Voicemail Urgency Detection Using Context Dependent and Independent
NLP Techniques
Asma Trabelsi
, S
everine Soussilane
and Emmanuel Helbert
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, ALE International, 32, avenue Kl
eber 92700 Colombes, Paris, France
Master Data Science and Complex Systems, Universit
e de Strasbourg, France
Voicemail Classification, Urgency Determination, BERT Embedding, Data Augmentation, Explainability.
Business field has improved exponentially during the last two decades: working methods have changed, more
and more users are connected to each other across the globe, same teams as well as different teams can be
separated by countries in big companies. So, users need a way to select messages to treat in priority for a
better business management and a better communication. In this paper, we implement an approach enabling to
classify voicemail messages into urgent and non urgent. The problem of determining urgency being still vast
and open, some criteria should be used to decide the importance of messages depending to one’s necessity.
Among these criteria, we can mention the sender position, the time of sending as well as the textual content.
In this paper, we focus on classifying voicemail messages based on their contents. As there exist several
Machine Learning approaches for text vectorization and classification, various combinations will be discussed
and compared for the aim of finding the most performant one.
Artificial Intelligence, in short AI, is largely used to-
day to solve several real world problems. One of
the benefits of AI is to let machines take over the re-
current tasks that human usually do with poor added
value. In today’s world, AI had and is still having
a pivotal role in various domains like in the medical
field (Vaishya et al., 2020), in the industry (Dopico
et al., 2016), in education (Cheng et al., 2020), in
communication (Cayamcela and Lim, 2018), etc. Ma-
chine Learning, which is a sub-field of AI, enables the
automation of problem resolution through the learn-
ing process of known cases. Today, Machine Learn-
ing is used to handle simple to medium to complex
problems. It is helpful in various domains like energy
management (Veiga et al., 2021), mobile network
analysis (Sevgican et al., 2020), or even in aerial maps
creation through image processing (Mnih, 2013), text
classification (Mujtaba et al., 2019), and even in voice
recognition field. The later has been considered as an
interesting search field but is viewed as a difficult task
regarding the diversity of languages. It has to be noted
that each language can have a different structure in
the written form, moreover, the same terms’ meaning
from the same language can differ depending on the
context (polysemy). This complexity has the origin of
the exploration of human language and the introduc-
tion of Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Kang et
al., 2020). NLP has also been considered as a tool for
the identification and change of communication be-
Communication is the way of exchanging infor-
mation between a source and a destination. Hu-
mans’ system of communication is flexible and pre-
cise (Krauss, 2002). They convey what they want to
say in a meaningful way through writing, speaking
or with signs. By this way of communication, hu-
mans are able to express their feelings, their needs,
exchange information, etc. Communication is valu-
able between any group of individuals, particularly
in the business field. Companies’ staffs do need to
exchange properly to lead a project in the best pos-
sible way. To date, all companies have the habit
of using some communication platforms to connect
their staffs, either SaaS (Software as a Service) or on-
premises. These solutions provide instant messaging
but also legacy voice interactions and in particular,
voice messaging. Voice messaging services are very
important to share critical information and request im-
mediate action from the recipient. But as it requires
manual consultation, there is no assurance about the
delivery of the message and its acknowledgement,
though the importance and the urgency of the mes-
Trabelsi, A., Soussilane, S. and Helbert, E.
Voicemail Urgency Detection Using Context Dependent and Independent NLP Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0011685800003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 450-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
sage. On the other hand, some messages do not re-
quire immediate action and do not need to be listen
to immediately. Thus, combining transcription and
voice message classification can be very helpful to
filter, prioritize and ease message reading. Basically,
transcription will enable to transpose voice media into
text for a quick silent consultation on a screen with-
out the need of audio transducer, while message clas-
sification will enable to display only urgent message,
lowering the tasks burden. AI and Machine Learning
techniques may help to classify voicemails in compli-
ance with their urgency and to display urgent voice-
mails transcribed to the user through text notification.
A study was carried out in 2019 on urgency recog-
nition in voicemail by analysing the speech directly
(Kamiyama et al., 2019). Our approach is different
as we propose to analyse the text semantics after the
voicemail messages transcription.
Though, understanding the meaning of human
natural language in a voice message or in a text for
classification purposes is not an easy goal. Several
studies already exist, not only in the context of voice-
mails classification, but also in prioritization of e-
mails (Choudhari et al., 2020), help-desk tickets (Al-
Hawari and Barham, 2021), etc. Some research scien-
tists have already classified e-mails into relevant cate-
gories by extracting keywords that appear frequently,
while others treat all the mail content (Gupta and
Goyal, 2018 ; Bacchelli et al., 2012). It is impor-
tant to highlight that previously mentioned studies use
context independent vectorization to convert text to
vector for a classification aim. The same kind of ap-
proach is used for news classification (Li et al., 2018).
But, to our best knowledge, there are very few studies
on voicemails treatments as well as there is no open
source voicemail data that can be leveraged to test the
performance of various solutions. Thus, the motive
of this study is twofold: First, collect voicemail data.
Second, build and test models enabling voicemail
classification. In our approach, all processing will be
performed on text from voicemail transcription. For
the classification of voicemails into urgent and non
urgent, we relied on both context dependant word em-
bedding and context independent word embedding for
the vectorization methods. We will then experiment
several well-known Machine Learning classifiers like
Logistic Regression, XGBoost, Support Vector Ma-
chine. The idea is to find the best combination be-
tween vectorization and classification algorithms for
voicemail classification.
This paper will be organized as follows: Section
2 is dedicated to the state-of-the-art with some expla-
nations on Machine Learning algorithms and vector-
izers. In Section 3, we will present our approach. In
Section 4, we will discuss the results. In Section 5,
we draw our conclusions as well as our future works.
In this section, we highlights some well-known Ma-
chine Learning classifiers as well as existing vector-
ization techniques.
2.1 Machine Learning Algorithms
There exist several Machine Learning classifiers. In
this section, we describe briefly well-known ones in-
cluding KNN, SVM, XGBoost and Logistic Regres-
sion. In what follows, we describe in more details
each of these algorithms.
2.1.1 Logistic Regression
For this algorithm, a linear threshold is used for clas-
sifying input data. It computes the relation between
the output and the independent features (Tripepi et
al., 2008). In the event of value too close from the
threshold, the input can be misclassified. So, there is
a risk for the predictions to be wrong (Pekhimenko,
2006). Interestingly, Logistic Regression has been
used in several cases, among them, the detection of
susceptible landslides causing human deaths in a part
of Himalaya. It has also shown its efficiency in fash-
ion trends forecasting for the textile domain as well as
numerous others.
2.1.2 Support Vector Machines
It functions like the Logistic Regression algorithm but
the threshold is now a hyperplane. The hyperplane
which maximizes the distances between classes will
be chosen to separate values by the algorithm itself.
This aspect has been applied in many real world prob-
lems, such as, HIV peptides detection as well as for
text classification because it works fine for high di-
mensional data.
2.1.3 kNN - k Nearest Neighbours
This method chooses one of the inputs as reference.
It represents the reference point in a multi dimen-
sional space. It will place other inputs in the space by
computing a distance metric between each input and
the reference input. According to the k number we
choose, it will represent k other inputs as neighbour
for the reference input and so form a cluster (a class).
The remaining inputs will be in the other classes. This
implies that we should choose the optimal k number
Voicemail Urgency Detection Using Context Dependent and Independent NLP Techniques
(Alshehri, 2020). This algorithm, like SVM can be
easily generalized as it doesn’t require any knowledge
of the domain. It has been used in various fields, even
in the speech recognition tasks in phonetics classifi-
cation (Asaei et al., 2010).
2.1.4 XGBoost
Briefly written, XGBoost uses the creation of an en-
semble of regression trees for minimizing the loss
function. This algorithm has proved its efficiency
compared to other methods such as Deep Neural Net-
work or even kNN in gene expression prediction.
Indeed, XGBoost is less expensive and more inter-
pretable than Deep Neural Network. Interpretability
is important in this domain to know the impact of each
gene in diseases.
2.2 Vectorization
This method consists of converting textual data into
numerical vectors to give them as an input to Ma-
chine Learning algorithms. This technique encloses
two sorts of word embedding in the text domain: Con-
text independent and context dependent methodes. In
the following explanations, we will describe some de-
tails of these approaches.
2.2.1 Context Independent Approach
There are plenty of methods that are context indepen-
dent. Among them, ’Bag of words’ is a method which
is commonly put into practice in context-independent
methods. It represents words by their number of oc-
currences in the dataset. ’TF-IDF’ is, however, a bet-
ter method as it is based on each term’s frequency
in the input text as well as in the whole dataset.
Context-independent embedding can be easier to im-
plement and can also give acceptable performance re-
sults but the prediction on new data might be wrong
in most cases. For example, the word ”bank” does not
have the same meaning in these two sentences: “The
man went fishing by the bank of the river” and ”The
man was accused of robbing a bank”. In a context-
independent embedding tool, the word ”bank” will
have the same vector for the whole input corpus.
Imagine we give the label not urgent to the first sen-
tence and label urgent to the second one. The classi-
fication model will get confused for the usage of the
word bank. As a consequence, if we want to predict
the class of a new sentence containing ”bank” in it,
the output may be impacted. For example the pre-
diction of ”ALERT! The bank is under the control of
thieves” can be not urgent. This is where we intro-
duce context-dependent embedding techniques which
differentiate the vectors attributed to a word according
to the context.
2.2.2 Context Dependant Approach
To train an NLP model, we need millions of data be-
cause language is a complex tool of communication.
In practice, when we work on a project and we do
not have so much data available to learn every aspects
of the concerned language, it is recommended to fo-
cus on pre-trained models using large corpora such as
wikipedia pages or other books. Among them, there
is BERT, a context-based model that reads sentences
from right to left but also from left to right, which
other encoders do not do. It is therefore bidirectional
and helps to understand words in their context. It is
well known for its outstanding performance in text
classification. BERT uses a transformer to learn the
linkage between words in the attention layer of the
architecture. A transformer contains an encoder and
decoder to predict. However BERT uses only the en-
coder part as it is a language model. Before the en-
coding part, the data is pre-processed by the algo-
rithm, this step is called ”tokenization”. Regarding
the later part, the input is a little bit transformed from
what we have after a classic tokenization before fed
to the model. BERT adds a token [CLS] at the begin-
ning of each sentence and a token [SEP] to separate
each sentence from each other. This is the first embed-
ding layer. The second one is the segment layer which
gives a marker token to know to which sentence each
word belongs to. The third one is the positional layer
indicating each word’s position in the sentence. After
the tokenization comes the encoding. Encoding is the
technique used to learn relationships between words
through the ‘Masked Language’. It hides words ran-
domly and tries to predict them in relation to other
words surrounding them from their right and their left
at the same time. The words therefore have a differ-
ent vectorization depending on the context in which
they are used in the sentence taken as input. To learn
the relationship between sentences, the model is given
pairs of sentences (x,y) and it tries to predict if the sen-
tence y is the next sentence of x in the original input.
Finally, words will have different vectors as per the
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise already provides means in
its collaboration platforms to indicate the level of ur-
gency in message notification. Being able to extend
this feature to voice messages would greatly improve
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the quality of experience of the communication. Clas-
sifying voicemail as urgent or not urgent will indeed
help the receiver focus on the most important mes-
sages and fasten their treatement. This could be an
advantage in the customer care sector for example.
For the caller, it gives an insurance that her message
will be listen to with the right level of urgency. Our
approach is presented in Figure 1. We can observe
that in the company, voicemail data that are received
from the sender have to be transcribed into written
form, translated into English and passed to the classi-
fier model. The idea behind the translation is to han-
dle multi-language aspect by using only one model in-
stead of one model per language. Knowing that trans-
lating tools such as DeepL are very efficient, we as-
sume that there will net be much loss of information.
After the classification, the message will be translated
into the receiver’s language and delivered. To date,
there exist many vectorizers and classifiers as we have
seen in the above sections. So, the choice is wide and
difficult. In regards to voicemail messages, we do not
have many studies that have been made on their treat-
ments. This study is an additional research to the few
that already exist on how to classify voicemail mes-
4.1 Experimentation Setting
In this section, we will present our experimentation
settings including data collection, data labeling, data
pre-processing as well as model explainability.
4.1.1 Data Collection and Labeling
Data collection is among one of the most pivotal steps
in AI projects, only relevant data will make the pro-
gram give accurate results. We have created our own
data set composed of the same number of urgent mes-
sages and non-urgent messages. This choice has been
made to deal with data imbalance during the classi-
fication task. Indeed, classification algorithms will
learn one class better than others if it is represented
by more data than the remaining classes. The dataset
was filled by many different individuals in order to
keep the data unbiased because not everyone talks
the same way to express urgency. Our idea was to
leverage our company resources by considering it as
good representation of general business case. We sim-
ply asked employees working in all part of the or-
ganization to write five urgent voice messages and
five non-urgent voice messages. Each contributor was
asked to use her usual wording. The benefits of this
method were numerous: The gathering of nearly real
messages without data privacy issues, the de-facto la-
belling of all messages as urgent or not urgent, the
taking into account of various business contexts. 80
persons answered to the request leading to the collec-
tion of 800 messages. 400 remaining messages were
also written manually by the team to finally obtain a
first data set of 1200 messages. We then used the li-
brary NLPaug (Deng and Shrestha, 2019) to augment
the data. It will generate new data using the words
that we have already in our dataset. This method is
BERT friendly as it uses BERT model to generate full
sentences. Our data is then composed of 1800 labeled
voicemail messages.
4.1.2 Data Pre-Processing
Once the data is collected and labeled, we have to
move to the next step which is data pre-processing.
Firstly, we have transformed the text to lower-case.
After that, we have denoted each word or combina-
tion of words of the content separately. The next step
is to remove punctuation marks, names, greetings and
gender related words from our voicemail data. How-
ever, applying the removal of these words will reduce
the size of the dataset which can impact the accuracy
of the model. In that case, it will be better to add stop-
words later when based on some explainability model.
4.1.3 Model Explainability
Machine Learning algorithms are considered as
black-boxes which are defined by their inexplicable
decision making process due to non-linearity. We
only know the output but we do not know how it has
come to the final decision. In this study, we used the
explainability method to know which are the words
of the input text that have been used to make the de-
cision. This will help us to adapt the data cleaning
part by removing words which are driving to wrong
predictions. There exist several approach allowing us
to make explainable AI. LIME (Kadiyala and Woo,
2022) is one among well-known algorithms used to
explain any classifier in an uniform way. For each
prediction, it observes the neighbour inputs locally
and tries to extract words that have helped the deci-
sion of those neighbour instances. Though LIME is
a local explainability algorithm, it actually helped us
increasing the model’s accuracy.
Voicemail Urgency Detection Using Context Dependent and Independent NLP Techniques
Figure 1: Approach of voicemail treatment at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.
4.2 Experimentation Results
This subsection is dedicated to the analysis of our ex-
perimentation results. For the comparison, we have
made k-fold cross validation with k equals 10. The
results are given in Table 1. We can observe that
TF-IDF vectorization gets fair accuracy, a little bit
better than BERT embedding. The reason for ob-
taining such results is explained by the urgency key-
words that appear very frequently in our dataset. As
TF-IDF is based on frequency of occurrences of the
words, it gets a bit higher accuracy than BERT em-
bedding. The problem with this vectorization tech-
nique is that it will perform less well when it comes to
new data if the words of the new message do not con-
tain the frequent words observed by the model. It can
be less performant in the event of the urgency being
conveyed indirectly. We tested the program with real
cases to know if TF-IDF really performs poorly com-
pared to BERT, and it is actually the case. Let us take
for example the following sentence ”Your attention is
needed, your passport has to be renewed”. This sen-
tence has been classified as not urgent with TF-IDF
vectorizer because the initial dataset did not contain
words like ”passport” or ”renewal” while the mes-
sage is actually urgent as it is classified using BERT
embedding. So, despite the accuracy here being al-
most equal to TF-IDF, BERT embedding will be the
best to use for any new voicemail messages. For our
case, we conclude that we will keep the combination
BERT-SVM as SVM has the highest average accuracy
with BERT embedding. The reason why Logistic Re-
gression is less efficient than other algorithms in all
cases is that our features (words) are not totally in-
dependent whereas Logistic Regression computes the
relationship between the output and independent fea-
Table 1: Average Accuracy using various algorithms on
TF-IDF 89% 86% 90% 89%
W2V 73% 75% 33% 70%
BERT 84% 83% 88% 87%
tures. SVM normally works well with any kind of
data because the idea of finding an unique hyperplane
separating the classes at maximum can be easily gen-
eralized to any case.
In this paper, we have explored the problem of tran-
scribed voicemail classification for business aims us-
ing Machine Learning tools. As for any text classifi-
cation task, there exist different vectorization modes
as well as different classification algorithms. The
choice of the best combination is still an open ques-
tion. The idea behind this study is to compare several
vectorization and classification algorithms combina-
tions for voicemail classification. Experimentally, we
have shown that a combination of BERT and SVM
as well as a combination of TF-IDF have given the
best results. We retained BERT-SVM as it seems to
be the best solution for classifying voicemails that
differs completely from the train data. As a future
work, we would like to collect more and more data
in order to improve the model even more. We would
like also to explore other combinations or other clas-
sification techniques like Neural Networks as well as
models allowing to handle uncertain data through the
evidence theory (Skowron, 1990) and use evidential
machine learning classifiers such as Evidential KNN
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(Jiao et al., 2015), Enhanced Evidential KNN (Tra-
belsi et al., 2017) and also evidential decision trees
(Li et al., 2019). These kind of algorithms have been
used for solving several real world problems when it
is about uncertain data. We also have the idea of ex-
tending this model to other tasks like support tickets
classification, and to vocal messages left in the inbox.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence