“Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?”: Concept
Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University
Sarah Aragon-Hahner
, Sophia Sakel
and Sven Strickroth
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Online Self-Assessment, Self-Reflection, Self-Reflection Support System, Decision Support System, Mobile
Application, Career Decision-Making, Study Program Choice.
Online self-assessments (OSAs) are common tools for university orientation. Usually, OSAs are multiple-
choice tests giving prospective students a recommendation on their suitability for the selected study program.
However, they lack true “self-assessment”, which is essential for informed decision-making. To better under-
stand users’ requirements of OSAs, we interviewed two experts, evaluated our university’s current computer
science OSA (N = 228), and conducted a survey with first-semester students (N = 51). The results highlight
the importance of self-reflection and social exchange in study choices. Moreover, users expressed a wish for
flexible and personalized content. On this basis, we conceptualized a mobile OSA app including the features
that were rated most positively in the pre-studies. The app allows for flexible use by providing micro-content
in a clip format. In a first proof-of-concept study (N = 11) the app was perceived as helpful and easy to use.
Moreover, users highlighted the concept’s potential to stimulate self-reflection.
Career choice is one of the most important and life-
changing decisions for young adults. Many graduates
who want to study at a university have trouble de-
ciding on a major given the wide range of options.
The website Studyportals
lists more than 100,000
Bachelor degree programs all around the world. Even
after identifying a rough direction, prospective stu-
dents face problems in valuing the different options
and are uncertain about the outcomes of their deci-
sion (Germeijs and De Boeck, 2003). Yet, taking
the time to make an informed decision about a future
study program is important to complete it success-
fully. A discrepancy between expectations and the ac-
tual characteristics of a degree program is one of the
main reasons for high dropout rates (Ruthven-Murray,
2022). To prevent this and regulate access to limited
study places, more and more universities are introduc-
ing so-called “online self-assessments” (OSAs) for
prospective students (Hasenberg and Schmidt-Atzert,
https://studyportals.com, last accessed 2023-02-13
2014). Despite their well-established name, OSAs
often lack real self -assessment since they mostly
use multiple-choice questions to determine the user’s
fit to the study program based on predefined rules.
The final result is a concrete recommendation as to
whether users should enroll rather than encouraging
them to reflect on their interests and expectations to
make an informed decision themselves. However,
internal factors, e. g., “the individual’s present self-
concept” (Harren, 1979, p. 122), play an important
role for potentially life-changing decisions such as ca-
reer choice.
To better understand the current problems and
requirements of OSAs, we conducted expert inter-
views (N = 2), analyzed the evaluation questionnaire
of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich’s
current OSA of the Bachelor’s degree pro-
gram in computer science (CS) (N = 228), and con-
ducted a survey with first-semester CS students (N =
51). Based on the results of these studies and litera-
ture research, we developed a mobile self-assessment
app concept. The app includes the topics that were
rated most positively in the pre-studies, e. g., per-
sonal skills, expectations, or insights into occupa-
https://www.lmu.de, last accessed 2023-02-13
Aragon-Hahner, S., Sakel, S. and Strickroth, S.
"Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?": Concept Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0011641400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 163-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Screenshots of the online self-assessment app that is conceptualized in this work: (a) home screen with image
carousel of different content modules, (b) overview page of the module “expectations of the course of study”, (c) to (e) three
subsequent clips of the category “required characteristics”.
tions. Each topic is separated into various units
so-called clips. The clips can contain text, images,
video sequences or interactive elements such as check
boxes or sliders (see Figure 1). In contrast to the rigid
structure of current OSAs, the modular design allows
users to decide for themselves what content they want
to engage with and when. This enables flexible use
over an extended period of time, leaving space for
self-reflection and decision-making. In a first quali-
tative evaluation of our concept with eleven users, the
app was perceived as helpful and easy to use. Partic-
ipants clearly liked the clip format, and the majority
claimed they would use such an app if it existed.
2.1 Online Self-Assessments
Hasenberg et al. summarize relevant characteristics of
OSAs (Hasenberg and Schmidt-Atzert, 2014): their
target group are prospective students, they are eas-
ily accessible via the Internet, and they include ex-
ercises, e. g., on prior knowledge, or questions on in-
dividual interests and motivation. After completion,
users get direct feedback by comparing their answers
with the requirements for the course of study. OSAs
are characterized by the participants’ own responsi-
bility: As the name “self-assessment” suggests, the
result is not taken into account in the application pro-
cess and serves solely as a decision-making aid.
Based on extensive research of OSAs currently
offered by German universities (as of spring 2021)
The website https://www.osa-portal.de (last accessed
2023-02-13) offers an overview of German OSAs.
and related literature (Stoll, 2019; R
oder, 2017),
we identified the following common topics: general
suitability for studies, subject-specific exercises, per-
sonal characteristics, insights into studies, matching
of expectations, subject guidance, further informa-
tion, e. g., on professional fields. The content is usu-
ally presented with text, images and videos. Interac-
tive features are limited to multiple-choice questions.
Most OSAs provide a rigid structure and need to be
completed in one piece or in very large chunks. There
are also recent innovative approaches: Schulz et al.
present a virtual reality OSA for engineering stud-
ies (Schulz, 2020).
OSAs hold the potential to be a resource-saving
addition to the study counseling service, a consider-
ation of additional factors of study aptitude, a stimu-
lation of self-reflection, and an option for controlling
the access to study programs (Stoll, 2019; Heukamp
et al., 2009). However, based on the literature and our
research on currently available OSAs, we identified
the following drawbacks of state of the art systems:
(1) OSAs usually give recommendations based on
fixed criteria which are often just subjective require-
ments compiled by professors and university staff.
To allow for actual self-assessment, graduates should
rather be empowered to independently evaluate their
suitability for their desired course of study. Sec-
tion 2.2 outlines the potential of technology as a tool
for self-reflection. (2) Most OSAs are content-heavy
and therefore optimized for desktop use. In con-
trast, young people primarily use their smartphones
to access the Internet (Howarth, 2022). Desktop-
optimized OSAs waste the opportunity to integrate
study orientation into the everyday life of prospec-
tive students. Section 2.3 shows the advantages and
limitations of mobile applications for career choice.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.2 Technology for Stimulating
Designing for self-reflection is an emerging
topic in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) re-
search (Baumer et al., 2014; Bentvelzen et al.,
2022). A recent literature review of reflection
support systems shows an “increasing trend in HCI
studies that report on artefacts designed to enhance
reflection” (Bentvelzen et al., 2022, p. 2:9). Typical
application areas are learning, e. g., self-regulated
learning (Carter Jr et al., 2020; Maharsi, 2018; Loksa
et al., 2020) or reflective learning (Rivera-Pelayo
et al., 2012) and health, e. g., self-tracking on food
intake (Sun et al., 2020), sleep (Choe et al., 2015),
or general physical activity (Gorm and Shklovski,
2017). Only few recent publications discuss self-
reflection support tools for career choice: In their
work with underrepresented job-seekers, Dillahunt et
al. evaluate tools that incorporate positive feedback
and self-reflection (Dillahunt and Hsiao, 2020).
Aragon Bartsch et al. aim to stimulate self-reflection
by providing realistic job insights (Aragon Bartsch
et al., 2021).
Bentvelzen et al. identified four key aspects that
describe how support for reflection is implemented
in state of the art systems (Bentvelzen et al., 2022):
(1) Offer users a new point of view through a temporal
perspective, e. g., by reflecting on the future, (2) in-
clude conversations to add a social dimension, (3) let
users compare their current status to an ideal (abso-
lute reference) or to others (social reference). (4) Help
users discover something new. We are the first to in-
corporate all of these four resources in the design of
an online self-assessment application.
2.3 Designing Mobile Interactions
through Micro-Tasking
Chunking, or breaking content into smaller micro-
tasks, is a promising approach in mobile interac-
tion (Cheng et al., 2015). This method addresses the
problems of limited screen size (Ahmad et al., 2018)
and the usually short duration of smartphone inter-
action, which is prone to interruptions (Leiva et al.,
2012; Nagata, 2003). When applied in the learn-
ing domain, this approach is called “micro-learning”
or “learning bits”. Major et al. define small learn-
ing units presenting information to the learner in
an appropriate size so that it can easily be pro-
cessed (Major and Calandrino, 2018). Another popu-
lar domain using this approach is micro-productivity:
Micro-productivity apps are designed to help users
work on the go and use their time productively by
breaking down complex tasks, such as editing doc-
uments (Iqbal et al., 2018) or programming (Williams
et al., 2019). Chunking is also applied in per-
sonal informatics by dividing large data sets to re-
flect more frequently on small portions of informa-
tion. Jimenez Garcia et al. describe this approach as
“active mini-cycles of self-reflection”, which can lead
to a deeper understanding of complicated issues, and
ultimately more informed decisions (Jimenez Garcia
et al., 2014). Aragon Bartsch et al. use the concept of
micro-tasking in the career choice domain to provide
students with realistic insights into the working life
of professionals (Aragon Bartsch et al., 2021). In this
work, we use the concept of micro-tasking to provide
users with a large amount of information on the CS
study program. By dividing the content into smaller
units, users can process the information in their own
pace, leaving room for self-reflection. This concept
allows flexible use at home or on the go, according to
individual preferences.
To inform the design of our prototype, we interviewed
two vocational advisors. Moreover, we analyzed the
evaluation questionnaire of the LMU’s current CS
OSA (N = 228) and conducted a survey with first-
semester students who had participated in the OSA
before their enrollment (N = 51).
3.1 Expert Interviews
We conducted semi-structured interviews with two
experienced vocational student advisors: a high-
school teacher (E1) and the head of our univer-
sity’s student advisory office (E2). The two most
relevant insights we gained are the importance of
self-reflection and social exchange. According to
the experts, self-reflection is essential for study pro-
gram choice. To support the study orientation phase,
prospective students need to reflect on their own
skills, values, and expectations, which can be sup-
ported by providing information and helping them ask
themselves relevant questions. According to E1, ev-
ery consultation should support the students in a way
that allows them to make the final decision on their
own. This is also confirmed by E2, highlighting that
many personal factors contribute to this potentially
life-changing decision. E2 also stated that peer ex-
change is beneficial for study orientation. In particu-
lar, contact with students or professors of the respec-
tive discipline can give a first impression of the pro-
gram, answer questions and provide personal experi-
"Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?": Concept Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University
ence reports. These are valuable insights to clarify
possible questions, achieve realistic expectations of
the study program, and consider one’s own fit.
3.2 Evaluation of our University’s
Current OSA
The LMU’s current CS OSA is a typical multiple-
choice online test. It includes subject-specific ques-
tions on problem-solving behavior, technical exper-
tise, and logical thinking. Due to its text-heavy con-
tent, it is not optimized for mobile use. Participa-
tion is mandatory to enroll in the Bachelor’s degree
program, but the result is not considered for admis-
sion. In addition to the aptitude test, the OSA contains
pre and post-questionnaires for evaluation purposes.
To gain insights into the assets and drawbacks of the
OSA, two researchers conducted a Thematic Analy-
sis (Braun and Clarke, 2006; Nowell et al., 2017) of
the (optional) open question “Do you have any further
comments on the online self-assessment?”.
242 of 2539 participants gave an answer to this
question between June 11th, 2019, and November
24th, 2020. After data cleansing, we separated the an-
swers of 228 participants into 253 single statements
and grouped them among the four derived themes
“general”, “efficacy”, “content”, and “implementa-
tion”. The overall sentiment of the answers was pos-
itive: 24 participants claimed to have liked the on-
line self-assessment and 19 expressed their gratitude
for the test. Participants commented positively on the
OSAs efficacy: they found it fun (10), helpful (6), in-
formative (4), and inspiring (4). Moreover, 13 users
stated to have found the test helpful to assess their fit
to the degree program, whereas only 3 claimed the
opposite. The main critique was on the content level:
People criticized the lack of solutions for the tasks
(42). Moreover, some participants did not understand
(28) or like the questions (15). On the positive side,
a number of people found the content interesting (10)
and liked the questions (4), but some also wished for
a different type of content (9), e. g., questions that are
better suited for dyslexics. Users had few but mostly
negative comments on the structure, e. g. they wished
for more tasks (7) and did not like the distribution of
points (6).
From the evaluation, we conclude that the gen-
eral idea of an online self-assessment is well received
and can be a fun and helpful method of assessing the
user’s fit to the prospective study program. However,
the preferred length and content of the test underlie
individual preferences. Therefore, flexible content ac-
cording to the user’s needs is a major goal of our con-
cept development.
3.3 Survey with First-Year Students
To complement the findings of the OSA evaluation,
we conducted an online survey with first-year CS stu-
dents at the LMU. The survey included open-ended
questions about what students wish they had known in
retrospect before they began their studies, what they
(dis)liked about the current OSA, and what content
they missed. We also included Likert ratings on the
perception of the current OSA and the test’s capabil-
ity to stimulate self-reflection. In addition, students
had to rate possible features of a mobile OSA app
with German school grades from 1 (very good) to 6
(very bad) and could propose additional features. The
questionnaire concluded with a 5-point Likert rating
of whether they would have used a mobile OSA app
if it existed and whether they would have preferred a
mobile version over the current desktop-based OSA.
Two researchers again performed a Thematic Anal-
ysis of the open-ended questions and discussed any
discrepancies. For reasons of length, we only report
the results relevant to the design of the prototype.
We recruited participants via the mailing list of a
compulsory first-semester lecture. 51 people with an
average age of 22.5 years (min = 18, max = 46) com-
pleted the questionnaire (27 male, 22 female, two di-
verse). All of them participated in the current OSA as
part of their university application process.
When asked what they would have liked to know
in advance about their study program, 30 participants
reported specific information gaps. They would have
wished for “more information” (4) as well as more de-
tails on course preparation (6), requirements for stu-
dents (5), prior math knowledge (4), and the univer-
sity (4). Less frequently mentioned aspects were the
unexpected theory-heavy nature of the program (2),
a wish for information on minor subjects (2) and ca-
reer opportunities (1), and individual problems with
the study start (2). The rating of the item “The test
made me think about my suitability for the computer
science study program. received mixed results (Me-
dian ˜x = 3, 5-point Likert scale from 1=“fully dis-
agree” to 5=“fully agree”). We observed a similar re-
sult for the statement “Participating in the OSA gave
me a more accurate idea of the computer science pro-
gram at the LMU.” (Median ˜x = 3). In response to the
open-ended question “In what way did the test make
you reflect?” 17 participants stated that did not at all
reflect through the OSA. Four participants were made
unsure by the test whether the program was feasible
for them. Three people stated that the test revealed a
lack of prior knowledge. In contrast, eleven partici-
pants could positively confirm their choice. Another
seven students stated that the test was fun and moti-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
vating. Five participants found that the OSA could
provide insights into the study program and four were
encouraged to engage further with the OSAs content.
When asked “What content and topics did you miss
in the OSA?” participants responded that they would
like to see more math questions (8) and more pro-
gramming and computer science tasks (7).
To identify relevant content modules, we extracted
the items that were most frequently rated as very good
(1) or good (2). The resulting features are: sample
assignments (88 %), insights into future career op-
tions (86 %), contact to enrolled students and mentor-
ing (78 %), videos of example lectures (75 %), contact
to student advisors (75 %), further links and informa-
tion material (73 %), and information about student
life in the city (67 %). For the open-ended questions
on participants’ own ideas, we grouped the answers
of all 51 participants into the themes “exchange and
contact” (28) “information on professors” (4), “video
recordings from lectures” (11), “experience reports”
(7), “career options” (6), “information about study
program content” (7), “information about personal
study management” (3), and “presentation of minor
subjects” (2).
The majority of participants indicated that they
would have liked to use an app for study orientation
(Median ˜x = 4). Opinions varied on whether stu-
dents would have preferred a mobile version over the
current desktop-based system (Median ˜x = 3). This
might be due to the text-heavy nature of the current
OSA, which is not suitable for mobile use.
From the survey, we conclude that OSAs are gen-
erally perceived as helpful. There is an interest in a
mobile version, but the current content is not easily
transferable. Participants’ responses also suggest that
self-reflection can only be partially supported through
the current version of the OSA. The features proposed
by the students are diverse, so it might be difficult to
implement a one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, the
mobile app should be designed in a way that the con-
tent can be adapted to personal preferences.
Based on the results presented in the previous sec-
tion, we derived a mobile OSA app concept and cre-
ated an online click-dummy with the Figma prototyp-
ing software
(see Figure 1). The app is structured
in five different modules, including the most popu-
lar topics from the survey with first-year students: (1)
“expectations of the course of study”, an assessment
https://www.figma.com, last accessed 2023-02-13
of personal characteristics and abilities followed by
a comparison with necessary qualities as a CS stu-
dent, (2) “sample assignments” representing impor-
tant study content and allowing users test their per-
sonal abilities, (3) “everyday university life” to give
an overview of typical student life, (4) “career oppor-
tunities” to show future possibilities, and (5) a “com-
puter science quiz” about domain facts. The different
categories are displayed as an image carousel on the
start feed of the prototype (see Figure 1a). As shown
in Figure 1a-b, clicking on a category (e. g., expecta-
tions of the course of study) shows the overview of
clip sequences available for this topic (e. g., required
characteristics). Users can see their progress through
the border around the modules and add them to their
personal collection by clicking the star icon in the up-
per right corner. Each clip sequence covers one spe-
cific aspect of the selected category and is separated
into multiple clips, which represent the micro-content
units (see Figure 1c-e). Clips usually contain pictures
or short videos, short texts, e. g., questions or explana-
tions, and optional interactive elements such as sliders
or buttons for user input. We are adopting a success-
ful social media feature, the so-called “story” func-
that is well-suited for mobile use. The individ-
ual clips (see Figure 1c-e) are only seconds to a few
minutes long and together they form a thematic block.
Users again have the option of selecting and book-
marking clips they want to save and can thus compile
the desired content themselves. Moreover, we include
two social components as recommended by E2 and
the literature (Bentvelzen et al., 2022). First, the app
offers live Q&A sessions with enrolled students and
university staff (see Figure 1a). App users can hand
in questions before each live session or ask them di-
rectly in the chat. Second, we include a “question of
the week” feature, in which multiple CS students an-
swer the same question, for example: “What skills do
you think are required to study computer science?”.
A new question is added to the collection every week.
The OSA app aims to support self-reflection
by applying the design resources identified by
Bentvelzen et al. (Bentvelzen et al., 2022): The tem-
poral perspective is incorporated through tasks on
prior knowledge (past) and information on career op-
portunities (future). The live Q&A sessions provide
conversations between the students and establish con-
tact with university members. Exercises on prior
knowledge and the “question of the week” feature
allow for comparison with a “typical” computer sci-
ence student. Finally, the clip-format facilitates a self-
directed discovery of information.
see, e. g., https://about.instagram.com/features/stories,
last accessed 2023-02-13
"Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?": Concept Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University
To perform a first proof of concept, we evaluated the
prototype in a qualitative user study. We recruited
high school students with the prerequisite of being
interested in the CS study program (N = 11). The
goal of the study was gathering feedback on the clip
format and evaluating the app’s potential to support
self-reflection on study choice.
Nine students and two recent graduates (five fe-
male, six male) took part in the study. The partici-
pants had to complete a short online questionnaire on
demographics and their current status of study orien-
tation. We then performed online “think aloud” in-
terviews (Charters, 2003) via the video conferencing
software Zoom
. The sessions were recorded for tran-
scription purposes and took 45 to 60 minutes per user.
Participants were compensated with 10 euro vouch-
ers for an online store. After short introduction, we
guided the participants through various usage scenar-
ios to explore the prototype: First, participants should
familiarize with the welcome track and home screen.
Before exploring the category “everyday university
life”, we asked people what content they expected in
this module. After browsing the category, we asked
users how they liked the content presentation through
clips. We repeated the process for the “career op-
portunities” module and asked follow-up questions
if necessary. We finally directed users towards the
modules “sample assignments” and “CS quiz” and let
them freely explore the content. We asked questions
about the style and difficulty of the provided tasks as
well as the level of interactivity. In a second scenario,
we asked participants to further explore the interac-
tion with the clip format in the “expectations of the
course of study” category. The final scenario treated
the live Q&A sessions as well as the “question of
the week” and users’ attitudes towards these features.
Participants finally had the opportunity to state any
further remarks on the app’s content and implementa-
tion. We concluded the study with another short on-
line questionnaire including eight Likert items on the
overall impression and usability of the app as well as
the question of whether participants would use such
an app if it existed. The examiner took notes during
the interviews and a second researcher reviewed the
resulting data table to verify the results.
Most participants stated that they had not yet in-
formed themselves in detail about studying CS (Me-
https://zoom.us, last accessed 2023-02-13
dian ˜x = 3, 5-point Likert scale from 1=“fully dis-
agree” to 5=“fully agree”) and also did not yet have
a precise idea about the course of studies (Median
˜x = 3).
Observations showed a generally positive user ex-
perience with the prototype. This is also reflected in
the Likert ratings: In the post-study questionnaire,
all eleven participants rated the app as helpful, easy
to use, and clearly structured (Median ˜x = 5 for all
statements). They perceived the app’s content as well-
integrated (Median ˜x = 5). Moreover, all users men-
tioned during the “think aloud” interviews that the
app holds the potential to stimulate self-reflection on
study choice. Especially the sample assignments (4)
and the expectations of the course of study (3) were
rated as helpful for promoting self-reflection. The live
Q&A sessions and the “question of the week” mod-
ule were also clearly liked by users. According to the
participants, these features facilitate connecting with
enrolled students (4) and hold the potential to give re-
alistic insights (3). One participant also noted that
new content on a regular basis increases engagement
with the app. All participants claimed that they could
imagine participating in the live sessions.
The clips were perceived as a suitable way of con-
tent presentation by all users. This is reflected in the
verbal feedback as well as the Likert item “The clip
format is a good way of displaying the app’s con-
tent. (Median ˜x = 5). In particular, ve users pos-
itively highlighted the choice of short video elements
to convey real insights. Seven participants stated that
the functionality of the clip mode was known to them
through other apps, while four needed a short intro-
duction: We explained the touch gestures to skip or
pause the clips and how to return to the overview
page. Afterwards, all users felt confident navigating
the app.
In the post-study questionnaire, the majority of
users responded positively to the question of whether
they would use such an app if it existed (Median ˜x = 5,
min = 3).
A limitation of our work is that the app’s design was
informed by the feedback of first-year students, i. e.,
people who already decided for studying CS. Unfor-
tunately, we were not able to contact students who
made a decision against studying CS at our university
or had dropped out during their course of studies. We
did not involve high school students in the require-
ment analysis since they are often overwhelmed by
the career choice process (The Behavioural Insights
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Team, 2016; Kulcs
ar et al., 2020) and might find it
hard to imagine what would help them on an abstract
level (Myers, 1994). A second limitation is that our
concept is based on the CS OSA of the LMU. There-
fore, not all results might be transferable to other
fields of study and universities. Moreover, the eval-
uation of our concept was performed in a controlled
setting with a click-dummy prototype. However, we
think that our study presents a viable proof of concept
yielding interesting impulses for future research.
Our mobile app is designed to replace traditional
desktop-based OSAs. It is tailored to the smartphone
usage behavior of young adults (Howarth, 2022)
and offers the possibility for regular use in small
chunks (Cheng et al., 2015). Our pre-studies have
shown that the content preferences of users differ in
the amount and difficulty of tasks. To allow for flexi-
ble use, the content should be selected with great care.
Tasks should be presented as a broad range of op-
tions rather than mandatory skills to avoid discourag-
ing qualified participants with less prior knowledge.
In our final user study, participants highlighted the
potential of self-reflection support through a compar-
ison of expectations with the actual properties of the
study program and through social features. This is
in line with the findings of Bentvelzen et al., who
identified conversation and comparison as two key as-
pects of self-reflection support systems (Bentvelzen
et al., 2022). Current OSAs often neglect these social
aspects despite their importance for career decision-
making (Harren, 1979). We implement social features
through live sessions and the “question of the week”.
Our concept therefore relies on the active participa-
tion of university staff and students. The app’s con-
tent needs to be maintained and live sessions require
a moderator willing to offer them regularly. In return,
the concept scales well to inform a large number of
users. Up-to-date content potentially leads to a better
image of the university and more informed prospec-
tive students (Stoll, 2019). To reduce the effort of
live sessions, we also see potential in (asynchronous)
online forums or other question-and-answer formats,
e. g., FAQ. In contrast to conventional OSAs, we re-
frain from making a specific recommendation. This
might be unfamiliar to users who are used to tests
with a final result. Future work needs to investigate
whether this could have a negative impact on user sat-
As a next step, we plan to implement a working
prototype for field testing. We would like to investi-
gate whether the app is used in several short sessions
as intended. In addition, we would like to see if users
work through the entire app or choose their preferred
content based on their interests. It would also be in-
teresting to study the level of engagement in the live
sessions and whether this feature facilitates social in-
teraction. A long-term goal could be to explore per-
sonalization and adaptive features, such as gradually
unlocking new content modules, e. g., more difficult
sample assignments.
In this work, we presented the concept development
of a mobile OSA app for CS studies. We first per-
formed a requirement analysis by interviewing two
experts, evaluating the LMU’s current OSA (N =
228), and conducting an online survey with first-
semester students (N = 51). In contrast to traditional
OSAs, the goal of our concept is to stimulate self-
reflection in order to assist users in making an in-
formed study decision. We apply the micro-tasking
method to optimize the OSA for mobile devices and
allow for repeated use in multiple sessions. The app
consists of different content modules composed of
short clips that can be viewed by users in their de-
sired order. A first proof-of-concept study (N = 11)
showed that the app was well-received by users. They
liked the clip format as a means of content presen-
tation and confirmed a possible stimulation of self-
reflection through the app’s features. We hope that our
concept inspires future research in the area of mobile
decision support systems, especially for life-changing
decisions that require careful consideration and a high
level of self-awareness.
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"Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?": Concept Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University