What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in
Requirements Engineering
Devi Karolita
1,2 a
, John Grundy
1 b
, Tanjila Kanij
1 c
, Humphrey Obie
1 d
and Jennifer McIntosh
3 e
Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Faculty of Information Technology,
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Department Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Palangka Raya University, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Persona, Requirements Engineering, Curation, Taxonomy, Analysis.
Personas have been widely used during requirements engineering-related tasks. However, the presentation,
composition, level of details and other characteristics varies greatly by domain of use. To better understand
these, we formed a curated set of nearly 100 personas from 41 academic papers and analysed their similar-
ities and differences. We then used our analysis to formulate a preliminary taxonomy of personas used for
Requirements Engineering-related tasks. We describe our key findings from our analysis with examples, our
preliminary taxonomy, and discuss ways the taxonomy can be used and further improved.
A ‘persona’ is a fictitious character that summarises
the major traits of the actual end users of a pro-
posed product (Kolski and Warin, 2018). First intro-
duced for use in Software Engineering (SE) by Alan
Cooper (Cooper, 1999), personas have gradually be-
come a resource to better understand end users, espe-
cially during Requirements Engineering (RE) related
activities. Many activities in RE aim to elicit, docu-
ment and analyse end users requirements, as well as
to validate these captured requirements (Sommerville,
2016). The main purpose of these activities is to en-
sure end users’ needs for the proposed software prod-
uct are well understood and eventually met.
In RE related tasks, having personas as a repre-
sentation of target software end users enables require-
ments engineers to identify user requirements (Ho and
Lin, 2019) (Cleland-Huang et al., 2013) (LeRouge
and Ma, 2010) (Sim and Brouse, 2015) and predict
how the end users might possibly interact with the
proposed software product (Bowles, 2007). Personas
can be used as the basis to define the proposed product
requirements (Sim and Brouse, 2014) which then sup-
port functional and non-functional requirements spec-
ification (Nunes Rodrigues et al., 2018). Furthermore,
personas can help requirements engineers discover re-
dundant requirements (Sim and Brouse, 2014) and
convey potential issues from the specified require-
ments (Aoyama, 2005) (Lopez-Lorca et al., 2014)
(Abd Malik and Azuddin, 2013). Personas are not a
replacement for end users during RE, but compliment
use of focus groups, surveys and interviews. Personas
allow a wide range of different target end user char-
acteristics to be reasoned about, especially when it is
difficult to directly meet with many real end users.
There is no standard format to present personas
used in RE. Normally, personas contain context spe-
cific depictions of target software end users, includ-
ing their way of thinking, behaviour, goals, and mo-
tivations. A study argued that persona attributes can
be grouped into three categories: identical attributes,
aggregate attributes, and cosmetic attributes (Alvertis
et al., 2016). Identical attributes are persona charac-
teristics that will remain the same for each user group,
while the aggregate attributes are the aggregation of
the user attributes (e.g., comfort with technology of a
particular age group), and cosmetic attributes identify
the persona (e.g., name, photograph).
A few previous studies investigated the informa-
tion contained in personas and dissected persona in-
formation into sections or layers. Nielsen et al. anal-
Karolita, D., Grundy, J., Kanij, T., Obie, H. and McIntosh, J.
What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0011708500003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 39-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ysed existing persona templates, grouped the informa-
tion contained in those templates into key categories,
and compared the existing templates to 47 collected
personas (Nielsen et al., 2015). Salminen et al. also
investigated persona contents in order to analyse in-
formation presented in quantitative personas (Salmi-
nen et al., 2020). However, these studies do not
specifically focus on the use of personas in the RE
process. Moreover, the scope of these studies were
limited to a specific geographic location and to per-
sonas resulting from quantitative approaches. Persona
descriptions have been divided into context-free di-
mensions and context-dependent dimensions (Antle,
2008). A study introduced a concept of basic persona
that can be quantitatively generated from a large scale
data (W
ockl et al., 2012). Furthermore, persona can
be decomposed into two layers: basic layer and ex-
ternal layer. The aim of the decomposition of per-
sona descriptions is to make personas more reusable
(Marcengo et al., 2009). Nevertheless, a more con-
textual layer of persona is required to enable persona
being relevant for use in different contexts and do-
mains. The missing layer needs to be equipped with
a practical recommendation to help requirements en-
gineers to have some ideas on what to be included in
the persona descriptions.
To address these limitations, in this work we
searched for a range of persona usages in RE-related
activities. We curated 98 collected personas from 41
relevant academic publications, which we refer to as
our curated Persona Corpus. During the curation pro-
cess, we analysed what key information is found in
these personas. As the result of our analysis, we iden-
tified 12 key domains in which personas in our Per-
sona Corpus were used. We identified three key per-
sona dimensions: the way a persona can be narrated,
its formatting, and the length and detail of persona de-
scriptions. We also identified five major demographic
information included in persona descriptions: name,
choice of photograph, gender, age, and tagline. We
identified key human factors presented in each per-
sona, and grouped them into persona facets, and we
mapped the use of these facets to each identified do-
main. The result of our mapping was used as the basis
to develop preliminary RE-based persona taxonomy.
By acknowledging the fact that persona is a context-
specific tool, we also formulate a domain-based facets
recommendation that can be used to create better per-
sonas to be utilised in a specific domain. The key
contributions of this work include:
We curated a set of 98 personas from 41 academic
publications describing use of personas for vari-
ous RE-related tasks;
We analysed these personas from several perspec-
tives to understand their similarities and differ-
ences, including domain of use, RE task, presen-
tation, level of detail, and key factors;
We developed a preliminary taxonomy of per-
sonas aimed to provide practical support RE-
related activities; and
We propose a set of further research directions to
apply and improve our taxonomy.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents our motivation for this study, and Sec-
tion 3 presents key related work. Section 4 details our
research methods, and Section 5 presents the findings
resulting from our persona curation and analysis. Sec-
tion 6 presents a preliminary persona taxonomy, Sec-
tion 7 summarises our findings, study limitations, and
presents opportunities for future work, and Section 8
concludes our research.
As part of our work in investigating the use of per-
sonas in Requirements Engineering (RE), we re-
viewed a large number of papers describing personas
used in RE-related activities. After reviewing these
personas, we noticed that many of these personas
showed noticeable differences. Consider those in Fig-
ure 1 (our full persona list can be found in our on-
line Appendix
). This shows three very different per-
sonas used for different RE domains and tasks. All of
these personas were used in requirements elicitation
and analysis phase.
The persona on the top was used in Software De-
velopment domain to introduce a concept of Context-
based Persona Stories (Sedeno et al., 2017). The per-
sona was presented using bullet points and formatted
according a particular structure. The persona in the
centre was presented in a semi-structured format, and
was used to identify the needs of older adults (i.e.,
medical services, meal preparation, and daily needs)
in order to design assisted living technologies (Ho and
Lin, 2019). Meanwhile, the persona on the bottom
was presented in a narrative form without any partic-
ular structure for its format. This persona was used in
the Education domain to develop an educational mo-
bile app (Askarbekuly et al., 2021).
We noticed a number of differences in the way
such personas were presented, including the way the
personas were narrated, the use of visual representa-
tions (i.e., a photograph of a real person, a cartoon
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Bullet points persona (top) (Sedeno et al., 2017);
Semi-structured persona (centre) (Ho and Lin, 2019) ((c)
Springer, reused with permission); and Brief persona (bot-
tom) (Askarbekuly et al., 2021) ((c) Springer, reused with
picture), the format used to present the personas, the
different human factors presented in the persona de-
scriptions, and the level of detail in different personas.
These differences in the personas used to support
RE-related work motivated us to collect more per-
sonas and carry out an analysis of their similarities
and differences. We wanted to understand how per-
sona contents, representation, level of detail, facts,
and other information may vary, including the prob-
lems that were encountered when developing per-
sonas and how these were evaluated and addressed.
To do this, we collected a large number of personas
used for RE-related tasks from a wide range of pub-
lications. This collection of curated personas forms
a Persona Corpus that we analysed and make avail-
able for other researchers to use in their own work.
To carry out this work, we ask the following key re-
search questions:
RQ1. What are the different domains that personas
have been used to aid requirements engineering? Us-
ing our Persona Corpus, we want to identify the do-
mains where personas have been used in to date.
RQ2. What can be found in personas used in each
domain? This research question focuses on discov-
ering what persona facts exist, their similarities and
differences across different domains. We wanted to
identify the different persona facets and group these
facets based in their similarities.
RQ3. How can we build a preliminary persona tax-
onomy to aid requirements engineers? Based on the
identified persona facets and domains of use from
RQ1 and RQ2, we wanted to formulate a preliminary
persona taxonomy and domain-based persona facets
recommendationfor RE related-tasks. The taxonomy
aims to help persona creators and users in generating
reusable personas. Our domain-based persona facets
recommendation can help customise generic personas
for use in specific domains.
Nielsen et al. analysed personas used in industry set-
ting (Nielsen et al., 2015). A literature study was
used to analyse 12 existing persona templates and
grouped the information presented in the templates
into ve major categories: background information,
design related information, business and marketing
related information, graphics, and miscellaneous. The
researchers then compared the existing templates to
persona descriptions of 47 personas used in 13 Dan-
ish industries and organisations. The results show
that a Danish persona style is different from recom-
mendations given by the existing templates analysed
in the study, particularly in business and marketing.
Salminen et al. conducted a study to create a tem-
plate for data-driven personas (Salminen et al., 2020).
The study focused on analysing data-driven user per-
sonas. The researchers extracted information from 31
personas created using quantitative techniques. This
study categorises quantitative personas richness into
three level: simple, moderate, and high. The study
also shows the differences of the information con-
tained in quantitative personas and the personas cre-
ated using mixed methods. The study argues that
quantitative methods resulting in a chart-like presen-
tation which display quantitative data. On the other
hand, personas resulting from mixed methods have a
more contextual and narrative-like descriptions.
The two studies above do not specifically focus
on personas used in the RE related tasks. In addi-
What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering
tion, those studies focus in personas used in specific
geographic location and personas generated by a par-
ticular approach. This provides an opportunity for
further investigation on persona contents which can
contribute important information for researchers and
requirements engineers, particularly with respect to
human-centred RE.
Some previous works investigated how personas
can be decomposed to aid reusability. The idea is
to streamline the process of persona creation. The
division can be performed by separating persona at-
tributes that are static (or have less likelihood to
change) that can be reused in different contexts (An-
tle, 2008) (Moser et al., 2011). A study that proposed
Child-Persona technique argued that a persona de-
scription be divided into context-free dimensions and
a context-dependent one (Antle, 2008). Context-free
dimensions of persona consist of data concluded from
theoretical understanding, while a context-dependent
dimension consists of data specific to the project. A
concept of basic persona was proposed with the pur-
pose to streamline persona development process and
enhance reusability (W
ockl et al., 2012). Using data
retrieved from a survey on European older adults, the
researchers generated 30 personas representing the el-
derly. The study discovered some major clusters vari-
ables of persona description, including self-perceived
general health, self-reported limitations with Activ-
ities of Daily Living, cognitive function, make use
of home care services, economic situation, and so-
cial activities. In addition, the study also proposed
additional variables to elaborate each cluster to give
more detail information. The resultant personas were
claimed to applicable in different projects and were
extendable to specific contexts. Marcengo et al. de-
composed persona into two major sections: the ba-
sic persona and the external layer (Marcengo et al.,
2009). The basic persona serves as the base of a per-
sona that consists of information that have less likeli-
hood to change through different contexts. Therefor,
this layer of persona is can be reusable for different
contexts and domains. The external layer of a per-
sona consists of context-specific information which
enables the persona to be more relevant to a partic-
ular project or context.
Two of these studies ((Antle, 2008) and (W
et al., 2012)) were designed for a particular group of
age which resulting to a limited applicability. While
the persona layering framework was argued being
able to allow persona creators to develop reusable per-
sonas (Marcengo et al., 2009), however it has to be
equipped with a practical recommendation that can be
used to formulate a more contextual external layer of
Collect 98 personas out of 41
Identify human factors that
are captured on each
Map persona demography
Build preliminary persona
Figure 2: Research method.
In order to achieve the aim of this research, we: (i)
curated a set of personas collected from 41 publica-
tions; (ii) extracted key human factors captured in
each persona; (iii) analysed the personas to under-
stand key persona demography; and (iv) built a pre-
liminary persona taxonomy. Figure 2 summarises the
process undertaken. The following subsections detail
our research process.
4.1 Data Collection
We performed academic literature database search-
ing to collect our data. The search string used in
the search can be seen in Table 1. The search was
also limited to publications published between Jan-
uary 2000 and December 2021. The search was then
conducted over six databases: ACM Digital Library
(ACM), SpringerLink, IEEE Xplore (IEEE), Engi-
neering Village, Wiley Online Library, and Taylor &
Francis Online.
There were a total of 833 publications returned
from all databases. We filtered out the returned pub-
lications by reading the title and abstract. Duplicated
publications were also removed, resulting in 248 pub-
lications for final selection.
For our final selection, we focused only on pub-
lications that provided concrete persona examples.
Consequently, we found 41 publications from which
we collected 98 persona examples.
4.2 Data Extraction and Synthesis
From 41 selected publications (referred to as PC01 to
PC41), we collected 98 personas (referred to as Per01
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
No. of personas
Technology for children
Sustainable living
Software Development
Technology for older adults
0 10 20 30
Figure 3: Different Domains Personas Used For.
Table 1: Search string.
personas AND “Requirements Engineering” OR “Requirements
Engineering Process” OR “Requirements Elicita-
tion” OR “Requirements Specification” OR “Re-
quirements Analysis” OR “Requirements Gather-
ing” OR “Requirements Identification” and “Re-
quirements Validation”
to Per98); listed in our online Appendix
. These per-
sonas were grouped by the domain they were used
in. Our next step was to identify how the personas
were presented e.g. text, table, graphic, etc, and how
they were constructed e.g. from the focus group, in-
terview, from existing persona, etc. We then carefully
read each persona and extracted the human factors
from each persona, including both those factors that
are explicitly and implicitly described in the persona.
To avoid confusion during human factors identifica-
tion, we used the Merriam-Webster dictionary to de-
fine some of the terms used during the extraction pro-
5.1 Domains of Use
Fourty-one publications were included in our review
from which we collected 98 concrete personas into
our Persona Corpus. We identified 12 domains where
the personas were used in and grouped the Persona
Corpus by the domain. These domains are: tech-
nology for older adults, software development, health
(physical and mental), education, sustainable living,
culture, technology for children, architecture, finance,
law, security, and transportation. Figure 3 summarises
the total number of domains personas applied to.
Figure 4: Narrative persona (left) (Acuna et al., 2012) ((c)
Elsevier, reused with permission) and Bullet points persona
(right) (Aoyama, 2005) ((c) IEEE, reused with permission).
5.2 Persona Dimensions
We focused on reviewing only text-based personas i.e.
those using text to describe factors that make up the
person. The main reason is that most of the collected
personas in our Persona Corpus are text-based. We
discovered multiple ways, or dimensions, that text-
based personas can be presented in. Based on our Per-
sona Corpus analysis, we identified three key dimen-
sions of text-based persona representation: persona
narration, persona format, and persona length. An
overview of these key text-based persona dimensions
can be seen in Table 2.
We term persona narration as the way persona
descriptions can be narrated. Text-based personas
can be described either in a narrative fashion or in
a straightforward manner using bullet points. Ex-
amples are shown in Figure 4. Narrative personas
are typically written in a story-like flow, narrating
the characteristics of the personas from their general
background information (e.g., name, age, personality)
to context-specific aspects (e.g., interaction with tech-
nology, life achievement, social interaction). Good
examples of narrative personas are [Per01], [Per25],
and [Per36].
On the other hand, bullet-point based personas
are more straightforward compared to narrative per-
sonas in terms of presenting the key persona attributes
What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering
Table 2: Overview of text-based personas in Persona Corpus.
Persona narration
Narrative approach
Per01, Per02, Per03, Per04, Per05, Per06, Per07, Per08, Per09, Per12, Per13, Per14, Per15, Per16, Per17
Per18, Per19, Per25, Per26, Per27, Per28, Per29, Per30, Per31, Per32, Per33, Per34, Per35, Per36, Per37,
Per38, Per39, Per40, Per41, Per42, Per43, Per44, Per47, Per48, Per49, Per50, Per51, Per52, Per55, Per56
Per57, Per58, Per59, Per60, Per61, Per62, Per63, Per64, Per65, Per66, Per67, Per68, Per69, Per70, Per71,
Per72, Per73, Per74, Per75, Per76, Per77, Per78, Per79, Per80, Per81, Per82, Per83, Per84, Per85, Per86,
Per87, Per88, Per89, Per90, Per91, Per92, Per93, Per94, Per95, Per96, Per97, Per98
Bullet points Per10, Per11, Per20, Per21, Per22, Per23, Per24, Per45, Per46, Per53, Per54
Persona format
Per01, Per02, Per15, Per16, Per17, Per18, Per19, Per20, Per21, Per22, Per23, Per25, Per26, Per27, Per28,
Per29, Per30, Per31, Per32, Per36, Per37, Per38, Per49, Per50, Per51, Per52, Per53, Per54, Per70, Per75,
Per76, Per77, Per78, Per79, Per80, Per81, Per82, Per83, Per84, Per85, Per86, Per87, Per88, Per89, Per90,
Per92, Per93
Per03, Per04, Per05, Per06, Per07, Per08, Per09, Per10, Per11, Per12, Per13, Per14, Per33, Per34, Per35,
Per39, Per40, Per41, Per42, Per43, Per44, Per47, Per48, Per55, Per56, Per63, Per64, Per71, Per72, Per73,
Per74, Per91, Per94, Per95, Per96, Per97, Per98
Per24, Per45, Per46, Per57, Per58, Per59, Per60, Per61, Per62, Per65, Per66, Per67, Per68, Per69 14
Persona length
Per01, Per02, Per03, Per04, Per05, Per06, Per07, Per08, Per09, Per10, Per11, Per12, Per13, Per14, Per15,
Per16, Per17, Per18, Per19, Per21, Per24, Per25, Per26, Per28, Per29, Per33, Per34, Per35, Per39, Per40,
Per41, Per42, Per43, Per45, Per46, Per52, Per55, Per56, Per57, Per58, Per59, Per60, Per61, Per62, Per63,
Per64, Per65, Per66, Per67, Per71, Per72, Per91, Per97, Per98
Per20, Per22, Per23, Per27, Per30, Per31, Per32, Per36, Per37, Per38, Per44, Per47, Per48, Per49, Per50,
Per51, Per53, Per54, Per68, Per69, Per70, Per73, Per74, Per75, Per76, Per77, Per78, Per79, Per80, Per81,
Per82, Per83, Per84, Per85, Per86, Per87, Per88, Per89, Per90, Per92, Per93, Per94, Per95, Per96
Figure 5: Unstructured persona (left) (Lachner et al., 2015)
((c) Springer, reused with permission), and Structured per-
sona (right) (Aguirre et al., 2021) ((c) Springer, reused with
(i.e., demographic information, general background,
context-specific information). Good examples are
presented in [Per10], [Per11], and [Per45]. Interest-
ingly, we found one persona ([Per52]) presented us-
ing both approaches. Demographic information and
general personal stories of the persona were presented
in a narrative manner, while context-specific persona
stories was presented using bullet points.
Another dimension we identified is persona de-
scription format. We found that there are three
main ways used to format text-based persona descrip-
tions: unstructured, semi-structured, and struc-
tured. Narrating a persona in an unstructured man-
ner means that the persona is described without any
binding structure (and/or order) to present the persona
attributes. Some good examples of this type of per-
sona are [Per26], [Per30], [Per89]. Two examples are
shown in Figure 5.
Text-based personas can be narrated in a semi-
structured fashion. The persona attributes are grouped
based on their similarities; such as demographic-
Figure 6: Semi-structured persona examples.
related attributes (e.g., name, age, gender, marital sta-
tus), skills, social interaction, and computer experi-
ence. There is no binding rule in grouping the persona
attributes, as we observed that even personas used in
the same project can have different groupings (see
Figure 6). As examples, [Per39] and [Per40] were
used in the same case study and had different sections
in their persona descriptions. [Per39] had ICT us-
age, Relation to grandchild(ren), Goals, Frustration
and pain point, and Primary usage reasons. Whereas,
[Per40] had sections for Social contacts, Interest and
experience in new communication technologies, and
For structured personas, the descriptions are nar-
rated by following a particular format defined by
the persona creators (see Figure 5). In [Per65] and
[Per66], the personas had sections presenting de-
mographics, defining traits, professional background,
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 7: Examples of normal-length persona (left) and
brief persona (right).
personal preferences, psychographics, and communi-
cation style.
The last dimension we defined for our curated
text-based personas is persona length. From our Per-
sona Corpus review, we found that text-based per-
sonas can be narrated either in ‘normal length’ (more
than ten sentences) or ‘briefly narrated’ (ten sen-
tences or less); as can be seen in Figure 7. Normal-
length personas can be seen in [Per17], [Per64],
and [Per97]. Some examples of brief personas are
[Per47], [Per70], and [Per96]. Interestingly, there
are case studies that incorporated both normal-length
and brief personas, as mentioned in [PC8], [PC11],
[PC24], and [PC31].
After reviewing our Persona Corpus on how the
personas are narrated, we found that the majority of
text-based personas in our Corpus are presented in
narrative fashion (87 personas), while only 11 per-
sonas are presented using bullet points. We also
found almost equal number of unstructured and semi-
structured personas (47 and 37 personas respectively),
whereas there are 14 structured personas. We also
discovered that there were 54 normal length personas
and 44 briefly written ones.
We found there were three methods to create the
personas: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed meth-
ods. There are 56 personas that were qualitatively cre-
ated, 26 personas that were created using mixed meth-
ods, and 7 personas were created in a quantitative
manner. The description of qualitative personas are
mostly presented in a narrative form (51 personas),
described in no particular structure (39 personas),
and briefly written (37 personas). As for the personas
created using mixed methods, 25 personas were nar-
rated in a narrative manner, 16 personas were format-
ted in a semi-structured fashion, and 21 personas have
normal length. Moreover, from the personas that were
quantitatively generated, there are 5 personas that
were described narratively. Three personas were for-
matted in either unstructured or semi-structured man-
ner, and 5 personas have normal length.
5.3 Demographic Information in
We identified key demographic information presented
in persona descriptions. These include name, vi-
sual representation, gender, age, and tagline. Table 3
shows the frequency of occurrence of the information
for each domain that our curated personas are used
Name is the most common human factor in per-
sona descriptions and is normally used in personas
in ten domains. Seventy-one personas have only first
name and 21 personas have full name. Only six per-
sonas (used in domain dducation and sustainable liv-
ing) in our Persona Corpus do not have a name. In-
stead, they are labeled with a code to distinguish them
one from another.
There are 82 personas in our Corpus that include
an age in their description, especially personas used in
age-related domain (technology for older adults and
technology for children). People aged 25-64 years are
the most presented population in our Persona Corpus
(36 personas), followed by people aged 65 years and
over (29 personas). There are some personas used in
four domains that do not mention any age in their de-
scriptions. Interestingly, personas used in the security
domain do not have information about age.
Based on our analysis, we found that either pho-
tograph (real person) or picture (cartoon-like image)
are used to provide a visual representation of a per-
sona. In our Corpus, there are 53 personas that in-
cluded photograph and ten personas used picture. All
personas used in domain of sustainable living, law,
and transportation do not provide any visual repre-
sentation. In total, there are 35 personas that do not
include photograph or picture.
In regard to gender representation, 54 personas
do not include any gender-related information, par-
ticularly personas used in domain of technology for
children, security, law, and transportation. For per-
sonas that presented gender information, there are 25
personas representing female population and 19 per-
sonas representing male population. No non-binary
personas were found. We also found some personas
do not explicitly mention a gender. Persona gender is
usually presented using gender-related terms, such as
“72-year-old woman”.
We also observed that some personas included
a tagline that summarises persona characteristics in
one-line statements. This approach is argued can
enhance the memorability of the persona (Bj
et al., ). In total, there are 40 personas that included a
one-line statement in their description. Based on our
review, software development is a domain in which
What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering
Table 3: General human factors in our Persona Corpus.
Name Visual representation Gender Age Quote/One-liner
Fullname Firstname NA Photograph Picture NA Male Female NA 0-14 years 15-24 years 25-64 years
65 years
and over
Technology for older adults 4 22 0 9 2 15 5 9 12 0 0 3 23 0 3 0 23
Software Development 5 20 0 23 2 0 7 7 11 1 4 16 1 3 10 9 6
Health 2 13 0 7 4 4 1 3 11 0 3 6 3 3 4 1 11
Education 2 8 3 2 2 9 2 1 10 2 0 3 0 8 3 2 8
Sustainable living 1 0 3 0 0 4 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4
Technology for children 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Culture 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 1
Security 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0
Law 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Finance 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0
Architecture 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
Transportation 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Total 21 71 6 53 10 35 19 25 54 7 10 36 29 16 22 19 58
the most personas included tagline (19 personas).
Twenty-two personas used a third-person perspec-
tive (referred to as one-liner (describing statement))
to succinctly describe the persona, such as ’Seden-
tary old person’, ’Passive and stingy’, and ’Insurance
seeker’. In addition, there are 19 personas that con-
cisely described persona characteristics using a first-
person manner (referred to as personal statement).
Some of the examples are ”The main thing is that I
arrive punctually at the destination”, ”Between work
and college, I always need cash to pay a thousand
thing”, and ”I only drive the car if I have to”.
6 Preliminary Persona Taxonomy
6.1 Persona Human Factors
We wanted to develop a preliminary persona taxon-
omy that can divide persona descriptions into two lay-
ers: (1) generic information; and (2) context-specific
Firstly, we identified a number of human factors
reflected in persona descriptions from our Persona
Corpus analysis. We then grouped these identified hu-
man factors into persona facets on the basis of their
similarities. Those facets then were divided into a
more general set of groups based on a preliminary tax-
onomy of human aspects introduced by Grundy et al.
(Grundy et al., 2022). Our grouping can be seen in
Table 4.
We then categorised the identified persona at-
tributes into three human aspect groups: (1) Per-
sonal characteristics; (2) Skill, experiential or
environmental-influenced characteristics; and (3)
Group or multiple human characteristics.
Human facets that fall into personal charac-
teristics group are demographic information (age,
name, gender), personal attributes (attitude, be-
haviour, personality, preference, interest, hobby),
physical well-being (health challenge, health status,
body measurement), and mental well-being (mental
challenge, emotional feeling). In skill, experiential
or environmental-influenced characteristics group,
we included personal story (activity, achievement,
memorable incident, life experience, life value), in-
teraction with technology (ICT usage, ICT liter-
acy, adaptation to technology, possesions of gadgets,
wearable device usage), skill level (skill, health lit-
eracy), education (education, learning experience),
environmental-influenced characteristics (spoken lan-
guage), human values (life value, family tradition, re-
ligious belief), and socio-economic status (financial
situation). Under group or multiple human charac-
teristics group, we put work status (occupation, in-
come), family environment (living arrangement, fam-
ily structure, parental intervention), geographic lo-
cation (current location), collaboration and commu-
nication style (work experience, social interaction,
complain experience), and culture (cultural suitabil-
ity, culture).
6.2 Persona Facets to Domain
Secondly, we mapped the human facets identified in
each domain in which our curated personas were used
in. Table 5 summarises the human facets mapping
of our Persona Corpus. We divided these facets into
two main layers: (1) internal layer; and (2) exter-
nal layer. The internal layer of persona consists of
a general background information of persona which
falls into personal characteristic group. On the other
hand, the external layer consists of context-specific
information depending on the context and (or) the
domain the personas are used in. We found that
most of the personas included motivation, goal, and
concern/frustration/pain point in their descriptions.
There are a few domains that did not include all of
these three attributes in the description (security, law,
finance, architecture, and transportation). We ac-
knowledge that this results from only a small number
of collected personas used in these domains.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 4: Human factors categorisation in Persona Corpus.
Human factors Human facets Human aspect groups
age, name, and gender Demographic information
Personal characteristics
attitude, behaviour, personality, preference, interest, and hobby
Personal attributes
health challenge, health status, and body measurement
Physical well-being
mental challenge, emotional feeling
Mental well-being
activity, achievement, memorable incident, life experience, and
life value
Personal story
Skill, experiential
or environmental-
influenced charac-
ICT usage, ICT literacy, adaptation to technology, possesions of gadgets,
and wearable device usage
Interaction with technology
skill, health literacy
Skill level
education, learning experience
spoken language
Environmental-influenced characteristics
life value, family tradition, religious belief
Human values
financial situation
Socio-economic status
occupation, income Work status
Group or multiple
human character-
living arrangement, family structure, parent intervention Family environment
current location
Geographic location
work experience, social interaction, complain experience
Collaboration and communication style
culture suitability, culture
Table 5: The mapping of identified human facets in Persona Corpus.
In addition to these three persona attributes, we
also discovered that there are some facets on each
human aspects group that were included in personas
used in all identified domains. Under personal char-
acteristics aspect of persona, demographic informa-
tion and personal attributes are the facets with a
high occurrence. Whereas for the skill, experiential
or environmental-influence characteristics aspect, we
identified that most of personas in our Corpus in-
cluded personal story and interaction with tech-
nology facets. We also identified that under group
or multiple human characteristics facets, most of the
What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering
Table 6: Preliminary persona taxonomy.
Personal characteristics
Demographic information
Personal attributes
Concern/frustration/pain point
Personal story
Interaction with technology
Group or multiple human
Work status
Family environment
Geographic location
Collaboration and
communication style
personas included work status, family environment,
geographic location, and collaboration and com-
munication style.
6.3 Persona Taxonomy
Based on this analysis, we developed a preliminary
persona taxonomy that can be used for requirements
engineering in different domains and contexts. This
is outlined in Table 6. Based on our Persona Cor-
pus analysis, the Demographic information and Per-
sonal attributes in Internal layer of persona consist
of human factors we mentioned in Table 4 for per-
sonas used in different domain and context.
However, for the External layer of persona there
are some considerations need to be taken. First, the
set of human factors for each human aspect may differ
from domain to domain, not to mention from context
to context. As an example, interaction with technol-
ogy in domain technology for older adults contains
information about how the elderly adapt with technol-
ogy as an addition to technology usage-related infor-
Secondly, the value assigned to each human factor
may also be different across domains. For instance,
in domain of education, human factors under inter-
action with technology facet depict how personas use
technology to support their learning and teaching ac-
tivity, while in Physical health domain, the human
factors portray the use of technology to help persona
to maintain their physical well-being.
Each domain that we identified from our Persona
Corpus analysis requires some different customisa-
tion in terms of the persona attributes that need to
be included in a persona description for that domain.
Therefore, we recommend persona facets for each do-
main to address the requirements which can be seen
in Table 7.
Based on this recommendation, we can see the
alignment of persona facets recommendations for cer-
tain domains. For an example, in the physical health
domain, we recommend that persona descriptions
should include key facets as follow: physical well-
being (e.g., health challenge, health status), skill level
(e.g., health literacy), and socio-economic status (i.e.,
financial situation). We also recommend that per-
sonas used in the technology for older adults domain
should include skill level facet that shows technology
literacy of the persona.
In this study, we conducted a review analysis of 98
personas from 41 publications which is referred to as
Persona Corpus. In this analysis, we discovered three
key text-based persona dimensions, which are: per-
sona narration, persona format, and persona length.
Moreover, we identified the domains in which the
personas were used and discovered emerging persona
facets in each domain. The result served as a basis to
develop preliminary persona taxonomy, a recommen-
dation to generate and/or validate personas.
We also investigated how persona dimensions im-
pacted the richness of personas. For this study, we
used the number of identified human factors in each
persona in our Persona Corpus to determine the per-
sona richness.
We categorised personas in our Corpus based on
the domain they were used in. From each domain, we
analysed the emerging human factors, which we then
grouped into persona facets. By conducting content
analysis, we separated facets that can be reused in dif-
ferent domains from domain-specific facets. Based on
the analysis, we developed a preliminary taxonomy
for personas that can be used to generate personas for
use in cross-domain (see Figure 6). However, we ac-
knowledge that generic personas may not be relevant
to be used in a particular domain. Therefore, we also
formulated a recommendation to customise a generic
persona to cater to the requirements of each domain,
as shown in Table 7.
There are some major benefits of our results, es-
pecially for persona creators. First, the dichotomy of
personal layers (internal and external layer) can en-
hance persona reusability. By separating facets that
can be used in different contexts and domains, per-
sona users can reuse some parts of existing personas
for other projects. This can streamline the process to
generate personas. Second, domain-based persona
facets recommendation can add more dimensions to
reusable personas and make those personas more rel-
evant to the contexts they are used in. Moreover,
the recommendation can give persona creators ideas
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 7: Recommendation to customise domain-based persona facets.
Human aspects Persona facets Human factors Domain
Personal characteristics
Physical well-being
health challenge
Software development,
Physical health
health status
Physical health
body measurement
Mental well-being
mental health Mental health
emotional feeling Security
Skill level
health literacy
Technology for older adults
Physical health
Software development
Software development
Mental health
Technology for children
learning experience Education
spoken language Culture
Human values
life value
Software development
religious belief, family
Mental health
Socio-economic status
financial situation
Physical health
Group or multiple
human characteristics Culture
culture suitability Software development
culture Education
on what facets should be included in the persona de-
scription, which, once more, can make the persona
creation process less time-consuming. Third, both the
taxonomy and domain-based persona facets recom-
mendation can be useful for persona early persona
validation process to check the richness of personas
in terms of the facets present in resultant personas.
However, we must acknowledge some threats to
the validity of our results. First, we collected a small
number of personas used in several domains, which
are sustainable living, culture, technology for chil-
dren, architecture, finance, law, security, and trans-
portation. This resulting in less comprehensive anal-
ysis on personas used in the aforementioned domain.
Therefore, further data collection is needed, particu-
larly for personas in those domains. Second, our pro-
posed persona taxonomy and domain-based persona
facets recommendation provide a preliminary taxon-
omy for personas for use in RE-related tasks. An
empirical evaluation is needed to evaluate and refine
both the taxonomy and recommendations for our RE-
related task persona taxonomy.
Several areas of future research are needed. This
study can be extended by analysing other types of
persona representation (e.g., model-based persona,
visual-based persona). Expand the investigation to
a more detailed research, including exploring the re-
sults of the findings with practitioners’ experiences
when using personas which we are currently research-
ing. Elaborate the domain, e.g., education can be
elaborated to early childhood education, primary ed-
ucation, and many more.The results of our study can
be used as a foundation to develop a persona-based
knowledge graph, which further can be extended to a
persona-based knowledge graph tool. This tool will
be useful to recommend persona facets and facet val-
ues need to be presented in personas.
Personas described in the academic literature as being
used for various Requirements Engineering related
tasks and domains vary considerably. These varia-
tions include their human aspects captured, format,
narrative style, level of detail, usage of images, andi
so on. We curated a total of 98 personas described
in 41 academic studies relating to RE-related usage
of the personas. From analysis of these personas,
we developed a preliminary taxonomy of different
facets, representations, human aspects, domains of
use. Our taxonomy can guide those engaged in RE-
related tasks in formulating and choosing appropri-
ate personas. Our 98 curated personas can serve as a
reusable corpus of personas for diverse domains.
What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering
Karolita is supported by Australia Awards Scholar-
ship and Monash Departmental Top-Up Scholarship
for her Ph.D. study at Monash University, Australia.
Grundy, Kanij, and McIntosh are supported by the
Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellow-
ship project FL190100035. McIntosh is also funded
by a National Health and Medical Research Coun-
cil (NHMRC) Synergy Grant (APP2010268) and
NHMRC Participation in Cancer Screening Programs
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What’s in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering