An Effective Hybrid Text-Based Approach to Identify Fake News on
Social Media
Imtiez Fliss
and Hamza Bargougui
National School of Computer Sciences, Manouba University, Tunisia
Text-Based Fake News Detection, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), Hybrid
Deep Learning Techniques.
Because of their low cost, simplicity of access, and quick dissemination, social media are today one of the
primary information sources for millions of people worldwide. However, this is at the expense of dubious
credibility and a large danger of being exposed to ”fake news, which is deliberately designed to mislead
readers. In light of this, in this paper we propose a novel method for identifying bogus news based on the
text content. This method is founded on a mix of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
formers) and deep learning techniques (Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory
(LSTM)). Promising results are seen when the proposed approach is compared to other models.
Today’s world is one that is constantly evolving. For
millions of individuals, social media is the best source
of information and is quickly taking over as the pre-
ferred news source. They have the power to make
decisions on matters of politics, society, and the econ-
omy, but they may also harm the reputations of people
and organizations while advancing certain persons,
teams, or organizations.
There is a ton of information available, some of it
accurate, some not. Most of the time, this data is in-
stantly shared without being thoroughly checked. In
recent years, the phenomenon of fake news (Quandt
et al., 2019; Kalsnes, 2018) has become widespread,
facilitated by social networks. There are several uses
for these false reports. Others have an impact on
political decisions and public perception of financial
markets through altering the reputation of businesses
and institutions on the Internet. Some are developed
merely to boost clicks and traffic to a website.
Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that informa-
tion is accurate, keep an eye on internet news, and
create tools to counteract fake news. For this purpose,
We can use social media deep learning (Bengio, 2019;
LeCun, 2016) and can facilitate correct analysis of in-
formation types. On the other hand, using semantic
analysis of circulating data is very interesting. This
allows us to recognize relevant information in context
and classify it accordingly.
In this context, to simplify accurate analysis of the
type of information published and to distinguish be-
tween false news and true news, the purpose of this
paper is to present a novel method based on deep
learning categorization of texts shared on social me-
This approach combines the use of BERT method
as a feature encoder with convolutional neural net-
works (CNN) (Kim, 2014) and Long Short Term
Memory (LSTM) (Allcott and Gentzkow, 2017) for
text classification. Finally, this approach put into
practice, and its accuracy is evaluated against other
models taken from the literature.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. While, Section 2 introduces related work, Sec-
tion 3 presents the proposed approach for detecting
fake news. Section 4 contains experiments and dis-
cussion. Finally, some concluding remarks and per-
spectives are presented.
Before presenting existing fake news detection mod-
els, it is important to define what fake news is. So, we
will first identify the exact characteristics that define
fake news. Next, we will focus on the main fake news
detection models.
Fliss, I. and Bargougui, H.
An Effective Hybrid Text-Based Approach to Identify Fake News on Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0011674400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 374-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 Fake News Definition
The term ”Fake News” began to be used frequently
after the 2016 US election. According to (Allcott
and Gentzkow, 2017; Shu et al., 2017; Zhou et al.,
2019; Zhou and Zafarani, 2020), fake news are news
articles that are intentionally and verifiably false and
can misinform readers. There are two key character-
istics of this definition: veracity and intent. First, fake
news involves false information that can be verified
intrinsically. Second, fake news is created with the
dishonest purpose of misleading readers. This defini-
tion has been widely adopted by (Klein and Wueller,
2017; Lazer et al., 2018; Mustafaraj and Metaxas,
2017; Potthast et al., 2017). According to (Ahmed
et al., 2017), the term Fake News is based on four
main components: creator, target victim, news con-
tent and social context.
Creator: creators of fake news online can be a hu-
man being or not.
Target victims: Depending on the objectives of the
news, targets can be students, voters, parents, el-
derly people.
News content: News content refers to the body of
the news.
Social context: the social context indicates how
the news are disseminated on the Internet. Social
context analysis includes the user, network anal-
ysis (how online users are involved in the news)
and analysis of the dissemination pattern.
2.2 Fake News Detection Models
There are numerous models for spotting bogus news
(Kaur et al., 2019). We focus in this section on re-
cent works looking at the detection of fake news based
on news content. In (Vivek et al., 2017), to acquire
linguistic attributes for each of the articles, authors
employed the LIWC (Linguistic Analysis and Word
Count) package. Z-score normalization was used to
normalize each feature. Then, focusing on how well
the algorithms performed for the test set, they devel-
oped a number of machine learning models based on
well-known methods like logistic regression, support
vector machines, random forests, decision trees, and
k-neighbors classifier. The Support Vector Machine
algorithm outperformed the others in terms of predic-
tion accuracy.
Ahmed et al. (Ahmed et al., 2018) also exam-
ined the performance of six different algorithms that
categorize information as false or true using N-gram
traits and TF-IDF scores. The dataset included both
real and false comments on political news stories and
product evaluation comments. A model that they cre-
ated can be used in two different contexts. Their study
demonstrates that utilizing TF-IDF and SVM to rank
news articles was the most effective method.
Convolutional neural network (CNN) mod-
els have also been deployed in detecting fake
news. Authors in (Xu et al., 2020) pro-
pose a fake news detection solution to the prob-
lems occurring during an analysis of short texts
namely, CNN Text Word2vec.CNN Text Word2vec
introduces a word2vec neural network model to train
distributed word embeddings on every single word.
Authors in (Nicole et al., 2018) use the deep neu-
ral network introduced by (Kim, 2014) to learn to de-
tect fake news. It has been proven that this works
well for text classification. All of the text’s words
are a one-hot representation, which is a sparse vector
with only one item equal to 1 to represent each word.
This network’s first layer is a pre-trained word2vec
embedding, which converts each word into a 1,000-
dimensional representation with close distances be-
tween words with comparable meanings. the intro-
duction follows a method for identifying the patterns
in an article that are most beneficial for classifying it
as fake or legitimate news. This entails returning the
network’s output to the article in order to identify the
phrases that are ”most fake” and ”most real.
On the other hand, BERT-based models had been
successfully applied to the fake news detection task;
FakeBERT is a new technique Kaliyar et al. (Kali-
yar et al., 2021) created to identify bogus news in the
early 2020s. By merging several parallel blocks of the
single-layer CNNs with BERT, this method is effec-
tive contrarily to (De Sarkar et al., 2018) that looked
at a text sequence in a unidirectional way.
In (Verma et al., 2022), the Message Credibil-
ity (MCred) framework was proposed. This research
makes use of both local and global text semantics to
detect bogus news. The Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
resentations from Transformers (BERT) and Convo-
lutional Neural Networks (CNN) used in this frame-
work are combined to provide global text semantics
based on the relationship between words in sentences
and local text semantics based on N-gram character-
Our method focuses on taking contextual understand-
ing into account when determining whether text posts
An Effective Hybrid Text-Based Approach to Identify Fake News on Social Media
are fake news or true news. The text classification
process displayed in Figure 1 serves as a major inspi-
ration for the key elements of our approach.
Figure 1: Overview of a text classification pipeline.
Our contribution consists in the choice of adequate
models for each step.
In fact, after selecting the dataset to be used, we
proceed to the fundamental step of preprocessing the
inputted text.
We need to extract the important characteristics of
the text (Facebook post, tweets, or other) in order to
better classify it. We want to understand the context
of the words in this step. In this paper, we rely on a
document vocabulary representation that can capture
the context of a word in a document, take into account
semantic and syntactic similarity, and consider the re-
lationship with other words. As a result, we chose
BERT as a technique for the feature encoding step.
We can use deep learning to its full potential dur-
ing the classification phase. Fake news detection
models are trained to comprehend the context of the
text and determine if the material is fake news or
not. Long or short texts are both acceptable for anal-
ysis. If the messages are brief, the CNN, a sub-
class of deep and feed-forward artificial neural net-
works, might be an excellent choice for classifying
fake news. As it shows how well it extracts regional
and position-invariant features. Another deep learn-
ing recurrent neural network model based on Long
Short Term Memory(LSTM) performs better for long
texts since it can learn the long-term reliance of the
Therefore, a hybrid CNN-LSTM model is pro-
posed for the purpose of classifying fake news in this
work in order to combine the benefits of CNN and
3.1 An Overview of the Proposed Model
Our BERT + CNN + LSTM model is composed of
seven layers illustrated in Figure 2 and detailed as fol-
1. An Input Layer: which takes the plain text as
2. A Pre-Processing Layer: which takes the plain
Figure 2: The proposed LSTM Model.
text as input and the result of the pre-processing
is a batch of input sequences of fixed length for
the encoder.
3. A BERT Encoder Layer: which takes the out-
put of the previous layer as input and the result
is a matrix of 128 vectors represents a text such
that each vector of dimension 512 represents a se-
quence of text, then the output shape is (128, 512).
It is a vector representation of each word in the
text which takes into account the context and a
vector representation for each text.
4. A convolution Layer : of dimension 1 that ap-
plies a filter to the input to detect and group fea-
tures.The output shape is (128, 32)
5. A LSTM Layer: that retains long text important
information.The output shape is (32).
6. An Output Layer: which represents the classifier
that takes the output of the LSTM layer and the re-
sult are two binary classes: Fake or real news.The
output shape is (2).
3.2 Text Pre-Processing Step
The first step is the dataset preparation step which in-
loading a dataset which is the input to our system.
Basic pre-processing: When pre-processing the
data, we:
Remove punctuation marks (such as @,!)
Remove the extra white space in the text.
the division of the dataset into training and vali-
dation sets.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.3 Feature Encoding Step
Once the data has been cleaned, formal feature en-
coding methods can be applied. In general, texts and
documents are unstructured data sets. However, these
unstructured text sequences need to be converted into
structured form. The goal of text representation is to
convert pre-processed texts into a form that the com-
puter can process.
In our work, we propose to use a method in which
each word of a vocabulary is mapped to a real vec-
tor considering its context to facilitate subsequently
the detection of fake news. In this context, we pro-
pose to use the Bidirectional Encoder Representations
from Transformers (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2018). It
is a language representation model that uses encoder-
decoder architecture. The general structure of these
neural networks processes language in sequence and
the input passes through a layer called an “encoder”
where the words are communicating information with
each other for the model to generate a semantic struc-
ture. For the model to perform a task such text classi-
fication, the flow of information then passes through
a “decoder” where it performs the reverse operation
while it recovers the information from the “encoder”.
This type of neural network structure is known as
Transformers (Gillioz et al., 2020) in NLP. The BERT
model has two versions. The version we use in
this work is BERTBASE with 12 layers with hidden
layer sizes of 768 and 12 attention layers.The param-
eters are approximately 110M. Self-attention layers
use dot-product similarity scores to augment each to-
ken’s representation with information from other to-
kens that are similar or contextually informative. Cru-
cially, self-attention layers are fully parallels because
there is no recursiveness. BERT produces contextual-
ized word embeddings where the vector for the word
is computed based on the context in which it appears.
BERT differs from its predecessors (pre-trained
NLP models) in the way it is pre-trained. This pre-
training is unsupervised. BERT has been pre-trained
using a self-monitoring technique on a sizable corpus
of multilingual data. This indicates that it is an au-
tomated process that generates input and labels from
texts that have merely been pre-trained on raw texts
without any sort of human labeling. BERT is pre-
trained on a large dataset consisting of texts from En-
glish Wikipedia pages (2500 million words) as well as
a set of books (800 million words). This pre-training
is done in two steps:
Step 1: MLM or Masked Language Modeling
Language Modeling is a common NLP task that
consists of predicting the next word given the be-
ginning of the sentence. The principle of Masked
Language Modeling is to predict ”masked” to-
kens from the other tokens in the sequence.The
model selects a sentence at random from the in-
put, masking 15% of words, and then executes
the entire sentence while predicting the words that
were hidden. This is different from conventional
endogenous neural networks (RNN), which often
only observe one word at a time, and from iso-
lated models like the GPT (Generative Pre-trained
Transformer), which internally conceals tokens in
the future. This allows the model to pick up on
the sentence’s dual representation.
Step 2: NSP or Next Sentence Prediction This
step consists of predicting whether or not a cer-
tain sequence A is followed by a certain sequence
B. The NSP step allows BERT to understand the
inter-dependencies between the sentences that fol-
low each other. This enriches the final represen-
tation of the text. Using two masked sentences
as input, the model is trained to connect the two
sentences. It occasionally corresponds to subse-
quent sentences in the original text, but not al-
ways. The model should then foretell whether
two sentences will follow one another. As a result,
the model has acquired knowledge about how lan-
guages are internally represented in the training
organization, which can be used to extract func-
tions useful for subsequent work. For instance,
if we have a data set with labeled sentences, we
can train using functions from BERT-models gen-
erated as input.
The principle of using BERT is quite simple: it is
”already” pre-trained on a large quantity of data, we
modify it for a precise task and then (re)train it with
our own data. This allows BERT, in addition to its
main function of text modelling in text classification
tasks, to classify texts thanks to fine-tuning (Zhang
et al., 2020). Fine-tuning is the process of adding a
neural network to the output of BERT as needed. In
our approach, we settle for BERT as a feature encod-
ing technique.
3.4 Classification Step
According to (Mahrishi et al., 2020), when it comes
to tackling real-world issues, deep neural networks do
better than traditional machine learning techniques. It
has been shown that neural network models are capa-
ble of impressive performance in text classification.
For this kind of task, the two most popular designs
are convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recur-
rent neural networks (RNN). In this paper, we propose
combining the benefits and advantages of both archi-
tectural models to develop a new model for text clas-
An Effective Hybrid Text-Based Approach to Identify Fake News on Social Media
sification. The convolutional neural network applies
a non-linear activation function to the convolutional
operation’s output, and after pooling the data for clas-
sification, it uses a full connection layer. Filter, also
referred to as the kernel function, is the fundamental
component of convolutional operation.
