Testing Inhibitory Power of Avocado Seed Extract (Persea americana
Mill.) for the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
Ni Wayan Sukma Antari
, Ida Ayu Manik Damayanti
, A. A. Istri Mas Padmiswari
Nadya Treesna Wulan Sari
, I Gusti Bagus Teguh Ananta
and Putu Rima Sityadewi
Faculty of Health, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Avocado Seeds, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli.
Abstract: Infections are commonly treated using traditional medicine, especially made of natural ingredients such as
plants. The use of medicinal plants for complementary or alternative traditional medicine, increases.
Medicinal plants are considered to have fewer side effects when compared to chemical-based drugs. Apart
from that, low price and accessibility are two aspects that medicinal plants contribute to be traditional
medicine. One of the medicinal plants is avocado seeds (P. americana) which has the potential to be an
alternative source of antibacterial ingredient. This study tested the inhibition power of avocado seed extract
for the growth of E. coli and S. aureus bacteria; furthermore, it determined levels of phytochemical
compounds (tannins and flavonoids) in avocado seed extracts. The experimental design used in this study was
Completely Randomized Design (CRD). This study involved four types of avocado seed extract
concentration: 10%, 15%, 20%, and control. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively using a computer
statistics program (SPSS 22.0 for Windows). To test the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
was carried out; if the data were not normal, the Kruskal Wallis test was carried out. To see the homogeneity
of the variance, the Leven's test was employed. The effect of the treatment was tested using the One-way
ANOVA test. If the test showed a significant result, the process was continued by the performing Duncan's
multiple range test with a confidence level of 5% (p < 0.05).
Avocado is a popular fruit in Indonesia. Generally,
avocados have thick yellowish-green flesh and a
brownish seed in the middle. The fruit has widely
been used as traditional medicine to treat various
diseases. The avocado’s flesh can reduce pain and
treat canker sores. Avocado leaves are usually used to
treat nerve pain, stomach pain, reduce high blood
pressure, and treat kidney stones (Anggrella, 2014;
Widiyanti, Cacik, & Winata, 2017).
Currently, many infections are treated using
traditional medicine, especially those made of natural
ingredients such as plants. Natural ingredients are
commonly used for either complementary or
alternative traditional medicine. Medicinal plants are
considered to have fewer side effects when compared
to chemical-based drugs. Besides, they have
affordable price and accessibility (Jiménez-Arellanes
et al., 2013).
Persea americana Mill. is a generally edible fruit
known as avocados which grow in tropical countries.
However, not all parts of avocados are effectively
used. For example, avocado seeds are less utilized
than avocado flesh (Gunawan, Setiabudy, &
Nafrialdi, 2007).
Avocado seeds are known to give
therapeutic effects, including antibacterial, anti-
oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and analgesic
effects (Lianti, 2014; Malangngi, Sangi, & Paendong,
Antari, N., Damayanti, I., Padmiswari, A., Sari, N., Ananta, I. and Sityadewi, P.
Testing Inhibitory Power of Avocado Seed Extract (Persea americana Mill.) for the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
DOI: 10.5220/0011939000003576
In Proceedings of the 2nd Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences (Bali BICHS 2022), pages 54-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-625-5
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Pathogenic bacteria that often infect humans
include S. aureus and E. coli causing intestinal
inflammation and diarrhea (Hermawan, Hana, &
Wiwiek, 2007). The bacteria are distinguished based
on the composition of their cell walls and the nature
of their staining. They include Gram-negative and
Gram-positive bacteria that can cause diarrhea.
Diarrhea can cause the body to lose a lot of fluids. It
is commonly found and becomes a major contributor
to mortality in Indonesia.
The number of infectious diseases in Indonesia
increases every year due to several factors, e.g., poor
public awareness of hygiene, shortages of trained
health workers, increasingly dense population,
insufficient knowledge, and lack of guidelines
(Bontjura, 2015). Overuse dosage of antibiotics and
the lack of government policies may lead to bacteria
resistance (Omojate Godstime, Enwa Felix, Jewo
Augustina, & Eze Christopher, 2014).
Research conducted by Idris et al. on the effect of
3.25 g ethyl acetate avocado seed extract (Persea
americana Mill.) against Staphylococcus aureus and
Streptococcus pyogenes shows antibacterial activity
was found in 37-mm and 25-mm inhibition zones.
Ethanol extract of avocado seeds becomes an
alternative agent that can fight against Enterococcus
faecalis. Avocado seed extract amounting to 10%
plays a role in the antibacterial activity with an
inhibition zone diameter of 2.3 ± 0.12 mm.
Back-to-nature lifestyle becomes quite popular at
this time; hence, people start utilizing various natural
materials, including medicinal plants for treatment
(Dalimartha, 2008; Malangngi et al., 2012).
Medicinal plants have more economic values and
smaller side effects compared to synthetic drugs
(Somchit et al., 2011). One of the medicinal plants is
avocado seed (P. americana) which can provide an
antibacterial effect. This study aimed to test the
inhibition power of avocado seed extract for the
growth of E. coli and S. aureus bacteria.
This study was conducted at the Agricultural
Laboratory and the Laboratory of Biosciences of
Udayana University from January to April 2020.
Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used as
the research design. This study involved four groups,
1 Control group
2 Experiment group with 10% of avocado seed
extract concentration
3 Experiment group with 15% of avocado seed
extract concentration
4 Experiment group with 20% of avocado seed
extract concentration
All groups were given different avocado seed
extract concentrations to test the inhibition
power of S. aureus and E. coli.
1. Making avocado seed extract
Preparation of avocado seed powder was done by
washing the seeds first to remove dirt and then
draining them. The seeds were then cut into small
pieces using a knife. They were then dried using
traditional drying methods under sunlight for six
hours with occasional stirring. The dry weight was
determined by subtracting the initial leaf weight from
the final dry leaf weight multiplied by 100% until the
total moisture content reached 13%. Seeds that were
completely dry were then grinded using a blender.
The dry powder was then sifted through a coffee filter
and stored in a plastic container.
2. Avocado seed extraction
In extraction process, 100 grams of avocado seed
powder was macerated in 1,000 ml of each solvent
(ethanol, n-hexane and ethyl acetate) (1:10 ratio
(w/v)) for 24 hours at 25
C. The powder sample was
then filtered with a filter paper. The residue was
macerated again in the same way, up to two times (for
two days). The macerated extract or filtrate was then
collected together and evaporated to separate the
solvent. Evaporation was carried out using a rotary
evaporator at a temperature of 60
C for n-hexane
solvents and 70
C for ethanol and ethyl acetate
solvents, until the solvent evaporated completely.
This process was done to gather a thick extract of
avocado seeds.
3. Bacterial inhibitory test
The test was preceded by making Nutrient Agar (NA)
media. To make the media, 100 μl of each suspension
of E. coli and S. aureus were taken from the bacterial
decay and then mixed in each medium and vortex.
Once becoming homogeneous, the medium was
poured into a petri dish to solidify. In the media with
the bacteria, seven holes were made per petri dish
using a sterile aluminum pipe with a diameter of 0.5
cm. Then, the extract solutions at various
concentrations were inserted into the holes; the
solvent used as the negative control group and
chloramphenicol solution as the positive control
group amounting to 100 μl each were poured into the
other holes. The petri dishes were left for 10 minutes
during the diffusion process and then incubated for 24
hours at 36 – 37
C. After 24 hours, the area of
bacterial growth and the hole diameter in millimeters
were measured using a caliper at least three times.
Testing Inhibitory Power of Avocado Seed Extract (Persea americana Mill.) for the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
4. Determination of minimum inhibitory
The media containing the test solution, solidified
positive control and negative control groups were
observed visually. The growth of microbial colonies
was slow down perhaps due to the turbidity of the
media; the smallest concentration showed inhibition
power for microbial growth after the diameter of the
inhibition zone was measured by using a caliper.
Observation was made after optimum incubation of
microorganisms for one time. The inhibition power of
the ethanol extract of avocado seed for the growth of
E. coli and S. aureus was from the clear zone which
was measured with calipers and then subtracted by
the 0.5-cm diameter of the well.
Data analysis was carried out quantitatively using a
computer statistics program (SPSS 22.0 for
Windows). To test the normality of the data, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was carried out; if the data
were not normal, the Kruskal Wallis test was carried
out. To see the homogeneity of the variance, the
Leven's test was carried out. Furthermore, the One-
Way Anova test was employed to see the effect of the
treatment with avocado seed extract. If the test
resulted in a significant result, the Duncan's multiple
range test was utilized with a confidence level of 5%
(p < 0.05).
This study was an experimental test to see whether
there is inhibition of avocado leaf extract (Persea
americana Mill) for the growth of E. coli and S.
aureus bacteria. Four treatment groups consist of a
control group and three different dose treatments,
namely avocado leaf doses of 10%, 15% and 20%.
Table 1 shows the results of antibacterial test after the
administration of avocado seed extract.
Table 1: Antibacterial test results of avocado leaf extract
(Persea americana Mill) for the growth of S. aureus
No Treatment Diameter of Inhibition
Zone against S. aureus
10% 3.83 5.65 4.43 13.91 4.63
Ekstrak 15% 4.62 4.46 5.84 14.92 4.97
Ekstrak 20% 6,89 6,77 6,54 20,2 6,73
ontrol 21,44 21,44 21,44 64,32 21,44
Table 1. Shows the diameter of the inhibition zone
at concentrations of 10%, 15% and 20% has an
average value of: 4.63, 4.97, 6.73 and the control
group, 21.44
Table 2: Antibacterial Activity Test Results of avocado leaf
extract (Persea americana Mill) on the growth of E. coli
No Perlakuan Hasil Diameter Zona
Hambat Terhadap Bakteri
S. aureus
Ekstrak 10% 3,63 5,23 4,33 13,19 4,39
Ekstrak 15% 5,77 4,23 5,67 15,67 5,22
Ekstrak 20% 7,34 6,34 6,67 20,35 6,78
ontrol 21,44 21,44 21,44 64,32 21,44
Table 2. Shows the diameter of the inhibition zone at
a concentration of 10%, 15% and 20% has an average
value of: 4.39, 5.22, 6.78 and the control group, 21.44
Table 3: Categories of Inhibition Zone Diameter.
Inhibition Zone Diameter Category
5 mm or less weak
5 - 10 mm Currently
10 - 20 mm strong
20 or more Very Strong
Based on the results of the normality test that was
carried out using the Shapiro-Wilk Test statistic using
SPSS version 2.2 software, it showed a significance
number > 0.05 which indicated that the sample in this
study was normal. The average diameter of the
inhibition zone of avocado leaf extract in inhibiting
the growth of Staphlococcus aureus and Escherichia
coli is shown in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Mean Diameter of Inhibition Zone of Avocado
Leaf Extract Against S. aureus and E. coli.
S. aureus E. coli
Ekstrak 10%
4,63± 0,45c 4,39± 0,33b
Extract 15%
4.97± 0.49d 5.22± 0.38c
Extract 20%
6.73 ± 0.76f 6.78± 0.48d
21.44± 0.43g 21.44± 0.43g
Information ** = mean ± standard deviation is the
average of six repetitions. Different letters in both
columns and rows show significantly different results
(p < 0.05) based on the test (ANOVA).
Bali BICHS 2022 - The Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences
Based on Tables 1 and 2, concentration of 20% is the
highest concentration with moderate inhibition for the
growth of S. aureus and E. coli; as a reference from
Table 3, the diameter of the inhibition zone 5-10 is in
the moderate category.
Avocado leaves are plants that are widely used for
treatment because they have an antibacterial effect.
Avocado leaf extract is able to inhibit the growth of
S. aureus and E. coli. The leaves consist of active
compounds resulting in antibacterial properties such
as flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, tannins, and
Flavonoids have antibacterial effects by inhibiting
bacterial DNA function. In this process, some errors
might be found in bacterial replication and
translation. Inhibition occurs when the bacterial
cytoplasmic membrane which consists of lipids and
amino acids removes the alcohol group in the
flavonoid compound. This process will damage the
cell walls, and thus the compound can enter the
nucleus of the bacterial cells (Pisoschi & Pop, 2015).
Saponin compounds in avocado seeds can also
have antibacterial properties which have the same
mechanism of action as flavonoid compounds.
Tannins are active compounds in avocado seeds. The
way tannin produces an antibacterial effect is by
precipitating bacteria and their proteins. The effect of
the antibacterial content in tannin will disrupt the
function of genetic materials and inactivate enzymes,
causing bacterial cells not to form (Dwi, Tanjung,
Chairani, Bikarindrasari, & Dewi, 2021).
The mechanism of alkaloids in inhibiting bacterial
growth works by damaging the constituent
components of peptidoglycan in bacterial cells; as a
result, the cell wall layer is not formed completely
and causes cell deaths. In addition, alkaloids have an
inhibitory mechanism by binding to DNA
presumably because the alkaloids have a base group
that contains nitrogen. This base group will react to
acidic compounds in bacteria such as DNA which is
the main constituent of the cell nucleus. With the
disruption of DNA, the synthesis of proteins and
nucleic acids in cells will be disrupted. As a result,
cell metabolism is distracted, and bacterial growth is
inhibited or stopped (Isnarianti, Wahyudi, & Puspita,
Avocado leaf extract is effective in inhibiting the
growth of S. aureus and E. coli with an average
diameter of the inhibition zone that varies depending
on the concentration of each extract. The content of
metabolite compounds found in avocado leaves has
the potential to inhibit the growth of these bacteria.
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Bali BICHS 2022 - The Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences