The management stages of special sports classes
implies the importance of the evaluation that has to
be conducted periodically, starting from athlete
scouting up to the last stage of program
implementation and the students’ sports
achievement. An evaluation is very important to
conduct in order that there will be improvement in
special sports class management to be more
positive. The evaluation is conducted to reveal
whether a program is in line with its objective or
whether there is a change which is not as expected
by the program initiator. The aim of the program
evaluation is to search for recommendation. The
recommendation is obtained from the result of the
review of the data from the field (Suharsimi
Arikunto and Cepi Safrudin, 2004: 128). Special
sports classes will improve as a result of the
evaluation because the problems in the development
program will be revealed.
The development program is related to many
things, including government support, supports
from the students’ parents and society, finance,
athletes, facilities and infra-structure, coaches,
organizers, organization management, training
programs, reward for athletes, competitions,
application of science and technology, and supports
from mass media. In order to know the description
of the evaluation result and the problems in special
sports classes, it is needed to maintain the context,
input, process, and product in the current
establishment program. A suitable and more
comprehensive model of evaluation in this research
is the context, input, process, and product (CIPP)
evaluation model.
The CIPP evaluation model is chosen because it
is the most suitable model to the evaluation
conducted and it will give a comprehensive result.
This is in line with what is stated by Stafflebeam in
Sugiyono (2013: 749) that the scope of a
comprehensive program evaluation in general
includes four stages, namely the evaluation of
context, input, process, and product. The four
aspects in the CIPP evaluation model help policy
makers answer four basic questions related to: 1)
what must be done, 2) how it is done, 3) whether the
development program is in accordance with the
plan, and 4) the comparison between the plan and
the result. Therefore, the evaluation model used in
this research is the CIPP evaluation model because
it is more comprehensive than other models.
2.1 Research Type
This program evaluation research uses the CIPP
(Contex, Input, Proces, and Product) model
applying the qualitative approach. This evaluation
model was developed by Stuflebeam, which aims
at helping evaluators in evaluating programs,
projects, and institutions. According to Stuflebeam
in Endang Mulyatiningsih (2012: 125) evaluation is
a process of describing, discovering, providing
descriptive information, considering values, and
uses of some planned objectives implemented,
whose effects are used for guiding a decision,
evaluating accountability, and understanding
This research which uses the CIPP model is used
to collect accurate and objective information and to
compare what has been achieved in the
development program of sports special class at
junior high school in Sleman, Yogyakarta with what
should have been achieved based on the standard.
2.2 Research Time and Place
This research was conducted at the Office of
Education, Youth, and Sport Sleman and SMP N 2
Tempel. It was conducted in three stages:
preparation, data collection, and data checking
stages. The preparation stage is the initial stage for
fixing the research problems and determining the
research subjects. The research preparation was
conducted from January to February 2019. The data
collection was conducted from March to May
2019, while the data checking was conducted from
June to July 2019.
2.3 Research Target/Subject
One of the junior high schools, which runs the
special sports class registered at the Office of
Education, Youth, and Sport Sleman, is SMP N 2
Tempel, Sleman.
According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006:145) the
research subject is the subject which will be studied.
The subject of this research is State Junior High
School (SMPN) 2 Tempel. Moreover, Suharsimi
Arikunto (2006: 145) writes that research
respondents are anyone who is asked to give
information about facts or opinions. In this research,
the respondents are school managements, coaches,
and the athletes in each special sports class at State
Junior High School 2 Tempel. The instrument used
for collecting qualitative data is based on the aspects