Students’ Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended
Questions in Higher Education
Daniel Braun
1 a
, Patricia Rogetzer
1 b
, Eva Stoica
and Henry Kurzhals
Department of High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Open-Ended Questions, Automated Grading, Artificial Intelligence, Education, User Perspective.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used for the assessment of multiple-choice questions. There is an increas-
ing effort to also use it for open-ended questions. While the use of AI can benefit the learning of students, e.g.
by increasing the number of feedback moments, most applications focus on saving costs by reducing the need
for manual assessment. The perspective of teachers on this kind of automation has been studied extensively,
the student perspective, however, is still under-researched. This paper presents the results of two surveys and
a series of interviews among students to identify their perspective on AI-supported assessment and elaborate
on under which conditions they would accept such technology. The results show that the majority of students
(more than 80%), is, under certain conditions, open to AI-supported assessment. Most importantly, they stress
that humans should still be involved in the assessment (human-in-the-loop).
Assessment is an important part of the learning pro-
cess. Some argue it is even more influential on the
success of learners than teaching (Medland, 2016).
In higher education, multiple-choice and open-ended
questions are used for both formative and summa-
tive assessment. Open questions have shown to be
more effective in assessing student learning (Funk
and Dickson, 2011) and support a “deep approach”
to learning. Multiple-choice questions rather support
a “surface approach” (Gibbs, 2006). Still, multiple-
choice questions (MCQs) are used with increasing
frequency. This is a trend that is amplified by the
use of e-assessment. Some researchers fear stu-
dents could fail to develop communicative competen-
cies due to the increasing amount of MCQs (Paxton,
2000). One of the main reasons for their popular-
ity is that the assessment of MCQs is time-efficient
and scalable because their evaluation can be auto-
mated (Roberts, 2006). Therefore, especially in very
accessible learning environments, like Massive Open
Online Courses (MOOCs), MCQs are often used for
practical reasons, although open questions could sup-
port student learning better. Automating or support-
ing the assessment of open-ended questions with Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP) could increase their
usage in such settings and not only improve the exist-
ing assessment but also help to create additional feed-
back moments for students, both of which can sup-
port the learning process and therefore contribute to
achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)
of quality education (SDG 4) (United Nations, 2016).
The current public and scholarly debate about AI
and assessment is often focused on the implications
that large language models like ChatGPT have on
different forms of assessment and whether they will
make them redundant. Often, these discussions solely
consider summative assessment and fail to acknowl-
edge the important role that formative assessment can
have during the learning process. (Gilson et al., 2023;
Choi et al., 2023) The limited amount of existing re-
search on the automated assessment of open ques-
tions is almost exclusively focused on the reduction of
teacher workload and does not consider the perspec-
tive of students and how AI-supported assessment
could benefit their learning (see Section 2). There-
fore, there is a gap when it comes to the perspective
of students on AI-supported assessment. Considering
their perspective when designing, implementing, and
using such technology should not only be an ethical
Braun, D., Rogetzer, P., Stoica, E. and Kurzhals, H.
Students’ Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0011648900003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 73-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
imperative but is also crucial to the acceptance of the
This paper presents the perspective of students on
AI-supported assessment of short open-ended exam
questions, based on surveys and semi-structured inter-
views involving a total of 81 students. 38 of the par-
ticipants had previous experiences as assessors while
being student teaching assistants, combining the per-
spective of students with the perspective of assessors.
The results show that students are open to the tech-
nology, as long as human assessors are still involved.
Based on the findings, the paper presents guidelines
for the design of NLP systems that support grading in
a way that is perceived as fair and helpful by students.
These guidelines can help to build trust in a system,
which is crucial for its acceptance.
Baker et al. (2019) differentiate three categories of AI
in education: learner-facing solutions, teacher-facing
solutions, and system-facing solutions, that are used
by administrative or managing staff. Tools that sup-
port assessment are usually teacher-facing solutions,
but can also be learner-facing if they provide direct
feedback, and system-facing, if they provide, e.g., an-
alytics of assessment results. Even if a tool is not
learner-facing, it is important to keep in mind that its
application will have an impact on learners and their
perspective should therefore be considered.
In 2019, Zawacki-Richter et al. performed a “sys-
tematic review of research on artificial intelligence
applications in higher education”, analysing 146 pa-
pers published between 2007 and 2018. Of these 146
publications, 13 are concerned with automated grad-
ing, citing “reducing costs and the time associated
with [...] large-scale assessments” as the main bene-
fit of the technology (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019, p.
17). None of the publications on automated grading
and only two out of 146 publications mentioned there
discuss the ethical implications of the technology.
anchez-Prieto et al. (2020) developed a model to
measure the acceptance of students for AI-based as-
sessment based on the technology acceptance model
(TAM) by Davis (1989). However, the items they pro-
pose for the measurement, like “I find AI-based sys-
tems easy to use. or “My interaction with AI-based
tools is clear and understandable”, are highly depen-
dent on a concrete implementation or tool and are
therefore more suitable to measure the acceptance for
one concrete tool. In our research, we wanted to in-
vestigate under which preconditions students are open
to AI-supported assessment. Such information cannot
be derived from the closed questions and statements
suggested by S
anchez-Prieto et al. (2020). Therefore,
we decided to use a more open approach.
The few existing studies that do take into ac-
count students’ perspective on AI-supported assess-
ment, e.g. by Galassi and Vittorini (2021), Mirmo-
tahari et al. (2019), and Scharber et al. (2008), do so
based on concrete implementations. Common themes
identified by all authors are that transparency and un-
derstanding how the systems work lead to higher ac-
Tan et al. (2022) found that a lack of trust in an
automated grading process can increase the anxiety
level before an assessment and thereby negatively in-
fluence the performance of students. This underlines
the importance of considering the student perspective
when designing and implementing AI-supported as-
sessment technologies. Failing to do so is not only
problematic from an ethical perspective but also with
regard to student success.
To identify the perspective of students on AI-
supported assessment of open-ended questions, we
used two approaches. For more in-depth insides, we
conducted semi-structured interviews with students.
For a broader overview, we conducted two online sur-
veys. In addition to the general perspective of stu-
dents, we were particularly interested in three aspects:
Do students with teaching and grading experience
have a different view on AI-supported assessment
of open-ended questions than other students? We
hypothesised that students with grading experi-
ence would be more aware of the fallibility of
human assessors and therefore more open to AI
support. This question can help to differentiate
whether students compare AI-supported assess-
ment to an idealised notion of manual assessment
they might have in mind or the real assessment
Are students from technical disciplines more re-
luctant to accept AI-supported grading? We be-
lieved that students with a more technical study
background, like computer science, could be more
hesitant towards AI involvement in grading. Be-
cause, compared to less technical disciplines, like
psychology, they could be more aware of the lim-
itations of current NLP technologies.
In which parts of the assessment process is human
involvement most important to students? We are
looking at scenarios in which the grading process
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
is supported by AI, rather than fully automated.
Therefore, the question arises, in which parts of
the process human involvement is most beneficial
from the student’s perspective. The answer to this
question can help us in developing guidelines for
building AI systems that are accepted by students.
3.1 Interviews
Twelve interviews were conducted with students that
have previously or were currently working as teach-
ing assistants, i.e., have experience in grading other
students’ work. The interview was semi-structured to
give participants enough space to voice their opinions
and present their perspectives.
3.2 Surveys
In addition to the interviews, two online surveys were
conducted. The first survey was targeted at students
with experience in teaching and assessment and used
the same questions used during the interview (see Ap-
pendix 6.1). 26 students participated in this first sur-
vey. The second survey was conducted among a gen-
eral population of students, i.e. students without as-
sessment experience. The questions of the second sur-
vey can be found in Appendix 6.2. 43 students partic-
ipated in the second survey.
This section will first present the results from the sur-
vey and interviews with students with assessment ex-
perience (Section 4.1) and then the results from the
general student survey (Section 4.2).
4.1 Students with Assessment
The combined 38 participants in the interviews and
the first survey were all recruited from one Dutch uni-
versity. Table 1 shows that most participants ( 73%)
come from technical study programs with high shares
of computer science influence like business informa-
tion technology or computer science itself.
4.1.1 Human-in-the-Loop
Half of the interviewees thought that humans-in-the-
loop are very important and should “assess more than
just the end result”. For the other half, the necessary
involvement strongly depends on the type of ques-
tions. In their opinion, answers which can be assessed
Table 1: Study programs of participants with teaching ex-
Study Program # Participants
Business Information
Computer Science 11
Industrial Engineering
Business Administration 3
Industrial Design
Communication Science 1
Philosophy 1
purely factually, like a maths equation, need less hu-
man involvement than more opinionated questions.
In the survey intended for teaching assistants, par-
ticipants could rate how important they believe human
input to be in the grading process on a Likert scale
from 1 (not at all) to 10 (very much). More than 80%
of respondents believe human input to be very impor-
tant (7 and above).
When asked about the benefits and drawbacks of
human assessment, the twelve aspects shown in Ta-
ble 2 were repeatedly mentioned in interviews and
the survey. In general, participants believe that hu-
man assessors are better capable of understanding and
interpreting answers and their nuances. More specifi-
cally, participants believe that only human assessors
can provide valuable feedback and consider conse-
quential errors. Another advantage that students see
in human assessment is the connection they have with
the assessor. Partially, this is seen as a possibility to
be assessed more favourably based on the personal
relationship. At the same time, students see the influ-
ence of emotions and a lack of consistency as disad-
vantages of human assessment. Finally, participants
think that only human assessors can identify flawed
questions in the assessment process, e.g., if the scores
for one question are consistently low, even for stu-
dents that scored well in all other questions.
Having been assessors themselves, participants of
the first survey and interviewees were also able to pro-
vide downsides to human assessment. Several par-
ticipants mentioned that (especially student) assessors
sometimes lack the necessary knowledge to perform
a solid assessment and that vague assessment criteria
can amplify the problem. Consistency between asses-
sors, but also over time, was also seen as an issue of
manual assessment. In this context, participants also
mentioned specifically the influence of emotions and
“correction fatigue”. On a more technical level, al-
most a third of the participants mentioned that prob-
lems with tools that are being used during manual as-
sessment can negatively influence the process.
Students’ Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher Education
Table 2: Benefits and drawbacks of manual assessment.
Benefits Drawbacks
Better understanding of responses Vague criteria
Interpretation Limited knowledge
Consideration of consequential errors Issues with tools
Provide feedback Differences between assessors
Student-teacher relationship Consistency issues
Identify flawed questions Influence of emotions and “correction fatigue”
4.1.2 Potential of AI
Overall, participants were very open to the idea of AI-
supported assessment. More than 80% of the intervie-
wees and 84% of participants in the survey agreed that
AI could help in the assessment. Participants saw the
potential for a range of tasks to be automated, from
checking the work of human assessors, taking over
repetitive tasks, and increasing consistency, to having
a pre-screening to identify completely right or wrong
answers. Some participants suggested that the time
they could potentially save through such automation
could be spent on aspects that cannot be automated,
like giving feedback and discussing results. When
asked about other potential advantages of AI, 75% of
the interviewees and 92% of the survey participants
mentioned faster grading. While 92% of the inter-
viewees believed that such a tool would be generally
helpful in supporting them, only 38% of the intervie-
wees mentioned that as a potential advantage (see Ta-
ble 3).
Asked about disadvantages, teaching assistants
were concerned that an AI tool, especially when
newly introduced, could mean additional work for
them, like providing training data and double-
checking the results of the system. Some were wor-
ried that, over time, teaching assistants could stop ver-
ifying the results of the AI and use them unchecked.
4.2 General Student Body
The general student survey was completed by 43 in-
dividuals. Most of them ( 86%) did not come from
technical disciplines (see Table 4). However, only
11% of the participants felt like not knowing much
about AI. At the same time, 75% of the participants
were not aware that tools are being developed for au-
tomated assessment in higher education. When asked
to name such tools, only one participant provided an
83% of the participants (30 out of 36 who re-
sponded to this question) think AI could be used
as part of the assessment process, however, almost
all agree, only under the constraint that a human is
still involved. Other, less frequently mentioned, con-
straints included the difficulty of the question and
whether it is a purely factual or more open, inter-
pretable question. In an MCQ, asking whether par-
ticipants would prefer their next exam to be graded
by only a human, only an AI, or with a hybrid ap-
proach, 86% out of 43 respondents chose the hybrid
approach, 13.5% only human, and 0.5% only AI.
To find out where students think an AI could be
applied successfully in the grading process, partici-
pants were asked which parts they think should be oc-
cupied by humans and which could be occupied by an
AI. The most common theme was that questions that
“leave room for interpretation” should be assessed
only by humans, while closed questions could be as-
sessed by an AI. Generally, mainly two points were
seen as a big advantage of AIs by the participants,
speed and consistency.
Overall, the results show that both, students in general
and students with teaching experience, are very open
to AI-supported assessment of open-ended questions.
However, for both groups, it is an important prereq-
uisite that AI is only used as a support tool and that
teachers are still involved in the assessment.
When asked about the advantages and disadvan-
tages of humans and AIs as assessors, it was indeed
visible that students with teaching experience seemed
to be more aware of the fallibility of human assessors,
by pointing out aspects like correction fatigue, knowl-
edge issues and many more, while students without
teaching experience only saw a lack of consistency
as a potential issue. However, this awareness did not
lead to a higher acceptance of AI in comparison to
the general student population. Within the groups, we
did not see an influence of the study program on ac-
When asked about the advantages and disadvan-
tages of AI in assessment, it was visible that many of
the common prejudices towards AI, both negative and
positive, were present in the responses. For example,
almost all students attributed objectiveness to AI as-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Benefits and drawbacks of AI-supported Assessment.
Most frequently mentioned Interviews Survey
Faster grading (+) 9/12 (75%) 24/26 (92%)
Support work (+) 11/12 (92%) 10/26 (38%)
Cause additional work (-) 8/12 (66%) 17/26 (65%)
Unchecked usage of results (-) 8/12 (66%) 2/26 (8%)
Table 4: Study programs of participants in the general stu-
dent survey.
Study Program # Participants
Business Administration 27
Engineering 3
Teaching Profession 3
Computer Science 2
Social Studies 2
Law 1
Medicine 1
Psychology 1
Sports Management 1
Society and Technology 1
Ecosystem Management 1
sessment, although AI systems can be biased in many
ways (Mehrabi et al., 2021). On the other hand, some
properties that can potentially be offered by an AI,
like providing explanations for an assessment, were
seen as exclusively achievable through manual assess-
When asking teachers about the biggest potential
of AI in assessment, they often think of a separation
based on the quality of the response, i.e., an AI can
quickly identify answers that are very good or very
bad, leaving only the more ambiguous cases for the
human assessor. The students, however, were solely
focusing on the type of question that is asked. They
see the potential for AI mainly for questions that are
“easier”, more “objective” and less “subjective”, as
well as more “factual” and less “interpretable”. These
properties are connected to questions that can be used
to test the lowest two categories in Bloom’s Tax-
onomy of educational objectives, “knowledge” and
“comprehension” (or “remember” and “understand”
in the revised version), because for these kinds of
questions, less variance in the answers would be ex-
pected, compared to questions higher up in the tax-
onomy, that involve more creativity in the answering
process (Forehand, 2010).
5.1 Limitations
The work has limitations influencing the generalis-
ability and the general explanatory power of the re-
sults, originating from the selection of participants
and the nature of the surveys themselves:
All students with assessment experience inter-
viewed and surveyed were recruited from the
same university, introducing a bias towards the as-
sessment customs at this university.
By design, the study was very open as to what is
considered “AI-supported assessment” in order to
be able to catch the general attitude of students,
independent of concrete systems or approaches.
However, this limits the comparability of results
since students might have different kinds of sys-
tems in mind.
In general, students were asked about their opin-
ion in an open, vague scenario. It is old folk wis-
dom that “talk is cheap”, so the opinion of stu-
dents could change once they face the prospect of
really being assessed supported by an AI system
in a relevant examination.
The majority of participants had a background in
business or technology. Although our work im-
plies that there is a significant difference between
technical and non-technical students in the survey,
it could still be that students from a humanities
background have different views.
This paper presents the perspective of students on
AI-supported assessment of open-ended questions in
higher education. The results from two surveys and a
series of interviews among students with and without
teaching experience show that the vast majority of stu-
dents (over 80%) is, in general, open to the idea of an
AI being involved in the assessment of their work and
can see potential benefits in it. Based on their perspec-
tives, three essential requirements for AI-supported
grading tools can be derived that are key to the ac-
ceptance of students:
1. There should always be a human-in-the-loop
overseeing the assessment.
2. An explanation should be provided for each as-
3. It should be assessed individually for each ques-
tion whether it is appropriate to use AI support
Students’ Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher Education
for the assessment. A guideline for the appropri-
ateness can be Bloom’s taxonomy.
With this work, we want to encourage researchers
and developers working in the field of AI-supported
assessment to give more consideration to the per-
spective of students. The development and imple-
mentation of tools that affect students and their as-
sessment should always be critically accompanied by
them. The findings presented in this paper can be a
first guideline on how to design systems in a student-
friendly way.
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This appendix contains the questions that were used
for the survey of students with teaching experience
and as a guideline for the semi-structured interviews
(Appendix 6.1), as well as the questions of the second
survey among the general student population (Ap-
pendix 6.2).
Survey I
What is your study?
How important do you think human input is for
grading open-ended questions?
Why do you think that is important?
Can you name a few benefits of having a
teacher/student grading an open-ended ques-
tion instead of a machine/tool?
Are there any issues that can arise when assess-
ing open-ended questions?
Do you believe that automation can help with the
assessment of open-ended questions? (Why/Why
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Context: Let’s suppose that an AI-supported grad-
ing tool is being implemented at your university.
The purpose of this tool will be to support exam-
iners in the grading of open-ended questions.
What might be a benefit of such a tool?
And what do you think the draw-
backs/challenges would be with the AI-
supported grading tool?
Any way of overcoming the challenges?
Do you believe that having such a tool would
be easier to implement and use for particular
subjects? Why?
From your perspective what would be the gen-
eral attitude of teaching assistants when this tool
would be implemented?
Do you think that students who did not work
as teaching assistants might perceive this dif-
ferently? Why/Why not?
Would having higher transparency, for exam-
ple, a clear explanation of the algorithms,
help the TAs or the students perceive the AI-
supported tool in a different way?
Do you think there are better alternatives than
AI to support the teachers/TAs in the grading of
open-ended questions?
Survey II
What is your study?
Please react to the following statement by using
the Likert scale: I have the feeling that I un-
derstand what Artificial Intelligence is and that I
grasp the concept behind it.
Do you know that Artificial Intelligence-based
tools exist/are being developed for grading open
questions of exams in higher education?
Which AI-based tools for grading in higher edu-
cation do you know?
Do you think Artificial Intelligence should only
support teachers when grading exams in higher
education but not do it alone?
Do you think Artificial Intelligence-based tools
should be part of the grading process of exams in
higher education?
Would you rather want your next exam being
graded by Artificial Intelligence only, human
(teacher) only, or a hybrid approach?
The parts of the grading process are: checking
(first examiner), checking (second examiner), and
adding the points for the final score (also think
of other steps you know). If you choose for/can
imagine a hybrid approach, which steps of the
grading process of open questions should be occu-
pied by humans (teacher) and which by Artificial
Can you imagine Artificial Intelligence-based
tools grading multiple-choice questions only,
open questions only, both, or none of them?
Can you imagine Artificial Intelligence grading
open questions for exams in higher education? If
yes, with the support of humans or not?
Are there cases where you can imagine Artificial
Intelligence doing the grading on its own?
Which part of grading do you think can only be
occupied by humans (teachers) and not by Artifi-
cial Intelligence?
Which part of grading do you think can only be
occupied by Artificial Intelligence and not by hu-
mans (teachers)?
Students’ Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher Education