A Hierarchical Approach for Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition
Marco Nicolini
and Stavros Ntalampiras
LIM – Music Informatics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Milan, Italy
Audio Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Transfer Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, YAMNet,
Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition.
This article approaches the Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) problem with the focus placed on multilingual
settings. The proposed solution consists in a hierarchical scheme the first level of which identifies the speaker’s
gender and the second level predicts the speaker’s emotional state. We elaborate with three classifiers of
increased complexity, i.e. k-NN, transfer learning based on YAMNet and Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory neural networks. Importantly, model learning, validation and testing consider the full range of the big-
six emotions, while the dataset has been assembled using well-known SER datasets representing six different
languages. The obtained results show differences in classifying all data against only female or male data
with respect to all classifiers. Interestingly, a-priori genre recognition can boost the overall classification
Speech is fundamental in human-machine communi-
cation because, among others, it is one of the pri-
mary faucets for expressing emotions. In this context,
speech emotion recognition (SER) aims at automati-
cally identifying the emotional state of a speaker us-
ing her/his voice and, as such, comprises an important
branch of Affective Computing, which studies and de-
velops systems sensing the emotional state of a user
(Chen et al., 2023).
Emotion plays a vital role in the way we think,
react, and behave: it is a central part of decision mak-
ing, problem-solving, communicating, or even nego-
tiating. Among various applications, emotion recog-
nition plays a crucial part in human health and the
related medical procedure to detect, analyze, and de-
termine the medical conditions of a person. For exam-
ple, SER can be applied to design a medical robot that
provides better health-care services for patients by
continuously monitoring the patients’ emotional state
(Park et al., 2009). Other applications of SER tech-
nologies could be deploying emotionally-aware Hu-
man Computer Interaction solutions (Pavlovic et al.,
The majority of SER solutions are focused on a
single language (Ntalampiras, 2021) and only few
language-agnostic methods are present in the litera-
ture, for instance the work of Saitta (Saitta and Nta-
lampiras, 2021) or the work of Sharma (Sharma,
2022). A big part of SER research has focused on
finding speech features that are indicative of different
emotions (Tahon and Devillers, 2015), and a variety
of both short-term and long-term features have been
proposed. The emotional space is usually organized
in six emotions: angry, disgust, happy, sad, neutral
and fear (Miller Jr, 2016).
Speech emotions tend to have overlapping fea-
tures, making it difficult to find the correct classi-
fication boundaries. Given the latter, deep learning
methods comprise an interesting solution since they
can automatically discover the multiple levels of rep-
resentations in speech signals (Sang et al., 2018) and
as such, there is a constantly growing interest in re-
search in applying deep learning based methods to
automatically learn useful features from emotional
speech data. For instance, Mirsamadi (Mirsamadi
et al., 2017) applies recurrent neural networks to auto-
matically discover emotionally relevant features from
speech and to classify emotions; Kun Han (Han et al.,
2014) applies Deep Neural Network to SER; the work
of Scheidwasser et al. establish a framework for eval-
uating the performance and generalization capacity
of different approaches for SER utterances but their
method is dependent on the language and train the
different models (mainly deep learning methods) on
one dataset of the 6 chosen benchmark datasets per
time (Scheidwasser-Clow et al., 2022).
The approach in this work focuses on a language-
Nicolini, M. and Ntalampiras, S.
A Hierarchical Approach for Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0011714800003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 679-685
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The block diagram of the classification hierarchy adopted in this work.
agnostic methodology for SER: it tries to generalize
patterns in data in order to distinguish emotions in
every language existing in the employed dataset. A
relevant component of the proposed solution is auto-
matic gender differentiation and how it can improve
SER performances of the classifiers. Such a direction
is analyzed in the work of Vogt et al. (Vogt and Andr
2006) where a framework to improve emotion recog-
nition from monolingual speech by making use of au-
tomatic gender detection is presented. The work of
Dair (Dair et al., 2021) also analyzes differences with
and without gender differentiation on three datasets.
Unlike the previous works existing in the related
literature, we design a system considering the full
range of the big-six emotions as expressed in a multi-
lingual setting with six languages.
The block diagram of the proposed approach is
demonstrated in Fig. 1 where the following three
classifiers can be observed: a) gender, b) female, and
c) male emotional speech. The gender-independent
path is shown as well since it has been employed for
comparison purposes.
The following classifiers have been employed:
a) k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier (k-NN) which, de-
spite its simplicity, it is a suitable approach for multi-
class problems (Hota and Pathak, 2018), b) trans-
fer learning-based classifier based on YAMNet
, and
c) Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiL-
STM) neural network Classifier. The last two clas-
sifiers belong to the deep learning domain; the first
one relies on a large-scale convolutional network,
while the second is able to encode temporal depen-
dencies existing in the available emotional manifesta-
tions. Last but not least, every model was trained on
appropriate features extracted from time and/or fre-
quency domains.
The rest of this work is organized as follows:
section 2 explains the construction of a multilingual
dataset facilitating SER purposes. Section 3 briefly
describes the employed features and classifiers, while
section 4 presents the experimental protocol and ob-
tained results. Finally, in section 5 we draw our con-
clusions and outline future research directions.
SER literature includes various monolingual datasets,
thus a corpus combining ten different datasets was
formed. More specifically, the following ones have
been employed: 1. SAVEE (Vlasenko et al., 2007),
2. CREMA-D (Cao et al., 2014), 3. RAVDESS (Liv-
ingstone and Russo, 2018), 4. TESS (Pichora-Fuller
and Dupuis, 2020), 5. EMOVO (Costantini et al.,
2014), 6. EmoDB (Burkhardt et al., 2005), 7. ShEMO
(Nezami et al., 2019), 8. URDU (Latif et al., 2018),
9. JLcorpus (James et al., 2018), and 10. AESDD
(Vryzas et al., 2018a; Vryzas et al., 2018b). These
datasets include the so-called ’big six’ (Miller Jr,
2016) emotions which are typically considered in
the related literature. The following six languages
are considered in the final dataset: 1. English (New
Zealand, British, American, and from different ethnic
backgrounds), 2. German, 3. Italian, 4. Urdu, 5. Per-
sian, and 6. Greek.
Table 1 tabulates the duration in seconds for the
various classes included in the dataset. It should
be mentioned that all datasets include acted speech.
We observe only a slight imbalance as regards the
genre aspect, where data representing male emotional
speech lasts 25460s and female 25081s. Moreover,
data associated with the English language comprises
the largest part of the dataset followed by Persian,
while speech data representing remaining ones (Ger-
man, Italian, Greek and Urdu) are within the range
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Duration (in seconds) of the diverse classes considered in the present work. All values are truncated.
Data part Angry Neutral Sad Happy Fear Disgust
All Data
10594 11200 9325 7116 5773 6530
5023 4706 4948 3807 3018 3576
5570 6493 4377 3309 2754 2953
5475 5464 5772 5174 4765 5502
335 186 251 180 154 154
268 261 313 266 283 317
248 250 250 250 0 0
3832 5037 2175 766 120 0
433 0 562 478 449 556
Table 2: Confusion matrix (in %) as regards to gender
classification obtained using the YAMNet-based and k-
NN approaches. The presentation format is the following:
YAMNet/k-NN. The highest accuracy is emboldened.
Female Male
Female 94.3/91.1 5.7/8.9
Male 4.8/3.6 95.2/96.4
Aiming at a uniform representation, all data has
been resampled to 16 kHz and monophonic wave
format. When building a SER system, the specific
dataset present various challenges, i.e.
different languages presenting important cultural
imbalances at the genre, language, and emotional
state levels,
diverse recording conditions, and
different recording equipment.
The first two obstacles were addressed by appropri-
ately dividing the data during train, validation, and
test phases so that the obtained models are not biased
to one or more subpopulations existing within the en-
tire corpus. As regards to the last two, the proposed
approach aims at creating a standardized representa-
tion of the audio signal so that the effect of recording
conditions and equipment is minimized.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time
in the SER literature that the full range of the big-six
emotional states expressed in six different languages
is considered.
This section describes briefly the considered classi-
fication models along with their suitably-chosen fea-
ture sets characterizing the available audio data. Im-
portantly, each classification model has been sepa-
rately trained and tested on the following settings:
a) the entire dataset, b) female data, and c) male data.
Data division in train, validation, and test sets have
been kept constant among every classifiers so as to
obtain a reliable comparison among the considered
models. At the same time, k-NN and YAMNet-based
models have been trained to distinguish between man
and female utterances.
3.1 k-NN
The standard version of the k-NN classifier has been
used with the Euclidean distance as similarity metric.
Despite its simplicity, k-NN has been able to offer
satisfactory performance in SER (Venkata Subbarao
et al., 2022), thus we assessed its performance on the
present challenging multilingual setting.
Feature Extraction. The short-term features feed-
ing the k-NN model are the following: a) zero cross-
ing rate, b) energy, c) energy’s entropy, d) spectral
centroid and spread, e) spectral entropy, f) spectral
flux, g) spectral rolloff, h) MFCCs, i) harmonic ra-
tio, j) fundamental frequency, and k) chroma vectors.
A Hierarchical Approach for Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition
Table 3: Average classification accuracy and balanced accuracy results (in %) using 10 fold evaluation. The presentation
format is the following: accuracy/balanced accuracy. The highest accuracy and balanced accuracy are emboldened.
Data subpopulation k-NN YAMNet BiLSTM
all data 59/59 74.9/46.9 62.0/59.1
female data 65.2/65.1 79.9/52 68.6/67
male data 51.6/51.6 71.7/47.1 56.7/51.3
Table 4: Confusion matrix (in %) as regards to SER classification obtained using the BiLSTM, k-NN and YAMNet mod-
els approaches with all data. The presentation format is the following: BiLSTM/k-NN/YAMNet. The highest accuracy is
angry disgust fear happy neutral sad
angry 83.1/68.7/60.9 3.8/8.9/12.1 0.9/3.2/23.8 5.8/13.4/3.2 5.5/4.8/- 0.9/0.9/-
disgust 11.6/5.0/1.4 45.0/64.3/76.6 4.3/7.4/19.3 4.6/8.0/2.8 16.8/7.3/- 17.7/8.0/-
fear 10.5/6.0/0.6 6.8/17.6/5.1 41.2/47.4/94.3 8.6/10.7/- 7.6/5.2/- 25.3/13.1/-
happy 22.0/13.3/14.8 4.9/14.9/34.4 8.8/8.8/26.2 43.2/50.2/24.6 16.1/9.2/- 5.0/3.5/-
neutral 2.8/2.7/- 5.3/12.3/40 1.0/4.6/31.4 3.2/4.6/17.1 75.6/67.3/8.6 12.1/8.6/2.9
sad 1.5/3.5/- 3.0/11.5/72 4.0/11.5/12 1.8/3.7/16 24.1/13.6/- 65.7/56.2/-
We opted for the mid-term feature extraction pro-
cess, based short-term features, meaning that mean
and standard deviation statistics on these short term
features are calculated over mid-term segments. More
information on the adopted feature extraction method
can be found in (Giannakopoulos and Pikrakis, 2014).
Parameterization. Short- and mid-term window
and hop sizes, have been discovered after a series of
early experimentations on the various datasets. The
configuration offering the highest recognition accu-
racy is the following: 0.2, 0.1 seconds for short-term
window and hop size; and 3.0, 1.5 seconds for mid-
term window and hop size respectively. Overall, the
both feature extraction levels include a 50% overlap
between subsequent windows.
Moreover, parameter k has been chosen using test
results based on the ten-fold cross validation scheme;
depending on the considered data population, the ob-
tained optimal values range in [5, 21] (see section 4
for more information).
3.2 Transfer Learning Based on
YAMNet is a deep neural network model developed
by Google and trained on 512 classes of generalized
audio events belonging to the AudioSet ontology
As such, the learnt representation may be useful in
diverse audio classification tasks including SER. To
this end, we elaborated on the Embeddings layer of
model and employed it as a feature set which com-
prises the input to a dense layer, with as many neu-
rons as the classes that have to be classified (2 gen-
res or 6 emotions). The final prediction is based on a
softmax layer, while a dictionary of weights can also
be employed to compensate cases of imbalanced data
3.3 Bidirectional LSTM
Long short-term memory network is a specific type
of recurrent neural network, which is particularly ef-
fective in capturing long-term temporal dependencies.
Given the fact that audio signal are characterized by
their evolution in time, such a property may be sig-
nificant, thus such a classifier was included in the ex-
perimental set-up. More specifically, we considered
a bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) layer learning bidi-
rectional long-term dependencies in sequential data.
BiLSTMs are an extension of traditional LSTMs that
can improve model performance on sequence classifi-
cation problems (Sajjad et al., 2020). BiLSTMs train
two instead of one LSTMs on the input sequence: the
first on the input sequence as-is and the second on a
reversed copy of the input sequence.
Feature Extraction. In this case, the considered
feature sets, able to preserve the temporal evolu-
tion of the available emotional manifestations, were
the following: a) Gammatone cepstral coefficients
(GTCC), b) Delta Gammatone cepstral coefficients
(delta GTCC), c) delta-delta MFCC, d) Mel spec-
trurm, and e) spectral crest. The window length
has been chosen after extensive experimentations per-
formed on the different data subpopulations, e.g.
genre, emotions, etc., while there is no overlapping
between subsequent windows.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 5: Confusion matrix (in %) as regards to SER classification obtained using the BiLSTM, k-NN and YAMNet models
approaches with female data. The presentation format is the following: BiLSTM/k-NN/YAMNet. The highest accuracy is
angry disgust fear happy neutral sad
angry 85.4/75.5/63.2 2.4/6.6/16.1 0.9/2.7/19.5 6.6/9.9/1.1 3.6/4/- 1.1/1.3/-
disgust 9.1/7.8/0.8 56.7/67.4/88.4 2.0/4.1/10.1 4.7/5.3/0.8 13.5/7/- 13.9/7/-
fear 7.8/6.7/0.4 5.3/9.4/3.1 51.6/58.7/96.5 8.2/7.6/- 5.3/11.3/- 21.9/11.3/-
happy 16.2/15.5/14.8 4.5/9.7/59.3 6.5/8.7/25.9 57.8/54.8/- 10.1/8/- 4.8/3.3/-
neutral 2.7/3.4/- 8.0/12.1/40 0.5/2.4/50 2.9/2.5/- 74.8/71.7/10 11.1/7.8/-
sad 1.8/4.5/- 3.1/7.4/71.4 3.6/8.6/28.6 1.3/2.7/- 14.6/13.9/- 75.5/63/-
Table 6: Confusion matrix (in %) as regards to SER classification obtained using the BiLSTM, k-NN and YAMNet models
approaches with male data. The presentation format is the following: BiLSTM/k-NN/YAMNet. The highest accuracy is
angry disgust fear happy neutral sad
angry 80.6/64/58.4 3.8/10.5/11.2 0.7/4.6/25.5 6.9/13.6/5 7.2/6.2/- 0.9/1.1/-
disgust 13.8/4.9/1.9 33.0/55.7/66.5 6.5/10.5/27.3 7.2/10.9/4.3 17.4/6.9/- 22.0/11.1/-
fear 14.7/5.7/0.3 6.9/23.8/4.4 30.4/34.6/95.3 11.1/11.5/- 9.1/6.5/- 27.7/18/-
happy 26.1/13/11.8 6.1/18.5/23.5 11.5/10.8/23.5 31.4/41.2/38.2 19.9/12.3/- 5.0/4.3/2.9
neutral 2.7/2.4/- 5.1/11.6/56 1.9/5.2/28 3.5/5.5/16 75.8/65.5/- 11.0/9.6/-
sad 2.2/1.8/- 3.6/14.6/61.1 5.3/13/- 2.5/4.6/33.3 29.6/17.1/- 56.7/48.8/5.6
We followed the 10-fold cross evaluation experimen-
tal protocol while care was taken so that every classi-
fier operated in identical training, validation and test-
ing folds. The achieved average accuracy with respect
to every classifier are summarized in Table 3. Fur-
thermore, Tables 4-6 are the confusion matrices for
gender-independent and depended SER. Overall, the
following observations can be made.
First, regarding gender discrimination both YAM-
Net and k-NN perform well, while YAMNet offered
the highest rate as we see in the respective confusion
matrix (Table 2). Interestingly, such results are com-
parable to the state of art on gender discrimination
(Chachadi and Nirmala, 2021).
Second, regarding SER the highest unbalanced ac-
curacy is obtained using the YAMNet model; how-
ever, in confusion matrices Tables 4-6, we observe
that YAMNet-based classification performs well for
specific emotional states, e.g. fear and poorly for oth-
ers, e.g. happy.
Third, we focus on the BiLSTM models: they
manage to overperform the rest of the considered clas-
sifiers, i.e. BiLSTM reaches 62% average accuracy
on all the data with per classes accuracy measures that
do not fall below 56.1% (Table 4). This may be due
to their ability to capture temporal dependencies ex-
isting in emotional speech, which are important for
speech processing in general (Latif et al., 2022). At
the same time, BiLSTM models trained on male or
female data provide satisfactory performance (Tables
5, 6) with a balanced accuracy of 62.7%.
Fourth, k-NN models results are not very far from
the BiLSTM ones, while the associated confusion ma-
trices confirm the interesting capacity of the classifier
to distinguish between the various classes. The best k
parameter obtained for the all data, female data, male
data, gender data models are: k=11, k=21, k=13, k=5.
These results are in line and confirm the finding that
distributed modeling types may in effective in multi-
lingual settings (Ntalampiras, 2020).
Finally, regarding gender-dependent classifica-
tion: results show a common pattern that can be found
in literature (for example in the work of Vogt (Vogt
and Andr
e, 2006)), i.e. performances improve when
female emotional speech is considered (in BiLSTM
more than 6%) but not in male (e.g. in BiLSTM
6% worse). Since gender discrimination achieved al-
most perfect accuracy (more than 94%) the hierarchi-
cal classifier combining gender and emotion recog-
nition can improve the overall recognition rate of a
gender-independent SER.
In order to enable reliable comparison with other
solutions and full reproducibility, the implementation
of the experiments presented in this paper is publicly
available at https://github.com/NicoRota-0/SER.
A Hierarchical Approach for Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition
In this work, multilingual audio gender-based emo-
tion classification has been analyzed. Importantly, we
proposed a SER algorithm offering state-of-art results
while considering the full range of the big six emo-
tional states as expressed in six languages. Interest-
ingly, it has been demonstrated that a gender-based
emotion classifier can outperform a general emotion
Future work could assess the performance reached
by such modeling architectures on each language sep-
arately. Moreover, these models could be part of a
more complex system to recognise human emotions
that use biosensors measuring physiological parame-
ters, e.g. heart rate, given the accelerated spread of
IoT devices as stated in the work of Pal (Pal et al.,
2021). Other additional work could investigate the
one-vs-all emotion classification scheme using the
present models; an example is the work of Saitta et
al. (Saitta and Ntalampiras, 2021). An alternative ap-
proach would be adding a language classifier before
emotion detection (with or without gender detection)
to access if it can achieve better results.
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A Hierarchical Approach for Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition