Trading Strategy Validation Using Forwardtesting with Deep Neural
Ivan Letteri
, Giuseppe Della Penna
, Giovanni De Gasperis
and Abeer Dyoub
Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics,
University of L’Aquila, via Vetoio, Coppito, L’Aquila, Italy
Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Stock Trading, Stock Market Prediction, Quantitative Finance,
Algorithmic Trading, Technical Analysis.
Traders commonly test their trading strategies by applying them on the historical market data (backtesting),
and then reuse on their (future) trades the strategy that achieved the maximum profit on such past data. In this
paper we propose a novel technique, that we shall call forwardtesting, that determines the strategy to apply by
testing it on the possible future predicted by a deep neural network that has been designed to perform stock
price forecasts and trained with the market historical data. Our results confirm that neural networks outperform
classical statistical techniques when performing such forecasts, and their predictions allow to select a trading
strategy that, when applied to the real future, results equally or more profitable than the strategy that would be
selected through the traditional backtesting.
Stock market forecasting is a crucial task for investors
and an interesting research area in the financial do-
main, since a good prediction can achieve high re-
turns. However, there are considerable challenges in
accurately predicting stock market trends due to their
chaotic and non-linear nature.
Traditional statistical models, which have been
extensively applied to market trend prediction so far,
can easily handle only linear or stationary data series
and manage limited amounts of information. On the
other hand, machine learning methods are being cur-
rently employed in a variety of complex tasks, for ex-
ample to classify cyber attacks (e.g., (Letteri et al.,
2018; Marín et al., 2021)), predict network traffic
anomalies (e.g., (Letteri et al., 2019b; Sokolov et al.,
2019)), predict the course of a disease or, in the fi-
nancial field, for stock market forecasting (Kumbure
et al., 2022) or foreign exchange trading (Hryshko
and Downs, 2004). Between such methods, artificial
neural networks (ANN) and, in particular, deep neu-
ral networks (DNN) proved most suitable for dealing
with non-linear problems with multiple influencing
factors. Indeed, they are often used for image recog-
nition and natural language processing (e.g., (Soniya
et al., 2015), but are being applied also to the finan-
cial market (e.g., (Lu and Ohta, 2002; Lee and Chiu,
2002; Day and Lee, 2016)). Actually, the experiments
reported in this paper confirm that DNNs achieve the
best overall accuracy in the price forecast task un-
der consideration, even if they require more time to
be tuned, if compared with state-of-the-art statistical
models such as ARIMA and Prophet.
Typically, traders test their (algorithmic trading)
strategies, i.e., the technical indicators to consider and
how to react to their values, on the historical market
data (the so called backtesting), and then apply to the
future trades the strategy that achieved the maximum
profit on such past data. In this paper we propose a
framework that uses financial market historical data
to train a set of DNNs in order to forecast the future
stock prices. Such predictions are then exploited in
a novel way, that we shall call forwardtesting, to de-
termine the most profitable technical indicator(s) to
be used as the basis of a trading strategy that is then
executed by a robot advisor. In particular, with for-
wardtesting, the best strategy is devised by looking
at the profits earned by applying the candidate strate-
gies directly to the possible future predicted by the
DNNs. In this way, we leverage on the capabilities
Letteri, I., Della Penna, G., De Gasperis, G. and Dyoub, A.
Trading Strategy Validation Using Forwardtesting with Deep Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011715300003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 15-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of the DNNs to learn from the past trends and char-
acteristics that would be difficult or even impossible
to capture using the simple indicator-based analyses
performed by the classical approach. In such sense,
forwardtesting is able to better exploit the available
historical data and allow a finer strategy definition.
To verify our approach, we test it on two shares is-
sued by companies operating in completely different
sectors. Such shares have only a common characteris-
tic in the period of time in which we have carried out
our analysis: a medium volatility (see, e.g., (Mehra,
1998)), i.e., price fluctuations that are not excessively
large or small (as the ones, e.g., of a tech company
stock or a large blue-chip company stock, respec-
tively). The experiments show that our forwardtesting
technique allows the trader to choose a strategy that is
more or equally profitable than the one that would be
selected through the traditional backtesting, if applied
on the same historical data. Therefore, forwardtesting
appears a promising strategy selection criterion.
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we
introduce the dataset used to validate our approach,
and show several metrics that confirm its generality
and adequacy to this task. Then, in Section 3 we show
the performances of two well-known statistical pre-
dictors on such dataset. In Section 4 the same fore-
cast task is accomplished using a specifically-tailored
deep neural network, showing that it achieves better
prediction accuracy and is therefore more suitable to
be used as the basis of our trading strategy selection
technique, which is introduced in Section 5 and vali-
dated by comparing its profits with the ones deriving
from the strategy devised through the common back-
testing approach. Finally, Section 6 reports our con-
clusions and outlines our future research on this field.
To validate the methodology proposed in this pa-
per, we use the stock price data of the shares issued
by Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (ANF) and EOG Re-
sources, Inc. (EOG), both listed on the New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE).
ANF was founded at the end of September 1996,
and from April to October 2011 it was several times
close to the all-time high, always encountering resis-
tance. On November 23, 2021 the company CEO
announced net sales of $905 million, up 10% as
compared to the previous year and up 5% as com-
pared to the 2019 third quarter net sales (source:
(Global Newswire, 2021)). Figure 1 shows the ANF
stock price trends starting from October 30th, 2011 to
November 30th, 2021.
On the other hand, the EOG stock, with a market
value of $55.21 billion and 84.08% institutional own-
ership, has gained 9.39% so far (source: (Investope-
dia, 2019)). The company is expected to post quar-
terly earnings of $3.24 per share in its next report.
Figure 2 shows the EOG stock price trends in the
same time interval used for ANF.
ANF and EOG are certainly assets with a some-
times controversial trend and consequently well prof-
itable if rightly exploited, especially in 2020/2021,
due to the global pandemic. However, in the analysed
period, ANF and EOG do not appear the classic al-
ways profitable stocks (e.g. Tesla, Apple, Microsoft,
or Bitcoin) to which trivially apply a passive buy and
hold strategy (Investopedia, 2020).
The dataset used in this paper consists of the
time series of OHLC prices for the above mentioned
stocks, over the time period from October 30, 2011 to
November 30, 2021, for a total of 2537 open market
days. OHLC prices are the opening, highest, lowest
and closing prices of an asset, and are commonly used
to analyse the assets price history when performing
the so called technical analysis (TA) to explore trad-
ing opportunities. The time series of price observa-
tions can be downloaded from Yahoo Finance (e.g.,
(Yahoo Finance, 2020)). The authors github reposi-
tory (temporarily hidden for double-blind evaluation)
also contains a copy of such data preprocessed and
split into train and test sets to be used in a deep neural
2.1 Outliers Detection
Even if we already know that the assets in our dataset
have a medium volatility, we performed further anal-
yses in order to find possible trend anomalies. In par-
ticular, we observed the monthly trend of the closing
price and the financial return for both the assets, look-
ing for anomalies through the TSOD library (DHI So-
lution Software, 2022).
The results, illustrated in Figure 3, show that, for
what concerns the closing prices, there are only few
outliers in both trends. In particular, the algorithm
identified temporary bursts and correctly marked the
most pointed spikes (quick price changes) as anoma-
2.2 Synchrony Between Time Series
We included in our dataset two different shares in
order to prove that the proposed approach is gen-
eral enough to adapt to a variety of different shares
with medium volatility. However, for this to be true,
we also have to prove that the corresponding price
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Figure 1: ANF average trend from October 30th, 2011 to November 30th, 2021.
Figure 2: EOG average trend from October 30th, 2011 to November 30th, 2021.
time series are completely uncorrelated, i.e., ANF and
EOG does not influence each other. Therefore, after
scaling the values with a minMax normalisation, we
evaluated the synchrony between the two financial as-
sets using the Pearson coefficient and the Dynamic
Time Warping.
The Pearson coefficient measures the linear rela-
tion between two continuous signals, and is defined as
r =
, where x
and y
are, in our
case, the closing prices of the ANF and EOG stocks.
Coefficients 1 and 1 indicate a perfect negative and
positive correlation, respectively, whereas 0 stands for
no correlation. It is worth noting that the Pearson co-
efficient is highly sensible to outliers, which can al-
ter the correlation estimation, and requires the com-
pared time series to contain homoscedastic data, hav-
ing an homogeneous variance in the observation in-
terval. However, as shown in Section 2.1, both the
considered time series do not contain many outliers
and can be considered homoscedastic thanks to the
medium volatility of the corresponding stock prices.
The overall Pearson coefficient between ANF and
EOG is 0.28, which confirms that the two stocks are
almost completely uncorrelated. However, this is a
measure of the global synchrony in the overall period.
Therefore, for sake of completeness, we also calcu-
lated the local synchrony in small portions of the over-
all period by repeating the process along a moving
window of 120 samples. Figure 4 plots such moment-
by-moment synchrony curve, which confirms our de-
On the other hand, the Dynamic Time Warp-
ing (DTW) algorithm outperforms the Pearson cor-
relation in detecting atypical functional dependencies
(Linke et al., 2020) between time series, even if they
have a different number of samples. It calculates the
optimal match between the two series by minimising
the Euclidean distance between pairs of samples at the
same time.
Applied on our data, the DTW algorithm deter-
mined that, for the optimal match between the closing
prices of the ANF and EOG assets, the minimum path
cost is d = 209.95, and such a large distance between
the two stocks supports our hypothesis of a complete
absence of influence between them.
2.3 Stationarity Test
A time series is considered stationary when statis-
tical properties such as mean, variance, and covari-
ance are constant over time. For making predictions,
especially with statistical methods, stationarity is a
preferred characteristic. Otherwise, more complex
prediction algorithms, such as neural networks, are
To test whether the time series in our dataset are
stationary, we use the stationary unit root as a sta-
tistical test. In particular, we used the Augmented
Dickey Fuller (ADF) test by analysing the test statis-
tic (TS), p-value, and critical value at 1%, 5%, and
10% confidence intervals, with a number of lags au-
tomatically selected through the Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 1974).
Table 1 shows the stationarity test results. The p-
value results above the threshold (such as 5% or 1%)
and this confirms that the time series are not station-
Trading Strategy Validation Using Forwardtesting with Deep Neural Networks
Figure 3: Anomaly detection in closing prices for ANF (left) and EOG (right).
Figure 4: Pearson correlation between ANF and EOG from October 30th, 2011 to November 20th, 2021.
The trading strategy presented in Section 5 is based
on the possible future predicted from the stock his-
torical price data. In order to choose the best fore-
cast methodology suitable for this task, we first tested
the performances of two well-known statistical time
series forecasting methods, i.e., the ARIMA autore-
gressive model and the Prophet procedure, applied to
our dataset.
3.1 ARIMA Model
The well-known linear regression (LR) model has
various forms, such as the autoregressive (AR) model,
the moving average (MA) model, the autoregres-
sive moving average (ARMA) model, and its evo-
lution, the autoregressive integrated moving average
(ARIMA) model (Marquez, 1995).
In general, an ARIMA model needs three param-
eters to run: the number of autoregressive terms p,
the number of nonseasonal differences needed for sta-
tionarity d, and the number of lagged forecast er-
rors in the prediction equation q (see, e.g., (Marquez,
1995) for more information on the meaning of such
parameters). In our experiments, we used the Auto-
ARIMA algorithm implemented in the pmdarima li-
brary (Smith, 2022), which automatically discovers
the optimal parameters by performing differentiation
tests (i.e., Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin, Aug-
mented Dickey-Fuller, or Phillips-Perron) to deter-
mine d, and then trying various sets of p and q to min-
imise the selected criterion that is, in our case, AIC,
since it provides a good trade-off between the model
fitting and the evaluation simplicity (Stoica and Se-
len, 2004) and also deals with the risk of overfitting
and underfitting. The lower is the AIC value, the bet-
ter is the result.
Table 2 shows that the best ARIMA model for
ANF has p = 0, d = 1, and q = 1, also known as
simple exponential smoothing model. On the other
hand, EOG has p = 0, d = 1, and q = 0, also known
as random walk model (Danyliv et al., 2019), where
= y
+ ε
, and ε
are a sequence of centred, un-
correlated random variables.
Figure 5 shows the predictions on the closing
prices made with such auto-selected optimal ARIMA
models for n = 30 days following the training times-
pan, which corresponds to the 2507 days of market
from October 30th, 2011 to October 16th, 2021. Note
that, in the following, for the sake of brevity we will
omit the graphs and values of low, high, and open
prices, since the forecast errors are always very simi-
lar between the four OLHC components.
Such forecasts are then compared with the actual
closing prices of the considered 30 days, in order to
evaluate the following error metrics:
Mean Square Error(MSE): the average of the
squared difference between the correct and pre-
dicted values (called prediction error or residual);
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): the square root
of MSE, measuring the standard deviation of the
Mean Absolute Error (MAE): the average of the
absolute differences between the correct and pre-
dicted values;
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE): the av-
erage of the absolute errors (as in MAE) nor-
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Table 1: ADF stationarity test with AIC optimization.
Critical Value
TS p-value Lags Observations 1% 5% 10%
ANF -2.302 0.171 5 2529 -3.432 -2.863 -2.567
EOG -2.422 0.135 5 2529 -3.433 -2.862 -2.567
Figure 5: Detail of ARIMA forecast for the last 30 days of the ANF (left) and EOG (right) stock closing prices.
Table 2: Step-wise search of the ARIMA (p,d,q) model that
minimises AIC for ANF and EOG.
( p,d,q ) ANF EOG
( 0,1,0 ) 8323.575 10369.768
( 1,1,0 ) 7652.108 10371.676
( 0,1,1 ) 7294.347 10371.541
( 1,1,1 ) 8317.976 10373.750
Table 3: Error metrics of ARIMA on ANF and EOG stock
price prediction.
ANF 25.49 5.05 3.86 0.09 -0.02
EOG 56.23 7.50 5.42 0.06 -3.94
malised w.r.t. to the correct values;
Explained Variance Regression Score (EVS):
measure of the error dispersion (scores close to
1 are best).
Table 3 reports very high error metrics. It is worth
noting that the model performs a bit better with the
EOG stock, but not enough to be considered a suitable
tool for forecasting.
3.2 Prophet Model
Looking for a statistical method to improve the
ARIMAs results, we turned to Facebook Prophet (see
c et al., 2020)). Prophet is ’a procedure for fore-
casting time series based on an additive model where
non-linear trends are fit with yearly, weekly, and daily
seasonality, plus holiday effects. It works best with
time series that have strong seasonal effects and sev-
eral seasons of historical data. Prophet is robust to
missing data and shifts in the trend, and typically han-
dles outliers well’ (Facebook Open Source, 2022).
More technically, Prophet is an additive regressive
model which uses a time series with three main com-
ponents: trend, seasonality, and holidays, combined
in the equation y(t) = g(t) + s(t) + h(t) + ε(t), where
g(t) is the trend function which models non-periodic
changes in the value of the time series, s(t) represents
the seasonality, i.e., periodic changes (e.g., the num-
ber of trades might also depend on the month/year),
h(t) represents the effects of holidays, which have a
clear impact on most business time series, and ε(t) is
the error term, following a normal distribution. In our
experiments, we used Prophet ’out of the box’, leav-
ing all the default parameter selections.
Figure 6 shows, for the ANF and EOG closing
prices, the historical data as dots (where the right-
most red ones are the future to per predicted), and
the Prophet forecasts as a blue line. It is clear that
the model performs well in the first years but, when
volatility increases (approximately in year 2020), the
forecasts start to be clearly worse.
Table 4: Error metrics of Prophet on ANF and EOG stock
price prediction.
ANF 53.04 7.28 6.71 0.16 0.31
EOG 713.61 26.71 26.54 0.30 -0.03
Table 4 reports the corresponding error metrics
calculated in the same time frame used for the
ARIMA experiments. Clearly, the performances are
unacceptable also in this case.
3.3 Non Parametric Statistical Methods
For completeness in the statistical analysis, we also
evaluated non-parametric time series in statistical
models which do not rely on the assumption of a spe-
Trading Strategy Validation Using Forwardtesting with Deep Neural Networks
Figure 6: Detail of Prophet forecast for the ANF (left) and EOG (right) stock closing prices.
cific underlying distribution of the data (Mondal et al.,
2019). In the context of asset price forecasting, the
most commonly used method is the Spearman’s Rank
Correlation (SRC). SRC can be used to determine the
relationship between the asset’s past prices and its fu-
ture prices as follows: (i) Ranking historical prices in
ascending order, assigning the lowest price the rank
1 and the highest price the rank N, where N is the
number of prices in the time series. (ii) Calculate the
Spearman’s rank correlation:
ρ =
where R
and S
are the ranks of the i
R and
S are the mean ranks, and n is the number
of observations. (iii) Make the prediction: If there
is a strong positive correlation between the historical
price ranks and the forecast price ranks, it is possi-
ble to conclude that future asset prices will tend to
increase as historical prices increase.
Table 5: Error metrics of Spearman’s Rank Correlation on
ANF and EOG stock price prediction.
Spearman’s Rank Correlation
ANF 202.02 14.21 12.20 0.28 -3.15
EOG 10.84 3.29 2.72 0.03 -0.25
Table 5 reports the results about the errors,
and Figure 7 shows the limitations in forecasting
stock market prices of this non-parametric statistical
method. These are due to the complexity to cope
when dealing with large amounts of data. Another
problem is that are prone to overfitting that can result
in models that fit the training data well but perform
poorly on new, unseen data.
Compared with conventional artificial neural net-
works, deep neural networks are characterised by a
higher number of neurons and hidden layers each of
which, in principle, gives the network a greater abil-
ity to extract high-level features. This makes DNNs
very efficient in solving nonlinear problems: in partic-
ular, when it comes to time series forecasting, DNNs
can fill the gap left open by traditional statistical tech-
niques such as the ones presented in Section 3, which
often assume that the series are generated by linear
processes and consequently may be inappropriate for
most real-world problems that are overwhelmingly
non-linear. Indeed, works like (Yao et al., 1999) and
(Hansen et al., 1999) (focusing on time series predic-
tion) show that neural network models often outper-
form conventional ARIMA models, and in particu-
lar (Hansen et al., 1999) also shows that neural net-
works outperform ARIMA in predicting the direction
of stock prices movements, since they are able to de-
tect hidden patterns in the time series.
In this section, we maintain the same forecasting
objective of Section 3, i.e., n = 30 days following the
training date. However, while the Auto-ARIMA de-
tected that the optimal configuration for such an algo-
rithm was to generate a forecast based on the previ-
ous value only (see Section 3.1), here we empirically
found that the neural network performs better if its in-
put layer is fed with the t = 5 previous values, i.e., the
prices of the previous market week. In other words, to
forecast the price of a day s, the input neurons will be
presented to the prices of days s 1, . . . , s 5, respec-
tively. The network then outputs its price prediction
via a single neuron in the output layer.
When building a neural network for applications
like financial forecasting, one must find a compromise
between generalisation and convergence. For exam-
ple, hidden layers must not have too many nodes,
since they may lead the DNNs to learn the training
data without performing any generalisation. There-
fore, to find the geometry (number and size of hid-
den layers) which minimises the error on all the net-
works, we developed a python module that generates
different network geometries in combination with the
sklearn GridSearchCV algorithm (scikit-learn, 2022)
, which in turn tries to find the optimal combination
of the hyper parameters (epochs, batch size, learning
rate, optimiser employed) for each specific network.
The resulting optimal geometry has two hidden
layers composed by 10 t and 5 t neurons, respec-
tively, as in (Letteri et al., 2018) and (Letteri et al.,
2019b). In addition, to help reducing overfitting, we
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Figure 7: Detail of Spearman’s Rank Correlation forecast for the ANF (left) and EOG (right) stock closing prices.
applied a dropout of 0.2% on each of the two inter-
nal layers (Hinton et al., 2012) and, to introduce non-
linearity between layers, we used ReLU as the acti-
vation function, which performs better than a tanh
or sigmoid functions (Krizhevsky et al., 2012), de-
spite the fact that the depth of the network consists
of only a few internal layers. To estimate the net-
work learning performance during the training we use
the L1loss function, which measures the mean abso-
lute error (MAE) between each predicted value and
the corresponding real one. The optimisation algo-
rithm used to minimise such loss function during the
training is the adaptive moment (Adam), an extension
of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD). The trained
networks are freely available and can be downloaded
from the authors repository (temporarily hidden for
double-blind evaluation).
Table 6: Error metrics of DNN on ANF and EOG stock
price prediction.
ANF 1.75 1.32 1.07 0.02 0.91
EOG 2.39 1.55 1.23 0.01 0.7
Figure 8 shows the DNN forecasts on the ANF and
EOG closing prices, respectively, in the same 30-day
time frame used for the experiments of the previous
section, whereas Table 6 reports the corresponding er-
ror metrics. It is clear that the DNN performs better
than the statistical methods shown in Section 3.
After showing that DNNs are the best forecast tech-
nique for our stock prices dataset, we can introduce
our novel trading system that is based on such fore-
A trading strategy tells the investor when to buy or
sell shares in such a way that the sequence of these op-
erations is profitable. Typically, discretionary traders
base such a strategy on the values of one or more tech-
nical indicators. On the other hand, system traders,
who use algorithms to guide their trading, typically
apply a rule-based approach, where such rules are also
based on a set of technical indicators. In both cases,
indicators are usually chosen by the trader using the
so called backtesting technique, i.e., by considering
the available historical data and choosing the indica-
tor(s) so that the corresponding strategy would get the
highest profit if applied on the past.
Here we propose a novel, alternative approach,
which exploits the DNNs forecasts to select such in-
dicators through a technique that we shall call for-
wardtesting. With such a technique, an indicator is
chosen if the corresponding trading strategy would
get the highest profit on the possible future given by
the forecasts. Our hypothesis is that the DNNs fore-
casts may encode a deeper understanding of the past
trends, i.e., we actually exploit the historical data in
a way that the traditional approach would not be able
to do. It is worth noting that, in the literature, the
term forwardtesting is sometimes used to indicate a
different strategy-definition approach, where the strat-
egy is constantly redefined using real-time market
data. Here instead we use this term in a way that
is more symmetrical with the well-known backtesting
In particular, the (algorithmic) trading strategy of
our system is encoded in a set of entry and exit trading
rules which are in turn based on the value of a single
indicator chosen from a set of twelve common tech-
nical indicators, i.e., Simple Moving Average (SMA),
Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Moving Av-
erage Convergence Divergence (MACD), Bollinger
Bands (BBs), Stochastics (ST), William %R (W%R),
Momentum (MO), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Av-
erage True Range (ATR), Price Oscillator (PO) (see
(Barnwal et al., 2019)), Triple Exponential Moving
Average (TEMA, (Tsantekidis et al., 2017)) and Av-
Trading Strategy Validation Using Forwardtesting with Deep Neural Networks
Figure 8: Detail of DNN forecast for the last 30 days of the ANF (left) and EOG (right) stock closing prices.
erage Directional Index (ADX). We also tested some
further meaningful combinations of the above indica-
tors, like in (Prasad et al., 2022), and (Hryshko and
Downs, 2004), such as ST+MO+MACD, PO+W%R
and PO+RSI.
We performed a forwardtesting of the strategies
based on each of the above indicators on the the 30-
days price forecasts following the training date ending
on October 16th, 2021, generated by the DNNs devel-
oped in Section 4.
Our results show that the best indicator for ANF is
the Triple Exponential Moving Average, whereas the
Average Directional Index is more suitable for EOG.
The corresponding trading rules, based on such indi-
cators, are shown in Figure 9, where (o), (h), (l), (c)
refer to the OHLC prices, respectively, and x is the
current (opening, highest, etc.) price. Such rules were
applied to the possible future during the forwardtest-
Then, we evaluated the profit deriving from the
application of such a strategy on the real data of the
30-day trading period following October 16th, 2021,
having as starting point a budget of $100 invested in
compound mode. The results are shown in Table 7.
In particular, the evaluation is based on the following
profit and risk metrics:
Total Return (TR)
Expectancy Ratio (ExR): measures the expected
profit or loss after taking into consideration all the
past trades and their wins and losses (Investope-
dia, 2022a);
Sharpe Ratio (ShR): a risk-adjusted profit mea-
sure, which refers to the return per unit of volatil-
ity (Investopedia, 2022c);
Sortino Ratio (SoR): a variant of the risk-adjusted
Sharpe ratio that differentiates harmful volatility
from total overall volatility by using the draw-
down as a risk measure (Investopedia, 2022d);
Calmar Ratio (CaR): another variant of risk-
adjusted profit measure, which uses the maximum
drawdown as risk measure (Investopedia, 2022b).
As a baseline to compare such metrics, we re-
evaluated the same set of technical indicators through
the traditional backtesting technique on the historical
data for the 30 days before October 16th, 2021, to
see if it would result in different choices and maybe
different profits. The results show that a trader using
backtesting would choose ADX for the EOG share, as
with our forwardtesting technique, so the profit would
be the same in this case. However, the TEMA in-
dicator would not be chosen for the ANF share. In-
deed, the most promising indicator, given the past 30
days of market, would be RSI (with overbought 70
and oversell 30). However, if applied to the future, it
would result in a loss of 1.16%, as shown in Table 8.
In this paper we propose a stock market trading sys-
tem that exploits deep neural networks as part of
its main components, improving the previous works
(Letteri et al., 2022a; Letteri et al., 2022b).
In such a system, the trades are guided by the
values of a pre-selected technical indicator, as usual
in algorithmic trading. However, the novelty of the
presented approach is in the indicator selection tech-
nique: traders usually make such a selection by back-
testing the system on the historical market data and
choosing the most profitable indicator with respect
to the known past. On the other hand, in our ap-
proach, such most profitable indicator is chosen by
forwardtesting it on the probable future predicted by
a deep neural network trained on the historical data.
As discussed in the paper, neural networks outper-
form the most common statistical methods in stock
price prediction: indeed, their predicted future allows
to make a very accurate selection of the indicator to
apply, which takes into account trends that would be
very difficult to capture through backtesting.
To validate this claim, we applied our methodol-
ogy on two very different assets with medium volatil-
ity, and the results show that our forwardtesting-based
trading system achieves a profit that is equal or higher
than the one of a traditional backtesting-based trading
Given the promising potentials of this approach,
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Entry ((x
) (x
)) ((x
) (x
Exit ((x
) (x
)) ((x
) (x
Entry (+DI > DI) (ADX > 25)
Exit (DI > +DI) (ADX > 25)
Figure 9: Trading system rules.
Table 7: Performance of the trading system for ANF and EOG stocks with forwardtesting-selected indicators.
#Trades TR ($) ExR ShR SoR CaR
ANF 3 6.126 2.112 2.194 3.340 12.403
EOG 3 1.374 0.525 1.253 2.556 5.814
Table 8: Performance of the trading system for ANF stock with backtesting-selected indicator (RSI).
#Trades TR ($) ExR ShR SoR CaR
ANF 1 -1.168 -1.1683 0.119 0.158 -0.935
we will further test its reliability on other stock mar-
kets using different data, such as cryptocurrencies or
defi-tokens, also varying the timeframes for day trad-
ing and scalping activities. To this aim, we will also
pre-proccess the data with more refined feature selec-
tion (e.g., (Letteri et al., 2020a; Letteri et al., 2019a))
and balancing (buy, sell and hold trades) (e.g., (Letteri
et al., 2020b; Letteri et al., 2021)) strategies.
We also plan to investigate the use of different,
more complex neural networks, such as Recurrent
Neural Networks or Long Short-Term Memory, that
may further improve the forecasting and therefore the
entire forwardtesting. Finally, since such neural net-
works can be seen as black-box decision-making sys-
tems, we may also investigate machine ethics moni-
toring and rules (Dyoub et al., 2021b; Dyoub et al.,
2022; Dyoub et al., 2021a) related to their activity,
and in particular the way they may influence the mar-
ket with their forecasts, if widely applied to derive
trading strategies.
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