EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape
Games for Computer Science
Rudy Kabimbi Ngoy, Gonzague Yernaux
and Wim Vanhoof
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Educational Escape Games, Evaluation Framework, Computer Science Learning, Tool Presentation.
While there is consensus that educational escape games have a beneficial impact on student learning in com-
puter science, this hypothesis is not empirically demonstrated because the evaluation methods used by re-
searchers in the field are carried out in an ad hoc manner, lack reproducibility and often rely on confidential
samples. We introduce EvscApp, a standard methodology for evaluating educational escape games intended
for the learning of computer science at the undergraduate level. Based on a state of the art in the realm of
educational escape games and on the different associated pedagogical approaches existing in the literature,
we arrive at a general-purpose experimental process divided in fifteen steps. The evaluation criteria used for
assessing an escape game’s efficiency concern the aspects of motivation, user experience and learning. The
EvscApp methodology has been implemented as an open source Web dashboard that helps researchers to
carry out structured experimentations of educational escape games designed to teach computer science. The
tool allows designers of educational computer escape games to escape the ad hoc construction of evaluation
methods while gaining in methodological rigor and comparability. All the results collected through the exper-
iments carried out with EvscApp are scheduled to be compiled in order to be able to rule empirically as to the
pedagogical effectiveness of pedagogical escape games for computer science in general. A few preliminary
experiments indicate positive early results of the method.
In 2001, it was said that there was a lack of
more than 800,000 qualified IT workers around the
world (Pawlowski and Datta, 2001). This phe-
nomenon seems to have expanded since then. Indeed,
more recently, in 2022, more than one news report
exposed that an estimated lack of tens of millions
of tech workers was to be expected by 2030 (Arm-
strong, 2022). This includes computer scientists as
well as technicians. Both categories are going through
a period of extreme lack of talent that is partially ex-
plained by the global digitalization process, substan-
tially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic (Co-
quard, 2021).
Another factor contributing to this shortage of
IT professionals is the general public’s apprehension
towards the difficulty and inaccessibility associated
with computer science, which constitutes an impor-
tant obstacle to its popularity (Mar
ın et al., 2018).
Games form an effective learning vector (Clarke
et al., 2017) and millennials have been observed to be
more sensitive to it than to theoretical concepts. These
are the reasons why we have witnessed the rise of a
field of research in its own right dedicated to recon-
ciling games and learning, namely game-based learn-
ing (Queiruga-Dios et al., 2020).
For the first time in 2007, a novel type of game
appeared in Japan (L
opez-Pernas et al., 2019a) that
would experience a phenomenal success around the
world: escape games (Gordillo et al., 2020). This suc-
cess, coupled with the growing research interest in the
benefits of so-called gamification in the learning pro-
cess (L
opez-Pernas et al., 2019a), has led researchers
to consider the transposition of game mechanisms for
educational purposes. This is how we eventually wit-
nessed the advent of educational escape games (Veld-
kamp et al., 2020).
All the studies carried out thus far conclude with
a neutral or positive evaluation as to the benefits in
terms of user experience and learning of educational
escape games intended for computer science teach-
ing. However, these studies lack reproducibility (Petri
Kabimbi Ngoy, R., Yernaux, G. and Vanhoof, W.
EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science.
DOI: 10.5220/0011715100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 241-251
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
et al., 2016), were carried out on confidential sam-
ples (Deeb and Hickey, 2019) or on an ad hoc basis.
It is therefore difficult to make any attempt at an ob-
jective general conclusion as to their educational ef-
fectiveness based on their results (Veldkamp et al.,
2020). This issue is all the more important as the
design of such educational games is time-consuming
and can be expensive (Taladriz, 2021).
Throughout the paper, we will introduce and
present EvscApp, an evaluation framework built upon
existing literature results in education, computer sci-
ence education in particular, and game-based educa-
tion, that has been implemented as an open source
Web application (Kabimbi Ngoy et al., 2022). Thanks
to this new tool, it will now be possible to replicate ex-
periments through specification sharing, to conclude
on the educational effectiveness of escape games–
including games that use interactive IoT-based rid-
dle mechanisms– by aggregating the collected results,
and to compare experiments with each other. As a
result, researchers in the field will see their research
work related to the methodologies for evaluating ped-
agogical escape games reduced.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
we give a state of the art focused on educational es-
cape games for computer science. Then, in Section 3
we introduce and motivate the fifteen-steps evaluation
method that is incorporated in EvscApp. We give an
overview of the different features offered in the first
version of the EvscApp dashboard. We conclude in
Section 5 by discussing future perspectives for our
An educational escape game destined for teaching
computer science (abbreviated EEGC in what fol-
lows) is a team game whose final objective is to dis-
cover a secret code or an artifact allowing the open-
ing of a sealed object or door, within a given time
frame (Lathwesen and Belova, 2021). The EEGCs be-
long to the family of serious games which are defined
as activities that transpose the mechanisms used in
games for learning purposes (Lathwesen and Belova,
2021). Serious games can in turn be seen as an in-
stance of the somewhat broader concept of gamifi-
cation. The latter is usually defined as the applica-
tion of gaming mechanisms in non-gaming environ-
ments, including, but not restricted to, educational
contexts (Caponetto et al., 2014).
While there is no exclusive definition of the con-
cept, EEGCs are generally played in teams of 2 to 8
players assisted by a game master whose role is to
help the players to solve puzzles when the need arises
or is expressed explicitely (Nicholson, 2015).
A session typically starts with an introductive sce-
nario immersing the players into the (often fictive)
situation that defines the game’s starting point. The
game can then begin: the players must successively
solve a series of puzzles or tasks (Gordillo et al.,
2020) which promote the learning (Veldkamp et al.,
2020) of one of the 18 areas of knowledge mentioned
in the computing curriculum (Sahami et al., 2013). At
each stage of the game we observe the same scheme:
there is a challenge (riddle/task), followed by a solu-
tion and eventually a reward (Wiemker et al., 2015).
Solving these puzzles allows the team to evolve to-
wards the final goal (Gordillo et al., 2020). At the
end of the game, a debriefing is organized. The play-
ers and the game master can then discuss the logic
of solving the encountered puzzles (Gordillo et al.,
The interest displayed by the academic world for
EEGCs finds its origin on the one hand in the fact
that studies have concluded to a greater level of re-
tention than traditional educational activities such as
reading (Fu et al., 2009; Gibson and Bell, 2013). On
the other hand, the fact that EEGCs natively apply the
principles of active learning, collaborative learning
and flow experience, which are recognized as promot-
ing learning (Gordillo et al., 2020), is also a reason for
this enthusiasm. Active learning is derived from the
theory of constructivism, which advocates the con-
struction of knowledge rather than direct transmission
from teacher to student (Ben-Ari, 1998). Collabora-
tive learning can also be seen as a constructivist the-
ory. It consists of having students work in groups and
discover new ways of understanding concepts (Laal
and Ghodsi, 2012). As for the flow experience, it
is defined as being a particular type of experience,
namely an immersion state which tends to be optimal,
or even extreme (Jennett et al., 2008).
Note that the educational effectiveness of an
EEGC will depend in particular on the game struc-
ture (open, path-based or sequential) (Clarke et al.,
2017), the number of participants (L
et al., 2019b) and the involvement of the game mas-
ter (Gordillo et al., 2020) .
Existing EEGCs include games dealing with cy-
bersecurity (Seebauer et al., 2020; Oroszi, 2019; Be-
guin et al., 2019; Taladriz, 2021), cryptography (Deeb
and Hickey, 2019; Queiruga-Dios et al., 2020; Ho,
2018), propositional logic and mathematics applied
to computer science (Aranda et al., 2021; Towler
et al., 2020; Santos et al., 2021), software engineer-
ing (Gordillo et al., 2020), programming (L
Pernas et al., 2019a; L
opez-Pernas et al., 2019b;
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Michaeli and Romeike, 2021) and networks (Bor-
rego Iglesias et al., 2017). The related studies seem
pretty enthusiastic about the effectiveness of EEGCs
in terms of learning computer science. All the cited
papers that report an experiment conclude with a neu-
tral or positive effect on learning, be it in terms of
learning, motivation or user experience. However,
these observations do not allow, to date, to define the
real impact of EEGCs on the learning of computer sci-
ence due to the fact that the evaluation methods differ
from one study to another (Veldkamp et al., 2020),
that the samples are of confidential size and that there
is a lack of reproductibility of the experiments (Petri
et al., 2016). Given the significant time required to
develop an EEGC (Taladriz, 2021) and the pedagog-
ical risk incurred by students who would be taught
through these tools which have not yet empirically
demonstrated their effectiveness, we deemed appro-
priate to develop a standard pedagogical evaluation
tool for EEGC designers.
3.1 Description and Objectives
EvscApp is a quasi-experimental evaluation frame-
work that aims to measure the educational effective-
ness of EEGCs by collecting standardized and rigor-
ous empirical data. Thanks to EvscApp, EEGC de-
signers can avoid the heavy work of producing and
justifying their evaluation protocol. It also makes it
possible to compare the EEGCs that have been eval-
uated by EvscApp with one another and to replicate
the experiments by sharing their specifications. The
whole process has been implemented in a Web appli-
3.2 Methodology
The construction of our evaluation method was car-
ried out based on Basili’s ”Goal Question Met-
ric” (Caldiera and Rombach, 1994). Our methodol-
ogy is summarized in Figure 1.
First, we set out to define our research objectives
and the factors of particular interest in the context of
our study. This is called the ”framing” phase (Petri
et al., 2016). As mentioned above, our goal was to
be able to position ourselves regarding the effective-
ness of EEGCs in terms of learning rate. The evalu-
ation factors retained in the experimentation of learn-
ing games for computer science were: motivation,
user experience and learning (Petri et al., 2016). The
first factor makes it possible to characterize the inter-
est of the learners in the proposed game, its mechanics
and its material. The user experience determines the
level of fun, satisfaction and engagement of the play-
ers. The learning category reports on the acquired
knowledge and the level of retention after the activ-
ity (Wang et al., 2011).
Next comes the ”planning” phase (Petri and
Gresse von Wangenheim, 2016). The idea was to
carry out a literature review associated with the dif-
ferent measures and application evaluation proto-
cols (Wang et al., 2011), so as to compile the best
practices in the area to create quantitative measures
for our three factors (Connolly et al., 2008). For the
establishment of our data collection tools, we identi-
fied 446 evaluation points from twelve publications
opez-Pernas et al., 2019a; Jennett et al., 2008;
Gordillo et al., 2020; L
opez-Pernas et al., 2019b;
de Carvalho, 2012; Fu et al., 2009; Phan et al., 2016;
ego and de Medeiros, 2015; Tan et al., 2010; Petri
et al., 2016; Bangor et al., 2009). The evaluation
items included in our questionnaire were selected on
the basis of what the authors of the related stud-
ies claimed to evaluate with them. In order to keep
the scope of our study limited, some related criteria
such as “I feel cooperative with my classmates” (Phan
et al., 2016) were excluded as these were meant to
measure social interaction rather than learning, ex-
perience or motivation. We discarded redundant ele-
ments as well and reformulated the residual elements
when relevant. While some of our criteria were fully
developed by our peers, some elements of our ques-
tionnaires originate from other sources (e.g. video
game satisfaction surveys) but all of the selected cri-
teria have already been used in a scientific context in
the works cited above. The resulting evaluation fac-
tors are based on statistical indicators available as an
appendix to this paper
After the planning phase comes the ”exploitation”
step, which is EvscApp’s current step, during which
one selects an appropriate experimentation method
and implements it (Wang et al., 2011). It is also dur-
ing this step that the data collection is carried out
(Petri and Gresse von Wangenheim, 2016).
3.3 Context of Use and
EvscApp is intented to be used to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of an activity under real application con-
See the artifact Web page (Kabimbi Ngoy et al., 2022)
for the appendices and all documentation of the Web appli-
EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science
Framing phase
UXMotivation Learning
Planning phase
indicators (35)
Data collection
Figure 1: The methodology surrounding the EvscApp framework development.
ditions a form of summative assessment that im-
plements the quasi-experimental method. A quasi-
experiment applied to teaching consists of an experi-
ment in which one constitutes two different groups of
students who both carry out a similar task but using a
different teaching technique (Mar
ın et al., 2018). We
will denote by ”control group” the group of students
carrying out the task according to the usual learning
techniques, and by ”experimental group” (or ”target
group”) the group using the technique being the sub-
ject of the study (Deeb and Hickey, 2019), in our case
the EEGC submitted to evaluation. Although this ex-
perimental technique is not recognized as rigorously
scientific, it is nevertheless widely used in fields re-
lated to social sciences and, in particular, pedagogy.
Its use is justified by the fact that it is extremely dif-
ficult in social experiments to apply the one proto-
col that is specific to the experimental method, as it
typically requires varying factors and observing re-
sults that are not impacted by external parameters
over which the researchers have no control. For a
long time discredited by the scientific community, the
quasi-experiment has nowadays found some recogni-
tion of the academic world and its rigor is no longer
questioned. However, it is essential to be aware of the
potential influence of external parameters on the re-
sults observed and to mention it in the hypotheses and
conclusions adopted (Campbell and Stanley, 2015).
For the evaluation to be relevant, the students
forming the experimental group may not communi-
cate with those of the control group (Christoph et al.,
2006). It is also advisable to limit the introduction
of other biases in the study (such as students revising
the course to perform well in the experiment) and to
collect all the necessary information in a limited time
interval (Veldkamp et al., 2020).
An EEGC in the experimental phase involves a
pedagogical risk for the students (Christoph et al.,
2006). To protect students from negative effects on
their learning, we recommend that the EEGC evalu-
ation process, and therefore the use of EvscApp, be
carried out outside of mandatory course periods and
on a purely voluntary basis. Given this non-binding
participation, two risks may arise: insufficient partic-
ipation or too great a homogeneity in the students ty-
pology. To overcome these two potential problems,
it will be necessary to find an element of motiva-
tion common to all the typological classes of students.
Granting an incentive such as bonus grades for their
simple participation might contribute to this objec-
tive (L
opez-Pernas et al., 2019a). Under no circum-
stances should the performances achieved during the
EEGC itself have an impact on the course grades, so
as to limit the desire to cheat and thus introduce bias
into the study (Gordillo et al., 2020).
3.4 Evaluation Process
Our evaluation protocol, EvscApp, is broken down
into fifteen steps as shown in Figure 2. Documents
and questionnaires relative to all of the steps can be
found in the documentation folder of the Web appli-
The protocol starts with the identification of par-
ticipants. It is essential that the participants in the
experiment belong to the final target population for
which the EEGC is intended. To limit bias, one
should ensure that the participants have not previously
been taught on the topic addressed by the EEGC.
Next, the participants are informed of the purpose
of the evaluation protocol, the duration of the process,
the procedure itself and what they are committing to.
They are then submitted a consent form (Chaves et al.,
2015). By accepting it, participants agree:
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Evaluation protocol
Groups formation
(experimental and
Theoretical lecture
Classic practical work
Cooling Period
Post-test I
UX questionnaire
Focus group
Post test II
[1 month later]
Figure 2: The EvscApp experimental process.
to participate in the entire experience;
that their personal data collected be used for re-
search purposes, in compliance with applicable
regulations (such as the GDPR
to answer questionnaires, surveys and interviews
honestly and sincerely;
to participate in activities honestly and sincerely;
to participate in the retention test which takes
place one month after the activity;
that they will not disclose any information to any
third party that could compromise the results and
conclusions of the experiment (e.g. protocol flow
or questions asked in the tests).
Then, the participants are subjected to a demo-
graphic survey and assigned to a group (experimen-
tal or control) through a randomization process. The
idea is to guarantee a certain balance between the
groups. Doing so will provide a certain degree of con-
fidence in observing any differences between these
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of
natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing
Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) -
groups (Chaves et al., 2015). The assignment of each
of the participants is not communicated at this stage
to ensure that a balanced level of motivation and com-
mitment is maintained for the two groups during the
next step.
In said next step, all participants, regardless of the
group to which they belong, will participate in a the-
oretical lecture on the subject to which the EEGC re-
lates, so as to provide the theoretical bases that will
enable students to solve the problems encountered
during the activities. This prior course finds its justi-
fication in the fact that, in accordance with the active
learning theory on which the EEGCs are based, we
consider that these are a complementary support ac-
tivity to the theoretical courses. The evaluated EEGC
will therefore be opposed to a classic session of prac-
tical work.
Afterwards comes the assessment of participant
motivation. Prior to the evaluation of this aspect, the
assignment of each participant to a group is revealed.
Proceeding in this way allows to keep as much en-
thusiasm as possible for the theoretical activity and
to collect information related to the motivation for
the activity that they are going to be led into. To do
this, all participants, regardless of the group to which
they belong, will answer a 5-factor Likert scale-type
EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science
questionnaire (from ”strongly disagree” to ”strongly
agree”) comprising 3 evaluation points. Likert scale
questionnaires are particularly used in the field of
learning games for computer science. Such scales
are said to allow factor analysis. The method aims to
collect information on a complex and nuanced situa-
tion by reducing it to a few general elements covering
all the possible answers that can be provided. It is
therefore easier to analyze the resulting information
than in the case of an open questionnaire, because the
answers then become countable (Phan et al., 2016).
Our Likert scale questionnaire consists in the assess-
ment of three general criteria: ”I am excited about
the educational activity I have been assigned to”, ”I
am interested in the subject matter taught through the
proposed activity” and ”I think that the subject mat-
ter taught through the activity is difficult to grasp”.
As detailed above, these criteria were selected based
on their relevance and their frequent use in the twelve
related publications cited in Section 3.2.
During step number eight, all participants, regard-
less of the group to which they belong, will answer
a test to assess their level of knowledge in the sub-
ject taught during the theoretical course. The test, un-
like the questionnaire, targets all the techniques that
extract information from a situation without the pro-
tagonists having the possibility of manipulating the
vision that the researcher has of it. This type of col-
lection lends itself well to the evaluation of learning,
where we lead both a pre-test and a post-test. The
pre-test consists of measuring the level of knowledge
of the participants on the learning theme developed in
the evaluated activity before it has started. The post-
test has the same objective but will take place after the
activity (de Carvalho, 2012). For ease of processing
the information collected, the tests are presented as
a multiple-choice questionnaire (L
opez-Pernas et al.,
Then comes the main stage of our evaluation pro-
tocol, namely that during which the groups partici-
pate in the activities which are respectively dedicated
to them. The students belonging to the control group
will follow a traditional session of exercises equiva-
lent in terms of duration to the time planned for the
EEGC. By ”traditional session”, we mean that the
students are given a series of exercises over a lim-
ited period of time. During such a session, individual
questions can be asked. A collective correction takes
place at the end of the session. This session should not
propose the application of the principles of collabora-
tive learning to students, without however prohibiting
them if they arise naturally. This session will contain
as many exercises as there are puzzles provided in the
EEGC, in order to guarantee a certain equity between
the students of the control and experimental groups.
Meanwhile, a member of the pedagogical team will
assume the role of game master for the EEGC played
by the experimental group. Although this is a game
practice envisioned in some EEGC, no penalty will
be imposed on groups asking for clues, for the sake of
fairness with the control group whose members can
ask as many questions as they want. The only aspect
that should drive the experimental students is to get to
the end of the puzzles in the allotted time.
A ”cooling period” session will be scheduled after
each activity, under the supervision of the teacher in
charge of the experiment. The teacher should allow
the students to relax while ensuring that complemen-
tary elements of understanding cannot be exchanged
between members of different groups, which could re-
sult in biasing the results.
Next, in order to assess the progress in terms of
students’ learning between ”before” and ”after” the
activity, the students will again be subjected to a test.
To avoid the bias relating to the difference in diffi-
culty between pre-test and post-test, we opt for a test
similar to the pre-test (Gordillo et al., 2020).
The twelfth step consists of a survey assessing
the experimental students’ user experience. We again
used a Likert scale, this time comprising 25 evalua-
tion criteria, which we have selected by aggregating
and adapting the criteria used in the twelve publica-
tions cited in Section 3.2. The interested reader can
find the user experience questionnaire in the appen-
dices of the paper. Note that to capture user satis-
faction in the best possible way, responses must be
spontaneous (Brooke, 2013). To this end, the ques-
tions should be presented one after the other and the
students should have a time limit of 15 seconds per
At the end of this questionnaire, participants will
receive their scores from the pre-test and post-test.
They will be able to see the impact of the activity on
their learning and debrief with the teacher. However,
they will not have access to the correction, in order to
limit the exchange of information between them and
the next groups. During the debriefing, the players
and the game master can then exchange on the logic
of solving the riddles (Gordillo et al., 2020). A focus
group will follow, where the participants wills com-
plete their opinion in a semi-directed way, based on
three questions.
After one month, all participants, regardless of the
group to which they belong, will answer a question-
naire to assess their level of knowledge in the sub-
ject matter, so as to evaluate long-term retention. The
questions will be different from those of the post-test
in order to avoid the risk of automatic answers, which
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: EvscApp Web app - experimentation dashboard (left) and results page (right).
this time will be real. This will allow to compare
the level of retention between the two groups in the
medium term (Connolly et al., 2008). However, one
should be cautious about processing and interpreting
the results from this phase as many factors may bias
the results collected: exchanges between students, re-
vision of the subject, modification of the sample, less
participation in the survey, and so on (Lathwesen and
Belova, 2021).
3.5 Application
We have transposed the evaluation process proposed
above into a Web application. The artifact code
and documentation is available online (Kabimbi Ngoy
et al., 2022).
The tool allows to assist step by step the EEGC
designers in the application of the EvscApp method
and thus to guarantee the comparability between the
results of the experiments that they will carry out.
Concretely, our application allows designers to spec-
ify their own EEGCs, teachers interested in the use
of EEGCs in their courses to consult the specification
of the already-encoded EEGCs in order to experiment
them and researchers to evaluate the EEGCs accord-
ing to our method on aspects of motivation, user ex-
perience and learning.
The experimentation dashboard (left side of Fig-
ure 3) recapitulates the fifteen steps and automatizes
a substantial part of these. For some steps, the experi-
mentation is fully included in the tool. For instance, a
link to the demographic questionnaire (step 3) is auto-
matically send by email to the participants as soon as
the researcher engages the corresponding button on
the dashboard, allowing users to answer the demo-
graphic questions directly on the application. Pre- and
post-tests are carried out just as easily. For other steps,
such as the debriefing and focus group (steps 13 and
14), the application simply serves as a todolist-like
Other features include the administration of an es-
cape game, such as the creation of pre/post-test ques-
tionnaires, the visualization of the key indicators for
the EEGC in question (right side of Figure 3) and the
encoding of useful information for anyone willing to
replicate the EEGC.
At this stage of our work, the EvscApp Web appli-
cation should be considered a minimum viable prod-
uct that will evolve in a process of continuous im-
provement, based on feedback collected through a
form on a dedicated page of the website.
To get a first foretaste of the EvscApp approach we
applied the method on an escape game developed
at the University of Namur. The game is named
Deskape. The idea of this EEGC is for (future) com-
puter science students to try and access files that are
hidden in a locked drawer of a desk. To open the desk,
one has to pass a series of tests allegedly planted there
by a mad teaching assistant. The tests basically boil
down to finding the correct sequence of five (RFID)
EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science
Table 1: Some results of three EvscApp-based experiments.
1 62% 89% 8.2 9.0 14.3 16.5 13.2 15.5 +76.1% +91.4% 91.8% 95.0% 74%
2 53% 88% 6.1 7.7 12.0 17.5 9.9 15.1 +94.5% +129.7% 81.8% 88.5% 72%
3 59% 93% 10.9 9.4 15.6 15.8 12.1 13.6 +46.3% +70.9% 76.9% 87.5% 87%
cards, all featuring the assistant. Each of the cards
has a small detail that differs from the rest of the deck.
Several riddles need to be solved in order to get infor-
mation about which are the valid cards, and in which
order the cards need be introduced so as to open the
drawer. These riddles are scattered in and on the desk,
sometimes in a cryptic form, sometimes displayed on
an interactive screen. The players are also given sum-
mary sheets that expose chunks of a typical first-year
logic and programming course’s material, which are
needed in order to solve the riddles. The riddles in-
a logical formula that needs to be converted into
the corresponding logical circuit, which points
to the RFID card on which the correct circuit is
a small pseudo-code algorithm which is supposed
to output a given string, which again is printed on
a specific RFID card;
a cipher that one needs to decipher using Caesar’s
algorithm in order to get an indication on the order
in which the cards must be presented to the RFID
The experiments have been run on three groups,
each composed of twenty high school senior students
potentially willing to pursue their studies in an IT sec-
tor. Of these twenty students, ten were assigned to the
control group and ten to the experimental group. The
EvscApp method has been followed thoroughly. Sim-
ilarly to the EEGC players group, the control group
had access to summary sheets that could help solve
some of the exercises.
The results are presented in Table 1. The follow-
ing acronyms are used. MC, resp. ME, represents
the average displayed motivation to learn through the
EEGC, as measured by the motivation questionnaire
for the control, resp. experimental, group. PC is the
mean score on the pre-test (/20) for the students in
the control group; PE is this score but for the exper-
imental group. P1C is the mean score (with again
20 as the maximum) on the post-test 1 for the con-
trol group, while P1E is the same for the experimen-
tal group. P2C and P2E are the respective pendants
for post-test 2. RLGC is the relative average learn-
ing growth for the control group whereas RLGE con-
cerns the experimental group. Note that RLGC, re-
spectively RLGE, are the mean of the ratios obtained
for each control (resp. experimental) student’s as the
result on the first post test divided by the pre-test re-
sult. Similarly, RRC and RRE are the average long-
term retention rates, computed as the mean of the in-
dividual ratios between P2(C/E) (for a single student)
and P1(C/E) for the same student. UX represents the
mean UX feedback score from the game played by
the experimental group, as measured by the UX ques-
From these preliminary experiments, we can draw
the following early conclusions.
There is a tendency for the students that are go-
ing to participate to Deskape to be more motivated
than their control group comrades, i.e. ME > MC
in a significant way.
Although the test scores highly vary from one ex-
periment to the other, the post-test 1 score seem to
be relatively higher for the experimental groups.
The relative average learning growth is also higher
for the experimental group. In other words P1E >
P1C and RLGE > RLGC.
Similarly, the difference between the scores of
MP1C and MP2C is smaller than that between
P1E and P2E, as measured by RRC and RRE
respectively. This higher retention rate for the
experimental group seems to point towards the
experimental students being more marked, i.e.
Mathematically RRE > RRC.
These observations indicate that the experimental
groups, during a Deskape-based learning, are both
more enthusiast at the beginning of the experiment
and more skilled than the control students during the
post-test phases. Informal interviews of several stu-
dents also point towards the fact that the experimental
students have had a better time and had a tendency to
better incorporate the concepts that have been seen.
Overall, these informal conversations seem to con-
firm the results obtained by EvscApp, which is a first
promising feedback of our novel method.
Note that in the experiments, we have not an-
nounced to the students the date at which the reten-
tion test (post-test 2) would be carried out, so that
the students could not have easily cheated by revis-
ing the course material. Also note that it has been
verified that the students were relatively evenly dis-
tributed among the control and experimental groups,
based on their high school grades in mathematics.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Rethinking learning methods has been identified as
a potential way to make computer science more ac-
cessible and attractive. In this respect, EEGCs are
the subject of particular enthusiasm. However, to our
knowledge no general-purpose empirical study allows
to conclude as to their real pedagogical effectiveness.
In this work, we proposed to take a step towards
filling this gap by the definition of an EEGC evalua-
tion framework that has been transposed into a Web
application: EvscApp. A first version of the applica-
tion is available for researchers to use and collect lo-
cal data on their experiments, the long-term idea be-
ing to aggregate and take these results online. The
tool as it is offers the possibility to EEGC design-
ers to use a standardized and structured process for
evaluating escape games, to make replicable experi-
ments and to compare the results achieved by differ-
ent EEGCs. The application implements various eval-
uation criteria that are processed to quantitatively as-
sess motivation, user experience and learning. While
the definition of these factors is based on a compre-
hensive literature review, there is room for improve-
ment in the exact computations that compose each of
the factors. We have built EvscApp as a parametric
framework relative to these factors, allowing to eas-
ily change or adapt their definition if the need arises.
The framework shows good results on some pioneer-
ing experiments and more of those should be carried
out to better understand the outcome.
Note that in the experiments, the students playing
the Deskape game were dispatched in small groups
of two or three students. An interesting extension of
the framework would be one that takes into account
the impact of the pairs (or trios) that are (randomly)
formed as riddle-solving teams, e.g. considering the
scores obtained by the students during pre- and post-
test depending on their team.
Although still in its infancy, we firmly believe that
EvscApp can have some interest in a context of IT
education. Future research will focus on further sub-
mitting EvscApp for evaluation. To do this we will
proceed at two levels. First of all, we will submit
the evaluation questionnaires to exploratory and con-
firmatory factorial analysis. These analyses should
allow to confirm the coherence, relevance and reli-
ability of the selected evaluation elements, notably
thanks to Cronbach’s alpha. In a second step, we will
organize more experimental sessions with EEGC de-
signers by e.g. conducting an ethnographic analysis,
collecting information based on semi-structured inter-
views and UEQ user experience and usability forms.
We will then be able to empirically confirm the in-
terest of our method, improve the app’s user experi-
ence and develop complementary functionalities that
seem the most appreciated by our peers. After this,
we intend to develop and deploy an improved and on-
line version of EvscApp to centralize experiments on
EEGCs. Given the relatively broad scope of our ap-
proach, we also plan to investigate whether the Evs-
cApp method could be applied to other sectors than
computer science alone.
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EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science