The Local Wisdom of Mangarou Totok Incantation towards Natural
Resources in Simalungun Ethnic: An Anthropolinguistic Study
Nenni Triana Sinaga
, Robert Sibarani, Pujiati, Budi Agustono
Post-Graduate Department in Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, North
Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Mangarou Totok, Natural Resources, Anthropolinguistics.
Abstract: The purpose of this research are 1. To find the process of treatment of newborn baby teeth, 2. To find the
types of local wisdom in Incantation of mangarou totok in simalungun ethnic. This research were applied
anthropolinguistics approach. The parameters of analysis use interconnection, evaluability, and
sustainability. Based on the research findings, local wisdom of mangarou totok incantation towards natural
resources in simalungun ethnic indicates that it can be used as local wisdom to conserve the natural
resources. Some plants used as ingredients such as: sitabar banana midrib as the main ingredients and betel
nut, gambier, lime, areca nut and pepper as the supporting ingredients. Then healthy, politeness,
environment care, preservation, cooperation, social loyalty, commitment, positive thinking and compliment
were found in the mangarou totok incantation. The value of this research presents the significant
contribution to sustainable of natural resources. The societies does not know anymore the function of sitabar
banana midrib can be used to treatment of newborn baby teeth especially simalungun societies. Then, this
research gives the contribution to societies as an economically. Simalungun societies do not need to spend
much money to buy the chemical medicine from doctor. Mangarou totok incantation is tradition of
simalungun ethnics that needs to maintain as a local wisdom and sustainability of natural resources.
The Incantation of mangarou totok is one of
incantation in simalungun ethnic. Incantation of
mangarou totok is traditional medicine from
simalungun ethnic. The function of incantation of
mangarou totok is to treat the newborn baby teeth.
As we know, while the newborn baby teeth, they
will feel pains and sometimes will have high fever.
Simalungun ethnic believe that, the incantation
of mangarou totok able to treat the newborn baby
teeth. Incantation of mangarou totok uses the banana
midrib as a material to treat the newborn baby teeth.
Banana midrib processed according needs to treat
the newborn baby teeth. Banana midrib is cut long
and as big as adult’s finger. Incantation of mangarou
totok is read by a shaman. Shaman reads the
incantation of mangarou totok while he is grasping
the banana stem that has cut as a material to treat the
newborn baby teeth. After the shaman reads the
incantation of mangarou totok in banana midrib that
have cut then the banana midrib may be given to the
Banana plant is a natural resources that live in
our environment. Banana plant grow in tropical
climate like Indonesia. Usually, Banana midrib is
used to treat injured body. Some of research result
said that Banana midrib can obstructing
efflorescence of the bacteria in human body.
Because of it, banana midrib is a natural resources
that can become a traditional medicine. Simalungun
ethnic has uses banana midrib as a traditional
medicine before the chemist medicine founded.
Besides traditional medicine, incantation of
mangarou totok is one of local wisdom in
simalungun society that very seldom used at this era
especially for new generation and we can called it
nearly extinct because the society especially
simalungun ethnic already use modern treatment
with chemistry medicines.
Nenni Triana Sinaga is a Ph.D. Student at Post-Graduate
Department in Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences,
and University of Sumatera Utara (USU). Her interest is
in oral tradition, linguistics, and indigenous languages an
Triana Sinaga, N., Sibarani, R. and Agustono, B.
The Local Wisdom of Mangarou Totok Incantation towards Natural Resources in Simalungun Ethnic: An Anthropolinguistic Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009902000002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 303-308
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Chemistry medicine is easy to get and also have
the same function with traditional medicine. The
society especially simalungun ethnic more prefer
using modern medicine rather than traditional
medicine, and it makes the incantation of mangarou
totok did not found any more in simalungun ethnic.
Based on the explanation above that this research
wants to find the process of treatment of newborn
baby teeth and the types of local wisdom in
incantation of mangarou totok. Then this research
used a qualitative paradigm with interactive model
and applied method, direct participatory observation,
written documents, and in-depth open-ended
interview. In-depth open-ended interviews were
applied to invent the information of incantation of
mangarou totok from informant (it’s called as datu
who knows about incantation of mangarou totok in
simalungun ethnic). Then to analysis data, the
researcher applied the interactive model according to
Miles and Huberman (2014).
2.1 Local Wisdom
Local wisdom comes from the culture of societies
that inherited from generation to generation orally.
Local wisdom is a science that obtained from the
local community. Local wisdom can be used to
regulate human life in order to become a good human
being, to tune in order to achieve peace and
prosperity. Sibarani (2014) said that the local wisdom
is the positive values of culture. It means that not all
the positive values of culture at the past are good to
use in this era or this time, so sometimes some of the
positive values at the past cannot be used for the
generation in this times. So that the local wisdom
comes from positive cultural values that can still be
applied and utilized wisely in the present.
According to Sibarani (2017), Local wisdom is
the good ideas that come from societies wise,
wisdom, a good values, virtuous possessed, guide
and implemented by the societies. Then local
wisdom is the local genius or community’s wisdom
derived from the lofty value of cultural tradition in
order to manage the community’s social order or
social life. This definition emphasize on wisdom to
manage the social life that come from noble culture.
Then the other definition of local wisdom is the
value of local culture having been applied to wisely
manage the community’s social order and social life.
Its mean that emphasize on culture noble used to be
wise or wisdom manage the social life. Manage the
social life means solve the social problems of
societies likes crime and poverty.
More assertive Sibarani (2018) said that local
wisdom is the indigenous knowledge or local
wisdom of a society derived from to make peace and
improve the community welfare. Its means that the
local wisdom effort the peace and prosperity as a
basic to build the characters of human life especially
begin from child or young generation. And then
there are two types of core local wisdoms, namely:
local wisdom for people welfare or prosperity and
local wisdom for human beings’ peacefulness or
goodness. The local wisdom which can be used to
increase the welfare includes hard work, disciplines,
education, health, mutual aid or cooperation, gender
management, culture creativity and preservation, and
environment care. The local wisdom having purpose
to create peacefulness comprises the politeness,
honesty or integrity, social loyalty, harmony,
commitment, positive thinking, and compliment.
2.2 Incantation of Mangarou Totok
Incantation of Mangarou totok is one of incantation
in simalungun ethnic. Incantation of Mangarou totok
used to treat the teething. This incantation usually
done on the newborn baby teeth. The incantation of
mangarou totok needs plants to support the process
use is banana midrib. The banana midrib is cut into
the fingers of an adult. The banana midrib used
because it is very soft and safe for the baby health.
Here, we can see the text of incantation of
Mangarou totok in simalungun language as bellow:
Marsuksama hubani boras patini tanoh on.
Ham siraja bangkut appa ham siraja musul-usol.
Usal-usol hon ma pisau balati ni si ucok/butet
Ase ulang tama “aroan ni” (core)
Iya sahmat.......iya sahmat......iya sahmat......iya
sahmat.........iya sahmat.....iya sahmat......iya
sahmat. (Close)
(Sources from Informant, location in Nagori Dolok
village, 01 September 2017)
2.3 Natural Resources
Natural resources is everything that not made by
humans hands. Natural resources is from the nature.
Natural resources plural: industrial materials and
capacities (such as mineral deposits and
waterpower) supplied by nature (Meriam, 1828). Its
means that the natural resource comes from the
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
nature that contributes to human life such as plants,
river, material and the other.
2.4 Anthropolinguistics
Anthropolinguistics is a parts of science that focuses
on study of languages or speaking in anthropology
concept. According to Duranti (1997) said that
anthropological linguistics is as a study of language
as a cultural resources and speaking as a cultural
practice. Then Hymes (1963) also said that
anthropolinguistic is the study of speech and
language within the context of anthropology. Foley
(1997) said that anthropological linguistics is view
of language through the prism of the core
anthropological concept, culture, and such as seeks
to uncover the meaning behind the use, misuse and
non-use of language, its different form, register and
styles. It is an interpretive discipline peeling away at
language to find cultural understanding.
Based on the explanation above, we can
conclude that anthropolinguistics is the study of
language and speaking as a symbol of cultural.
The Process of Mangarou Totok incantation in
Simalungun Ethnic:
a. Make demban panurungi in Simalungun
First, we will prepare the demban panurungi.
Demban Panurungi is the requirement to request
medicine from a shaman. Demban Panurungi
contains lime, gambier, areca nut, pepper and
covered with a betel nut. The way to covered
also must according to simalungun tradition. We
can call demban panurungi if all the
requirements have completed. If it is
uncompleted, it still called as a betel nut.
Figure 1: Demban Panurungi, sources from Nagori Dolok
in Simalungun district, 25 October 2018.
b. After demban panurungi has been prepared, now
we must give demban sayur (betel nut) to
shaman. Demban sayur also comes from the
betel nut, but if we want to request or ask
medicine to shaman, we must give the betel nut
which is called as demban sayur in simalungun
Figure 2: Demban Sayur, sources from Nagori Dolok in
Simalungun District, 25 October 2018.
c. Demban sayur is betel nut that will be given to
someone if we wants to ask or request something
but here it will give to shaman because a patient
wants request medicine of newborn baby teeth.
Demban sayur is a term for requesting medicine
in various type of diseases in simalungun ethnic.
Demban sayur is a sign or way of pleading
respectfully to a shaman or to everyone in
simalungun tradition.
d. After patients gives demban sayur to a shaman,
than shaman holds the demban sayur as a sign
that the shaman accepts the patient’s request.
e. After, shaman accepts the demban sayur from
patients, then shaman ask the demban panurungi
from patient as a requirement for requesting
f. Then, shaman take and cut the banana midrib
which has been prepared into 7 parts and cannot
be separated. Not all type of banana midribs are
used. Instead, only special banana midribs,
namely Sitabar banana midrib.
g. Next, shaman takes and grasping demban
panurungi while reading the mangarau totok
incantation and eating and chewing the demban
panurungi until smooth.
h. After that, shaman take banana midrib and reads
the mangarau totok incantation in banana midrib.
And then, spouting the demban panurungi to
sitabar banana midrib. The ways to spit it out are
four times at the top and three times behind it
while mentioning “pain, pain,pain,pain” and
behind “pain,pain,pain”.
The Local Wisdom of Mangarou Totok Incantation towards Natural Resources in Simalungun Ethnic: An Anthropolinguistic Study
Figure 3: Shaman is reading the mangarou totok
incantation and spouting the demban panurungi in sitabar
banana midrib. Sources from Nagori Dolok in Simalungun
District, 25 October 2018.
i. After that, banana midrib can be given to the
child to bite. If the first banana midrib can be
given, then give again the second banana midrib
until he/she doesn’t want to bite anymore. If the
child has thrown away the banana midrib then
don't take it anymore, it must be thrown away.
Then when the child is getting bored, don't give
it anymore. The rest is stored in a place that
cannot be reached by children. This banana
midrib must be given out for a maximum of
seven days but may also expired in one day. And
then the banana midrib must be given in a row
and don't miss it.
Prohibitions or roles that should not be done in
Manarou Totok Incantation:
a. Must uses sitabar banana midrib.
b. Cuts must be 7 rows and may not separate.
c. Must be expired in seven days and better in one
d. If children have thrown the banana midrib, do
not to take it anymore.
e. Must be given daily.
The local wisdom found in an incantation of
mangarou totok is as below:
a. Healthy
An incantation of mangarou totok is an incantation
contain about the healthy. The incantation purpose
to treat the baby teeth. Usually, when the baby into
eight or nine old month, the baby’s gums will swell.
The baby will get high fever, diarrhea and
sometimes throw up. The baby also never stop
crying because the baby feel pain. But when the
baby treated with incantation of mangarou totok
with the simple treatment using sitabar banana
midrib, the baby did not get sick. The ingredients
also really simple, the ingredients have in our
environment or have in our garden. Simalungun
societies believe that the incantation of mangarou
totok able to cure the baby teeth diseases. This
incantation is very useful to simalungun societies
because it can help them to cure their baby diseases.
Simalungun societies is easier to visit the shaman
while their baby sick because the shaman live near
or in their village. Simalungun societies also can get
the treatment at a low cost because the shaman does
not determine the price while the participant comes
for treatment.
b. Politeness
Incantation of mangarou totok teach us to be polite
and respect person. It can see from the participant
while they visit shaman to ask the treatment. The
participant comes and talk with soft voice. The
participant must using the sarong while they comes
to shaman for the treatment. When the participant
want to talk to shaman, participant must use the soft
voice to talks to shaman. And then, the participant
must sit down and bow his/her body in front of
shaman. After that, the participant give the betel nut
to shaman that we call as demban sayur in
simalungun tradition and participant convey his/her
request about the baby diseases. When the process of
mangarou totok incantation take place, the
participant only silent and listen to shaman
c. Environment care
Banana and betel trees are plants that need to be
cultivated and preserved. These plants contains local
wisdom as natural resources that can be utilized by
the community especially simalungun ethnic for
traditional medicine.
Besides that, not all banana tree is used to be
traditional medicine. For example in mangarou totok
incantation uses
sitabar banana midrib. Sitabar
banana tree is one of kind’s banana tree that have in
our environment especially in simalungun district.
Sitabar banana tree used for traditional medicine
because it is advice given by the ancestors or
parents. Sitabar banana tree is different from the
other bananas. Sitabar bananas are rarely found
because not many know that this banana tree can be
used as a medicine. This banana is also rarely
planted because the fruits are small and cannot be
Because of it, it is very important to protect and
preserve the environment by continually cultivating
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Sitabar bananas. If this plant is extinct, there will be
no more material used for traditional medicine,
therefore the people of Simalungun will lose their
local wisdom.
d. Preservation
Incantation of mangarou totok needs the ingredients
to successes the process to implement the
incantation of mangarou totok. The ingredients must
be preserved as a natural resources to maintain the
local wisdom of simalungun ethnic. The main
ingredient is sitabar banana midrib. Sitabar banana
midrib is types of bananas that are rarely planted by
the simalungun community because the fruits are
small so that the fruit does not sell well. The
characters of the sitabar banana also different with
the other banana. Sitabar bananas have different
leaves than other bananas. Sitabar banana leaves are
not as wide and as long as the other bananas and
midribs are reddish in color. Therefore, sitabar
bananas are very important to preserve so that the
totok mangarou incantation can still be used.
The other ingredients are betel nut, gambier,
lime, areca nut and pepper. These ingredients are
also used for traditional medicine as a natural
resources that needs to preserved by cultivating
these plants.
e. Cooperation
One of the purposes of local wisdom is cooperation.
Cooperation is very important in perform of
mangarou totok incantation. The good cooperation
from shaman and patients are really important. For
example, the patient must prepare the ingredients of
mangarou totok incantation before ask the medicine
for their baby teeth such as prepare the demban
sayaur, demban panurungi and the other. The
shaman ask the patient or participant to do the roles
of mangarou totok incantation. The patient must
listen and doing the roles that shaman given. Patient
must give the sitabar banana midrib to their baby
with the maximum seven days. The patient must
keep the sitabar banana midrib far away from the
children. So the shaman and the patient must have
good cooperation to succeed the performance of
mangarou totok incantation.
f. Social Loyalty
Social loyalty is also one of the purpose local
wisdom. Social loyalty that have in the performance
of mangarou totok incantation while the shaman
wants to help and treat the baby diseases. The
shaman show that he care of the baby. He knows
that the baby need help and also he don’t wants if
the baby get sick. He feel that the baby is the same
like his grandson or part of his family. Because of it,
an incantation of mangarou totok is incantation that
teach us to care each other as human social that
sources from local wisdom especially in simalungun
g. Commitment
Incantation of mangarou totok
show the good
commitment between shaman and the patient. When
the patient visit the shaman, patient have known
about the roles that he/she must do. The patient
automatically agree about the shaman instruction.
Because of it, incantation of mangarou totok teach
the society especially simalungun ethnic to be a
commit person.
h. Positive thinking
Shaman and patient beside have a good cooperation,
commitment, also must be positive thinking. Patient
believe that the shaman able to treat the baby teeth
so that the patient came to shaman to get a treatment.
i. Compliment
In most of incantation of simalungun ethnic contain
the compliment. One of incantation is mangarou
totok incantation. There are two compliment in
mangarou totok incantation, the first praise to the
creator of the universe, the second to the human.
Before shaman read the incantation’s core of
mangarou totok, shaman give praise to creator of
universe. When the shaman said
“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Nabi Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam”, it is show that the
mangarou totok incantation is incantation that
contain compliment to creator of universe. The
second is compliment for human. It can show when
the patient wants give thanks to a shaman by give
the money.
The Local Wisdom of Mangarou Totok incantation
towards natural resources in simalungun ethnic
indicates that mangarau totok incantation can be
used as local wisdom to conserve the natural
resources. Incantation of mangarou totok use some
plants as ingredients such as: sitabar banana midrib
as the main ingredient and betel nut, gambier, lime,
areca nut and pepper as the supporting ingredients.
There are types of local wisdom that contains in
incantation of mangarou totok such as: healthy,
politeness, environment care, preservation,
The Local Wisdom of Mangarou Totok Incantation towards Natural Resources in Simalungun Ethnic: An Anthropolinguistic Study
cooperation, social loyalty, commitment, positive
thinking and compliment.
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ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development