Challenges in Domain-Specific Abstractive Summarization and How to
Overcome Them
Anum Afzal
, Juraj Vladika
, Daniel Braun
and Florian Matthes
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748
Garching bei Muenchen, Germany
Department of High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship, University of Twente, Hallenweg 17,
Text Summarization, Natural Language Processing, Efficient Transformers, Model Hallucination, Natural
Language Generation Evaluation, Domain-Adaptation of Language Models.
Large Language Models work quite well with general-purpose data and many tasks in Natural Language
Processing. However, they show several limitations when used for a task such as domain-specific abstractive
text summarization. This paper identifies three of those limitations as research problems in the context of
abstractive text summarization: 1) Quadratic complexity of transformer-based models with respect to the
input text length; 2) Model Hallucination, which is a model’s ability to generate factually incorrect text; and
3) Domain Shift, which happens when the distribution of the model’s training and test corpus is not the same.
Along with a discussion of the open research questions, this paper also provides an assessment of existing
state-of-the-art techniques relevant to domain-specific text summarization to address the research gaps.
With the ever-increasing amount of textual data be-
ing created, stored, and digitized, companies and re-
searchers have large corpora at their disposal that
could be processed into useful information. Perusal
and encapsulation of such data usually require domain
expertise which is costly and time-consuming. Ab-
stractive text summarization using Natural Language
Processing (NLP) techniques, is a powerful tool that
can provide aid for this task. Unlike the traditional
automatic text summarization techniques, which ex-
tracts the most relevant sentences from the original
document, abstractive text summarization generates
new text as summaries. For the sake of simplicity, the
term text summarization would be used to represent
abstractive text summarization in this paper.
While text summarization (Gupta and Gupta,
2019; Klymenko et al., 2020) on general textual data
has been an active research field in the past decade,
summarization of domain-specific documents, espe-
cially to support business and scientific processes
have not received much attention. State-of-the-art
research focuses on deep learning models in NLP
to capture semantics and context associated with the
text. While these Large Language Models (LLMs)
perform well on the general-purpose corpus, their
performance declines when tested against domain-
specific corpus. This paper discusses some challenges
LLMs face in the context of a text summarization task
and provides an overview of existing techniques that
could be leveraged to counter those challenges.
Previous research in text summarization has
mostly focused on general-purpose data (Gupta and
Gupta, 2019; Allahyari et al., 2017). Domain-specific
summarization however, is still an active research area
and has many research questions that need to be ad-
dressed. This paper addresses some of those theo-
retical research questions and provides an initial as-
sessment of the existing techniques can be utilized
to overcome those limitations. We have identified
three important hurdles with regards to the success-
ful implementation of an NLP model for generation
of domain-specific summaries.
1. Most language models have quadratic complex-
ity, meaning that the memory requirement grows
quadratically as the length of the text increases.
As a result, transformer-based language models
are not capable of processing large documents.
Since most documents that need to be summarized
are long, it creates a need for language models ca-
pable of handling them efficiently without over-
Afzal, A., Vladika, J., Braun, D. and Matthes, F.
Challenges in Domain-Specific Abstractive Summarization and How to Overcome Them.
DOI: 10.5220/0011744500003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 682-689
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
shooting in terms of complexity.
2. Evaluating generated summaries is difficult us-
ing common evaluation metrics, that look at word
overlaps between generated summaries and the
reference text. This curbs model expressiveness
in favor of repeating the original human wording.
Generated summaries can include information not
present in the original document, a phenomenon
known as model hallucination. Factually incor-
rect summaries are problematic in domains like
science or journalism because they can produce
misinformation and reduce the trust in models.
3. State-of-the-art text summarization models are
pre-trained on general-purpose corpus and hence
do not perform well on domain-specific text. This
happens because a domain-specific text contains
words and concepts that were not a part of the
original model training vocabulary. When gen-
erating summaries, it is essential for the model
to encode the text properly, which is usually not
the case since the model fails to capture domain-
specific concepts.
Hence, to produce concise and meaningful domain-
specific summaries, it is important to address the fol-
lowing three research gaps:
How to overcome the input size limitation of
transformer-based language model so they can
process large documents without running into
complexity issues?
How to evaluate summaries generated by a lan-
guage model to ensure they convey all the impor-
tant information while being factually correct?
How can we adapt an existing general-purpose
language model to understand the underlying con-
cepts and vocabulary of the new domain?
This paper is divided into five sections. The first sec-
tion provided an introduction to the topic and out-
lined three important hurdles faced in domain-specific
summarization. Section 2 builds up on the research
gaps and further elaborates them. Section 3 outlines
the existing techniques that can be used to overcome
those research gaps, followed by Section 4 that ini-
tiates a comparative discussion on the existing tech-
niques. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper and
provides hints related to the future work.
For a task such as text summarization, a sequence-
to-sequence (Seq2Seq) architecture that takes text as
input and produces text as output, is the most suit-
able one. Since traditional seq2seq models like Re-
current Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long short-
term memory (LSTMs) (Hochreiter et al., 1997) have
some inherent limitations, such as not being able to
encode long-term dependencies in text and lack of
parallelism opportunities, they are not suitable for
domain-specific summarization of long documents.
Transformer-based seq2seq models address these lim-
itations by allowing computations to be parallelized,
retain long-term dependencies via a self-attention ma-
trix, and better text encoding through a word embed-
ding module that has been trained on a huge corpus.
As discussed in the section below, these models come
with their own set of impediments when utilized for
summarization of domain-specific long documents.
2.1 Transformers and Their Quadratic
First introduced in the paper Attention is all you need
(Vaswani et al., 2017), the Transformers immediately
became popular and have since been the backbone of
LLMs. By design, they are pre-trained on a huge cor-
pus allowing them to learn the patterns, context, and
other linguistic aspects of the text. Furthermore, they
are trained using self-supervised approaches that al-
low them to make use of the huge corpora of unstruc-
tured and unlabeled data. The heart of a Transformer
block however, is the self-attention matrix that helps
it retain the long-term context of the text. The self-
attention matrix essentially tells the model how much
attention a word should pay to all the other words in
the text. While this information is vital, its calcula-
tion consumes a huge amount of memory and takes
a long time to compute. The calculation of the n ×n
self-attention matrix, where n is the number of tokens
(sequence length), entails quadratic complexity.As a
workaround, the input text is typically truncated to re-
tain only the first 512 tokens. For tasks such as text
summarization, it is important for the model to en-
codes the entire input text and hence, this problem is
still an open research area.
2.2 NLG Evaluation and Hallucinations
A common challenge in generating summaries from
scratch is how to meaningfully evaluate their content
and ensure factual consistency with the source text.
2.2.1 Evaluating Summarization
Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a subset of
NLP dealing with tasks where new text is generated,
Challenges in Domain-Specific Abstractive Summarization and How to Overcome Them
one of them being abstractive summarization. The
output of models for NLG tasks is notoriously hard
to evaluate because there is usually a trade-off be-
tween the expressiveness of the model and its fac-
tual accuracy (Sai et al., 2022). Metrics to evaluate
generated text can be word-based, character-based, or
embedding-based. Word-based metrics are the most
popular evaluation metrics, owing to their ease of use.
They look at the exact overlap of n-grams (n consec-
utive words) between generated and reference text.
Their main drawback is that they do not take into ac-
count the meaning of the text. Two sentences such
as Berlin is the capital of Germany and Berlin is
not the capital of Germany” have an almost complete
n-gram overlap despite having opposite meanings.
2.2.2 Model Hallucinations
Even though modern transformer models can gener-
ate text that is coherent and grammatically correct,
they are prone to generating content not backed by the
source document. Borrowing the terminology from
psychology, this is called model hallucination. In ab-
stractive summarization, the summary is said to be
hallucinated if it has any spans not supported by con-
tent in the input document (Maynez et al., 2020). Two
main types of hallucinations are (1) intrinsic, where
the generated content contradicts the source docu-
ment; and (2) extrinsic, which are facts that cannot be
verified from the source document. For example, if
the document mentions an earthquake that happened
in 2020, an intrinsic hallucination is saying it hap-
pened in 2015, while an extrinsic one would be a sen-
tence about a flood that is never even mentioned in
the document. In their analysis of three recent state-
of-the-art abstractive summarization systems, (Falke
et al., 2019) show that 25% of generated summaries
contain hallucinated content. Hallucinations usually
stem from pre-trained large models introducing facts
they learned during their training process, which is
unrelated to a given source document.
2.3 Domain Shift in Natural Language
When working with specific NLP applications, do-
main knowledge is paramount for success. Finding
labeled training data, or even unlabeled data in some
cases, is a big challenge. Training data is often scarce
in many domains/languages and often hinders the so-
lution development for domain-specific tasks in NLP.
Transfer Learning provides a solution to this by uti-
lizing the existing model knowledge and building on
it when training the model for a new task. Essentially,
it allows the transfer and adaptation of the knowledge
acquired from one set of domains and tasks to another
set of domains and tasks.
Transformer-based language models in tandem
with Transfer Learning have proven to be quite suc-
cessful in the past years and have found their appli-
cation in several real-world use cases. While they
work well with tasks involving general-purpose cor-
pus, there is a performance decline when it comes
to domain-specific data. This happens because these
language models are pre-trained on general-purpose
data but are then tested on a domain-specific corpus.
This difference in the distribution of training and test-
ing data is known as the Domain Shift problem in
NLP. It essentially means that the model doesn’t know
the domain-specific corpus contains words and con-
cepts since they were not part of model’s pre-training.
This section presents an overview of the existing tech-
niques and architectures that can be applied for the
summarization of domain-specific documents. These
techniques are categorized into three sections based
on the research questions they address; Efficient
Transformers, Evaluation metrics, and Domain adap-
tation of Language Models. These techniques are
summarized in Table 1, and discussed in detail in the
section below.
3.1 Efficient Transformers
The quadratic complexity of the Transformer block
is a well-known issue and several approaches to
counter this have been proposed in the past years.
All of these approaches focusing on adapting the self-
attention mechanism of the Transformer block to re-
duce the quadratic complexity are categorized as Effi-
cient Transformers. The survey by Tay et al. provides
a detailed taxonomy of all available Efficient Trans-
formers (Tay et al., 2020). Some state-of-the-art Ef-
ficient Transformers suitable for domain-specific text
summarization are discussed below:
BigBird. BigBird is a long sequence Transformer that
was introduced by Zaheer et al. and can process up to
4,096 tokens at a time. The attention mechanism of
BigBird essentially consists of three parts in which
all tokens attend to 1) a set of global tokens, 2) a set
of randomly chosen tokens, and 3) all tokens in di-
rect adjacency (Zaheer et al., 2020). The set of global
tokens attending to the entire sequence consists of ar-
tificially introduced tokens. The local attention is im-
plemented in form of a sliding window of a prede-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: An overview of the research gaps, the proposed solutions, and the existing techniques that can be utilized for domain-
specific abstractive summarization as discussed in Sections 2 and 3.
Challenges Proposed Solution Existing Techniques
Quadratic Complexity of
Transformer Models
Efficient Transformers
Longformer Encoder-Decoder
Reformer, Performers
NLG Evaluation and
Hallucination Mitigation
Semantic Evaluation Metrics
NLI-based, QA-based
Domain shift in
Language Models
Domain-adaptation of
Language Models
fined width w, in which a token attends to the w/2
preceding and following tokens in the sequence. The
BigBird model’s memory complexity is linear with
regard to the length of the input sequence, i.e., it is
O(N) (Tay et al., 2020).
Longformer Encoder-Decoder. The Longformer
Encoder-Decoder (LED) model is a variant of the
Longformer for sequence-to-sequence tasks such as
summarization or translation (Beltagy et al., 2020).
Similar to the BigBird model, the original Long-
former relies on a sliding window attention of width
w with each token attending to the w/2 preceding and
following tokens in the sequence. Stacking multiple
layers, each using sliding window attention, ensures
that a large amount of contextual information is em-
bedded in each token’s encoding. Apart from sliding
window attention, the authors also use dilated slid-
ing window attention. This in effect reduces the res-
olution of the sequence and allows the model to in-
clude more contextual information with fixed com-
putational costs. The Longformer model also incor-
porates global attention. Similar to BigBird’s global
attention, a set of predefined positions in the input se-
quence attend to the entire sequence and all tokens in
the sequence attend to the same global tokens. LED
has an encoder that uses the local+global attention
pattern of the original Longformer and a decoder that
uses the full self-attention on the encoding provided
by the encoder. The LED model scales linearly as the
input length increases and hence has a complexity of
O(N) (Tay et al., 2020).
Reformer The Reformer (Kitaev et al., 2020) fol-
lows a two-step approach to reduce the complexity of
the Transformer block. Firstly, the Reformer model
makes use of reversible residual networks RevNet
(Gomez et al., 2017) which allow the model to store
only one instance of the activations rather than hav-
ing to store activations for every layer to be able to
use back-propagation. In RevNets any layer’s acti-
vations can be restored from the ones of the follow-
ing layer and the model’s parameters (Gomez et al.,
2017) hence reducing the model’s memory require-
ments drastically. Secondly, to reduce the quadratic
complexity with regard to the input sequence’s length,
the authors use locality-sensitive hashing to approxi-
mate the attention matrix. The attention mechanism’s
outsized memory requirements result from the com-
putation of the attention matrix, i.e., so f tmax(
and in that mainly the computation of QK
. The
authors point out that applying the softmax function
implies that the attention matrix is dominated by the
largest elements of QK
. These largest elements re-
sult from the dot-product of the query and key vec-
tors that are most similar to each other. Kitaev et al.
note that the attention matrix can, consequently, be
efficiently approximated by only computing the dot-
product of those query and key vectors with the clos-
est distance to each other. The Reformer uses locality-
sensitive hashing to determine the closest neighbors
of each query vector. The memory complexity of the
LSH attention mechanism is O(N logN) in the length
of the input sequence (Tay et al., 2020).
Performers. The Performer architecture relies on
a mechanism known as Fast Attention Via positive
Orthogonal Random features (FAVOR+) to approxi-
mate the self-attention matrix in kernel space. This
technique is different from the previously discussed
ones since it does not make any assumptions about
the behavior of the self-attention matrix such as
low-rankness or sparsity and guarantees low estima-
tion variance, uniform convergence, and an almost-
unbiased estimation of the original self-attention ma-
trix. The authors further state that the Performer is
compatible with existing pre-trained language mod-
els and requires little further fine-tuning (Choroman-
ski et al., 2020). The Performer’s complexity is O(N)
(Tay et al., 2020) in terms of time and space.
3.2 Semantic Evaluation Metrics and
Fact-Checking of Hallucinations
Numerous metrics have been devised for evaluating
generated summaries. Word-based metrics look at n-
gram overlaps between a candidate summary and the
Challenges in Domain-Specific Abstractive Summarization and How to Overcome Them
source document, while semantic evaluation metrics
take into account the meaning of generated words and
sentences. Many state-of-the-art generative models
for summarization produce hallucinations, so there is
an increasing effort to detect and eliminate them.
3.2.1 Evaluation Metrics
Word-Based Metrics. These metrics look at exact
overlap between words in candidate summaries and
gold summary. BLEU is a metric based on precision
which computes the n-gram overlap between the gen-
erated and the reference text (Papineni et al., 2002).
It is calculated for different values of n and for all
generated candidate summaries that are to be evalu-
ated. The final BLEU-N score is the geometric mean
of all intermediate scores for all values of n. ROUGE
is a metric similar to BLEU, but it is based on re-
call instead of precision (Lin, 2004). This means that
for any given n, it counts the total number of n-grams
across all the reference summaries, and finds out how
many of them are present in the candidate summary.
Semantic Evaluation Metrics. Since both BLEU
and ROUGE look at exact word matching, this leaves
no room for synonyms or paraphrases. METEOR is
a metric (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) that builds up
on BLEU by relaxing the matching criteria. It takes
into account word stems and synonyms, so that two
n-grams can be matched even if they are not exactly
the same. Moving away from synonym matching,
embedding-based metrics capture the semantic sim-
ilarity by using dense word/sentence embeddings, to-
gether with vector-based similarity measures (like co-
sine similarity), to evaluate how closely the summary
matches the source text. BERTScore is one such met-
ric that utilizes BERT-based contextual embeddings
of generated text and reference text in order to calcu-
late the similarity between them (Zhang et al., 2020).
3.2.2 Hallucination Detection
Detecting hallucinations in generated summaries is
still a challenging task, for which dedicated methods
are developed. Based on the availability of annotated
training data, these approaches can be split into unsu-
pervised and semi-supervised (Huang et al., 2021).
Unsupervised Metrics. These metrics rely on repur-
posing approaches for other NLP tasks like informa-
tion extraction (IE), natural language inference (NLI),
or question answering (QA) for the task of hallucina-
tion detection. The motivation behind this is the avail-
ability of training datasets for these tasks as opposed
to scarce datasets for hallucination detection. The IE-
based metrics compare the sets of extracted triples
(subject, relation, object) and named entities from
both the source document and generated summary
to detect hallucination (Goodrich et al., 2019). The
NLI-based approaches in try to determine whether the
generated summary logically entails the source docu-
ment with a high probability (Falke et al., 2019). The
QA-based approaches work by posing the same set of
questions to both the original document and the gener-
ated summary, and then comparing the two sets of ob-
tained answers. Intuitively, a non-hallucinated sum-
mary and the source document will provide similar
answers to the posed questions (Gabriel et al., 2021).
Semi-Supervised Metrics. This type of metric re-
lies on datasets designed specifically for the task of
hallucination detection. The data is usually syntheti-
cally generated from existing summarization datasets.
For example, the weakly-supervised model FactCC
(Kryscinski et al., 2020) was trained jointly on three
tasks: sentence factual consistency, supporting evi-
dence extraction from source, and incorrect span de-
tection in generated summaries. Similarly, in (Zhou
et al., 2021) a transformer model was trained on syn-
thetic data with inserted hallucinations with the task
of predicting hallucinated spans in summaries.
3.2.3 Hallucination Mitigation
The approaches to mitigate hallucinations in summa-
rization can generally be divided into pre-processing
methods, that try to modify the model architecture
or training process so that models can generate more
factually-aware summaries in the first place, and post-
processing methods, that aim to correct hallucinations
in already generated candidate summaries.
Pre-Processing Methods. The main line of work
here focuses on augmenting the model architecture
by modifying the encoder or decoder component
of sequence-to-sequence models. One way of en-
hancing the encoders is injecting external knowledge
into them before the training process, such as world
knowledge triples from Wikidata (Gunel et al., 2019).
For improving the decoding process, tree-based de-
coders were used (Song et al., 2020a). Another line of
research involves modifying the training process. For
example, contrastive learning was used in (Cao and
Wang, 2021), where positive examples were human-
written summaries and negative examples were hallu-
cinatory, generated summaries.
Post-Processing Methods. These methods approach
the problem by detecting the incorrect facts in the
first version of a generated summary and then cor-
recting them for the final version. For this purpose, in
(Chen et al., 2021) contrast candidate generation was
used to replace incorrect named entities in summaries
with those entities present in the source document.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
One promising research direction that has not been
explored a lot is applying methods of fact-checking
for hallucination detection and correction. Such an
approach was used in (Dziri et al., 2021), where re-
sponses of conversational agents were checked and
factually corrected before being sent out to users. The
task of automated fact-checking consists of assessing
the veracity of factual claims based on evidence from
external knowledge sources (Zeng et al., 2021). It is
usually performed in a pipeline fashion, where first
relevant documents and sentences are retrieved as ev-
idence, and then veracity is predicted by inferring if
there is entailment between the claim and evidence.
Recently, there is an increasing interest in automat-
ically verifying claims related to science, medicine,
and public health (Kotonya and Toni, 2020).
3.3 Domain Adaptation of Language
Domain adaptation of Language Models has been a
hot research area recently giving rise to several ap-
proaches. Some approaches relevant to abstractive
text summarization are discussed below:
Fine-Tuning-Based. The most commonly used ap-
proach involves fine-tuning a pre-trained language
model on a smaller task-specific dataset. In general,
fine-tuning means retraining an existing model to ad-
just its weights to the specific-domain dataset or task
so the model can make better predictions. One such
approach is portrayed by Karouzos et al. where they
first employ continued training on a BERT architec-
ture utilizing a Masked Language Model loss. This
approach is different from standard fine-tuning ap-
proaches because it makes use of an unlabeled corpus
for domain adaptation. As a second step, they fine-
tune the domain-adapted model from the previous
step on a classification task (Karouzos et al., 2021).
Pre-Training-Based. A pre-training-based approach
as compared to a fine-tuning-based approach trains
the model weights from scratch instead of contin-
ued training on previously trained weights. In the
past years, there have been many research contribu-
tions in the area of text summarization but it has been
mostly restricted to general-purpose corpus. One
similar approach involving a pre-training-based ap-
proach is presented by the authors Moradi et al.
where they utilize a combination of graph-based and
embedding-based approaches for the extractive sum-
marization of biomedical article (Moradi et al., 2020).
To counter the domain shift problem, they first re-
train a BERT architecture on medical documents to
ensure the availability of domain-specific word em-
bedding. Then they generate sentence-level embed-
ding of the input documents using the previously re-
trained model. To generate summaries, they employ
a graph-based approach to assign weights to previ-
ously generated sentence-level embedding and fol-
lowed a sentence ranking algorithm to select the can-
didates for the summary generation. Another simi-
lar approach related to multi-domain adaptive models
is presented by Zhong et al. for a text summariza-
tion task. They use the existing BART(Lewis et al.,
2019) architecture and exploit the multitask learning
objective (including text summarization, text recon-
struction, and text classification) to expand the cov-
erage area of the existing model without changing its
architecture (Zhong et al., 2022).
Tokenization-Based. A tokenization-based approach
involves updating the model tokenizer (Song et al.,
2020b; Kudo and Richardson, 2018) to either in-
clude new domain-specific words or influencing its
algorithm to prioritize a sequence of sub-words be-
longing to the domain-specific corpus. While fine-
tuning and pre-training is a basic yet powerful tech-
nique for domain adaptation, over the years, some
authors have contributed to this problem by employ-
ing tokenization-based techniques. Sachidananda et
al. for instance propose an alternate approach where
they adapt the RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) tokenizer
to include words from the domain-specific corpus.
Most tokenization schemes typically merge subwords
to create an individual token if that combination has
a higher frequency in the domain-specific corpus.
Sachidananda et al. approach this by influencing the
tokenizer to prioritize such subword sequences from
the domain-specific corpus rather than the base cor-
pus (Sachidananda et al., 2021).
While the end goal of all Efficient Transformers is to
reduce the quadratic complexity of the self-attention
matrix, the techniques employed by them can be cat-
egorized into 1) techniques that assume sparsity of
the self-attention matrix and compute only a few rel-
evant entries, or 2) techniques that take advantage of
mathematical compositions of the self-attention ma-
trix such as Low Rankness, transformation to a Ker-
nel Space, and other optimizations to reduce the com-
plexity. In general, all efficient transformers have per-
formance close to the original transformer on bench-
mark datasets but their performance in the real-life ap-
plication is yet to be evaluated.
Effectively evaluating generated summaries is an on-
going challenge. Recent embedding-based metrics
Challenges in Domain-Specific Abstractive Summarization and How to Overcome Them
such as BERTScore take into account the context and
semantics of sentences and are better correlated with
human judgment. Still, these metrics are way more
computationally intensive, their score is dependent on
the PLM used, and they lack the intuitive explainabil-
ity that standard scores like BLEU or ROGUE pro-
vide. There are domains, such as legislative, where
specific terms and sentence structure is important to
be preserved in the summary, therefore classic word-
based metrics are preferred for evaluating them.
To overcome the domain shift in LLMs, several tech-
niques have been proposed by researchers. When
working with LLMs, the availability of task-specific
training data is a challenge. In most cases, the deci-
sion between fine-tuning or pre-training can be based
on the availability of the training resources and data.
If enough domain-specific training data and comput-
ing resources are available, pre-training a domain-
specific model might always be the best choice. A
tokenization-based approach can be used exclusively
with a fine-tuning-based approach as an additional
add-on to enhance performance.
We assume that domain-specific text summarization
will gain importance in the research field of NLP due
to its ability to automate the task of manual summa-
rization. This paper is meant to serve as a founda-
tion step for research along the three research gaps ad-
dressed. While there are several promising NLP mod-
els for abstractive text summarization (Zhang et al.,
2019; Lewis et al., 2019), they are not efficient in
their training techniques as the size of the input doc-
uments increases. Moreover, when tested on the
domain-specific corpus, they suffer from the domain-
shift problem and often hallucinate because they were
trained on general-purpose corpora and lack domain
knowledge. On top of that, the automatic evaluation
of the generated text is still a challenge. To the best of
our knowledge, there have been several contributions
to each of these individual research gaps however, an
integrated approach addressing them from a text sum-
marization perspective is lacking. A domain-adapted
efficient transformer architecture in tandem with ex-
ternal fact-checking mechanisms and better automatic
evaluation metrics could drastically improve the per-
formance of text summarization models. The future
work could be contributions towards the individual re-
search gaps with the end goal of an integrated solution
for text summarization.
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E. D., Gutierrez, J. B., and Kochut, K. (2017). Text
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Banerjee, S. and Lavie, A. (2005). METEOR: An automatic
metric for MT evaluation with improved correlation
with human judgments. In Proceedings of the ACL
Workshop on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation Mea-
sures for Machine Translation and/or Summarization,
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