects to the
program through picto-cards or blocks, combining
audio visual cues with tactile interactions with real
objects to re-enforce learning and memory.
This paper dealt with a gamified, pedagogical
application to support literacy and language skills
acquisition by children with Down’s syndrome. Such
an application (DS GeL-app) will directly contribute
to the concretization of article 24 (access to
Education) of the General Principles, Accessibility, of
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). DS GeL-apps
may also indirectly contribute to UNCRPD article 19
– Living independently and being included in the
community; article 21 – access to Information and
communication services; and, article 27 - Work and
employment because of users providing with the
ability to learn how to communicate information
accurately, clearly and as intended. Through
improved speech and literacy skills the user will be
enabled to get around in the community,
communicate effectively with others (face-to-face
and using technology), and self- advocate or speak up
for themselves.
As the preceding sections have made clear, the
most important requirements of developing and
designing a gamified, pedagogical application to
support literacy and language skills acquisition by
children with Downs syndrome are about the learner
and instructor. The paper provides information on
how to arrive at a selection of requirements needed to
develop successful DS GeL-apps by analyzing an
initial ranking (agile methodology) of requirement
domains carried out by cooperating researchers and
clients in Brazil and in Australia.
Additional passes through the agile methodology
steps will consolidate initial sets through elicitation
and validation of additional requirements. The initial
set serves to direct the design of early but useful
versions. A more consolidated set of requirements,
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome
ranked by importance, will serve as a reference for the
evolutionary design of the DS GeL-apps and thus be
the basis for defining different software versions of
the app by ranking importance in terms of utility for
its audiences.
Early evidence based feedback sought through
client interviews indicates “requirements for the
Navigation & Interface domain” is the most important
domain for DS teaching of literacy and language
acquisition and has the most requirements. Analyzing
all results indicates that the DS GeL-app project is
mainly a task of interface design and interaction
features (Inputs), with playful aspects and socializa-
tion assuming a secondary position. Further to the
ranking method it is suggested to conduct real-life
experiments to supplement the validation of findings
and recommendations of said works by combining
mobile devices, Web (virtual) facilities and actual
world resources to harness multiple-source benefits.
The paper reasons to support pedagogical
processes of literacy and language acquisition,
making them fun, motivating, engaging and effective
for children with Down Syndrome (players) and at the
same time allowing specialists (supervisors), such as
educators, therapists, and instructors to manage
content and pedagogical strategies. Paramount to a
successful application is a user interface (UI) that
caters for both the learner as well as the instructor.
Informed by literature it is advisable to proceed with
a pattern design framework, that provides methods to
capture, apply and refine design knowledge through
design patterns resulting in a powerful and effective
dynamic system personalised adaptive user interface
(PAUI) that automatically adapts to the individual
skill levels of the user and reacts to different
situations and requirements helping to minimise
cognitive load and therefore facilitating learning.
7.1 Limitations
The architectural details of a DS GeL-app that will
facilitate elicitation of requirements as well as
communication among development stakeholders
(e.g., designers, programmers, testers) will be
developed in later phases. Although there are
common requirements of software in general that are
also applicable to DS GeL-apps (e.g., user
authentication), they were not discussed here; nor
were requirements related to specific lesson contents
which may vary to accommodate pedagogical
objectives and language characteristics. The small
number of participating clients implies that results
should be taken as preliminary. Also, data and
feedback were mainly gathered from researchers and
clients and not from children with DS. This should
occur in the next phases of the project.
7.2 Future
The paper already creates pathways for further
research and the practical usage of results in directing
and prioritizing the development of software tools to
support literacy and language acquisition by DS
children that hopefully will improve the quality of life
for DS children. With help of a team including
speech-language pathologists, physicians, classroom
teachers, special educators and families we plan to
communicate with DS children to co-design the DS
GeL-app to cater for their needs and arrive at a fun
and engaging application that helps to address the
speech and language problems faced by many
children with Down syndrome.
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Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome