An Evaluation of Special Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
, Widiyanto
Sports Science Program, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Coaching, Evaluation, Special Sports Classes
Abstract: This study aimed at evaluating the coaching of special sports classes at SMP N 2 Tempel, in terms of the
context, input, process, and product. This is an evaluation study using the CIPP model. The approach used
in this study was the qualitative approach with the qualitative data analysis model from Miles & Huberman.
The data collection was through interviews, observation, and documentation. The research subjects were 10
people consisting of administrators, trainers, and students of coaching special sports classes at SMP N 2
Tempel. The overall results showed that the training of special sports classes at SMP N 2 at the level of
good category with a few notes. The result of the evaluation on the context of the training program is in the
good category because of the government support, both in the forms of financial support and supporting
facilities, and the community supports. The result of the evaluation on the inputs of the training
implementation is in the good category, in that they can be met properly through BOS and Branch Office of
Education and Sport assistances, student selection through several stages of the test, and the trainer coaching
license. The result of the evaluation on the process of the implementation is in the sufficient category even
though the application of science and technology is not optimal. The result of the evaluation on the product
of the special sports class development is in the good category; this includes competitions at the district,
provincial, and national levels.
Special Sports Class (SSC) is a class which aims
especially at developing talents and interest in
accordance with the sports branches the students are
interested in. In general, this class accommodates
the students who have special talents, particularly in
sport. SSC students always practice and conduct
training programs in the sport they are interested in,
for instance the students who specialize in football
will prioritize that branch of sports, so do those
interested in other branches of sport.
Sumaryanto (2010:5) explains that a special
sports class is a special class which has students
with a special talent in sport. The students get
special services in improving their special talents,
and therefore the students of special sports classes
are accelerated in terms of their sports achievement
in accordance with the talent and the sport they are
interested in.
The policy on the implementation of special
sports classes is in line with the Law of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 3 Year 2005 on National
Sports System Article 26, Paragraph 6 that reads:
“In order to improve sports achievement in
educational institutions, at all levels of education
there can be sports activity units, sports classes,
development and training centers, sports schools, as
well as sports competitions of different levels held
sustainably.” The legal basis containing the
implementation of special sports school is
strengthened by the Decree of the Ministry of
National Education No. 34 Year 2006 on the
establishment of the achievement of the students
who have special academic potential and/or
interests. Based on that policy, the students who
have potential in sports are given the opportunity to
develop their sports talent in schools through the
special sports class programs, by keeping up with
the teaching objectives in school and by keeping up
with the priority in school academic activities.
One of the schools which are assigned to
manage this program in Sleman Regency is SMP N
2 Tempel. It is based on the fact that this school has
potentials in the achievement in sports from year to
year, starting from the regency level up to the
national level.
Sholikin, . and , W.
An Evaluation of Special Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel.
DOI: 10.5220/0009800306510657
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 651-657
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The management stages of special sports classes
implies the importance of the evaluation that has to
be conducted periodically, starting from athlete
scouting up to the last stage of program
implementation and the students’ sports
achievement. An evaluation is very important to
conduct in order that there will be improvement in
special sports class management to be more
positive. The evaluation is conducted to reveal
whether a program is in line with its objective or
whether there is a change which is not as expected
by the program initiator. The aim of the program
evaluation is to search for recommendation. The
recommendation is obtained from the result of the
review of the data from the field (Suharsimi
Arikunto and Cepi Safrudin, 2004: 128). Special
sports classes will improve as a result of the
evaluation because the problems in the development
program will be revealed.
The development program is related to many
things, including government support, supports
from the students’ parents and society, finance,
athletes, facilities and infra-structure, coaches,
organizers, organization management, training
programs, reward for athletes, competitions,
application of science and technology, and supports
from mass media. In order to know the description
of the evaluation result and the problems in special
sports classes, it is needed to maintain the context,
input, process, and product in the current
establishment program. A suitable and more
comprehensive model of evaluation in this research
is the context, input, process, and product (CIPP)
evaluation model.
The CIPP evaluation model is chosen because it
is the most suitable model to the evaluation
conducted and it will give a comprehensive result.