The Long Short Term Memory network (LSTM),
on the other hand, is a unique kind of recurrent neural
network (RNN) that has the capacity to learn long-
term dependencies. Cell state, the central component
of the LSTM, allows for the addition or deletion of
information from cells and the selective letting of in-
formation via the door mechanism. Remember gate,
input gate, and output gate are the three gates that
make up an LSTM. The input gate chooses what data
should be updated to the cell state after the forget gate
has decided which data should be removed from the
cell state. The cell state is updated after establishing
these two locations. The network’s ultimate output is
determined by the output gate.
In this instance, the LSTM layer keeps track of
crucial text information (especially long ones). The
classification process is completed by making a final
determination regarding the text’s authenticity using
the output from the LSTM layer and the information
that was retained.
We will first present the dataset we used before re-
vealing the findings.
4.1 Dataset
To validate our approach, we used the dataset
WELFake proposed in (Verma et al., 2021). It is a
dataset of 72,134 news articles, 35,028 of which are
true and 37,106 of which are false. The authors com-
bined four popular news datasets (Kaggle, McIntire,
Reuters, and BuzzFeed Political) to prevent classifier
overfitting and to provide more text data for better ML
The dataset has four columns: serial number (be-
ginning at 0), title (about the text news heading), text
(about the news content), and label (0 = fake and 1
= real). The distribution of real and fake news is de-
picted in Figure 3. The dataset includes both lengthy
and concise texts. The distribution of the news word
count is shown in Figure 4.
70% of the data were used for training, 30% were
used for testing, and 30% of the training set was used
for validation.
Figure 3: Distribution of real and fake news in the dataset.
Figure 4: Distribution of the news word count in the dataset.
We start by preprocessing the dataset before mov-
ing on to feature encoding and determining whether
or not the data is fake news. We outline the experi-
mental setup and findings in the section that follows.
4.2 Experimental Settings
In this experiment, we use the following parameters.
Number of Filters: 32 filters of size 8
Number of Units: 32
Activation Function: Softmax
Optimizer: Adamw provided by TensorFlow
Loss Function: cross-entropy. The cross-entropy
compares the model’s prediction with the label
which is the true probability distribution. The
cross-entropy goes down as the prediction gets
more and more accurate. It becomes zero if the
prediction is perfect.
The Evaluation Metric: accuracy. Accuracy is
the fraction of predictions our model got right.
Number of Epochs: 5 (We use Stochastic Gradi-
ent Descent to get the best value of epochs).
Batch Size: 16
Learning Rate: 3e
Drop Out: 0.1
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.3 The Obtained Experimental Results
The model based on BERT+CNN+LSTM was trained
over 5 epochs, obtaining an accuracy of 1 and a loss
of 2.4586e-4 on the training set, and an accuracy of 1
and a loss of 5.7634e-4 on the validation and test sets.
Figure 5 shows the accuracy and loss curve for the
model evaluated on the training and validation sets.
Figure 5: Evaluation of the BERT + CNN + LSTM model.
We note that the loss is minimal and the accuracy
value is interesting.
4.4 Discussion
To validate the obtained experimental results, we
tested the same dataset with other models. In Table
1, we sum up the accuracy of our model with other
models of literature.
Table 1: Comparison to existing works.
Reference Model %Accuracy
(Vivek et al., 2017) LinguisticAnalysis+SVM 87
(Ahmed et al., 2018) TF-IDF+SVM 92
(Nicole et al., 2018) DNN 93.50
(Kaliyar et al., 2021) BERT+CNN 98.9
(Verma et al., 2022) BERT+CNN+N-gram 99.01
Our model BERT+CNN +LSTM 100
We find that our model surpasses all existing con-
ventional methods, including TF-IDF for feature en-
coding and machine learning models for classifica-
tion, like Ahmed et al. (Ahmed et al., 2018) who,
with their best method, attained an accuracy of 92%.
Additionally, our model outperforms recent meth-
ods that use BERT for feature encoding and neural
network models for classification, such as those pro-
posed by Kaliyar et al. (Kaliyar et al., 2021) and
Verma et al. (Verma et al., 2022), who respectively
achieved accuracies of 98.90% and 99.01% .
In this paper, we propose developing a text mining
and learning-based approach for detecting fake news.
As a result, we proposed a method for classifying
texts as true or false that combines CNN and LSTM
deep learning with the BERT text feature encoding
technique. When compared to other models, the ex-
perimental results of the proposed technique are ex-
tremely promising.
To identify fake news in this study, we relied
solely on the text’s content. We intend to expand
on this approach in future works by taking into ac-
count additional factors such as the source (the origi-
nal author), the source’s characteristics (false profiles,
robots, malicious people, etc.), and so on.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence