Digital Transformation and the Impact in Knowledge Management
Gabriel Petana
and Carlos A. Rosa
UNIDCOM - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação da Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: BizDevOps, Context-awareness, UX Engineering, Decision Support and Data Analytics.
Abstract: Nowadays, digital transformation is forcing companies to reach a new level of productivity and digital
evolution. Small and autonomous is winning over large and centralized. Digital transformation requires the
adoption of more agile business processes and the development of new customer-facing digital services. It
means creating scale through reusable services and enabling self-service consumption of those services.
Business processes and transactions can be automated with the composition of microservices. We will see
that the principle of composability allows microservices to deliver value to the business in different contexts.
The paper also explains how a BizDevOps philosophy with references to microservices allows rapid
adaptations of requirements to fast-changing needs in businesses, outlining the importance of business process
automation for companies to acquire the know-how to implement a just-in-time diachronic dialogue. It
presents the alignment of the proposed framework with a digital strategy. Assembling a multidisciplinary
team is foreseen as a key factor in developing innovative capabilities to react to new customer demands,
enabling the company to stay competitive and continuously address customer expectations, differentiating
tacit from explicit knowledge.
In the past ten years, companies felt the need to
digitize their business operations and establish a
business unit dedicated to building and operating
customer-oriented digital services. As companies
create and expand their digitally transform, they need
to unify data, processes, coordination, and
measurement of the moving parts that make up a
modern, omnichannel customer experience (Ermine
2013). Hence, many companies foster the automation
of internal processes to become more competitive.
It means creating cross-functional teams where
the team members share problems, solutions, and
tools to (re)think not only how to address customers
needs but also to (re)design existing business
processes. The emergent tendency is to build
BizDevOps teams for the ideation, creation,
development, and operation of new digital services
(Chasioti 2019). The concept is being introduced by
more and more companies to create smaller
empowered teams and to break down the borders
between people traditionally associated with
Business (Biz), Development (Dev), and Operations
(Ops) departments. The lack of communication and
cooperation between these people has promoted the
creation of knowledge silos, causing the company
inefficiencies and business opportunities not well
explored because of underexplored synergies
between the three teams.
The BizDevOps team has an agile mentality and
adopts a small-scale, highly focused team framework
to rapidly innovate on defined units of business value.
They are responsible for continuously (re)defining
the business for certain (micro)services and
monitoring customer experience/satisfaction. In the
digital economy, the BizDevOps team has a high
degree of autonomy in designing the functions and
architecture of microservices, and therefore
contributes to business-IT-alignment in a new way.
The implementation of a BizDevOps philosophy with
references to microservices requires the adoption of
an effective “digital enterprise architecture”.
In this paper, we present a framework named
Matryoskas Sequence for Knowledge and Innovation
(MATSKI). This framework provides a holistic view
Petana, G. and Rosa, C.
Digital Transformation and the Impact in Knowledge Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0010134001800187
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 180-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
of supporting the transformation of raw data into
knowledge, using it in an eective manner to
generate a sustainable competitive advantage in the
knowledge economy. The framework was
scientifically funded on an integrated modeling
sequence for organizational management and just-in-
time transformation for a competitive, efficient, and
valuable performance in the market (Rosa and
Pestana, 2019).
Consumers continue to raise their expectations for
products and services. Therefore, the ability to
convert data into embedded knowledge is currently
considered a valuable intangible asset. In this field,
the possibility of providing decision makers with
contextual insights about stakeholders’ perceptions
and attitudes is a key concept to meet customer
expectations and improve business performance and
competitiveness at all levels. Knowledge
management and innovation seem to be axial
paradigm of the development of the digital economy
(Malhotra, 2001; Gloet and Berrell, 2003; Nilla and
Kemp,2009, Rosa and Pestana, 2019), and the
survival of business models that are interested in
analyzing and understanding the market’s perception
of a specific product or brand.
This introduction is followed by section 2, in
which we outline why companies felt the need to
digitally transform their business operations,
establishing fast digital business units dedicated to
build and operate digital customer-facing
microservices. Section 3 describes the
methodological approach we employed by presenting
the theoretical framework associated with the
MATSKI, including a detailed presentation of two of
the business processes within the proposed
framework. Finally, in Section 4, conclusions are
presented with an outlook for future work.
2.1 Multidisciplinary Teams and
With digital transformation, two concepts have
emerged: microservices and BizDevOps. Both are
practices designed to provide greater agility and
operational efficiency. Research on business
architecture that uses a BizDevOps philosophy and
refers to microservices to support product
digitization, outlines the formation of
multidisciplinary teams to achieve common goals and
jointly develop innovative capabilities with a single
functional view to respond to the needs of new
customers in order to stay competitive (Drews 2017)
- digital disruptions. Therefore, meeting customer
needs is an ongoing challenge that requires constant
innovation to retain and maintain customer loyalty.
As shown in Figure 1, we will have a BizDevOps
team when the developer team and the operations
team work with business personnel throughout the
project development cycle. Having such a multi-
disciplinary team aligned with the business line it
supports, we can use agile thinking to meet the
specific needs of customers, save money, make
business models more stable, and make people
happier and more productive (Forbrig 2017).
The BizDevOps approach can facilitate
collaboration and communication between managers,
business analysts, and development teams to build
new business models to enhance interaction with
customers. However, BizDevOps can only work
when the right people, processes, and technology are
involved. Thanks to this technology, real-time data
analysis (i.e., just-in-time) can also be provided for
business processes, enabling collaborative workflows
to create continuous delivery pipelines, which puts
forward new requirements for maintaining
operational excellence. And the realization of
enhanced or new (digital) business models with
higher quality and lower risk
According to the literature (O’Reilly, 2018;
Kotler, 2017), there are a few dominant
characteristics for the new business models in the
digital economy: (1) companies with separation of the
production means (e.g., access instead of possession);
(2) use of technological platforms for knowledge
management and interaction (24/7 co-creation and
dialogue); (3) a variable geometry service and prices
(algorithms adjust supply according to demand); and
(4) custom work subcontracted to measure.
There are some notorious illustrative examples: Uber
revolutionized transportation and food delivery,
WhatsApp broke the foundation of messaging and
communication, AirBnB revolutionized the
accommodation and leisure economy, RedBox
changed video and media rentals, and Netflix became
a major player in the entertainment industry, Lyft
leads the American demand-car company, Farfetched
is the top online luxury fashion retail platform; Glovo
has become the leading fast door-to-door delivery
service for small goods; Amazon is the world’s most
delivered company; Google, Instagram, Dropbox and
Slack are huge world communication platform
leaders, etc.
Digital Transformation and the Impact in Knowledge Management
Figure 1: The difference between a traditional and a
BizDevOps approach, adapted from (Schrader 2018).
All these examples apply new business models
(competing with traditional models), and are
supported by a build-to-order or Just-in-time
(knowledge sharing and transformation) management
model, with “zero” stock and a substantial increase in
the operational efficiency and business profitability.
In this case, innovation is strongly generated from
users in a permanent (24/7) dialogue, and the lead
users (i.e., early users, domain experts, opinion
leaders and influencers) become the “core engine” of
this diachronic flow of co-creation (creative
The participation of these users potentializes the
discovering of the “golden nuggets” (e.g., best
innovative ideas and concepts) to feed new business
processes with lower costs, which can be afforded by
SMEs and micro-organization. In this area, it is
foreseeable that continuous innovation is a
sustainable process that can support the response to
new requirements and changing market demands, and
establish new business models to empower customer
Since customers are more demanding than ever
before and will abandon businesses that are too slow
to respond, all businesses strive to provide an ideal
customer experience. The microservice-based
architecture shapes the delivery of solutions to the
business in the form of services, thereby providing a
holistic and unified omni-channel customer
experience. Companies that adopt microservices,
together with a BizDevOps philosophy, share
common approaches to the role of the technology in
providing decision-makers with the right tools and
information they need in their daily business
operations (MuleSof 2016). As such, identifying and
defining digital assets that are align with core
business capabilities is critical.
A microservice that encapsulates core business
functions and comply with usability design principles
to promote a smart user experience should be
regarded as true digital assets. Positioning
microservices as a valuable asset of the enterprise
implicitly promotes the adaptability of microservices
and enables them to be used in multiple contexts. The
same service can be reused in multiple business
processes or on different business channels or digital
touchpoints as needed. By applying the principle of
loose coupling, the dependence between the service
and its users can be minimized. Adopting this design
method (i.e., microservices encapsulate the functions
of a specific business domain) helps other
groups/applications to discover these
The principle of composability allows aggregated
services to create value for the business in different
contexts. The addition of data analytic techniques
also helps to bring value to the business, because it
enables the service to be used in a variety of
Microservices are interoperable in nature.
Because their interfaces are defined according to
existing standards at the industry level, they facilitate
the exchange of information regardless of how they
are implemented. If microservices use standard
protocols (such as RESTful API) to expose their
interfaces, they can be used and reused by other
services and applications without direct coupling
through language binding or shared libraries.
2.2 Total Quality Management
Theoretical Framework
The design method can also benefit from a Total
Quality Management (TQM) ideology to build
potentially shippable product increments, which
speeds the deployment pipeline, achieving a result
that culminates in bringing changes to production as
quickly as possible and in line with customers´
expectations. Organizational development and
transformations should be applied under a TQM
framework (Yusuf, 2007; Talib, 2013; Rosa 2014),
aiming to meet full customer satisfaction and
recommendation and higher business performance
and competitiveness at all levels.
Furthermore, it can be observed that (...) the high
competitive level of the market ... implies the
development of technical quality management
systems – also designated TQM (Total Quality
Management) - in which technological systems of the
dynamic type of collection can be integrated by
information modules with feedback and/or dialogue
(...), (Rosa, 2014).
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
TQM has been extensively discussed in the
literature … as a management philosophy
characterized by its principles, practices, and
strategies that emphasizes upon continuous
improvement in quality, increased involvement of
employees, the commitment of top management,
employee empowerment, teamwork,
benchmarking, leadership, rewards and
recognition, feedback and relationship with
suppliers (Talib, 2013).
The implementation of the TQM framework
should thus consider three fundamental operational
aspects: (1) commitment, (2) involvement, and (3)
continuous improvement. Commitment as a never-
ending (e.g., diachronic) improvement process for
quality and services delivery to the customer;
involvement of all the team members in achieving a
common goal; and of continuous improvement by
monitoring and correcting any error and defects on
the spot (i.e., just-in-time).
3.1 The MATSKI Landscape with
Digital Strategy
In this section, we present the MATSKI
(Rosa e Pestana, 2019), a holistic framework that
supports the transformation of raw data into
embedded knowledge. The simultaneous
management of tacit knowledge and explicit
knowledge helps to transform the organizational
knowledge in the diachronic knowledge flow, in
which learning, sharing and interaction are the basic
functions, which can continuously acquire new
knowledge and consolidate existing knowledge,
thereby bringing a strong competitive advantage to
the organization. In this knowledge flow process, it is
important to distinguish between tacit form explicit
knowledge. Generally, tacit knowledge is defined as
embedded in individuals (i.e., not documented
possessed by an expert), and explicit knowledge is
defined as existing in documents, books of rules,
databases and other record formats (i.e., well-
Inspired by the Matryoskas concept - or Russian dolls
metaphor. Also referred in the literature as the “matryoshka
scientific principle”. This is a technique to adapt, enhance
or create new processes when needed. The principle was
originally used in the computing industry, where systems
This holistic, integrated framework empirically
confirms the parsimony of a collaborative
multichannel communication flow (e.g., a just-in-
time diachronic dialogue) with customers and the
stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, distributors, and
employees), encapsulated within the basic
operational aspects of the TQM framework and
controlled by performance metrics (e.g., just-in-time
KPIs), synchronized with the gathering of new
knowledge obtained by data semantics, context
awareness analysis, and visual data analytics,
originated by the co-creative interactions that reveal
the most valued insights – designated as the Gold
From a high-level perspective, the MATSKI
landscape consists in three conceptual pillars:
Processes, Technology, and People’s skills
operationalized by (1) an ontological model for the
Processes pillar; (2) an operational model for the
Technology pillar; and (3) an applied model for the
People’s Skills pillar. The knowledge value chain
presented in Figure 2 provides a knowledge
management (KM) framework to analyze the value
added by each KM process. In this chain, information
is the result of data processing, knowledge is the
result of information processing, and wisdom is the
result of knowledge processing. The objective is to
provide an analysis and action framework that will
make it possible to act on the value chain and improve
the company’s performance, gradually steering the
company toward greater cognitive capacities.
The digital strategy endorses digital governance,
which is fundamental to define a clear responsibility
of aligning the role of the BizDevOps team with the
company policies, business (digital) services, and
customers’ expectations. This alignment is essential
to create competitive advantages and future value-
added for the stakeholders. Digital governance, when
effectively defined and implemented, will for sure,
help the development of digital and agile business and
sustainable company (Welchman, 2015; Almarabeh,
2009). Figure 2 represents the fit of these overall
strategies. The InovaFlow (an ontological meta-
system) maps how tacit knowledge is captured to
diachronically feed the creation of (new) explicit
knowledge and transform it into (new) embedded
and processes can be built inside one another, but it can also
be adapted to modelling an organizational or business
Digital Transformation and the Impact in Knowledge Management
Source: Ribeiro, R. (2020)
Figure 2: The alignment of the MATSKI landscape with digital strategy.
The Organizational Knowledge process deals
with aspects for processing explicit and implicit
knowledge integration, and for embedded knowledge
updating. The Consumer Knowledge process is
relevant for capturing life stories and narratives, for
stakeholders learning, sharing, and interacting, and
for the development of Community of Practice and
living labs for ideation, development, and testing of
new products/services. The Market Knowledge deals
with the environmental and benchmark of
competitors. It is focused on serving customers in
ways that are differentiated from competitors,
creating a unique user experience. In section 3.2, a
detailed collaboration diagram is presented for the
two (first) process of the InovaFlow.
A digital strategy aligned with business process
automation enables companies to acquire the know-
how to convert digital value propositions of their
businesses into revenue-generating digital offers
(Ross, 2018). One way to achieve this goal is by
promoting cooperation and dynamic interactions
between business units. As outlined in section 2.1,
microservices are intrinsically interoperable. They
facilitate an exchange of information independent of
how they have been implemented. If microservices
expose their interfaces with a standard protocol, such
a RESTful APIs, they can be consumed and reused by
other services and applications in a simple and
automated way. That means they will optimize their
internal operation functions, to engage new
experiences to customers. These experiences are able
to create unique emotional relations and new views of
loyalty between the customer and the company in a
continuous operation referred to as optimum market
value function.
3.2 Business Process Management
Mastering business processes for new products or
services development, and how they must be adapted
for end-users and just-in-time management, have
become key elements in achieving competitiveness in
modern companies. In this domain, the automation of
business processes is emerging to a semantic
paradigm, modeling, and implementation approach. It
is considered to be one of the most valuable assets for
organizations since its management appropriation
helps companies to quickly adapt their business goals
and structures to environmental changes while
maintaining or improving their competitiveness
(Ross, 2018).
These are the many reasons why business process
management (BPM) is becoming so important. BPM
represents a disciplined approach to “working” with
automated and non-automated business processes in
order to achieve consistent and targeted results that
are aligned with an organization’s strategic goals
(Ribeiro, 2020). As such, BPM roles are usually
related to business roles, such as domain experts and
data analysts. But, it is also important that technical
roles, like developers, should be involved in
managing activities within business processes, as
process models provide a good point of
communication between all the participants in the
process workflow.
In order to be understood by a BizDevOps team
and become interoperable between IT tools, BPM
must be based on standardized notations that are
usually symbol-based or graphical. A well-designed
business process diagram, which is based on a
standardized notation, such as Business Process
Model and Notation (BPMN), can positively affect
most BPM activities and improve both intra- and
inter-organizational communication as well as
fostering collaboration.
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
BPMN 2.0 is a notation that uses standardized
symbols to denote events, activities, tasks,
connections, etc. Once a process is specified by
articulating ‘who’ does ‘what’ including the
interaction with others – the BPMN is able to
explicate the dynamic structure of an organization
based on existing functional components and
facilitates specifying novel organizational behavior
patterns. This notation must be learned by the creators
of the workflow in order to enter it into a system.
Figure 3 presents how the Organizational Knowledge
and the Consumer Knowledge processes from the
MATSKI modelization were implemented using
BPMN 2.0 to model the information workflow and
interaction between the team elements participating
in each process.
The MATSKI provides a practical framework for
managing the company’s knowledge, providing a
dynamic Just-in-Time flow for continuous
improvement and innovation of the business model.
As outlined in Figure 3, it is central to any digital
strategy the deployment of a Knowledge database (K-
Vault) where the reported information is saved as a
Knowledge Object. Each Object is searchable and
reusable in a multitude of ways. Once in place,
Knowledge Objects can be shared with other
members, or with other teams - embedded knowledge
sharing. In this case, microservices facilitate an
exchange of information. They have a key role in the
workflow for situational-awareness, keeping the
BizDevOps team informed about any “golden
nuggets” the system might identify (resulting from
the cognitive analysis and the data analytic tasks).
Figure 3: Collaboration diagram for A) Organizational Knowledge process and B) Customer Knowledge process.
Digital Transformation and the Impact in Knowledge Management
It is also understood that knowledge partners can
increase understanding and may contribute to
embedded knowledge updating. Therefore, multiple
knowledge partners (K-Partner) continuously feed
the system with additional information (DO1); this
information needs to be classified and analyzed based
on an existing business rule or inferred know-how
derived from new knowledge objectives (K-
objectives) which may retroactively update the
company embedded knowledge, and consequently
triggering new actions. This dynamic, just-in-time
management of the company K-Vault operates on the
promise of empowering companies to capture and
repurpose their unique (tribal) knowledge that is so
often and easily lost. The K-Vault is different from
previous works on automatic knowledge base
construction as it combines noisy extractions from K-
Partners with prior knowledge, which is derived from
existing knowledge bases. A knowledge base
combines extraction from Web content (obtained via
analysis of text, tabular data, page structure, and
human annotations). With MATSKI it is employed
supervised machine learning methods for fusing these
distinct information sources. The Consumer
Knowledge process enables an approach to specific
Communities of Practice (CoP) and use of technology
(e.g., Chatbot and innovative graphical voice-based
interfaces; interactive dashboards and omnichannel
awareness mechanisms) to promote interactive
dialogs with knowledge customers (K-Client) to
capture the market perception and/or to
perceive/anticipate customers preferences, interests,
and needs. The process is focused on interactions,
structuring communication between the parties
defining in which sequence messages are received or
sent, and how internal actions are executed.
However, according to the MATSKI ontological
meta system, knowledge about subjects and their
interactions needs to be elicited in the course of future
research. The goal is to gain a knowledge-driven view
of the business processes that need to be in place to
support the MATSKI workflow both within and
outside the organization. We need to focus both, on
streamlining organizational and technology
development in order to coherently address the
mental, conceptual, and technological layer. The
mental layer embodies the shift of mindsets towards
concurrent interactions. The conceptual layer is
required to establish corresponding models (i.e.,
implementation-independent representations), while
the technical layer captures infrastructure to be set up
for acquisition, representation, processing, and
distribution of the embedded knowledge.
Digital transformation requires the adoption of more
agile business processes and the development of new
customer-facing digital services. For many
companies, the digital modeling of their own
processes still ranks as a major challenge that takes
much time and involves in-depth coordination
between subject-specific departments and the IT unit.
This paper outlines the need for companies to adopt a
digital strategy and how organizations can help their
stakeholders becoming more engaged in driving
competitive advantage framed by or based on,
adopting a BizDevOps approach (i.e., the integration
of domain experts with development and operational
teams), with a convergent vision on establishing new
business models to empower customer interaction. A
BizDevOps approach can facilitate collaboration and
communication between management, business
analysts, and development teams for establishing new
business models to empower customer interactions
and knowledge sharing and learning.
As companies create and expand their digital
presence, they need to unify data and processes,
coordinate and measure all moving parts that make up
the modern, omnichannel customer experience.
Hence, many companies foster the automation of
internal processes to become more competitive. A
microservices architecture shapes the delivery of
solutions to the business in the form of services,
providing a holistic and uniform experience to the
customer across all the business channels
In digital business, customers are more willing to
try new options than ever before. New competitors
may bypass established companies in a short time
with little or no indication they were a threat until they
show up on the customer’s doorstep. This means that
the digitalization of the business, as well as shorter
innovation cycles and changing customer demand,
resulting in new requirements for maintaining
operational excellence as well as to enable enhanced
or new (digital) business models.
The paper presented the MATSKI framework as a
holistic framework that supports the transformation
of raw data into knowledge in an effective just-in-
time manner. The corresponding knowledge value
chain was introduced to examine and analyze the
activities of knowledge management that are seen as
a key factor in realizing and sustaining organizational
success for improved efficiency, innovation, and
competition in the digital economy. In such a
knowledge-based approach, it is important the
distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge. The
Organizational Knowledge process and the Customer
Knowledge process were both described in detail
using a BPMN collaboration diagram. They define in
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
which sequence messages are received or sent, and
internal actions are executed. The introduction of
advanced modeling features reflects the capability of
BPMN to capture complex business cases while
ensuring operational coherence, promoting
interoperability for business process automation.
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