A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression
Related Studies
Rama Krishna Thelagathoti
and Hesham H. Ali
College of Information Science and Technology, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182, U.S.A.
Graph Models, Correlation Networks, Depression Studies, Mobility Data, Objective Diagnosis, Severity
Depression is a serious behavioural disorder that can affect the quality of life. Timely diagnosis and accurate
estimation of severity are critical in supporting depression studies and starting early interventional treatment.
In this study, we introduce two major contributions. First, we propose a novel computational model that
can utilize non-invasive mobility data to recognize individuals suffering from depression disorders. Second,
we introduce a new objective index, the Depression Severity Score Index (DSS), which can approximate the
seriousness or the degree of severity of depression. The proposed approach is a data-driven model that is
built on the mobility data collected from 55 subjects using wearable sensors. In the first step in our proposed
approach, a graph model that represents the underlying correlation network is constructed by measuring the
pair-wise correlation values between each pair of individuals. Then, we obtain the depression severity index
of each subject by utilizing graph properties of the constructed network such as Intra and inter-cluster edges.
Our obtained results show that the obtained correlation network model has the potential to identify participants
diagnosed with depression from the control group. Moreover, the proposed Depression Severity Score (DSS)
has a higher likelihood than the clinical depression score in correctly measuring the depression severity level.
In recent years, the prevalence of behavioral disorders
such as depression is in increasing trend. Especially,
During the COVID-19 pandemic, depression and anx-
iety disorders are more prevalent than usual in the
general population (Mazza et al., 2020). depression
would be the second most disability that most peo-
ple will suffer around the world (Mathers and Lon-
car, 2006). In addition to this, the cost of healthcare
would significantly rise. Furthermore, recent studies
show that one out of every five young children is suf-
fering from at least one of the mental health issues
including depression, schizophrenia, and ADHD (Li
et al., 2021). However, only 25% of them are being
diagnosed and treated and the rest of them are undiag-
nosed. Besides, many children are not aware that they
are being affected by mental disorders. According to
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) statis-
tics, approximately 21 million people have at least
one major depressive disorder (unipolar or bipolar
depression) (The National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH), 2021). Astonishingly, this number is almost
8% of the total US adult population.
Depression is characterized by a gloomy mood,
lack of interest in general everyday activities, low
self-esteem, and withdrawal from social gatherings
(Thelagathoti and Ali, 2022b) (Thelagathoti and Ali,
2022a). The prevalence of depression for a long time
may result in negative outcomes such as poor perfor-
mance in academics or work location, reduced mo-
bility, self-harm, and unemployment (Li et al., 2021).
Especially, suicidal thoughts and self-hurting would
dramatically increase. Therefore, it is crucial to iden-
tify the condition and facilitate the treatment as early
as possible. Without estimating the severity of the
depression, it is not viable to provide comprehensive
treatment. Assessment of the seriousness of the dis-
order is as critical as the detection of the disorder.
Nevertheless, most of the existing clinical procedures
are symptom rating scales such as the MADRS score
(Montgomery and
Asberg, 1979) and the Depression
Rating Scale (Williams, 1988). In these approaches,
severity is estimated by assigning a score or rating for
each of the symptoms that are expressed by the indi-
Thelagathoti, R. and Ali, H.
A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression Related Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0011675400003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 416-423
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
vidual and observed by the clinician. After an assess-
ment is completed, a final score is calculated which
represents the seriousness of the depression. For ex-
ample, The MADRS score ranges between 0 to 60 in
which 0 to 6 is considered as no depression while a
value above 34 is treated as severe depression (Mont-
gomery and
Asberg, 1979). The drawback of such
rating scales is that the evaluation is controlled by hu-
man experience and driven-by patient feedback. In
the case of children, it is totally driven-by clinician
observation because children are not mature enough
to express their symptoms and feelings. Thus, it is the
need of the hour to develop objective methods to as-
sess the severity of depression without depending on
mere feelings.
Our study aims to develop a computational ap-
proach that can identify the depressed person from
a healthy individual and approximate the severity of
the depression. Our model is constructed on the fact
that altered mobility is one of the early signs of de-
pression. Recent studies show that the mobility of
depressed people is lower than that of healthy peo-
ple (Garcia-Ceja et al., 2018) (Thelagathoti and Ali,
2022b) (Thelagathoti and Ali, 2022a). This opens the
doors to developing computational techniques to clas-
sify depressive disorders by utilizing mobility data.
For our experiments, we processed the mobility data
collected from 55 subjects using body-worn wearable
sensors of which 23 of them are suffering from de-
pression and 32 of them are healthy clinical control
subjects (Garcia-Ceja et al., 2018). We built the com-
putational model in two stages. In the first stage,
a graph-based correlation network is constructed by
measuring the pair-wise correlation coefficient be-
tween each pair of subjects. The resultant graph
inherently separates the depressed group from the
healthy group. These two groups are identified and
extracted by employing a clustering algorithm. In
the second stage, graph properties such as inter and
intra-clusters edges are utilized to compute the sever-
ity of each participant in the depressed group. Our
proposed model is data-driven and does not depend
on the group labels present in the dataset. The rest of
the document is organized as follows. In section 2,
our major contributions are explained while methods
are elaborated in section 3. The results are presented
in section 4, robustness analysis is performed in sec-
tion 5, discussion of the results is described in section
6, and limitation are explained in section 7.
2.1 Overview of the Pipeline
The methodology used for the proposed approach is
shown in Fig.1. Overall procedure is divided into
3 stages: data analysis, classification, and severity
estimation. In the data analysis stage, the acquired
dataset is preprocessed, and extracted relevant fea-
tures. In the classification step, a graph-based corre-
lation network model is built by utilizing the features
extracted in the previous stage. Then the potential
clusters are identified in the graph network by apply-
ing the MCL clustering algorithm. Since the graph is
constructed by incorporating the mobility characteris-
tics of each participant, we believe that the depressed
subjects will be grouped into a single cluster while the
healthy subjects are expected to be in a different clus-
ter. In the final stage, depression severity is estimated
by utilizing graph properties including node degree,
inter-cluster density, and intra-cluster density.
2.2 Classification
Dataset description and feature extraction steps are
described elsewhere (Thelagathoti and Ali, 2022a).
The first objective of this study is to build a clas-
sification model that can identify the population of
subjects who are diagnosed with either unipolar or
bipolar disorder, from their healthy counterparts. The
classification task is achieved in two steps. In the
first step, a graph-based correlation network is con-
structed. Then, classification is performed by apply-
ing the MCL clustering algorithm. They are further
elaborated in the following sections.
2.2.1 Construction of Correlation Network
A network is a graph G = (V, E) is an abstract
mathematical representation of associations between
Figure 1: The overview of the methodology.
A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression Related Studies
a group of objects. This graph is represented us-
ing a set of nodes or vertices (V) and edges (E) in
which nodes denote the individual data item while the
edges indicate the interrelationships between the ob-
jects (Bondy et al., 1976). A correlation network is a
type of graph in which two nodes are connected by an
edge depending on the strength of the correlation be-
tween those two nodes (Thelagathoti and Ali, 2022b).
We hypothesize that the strength of the correlation be-
tween a pair of subjects can be determined by using
the Pearson correlation coefficient (ρ) (Thelagathoti
and Ali, 2022a) (Benesty et al., 2009). Because the
Pearson correlation coefficient is a statistical measure
to find the linear dependency between two data ele-
ments (Benesty et al., 2009). The value of ρ ranges
between -1 to +1. Moreover, -1 represents the weak-
est correlation while +1 indicated the strongest cor-
relation between any two data elements. In order to
construct the correlation graph first the correlation co-
efficient between each pair of 55 participants is mea-
sured. Then all 55 subjects are represented as nodes in
the graph and two nodes are connected by an edge if
and only if the strength of correlation between these
two nodes exceeds a certain threshold. The overall
methodology for building the correlation network is
summarized below.
Assumption 1: N is the number of subjects un-
der the study. In this manuscript, we have consid-
ered 55 participants from the ‘Depresjon’ dataset
(Garcia-Ceja et al., 2018) as the population under
the study.
Assumption 2: K is the number of proposed fea-
tures that will be used to build the correlation net-
work. We have proposed 48-hour-wise features.
Assumption 3: Pi and Pj are individual random
subjects taken from the population of N subjects
where ((i , j) N and ( i , j) >0.
Assumption 4: ρ[i,j] implies the Pearson pair-
wise correlation coefficient value between sub-
jects I and j. CM is a Correlation Matrix that is
that is generated after finding ρ[i,j] for all i and j.
In other words, CM[i,j] contains ρ value between
subjects i and j.
Assumption 5: T is a predefined threshold that
has to be set by the user to determine the strength
of the correlation that needs to be established for
constructing a correlation graph. In general, any-
thing above 0.5 is considered a strong correlation.
Assumption 5: SM is a significance matrix that is
obtained after applying threshold T.
Step 1: Compute the pair-wise Pearson correla-
tion between each pair of subjects
Step 2: Step 1 generates CM which is of size
55x55. For example, CM[3,9] represents the cor-
relation coefficient value (ρ between participants
3 and 9.
Step 3: choose T in such a way that only strongly
associated subjects are connected in the final
graph. In this study, we have chosen 0.7 as a
threshold to build the graph.
Step 4: SM is generated after applying T. SM is
an adjacency matrix obtained from CM using the
following equation.
SM[i, j] =
1, if (CM)(Pi, P j)) T
0, otherwise
The value at SM[i,j] = 1 indicates that Pi and Pj
will be connected by an edge in the graph because
Pi and Pj are associated with respect to their mo-
bility data. Conversely, the value of 0 at SM[i,j]
represents that Pi and Pj are weakly correlated.
Therefore, Pi and Pj will not be connected in the
final graph.
Step 5: SM is an adjacency matrix which is an ab-
stract representation of a graph. Instinctively, the
correlation graph is formed by utilizing the SM
adjacency matrix by incorporating 55 subjects as
nodes and the value at SM[i,j] to connect edges
between any two subjects.
2.2.2 Clustering and Classification
In the previous step, only a correlation network graph
is constructed. In this step, actual classification will
be performed. In the context of this study, the aim
of the classification is to identify depressive subjects
from their healthy counterparts. The uniqueness of
the correlation graph is that the graph is formulated
in such a way that subjects who are similar concern-
ing their mobility characteristics will come together
and be strongly connected in the network. At the
same time, weakly associated subjects become distant
apart. It means that the correlation graph is inherently
constructed in a way that strongly connected sub-
jects are connected edges while the weakly connected
subjects are not directly connected in the network.
Therefore, after constructing a correlation graph it is
enough to extract communities (clusters) that are ho-
mogeneous concerning their mobility profiles.
To extract well-connected clusters, we have em-
ployed the MCL community detection algorithm.
MCL is a popular community detection algorithm that
detects strongly connected communities in a graph by
randomly walking through all the nodes (Cai et al.,
2010). A community (cluster) is a subgraph where
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
all the nodes in the subgraph are densely connected
while all nodes between the communities are sparsely
connected (Emmons et al., 2016). Since we have built
the graph by analyzing the motor activity of each par-
ticipant, identified clusters will possess similar mo-
tor behavior characteristics. It is expected that all the
subjects who possess homogeneous mobility patterns
clustered into a single community.
2.3 Severity Estimation
In the case of behavioral disorders such as depres-
sion, it is not sufficient to determine the onset of
the illness. It is critical to estimate the severity of
the disorder immediately after diagnosing the disor-
der. However, most of the existing clinical diagnos-
tic approaches are human-driven and controlled by
human analysis along with patient feedback (Mont-
gomery and
Asberg, 1979) (Williams, 1988). These
methods do not provide an objective estimation of the
seriousness of the depression. Furthermore, extensive
human effort combined with frequent hospital visits is
essential. To avoid these limitations, we are propos-
ing a novel depression severity index namely Depres-
sion Severity Score (DSS) computed by utilizing the
motor activity data collected using wearable sensor
instruments. This section further illustrates the pro-
posed methodology to measure the DSS index. The
basis for DSS calculation is in the abundance of var-
ious graph properties that can be extracted from the
acquired correlation graph in the previous step. We
have formulated the DSS index by utilizing graph at-
tributes such as inter-cluster density and intra-cluster
density for each vertex. The intra-cluster density of a
vertex is the sum of edges incident from the vertex in
a cluster to each other vertex within the same cluster.
Similarly, the inter-cluster density of a vertex is re-
ferred to the total number of edges incident from each
vertex in that cluster to each other vertex that does
not belong to the same cluster. To compute DSS we
have adopted the notion of a core node and a bridge
node suggested by Wang. et.al.(Cai et al., 2010). The
following procedure elaborates on the approach to es-
timating depression severity.
Let G = (V, E) be a correlation graph obtained
in earlier steps.
The classification task aims to detect all possi-
ble clusters in G. C = S1,..., Sm are a set of clus-
ters identified in the classification task where Si
is a subset of V and m is number of clusters
identified by classification task.
Core node - A vertex Pi in cluster Sm is said
to be the ‘Core node’ if for all edges Pi Pj
where Pi belongs to Sm and Pj also belongs to
Sm. In other words, all its edges are connected
to nodes that belong to the same cluster.
Bridge node - A vertex Pi in a cluster Sm is
said to be the ‘Bridge node’ if for all edges Pi
Pj where Pi belongs to Sm, Pj belongs to
Sn (where m=! n). It means that its edges are
connected to nodes that do not belong to the
same cluster and also to other clusters in the
neighborhood of that vertex.
Depression Severity Score is calculated as follows
DSS(Pi) =
sum of inter-cluster edges
sum of intra-cluster edges
where sum of inter-cluster edges of Pi is defined
as the total number of edges that are incident from
Pi in a cluster to all other nodes in the same clus-
ter. Conversely, sum of intra-cluster of Pi is de-
fined as the total number of edges that are incident
from Pi to all other nodes in a different cluster.
Interpretation of DSS :
In this study, we propose to formulate DSS as a
binary index in which the value is either 0 or 1.
However, the result of equation 2 is not a binary
number but rather its s spectrum where the value
DSS(Pi) ranges between 0 and 1. The interpre-
tation of DSS binary categorization is shown in
Table 1. If the DSS index for Pi is 0 or above,
then we consider the subject Pi as the core node in
the graph. It indicates that node Pi does not have
any edges incident to the nodes in another clus-
ter and it’s strongly connected to the nodes within
the same cluster. On the other hand, If Pi is > 0
then Pi is treated as a bridge node which means the
node is connected to the other nodes in the same
cluster as well to the nodes in neighborhood clus-
ters. Although we use DSS as a binary index, we
believe that the DSS index can be used as a sup-
plementary tool for clinicians and healthcare pro-
fessionals in the severity estimation of depressive
disorder. Furthermore, experts in the medical do-
main can modify the DSS index for a fine-grained
assessment of depression.
Table 1: Severity estimation and Interpretation.
DSS(Pi) = 0 Core Node
Severity High
DSS(Pi) > 0 Bridge Node
Severity Low
A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression Related Studies
(a) Correlation Network graph. (b) Classification.
(c) Severity Estimation. (d) Robustness Analysis.
(e) Mobility across different groups. (f) Age range across different groups.
Figure 2: Classification and Severity estimation.
The study includes 55 participants of which 23 indi-
viduals belong to the condition group while 32 indi-
viduals belong to the control group. The novelty of
our approach is that we did not use the group label
(condition or control group) which is already present
in the dataset. We have built on the fact that the mobil-
ity of the condition group is lower and distinguishable
than the control group. Furthermore, we have utilized
graph properties in order to estimate the severity of
the depression. The results of our experiments are de-
scribed in the following sections.
3.1 Classification
In the context of this article, the main aim of the clas-
sification task is to identify the subgroups that are in-
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
herently present in the population. The classification
task is performed in two stages. In the first stage, a
correlation network is constructed as shown in Fig
.2(a), by incorporating 48 features derived in the ear-
lier step and by using a predefined threshold T of
0.7. In the second stage, a clustering algorithm is em-
ployed to bring out the inherent clusters from the cor-
relation network. We have employed the MCL algo-
rithm to highlight the clusters in the graph network as
depicted in Fig. 2(b). The graph displayed in Fig.2(b)
demonstrates that two subgroups (condition and con-
trol) were fairly separated and established as sepa-
rate communities (clusters). Although we have not
used labels for classification, we are referring to the
class label for the sake of accuracy estimation. Apart
from the isolated nodes, p1 through p23 which are
marked in blue belong to the condition group while
p24 through p55 which are marked in orange belong
to the control group.
3.2 Severity Estimation
The classification task identified two major subgroups
as shown in Fig.2(b) . One of the subgroups is the
condition group while the other is the control group.
Since all the subjects belonging to the control group
are healthy and not diagnosed with depression, ill-
ness severity has been estimated only for the con-
dition group (p1 through p23). The DSS index is
measured using equation 2 for each participant from
the condition group. By utilizing the severity estima-
tion procedure mentioned in Table 1, all the nodes in
the condition group are split up into core nodes and
bridge nodes as shown in Fig.2(c). we have computed
score for each person in control group and categorized
them into two groups as shown in Fig. 2(c). (orange
and green color nodes). However, the description and
interpretation of these nodes are out of the scope of
this document.
This section describes the validation analysis per-
formed on the obtained results. This manuscript
presents results in two folds. First, classification be-
tween condition and control group without utilizing
label. Second, severity estimation of the condition
group those who are suffering from a depressive dis-
4.1 Robustness of Classification
In traditional label-driven classification tasks such as
supervised machine learning techniques, the outcome
is solely dependent on labels present in the dataset.
Therefore, the classification results are subject to bias
because of the labels present in the dataset. Further-
more, in medical datasets, it is not practical to expect
a label for every observation as its high time intensive
and requires huge human effort. To mitigate this prob-
lem, our classification task is data-driven rather than
label-driven. However, we use existing class labels to
analyze the robustness of our methodology. Table 2 il-
lustrates the performance of the classification task by
comparing our outcome against the known label. The
above results demonstrate that none of the subjects
were misclassified. Apart from the two major groups
some participants got isolated and not connected to
the network. Out of 55 subjects under the study, 4 of
them are isolated.
4.2 Robustness of Severity Estimation
In this section, severity estimation results of the con-
dition group are validated against the clinical rating
scale which is already present in the dataset. The clas-
sification task identified 20 subjects belonging to the
condition group out of a total of 23 subjects. Then,
the severity estimation task divided them into two
categories as shown in Table 1. To validate our re-
sults from the clinical context, participants with high
severity of depression are expected to possess a high
MADRS score whereas subjects with low severity are
expected to have a low MADRS rating. According to
MADRS ratings shown in Fig.2(d), our results prove
that core nodes are rated with a low MADRS score
while bridge nodes are rated with a MADRS rating.
Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the likeli-
hood of a DSS index reflecting a clinical rating scale
such as MADRS is very high.
Table 2: Classified category vs dataset label.
Classified group
Condition Control Isolated Total
Condition 20 0 3 23
Control 0 31 1 32
Total 20 31 4 55
A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression Related Studies
This research aimed to build a computational model
which is driven by the mobility data instead of the
class label present in the dataset. Most of the previ-
ous studies utilized supervised machine learning algo-
rithms in which a classifier is trained on the existing
data with a known class label then the trained model
will be used to predict future instances. The disad-
vantage of this approach is that the training step ex-
pects all the class labels to be present in the dataset. It
implies that the dataset must contain a label indicat-
ing the health status of the subject. However, in the
real world, it is a tedious job to append health status
to each observation. Furthermore, the model should
be able to produce useful results even though the la-
bels are not available in the dataset. Our current work
in this paper attempts to bridge this gap. Since our
model does not necessitate a label to be annotated for
each observation, it works only by including mobility
We have designed this model in two stages. First,
a correlation network graph is constructed. Second,
the MCL algorithm is employed to detect communi-
ties in the graph. The correlation between each pair of
subjects is measured using the Pearson correlation co-
efficient with respect to 48 features. The intuitive idea
behind the construction of a correlation network is
that if any two subjects are connected by an edge, then
they are correlated concerning their mobility data. In
other words, two subjects are connected by an edge if
they possess similar mobility composition. Since our
method is not machine learning based, we do not use a
confusion matrix as a method of finding the accuracy
metric. But cluster quality metrics such as modular-
ity can be used. Yet, a quality metric such as mod-
ularity does not make sense in the case of biomedi-
cal datasets. Therefore, we have validated our results
against the clinical score available in the dataset.
In addition to the classification and severity esti-
mation, we have performed an enrichment analysis to
verify if there are common and distinguishable demo-
graphic properties between or within the subgroups.
Enrichment analysis is a powerful computation tool
that has been heavily used in biomedical informat-
ics. In the past, researchers have mainly used this
technique to interpret gene expression data and com-
pare groups that display similar biological parameters
(Mclean et al., 2016). In this study, we have compared
the age and average motor activity of each person con-
cerning between subgroups and within the subgroup.
The results of this analysis are shown in Fig.2(e) and
Fig.2(f). Enrichment analysis reveals some interest-
ing facts that are significant to consider. For example,
most of the participants in the high depression sever-
ity zone are younger than the high severity zone. Con-
versely, the mobility profiles of high-depression zone
subjects are lower than low depression subjects.
The primary focus of this work is to identify differ-
ent subgroups that are inherently present in the data
by utilizing their mobility data. A methodology is
a data-driven approach rather than label-driven. Al-
though our results are promising, there are certain
limitations in this study. First, even though the cor-
relation between the DSS index and MADRS clini-
cal score is very high, it is not always true. In other
words, a few participants’ DSS index is not reflect-
ing the MADRS score. This might be because of the
fact that the MADRS score might be always an ac-
curate measure of depression especially when the pa-
tients are under antidepression medication treatment
(Montgomery and
Asberg, 1979). In addition to that,
in the medical domain, it is always not viable to get
100% accurate results. However, our model has been
proposed based on the mobility data rather than de-
pending on the feelings or experiences of the clini-
cian. Secondly, the dataset contains only 23 subjects
belonging to the depression group. We do not reject
the limitation of a limited sample. Nevertheless, our
future work is acquiring larger datasets that include
multiple psychological disorders such as depression,
and ADHD.
Depression is a serious mental health disorder that can
negatively impact a person’s daily routine and cause a
significant reduction in life span. Prolonged diagnosis
can cause deterioration in the mental health condition
and eventually reduces the possibility of treating the
illness or limit its effectiveness. Unfortunately, there
is no objective clinical test that can detect depres-
sion disorder and estimate its severity level. Existing
clinical procedures are predominantly driven by clin-
ician observation and self-reporting symptoms from
the patient or his/her family members. Neverthe-
less, many researchers have developed several com-
putational methods to address the problem. However,
most of these approaches are supervised and driven by
class labels there are present in the dataset. Append-
ing a label for every observation takes huge human
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
effort and is impractical in real-world scenarios.
In this study, we introduce a novel data-driven
computational method that can classify depression
and estimate its severity level without using a class la-
bel. The proposed model is motivated by the fact that
reduced mobility is an early indication of depression.
At first, a graph-based correlation network is con-
structed using the mobility data collected from wear-
able sensors and employing a clustering algorithm to
extract strongly connected communities (clusters) in
the graph. The advantage of employing the correla-
tion network model is that its underlying graph inher-
ently possesses the potential communities, and they
can be identified by s suitable community detection
clustering algorithm such as MCL. The obtained net-
work also has several graph-theoretic properties that
can be utilized to further analyze the mobility data.
Taking advantage of such properties, we have devel-
oped a new metric, Depression Severity Score index
(DSS), by using graph metrics including inter and
intra-cluster density. The obtained results demon-
strate that the correlation between measured DSS and
clinical depression rating score is high. We envision
that DSS can be used as a supplementary tool for clin-
icians and healthcare professionals in obtaining ob-
jective diagnostic assessment.
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A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression Related Studies