Using Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Water Quality of Ibn
Battuta Dam (Tangier, Morocco)
El Mustapha Azzirgue
, Farida Salmoun
, El Khalil Cherif
, Taha Ait Tchakoucht
and Nezha Mejjad
Physico-chemistry Laboratory of Materials, Natural Substances and Environment (LAMSE),
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Tangier, Morocco
Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Euromed University, Fes, Morocco
Department of Geology, LGAGE, Faculty of Sciences Ben M'Sik, Hassan II University,
B.P 7955, Casablanca 20670, Morocco,,
Keywords: Water Quality, Dissolved Oxygen, Machine Learning, Ibn Batouta Dam.
Abstract: Ibn Batouta dam was built in 1977 next to catchment outlet and provides the Tangier-Assilah cities inhabitants
with drinking water. The present study aims to assess the quality of Ibn Batouta dam water and use machine
learning approaches to predict the future water quality of this dam. We select Dissolved Oxygen as the vital
quality factor to be forecasted. A Long-short term memory (LSTM) network and a fully connected multilayer
perceptron (MLP) are employed to predict Dissolved Oxygen in the next five years. The two models are
assessed concerning, for data collected over twenty-one years (between 1998 and 2019) from Ibn Battuta
station. The two models performances are compared and evaluated based on three metrics, Mean Square Error
(MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Experimental results show that
LSTM outperforms MLP by reducing RMSE, MSE and MAE respectively by 87%, 98% and 88%, indicating
that the LSTM model is more accurate in tackling time series.
Water makes up about 70% of the globe's surface and
is vital for sustaining life (Umair Ahmed et al., 2019).
Dam water is an essential source for the supply of
drinking water, irrigation, etc. Besides their essential
roles in agriculture, dam water offers special
conditions for aquatic flora and fauna (Ouhmidou et
al., 2015). In Morocco, the growing water needs for
irrigation, electricity production, and the supply of
drinking water have necessitated constructing many
dams (Mohamed ACHMIT et al. ,2017). Due to
urbanization expansion, population growth and
intensification of agriculture, freshwater has become
the most endangered ecosystem type in large parts of
the world, experiencing widespread historical and
continuing declines in land use quantity and quality
of habitats and abundance of many species (S.
Jannicke Moe et al. ,2019).
The use of conventional methods to assess the
quality of surface water is generally expensive and
time consuming. However, applying the artificial
intelligence models can overcome this problem by
predicting and evaluating water quality using
Physico-chemical parameters as characteristics (Ali
El Bilali et al. ,2021). Artificial intelligence
algorithms for modelling water quality have been
explored in recent years (Amir Mosavi et al., 2018).
These algorithms explore the hidden and complex
relationships between input and output variables to
generate models that best represent these
relationships. Numerous advantages of Artificial
intelligence models over traditional physical and
statistical models are as follow: the data needed for
Artificial intelligence models can be collected
relatively in an easy way, sometimes from remote
sensing platforms; Artificial intelligence models are
less sensitive compared to traditional approaches to
missing data; the structures of Artificial intelligence
models are flexible, non-linear and robust; and
Artificial intelligence models can process enormous
amounts of data at different scales (Costabile, P. et
Azzirgue, E., Salmoun, F., Cherif, E., Ait Tchakoucht, T. and Mejjad, N.
Using Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Water Quality of Ibn Battuta Dam (Tangier, Morocco).
DOI: 10.5220/0010734100003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd Inter national Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 350-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
al. 2013) (Fernández-Pato, J et al. 2016). This work
aims at forecasting Dissolved O2 for up to the next
five years, based on historical values of (pH, T °,
Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, MES, PT, Chl a,
NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, PO43-, SO42-) parameters,
hence predicting the quality of the dam water Ibn
Batouta, using artificial intelligence. The results
obtained are positively promising, and the proposed
approach offers an effective alternative to calculate
and predict the water quality of the Ibn Batouta dam.
Our study area, located at the South-East of Tangier
(far from Tangier, about 17 km) (Azzirgue EM, and
Salmoun F, 2019). The commune of Sebt Zinat houses
the Ibn Battuta dam, a source of drinking water for
Tangier. The town belongs to the Tanger Assilah
province, part of the Tanger-Tetouan Al Hoceima
region. It is bounded to the north by el Aouama
commune, to the west by el Menzela commune, to the
east by Jouamaa commune and to the south by Dar
Chaoui commune (SETRAGEC 2018).
Figure 1: Geographical location of the study area and
samples points.
3.1 Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
The multilayer perceptron is the most famous feed-
forward artificial neuron network (signals are
transferred in one direction). It mainly comprises
three components, an input layer containing input
features, a hidden layer of neurons, and an output
layer. Neurons are small computing units that use a
non-linear function called the activation function.
MLP adopts a supervised learning technique (output
is known) that uses backpropagation to train the
Model. MLP is different from a simple perceptron in
the way that it can separate data that are not linearly
separable and thus is appropriate for complex
classification and regression problems. (Marius et al.,
3.2 Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Long-Short Term Memory artificial neural network is
a category of recurrent neural networks that is a well-
suited architecture for dealing with sequence data, as
it has memory (feedback) connections and hence can
catch temporal dependencies. LSTM was developed
to overcome the problems of vanishing gradient
encountered with traditional RNN models and the
issue of short-time memory. LSTM is mainly
composed of 4 components, a cell that memorizes
sequences of previous time steps as well as three
additional gates, namely, input, output, and forgets
gates that manage information transmission to and
from the cell (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997).
3.3 The Architecture of the Approach
Dissolved Oxygen forecasting architecture is built
upon the following steps, as shown in figure 2.
Step1: Data pre-processing. Since data is time
series, it should be reframed to a supervised learning
problem to predict Dissolved oxygen at the current
year (t), given Dissolved oxygen and other
parameters at the initial time step (t-1).
Figure 2: Architecture of the approach.
For this purpose, the models will be trained on
data from 15 years and applied to forecast the five
remaining years in the reframed dataset, given the
Using Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Water Quality of Ibn Battuta Dam (Tangier, Morocco)
fundamental values of Dissolved Oxygen. Data is
normalized to speed up the convergence of gradient
descent algorithm using Min-Max technique applied
on each input parameter according to the equation (1):
𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Step2: Splitting normalized data into training and
testing sets and feeding them to two separate models,
namely LSTM and MLP, then train the models for a
several epochs, with weights initialized randomly.
Train and test losses are then plotted.
Step3: The trained models are used to forecast
Dissolved Oxygen up to five years in the future
(number of observations in the test set). Predicted
values are combined with input values, and then
normalization is inverted to get back to the original
scaling. The same is done for actual values combined
with input values. Predicted and actual Dissolved
oxygen values in their initial scaling are extracted,
and performance metrics (rmse, mse, mae) are
4.1 Experimental Data
Data used in the analysis were collected over twenty
one years (between 1998 and 2019) from Ibn Battuta
station (21 observations, one observation for each
year). Each instance in the dataset refers to a specific
year, in which water quality is measured in a
delimited area in the dam, based on 12 parameters
(pH, T °, Conductivity, Dissolved O2, MES, PT, Chl
a, NO2--, NO3-, NH4 +, PO43-, SO42-).
Experiments were performed using Keras, and sci-
kit-learn frameworks, in a PC 64-bit OS with 8GB
RAM and Intel i5 1.6GHz, 1.8GHz. Figure 3 shows
time series plots for each input parameter. Dissolved
Oxygen is selected as the critical factor to be
4.2 Results and Discussion
4.2.1 Qualitative Results
LSTM and MLP Learning techniques are used to
build two models to perform Dissolved Oxygen
prediction and then are compared to adopt the most
accurate approach. The best results were found for the
following network configurations. We set MLP
network with one hidden dense layer of 100 neurons
Figure 3: Time series of involved parameters.
and one dense output layer for predicting Dissolved
Oxygen. Weights are randomly initialized. Stochastic
gradient descent (sgd) is used as an optimizer. The
training was performed with 30 epochs and tested
over a test set at each period. Figure 4 show train and
test losses for the MLP model, with network as
mentioned above.
We forecast Dissolved Oxygen for the next five
years given prior Dissolved Oxygen and other input
parameters values. Figure 5 shows the time series for
both actual values (ground truth) and predictions for
the next five years (the 1st year is 0 in the x-axis).
LSTM was configured to include one hidden layer
with 100 units and one dense output unit for
prediction. Training is performed with 100 epochs
and a batch size of 5 samples and a learning rate of
0.001. Weights are randomly initialized.
Figure 4: Train and Test losses for LSTM model.
Figure 5: Time series of both actual and predicted
Dissolved Oxygen in the next five years using MLP model.
Adam version of gradient descent is used as an
optimizer. At each epoch, the model is evaluated on a
validation set (test set). Mean Squared Error Losses
for both training and testing, with respect to the
LSTM model, are shown in figure 6.
Figure 6: Train and Test losses for LSTM model.
Dissolved Oxygen is predicted for the next five
years. Figure 7 displays the time series for both actual
values (ground truth) and predictions for the next five
years (the 1
year is 0 on the x-axis), using the LSTM
Figure 7: Time series of both actual and predicted
Dissolved Oxygen in the next five years using LSTM
Figure 4 and figure 5 show that losses are
decreasing considerably at an early time, proving that
convergence is fast. It can be observed as well that
LSTM loss converges faster than MLP loss.
As accurately. This is also observed from figure 5
and figure 7, which show that the accuracy of
prediction decreases as the prediction time step
increases. Moreover, the values of predicted and
actual Dissolved Oxygen in LSTM at each year are
closer to each other than those belonging to the MLP
model, which yields errors (mse, mae and rmse) that
are smaller.
4.2.2 Quantitative Results
To assess the prediction performance over the next
five years, the two models are assessed concerning for
three metrics, mean squared error (mse), mean
absolute error (mae), and root mean squared
error(rmse). Table 1 exhibits a summary of the
Table 1: Evaluation of the two models
MLP 6.2543 2.3911
LSTM 0.0924 0.2844
The smaller the values of the aforementioned
metrics, the better is the prediction accuracy of the
model. MAE represents the average distance between
the predicted value and the actual value. MSE is the
average of the squared difference between predicted
and actual values. RMSE is the square root of MSE,
that gives errors in the same units as the variable
From Table 1, it can be clearly shown that LSTM
performs better than MLP in every single metric, as it
reduces MSE, MAE, and RMSE respectively by
98.5%, 88% and 87%.
The LSTM model is capable of memorizing long-
time steps, which allows for accurately predicting
long-time durations.
Using Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Water Quality of Ibn Battuta Dam (Tangier, Morocco)
The purpose of this study was to assess whether the
two machine learning models are efficient in
predicting the quality of Ibn Batouta dam water and
to identify key water parameters allowing rapid and
accurate monitoring of water quality (K. Chen et al.
2020) (M. Najafzadeh et al. 2020). Dam water quality
prediction performance was comprehensively
compared, and potential key water parameters were
also defined and validated. Through this work, the
main conclusions are:
1. LSTM performs better than MLP in each
measurement because it is able to memorize
longtime steps, which can accurately predict long
2. The key parameters of water (Dissolved Oxygen)
have been identified and validated by the two
learning models MLP and LSTM.
3. Enriching the dataset with more experimental data
can help in tuning the applied models and thus
increasing the forecasting accuracy
4. Machine learning is recommended for future
monitoring of dam water quality, as it could
provide timely and accurate environmental alerts
and further increase the efficiency of forecasting
and decrease the cost of the dam forecast in the
future monitoring of water quality.
The authors would like to thank all the collaborators
within this work, from the Field sampling, laboratory
analysis and writing manuscript team. El Khalil
Cherif supported by FCT with the LARSyS - FCT
Project UIDB/50009/2020 and by FCT project
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