Tuning of the Update Timing Will Stop the Defector Invasion in the
Spatial Game Theory
Akihiro Takahara and Tomoko Sakiyama
Department of Information Systems Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Prisoner’s Dilemma, Cooperator, Defector, Interval.
Abstract: Since the defectors tend to survive in the Spatial prisoner’s dilemma, many studies have proposed models for
the purpose of survivals of cooperators. But many of those models are not realistic. Therefore, in this study,
we proposed a model that considered the player’s decision-making time based on previous research. In the
proposed model, the defectors decrease the probability of the strategy update while the cooperators increase
the probability of the strategy update. In this paper, we investigate the defector density and the spatial
distribution by setting two different system sizes: 50×50 and 200×200. Since the results were very similar to
each system size, we found that the proposal model was not affected by the system size. Furthermore, ever if
the payoff parameter regarding a defector vs. a cooperator increased, the defector density did not increase
rapidly, which was against the conventional model. We compared the spatial distribution of the proposal
model with the conventional model and found that cooperators were widely maintained in the proposal model
while they were partially maintained in the conventional model. Thus, the proposed model that introduces
decision-making times of players is a realistic model and contributes to the survival of cooperators.
Humans demonstrates cooperative behaviours that
facilitate the prosperity of human populations
(Maynard Smith and Price, 1973). Cooperators can
build a win-win relationship within a group of people
having similar characteristics. Among selfish people
however, cooperators may be exploited. Nonetheless,
selfish behaviors are also one of the characteristics of
humans. The game theory presents how
selfish/cooperative behaviours are evolved in
population systems (Nowak and May, 1992, Doebeli
and Hauert, 2005, 2022, Marko et al. 2022). In the
basic game theory, players select one strategy from
two strategies. Defectors can win alone within a
group of cooperators. However, defectors get almost
nothing when facing with people having the same
strategy. On the other hand, cooperators can be
mutually benefitable while they are deprived of
profits when facing people having the against
strategy. In the classical spatial game theory,
cooperators appeared to be extinct in some situations
(Hauert and Doebeli, 2005, Szabó and Toké, 1998).
To solve this issue, a lot of studies have focused on
the evolution of cooperators. Some of them have
considered the importance of external disturbances
while others have considered the evolution of link
weights and so on (Szolnoki and Perc, 2014, Qin et
al. 2018, Shen et al. 2018).
In this paper, we develop a spatial prisoner’s
dilemma (PD) model by considering a relationship
between players’ decision time and the timing of the
strategy-update. Since some of previous models do
not consider the actual actions found in humans, we
refer to a study reporting that human subjects
switched their cooperative behaviours with selfish
behaviours according to the thinking time (Capraro,
2017). In our model, individual players have a fixed
time interval for the strategy update. The
conventional model only considers the rules of battle
and strategy update in Prisoner's Dilemma. They
sometimes modulate that timing based on their
strategy. As a result, we found that the population
system in our model confirmed the survival of
cooperators. Interestingly, we could not find any
advantages of cooperators’ survival if players held a
given time interval and did not coordinate it. Thus,
the coordination of the update timing can be related
Takahara, A. and Sakiyama, T.
Tuning of the Update Timing Will Stop the Defector Invasion in the Spatial Game Theory.
DOI: 10.5220/0011716200003485
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2023), pages 13-16
ISBN: 978-989-758-644-6; ISSN: 2184-5034
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
to the propagation of cooperators/defectors in the
2.1 Simulation Environments
We introduced players on two-dimensional square
lattice having 200×200 or 50×50 system size. Each
player was set on individual cells. One of two
strategies (defector (D) or cooperator (C) was
assigned to individual players. Payoff can be R=1,
T=b, S=P=0 satisfying T>R>P>S. Parameter 𝑏 that
determines 𝑇 can be set to 1<𝑏<2 (Nowak and
May, 1992). In that paper, S=P is applied, as P is a
positive number and does not lose generality when P
is less than 1.
As the boundary condition, we adopted the
periodic boundary condition. Von-Neumann
neighbourhood was used for players’ interaction.
Each simulation experiment lasted for 500-time steps.
2.2 SPD Model
Here, we defined the spatial prisoners dilemma
(SPD) model as the control model. In the SPD model,
two sub-models exist in each time iteration. In the
first sub-model, individual players earn scores by
interacting with the neighbouring players. More
strictly, each player plays against all neighbouring
players who located above, below, right, and left of
the player and earns scores based on the payoff
In the second sub-models, each player updates its
strategy by comparing its earned scores with the
neighbouring players’ scores. Players replace their
strategy with the new one’s strategy that has the
highest score among neighbouring. The strategy
update will stop for the player if more than two
players among itself and neighbouring players have
the same highest scores but have different strategies
with each other.
The classical SPD has a problem that defectors
increase as the parameter 𝑏 increases after the system
reaches a steady state.
2.3 Proposed Model
Here, we proposed two different models. One is the
Interval PD (IPD) model. The other one is the
Update-Modification PD model. Both of two models
are based on the cognitive experiment using the
human subjects where subjects presented various
thinking time, which depended on whether they
behaved like a defector or not (Capraro, 2017).
In the report, researchers found that people were
more likely to choose the selfish action when having
much thinking time. On the other hands, people were
more likely to choose the cooperative action when
having short time.
2.3.1 IPD Model
In the IPD model, individual players have a unique
variable named as interval. The variable interval is
the time interval between two consecutive strategy
updates. Each player is randomly given a different
random natural value of interval, and the value is
fixed at the end of each trial. The minimum value is
1, the maximum value is 𝑝, and 𝑝 can be set as a
parameter. Thus, players have a chance to update
their strategy every interval time steps.
2.3.2 UMPD Model
We modified the IPD model and named the modified
model as the Update-Modification Prisoner’s
Dilemma (UMPD) model.
The featuring point of this model is that we
introduced a probability into the strategy update
event. Therefore, players in this model do not always
have a chance to update their strategy every interval
time steps. The probability is implemented using the
variable interval.
If the strategy of player is D (defector) at the
strategy-update timing, the strategy can be updated
with the following probability.
1 / interval (1
On the other hand, if own strategy of player is C
(cooperator) at the strategy-updated strategy timing,
the strategy can be updated with the following
1 – (1 / interval) (2
These two rules are based on the fact that the
human subjects present long/short thinking time
when they behave like a defector/cooperator.
Therefore, players in this model tend to maintain the
current strategy using the variable interval. At the
same time however, the probability is dependent on
the current strategy of players.
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
The initial distribution probability 𝑟 for defectors was
fixed at 0.5. It means that density of defector and
cooperator were equal. We set 1000-time steps as one
trial. Parameter 𝑏 was set to 1<𝑏<2. The
maximum interval 𝑝 was fixed at 3. It means that each
player had an interval randomly from three interval
values: 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑙 1,2 and 3. The value of interval
was assigned to individual players at start of each trial.
We set two different system sizes. One was 50×50.
The other one was 200×200. We examine the effect
of changing system size of the proposal model.
3.1 Invasion of Defectors
In this subsection, we checked the relationship between
parameter 𝑏 and the defector density. Here, the
average density of defectors was calculated using the
defector density at the end of trial (𝑡 1000) over 10
First, we show results using 50×50 system.
According to Figure 1, which shows the relationship
between parameter 𝑏 and the average defector density
for three models, model having the largest defector
density is the UMPD model in 1<𝑏<1.5. But as
the parameter increased, the UMPD model performed
better than other two models since the defector density
did not become large in the UMPD model while the
defector density increased sharply in the other models.
Next, we show results using 200×200 system size.
Figure 2 demonstrates the relationship between
parameter 𝑏 and the defector density. Consequently,
the UMPD model did not perform well in the 1<𝑏<
1.5. However, as the parameter increased, the UMPD
model again performed better than other models.
We found that there was no difference regarding
the defector density and its relationship with the
parameter 𝑏 between 50×50 system size and 200×200
system size. Therefore, the UMPD model is a flexible
model regardless of the system size.
3.2 Spatial Distribution
We also checked the spatial distribution. Here, we
present the defector/cooperator distributions using the
UMPD model and the SPD model at t = 1, 10, 20 and
30. Parameter 𝑏 was fixed to 1.9 for the UMPD model.
First, Figure 3 shows the spatial distribution of the
SPD model. Cooperators partially survive while
defector occupies most of space at t = 10. Then, each
cooperator seems to spread vertically and
horizontally around the certain cooperators. After that,
some cooperators additionally spread vertically and
horizontally as a time goes on. However, cooperators
do not appear in other places. Consequently,
cooperators can be maintained partially.
Next, Figure 4 shows the spatial distribution of the
UMPD model. Cooperators widely survive at t = 10,
which is contrary to the case of SPD model. After that,
there is no significant change in the spatial distribution.
Therefore, cooperators can be survived easier in the
UMPD model than the SPD model.
Figure 1: The defector density in the three models (the
system size: 50×50). 𝑝3.
Figure 2: The defector density in the three models (the
system size: 200×200). 𝑝3.
Figure 3: Spatial distribution of the SPD model. Blue: D
(defector), Yellow: C (cooperators).
Tuning of the Update Timing Will Stop the Defector Invasion in the Spatial Game Theory
Figure 4: Spatial distribution of the UMPD model. Blue: D
(defector), Yellow: C (cooperators).
In this paper, we proposed the UMPD model for the
purpose of maintaining the cooperator. In the
proposed model, decision-making time for strategy
update is probabilistically introduced into the SPD
model. Consequently, the UMPD model is easier to
maintain the cooperator than the conventional model.
In the SPD model, the defector density tends to
increase as the parameter 𝑏 increases. On the other
hands, in the UMPD model, the defector density is
unlikely to be increased as the parameter 𝑏 increases.
Therefore, it is considered that the model is less
affected by the parameter than conventional model.
We were also able to get similar results even after the
system size replacement.
According to the previous research by V.Caprero
(2017), the longer human subjects have thinking time,
the easier human subjects behave selfishly. Similarly,
human subjects behave cooperatively if they have
short thinking time. Similar effects were introduced
on our model. Therefore, we introduced realistic
assumptions in the model. As a result, players having
the cooperative strategy tend to be maintained if they
have relatively short thinking time. This is considered
that the cooperator density stabilized by introducing
the probability of strategy update that (1 / interval)
and (1 - (1 / interval)) into the conventional model.
Since some players do not update their strategies
when interval = 1, we added a rule to change the value
of interval after a strategy update was made. However,
since the result was the same as before the change, it
is considered to be less affected by the value of
interval = 1. Detailed results will appear in another
paper (Takahara and Sakiyama, 2023).
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COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk