Visual Detection of Personal Protective Equipment
and Safety Gear on Industry Workers
Jonathan Karlsson
, Fredrik Strand
, Josef Bigun
1 a
, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez
1 b
Kevin Hernandez-Diaz
1 c
and Felix Nilsson
School of Information Technology (ITE), Halmstad University, Sweden
HMS Industrial Networks AB, Halmstad, Sweden
PPE, PPE Detection, Personal Protective Equipment, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, YOLO.
Workplace injuries are common in today’s society due to a lack of adequately worn safety equipment. A
system that only admits appropriately equipped personnel can be created to improve working conditions. The
goal is thus to develop a system that will improve workers’ safety using a camera that will detect the usage
of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). To this end, we collected and labeled appropriate data from several
public sources, which have been used to train and evaluate several models based on the popular YOLOv4 ob-
ject detector. Our focus, driven by a collaborating industrial partner, is to implement our system into an entry
control point where workers must present themselves to obtain access to a restricted area. Combined with fa-
cial identity recognition, the system would ensure that only authorized people wearing appropriate equipment
are granted access. A novelty of this work is that we increase the number of classes to five objects (hardhat,
safety vest, safety gloves, safety glasses, and hearing protection), whereas most existing works only focus on
one or two classes, usually hardhats or vests. The AI model developed provides good detection accuracy at
a distance of 3 and 5 meters in the collaborative environment where we aim at operating (mAP of 99/89%,
respectively). The small size of some objects or the potential occlusion by body parts have been identified
as potential factors that are detrimental to accuracy, which we have counteracted via data augmentation and
cropping of the body before applying PPE detection.
A study made by the International Labour Office con-
cluded that approximately 350,000 workers die annu-
ally due to workplace accidents. In addition, there
are about 270 million accidents at work leading to ab-
sence for three or more days. A high level of produc-
tivity is associated with good occupational safety, and
health management (ILO, 2005).
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows statis-
tics on injury conditions for various industries. The
report concludes that construction has the most con-
siderable fatal injuries. Statistics show that 5,039
American construction workers died between 2016
and 2020 due to a deficiency of personal protective
equipment, safety deficiencies, and other accidents.
This is a high number compared to the occupations
like (BLS, 2021): agriculture, forestry, fishing, and
hunting (2832); mining, quarrying, and oil and gas
Figure 1: Airlock room to separate controlled environ-
extraction (536); or finance and insurance (129). The
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) has concluded that 25% of all construction
fatalities are caused by traumatic brain injury (TBI)
(Nath et al., 2020), and 84% of these fatal injuries
are due to not wearing hardhats (Ahmed Al Daghan
et al., 2021). Heavy machinery and trucks are stan-
dard within construction sites, and it is essential to
ensure high visibility of the workers to prevent poten-
tially fatal injuries (Ahmed Al Daghan et al., 2021).
Many fatal deaths could potentially be avoided with
Karlsson, J., Strand, F., Bigun, J., Alonso-Fernandez, F., Hernandez-Diaz, K. and Nilsson, F.
Visual Detection of Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Gear on Industry Workers.
DOI: 10.5220/0011693500003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 395-402
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 2: Left: Examples of images from the Kaggle dataset of hardhats and safety vests with positive examples (rows 1,2)
and negative examples (row 3). Right: Examples of images gathered from Google to complement the safety gloves, safety
glasses, and hearing protection classes. See Section 3.1 for further details.
proper protective equipment, such as vests with re-
flexes increasing visibility.
AI-driven applications are increasingly utilized in
several environments where security and protection
are prioritized. This work aims to develop a sys-
tem that helps enforce Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) usage. PPE detection could also be combined
with facial recognition to determine whether people
are authorized to access an area of the production
floor, which is the aim of the project that motivates
this research. In the present paper, however, we have
only focused on developing and evaluating PPE de-
tection compliance. Based on the literature review
of the next section, PPE is an occurring topic in ob-
ject detection and is often used as a monitoring sys-
tem. However, the combination of face recognition
and PPE detection is not very common. Also, the
number of PPE classes in existing works is usually
one or two (normally hardhat or vest), but we aim at
detecting five different objects (hardhat, safety vest,
safety gloves, safety glasses, and hearing protection).
The contribution of this work is thus to increase
the number of target classes to five and, in a later
stage, combine facial recognition and PPE object de-
tection. Fast execution and response are important
for a user-friendly system. Therefore, another goal is
to have real-time detection. Combining object detec-
tion with identity recognition via facial analysis can
produce virtual key cards that only allow authorized
staff with the proper gear to enter a restricted area via,
e.g., an airlock room (Figure 1). An airlock room is a
transitional space with two interlocked doors to sepa-
rate a controlled area, where different checks can be
made before granting access. A system like this could
save thousands of lives annually and prevent severe
injuries with object detection and facial recognition
tools. We thus aim ultimately at increasing the safety
of industry workers in hazardous environments.
This project is a collaboration of Halmstad Uni-
versity with HMS Networks AB in Halmstad. HMS
develops and markets products and solutions within
ICT for application in several industrial sectors
(HMS, 2022). They explore emerging technologies,
and one crucial technology is AI, where they want to
examine and showcase different possibilities and ap-
plications of AI and vision technologies, e.g. (Nilsson
et al., 2020), which may be part of future products.
Several projects (Nath et al., 2020; Jana et al., 2018;
Protik et al., 2021) use machine learning or deep
learning to detect PPE in different conditions. Ob-
ject detection and facial recognition are also common
topics within machine learning.
In (Protik et al., 2021), the objective is to de-
tect people wearing face masks, face shields, and
gloves in real time. They used the YOLOv4 detec-
tor (Bochkovskiy et al., 2020) with a self-captured
database of 1,392 images gathered from Kaggle and
Google, suggesting that real-time operation is feasible
(a score of 27 frames per second (FPS) was achieved).
The achieved mean average precision (mAP) is 79%.
The authors also implemented a counter function for
objects and record keeping.
In (Ahmed Al Daghan et al., 2021), the authors
developed a system to notify a supervisor when a
worker is not wearing the required PPE (helmet and
vest). It was achieved through object detection with
YOLOv4, and facial recognition with OpenFace (Bal-
saitis et al., 2016) that identified the worker and
its gear via CCTV in the construction site. An alert
system notifies the supervisor via SMS and via email
with an attached image of the incident. Supervisors
are also informed if non-authorized personnel enter
the construction site. They used 3,500 images col-
lected from Kaggle, with 2,800 to train the model dur-
ing 8,000 iterations. The attained mAP is 95% (vest),
97% (no vest), 96% (helmet), 92% (no helmet).
Three different approaches are proposed in (Nath
et al., 2020) based on YOLOv3 to verify PPE com-
pliance of hard hats and vests. The first approach de-
tects a worker, hat, and vest separately, and then a
classifier predicts if the equipment is worn correctly.
The second approach detects workers and PPE simul-
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
taneously with a single CNN framework. The last ap-
proach first detects the worker and uses the cropped
image as input to a classifier that detects the presence
of PPE. The paper uses 1,500 self-obtained and an-
notated images to train the three approaches. The sec-
ond approach achieved the best performance, with a
mAP of 72.3% and 11 FPS on a laptop. The first ap-
proach, although having lower mAP (63.1%), attained
13 FPS.
The paper (Fang et al., 2018) proposed a system
to detect non-hard hat use with deep learning from a
far distance. The exact range was not specified, just
small, medium, and large are mentioned. Faster R-
CNN (Ren et al., 2015) was used due to its ability
to detect small objects. More than 100,000 images
were taken from numerous surveillance recordings at
25 different construction sites. Out of these, 81,000
images were randomly selected for training. Object
detection is outdoors, and the images were captured
at different periods, distances, weather, and postures.
The precision and recall in the majority of conditions
are above 92%. At a short distance, like the one that
we will employ in this work, they achieved a precision
of 98.4% and a recall of 95.9%, although the system
only checks one class (helmet).
In (Zhafran et al., 2019), Faster R-CNN is also
used to detect helmets, masks, vests, and gloves. The
dataset consists of 14,512 images, where 13,000 were
used to train the model. The detection accuracy was
measured at various distances and under lighting but
with a distracting background. Helmet resulted in
100% accuracy, masks 79%, vest 73%, and gloves
68% from a 1-meter distance. Longer distances con-
tributed to poorer results, with detection at a 5-meter
distance or above deemed unfeasible for all classes.
Reduced light intensity was also observed to have a
high impact on the smaller objects (masks, gloves).
The paper (Delhi et al., 2020) developed a frame-
work to detect the use of PPE on construction work-
ers using YOLOv3. They suggested a system where
two objects (hat, jacket) are detected and divided into
four categories: NOT SAFE, SAFE, NoHardHat, and
NoJacket. The dataset contains 2,509 images from
video recordings of construction sites. l. The model
reported an F1 score of 0.96. The paper also devel-
oped an alarm system to bring awareness whenever a
non-safe category was detected.
In (W
ojcik et al., 2021), hard hat wearing detec-
tion is carried out based on the separate detection
of people and hard hats, coupled with person head
keypoint localization. Three different models were
tested, ResNet-50, ResNet-101, and ResNeXt-101. A
public dataset of 7,035 images was used. ResNeXt-
101 achieved the best average precision (AP) at 71%
for persons with hardhat detection, but the AP for per-
sons without hard had was 64.1%.
Figure 3: Examples of images from volunteers to be used
as test images of the evaluation phases (see Section 3.3).
3.1 Data Acquisition
The ve object classes to be detected in this work
include hardhat, safety vest, safety gloves, safety
glasses, and hearing protection. Two data sources
have been used to gather data to train our system.
A dataset from
(Figure 2, left) with la-
beled hardhats and safety vests was utilized, contain-
ing 3,541 images, where 2,186 were positive, i.e. with
hardhats, safety vests, or both present. Negative im-
ages are pictures of people in different activities in-
doors and outdoors. An additional 2,700 images were
collected and annotated from Google Images with dif-
ferent keyword searches to complement the remain-
ing classes (Figure 2, right), given the impossibility
of finding a dataset containing all target classes. Pre-
liminary tests showed that, for example, caps could be
predicted as hardhats. This was solved by adding im-
ages of caps as negative samples of the training set to
help the model to learn the difference. The available
data has been augmented with different modifications
(saturation, brightness, contrast, blur, and sharpness)
to increase the amount of training data of some under-
represented classes, as it will be explained during the
presentation of results in Section 3.3.
3.2 System Overview
Several algorithms exist for object detection, e.g.:
RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2020), Single-Shot MultiBox
Detector (SSD) (Liu et al., 2016), and YOLOv3 (Red-
mon and Farhadi, 2018). Comparatively, RetinaNet
usually has a better mean average precision (mAP),
but it is too slow for real-time applications (Tan et al.,
2021). SSD has a mAP between RetinaNet and
YOLOv3. YOLOv3 has the worst mAP but is faster
and suits real-time applications. In addition, it is the
fastest to train, so one can adapt quickly to changes
Visual Detection of Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Gear on Industry Workers
Table 1: Data variability conditions in the different test phases.
Table 2: Results of the first test phase.
Precision/Recall Training data
Object 3m 5m 7m Occurrences Percentage
Hardhat 98% / 99% 99% / 93% 97% / 98% 3367 33%
Safety vest 100% / 100% 96% / 100% 100% / 100% 2798 27%
Safety gloves 100% / 57% 100% / 41% 100% / 17% 2362 23%
Safety glasses 100% / 18% 100% / 4% 100% / 2% 897 9%
Hearing protection 100% / 44% 100% / 9% 0% / 0% 860 8%
in datasets. YOLOv4 (Bochkovskiy et al., 2020) is an
improvement of YOLOv3, with an increase in mAP
and frames per second of 10% and 12%, respectively.
YOLOv4 was also the newest YOLO version when
this research was conducted, making it the choice of
object detection algorithm for this work.
3.3 Experiments and Results
Our primary focus in this paper is detecting personal
protective equipment (PPE). Four test phases were
made to improve the results iteratively after identify-
ing the drawbacks of the previous phase and making
opportune adjustments in the training and/or test data.
Each phase employs data captured at different condi-
tions in terms of environment, distance, light, people
pose, etc., as reported in Table 1. Different YOLO
models have been trained with the indicated type
of training data on each phase, reporting the preci-
sion and recall in detecting the different target classes
(IoU threshold 0.5). The models were trained during
10000 iterations via Google Colab (12-15 hours per
model, depending on the dataset size and GPU avail-
able). The input image size is 476×476 (RGB im-
ages). The training parameters were selected accord-
ing to (Fernando and Sotheeswaran, 2021): learn-
ing rate=0.001, max batches=10000 (number of it-
erations), steps=8000, 9000 (iterations at which the
learning rate is adjusted), filters=30 (kernels in con-
volutional layers). Tests, including FPS computa-
tion, were done on a laptop with an 11th Gen Intel(R)
Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz 1.80 GHz CPU, In-
tel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics GPU, 16GB of RAM, and
Windows 10 Enterprise.
First Test Phase. Phases one and two (below) have
acted as guidelines to refine the experiments. The
training data is from the databases described in Sec-
tion 3.1. Results are given in Table 2, including the
number of training occurrences of each object. The
test data consisted of images from three different peo-
ple (two males, one female) that we acquired with a
smartphone, with a camera-person distance of 3, 5,
and 7 meters. Some examples are given in Figure 3
(left). Each person wears all PPE from different an-
gles, lighting, and distances, with a total amount of
119 images (3 meters), 127 (5 meters), 111 (7 me-
ters). In general, the images have backgrounds with
inferences of different nature (including other peo-
ple) and poor lighting due to shadows or light sources
in the background. With this test data, we aimed at
simulating uncontrolled imaging conditions, as those
shown in Figure 2, albeit indoor. From the results,
we observe a high precision in most classes and dis-
tances, but the recall is low for three objects (safety
gloves, glasses, and hearing protection) regardless of
the distance. High precision but low recall means
that the majority of positive classifications are posi-
tives, but the model detects only some of the posi-
tive samples (in our case, it means missing many PPE
occurrences). These three objects do not just appear
smaller than hardhats of safety vests in the crop of
a person, but they are also under-represented in the
training set (at least glasses and hearing protection).
Safety vests occupy a significant portion of the body,
and they have a significant shape and color. Hard-
hats may not occupy a big portion, but they have the
same dimension ratio and are usually visible from any
pose, facilitating their detection at any distance. On
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 3: Results of the second test phase. The number of occurrences in brackets indicates the increase with respect to the
first test phase.
Precision/Recall Training data
Object 3m 5m 7m Occurrences Percentage
Hardhat 100% / 100% 99% / 93% 94% / 95% 3636 (+269) 29%
Safety vest 100% / 100% 98% / 100% 100% / 100% 2912 (+114) 24%
Safety gloves 100% / 59% 100% / 53% 100% / 17% 2891 (+265+264) 23%
Safety glasses 100% / 18% 100% / 8% 0% / 0% 1418 (+260+261) 12%
Hearing protection 100% / 55% 100% / 9% 0% / 0% 1482 (+311+311) 12%
Table 4: Results of the third test phase.
3m 5m Training data
Object Prec/Rec AP Prec/Rec AP Occurrences Percentage
Hardhat 100% / 100% 100% 100% / 100% 100% 3636 29%
Safety vest 100% / 100% 100% 100% / 100% 100% 2912 24%
Safety gloves 100% / 96% 96% 100% / 96% 89% 2891 23%
Safety glasses 100% / 62% 27% 100% / 60% 21% 1418 12%
Hearing protection 100% / 76% 99% 100% / 16% 76% 1482 12%
mAP: 85% mAP: 77%
the other hand, the bounding box and appearance of
safety gloves, glasses, and hearing protection may be
different from different viewpoints of the camera, or
suffer from occlusions by body parts. As a result,
their detection is significantly more difficult.
Second Test Phase. To analyze the effect of the
class imbalance on the performance, this section will
consider additional training data via augmentation to
include more occurrences of the different objects and
increase the proportion of under-represented classes.
Some images have been modified in brightness, con-
trast, and sharpness as follows (affecting mostly the
three under-performing classes of the first phase):
269 hardhat images had +20% brightness, +10%
contrast, and sharpened
114 safety vest: +10% brightness, -20% contrast,
and blurred
265 safety gloves: +40% brightness, +30% con-
trast, and sharpened
264 safety gloves: -20% brightness, -30% con-
trast, and blurred
260 safety glasses: +25% brightness, -25% con-
trast, and blurred
261 safety glasses: -15% brightness, +40% con-
trast, and sharpened
311 hearing protection: +30% brightness, -40%
contrast, and blurred
311 hearing protection: -30% brightness, +10%
contrast, and sharpened
The same test data from phase one is also used
here. Results of the second test phase, including the
training occurrences after adding the mentioned aug-
mentation, are given in Table 3. The frames per sec-
ond were measured at 0.7 with the test laptop at this
stage of the process.
The two classes that were doing well previously
(hardhat and safety vest) remain the same here. Only
hardhat does a little worse at 7 meters. Safety gloves
have slightly improved recall at 3 and 5 meters, al-
though still 41% and 47% of the positives are unde-
tected. At 7 meters, it keeps without detecting 83% of
the occurrences. The improvement of safety glasses
is negligible, missing the majority of occurrences as
in the previous phase, and at 7 meters, it does not de-
tect any. The small size and transparency of safety
glasses may be the reason why they are difficult to
detect, which may be affected by variations in reflec-
tions under different lighting. Regarding hearing pro-
tection, it shows some improvement at 3 meters (re-
call goes from 44 to 55%), but at 5 and 7 meters, the
system is unusable. The shape, size, and visibility of
hearing protection can vary from different angles, as
mentioned in the previous test phase, making detec-
tion more difficult.
Third Test Phase. Overall, the data augmentation
of the previous test phase contributed to slightly im-
proving two difficult objects (safety gloves and hear-
ing protection) at close distances (3 meters). The re-
call values were 59% and 55%, respectively, mean-
ing that at least, more than half of the occurrences are
detected. Safety glasses remain difficult, and in any
case, longer distances (5 and especially 7 meters) are
Visual Detection of Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Gear on Industry Workers
Table 5: Results of the fourth test phase. The number of occurrences in brackets indicates the increase with respect to the
second and third test phases.
3m 5m Training data
Object P/R AP P/R AP Occurrences Percentage
Hardhat 100% / 100% 100% 100% / 100% 100% 3636 25%
Safety vest 100% / 100% 100% 100% / 100% 100% 2912 20%
Safety gloves 100% / 100% 98% 100% / 99% 91% 2891 20%
Safety glasses 100% / 96% 97% 100% / 58% 59% 2523 (+1105) 17%
Hearing protection 100% / 100% 99% 100% / 54% 94% 2587 (+1105) 18%
mAP: 99% mAP: 89%
‘reserved’ for the less difficult hardhat and safety vest
classes only.
To isolate the difficulties imposed by operation in
uncontrolled environments, we captured new test data
in a more controlled environment. Consequently, we
gathered additional testing data from two new per-
sons in a controlled environment with a less disturb-
ing background (Figure 3, right), in particular 100 im-
ages from 3 meters, and 100 images from 5 meters. A
test at 7 meters is not relevant for the intended sce-
nario. The camera is positioned at head-level height,
with the person in frontal or nearly frontal view. Both
the subject and the camera are static to reduce blurri-
ness. We also used a more uniform white background
(a wall) to eliminate inferences. Our aim with this re-
search is to enable a system like the one depicted in
Figure 1, where PPE detection and facial recognition
can be used with collaborative subjects in an entry
access point to a restricted area. This setup is simi-
lar e.g. to entry kiosks with face biometrics control,
where the person is asked to stand briefly while being
pictured, and non-frontal view angle is unusual. Two
add-ons here are that i) the person can stay at a certain
distance of 3 or 5 meters for increased convenience,
and ii) we add, via our developments in this paper, a
PPE compliance check. The training set employed is
the same as in the second phase.
Detecting the person and cropping the bounding
box before doing PPE detection is also expected to
impact accuracy and speed results positively. Thus,
from this phase, we added a human detection and
cropping step, which was not included in the previ-
ous phases. This was achieved via the CVZone li-
brary in Python3, which uses OpenCV at the core.
Cropping people before detecting any objects reduces
the information that must be sent or processed, al-
lowing for higher frame rates or usage of less pow-
erful solutions, such as edge computing. This also
improves execution time and detection accuracy of
further modules (Nath et al., 2020), e.g., by eliminat-
ing the risk of potential background objects similar to
PPE, or detecting objects not worn by persons. The
algorithm for human detection is based on Histogram
of Oriented Gradients (HOG). PPE detection is then
achieved with YOLOv4. It can also be combined
with face recognition to produce virtual key cards for
workers and allow access only if the right person en-
ters with the appropriate gear (Figure 4).
The new test environment of this phase achieved
the results shown in Table 4. The system ran with a
frame per second rate of 1.2, higher than the 0.7 of
the previous phase. We attribute this improvement to
adding the human detection and cropping step, which
reduces the input information to the YOLO detector.
As observed previously, hardhat and safety vest de-
tection is possible with very high accuracy, achiev-
ing perfect detection in the controlled environment
of this phase. The safety gloves improved the recall
from 59% at 3m and 53% at 5m to 96% at both dis-
tances, meaning that this item would be missed on
a few occasions only in the new scenario. The safety
glasses also improved the recall from 18/8% (at 3/5m)
to 62/60%, respectively. The recall for hearing pro-
tection increased from 55/9% (at 3/5m) to 76/16%,
respectively, meaning that detection at a long distance
(5 meters) remains difficult.
In this phase, we also added Average Precision
(AP) results, which correspond to the area under the
precision-recall curve, providing a single metric that
does not consider the selection of a particular thresh-
old in the IoU. The Mean Average Precision (mAP) is
also given, as the average of APs from all classes. The
AP values are high for all classes, except for safety
glasses which stay at 27/21% for 3/5m. In comparison
to the other objects, safety glasses can be transparent
and tiny, making more challenging to find them even
if we control the acquisition process. Hearing protec-
tion also has a small AP at 5 meters compared to the
other objects. As pointed out in the previous phases,
this object is smaller than others, which will be fur-
ther magnified at longer distances. In addition, it can
be partially occluded by the face, even with minor un-
noticeable departures from frontal viewpoint. Hear-
ing protection is also an underrepresented class in
the training set (despite efforts to augment it), which
could also be part of the issue.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: Illustration of the intended pipeline of our system.
Fourth Test Phase. In this phase, we aim to im-
prove further the representation of classes with fewer
images (safety glasses and hearing protection) via ad-
ditional training data. To do so, new images from two
of the contributors of phase one were captured, this
time only wearing safety glasses and hearing protec-
tion. In particular, 110 images of one person and 111
images of another person were captured. The first 110
images have also been augmented four times as fol-
+30% brightness, +30% contrast, and sharpened
-40% brightness, +20% contrast, and sharpened
+20% brightness, -10% contrast, and sharpened
+30% brightness, +60% contrast, and blurred
and the other 111 images as:
-10% brightness, -20% contrast, and blurred
-40% brightness, and sharpened
+50% brightness, +50% contrast, and sharpened
+40% brightness, and blurred
This results in 1105 new occurrences of safety
glasses and hearing protection. The new images were
taken in a similar test environment as phase three
(frontal view, camera at head level, static) to consider
our intended conditions of a collaborative setup like
Figure 1. The same test data from phase three and
person cropping is also used here. The two persons
contributing to the training set of this phase are dif-
ferent than the two persons in the test set, ensuring
independence. The results obtained with these new
training conditions are shown in Table 5. As can be
seen, any eventual uneven distribution of object oc-
currences in the training set is now corrected. The
frames per second with the test laptop were measured
at 1.2.
The results show that, with the addition of new
training images with safety glasses and hearing pro-
tection, detection of all classes is feasible at 3 me-
ters (recall of 96% or higher). Hearing protection
also increases recall at 5 meters from 16% to 54%,
although the system struggles to find safety glasses
and hearing protection at this distance, which we still
attribute to the factors mentioned earlier: smaller size,
transparency (glasses) or occlusion by the head (hear-
ing protection). The new training environment con-
tributed to better AP and mAP values as well, with
an mAP of 99% (3 meters) and 89% (5 meters), sur-
passing by a great margin the results of the previous
This work studies the use of cameras to detect Per-
sonal Protective Equipment (PPE) usage in indus-
trial environments where compliance is necessary be-
fore entering certain areas. For this purpose, we
have collected appropriate data, and evaluated sev-
eral detection models based on the popular YOLOv4
(Bochkovskiy et al., 2020) architecture. We con-
tribute with a study where the number of target classes
(hardhat, safety vest, safety gloves, safety glasses, and
hearing protection) is higher than in previous works,
which usually focus only on detecting one or two
(typically hardhats or vests). To aid in the detection
accuracy and speed, we also incorporate human de-
tection and cropping, so the PPE detector only has to
concentrate on regions with a higher likelihood of a
person wearing the target equipment.
We have carried out four test phases of our sys-
tem, improving the results iteratively after identifying
potential drawbacks in the previous one. Test data
with people wearing the complete PPE set and not
appearing in the training set was used to measure the
detection accuracy of our system. Based on the re-
sults of our last iteration, a well-functioning system
is obtained, with a mean average precision of 99%
at a 3 meters distance, and 89% at 5 meters work-
ing on controlled setups like an airlock room (Fig-
ure 1). The system works best at close distances and
in a controlled environment (phases 3 and 4), and it is
also benefited from data augmentation through modi-
fications in image brightness, contrast, and sharpness.
The latter contributes to enriching our training data
and balancing under-represented classes.
At longer distances, uncontrolled environments,
or without human detection and cropping, the sys-
tem operates worse. The difficult imaging conditions
and the size of some objects are highlighted as po-
tential reasons. Objects such as hardhats and safety
vests are well detected regardless of environment and
distance, while hearing protection, safety gloves, and
especially glasses are more difficult since they can
appear smaller or partially occluded by body or face
parts. Regarding detection speed, we achieve frame-
per-second (FPS) rates of 1.2 in a laptop. This could
Visual Detection of Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Gear on Industry Workers
be sufficient if the accuracy with just one frame is
good since the system can operate as the person ap-
proaches. Currently, our method carries out detec-
tion on a frame-by-frame basis, but more robustness
could be obtained by consolidating the result of sev-
eral frames, especially to detect the most difficult
classes. To help in this mission, we could also in-
corporate tracking methods to analyze image regions
where previously there was a detection with high ac-
cumulated confidence. However, this would come at
the cost of needing more frames, so more powerful
hardware would be needed.
Another improvement, in addition to frame fusion
or tracking, is to look for PPE objects in areas where
they are expected to appear. For example, hardhats,
glasses and hearing protection will likely be in the top
part of the body (the head), whereas safety vests must
occupy a significant portion in the middle. Skeleton
detection (Cao et al., 2019) may also assist in finding
where safety gloves may be, as well as refine the other
When deploying a detection system like the one
in this paper, one must consider the various ethical
questions related to camera-based detection, due to
humans appearing in the footage. Whenever a camera
is capturing or streaming such type of data to a re-
mote location, privacy, security and GDPR concerns
emerge. These concerns would be significantly coun-
teracted via edge computing, with data processed as
close as possible to where it is being captured, dimin-
ishing transmission of sensitive data to a different lo-
cation through data networks. Also, necessary frames
must be deleted as soon as computations are done.
The present system only uses one frame, but even
combining several frames with sufficient frame rate
would mean that the necessary data to be processed
only affects a few milliseconds of footage. Handling
the data in this way means that no sensitive data would
ever be stored, or transmitted elsewhere.
This work has been carried out by Jonathan Karls-
son and Fredrik Strand in the context of their Bach-
elor Thesis at Halmstad University (Computer Sci-
ence and Engineering), with the support of HMS Net-
works AB in Halmstad. Authors Bigun, Alonso-
Fernandez and Hernandez-Diaz thank the Swedish
Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Innovation
Agency (VINNOVA) for funding their research.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods