V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck
Jacco van de Sluis
1 a
and Jan de Jongh
2 b
Integrated Vehicle Safety Department, TNO Automotive, Helmond, The Netherlands
Networks Department, TNO ICT, The Hague, The Netherlands
Truck Platooning, ITS, V2X Communication, V2V Communications, Virtual Testing, Hardware-in-the-Loop
(HiL) Testing, Scenario-Based Assessments.
The EU-funded ENSEMBLE project
designs, realizes, tests and validates novel multi-brand platooning tech-
nology for trucks in a consortium consisting of all European truck OEMs, first-tier suppliers, branch organisa-
tions and academic and research institutes. This paper describes the project’s approach towards (intermediate)
testing of the V2X communications, specifically focusing at Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing through the
use of a custom V2X Test Tool developed in ENSEMBLE. The tool enables scenario-based assessment of
truck platooning with the newly defined platooning protocol and (pre-standard) V2V messages. Next to V2V
message conformance testing, it offers V2X communication functional testing and performance testing ca-
pabilities for different platooning scenarios. The V2X Test Tool is used for verification and validation of
platooning solutions, and facilitates the next steps of testing truck platooning at proving grounds and in real-
life environments.
The last decade platooning technology and research
has made many advances, but the step towards real-
life deployment of truck platooning still needs to be
taken. It is the ambition of the EU project ENSEM-
BLE (ENSEMBLE Consortium, 2022) to use a multi-
brand truck platooning approach and to define In-
telligent Transport System (ITS) standards for inter-
operable truck platooning in Europe. For this, the
specifications for a multi-brand truck platooning con-
cept has been worked out. Important parts of the spec-
ification are newly defined protocols for the platoon-
ing interactions and V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) com-
munication message sets. A platooning ”reference
design” is developed to realize a generic platooning
implementation (non-brand specific). This is used by
the partnering truck manufacturers to prepare for the
multi-brand testing and the demonstration of the EN-
SEMBLE truck platooning concept. All six European
truck OEMs are involved in the project.
This project is co-funded by the European Union under
the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Research and Innovation Pro-
gramme (grant agreement No 769115).
The platooning concept describes the functional
architecture together with a minimum set of require-
ments and specifications for the platooning opera-
tional and tactical layers. The main building blocks
are the use cases, the in-vehicle system requirements,
the platoon V2V communication function and pla-
tooning management and maneuvering coordination
functions. V2X (X for everything) communication
technology is a important enabler for safe platooning
of trucks at short following distances (Ploeg, 2014).
State of the art on truck platooning technology and
related research projects are presented in (Willem-
sen et al., 2018). Generic V2X testing is addressed
in (Wang et al., 2019), where (Gao et al., 2016) fo-
cuses on V2X simulation tooling for platooning ap-
plications. In (Voronov et al., 2015) the focus is on
an interactive test tool enabling remote V2X commu-
nication testing, which includes specific communi-
cation Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) setups. Specific
platooning HiL-based testing is further addressed in
(Schindler et al., 2019). For scenario-based assess-
ment (Op den Camp et al., 2021) and (Sluis et al.,
2021) identify V2X testing capabilities, test scenarios
and approaches for truck platooning.
Specific test tools need to be developed for the en-
gineering activities (verification & validation) and the
van de Sluis, J. and de Jongh, J.
V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck Platooning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011700500003479
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2023), pages 135-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-652-1; ISSN: 2184-495X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
assessments of the ENSEMBLE platooning concept.
This paper explains the ENSEMBLE V2X Test Tool
developed for testing the V2V communication func-
tion and platooning protocol interactions. It identi-
fies V2V testing capabilities, suitable test scenarios
and challenges which needs to be addressed as part
of truck platooning assessments. The V2X Test Tool
enabled the OEMs to develop and test their (mono-
brand) implementations against the ENSEMBLE ref-
erence design, and already locally prepare for multi-
brand testing.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the truck platooning con-
cept with the platooning protocol design. Section 3
gives the main assessment methods of truck platoon-
ing, and Section 4 describes in detail the developed
platooning V2X Test Tool and its capabilities. And
Section 5 concludes with our findings and outlook for
future work.
Truck platooning can potentially make road transport
safer, cleaner and more efficient (ACEA, 2017). V2X
communication plays an important role in enabling
vehicle platooning. Two or more vehicles equipped
with automated driving support systems are linked to-
gether via V2V communications. Figure 1 gives a
high-level overview of the ENSEMBLE platooning
layers as defined in (Willemsen et al., 2022). The
reference design to be implemented and tested is de-
fined as a ”Platoon Support Function” (PSF) for the
driver, who also acts as back-up and is responsible
for monitoring the driving task. In addition a Platoon
Autonomous Function (PAF) has been defined, which
does not rely on a driver as back-up (in the follow-
ing vehicles) so a high level of automation is needed
and therefore it is currently not part of the reference
Referring to Figure 1, the vehicle control compo-
nent is part of the operational layer; it is responsible,
with its actuators and controllers, for the execution of
the vehicle and platoon maneuvering like accelerat-
ing, braking, and steering. The vehicle sensors used
as input for the PSF are also part of this operational
The PSF resides mainly at the tactical layer,
which is for decision-making and coordination of the
platoon. The PSF supports platoon manoeuvres like
platoon forming (joining/leaving the platoon), keep-
ing ”platoon cohesion” (for example on hilly roads)
and keeping the desired speed and inter-vehicle dis-
tance when platooning. Finally, another important
part of the tactical layer is the platooning protocol
used for supporting the platooning interactions.
Figure 1: Illustration of the ENSEMBLE Platooning layers
(Willemsen et al., 2022).
The strategic layer supports the high-level
decision-making related to (route) planning, schedul-
ing, optimisations for travel time, traffic situations etc.
This layer connects to the service layer at which logis-
tics operations can interact.
2.1 V2X Platooning Protocol
One of the key goals of the ENSEMBLE project
is stating the specifications for a V2X communica-
tion protocol to enable inter-operable platooning us-
ing wireless communication (Atanassow and Sj
2022). These specifications describe how vehicles in-
form each other about their platoon capabilities, and
define the V2V message set and respective data for-
mats for the exchange of data supporting the defined
platoon manoeuvres (e.g. driving in the platoon, join-
ing a platoon).
The V2V messages used are:
The Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM)
(ETSI, 2019b) for broadcasting vehicle informa-
tion. Within ENSEMBLE, the original CAM is
extended with an isJoinable field to announce that
a vehicle can be part of a platoon, provided that
all prerequisites for safe platooning are met.
The Platoon Management Message (PMM) for
managing a platoon (Atanassow and Sj
2022). The PMM is a newly defined message us-
ing event-based communication for handling Join
Request, Join Response and Leave interactions.
The interactions which are part of the Join actions
also involves sharing specific platoon capabilities
amongst the members and setting up a secure (en-
crypted) communication channel for the platoon.
The Platoon Control Message (PCM) for intra-
platoon exchange of operational and tactical data
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
to support the PSF (Atanassow and Sj
2022). As PMM, the PCM is a newly defined mes-
sage; PCM message exchange takes place over
the secure communication channel. Every pla-
toon member transmits PCMs at a high update
rate (20 Hz) and the information is used for ve-
hicle control functions like adaptive cruise con-
trol (ACC), emergency braking and platoon ma-
neuvering (normal platooning, platoon cohesion).
Figure 2 gives a simplified view of the V2V mes-
sage exchange between two vehicles, from joining a
platoon, actual platooning, up-to leaving the platoon.
Figure 2: Platooning interactions from joining to leaving
(Atanassow and Sj
oberg, 2022).
The interaction starts from an IDLE mode situa-
tion and the Leading Vehicle (LV) announcing that it
can be part of a platoon by setting the boolean flag
isJoinable in its CAMs to True. A vehicle indicated
as Following Vehicle (FV) receiving the CAMs from
the LV, and interested to platoon can send out a PMM
”Join Request”. Meeting certain conditions the ve-
hicles transmitting or receiving a Join Request will
move to a JOIN mode (isJoinable=False for other idle
Once the LV has decided that it accepts the FV for
joining, the LV transmits a (positive) Join Response
(PMM) containing additional platoon information, a
security key and all the information needed to set-up a
secure channel for PCM exchange. The LV also starts
transmitting its PCMs and when it receives PCMs
from the FV it will move to PLATOON mode. The FV
also moves to PLATOON mode when the LV starts its
PCM transmissions. The role of the FV then changes
to Trailing Vehicle (TV) as it is the last vehicle of the
platoon, but this is left out of the figure. Note that
vehicles in PLATOON mode are always transmitting
and receiving PCMs.
Just like the LV previously, the (now) TV can
again transmit CAMs with isJoinable=True, allowing
other vehicles to join the platoon from behind. In that
case, a candidate vehicle (i.e., a third vehicle wanting
to join the two-vehicle platoon) then interacts with the
TV of the platoon, and not directly with the FV.
A vehicle ends up in LEAVE mode either when
PCMs have not been received from the other vehi-
cle(s) during some predefined time period, or because
the ego-vehicle decides to leave the platoon which is
shared by transmitting a PMM Leave message ending
PCM transmissions.
In addition to the message set and protocol inter-
actions, a V2X security framework for platooning is
specified in (Atanassow et al., 2022). Starting point
for this is the existing public key infrastructure (PKI)
developed for C-ITS (ETSI, 2017b). All broadcast
messages are signed and verified using temporary au-
thorization tickets. (This mechanism is to a large de-
gree application agnostic.) For secure end-to-end pla-
tooning, application-specific encryption is used for all
PCMs to provide additional confidentiality. PMMs
are used for the exchange of the platooning security
keys and their updates (security keys are updated reg-
The security framework adds, next to the offered
protection, also a layer of complexity. For reasons of
simplicity, platooning security is considered out-of-
scope in this paper, because on the PSF tactical level
this does not change the protocol operational logic or
platooning interactions.
2.2 Platooning Scenarios
The ENSEMBLE platooning protocol is designed to
support the interactions of the PSF. The defined set
of platooning use cases are described in (Willemsen
et al., 2022), together with specifications on platoon
characteristics, relevant high-level platooning maneu-
vers, Human Machine Interface (HMI) interactions
and environmental conditions. The scenario defini-
tions include information of the maneuvers, the spe-
cific Operational Design Domain (ODD) conditions
and relevant ”events” (for example cut-in vehicle,
emergency braking, system failures). A use case is
a combination of a scenario description together with
a set of initial and final conditions, and a defined set
of interaction sequences.
The supported high-level maneuvers in the pla-
toon are:
Platoon engage: Platoon Join, Merge in between
Platooning: Steady-state Platooning, Platoon gap
V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck Platooning
Platoon Disengage: Platoon Leave, Platoon Split.
These are the main platooning maneuvers as part of
the PSF which are supported by the V2V platooning
protocol, and these are also the relevant test scenarios
considered for the V2X Test Tool.
The ”Joining from behind by a single vehicle” sce-
nario is used as an example test case of a Platoon en-
gage manoeuvre. In Figure 3 the Start situation is the
ego vehicle as a Candidate Member (CM) and is driv-
ing behind an truck (LV) that is joinable for platoon-
ing (announced via its CAM). Like mentioned before,
Figure 3: Join from behind by a single vehicle scenario.
some pre-conditions have to be met for the ego vehi-
cle and LV. The platooning systems needs to be oper-
ational, the vehicles are in communication range with
no other vehicles in-between. The ego vehicle driver
activates the platooning function. As the ego vehicle
is receiving the isJoinable information from the LV,
the system can start the joining procedure. In Step 2,
the ego vehicle request to join by transmitting PMM
Join Request. The LV receives the Join Request mes-
sage, evaluate the correct joining conditions and sends
a PMM Join Response (accept) message. In step 3 the
engage action is finalised, the ego vehicle and LV are
ending the join procedure with the exchanged PCMs
which are used to close the distance-gap to an agreed
time-headway value. The ego-vehicle is part of the
platoon (PL1) and is now the Trailing Vehicle (TV)
of the platoon. It can now itself transmit isJoinable
announcements via its CAMs.
The scenario-based assessment methodology of
(H2020 Project HEADSTART, 2020) mention four
main testing methods: Virtual Testing (VT), XiL-
based (for everything-in-the-loop), Proving Ground
(PG) and Field testing (FT). The methodology is used
for safety assessment of Connected and Cooperative
Automated Driving applications, and uses the truck
platooning application as a selected use cases for as-
sessment. V2X communication is normally not part
of the available scenarios descriptions and extensions
are needed to include V2X communication in the used
testing methods. In the following sections each test-
ing methods is briefly described for the truck platoon-
ing scenarios.
3.1 Virtual Testing
To test scenarios virtually, a framework for enabling
the execution of the appropriate scenario descriptions
is needed. This top-level is needed for control and
management of the virtual testing environment. Also
it contains scenario modelling functions with ele-
ments for the static environment (for example high-
way road layout) and the dynamic environment (for
example other vehicles). Then for the PSF, different
functional blocks can be identified for:
Driving functions.
Vehicle dynamics.
The driving function relates to the PSF and other au-
tomated driving functions. This also includes the pla-
tooning decision-making functions based on sensor
inputs. The sensor block gets all its input from the
virtual environment. The model accuracy highly de-
pends on the provided fidelity of the sensor data. The
actions coming from the driving functions are passed
to the vehicle dynamics block, that contains the vir-
tual vehicle model as part of the PSF.
3.2 XiL-based Testing
X-in-the-loop (XiL) based testing is a method of test-
ing that combines VT with real hardware implemen-
tations. The amount of virtual and real elements can
vary greatly: from only having a single platform, sen-
sor or actuator as part of a Hardware-in-Loop (HiL)
set-up, up to having a complete vehicle-in-the-loop
(ViL). The XiL-based testing is often a good compro-
mise between proving ground testing which is very
realistic and VT that allows for testing a higher num-
ber of scenarios. Our work focus on testing the V2X
communication functions as part of the PSF. The V2X
Test Tool includes the communication hardware, of-
ten called on-board unit (OBU) with the V2V com-
munication software supporting the PSF tactical func-
tions. Specific test scenarios have been developed for
assessing the supported PSF maneuvers, the related
platooning protocol interactions and V2V message
exchanges. The platooning scenarios enables V2V
assessments for: conformance testing of the V2V pla-
toon messages; functional testing of the platooning
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
protocol; and performance testing of the V2V com-
munication and the PSF at tactical layer level.
3.3 Proving Ground Testing
Proving Ground testing is a key part for assessing the
performance of automated driving systems. For truck
platooning full system performance can be evaluated
as part of the single vehicle, and with the vehicle as
part of the platoon, in a real-world environment. This
is not possible with the VT and XiL-based solutions,
PG testing is often the first opportunity to do platoon-
ing testing with actual driving vehicles and execute
scenarios with platoon specific manoeuvres (example
Platoon Join). Execution of the platooning scenarios
and related test cases are always in the context of opti-
mization costs and effectively using available PG time
and resources.
3.4 Field Testing
Field Testing or open road testing often follows suc-
cessful PG testing. For truck platooning, its aim is to
test the PSF in the real world and evaluate the platoon
maneuvering in its defined ODD. Route selection is
important to have suitable roads with the correct re-
quired infrastructure elements. For truck platooning,
the test plan and test case definitions need to address
the local regulations and exemptions required to be
able to execute PSF testing on public roads.
In order to meet the requirements for early XiL-based
testing of communication and interaction protocols
within ENSEMBLE, a V2X Test Tool has been de-
signed, realized and deployed. The next sections de-
scribe its design guidelines, architecture and various
4.1 Design Guidelines and Architecture
For the design of the V2X Test Tool, the following
considerations and guidelines were adhered to:
Portability: The V2X Test Tool must run on var-
ious hardware platforms and under various Oper-
ating Systems (Windows, Mac, Linux). For this
reason, a Java-based system was designed. This
requirement was particularly important as the tool
was intended to be run by the project partners on-
Ease of Use: The software should be easy to use,
in order to accommodate the diverse nature of the
end users. For this requirement, it was important
to realize that end users come from varying back-
grounds (control, software engineering, automo-
tive, . . .).
Single-Screen Status and Control: The con-
trol and status reporting of the V2X Test Tool
should be implemented using a single ”all-in-one”
screen, to the extent possible.
Modularity: The software should be designed
and realized in agreement with modern software-
engineering views on modularity, object orienta-
tion and information hiding. This requirement
hopefully assists in smooth integration of other
applications and/or modules.
Reuse of existing hardware and software: To the
extent possible, the V2X Test Tool should be
constructed using existing (TNO or open-source)
reusable software components and libraries.
Version Control: The V2X Test Tool was realized
while the ENSEMBLE platooning protocols had
not fully crystallized yet. It was therefore crucial
for the V2X Test Tool to be able to run different
revisions of the platooning protocol, even side-by-
Low Cost (to the end user): Through the use of
Java technology instead of the perhaps more com-
mon MATLAB/Simulink environment, the end
user saves on licensing costs and is given the flex-
ibility to quickly (re)deploy the tool. All that is
needed is a Java©virtual machine.
In view of the fact that TNO has had an experi-
mental On-Board Unit (OBU) in operational use for
several years, it was decided to reuse reuse this com-
ponent. The OBU allows for reception and transmis-
sion of ITS-G5 frames in the ITS-G5A Band (and
others) (ETSI, 2020), using a UDP-based protocol to
transfer payload and frame control data to and from
the clients.
The V2X Test Tool architecture is shown in Figure
4. The box on the left represents the V2X Test Tool
Java software, consisting roughly of a Graphical User
Interface and running a single instance of a V-ITS-
S (Virtual ITS Station) and multiple so-called V2X
Tests. The top-right shows the OBU connected to the
V2X Test Tool. The bottom right shows the Device
Under Test.
4.2 On-Board Unit
The On-Board Unit provided with the V2X Test Tool
in the ENSEMBLE project is shown is Figure 5. In
V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck Platooning
Figure 4: The V2X Test Tool architecture.
its most common setup it consists of an PCEngines
APU board running a modified Linux kernel that al-
lows for operation of a standard PCI Express WLAN
card on ITS-G5. On top of that, a software compo-
nent named btpsap implements the GeoNetworking
(ETSI, 2017a) and Basic Transport Protocol (BTP)
(ETSI, 2019a) as well as the security functions within
GeoNetworking (encapsulation into and decapsula-
tion out of a security envelope and signing and ver-
ifying messages). The btpsap software communi-
cates with its client over a TCP connection and one
or more UDP streams. The interface definition of
btpsap is publicly available (de Jongh et al., 2018),
which allows for third-party alternative implementa-
tions based on for instance cellular communications.
Figure 5: The On-Board Unit deployed with the V2X Test
4.3 V2X Test Tool Capabilities
The tool has the following capabilities:
Sending and receiving CAM, CAM+ (with isJoin-
able extension) and platooning-specific messages:
PMM, PCM. Both the CAM/CAM+ and PCM
message rates are user configurable.
Logging messages.
Presenting decoded messages in real-time.
Defining so-called Virtual ITS Stations that are
capable of interacting with the System under Test
(SuT), e.g., by pretending to be a following vehi-
cle wanting to join the SuT in a platoon.
Maintaining a Local Dynamic Map on each V-
Running a simplified (e.g., by omitting several
sanity checks) platooning controller on each V-
Using a variety of sources for the position of a
V-ITS-S, e.g. making it follow another V-ITS-S
through the use its received CAM messages.
Run multiple versions of the platooning protocol.
Perform platooning test scenarios (join, leave,
platoon), in the different roles (LV, FV, TV, CM).
Currently, the V2X Test Tool focuses at logical
interactions needed to test the platooning protocol.
Issues related to the wireless medium (packet loss;
transmission latency) are currently not in scope. It
is conceivable, though, to define packet-loss test sce-
4.4 Virtual ITS Station
A key feature of the V2X Test Tool is that of a Virtual
ITS Station (V-ITS-S). A V-ITS-S represents a station
in software with options to connect to for instance a
real-world GPS sensor or OBU. That way, the soft-
ware implementing the V-ITS-S can be subjected to a
variety of tests. A simple test, for instance, is to check
whether the GPS sensor data (like position fixes) are
properly encoded in transmitted CAM messages.
The V-ITS-S implementation is highly modular,
allowing for application-specific modules providing
custom message sets and/or application logic. For
ENSEMBLE, a dedicated platooning module was de-
veloped with support for CAM+, PMM and PCM
messages (in various stages of development) and for
platooning (V2X) protocols.
The primary use of a V-ITS-S is to test platoon-
ing implementations of project partners on site using
(e.g.) a laptop running JAVA connected to a supplied
OBU. We were therefore able to test, in an early stage,
the non-trivial ASN.1 encoding and decoding of the
platooning messages, and at least ensure message in-
4.5 Position and Time
The provisioning of position and time estimates to
V-ITS-S instances, to the OBU and to the V2X Test
Tool itself is of crucial importance. At the same time,
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
given the flexibility of the tool, some noteworthy vari-
ations in the setup are possible. An example of the
appearance of Position and Time controls in the GUI
of the tool is shown in Figure 6.
For time, a V-ITS-S can use either the system time
or connect to a gpsd (Various, 2022b) instance. In ei-
ther case, time-warping is implemented; allowing for
a fixed offset with the real time. This has proven use-
ful for replaying scenarios with trace data like mes-
sage exchanges. Using the system time is the eas-
iest setup and most appropriate for systems that al-
ready have time synchronization set up at the required
stratum level (e.g., through ntpd (Various, 2022c) or
chronyd (Various, 2022a)). Using gpsd as a source
for both position and time is most convenient for con-
necting the V-ITS-S with the external OBU. Due to its
reliance on accurate position and time in order to run
GeoNetworking, the OBU is already equipped with a
GPS receiver and running gpsd instance. As warping
in time, position warping is supported as well, trans-
lating each position update to a different area on the
Figure 6: The Position and Time panel in the V2X Test Tool
Two interesting alternatives for position update
are file-based updates (successive positions are taken
from file) and follow mode, in which position updates
are such that it ”follows” another station at a cer-
tain distance. This is particularly useful for bench-
testing controllers in distance-dependent applications
like platooning.
4.6 Local Dynamic Map
In the V2X Test Tool, each V-ITS-S is equipped with
a Local Dynamic Map (LDM) (ETSI, 2014), a table
holding recently heard stations through (for instance)
CAM messages. Since by virtue of (ETSI, 2019b),
ITS Stations are obliged to always send CAMs, it is
relatively easy to maintain a view on the ”local neigh-
borhood” in each V-ITS-S . By its very nature, the
LDM is application-agnostic, yet the implementation
allows for application-specific extensions (message
sets, flags, . . .).
In the LDM, ITS stations are indexed by their ITS
Station ID. An example of the appearance of the LDM
in the GUI of the tool is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: The Local Dynamic Map in the V2X Test Tool
4.7 Test Scenarios
The V2X Test Tool supports the following (auto-
mated) test scenarios:
Sending and receiving CAM(+) messages.
JOIN: The V-ITS-S attempts to join the ITS Sta-
tion the SuT represents. After successful comple-
tion of the join request and join response message
exchange, the V-ITS-S starts sending, as required,
PCM messages and expect PCM messages from
the station it joined.
BE JOINED: The V-ITS-S prepares to be joined
from behind by the SuT. For instance, it signals its
willingness to be joined in the CAM+ messages it
transmits. It then expects a join request, checks
the request and if applicable, sends a positive re-
sponse. It then checks for subsequent transmis-
sion of PCM messages by the DUT.
LEAVE: The V-ITS-S leaves the platoon it is cur-
rently part of (it may be in front or behind the SuT
4.8 Abstract Platooning Model
As mentioned earlier, the V2X Test Tool has a specific
module for platooning support. The module, however,
was realized using a more abstract platooning model
than the one designed in ENSEMBLE.
In the first model, the concept of platooning is
seen, from a V2X perspective, as a highly controlled
temporary unidirectional association between two sta-
tions, the front and rear vehicles, respectively. The
main protocol components then become the join and
leave operations, and the duties that come with the
association once created, like sending dedicated state
messages (PCMs in the case of ENSEMBLE).
V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck Platooning
The platooning model in the tool focuses on the
separate communication interactions between a sta-
tion and its predecessor and successor (whenever ap-
plicable). In the bottom line of the platooning pane
in the V2X Test Tool, shown in Figure 8, the platoon-
ing state of the front and rear controllers are shown
through indicators (Platooning State [local]). The in-
dicator in the middle signals that platooning is com-
plete in former sense: both front and rear controllers
are connected to another station, and the platoon is in
steady state (no ongoing join or leave actions).
Figure 8: The Platooning (application) pane in the V2X Test
The main advantage of using a somewhat more ab-
stract model for platooning is that it allows for quick
adaption to changes in the concrete (ENSEMBLE)
platooning protocol, as long as the protocol fits in the
model. In particular, we rarely needed changes in the
V2X Test Tool GUI despite the frequent changes in
the ENSEMBLE protocol. Finally, it allowed the use
of the V2X Test Tool while designing the protocol
itself. Certain protocol features during design could
thus be evaluated in an early stage.
The ENSEMBLE V2X Test Tool was designed, re-
alized and deployed in an early stage of the specifi-
cation of truck platooning in ENSEMBLE. It proved
its use as a verification and validation tool, for debug-
ging and testing, conformance testing of the V2V pla-
tooning message sets, and also served as a protocol-
assessment tool. As mentioned earlier, the tool proved
a great help to ensure message interoperability at a
relatively early stage of the ENSEMBLE project. It is
essential to have such a tool, because current available
commercial V2X communication tools does not sup-
port the non-standard project-defined platooning mes-
sage sets, or the relevant test scenario for platooning.
Other advantages include its use as a debugging
tool in Field Testing (since the tool features frame
capturing and analysis). Also it is possible to use
the tool for performance analysis, for example by us-
ing stress testing scenarios with: high message loads;
higher updates rates; high number of Station ID’s;
etc. Another option for performance analysis is creat-
ing failure scenarios by using wrong messaging (for-
mat, timing, protocol logic, message drop, etc.) for
testing the robustness of the platooning protocol and
higher application layers. The main performance re-
sults from the ENSEMBLE project are available in
(Kalose and Goos, 2022); reflections on the v2x pro-
tocols can be found in (Mascalchi et al., 2022).
Finally, the development of the V2X Test Tool
itself required an early in-depth analysis of the EN-
SEMBLE protocol, which resulted in useful feedback
during protocol design. In a way, it forced the early
implementation of the ENSEMBLE message sets and
protocol logic long before the finalization of the pla-
tooning specifications.
In the near future, we hope to fully implement the
security features of the ENSEMBLE protocol, in par-
ticular transmitting and receiving the symmetrically
encrypted PCM message. Together with security test
scenarios for the validation of the security function-
ality and for identifying possible vulnerabilities and
threats. Thus offering useful verification and valida-
tion feedback as a security engineering tool for taking
mitigating actions against security threats. Also, we
intend to reuse the V2X Test Tool in future Cooper-
ative Automated Driving and ITS projects aiming at
development and implementations of novel message
sets and protocols. And to extend it with subsequent
suitable testing scenarios supporting the cooperative
The source code for the V2X Test Tool is available
upon request for research purposes.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to Sandesh
Manganahalli Jayaprakash, Daan Ravesteijn, Ramon
de Souza Schwartz, Harry Wedemeijer and Bastiaan
Wissingh, all at TNO, for their help during the design
and implementation of the V2X Test Tool.
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V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck Platooning