This is in line with what is stated by Stafflebeam in
Sugiyono (2013: 749) that the scope of a
comprehensive program evaluation in general
includes four stages, namely the evaluation of
context, input, process, and product. The four
aspects in the CIPP evaluation model help policy
makers answer four basic questions related to: 1)
what must be done, 2) how it is done, 3) whether the
development program is in accordance with the
plan, and 4) the comparison between the plan and
the result. Therefore, the evaluation model used in
this research is the CIPP evaluation model because
it is more comprehensive than other models.
2.1 Research Type
This program evaluation research uses the CIPP
(Contex, Input, Proces, and Product) model
applying the qualitative approach. This evaluation
model was developed by Stuflebeam, which aims
at helping evaluators in evaluating programs,
projects, and institutions. According to Stuflebeam
in Endang Mulyatiningsih (2012: 125) evaluation is
a process of describing, discovering, providing
descriptive information, considering values, and
uses of some planned objectives implemented,
whose effects are used for guiding a decision,
evaluating accountability, and understanding
This research which uses the CIPP model is used
to collect accurate and objective information and to
compare what has been achieved in the
development program of sports special class at
junior high school in Sleman, Yogyakarta with what
should have been achieved based on the standard.
2.2 Research Time and Place
This research was conducted at the Office of
Education, Youth, and Sport Sleman and SMP N 2
Tempel. It was conducted in three stages:
preparation, data collection, and data checking
stages. The preparation stage is the initial stage for
fixing the research problems and determining the
research subjects. The research preparation was
conducted from January to February 2019. The data
collection was conducted from March to May
2019, while the data checking was conducted from
June to July 2019.
2.3 Research Target/Subject
One of the junior high schools, which runs the
special sports class registered at the Office of
Education, Youth, and Sport Sleman, is SMP N 2
Tempel, Sleman.
According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006:145) the
research subject is the subject which will be studied.
The subject of this research is State Junior High
School (SMPN) 2 Tempel. Moreover, Suharsimi
Arikunto (2006: 145) writes that research
respondents are anyone who is asked to give
information about facts or opinions. In this research,
the respondents are school managements, coaches,
and the athletes in each special sports class at State
Junior High School 2 Tempel. The instrument used
for collecting qualitative data is based on the aspects
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
of context, input, process and product or known as
the CIPP model. The definitions of variables and
indicators which are the focus of this research are as
follows. 1) Context component: the evaluation of
the background of the program, the goal of the
program viewed from the local government,
community, and athlete parents; 2) Input
component: the evaluation of the athletes, coaches,
facilities and infrastructure; 3) Process component:
the evaluation of the process of organization
management, training programs, rewards for
athletes, competitions, uses of science and
technology, and mass media supports; 4) Product
component: the evaluation of the program that has
been done by looking at the achievement.
According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2010: 100)
the data collection method is the method that can be
used by researchers for collecting data. It is the way
referring to abstract things, which cannot be realized
in visible things, but its use can be demonstrated. In
this research, the primary data were collected
through observation and in-depth interviews, while
the secondary data were collected through
documentation. In order for the data to be valid and
scientifically reliable, the data were measured for
their validity. The validity measurement in
qualitative research is through credibility (internal
validity), transferability (external validity),
dependability (reliability), and confirmability
The qualitative analysis was conducted during
the research process, that is, during the observation,
interviews, and documentation. The qualitative data
analysis in the field used the descriptive data
analysis (Miles dan Huberman, 1994: 10-11). The
data analysis consists of some interrelated
components, including data reduction, data display,
and conclusion drawing/ verification.
3.1 The Analysis of the Context of the
Management of Special Sports
Classes (SSC) at State Junior High
School 2 Tempel
The management of athletes cannot be separated
from the supports from the government, parents, and
the community. The Law of National Sports System
Year 2005 Article 13, Paragraph 2 states that the
local government has the authority to regulate,
establish, develop, and control the sports
management in the local area. One of the
establishment efforts and supports of the
government is holding special sports classes for
sports achievement. Achievement sports is managed
through a process of establishment and development
which is well planned, graded, and sustainable
supported by sports science and technology, and for
this reason, in order to improve achievement sports,
the central government, local government, and/or the
community can improve: (1) sports clubs; (2) centres
for research and development of sports science and
technology; (3) centre for establishing achievement
sports; (4) education and training of sports
personnel; (5) facilities and infrastructures of
achievement sports; (6) system of sports talent
scouting and development; (7) sports information
system; and (8) try-out of athlete competence at the
local, national, and international levels in
accordance with the needs (Law of National Sports
System Year 2005 Article 20, Paragraphs 3-5).
Table 1: Analysis of Context of Establishing Special
Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
No Aspect/ Sub-Aspect
* *
Parent and community
The result of the context evaluation shows the forms
of the supports from the three elements as follows.
Government supports: The government plays a
very important role in the establishment of the
national sports achievement. According to the
researcher’s observation, the supports of the Office
of Education, Youth and Sports are through coach
training program, special sports class fund, and
provision of sports facilities and infrastructures.
Article 69 Paragraph 1 of the Law of National
Sports System Year 2005 mentions that the sports
funding is the responsibility of the central
government, local government, and the community.
More specifically, Article 2 mentions that the
central and local governments are obliged to
allocate the region’s earning and expenditure
budget. The government has played its role well and
therefore the funding of the special sports classes
has run well.
The supports of parents and community: The
supports of parents and community are very
important factors in sports development. A good
An Evaluation of Special Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
interaction between coaches and parents becomes
one of the factors, which support the
implementation of special sports classes. The
routine and periodical meeting of parents and school
personnel to inform the students’ improvement
becomes one of the evidences of good
communication between the school and parents.
Parents also give supports in the form of sports
supporting facilities such as sports shoes and
deckers to students individually, as well as moral
supports such as motivation, watching students
doing exercises, and providing transport to and from
out-of-school training venues.
The Banyurejo community: members show their
support by giving permission to the use of
Banyurejo football field for the teaching and
learning activities of special sports classes. No
community member has ever complained of the use
of the field. The community and school can
cooperate well in the use and management of the
field. The community and the students of special
sports classes of SMP N 2 Tempel can use the field
3.2 The Input Analysis of the Input of
the Establishment of Special Sports
Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
The input analysis in the CIPP research is used to
reveal the supports for the implementation of the
establishment process. The input functions as a
consideration in making programs in order to
achieve the expected goal. The following is the table
containing the result of the input analysis of the
establishment of special sports classes at SMP N 2
Table 2: Input Analysis of the Establishment of Special
Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
Aspects/ Sub
1 Finance * *
2 Students **
Facilities and
* * *
The input analysis consists of four aspects
described as follows.
Finance: Finance becomes the supporting factor
in the management of special sports classes because
special sports class programs cannot run optimally if
the financial management is hindered. In Article 69,
Paragraph 1 of the Law of National Sports System
Year 2005 it is mentioned that the sports funding is
the responsibility of the central government, local
government, and the community. More specifically,
Article 2 mentions that the central and local
governments are obliged to allocate the region’s
earning and expenditure budget.
Students: The students who have a special talent
for sports also have the right to get education like
other children do. For this reason, there needs to be
a form of educational institution which can
accommodate them and it does not neglect their
special talent. According to the Law of the Republic
of Indonesia No. 03 Year 2005 on National Sports
System, a sports class is a special class which is
provided in a school for accommodating the
students who have a special talent for sports.
Based on the conducted observation result, the
students in the special sports classes at SMP N 2
Tempel have talent for sports. This can be seen from
so many achievements reached by each student in
sports. To be a student of the special sports class at
SMP N 2 Tempel is not easy. The selection of the
special sports class students of SMP N 2 Tempel
begins earlier than that of the regular students. The
tests that the special sports class students have to
take consist of the medical test, fitness test, and
interview. Sports achievement awards give
additional scores in the selection of new students
enrolled in the special sports classes at SMP N 2
Tempel. The students who do not pass the selection
test can take the regular class selection test.
Facilities and Infrastructures: The availability
of sports facilities and infrastructure must be
considered by various related parties as the
stakeholders of the implementation of special sports
classes. This is due to the fact that interested parties
will get the benefit of the success of the
implementation of special sports classes. For this
reason, the provision of sports facilities and
infrastructure is also the responsibility of several
parties. This is in line with Law No. 3 Year 2005
Article 67 Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 which states:
The central government, local government, and
community are responsible for planning, providing,
utilizing, maintaining, and controlling sports
facilities and infrastructure.
The central government and local government
guarantee the availability of sports infrastructure
which is in line with the standard and needs of the
central government and local government. The
number and type of infrastructure which is built has
to consider the sports potential developing in the
local area. The infrastructure which is built is
obliged to conform to the number and minimum
standard stated by the central government.
Based on the conducted observation result, the
facilities and infrastructures that SMP N 2 Tempel
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
has are quite adequate. The size of the sports ground
meets the standard although the condition is not
standard because the ground is under the possession
of the village authority and it can be used
temporarily by borrowing. The football field is
shared with the villagers, so the students are not
fully free using the sports ground. The bad
condition of the grass makes it difficult for the
students to practice, and during the rainy season the
sports ground is wet and muddy so that it is difficult
to use for training.
As to the sports equipment, the special sports
classes at SMP N 2 Tempel have quite adequate
equipment. The equipment can support the training
activities of the students. Viewed from its condition,
the equipment is still feasible to use in the
implementation of the special sports classes of SMP
N 2 Tempel.
Coaches: In the special sports class program, the
teacher in each sports branch is called instructor or
coach who is assigned and responsible for giving
technical training to students. This is in line with the
regulation in Law No. 3 Year 2005 on National
Sports System Article 63, Paragraph 1 about sports
personnel, which states that sports personnel
consists of coaches, teachers/lecturers, umpires,
juries, managers, promotors, administrators, guides,
ounsellors, instructors, para medics, nutritionists,
biomechanics, psychologists, or other specially
related people participating in sports events.
Based on the result of this study, the teachers of
special sports classes at SMP N 2 Tempel are
coaches who have educational background in sports,
very good competence, and skill in sports as shown
by the coaching licence of each coach. They are ex-
athletes. Their academic qualification is mostly
bachelor in sports education. The coaches of special
sports classes are adjusted to the talent and interest
of each student, and they can be the teachers who
have coach licence in certain sports and who get
recommendation from the Head of the Office of
Education, and the Head of the Office of Youth and
Sports of Sleman Regency.
3.3 Discussion about the Input
Analysis of the Establishment of
Special Sports Classes at SMP N 2
Table 3: Input Analysis of the Establishment of Special
Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
No Aspect/Sub-Aspect
2 Training programs * *
3 Rewards for students **
etition * *
Application of science
and technology
6 Massmedia supports **
Organization management plays a very
important role in the process of building special
sports classes. A good organization management
will support a good process and achievement too.
On the contrary, a poor organization management
tends to make the process and achievement of
special sports class also poor.
Based on the findings in the field, the pattern of
the organization management is very good, with the
manager himself managing the needs of the special
sports classes, separable from other needs. The
management is determined by the Directorate of
Youth and Sports.
The management of special sports classes
arranges the financial needs, needs for equipment,
and schedule of routine training programs. The
organization management at SMP N 2 Tempel has
the management organization structure, special
sports class programs, coordination meeting of
planning, organizing and job distribution, and
evaluation of establishment programs. The
coordination meeting of planning is usually held
prior to the preparation of PORDA, PORPROV and
so forth.
In building achievement sports, special sports
classes must have a training program in order to
have a clear goal in establishing the special sports
classes. The availability of a training program will
facilitate the controlling of the trainings and
programs which are managed.
It was found out that the coaches arranged
training programs periodically. The implementation
of the training programs is adjusted to the needs of
the students and coaches. For example, when
An Evaluation of Special Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel
approaching a competition event, the coach will
apply the training program which has been taught.
However, in routine practice, usually the coach
teaches extra techniques in the branch of sports
being taught.
In order to realize a good establishment, an
athlete has to be facilitated and appreciated. One of
the indicators of good establishment is appreciation
money to students and equipment facilities for
training. It was found out that the school gave
appreciation to students who have good
achievement in sports competition. The amount of
appreciation money is different from one another
depending on the level of the competition an athlete
has participated in. The higher the level of the
competition an athlete takes part in, the bigger the
appreciation money the school will give him/her.
The school also provides training facilities to
facilitate students practice in school.
Competition is one of the ways for measuring
and evaluating the success of the establishment
program in special sports classes. Through
competition, a special sports class will know its
improvement. In addition, the class will also be able
to compare its competence with other classes’. The
term ‘competition’ used in this research consists of
two types: internal competition and external
competition. The findings in the field show the
following information.
Internal competition is the competition occurring
in a special sports class. It is aimed at selecting
main athletes and reserved ones in the preparation
for external competition. The students compete for
becoming the athletes in the principal team. They
show their superiority over the others in order to be
selected by their coach. The coach has every right to
decide who is selected to be an athlete in the
principal and reserved teams, and those selected will
usually represent their school in external
External competition is the competition held
outside a special sports class or school in the form
of championship. The special sports class of SMP N
2 Tempel often participates in championships at the
regional and national levels. The championships
that it participates in include PORDA, PORPROV,
Gala Siswa, O2SN, and many others.
In this era, science and technology develops
very rapidly in all walks of life, including sports.
Therefore, ideally in order to support the process of
establishing and training in special sports classes,
science and technology must be put into account.
The function of applying science and technology in
sports is to understand the basic competence of
athletes, including their fitness level, agility, speed,
health, and also evaluate the improvement of their
competence, individually and in a team.
The result of the observation in the field shows
that the coach of the special sports class of SMP N 2
Tempel has not used science and technology
optimally. He uses only a mobile phone to show the
video in the Youtube about news or the techniques
in a certain branch of sports. He does not apply
science and technology holistically in the training
program that he has arranged.
Mass media plays a very important role in all
walks of life. The aims can be to promote,
document, and so on. In sports, mass media can
become the channel to promote special sports
classes and their achievement to the community at
large. Based on the data from the field, SMP N 2
Tempel has ever been covered by the daily
newspaper Kedaulatan Rakyat when it became the
champion of Special Sports Class Competition at
the provincial level.
3.4 Discussion about Product Analysis
of the Establishment of Special
Sports Class at SMP N 2 Tempel
Table 4: Product Analysis of the Establishment of Special
Sports Class at SMP N 2 Tempel
Aspect/ Sub
1 Achievement ***
According to Law No. 3 Year 2005 on National
Sports System, Paragraph 20, achievement sports
are done by every individual who has talent, ability,
and potential to make sports achievement. The
achievement to reach in achievement sports is the
activity of winning competition in sports in a graded
The research findings show that the achievement
made by the special sports class of SMP N 2
Tempel is very good. This can be seen from so
many champions reached by the students in that
class, at the local, provincial, and national levels.
One of the prestigious achievements for SMP N 2
Tempel is the winner of chess championship among
special sports classes in Yogyakarta Special
Territory in 2018. This shows that the special sports
class of SMP N 2 Tempel is one of the best special
sports classes in Yogyakarta Special Territory.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Based on the result of the evaluation of the context,
input, process, and product of the establishment of
the special sports class of SMP N 2 Tempel, the
following conclusions can be drawn.
The context evaluation shows that the
establishment program of the special sports class of
SMP N Tempel is in a good category, due to the
supports from the government, in the form of both
the financial support and the facilities supporting
the development of the special sports class. Besides,
the community in the nearby area also support the
special sports class.
The evaluation of the input shows that the
implementation of the establishment of the special
sports class at SMP N 2 Tempel is in a fairly good
category, despite the not maximal efforts to get
financial supports from sponsors, and too few
futsal grounds which are internally standard.
The result of the process evaluation shows that
the implementation of the establishment program of
the special sports class of SMP N 2 Tempel runs
well due to the open management, rewards for
students, and well-graded students’ participation in
competition. However, a special attention should be
paid to the lack of use of science and technology in
training programs.
The result of product evaluation shows that the
establishment of special sports class of SMP N 2
Tempel is considered successful when the students
have good achievement in competition at the
district, provincial, and national levels. The
intensity of participation in a competition will give
the opportunity to make more achievement of every
sports club. The school achievement will be better if
the teaching is supported by the context, input and
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An Evaluation of Special Sports Classes at SMP N 2 Tempel